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storymap-series's Issues

Crash on iOS / Apple devices when having multiple tabs with ArcGIS Server Map Service as basemap

We have encountered an issue where Map Series crashes with the following error in the browser:

"a problem occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded"
This happens a few times and then it will display an error instead of the Map Series app.

Google Chrome
"Aw snap! Something went wrong while displaying this web page".

So far, we have only tested on a few devices, but the only common pattern right now is that the devices where the crash occurs have FullHD (1920x1080) or higher resolution. Like iPad 3 or iPhone 6 plus.

Android seem to work fine, as well as any Desktop browser, including Safari on Mac OS X.

This has been logged as BUG-000105450:
Using custom basemap causes the storymap series to not load and receive error if opened in Iphone devices with resolution 1920x1080 pixels and above. Workaround: NA

Add map actions as edit option

The soon-to-be-published refugees story map provides a good case study for why map actions will be useful in Map Series.

The "Migration into Europe" tab displays a schematic map of migration routes and barriers. I would have liked to put a narrative into the side panel with links to popups and/or features in the map. But without map actions users will have to click on each map element for information. It's tedious and unnecessary.

Let's please include map actions! It will make Series more consistent with Journal as well.

screen shot 2015-09-17 at 1 10 06 pm

Web Map Change Event?

I am working on developing a JavaScript solution to add the alt attribute to images in map popups. Using the events listed in this repo's readme, I cannot get consistent results when changing between webmaps. I have tried the code in different topic.subscribe sections within the custom-scripts.js file.

Is there an event that fires when the webmaps change? I'll provide my sample code below. Any help is greatly appreciated:

let webmap =;

webmap.on('click', function() {

        // only execute code if a popup is displayed on click
        if (webmap.infoWindow.isShowing) {
            // img elements within the feature popup
            let popupImage = document.querySelectorAll('div.image > img')[0];

            if (typeof popupImage !== 'undefined') {  
               // popup title - bridge name
               let bridgeNameElement = document.querySelectorAll('div.esriViewPopup > div.mainSection > div.header')[0].innerHTML;
                // add alt attribute using bridge's name
               popupImage.setAttribute('alt', bridgeNameElement);// || 'some string'


Adding a tab externally

I built an app using map series. It has 9 tabs. I have an application developed using php and sql server database table. I want to add my php application as an additional tab to the map series. How can I accomplish that? Thanks.

Polygon Layers are incorrectly offset from basemap / "jump" location until hit zoom or home button or click for pop-up

Hello all,

I am experiencing a frustrating issue where my polygons in a Story Map Series (tabbed) are incorrectly displaying their location on first render.

The layers often (but not always) appear offset from what should be their correct position / projection; however, when you click on the home button, a zoom button, or alternatively you click on on the feature to trigger a pop-up it "snaps" to correct position. This occurs both on initial tab loading, as well as if data is being displayed via a story map action.

I am not sure what is causing this as everything is in the same projection.

I have double checked all the included data, I have re-published and re-projected the data to ensure it is correct as well. This is happening across multiple data sources.

Edit: I would also add that this occurs regardless of whether I select a tab to inherit the extent previous extent, whether I use default extent of web map being called, or whether I set a custom extent to zoom to via the story map action.

Technical details:

  1. Layers are self-hosted as MapServer services
  2. Basemap tiles and reference layer are self-hosted to customize reference style and add one custom scale extent
  3. All published layers and basemap (and .mxd data frames) are in Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (EPSG 3857)

Some example photos:
On first display, or when click story map action link to display data
projection display issue - jumping

Once click on map it snaps to correct display
projection display issue - correct

Does anyone have suggestions or advice in terms of how to correct my setup? Is this potentially a known issue instead?


Provide option to split legend into separate panel.

In situations where the map descriptions are longer it might be useful to have a configuration option to split the legend out to a separate panel (similar to the collapsable one in the Storytelling Basic template). Then the legend is always visible to the reader no matter where in the description they are. This option could be added at the section level.

Printing tool inside Map serie

Hi !

I would to know if is it possible to integrate a print Button on this app. This question is maybe stupid but I'm not a developers :/

Thanks you in advance

Best regards.

Embedded apps not working if the user is a member of another organization

When embedding a web app in a tab of Story Map Series, this is done via the "Web link" content type.
The URL is then entered as something like:

Which is fine, as long as the app that is being embedded is shared with Everyone or only shared with the organization and only to be used by that same organization.

If the Story Map Series and the embedded app is shared with a Group (and not Everyone), and that group contain users from other organizations, the embedded app will not load, but display the error:

<myagolorg> refused to connect.

