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idf-eclipse-plugin's Introduction

GitHub release


ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin

ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin brings developers an easy-to-use Eclipse-based development environment for developing ESP32-based IoT applications. It provides better tooling capabilities, which simplifies and enhances standard Eclipse CDT for developing and debugging ESP32 IoT applications. It offers advanced editing, compiling, flashing and debugging features with the addition of Installing the tools, SDK configuration and CMake editors.

The plug-in runs on macOS, Windows and Linux platforms.

Note: It supports ESP-IDF CMake based projects (4.x and above).

To get a quick understanding of ESP-IDF and Eclipse plugin features, check our session which was presented in EclipseCon 2020.

Table Of Contents

Get Started
Other IDE Features


We recommend using the Espressif-IDE instead of the Eclipse CDT + IEP Plugin update approach to avoid the hassles of updating.

Espressif-IDE for Windows

Espressif-IDE for macOS and Linux

  • To begin, download the Espressif-IDE for your respective operating system. Following this, launch the IDE and proceed to install the necessary ESP-IDF and related tools. Please note that prior to launching the IDE, you must ensure that Java, Python, and Git are installed as prerequisites. and available in the system path.

If you plan to use Eclipse CDT and update it through the IDF Eclipse plugin, please ensure that you download the supported version for your operating system from here .


The minimum requirements for running the Espressif-IDE are below.

  • Java 17 and above : Download and install Java SE from here.
  • Python 3.6 and above : Download and install Python from here.
  • Git : Get the latest git from here.

Note: Make sure Java, Python and Git are available on the system environment PATH.

Installing IDF Plugin using update site URL

You can install the IDF Eclipse plugin into an existing IDE using the update site URL. First, add the release repository URL as follows:

  1. Go to Help > Install New Software.
  2. Click Add…, and in the pop-up window:
  3. Select Espressif IDF from the list and proceed with the installation.

For adding beta and nightly builds, you can use the following update site urls.

Note: While the screenshots are captured on macOS, the installation instructions are applicable to Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Installing ESP-IDF

To install ESP-IDF directly from the Eclipse:

  1. Go to Espressif > Download and Configure ESP-IDF.
  2. From the Download ESP-IDF section, choose ESP-IDF version and directory to download.
  3. Click on Finish.

To configure an existing ESP-IDF:

  1. Go to Espressif > Download and Configure ESP-IDF.
  2. Check Use an existing ESP-IDF directory from the file system.
  3. Choose an existing ESP-IDF directory from the file system.
  4. Click on Finish.

This will download a specified ESP-IDF version and configure IDF_PATH in the Eclipse CDT build environment variables.

Installing ESP-IDF Tools

ESP-IDF requires the installation of several prerequisite tools to build firmware for the ESP32. These tools include Python, Git, cross-compilers, the menuconfig tool, CMake, and Ninja build tools.

Follow the below instructions to get started.

  1. Navigate to Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools.
  2. Provide the ESP-IDF Directory path.
  3. Provide Git and Python executable locations if they are not auto-detected.
  4. Click on Install Tools to proceed with the installation process. Check the Console for the installation details.
  5. Installation might take a while if you're doing it for the first time since it has to download and install xtensa-esp32-elf, esp32ulp-elf, Cmake, openocd-esp32 and Ninja tools.

Note: Ensure that you perform this step even if you have already installed the necessary tools. This step sets the IDF_PATH, PATH, OPENOCD_SCRIPTS, and IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH in the Eclipse CDT build environment based on the export command.

ESP-IDF Directory selection dialog:

Create a new Project

  1. Make sure you are in C/C++ Perspective.
  2. Go to File > New > Espressif IDF Project
  3. Provide the Project name (The ESP-IDF build system does not support spaces in the project path).
  4. Click Finish.

To create a project using existing ESP-IDF templates, please refer to this.

Note: You may see numerous unresolved headers and symbols errors in the editor, and these will only be resolved after the build process.

Configuring build target

Next, you should select the ESP target for your project. By default, the launch target drop-down will display all the supported targets by the plugin.


However, if you would like to add a target that is not available in the launch target drop-down, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Click on the launch target dropdown.
  2. Select New Launch Target.
  3. Select ESP Target.
  4. Provide properties for the target where you would like to launch the application. Enter a Name for the target and select the Serial Port your ESP device is connected to on your machine.

Compiling the Project

  1. Select a project from the Project Explorer.
  2. Select Run from the first drop-down, which is called Launch Mode.
  3. Select your application from the second drop-down, which is called Launch Configuration(Auto-detected).
  4. Select a target from the third drop-down, which is called Launch Target.
  5. Now click on the Build button to start with a build process.

Flashing the Project

Flash operation can be initiated with just a click of a launch button and it's auto-configured to flash the application with the default flash command i.e, -p PORT flash.


To provide the customized flash arguments, please follow this link for further instructions.

To configure flashing via JTAG, please refer to this JTAG Flashing guide.

Viewing Serial Output

To see the serial output in Eclipse, we need to configure the ESP-IDF Serial Monitor to connect to the serial port. This is integrated with the IDF Monitor. Please check more details here.

  1. Click on the Open a Terminal icon from the toolbar.
  2. Choose ESP-IDF Serial Monitor from the terminal drop-down.
  3. Select Serial Port for your board if it's not detected.
  4. Configure serial monitor filter options for output filtering.
  5. Click on OK to launch the terminal, which will listen to the USB port.

ESP-IDF Serial Monitor Settings

ESP-IDF Serial Monitor will allow you to configure the default settings of the serial monitor character limit and number of lines.

