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augeo's Introduction

AuGeo - Augmented Reality for ArcGIS


AuGeo, latin for augmented, is an Esri Labs initiative to explore the possibilities of using ArcGIS data in an augmented reality environment.

We at Esri Labs see many potential uses for Augmented Reality in GIS. While we love maps, locating assets around you can be easier through the lenses of a camera on your phone or tablet. Through an augmented reality view, we can more intuitively represent hidden assets (underground, covered by vegetation or snow), reducing the time needed for people to find what they were looking for. Will Augmented Reality help perform asset inspections more quickly? Will it guide rescue teams towards a fire hydrant that otherwise would be missed? Will if provide the ultimate mobile user experience for the most technology averse real estate agent? Will it be the foundation for the next tourist guide of your city?

As a Research Project from Esri Labs, our intent with Augeo is to make interesting technology available to you, so we can explore the possibilities together. To start with AuGeo, all you need is an ArcGIS Online subscription, some data and a mobile device. We would love to hear your feedback through our Github Repository and evolve what already looks like a gold (Au) mine of possibilities.

How to use the app

Available for free in the iTunes and Google Play and Microsoft stores, you can also download desktop installation files for the app from these urls

The AuGeo mobile app allows you to easily bring data from your exiting ArcGIS point feature layers into an augmented reality mobile app. Preparing your existing data for use within AuGeo is very straight-forward as described in this tutorial.

For more information on how to use AuGeo refer to the Github Wiki.

Developer requirements

Are you a developer? AuGeo is built using AppStudio for ArcGIS. The source code of this application will be made available here once AppStudio 2.0 is released in July 2017 and will also be available with the Standard Edition of AppStudio for ArcGIS.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue into this repo.


Esri welcomes contributions from anyone and everyone. Please see our guidelines for contributing.

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2017 Esri Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.

augeo's People


dominikargast avatar ismaelinredlands avatar marikavertzonis avatar spatialdude avatar


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augeo's Issues

General thoughts on AuGeo and Roadmap Questions

hi everyone,

I just want to tell you my thought on this nice piece of software and make some suggestions:

I really like the app, but the handling is not that good right now. May I suggest:

  • to add some more obvious way (trash-can-icon) to delete projects from within the app? Like there is the cloud/DL symbol - why not switch that into a trashcan icon instead, when the project was already downloaded?

  • the app really need some "refresh" button. if you make some changes to a project on Arc Online and save without changing it´s name, AuGeo do not grab the changes automatically. Sometimes, you have to quit app and re-log to get the latest version downloaded

How does the roadmap look?

Some of my fellow workers showed lots of interest in this app. But to make it more useful, a few more features were needed:

  • Support for polylines aka pipelines
  • Support for more than just one line of attriubtes

I saw, these were already adressed - it there kind of ETA, when this features will be implemented?

A last suggestion/thoughts:

We also tried "ArcExplorer App" on smartphone, it seems to have all the features, AuGeo is missing. Why not combine this two Apps into one solution?

Like searching for objects by attributes in Explorer and start navigation from there. At the destination-site switching into "AR-Mode", what is basically AuGeo, to navigate the last few meters and to get a better orientation/understanding of the surroundings.

Best Regards,


Connecting to Portal

When connect to our in house running portal i get a error:

Error 400
Invalid client_id

I have admin credential
The portal url works fine in Survey123 and Collect
There is a point Feature in my Portal with the tags horizon and AuGeo

When I hit the login, I am redirected to my portal and also it logs in, so the username and credentials are ok.

Am I missing something?


Battery performance indoors

If you don't turn off the gps location while you are indoors the application can drain your battery quite quickly. I was indoors with the application running in the background of my phone and 33% of battery was drained in 2 hours.

It would be nice if the gps signal has been lost and doesn't reconnect after x number of attempts that the application would automatically turn off the location gathering. The application should have some indication that the gps has been turned off and an easy way for the user to turn it back on when they go back outside.

Another alternative would be to turn the gps signal off when the application is running in the background on the mobile device.

