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vscode-reveal's Issues

Add all plugins. Config enable/disable

there is no way to add plugins now

try to add chalkboard.js plugin

theme : "night"
transition: "slide"
history: true
dependencies: [
  { src: "./chalkboard.js" }

and this will overwrite the whole dependencies

How exactly do you use this?

Where are the instructions? Do you make a markdown file? Or an html file?

I create a markdown file and run the command:

Reaveljs: Open presentation in browser

and I get the notification:

Command: vscode-revealjs.showRevealJSInBrowser not found

I get similar notifications for every RevealJS command.

The documentation seems to have a ton of information about the details of the different options and commands and stuff, but it has almost no info on how to actually get started. Do you have to install reveal.js locally in your HTML?


CustomTheme broken?

I'm using vs-code version 1.31.0 together with current vscode-reveal 3.2.0 on MacOsx Mojave.

However there seems to be a problem with customTheme entries. When I use a cusomTheme in the preamble of my slides the theme is not loaded in preview or browser preview. The slides fall back to the default theme.

The css-File for the custom theme I want to use is the same directory as my markdown slides. Filename is custom.css, preamble of my markdown document is

customTheme : "custom"
transition: "fade"
highlightTheme: "obsidian"

I don't know if that has something to do with the the issue stated above, however it also seems that images cannot be found - as preview and browser preview cannot load and display images.

When switching back to version 2.0.0 (Preview) form vscode market-place everything works fine. Thanks for your help.

Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined:

I'm seeing this error while saving files (usually my settings):

shell.ts:419 [evilz.vscode-reveal] Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined
	at /Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at e.invoke (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at BrowserContentProvider.update (/Users/matb/.vscode-insiders/extensions/evilz.vscode-reveal-0.0.9/out/src/BrowserContentProvider.js:23:27)
	at context.subscriptions.push.vscode.workspace.onDidSaveTextDocument (/Users/matb/.vscode-insiders/extensions/evilz.vscode-reveal-0.0.9/out/src/extension.js:80:22)
	at e.invoke (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at e.$acceptModelSaved (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at t.e.invoke (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -
	at e._invokeHandler (/Applications/Visual Studio Code -

I'll submit a PR with a fix

not used

when refresh, the presentation start from the first slide, this is not good!

Allow to disable custom explorer view on startup

Every time a new project is opened, this extension will create a custom explorer view. VSCode allow users to hide custom explorer views out of the box. However, doing this hiding stuffs on multiple projects is quite tedious. By allowing users to disable custom explorer view at all help reduce these kind of task a lot.

I don't see if VSCode already provide an option to disable any custom explorer view by default (microsoft/vscode#34557). So that's why I open this issue.

how can i render mermaid in slides?

I used mermaid in markdown, like:

   participant A
   participant B
   A -> B: test

It can be render well in markdown preview, but it just shown as original code not a diagram in the slides. How can i do to make the presentation support mermaid in markdown?

Side by side wiev does not refresh

Thanks guys for the tool love it.

I might have missed something but i have not found a way to get the side by side view to refresh when
the MD file is updated. exept triggering a new side by side view

it would be neice to be able to reload it or even auto reload on changes

Rendering/export broken with version > 3.0

I'm coming across some errors making the extension not usable since the version 3.0.0 (2.03 being the last working version )

this is a screen shot of what I have in the side panel or in the browser

and the following errors inside the chrome console:

My setup:
Version: 1.31.0 (user setup)
Commit: 7c66f58312b48ed8ca4e387ebd9ffe9605332caa
Date: 2019-02-05T22:35:56.624Z
Electron: 3.1.2
Chrome: 66.0.3359.181
Node.js: 10.2.0
V8: 6.6.346.32
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.17134

enable syntax highlighting

awesome extension, just wondering if there is a way to enable syntax highlighting?
For example, if I do this, the correct highlightjs tags seem to get generated in HTML but the style sheets seem to be missing so there is no syntax highlighting.

var x = Hello.World("Hello World");