  1. Navigate to Espressif from the Eclipse Preferences.
  2. Click on ESP-IDF Serial Monitor Settings.
  3. Provide Console Line Width and Limit Console Output.

Debugging the Project

In most cases, only two things are required to start debugging an esp-idf project:

  1. Create a debug configuration
  2. Check whether the board in the created configuration corresponds to the board in use.

Note: If you're using Windows, you may need to install drivers using Zadig to run a debug session successfully. For detailed instructions, please refer to this guide.

The fastest way to create a debug configuration is to expand the configuration list in the launch bar and click New Launch Configuration.... Then select ESP-IDF GDB OpenOCD Debugging -> Double Click or Next. After that, the preview for the new debug configuration will open where it's necessary to check the board.

After creating the debug configuration, you can go ahead and debug the project. Select the configuration you just created, select debug mode, and click on the "Debug" icon to start debugging:


To learn more about the debug configuration, please refer to GDB OpenOCD Debugging.

Other IDE Features

Create a new project using ESP-IDF Templates

  1. Make sure you're in C/C++ Perspective.
  2. Go to File > New > Espressif IDF Project (If you don't see this, please reset the perspective from Window > Perspective > Reset Perspective..).
  3. Provide the Project name.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Check Create a project using one of the templates.
  6. Select the required template from the tree.
  7. Click Finish.

Note: You will see a lot of unresolved inclusion errors in the editor and those will be resolved only after the build.

Tools Installation Wizard

You can use the Tools Installation Wizard to manage the tools installation via a wizard. The advantage of this method over the existing installation is that you can easily manage the whole flow via the wizard and install the tools in ESP-IDF framework that you only need.

To get started:

  1. Navigate to Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Tools Installation Wizard (Preview).

  2. The wizard will start and you can select the location for the Git and Python, if they are already present on the system PATH or registry the tools will be populated. After selection, you can click Next.

  3. Next page will let you select the folder for existing ESP-IDF or you can also select from the drop down list to download the available versions. You can also select master from the list to clone the master for ESP-IDF from GitHub.

  4. After you select Next you will see the list of all the available tools in the selected ESP-IDF version, this page lets you select only the recommended tools or you can select the tools you want to. You can also filter out the tools via the filter text box or based on the target. The wizard page is the last page and will Install and Download if necessary all the selected tools required. After you have installed all the tools you can finish the wizard and start creating projects.

SDK Configuration editor

Project configuration is held in a single file called sdkconfig in the root directory of the project. This configuration file can be modified using SDK Configuration Editor

To launch the SDK Configuration editor:

  1. Navigate to sdkconfig file.
  2. Double-click on the file to launch the SDK configuration editor.
  3. Use Ctrl+S or Command+S based on the OS environment to save the changes. You can also use Eclipse Save button from the toolbar.
  4. To revert the sdkconfig editor changes, you can either close the editor without saving them or you can right-click on the sdkconfig file and select Load sdkconfig menu option to revert the changes from the editor.

CMake Editor

CMake Editor Plug-in is integrated with IDF Plugin for editing CMake files such as CMakeLists.txt. It provides syntax coloring, CMake command content assist, and code templates.

CMake editor preferences can be controlled using Eclipse > Preferences > CMakeEd.

ESP-IDF Application Size Analysis

The Application Size Analysis editor provides a way to analyze the static memory footprint of your application. It has two sections:

  • The Overview section provides a summary of the application's memory usage;
  • The Details section will have in-depth details about components and per-symbol level memory information.

Details table viewer also provides you with searching and sorting capabilities on various columns.

To launch the Application Size Analysis editor:

  1. Right-click on the project.
  2. Select ESP-IDF: Application Size Analysis menu option to launch the editor.

Application Size Analysis - Overview

Application Size Analysis - Details

ESP-IDF Terminal

This would launch a local terminal with all the environment variables which are set under Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Environment. The default working directory would be either the currently selected project or IDF_PATH if there is no project selected.

The terminal PATH is also configured with esptool, espcoredump, partition_table, and app_update component paths so that it will be handy to access them directly from the ESP-IDF terminal.

To launch the ESP-IDF Terminal:

  • Click on the Open a Terminal icon from the toolbar.
  • Choose ESP-IDF Terminal from the terminal drop-down and click OK to launch a terminal.

Installing ESP-IDF Components

You can install the ESP-IDF Components directly into your project from the available components online. Follow the steps below:

  • Right-click on the project from Project Explorer in which you want to add the component to and Select Install ESP-IDF Components.

    A new window will open up showing all the available component to be installed.

  • From the window, you can click on Install button to add that component to the project. To get to the readme file for that component you can click on More Info which will open the browser link to the readme file of that component.

Already added components are also shown but the Install button changes text to Already Added and is disabled.

Configuring Environment Variables

Eclipse configures automatically the required environment variables in the Preferences > C/C++ Build > Environment section if IDF Tools are installed using Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools menu option. Required environment variables:

  • PATH

If the required environment variables are not configured for any reason, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Click on the Environment preference page under C/C++ Build.
  2. Click Add… again, and enter name IDF_PATH. The value should be the full path where ESP-IDF is installed.
  3. Similarly, we should configure OPENOCD_SCRIPTS, IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH and PATH environment variables.

This is how they should look:









Configuring Toolchains

We need to tell Eclipse CDT what core build toolchain and CMake toolchain to use to build the project. However, this will be auto-detected if you've installed the tools using the Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools option from Eclipse.