Images not loading when slow connection - intended or Bug?

hello there,

We´ve done lots of testing and trail/error - but for now, things seem to work pretty well - except for the images to load.

From what I get, the hosted feature layer gets downloaded to the device, so it works "offline" (just GPS is needed). But this seems not to be true for linked images, right?

Everytime I have slow connections, the images won´t show (iPhone X). As soon as I got faster connection, boom - images are showing....

edit: I reduced images to around 200kb size, tried .gif and .jpg

Is there a way, to cache them/store them for offline-usage as well?

Kind regards,


Grouped Feature Layers

When selecting a feature layer that is grouped in AuGeo only the first feature layer in the group is shown. It would be nice if the program prompted you to either select which layer out of the group you wanted or it was able to display all of the feature layers in the group.

New release?

Hi, I'm certainly interested in seeing this application evolved. It's a cool app with loads of potential.

I see that there is continued responses around the posted questions or feature requests I'm just wondering when or if there is a plan to update the application? It appears that any changes to the current application was done almost a year ago. (May 2017)


Future of AuGeo app?

hello there,

development news and things around AuGeo got quiet - is this app still in active development? Will the features suggested on this github be impelemented any time soon?

or was this just a kind of experimental project and it got canceled already?

Best regards,

Source Code request

This is a great application, thanks for creating this.
Is there any possibility you could post the AuGeo source code here on GitHub? I have an AuGeo app created, but my team has several customization requests for me to work on. In order for me to complete these requests, I will need the source code.

Thanks again!

Source code

There is comment on the code page saying the source code will be available from the release of AppStudio V2. Just wondering where you can obtain the code from? Thanks

Image Url's are not displaying images in the Augeo Pop-up

Hi, this is a really cool app I have been experimenting with since it's release. I created a window in AuGeo that displayed tree data before and now it seems that when I try to replicate this project the image url's do not display the photos. It seems as if adding photo url's also causes the app to behave strangely, only showing distance from a feature and no other pop-up data.

I have tried to add a simple one word description field, and this only seems to work (shows the one word description - PlantOne, PlantTwo, etc. in the AuGeo Pop-up) a small portion of the time.

I will go through the code in the appstudio qtcreator and see if I find anything that may resolve these issues and call technical support.

This app is really cool and I think that it is the future of mapping.

Thank You

Suggestions for some enhancements

Dear ESRI Labs, first of all thank you for this awesome app! It opens the opportunity for a lot of applications to the agency I work for.
I would like to suggest some enhancements. I am using it on my 6.0.1 Android phone.

  1. Login credentials: unfortunately when it happens that the app crashes I have to login again. It would very useful to let it save the credentials;
  2. Display settings: it would be nice to be allowed to change the distance unit (ft <--> meters);
  3. Compass calibration: it's not clear to me when the calibration is done. I move my device several times but I don't get informed when the calibration is ok;
  4. Deleting data cache: the process is not straightforward or I am missing something. I have to do the following steps in order to refresh the data: a) change the data source b) delete my cache c) close the app d) open the app e) login... f) select my data source g) refresh the data. If I don't close the app it doesn't allow me to refresh my data (it doesn't show me the button at the bottom of the screen to refresh the data: could it be a bug?);
  5. pop-ups heights: is there a way to manage them or there will be in the future? If I had different layers could it be possible to arrange their pop-ups considering their elevation attributes? For instance I would like to see the pop-ups of my layer of antennas on top of buildings and not on the ground when I get near them;
  6. Hosted layer limitation on AGOL: do you think in the future the app will work for not-hosted feature layers as well?

Thank you so much for your attention!
Best regards

Integration of AUGeo with Workforce for ArcGIS

Please create a custom URL scheme to allow for assignment coordinates to be passed from Workforce direct to AUGeo to visualise and navigate use AR to the assignment (similar to Survey123, Collector, and Trek2There),

Augeo with ArcGIS portal connection


I have registered AuGeo as a registered application to Portal for ArcGIS.However, I need to know the next step to access this application on my mobile. I have tried using AuGEO with my ArcGIS Online account but now I need to add my ArcGIS portal URL in the mobile app but I am not able to do that.