It can't find my chrome

Every action that requires chrome throws:
Can find Chrome on your computer, try with default browser...
$ which google-chrome

and xdg-open works

upgrade to reveal.js 3.7

Hi there,

Reveal.js v 3.7 brings the new Key Bindings API. This allows the users (well... me at least) to more easily hack Template.js and add a custom script to allow local plug-ins (stored side by side with the .md files) by configuring part of them post-initialization.


function setCustomKeys() {
  // clear chalkboard when 'DEL' is pressed
  Reveal.addKeyBinding( 46, function() {
  // reset chalkboard data on current slide when 'BACKSPACE' is pressed
  Reveal.addKeyBinding( 8, function() {

window.onload = () => {

If you have some spare time, I would really appreciate a new release with updated dependencies.
Thank you,

VERSION 3 checklist

  • new webview api for split view
  • new activitybar for slides explorer
  • showRevealJSInBrowser
  • stopServer
  • container.goToSlide
  • exportPDF
  • exportHTM
  • new template


  • plugin marked

  • markdown

  • highlight

  • search

  • zoom

  • notes

  • chalkboard

  • Chart

  • csv2chart

  • embed-tweet

  • menu

  • math.js

  • title-footer

  • reveal-code-focus

  • Readme

Support local images

Images are not loaded from local files

Given file with joke.gif beside it

# A slide with a joke

won't show the image.

Images with http urls work fine.

FR: Page title in YAML

I would like to be able to set the page title in the YAML front matter. Something like:

title: "My presentation"

Would be great. I realize that this is (obviously) not a RevealJS option, and might not be the easiest thing to implement.

Extension doesn't work

VSCode version - 1.31.0
Extension version - 3.0.0

Slides doesn't appear after markdown document was opened.
Render server seems to be not started.
I've tried to uninstall/install extension but it doesn't help.

Pause with B or . does not toggle the pause black screen in normal mode

Some information about what I've noticed about this :

In normal mode, it looks like pressing B or . does not toggle the pause black screen (pressing those does not do anything actually).

However in speaker view mode, I noticed that B toggles the chalkboard, and . toggles the pause black screen correctly

Is there any way to toggle the pause black screen in normal mode ?

Default separator broken

Versions : vscode-reveal extension = 3.2.0, vscode = 1.31.0 (January 2019)

When no slide separator is specified, --- works fine with the extensions (slide count, slide explorer) but does not work in the side preview and in the browser: only one slide is recognized.

When --- is specified as slide separator in the header, side preview and in browser rendering are fine but slide count and slide explorer now take into account the --- used to specify the header.


highlightTheme: "darkula"
slideNumber: true
separator: ^( ?| )---( ?| )$

# Hello

Slide 1


## Slide 2

Slide 2


Slide 3

When defining and using ---- as slide separator, slide count and slide explorer are still falsy.

Easier access to fragments

Hey there, really enjoying the extention so far

I was wondering if there are any plans to integrate fragments ino he markdown syntax, since writing HTML in Markdown just doesn't feel right

Thanks in advance

Export does not create notes.html

The HTML Export feature does not copy the notes.html file used for the presenter and notes view (opened via pressing s on the keyboard).

Add tree view to list all slides

  • manage tree (parent/child)
  • Display main text H1 then h2 ...
  • on selection navigate to slide
  • command with icon to add new slide
  • command with to mode up/down
  • command with icon to delete
  • command to clone silde(s)
  • Button to display preview on right
  • Button to open in browser
  • Button to export in pdf
  • Button to export in HTML

Question: Should speaker mode be possible in preview


should it be possible to use the speaker mode when presenting through the integrated preview ("show presentation by side")? If I press s nothing happens. If I use the browser view ("Open presentation in browser"), then it works

Auto separator for heading tags

automatically create a slide show broken up into sections by using the # and ## heading tags and create a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule (----).

Can we customize CSS?