If these toolchains are not detected for any reason, please follow the step-by-step instructions below to add a new toolchain.

Configuring Core Build Toolchains

  1. Open Eclipse Preferences.

  2. Navigate to C/C++ > Core Build Toolchains preference page.

  3. Click on Add.. from the user-defined toolchains tables.

  4. Select GCC as a toolchain type.

  5. Click on Next.

  6. Provide the GCC toolchain settings:

    • Compiler: /Users/user-name/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc,
    • Operating System: esp32,
    • CPU Architecture: xtensa

Configuring CMake Toolchain

We now need to tell CDT which toolchain to use when building the project. This will pass the required arguments to CMake when generating the Ninja files.

  1. Navigate to C/C++ > CMake preference page.
  2. Click Add... and this will launch the New CMake toolchain configuration dialog.
  3. Browse CMake toolchain Path. Example: /Users/user-name/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake/toolchain-esp32.cmake.
  4. Select GCC Xtensa toolchain compiler from the drop-down list. Example: esp32 xtensa /Users/user-name/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc.

Note: Eclipse CDT has a bug in saving the toolchain preferences, hence it's recommended to restart Eclipse before we move further configuring the launch target.

Selecting Clang Toolchain

With ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin v2.7.0 and higher you can build your project with the Clang toolchain

  1. After updating/installing the ESP-IDF Eclipse plugin to v2.7.0 or higher, you need to run Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools to update the toolchain list and environment variables, that are necessary for Clang toolchain.
  2. After creating a new project, edit the project configuration image
  3. Go to Build Settings tab and select clang toolchain there: image

Note: Clang toolchain now is an experimental feature and you may face some build issues due to the incompatibility of esp-idf. Below is a description of how to fix the most common build issue on the current ESP-IDF master (ESP-IDF v5.1-dev-992-gaf28c1fa21-dirty). To work around clang build errors please refer to this.

Launch Configuration

To provide the customized launch configuration and flash arguments, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.

  1. Click on the Launch Configuration edit button.
  2. Switch to the Main tab.
  3. Specify the Location where this application has to run. Since is a python file, will configure the python system path. Example:${system_path:python}.
  4. Specify Working directory of the application. Example: ${workspace_loc:/hello_world}.
  5. In additional arguments, provide a flashing command which will run in the specified working directory.
  6. Flash command looks like this: /Users/user-name/esp/esp-idf/tools/ -p /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART flash.
  7. Click OK to save the settings.
  8. Click on the Launch icon to flash the application to the selected board.

Changing Language

To change the plugin language a menu is provided to show the list of available languages for the plugin.

  1. Click on the Espressif menu from the menu bar.
  2. Select the Change Language from the drop-down menu.
  3. From the sub menu select the language you want.
  4. Eclipse will restart with selected language.

Remember this will only change the language of the Eclipse if the required language bundles for the selected language are installed or else only the plugin interfaces will be changed.


Suggestions for Solving Errors from ESP-IDF by Hints Viewer

If you run into a problem during a build, chances are that there is a hint for this error in the ESP-IDF hint database, which is stored in tools/idf_py_actions/hints.yml of ESP-IDF. The ESP-IDF Eclipse plugin provides a hint viewer where you can type an error message and find a hint for it. Prerequisites for it is to have hints.yml, which is available from ESP-IDF v5.0 and higher. If you are using lower versions of ESP-IDF, you can still use the hints viewer. To do it, you have to manually download the hints.yml file from here and put it to your esp-idf/tools/idf_py_actions/ path. To download a file from GitHub, right-click the Raw button and then Save as....

To open the hints viewer go to Windows -> Show View -> Other... -> Espressif -> Hints. You will see the following view: image

Now you can type or copy paste some error from the build log, for example: ccache error: Failed to create temporary file for esp-idf/libsodium/CMakeFiles/..../....: No such file or directory


Double-clicking on the row will give you a hint message, so you can clearly see it if it doesn't fit on your screen in the table view.


Error Log

The Error Log view captures all the warnings and errors logged by plug-ins. The underlying log file is a .log file stored in the .metadata subdirectory of the workspace.

The Error Log view is available in Window > Show View > Error Log.

To export the current log view content into a file, press the Export Log toolbar button or select Export Log... from the context menu. Then, enter a file name.

Always provide an error log when reporting an issue.

Console View Log

The Console View provides all the warnings and errors related to the current running process or build. To access the console view.

From the menu bar, Window > Show View > Console.

CDT Global Build Log

Go to Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Logging

Espressif IDF Tools Console

The Espressif IDF Tools Console is part of the Console view, this will be opened only during the installation of IDF tools from the Eclipse.

If you encounter any issue while installing the IDF tools using Espressif > ESP-IDF Tools Manager > Install tools, please check the Espressif IDF Tools Console to see the errors reported.

If this is not active, it can be switched by clicking on the Display Selected Console icon from the console view.

Heap Tracing

Please refer to this doc.

Installing IDF Eclipse Plugin from Eclipse Market Place

Please follow the steps below to install IDF Eclipse Plugin from the Eclipse Market Place.

  1. In Eclipse, choose Help > Eclipse Market Place....
  2. Enter ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin in the search box to find the plugin.
  3. Click on Install to follow the installation instructions.
  4. Restart the Eclipse.

Installing IDF Eclipse Plugin from Local Archive

  1. Download the latest update site archive for IDF Eclipse Plugin here -
  2. In Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software.
  3. Click Add… button.
  4. Select Archive from Add repository dialog and select the file
  5. Click Add.
  6. Select Espressif IDF from the list and proceed with the installation.
  7. Restart the Eclipse.