And looking in the Javascript console, we can see why:

Refused to display 'https://<myagolorg><itemID>' in a frame because it set 'X-frame-Options' to 'deny'

I understand that a URL that is entered is 99% of the time the URL that the creator of the app wants that tab to load, but in this case, the part should be instead be

So I have to suggestions for this enhancement request:

  1. Search and replace in the URL string, if it is a address and the user viewing the map is logged in to AGOL
  2. Add an option to select web app from a dropdown list, similar to how web maps can be selected when configuring a tab in Map Series. Only the itemID would need to be stored and the rest of the URL can be derived from the logged in user accessing the map

Best regards,
Esri Sweden support team

Combining content for Story Map Cascade to Story Map Series

I am customizing a web app using the Story Map Series (with tabs). However I would love to include the opening slider page from the Story Map Cascade application.

Basically, I'd like for my web app to open with the initial Story Map Cascade slider and when the down-arrow is clicked I want to continue with the Story Map Series.

Is there a way to customize to code and make it happen or is it not even possible? :-)

Thanks in advance for the assistance.

Add autoplay default delay parameter

The autoplay feature is nice, but it would be even better if we could either add a value to the parameter for the default delay, or have a configuration option for each story page to set the default delay so that some pages could delay longer than others.

It would also be nice to have an option to force a refresh of pages after X number of loops so that a storymap on autoplay can catch any updates to the story that were made in the background.

add a web page to a tab

When adding a web page to tab, it works fine on desktop browsers. When you open the app on iPhone, and navigate the tab, the web page will "leak through" the swiping bar. The swiping bar which is supposed to be locked at the bottom of the page actually scrolls with the content. An example I tried is to add to a tab. It looks fine on desktop, but looks strange on my iPhone (iPhone 5, Chrome, and Safari)

Make Facebook/Twitter link configurable

We are embedding this story map in our web page and want users to post the hosting web page URL in facebook/twitter. Can you make Facebook/Twitter/Email link configurable?

How to change the status of development mode?

hello, when i share my app after saved it, here shows that

this feature is not fully supported in development mode...

i has put the project in my portal server(portal/arcgis/apps/), and i did not found somewhere that i can config it. so how to repair it?

Story Maps Series App with embedded apps (Basic Viewer) did not work

When viewing a Story Map Series that includes embedded "Basic Viewer" applications with an iOS browser on a mobile device, the tabs have trouble loading and the widget buttons do not activate.

I already reported this issue to Esri Support and it was addressed as "BUG-000091616". But the support representative said me that I should also report this issue to GitHub.

Please refer the attached PDF about details.
(i deleted the link of this attachment)

Add configuration option to inherit/push description between web map item and app.

Currently you can't utilize existing web map item descriptions in this template (other than copying and pasting). It would be nice to be able to have the option (not be required) to have the ability to pull in existing descriptions from the web map details to the app. This would be a setting for each section.

This feature would be generally helpful for users of this template, but also specifically helpful for people that might be migrating from the old text & legend template (who already have nice descriptions stored with their web maps).

Additionally it would be helpful to be able to push a description you write in the app back to the web map item details as well. This would help people with the task of keeping good documentation for their items.

Issues when embedding a Web AppBuilder App

Here is our map
The issue is when you look at the map on iPad, because the lower resolution, the embedded app automatically change to mobile UI. And the description text box will cover up the left section of the search box, and any pop up window when maximized. This only happens when you use TAB layout. Using ACCORDION layout seems fine, here is an example
My suggestions is to make description text box DIV element stick not float in TAB layout. It is covering the map and you can't really see the map even though it is transparent.

Error deploying private StoryMap on the same IIS where Enterprise web adaptors are located

We've customized a Story Map Series using this template.

The Story Map item is located on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 and it's private.

We've deployed the app in several IIS web servers and it works properly without any problem. But this is an exception we have found. If the template is deployed on a IIS web server and inside this web server is also located both web adaptors of the ArcGIS Enterprise where Story Map item is located .... then the app crashes showing the next message:

"An error has occurredYour account (admin) is not licensed to open a Story Map that is not public. Please ask your organization administrator to assign you a user type that includes Story Maps or an add-on Essential Apps license".


The app is the exact same in all the IIS web servers we have tested, and the unical difference, compared to the one that is not working ,is that ArcGIS Enterprise web adaptors are not installed on them. (Web adaptors of the ArcGIS Enterprise where Story Map item is located).

If we make this Story Map item public, then the app works perfectly in all conditions...

Could you please tell me what could be happening?

Thanks in advance

geocoder (custom), add to ESRI storymap app

What do we do now if we want to add a custom geocoder to our storymap? I notice the previous version of the solution, from September(?) of 2015, not only referenced editing files not contained in the current version of the storymap app, but has been closed as of March, 2016.

How to move logo to left hand side for Accordian map series

Hello I am using a federated portal map series template and I was wondering how I can move the logo from the right side area to the left. Is it also possible to resize the logo to make it the entire size of the menu bar?