I'd like to override a few of the CSS rules in the reveal theme css

e.g. I'd like to do things like turn off text-transform: uppercase; for headings change the color of inline code by adding a rule like .reveal code { color: aquamarine; } etc

Is there already a way to accomplish this?

If not, could there be a way to insert a special command in the markdown that points at a CSS file of customizations to get copied as part of the presentation.


Allow shorthand for GitHub image URL

Much similar to #8

But ![](/image.png) should automatically mean ![](<USERNAME>/<REPO>/blob/master/image.png?raw=true),

and ![](../<BRANCH>/image.png) means ![](<USERNAME>/<REPO>/blob/<BRANCH>/image.png?raw=true).

without having to upload to GitHub first.

YAML header with settings for current presentation

Plugin has a lot of settings (Extension Settings) but they can be set only globally.
It'd be nice to support some YAML header at the top of Markdown-file.

theme: white
# First Slide 
## Second Slide

Allow configuration of google chrome path

Thanks for writing this very useful plugin!

On one of my machines running arch linux I use "Chromium" instead of "Google Chrome". Currently the path is hardcoded in file ChromeHelpers. Is it possible to make the path configurable in the future?

Workaround (in case anybody has a similar issue):

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/chromium /usr/bin/google-chrome

reveal-md backend

I have a workspace with reveal.json and reveal-md.json and a custom theme folder (replaces MathJax with KaTeX in html template plus custom CSS). Is there a way to use this extension in combination with reveal-md as backend and still get synced slide preview inside of vscode?

Can't get fragments to work

Hi have tried

- asdfas<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment="1" -->
- asdfas<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment="2" -->
- asdfasd<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment="3" -->

To use fragments but can't get it to work. And it's a awesome extension.

What i am doing wrong

I installed it but when i call it it fails with:

command 'vscode-revealjs.showRevealJSInBrowser' not found

Bad refresh on onDidChangeActiveTextEditor

mainThreadExtensionService.ts:44 TypeError: Cannot read property 'refresh' of undefined
at refreshAll (C:\Users\Riges.vscode\extensions\evilz.vscode-reveal-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:31:30)
at vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor.editor (C:\Users\Riges.vscode\extensions\evilz.vscode-reveal-2.0.2\out\src\extension.js:54:13)
at (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:87:238)
at c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:485:858
at (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:87:218)
at e.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:435:723)
at t.e.invoke (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:516:87)
at e._invokeHandler (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:357:580)
at e._receiveOneMessage (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:357:270)
at c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:356:206
at c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:358:204
at c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:85:988
at (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:87:218)
at Socket. (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\node\extensionHostProcess.js:135:717)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:191:7)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:178:18)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream
mainThreadExtensionService.ts:43 [evilz.vscode-reveal]Cannot read property 'refresh' of undefined
e.$onExtensionRuntimeError @ mainThreadExtensionService.ts:43
e.invoke @ abstractThreadService.ts:42
e._invokeHandler @ rpcProtocol.ts:109
e._receiveOneMessage @ rpcProtocol.ts:96
(anonymous) @ rpcProtocol.ts:32
(anonymous) @ rpcProtocol.ts:157 @ event.ts:142
(anonymous) @
emitOne @ events.js:96
emit @ events.js:191
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:178
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:136
onread @ net.js:560

Option for offline MathJax

First of all, thanks for this amazing extension! It's just so convenient!

While it is very easy to set the path to the default browser, It seems that it's not straightforward to change the location of mathjax, e.g. for offline use. At least as far as I know reveal.js loads mathjax from an online source, but I do have sometimes limited connection and like to create presentations with math rendering nonetheless.

Is there an easy way to change the mathjax path and I just missed it?
Could you add this as an option if it is not yet included?

Problem with background in Highlight Theme


i use a light (white) theme and want to put some code in a dark highlight theme like monokai.
Unfortunateley the background of hjs elements are always set to none.

title: Bug with highlightTheme
theme: "simple"
highlightTheme: "monokai"

cd ~/src
mkdir newProject
cd newProject

Actual is:

Should be:

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