How do I upgrade my existing IDF Eclipse Plugin?

If you are installing IDF Eclipse Plugin into your Eclipse for the first time, you first need to add the new release's repository as follows:

  1. Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the URL of the new repository
  4. Click Ok.

If you've already installed IDF Eclipse Plugin using update site URL, you can get the latest changes by following the steps below:

  1. Help > Check for Updates.
  2. If updates are found, select Espressif IDF Plugins for Eclipse and deselect all other items.
  3. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

Importing an existing IDF Project

  1. Make sure you're in C/C++ Perspective.
  2. Right-click in the Project Explorer.
  3. Select Import.. Menu.
  4. Select Existing IDF Project from Espressif import wizard menu list.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click on Browse... to choose an existing project location directory.
  7. Provide Project name if you wish you have a different name.
  8. Click Finish to import the selected project into Eclipse workspace as a CMake project.

Importing an existing Debug launch configuration

To import an existing launch configuration into Eclipse:

  1. Select Import... from the File menu.
  2. In the Import dialog box, expand the Run/Debug group and select Launch Configurations.
  3. Click on Next.
  4. Click on Browse... to select the required location in the local file system.
  5. Select the folder containing the launch files and then click OK.
  6. Select the checkboxes for the required folder and launch file.
  7. If you are replacing an existing configuration with the same name then select Overwrite existing launch configurations without warning.
  8. Click on Finish.

GDBStub Debugging

You can now use the GDBStub debugging inside our Eclipse plugin to help you diagnose and debug issues on chips via Eclipse when it is in panic mode.

To enable GDBStub debugging for a project:

  1. Launch the sdkconfig in project root by double-clicking on it which will open the configuration editor.

  2. Expand the Component Config section and select ESP System Settings. From the settings on the right for Panic Handler behaviour select the GDBStub on Panic option from the list.

Now you will be taken to the GDBStub debugger automatically when you connect the serial monitor and there is a panic for this example.

To use the GDBStub debugging for a project:

  1. Create a template hello_world project and add the following lines in the main c file.

    This is a global variable<br/>
    COREDUMP_DRAM_ATTR uint8_t global_var;
  2. Now add these two lines just above the esp_restart() function

    global_var = 25;

The final file should be something like this:

Build and flash the project and launch the serial monitor. On line number 45, we are signaling for a failing assert which will put the chip in panic mode and when that line reaches, you will be prompted to switch the perspective to debug mode and the chip will be halted.

Remember that this is a panic mode and you cannot continue the execution from here, you will have to stop and restart the chip through IDF commands or simply restart the serial monitor.

You can view the registers stack trace and even view the value of variables in the stack frame.

To exit the debug session simply press stop button.

Core Dump Debugging

The IDF-Eclipse plugin allows you to debug the core dump if any crash occurs on the chip and the configurations are set. Currently only the UART core dump capture and debugging is supported.

To enable core dump debugging for a project:

  1. You need to enable it first in sdkconfig. Launch the sdkconfig in the project root by double-clicking on it which will open the configuration editor

  2. Click on the Core Dump from the settings on the left and select Data Destination as UART.

This will enable the core dump debugging and whenever you connect a serial monitor for that project if any crash occurs it will load the dump and open a debug perspective in Eclipse to let you diagnose the dump where you can view all the information in the core dump.

You can view the registers stack trace and even view the value of variables in stack frame.

To exit the debug session: simply press stop button.

Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) through USB

Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) is a mechanism for upgrading the firmware of devices through Universal Serial Bus (USB). There are a few requirements that need to be met:

  • DFU is supported by ESP32-S2 and ESP32-S3 chips.
  • You will need to do some electrical connection work (Here is a guide for the ESP32-S2 board). The necessary connections for the USB peripheral are shown in the following table.
20 D+ (green)
19 D- (white)
GND GND (black)
+5V +5V (red)

After meeting the above requirements:

  1. The chip needs to be in bootloader mode for the detection as a DFU device and flashing. This can be achieved by pulling GPIO0 down (e.g. pressing the BOOT button), pulsing RESET down for a moment and releasing GPIO0.
  2. Install USB drivers (Windows only). The drivers can be installed by the Zadig tool.
    • Please make sure that the device is in download mode before running the tool and that it detects the device before installing the drivers.
    • The Zadig tool might detect several USB interfaces of the target. Please install the WinUSB driver for only that interface for which there is no driver installed (probably it is Interface 2) and don't re-install the driver for the other interface.
    • The manual installation of the driver in Device Manager of Windows is not recommended because the flashing might not work properly.

After meeting the above requirements, you are free to build and flash via DFU. How to use DFU:

  1. Edit the active launch configuration.
  2. In the main tab, select the Flash over DFU option.
  3. Select a suitable IDF target for DFU
  4. Now, if you use the build command, an extra file (dfu.bin) will be created, which can be used later for flashing.

DFU actions

Additional information, including common errors and known issues, is mentioned in this guide.

Application Level Tracing

ESP-IDF provides a useful feature for program behavior analysis called Application Level Tracing. IDF-Eclipse plugin has UI, that allows the use of start, and stop tracing commands and process received data. To familiarize yourself with this library, you can use the app_trace_to_host project or the app_trace_basic project if you are using esp-idf 5.1 and higher. These projects can be created from the plugin itself:

Before you start using application-level tracing, it is important to create a debug configuration for the project where you must select the board you are using in order to successfully start the OpenOCD server.