Thanks for your help.

Where is jQuery being loaded from?

I wanted to check which version of jQuery is being used in this template? In some other non-storymap apps I've developed, I've had to update the version of jQuery due to some security issues. I wanted to see if Esri has done the same thing.

All I can find in the various app files is a reference to lib-app/jquery. But I can't find the URL for where jQuery is being loaded.

Share dialog missing explanation of header links

See code in common/builder/settings/ViewHeader.js adding text to explain UNITCODE in header link. This is not appearing. I think I need to add a div with <%= socialExplain %> in the body to the ViewHeader.html file

Referenced web page in tab cannot scroll on iPhone

This is a mobile UI issue. I referenced a web page in one of the tabs. The web page show up fine, but I can't scroll or pan the page. I had to change the device orientation to landscape and then change it back and then I am able to scroll down.
My phone is a iPhone 6 plus running ios 9.2.1

Add second logo to header

I would like to add a second logo alongside the one that is able to be configured via the in-browser editor. This is for a storymap series hosted on our own server.

Update built app

Would it be possible to update the download for the built app to the latest version (below the picture in the readme)? It still says 1.14. I'm struggling to follow the instructions to build it myself from the full download.

Embedded Web AppBuilder 2.2 app issue

Story map hung when trying to load eambedded Web AppBuilder 2.2 app. It seems that the Splash Screen widget in the new Web AppBuilder is causing problem. Turning off the splash screen make the problem go away. I understand embedding another app is not recommended but it is a very nice function and was working before.

Proxy settings not available for authentication?

It has come to my attention that there is no way to authenticate via proxy in this template and that there has been an enhancement (rather than bug) for this functionality. Do you have any other suggestions on how to work around this? This template is very useful but having to have everything shared with everyone on AGOL is not a good solution, nor is having a log in screen. Supposedly other story map templates have this ability-- any suggestions on what to use? (although i really like the tabbed theme & accordion) thanks

Issue with Content Security Policy - accessing main-config.js

Hello I am trying to host an ARCGIS Story map on our server
To run the test I am using an accessible map with ID: f2e9b762544945f390ca4ac3671cfa72
I am getting the following error with regards to the Content Security Policy. I below attach a screenshot.
I was geeting more errors but I added in my index.html where I have the app the following tag and getting just the one below


Legend not displaying on initial page load

I'm currently in the process of updating some old storymaps for my organization, and trying to update to the latest version of the Storymap Series template. Unfortunately, whenever I do, I get some odd behavior where the legend does not appear for whichever map tab is open on initial page load. Other tabs display their legends just fine, and the first tab's legend will appear upon navigating back to that tab.

In the example pictures below, the only customization made to the template is changing the header color in the config.js file. The problem happens in every storymap I have tried with the 1.11.x or 1.12.0 versions of the code, though.

My current workaround is to use the 1.10.1 version.

On initial load:

After opening another tab and returning:

difference between ZIP in main download section & in instructions?

when i download each of these files, they have a different name. before i examine the files, can you confirm whether they are supposed to be the same? the main download ZIP is "map-series-storytelling-template-js-master" and the one in the instructions section is called "storytelling-mapseries-1.4.1"

I may be missing something obvious so apologies if so.

How to find the actual webmap ID in the Story Map Series


I need to find the ID of the current web map that is displayed in the app. I need to save the ID in the new variable and work with it.
I need an application that changes the legend according to what the web map ID is.

Thanks for the anwers

How to Alter the Active Accordion Content Size

Is there a way to alter the active accordion content/window size? The max-height property of the accordion-content class seems to be dynamic. I was hoping to increase the height of the window in order to make more text visible.

Issue in Internet Explorer when including a PDF a an entry media, the image cannot be maximized over the PDF

Issue reported on GeoNet

This is a know issue in Internet Explorer where nothing can be displayed on top of the PDF viewer, see

Using alternative PDF to Acrobat like FoxIt does not fix the issue but using Google Drive PDF preview is a valid workaround. Any PDF can be previewed freely withotu being uploaded to Google Server by using the following URL

Exemple of this

Integrate a custom address locator (geocoder)

We're currently try to implement a custom geocoder in our storytelling-application.

We followed the instructions and added the configuration to the commonConfig.js file in the application folder like this:

geocode: [{url: url_to_geocode_server,
    singleLineFieldName: "SingleLineCityName",
    placefinding: true

However the geocoding never uses our configuration but the standard arcgis-online geocode server.
May this be related to the following issue on the basic-viewer-template? Esri/basic-viewer-template#4

Is there any known solution or workaround for this?

The "i" icon is covering widget

I embedded a Web AppBuilder app. On iPhone, the "i" icon is covering the right most widget in the Web AppBuilder app header.
Please move the "i" icon higher.

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