Geolocation off across devices and operating systems

Thank you so much for the AuGeo app! I believe this has tremendous opportunities waiting to be materialized once some issues are worked out.
I have tested the app on wifi only iPads, Samsung Galaxy tablet, and iPhone 5 all with the assistance of a Dual XGPS150A. Even with the assistance of the GPS receiver, points were significantly misplaced. The directional display near the bottom of the screen really lags on each platform even though internal compass readings were timely and accurate. The directional display when functioning well goes from SE -> S -> SE -> W? What happened to SW? The points displayed on the screen are seemingly responding to that although the original shapefile is good. By that I mean when looking to the real SE the appropriate points show up, but they reappear when looking to the SE that should be SW.

Working offline with images

Hi Esri Labs,
Congratulations on the AuGeo app - I've been having lots of fun with this in the UK and can see loads of potential uses. A few comments for you, and one question:

  1. Using the ArcGIS Online popup configuration I've found that table attributes only really display correctly if you choose the option 'A custom attribute display'. Select any other option and either no data displays, or you get other problems.

  2. When creating your custom attribute display, if you choose to use a date field, it displays the full date and time in AuGeo. I don't see a way to stop displaying the time, other than to recalculate the date field to a text field in the attribute table and use this instead.

  3. If you make popup config changes in AGOL and save layer, then refresh the data in AuGeo, it never seems to reflect these changes. I resort to saving as a new layer each time.

Finally (!), my real question:
I want to be able to use AuGeo without WiFi or phone network, including displaying a photograph with each feature point. I can get this to work if I reference a URL for the photo, BUT this relies on network connectivity. Is there a way the images can be part of the data layer that is refreshed/downloaded by AuGeo and will therefore be available offline?
I have tried enabling and adding attachments to a File Geodatabase and can get these to display in AGOL. However, I can't see a way to get these to get these into AuGeo. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help, Nick

Support any/multiple fields in the popup content

Currently, AuGeo only supports showing the content of the popup from one field called "description" in the feature layer. (Should we document this?)

It would be nice to support any/multiple fields for the popup content.

geolocation off in Android

Hello from Geneva! I am experimenting with AuGeo and find that my location on the map in the Android app is off by several hundred meters. This of course largely moots my data, ie I am not shown what is around me, I am shown what is around a point several hundred meters away. Note this does not happen on my iPad.

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S7 edge. The positional accuracy in its other mapping apps and online maps is fine. Let me know if you want more info.



AuGeo - are there any news?

Dear all,

I am seekeing for any information, what is the current status, or roadmap/future for AuGeo. We have few customers, who seems to be interested in using AuGeo.

Is there any future of this app, or htere will be another augmented reality app build on Quartz Runtime?

The last information here is from October 2019 from @dominikargast. Is there any change?

Thank you for any response.



Pop-ups Not Displaying Content/Description

While the app is generally working as expected, tapping on the features in first-person view is not opening up pop-ups. Only the feature's title is appearing. Tapping twice on a feature takes me to the map, rather than displaying the content of the "description" field on my Samsung Galaxy 20.

I did ensure that I selected both "title" and "description" when creating the view in ArcGIS. I noticed that using both the terms "content" and "description" were valid ways to develop my geojson file, but neither allowed for the display of that information. Here is some sample code from my json file:

          "Title":"Burr Caswell",
          "Description":"1841 - 1893. Burr Caswell and his family arrived at blah, blah, blah.","ObjectId":2

Any thoughts about how to get the content of the "description" field to display on tap in first-person view?

Building an app with AppStudio that opens up AuGeo

I know AuGeo was built using AppStudio. What I want to do is create an app with AppStudio, so I can put my company logo and style in the app, and open up my AuGeo feature points. Can you add in the AuGeo source code for download?
This website said the code was going to available once AppStudio 2.0 was released in July 2017.
I would like for AppStudio to be able to use the features from AuGeo.

Thank you,
Mike G

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