After debug configuration is created, right-click on the project in the Project Explorer and click on ESP-IDF:Application Level Tracing:

It can take a while to open the application level tracing dialog because the OpenOCD server starts first, so you don't need to start it externally. At the very top of the application-level trace dialog, there are auto-configured fields that you can change for the trace start command.

Start command:

  • Syntax: start <outfile> [poll_period [trace_size [stop_tmo [wait4halt [skip_size]]]]
  • Argument:
    • outfile: Path to file to save data from both CPUs. This argument should have the following format: file://path/to/file.
    • poll_period: Data polling period (in ms) for available trace data. If greater than 0 then command runs in non-blocking mode. By default, 1 ms.
    • trace_size: Maximum size of data to collect (in bytes). Tracing is stopped after specified amount of data is received. By default -1 (trace size stop trigger is disabled).
    • stop_tmo: Idle timeout (in sec). Tracing is stopped if there is no data for a specified period of time. By default -1 (disable this stop trigger). Optionally set it to a value longer than the longest pause between tracing commands from the target.
    • wait4halt: If 0 start tracing immediately, otherwise command waits for the target to be halted (after reset, by breakpoint etc.) and then automatically resumes it and starts tracing. By default, 0.
    • skip_size: Number of bytes to skip at the start. By default, 0.

Additional information can be found here.

The next two fields Trace Processing Script and Start Parsing Command are used to parse the output file.

  • Trace Processing Script is used to provide the path to the parsing script, by default it is from esp-idf.
  • Start Parsing Command allows you to check the resulting parsing command and edit it if it's necessary. By default, this field is automatically configured to match $IDF_PATH/tools/esp_app_trace/

Note the Start parse button is disabled until a dump file is available. To generate it, click the Start button at the bottom of the dialog box. After you click, the button changes to Stop so that you can stop tracking.

When the output file is generated, you can click on Start parse button, and you will see the parsed script output in the Eclipse console:

ESP-IDF Master Update

If you are using the master version of ESP-IDF and want to update it, you can do so in the plugin by going to Espressif -> ESP-IDF Tool Manager and clicking the Update ESP-IDF master command there.


Note: This command is visible only if you are on the master branch in ESP-IDF.

Partition Table Editor UI for ESP-IDF

ESP-IDF: Partition Table Editor command allows to edit your partition table in a more convenient way, where you can see the supported types and subtypes and monitor the correctness of the entered data.

Note: This command is available in the IDF-Eclipse plugin 2.8.0 and higher.


  1. Go to Project Explorer, open any IDF Project where you want to have a customized partition table.

  2. In Project Explorer, right-click on the project and click on ESP-IDF: Partition Table Editor command:


    When opening the partition table editor for the selected project, you will see the standard editable content. Errors (if any) will be highlighted. You can hover your mouse over it to get a hint of what it is about:


  3. Click "Save" or "Save and Quit" to save your changes.

To use a customized partition table:

  1. Go to sdkconfig and set Custom partition table CSV like below:


NVS Table Editor

NVS Table Editor helps to create a binary file based on key-value pairs provided in a CSV file. The resulting binary file is compatible with NVS architecture defined in ESP_IDF Non Volatile Storage. The expected CSV format is:

	key,type,encoding,value     <-- column header (must be the first line)
	namespace_name,namespace,,  <-- First entry must be of type "namespace"

Note: This is based on ESP-IDF NVS Partition Generator Utility.


  1. Right-click on project in the Project Explorer

  2. Select the ESP-IDF: NVS Table Editor command:

    NVS Table Editor

    Note: This command is available in the IDF-Eclipse plugin 2.8.0 and higher

  3. Make desired changes to CSV data

  4. Save changes by clicking the Save button. If everything is ok, you will see an information message at the top of the dialog:


  5. Generate the partition binary (Choose encrypt to encrypt the binary and disable the generate key option to use your own key if desired). You will see an information message at the top of the dialog about the result of generated binaries. You can hover your mouse over it to read the whole message if it's too long:


    Note: If there are any errors, you will see them highlight, hover on the error icon to read more about the error. Also, you will see an error message at the top of the dialog if saving the CSV file is not successful:


After all these steps, you should see nvs.csv and nvs.bin files in the project directory.

Write Binary to Flash

Binary data can be written to the ESP’s flash chip via ESP-IDF: Write Binary Data to Flash command accessible by right click on the project in the project explorer:

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10 51 52

After clicking this command, the Write Binary Data to Flash dialog box will open. Editable default values ​​are provided for binary path and offset. The correct offset can be checked by looking at the partition table via ESP-IDF: Partition Table Editor or manually by opening the partitions.csv file

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 10 51 27

After clicking on the Flash button the result of the flash command will be printed inside of this dialog.

How to build locally

  1. Install prerequisites Java 11+ and Maven.

  2. Run the below commands to clone and build.

    git clone
    cd idf-eclipse-plugin
    mvn clean verify -Djarsigner.skip=true

This will generate p2 update site artifact:

  • Name: com.espressif.idf.update-*
  • Location: releng/com.espressif.idf.update/target

This artifact can be installed using the mechanism mentioned here

How do I get the latest development build

  1. Go to the last commit of the master branch here.
  2. Click on a ✅ green tick mark.
  3. Click on Details.
  4. Click on Summary on the left.
  5. Scroll down to see the Artifacts section.
  6. Download com.espressif.idf.update p2 update site archive and install as per the instructions mentioned here.

Custom IDE Configuration

Custom build directory

IDE allows configuring a custom build directory to the project:

  1. Select a project and click on a launch configuration Edit button from the top toolbar and this will the launch Edit Configuration window.
  2. Navigate to the Build Settings tab.
  3. In the Additional CMake Arguments section, provide a custom build directory with arguments -B <custom build path> with an absolute path. Customized build directory path could be within the project or a path from the file system. For example: -B /Users/myUser/esp/generated.
  4. Click on Ok and build the project.

Note this configuration changes where all the project build artifacts will be generated.

Wokwi Simulator

  1. Install wokwi-server as mentioned here
  2. In the Eclipse CDT build environment variables, configure WOKWI_SERVER_PATH with the wokwi-server executable path (Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Environment).
  3. Create a new Run launch configuration with the Wokwi Simulator.
  4. Choose a project and add the project ID of the Wokwi project. The ID of a Wokwi project can be found in the URL. E.g., the URL of project ESP32 Rust Blinky is and the project ID is 345932416223806035.
  5. Click Finish to save the changes.
  6. From the IDE Toolbar, click on the Launch button to launch the Wokwi simulator.
  7. Wokwi Simulator will be launched in the external browser. The serial monitor output is also displayed in the Eclipse CDT build console.
  8. To kill a Wokwi simulator, click on the Stop button from the toolbar.

ESP-IDF Eclipse Plugin Compatibility Matrix

IEP Eclipse Java Installer Description
IEP 2.12.1 Eclipse 2023-03 to Eclipse 2023-12 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.12.1-with-esp-idf-5.2.exe
IEP 2.12.0 Eclipse 2023-03, Eclipse 2023-06, Eclipse 2023-09 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.12.0-with-esp-idf-5.1.2
IEP 2.11.0 Eclipse 2023-03, Eclipse 2023-06, Eclipse 2023-09 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.11.0-with-esp-idf-5.1.1.exe
IEP 2.10.0 Eclipse 2022-09,2022-12,2023-03 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.10.0-with-esp-idf-5.0.1.exe
IEP 2.9.1 Eclipse 2022-09 and Eclipse 2022-12 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.9.0-with-esp-idf-5.0.1.exe For Windows Users, it's recommended to use the Windows Offline Installer and upgrade to the latest IEP v2.9.1 plugin
IEP 2.9.0 Eclipse 2022-09 Java 17 and above espressif-ide-setup-2.9.0-with-esp-idf-5.0.1.exe For Windows, it's recommended to use the Windows Offline Installer

How to raise bugs

Please raise the issues here with the complete environment details and log.

idf-eclipse-plugin's People


007-natasha avatar alirana01 avatar andriifilippov avatar antmak avatar igrr avatar kolipakakondal avatar natashali-espressif avatar projectgus avatar sigmaaa avatar tobymurray avatar


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idf-eclipse-plugin's Issues

Unresolved inclusion: <xxx.h> (IEP-109)

I installed “esp-idf-tools-setup-2.1.exe" "eclipse CDT" "IDF Plugins" according to the steps, and after completion, the Unresolved inclusion appeared: < XXX. H >
0FS { _5OCRQU82 7~IVB{O

Install tools fails on Windows 10

Even with the latest code, I'm getting an install tools failure that leaves only the IDF_PATH configured in eclipse (using 2019-12M1 but I do not believe that matters, I was using 2019-09 before).

What I realized is that 'git' is not found on the Windows PATH, so get_version() and such fail with file not found.

I added the git dir ("C:\Program Files\Git\cmd" on my system) to my Windows PATH variable and now install tools succeeds - and now I get to use an IDE, I sure missed that.

So either this needs to be documented in the release notes/FAQ (I looked but perhaps missed it) or a solution needs to be found in the plugin.

Next thing, soon enough, will be getting OpenOCD going, but that's far too complicated. You know how happy I'll be when that works turnkey...

Windows - Install tools failed due to no python registry keys found

The following is displayed to me if I choose Help -> Espressif IDF Tools Manager -> Install Tools

I used the newest java version, I also tryed it with java8u221 - same result.

I used url to install the idf-eclipse-plugin from
but i also tryed local installation with
also the same result.

Could you help me please?

Exception Stack Trace:
org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException: No Python installations found in the system.
at com.espressif.idf.ui.update.AbstractToolsHandler.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.HandlerProxy.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.E4HandlerProxy.execute(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.MethodRequestor.execute(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.invokeUsingClass(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceHandler.execute(
at org.eclipse.core.commands.Command.executeWithChecks(
at org.eclipse.core.commands.ParameterizedCommand.executeWithChecks(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceImpl.executeHandler(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.HandledContributionItem.executeItem(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem.lambda$2(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine$
at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.E4Workbench.createAndRunUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.lambda$3(
at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(

CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM not set. Something missing

When trying to do the simple build of "hello world" example. I got this failure

Building in: /home/lieven/workspace/esp-idf-test/build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/lieven/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake/toolchain-esp32.cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DIDF_TARGET=esp32 /home/lieven/workspace/esp-idf-test
-- Checking Python dependencies...
Python requirements from /home/lieven/esp/esp-idf/requirements.txt are satisfied.
-- Building for target esp32
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

See also "/home/lieven/workspace/esp-idf-test/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
cmake --build . -- -v
No such file or directory
CMake Error: Generator: execution of make failed. Make command was: "" "-v"
Build complete (0 errors, 0 warnings): /home/lieven/workspace/esp-idf-test/build

Ubuntu: Permission denied error during the build because of the CMake path is missing in the auto configured PATH

Hi there!

I am running Ubuntu 19.04 with Eclipse 2019-09.
I installed the latest ESP-IDF (by git clone, as described in the Get Started) and the latest Eclipse Plugin from the URL.
I installed the Tools with the "Install Tools"-command in Eclipse.

When trying to build a application, it said in the console:

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'CDT Core Builder' on project 'hello_world'.
Building hello_world
Cannot run program "/home/alexanderp/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake" (in directory "/home/alexanderp/eclipse-workspace/hello_world/build"): error=13, Permission denied
Building hello_world
Cannot run program "/home/alexanderp/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake" (in directory "/home/alexanderp/eclipse-workspace/hello_world/build"): error=13, Permission denied

After examining my PATH variable, i found out, that the entry for the "cmake" - Tool was not automatically made during the installation of the tool.
PATH before:


So after making the entry manually,

--> /home/alexanderp/.espressif/tools/cmake/3.13.4/bin: (manually added to PATH)

i was able to build and flash a application.

macOS Catalina Eclipse, PATH variable is messed up by ESP plugin (IEP-102)

NOTE: Github is requires I put down the "Eclipse Environment" in an attachment.

Describe the bug
Execute BUILD under Eclipse fails with Some Python dependencies must be installed...

This is caused by something unique in the ESP build system or plugin modifying the PATH variable when executing CMAKE.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run the "" script to set tools variables. (I do not have these in my .profile), I run the script when I need these variables set.

  2. On MACOS, to launch Eclipse from the command line, type:


  1. Import any generic simple project and attempt to build.

The build fails, with ```Some Python dependencies must be installed``

  1. Exit Eclipse, and build from the command line

for example, type:

cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON /Users/mynamehere/ESP32/eclipse-project1

RESULT: it works

  1. Upon further inspection (I modified the CMAKE file to print the Shell Environment variables) and determined that either (A) eclipse, or (B) the EXPRESSIF plugin, or (C) the CDT build system forcibly places/inserts: /usr/bin at the front of the PATH variable before executing the build.

This causes the following problem:

When I run the script the EXPRESSIF version of PYTHON is first in my PATH, thus things work correctly from the command line.

When run from inside Eclipse - Because /usr/bin is inserted by something (A, B, or C above) the system provided python is found instead, which does not have the required features installed.


If I launch other tools, such as the editor Emacs, ie: /Applications/Emacs/Content/MacOS/emacs this same way, the shell variables are NOT modified.

It is only eclipse that inserts /usr/bin in my PATH.

Environment Information:

(See attached


ESP-IDF Tools Information:
Help > Espressif Tools Manager > List Installed Tools

See attached: eclipse-env.txt

NOTE See right here - where it executes /usr/bin/python not the IDF python!

Executing /usr/bin/python /Users/duane/ESP32/esp-idf/tools/ list

  • xtensa-esp32-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • xtensa-esp32s2-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32-S2) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • esp32ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32 ULP coprocessor
    • (recommended, installed)
  • cmake: CMake build system (optional)
    • 3.13.4 (recommended, installed)
  • openocd-esp32: OpenOCD for ESP32
    • v0.10.0-esp32-20190708 (recommended, installed)
  • ninja: Ninja build system (optional)
    • 1.9.0 (recommended, installed)

idf-eclipse-plugin support for esp-idf-v3.3 (IEP-108)

esp-idf-v.3.3 support cmake and had "Long Term Support".
When idf-eclipse-plugin will support esp-idf-v3.3 ?

Without this we cannot use esp-idf with Arduino.h component in Eclipse. Because the only last branch of arduino-esp32 we have is (idf-release/v3.3).

win10 Installation Issues

Hi All,

Initially thank you for you incredible work.
I was trying to installl it on Windows 10, in fact I'm able to compile and flash the ESP32. However the Install Tools and List Installed Tools are not working.

I'm facing the follow error:
`!ENTRY com.espressif.idf.core 1 0 2019-09-19 22:07:03.003
!MESSAGE Command id:com.espressif.idf.ui.command.install

!ENTRY com.espressif.idf.core 1 0 2019-09-19 22:07:03.004

!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2019-09-19 22:07:03.005
!MESSAGE Command 'com.espressif.idf.ui.command.install' failed
org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException: No Python installations found in the system.
at com.espressif.idf.ui.update.AbstractToolsHandler.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.HandlerProxy.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.handlers.E4HandlerProxy.execute(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.MethodRequestor.execute(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.invokeUsingClass(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceHandler.execute(
at org.eclipse.core.commands.Command.executeWithChecks(
at org.eclipse.core.commands.ParameterizedCommand.executeWithChecks(
at org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceImpl.executeHandler(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.HandledContributionItem.executeItem(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem.lambda$2(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine$
at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.E4Workbench.createAndRunUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.lambda$3(
at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(

I double checked my python installation and everything is fine (Python 3.7.4) in the register.

I'm not a Java expert, but debuging the class PyWinRegistryReader, I noted that the failure is before start to access the Windows Register, I face the follow error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences.WindowsRegOpenKey(int, [B, int) at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod( at WinRegistry.<clinit>( at PyWinRegistryReader.getPythonVersions( at PyWinRegistryReader.main( null

So, I'm still trying to understand whats is going on.

Help > Espressif IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools - Installation running more than 24 Hours - Eclipse /Windows10/Local (IEP-101)

While installing the Help > Espressif IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools in the Eclipse
(Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0), the installation is keep running for more than 24 hours.

Steps to reproduce:

  • I followed the instruction in the
  • Downloaded the local folder
  • Provided the ESP-IDF Directory path to get started with the installation and.... after this the message in the right bottom of the Eclipse keep running xxx of 256 MB and i waited for 24 hours !


Any help?

Thanks in advance

ESP-IDF Directory selection dialog doesn't appear

I followed step by step the instruction.
Installed the plugin using URL method.
Then I go to:
Help > Espressif IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools
and after pushing install nothing happens.
Directory selection dialog doesn't appear.

I am using:
Eclipse - Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0), Build id: 20190917-1200
Java - Java SE Development Kit 13

Unable to open sdkconfig

When double clicking on the sdkconfig, it will prompt a dialog stating "Starting JSON Configuration Server" and the it will failed with a message on a new tab:

"Error retrieving output from the json configserver, please check the error log"

The Error Log windows does not show any error details.

Eclipse not flashing project

I've installed the plug in into Eclipse and I'm building the project successfully.
But when I try to flash/monitor the program, I have a issue.

Someone can help me to understand this problem, please?

The logs are bellow:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 1556, in
Adding "flash"'s dependency "all" to list of commands with default set of options.
Executing action: all (aliases: build)
Running ninja in directory /Users/macmini/eclipse-workspace/Wifi_Example/build
Executing "ninja all"...
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 1471, in main
File "/Users/macmini/.espressif/python_env/idf4.1_py2.7_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 764, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/macmini/.espressif/python_env/idf4.1_py2.7_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 717, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/Users/macmini/.espressif/python_env/idf4.1_py2.7_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1164, in invoke
return _process_result(rv)
File "/Users/macmini/.espressif/python_env/idf4.1_py2.7_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1102, in _process_result
File "/Users/macmini/.espressif/python_env/idf4.1_py2.7_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 555, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 1096, in execute_tasks, global_args, task.action_args)
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 687, in run
self.callback(, context, global_args, **action_args)
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 328, in build_target
_run_tool(generator_cmd[0], generator_cmd + [target_name], args.build_dir)
File "/Users/macmini/esp/esp-idf/tools/", line 104, in _run_tool
subprocess.check_call(args, env=os.environ, cwd=cwd)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 535, in check_call
retcode = call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 522, in call
return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 710, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 1335, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

SDKconfig scroll bar not responding

In the SDK configurator when in the FreeRTOS selection the scroll bar is not responding making it impossible to reach the lower parts of the configurator.
A related feature request:
Can a horizontal scroll bar be used when the window is not entirely visible?

Error pip dependencies installation with Python 3.8, Windows 10 (IEP-113)

Java: 1.8
Eclipse: 2019-09
OS: Windows 10
python: 3.8
esp-idf: 4.0-beta1


Trying to work with new eclipse plugin, I can't get it. Following guide, I have everything installed and tools installation console output doesn't show any error. However, when I try to compile any example, console shows that 'requiments.txt' dependencies can't be found.

Trying with 'install.bat' or 'C:\Users\JM\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install -r D:\esp-idf\requirements.txt' on windows cmd, cryptography dependency shows error.

First error is related with Microsoft C++ Build Tools 14.0. I resolved it adding C++ tools into my Visual Studio 2019 installation. But now, I have another error I can't resolve:

C:\Windows\system32>C:\\Users\\JM\\.espressif\\python_env\\idf4.0_py3.8_env\\Scripts\\python.exe -m pip install -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 4)) (41.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: click>=5.0 in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 8)) (7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyserial>=3.0 in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 9)) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: future>=0.15.2 in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 10)) (0.18.0)
Collecting cryptography>=2.1.4
  Using cached
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... done
    Preparing wheel metadata ... done
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing<2.4.0,>=2.0.3 in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 12)) (2.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyelftools>=0.22 in c:\users\jm\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages (from -r D:\\esp-idf\\requirements.txt (line 13)) (0.25)
Collecting six>=1.4.1
  Using cached
Collecting asn1crypto>=0.21.0
  Using cached
Collecting cffi!=1.11.3,>=1.8
  Using cached
Processing c:\users\jm\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\f2\9a\90\de94f8556265ddc9d9c8b271b0f63e57b26fb1d67a45564511\pycparser-2.19-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Building wheels for collected packages: cryptography
  Building wheel for cryptography (PEP 517) ... error
  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
   command: 'C:\Users\JM\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe' 'C:\Users\JM\.espressif\python_env\idf4.0_py3.8_env\lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\pep517\' build_wheel 'C:\Users\JM\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpojr1z10m'
       cwd: C:\Users\JM\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-dnuej4f1\cryptography
  Complete output (136 lines):
  running bdist_wheel
  running build
  running build_py
  creating build
  creating build\
  creating build\\cryptography
  copying src\cryptography\ -> build\\cryptography
  copying src\cryptography\ -> build\\cryptography
  copying src\cryptography\ -> build\\cryptography
  copying src\cryptography\ -> build\\cryptography
  copying src\cryptography\ -> build\\cryptography
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat
  creating build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  copying src\cryptography\x509\ -> build\\cryptography\x509
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\backends\openssl
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\bindings\openssl
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\ciphers
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\kdf
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
  creating build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor
  copying src\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor\ -> build\\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\twofactor
  running egg_info
  writing src\cryptography.egg-info\PKG-INFO
  writing dependency_links to src\cryptography.egg-info\dependency_links.txt
  writing requirements to src\cryptography.egg-info\requires.txt
  writing top-level names to src\cryptography.egg-info\top_level.txt
  reading manifest file 'src\cryptography.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
  reading manifest template ''
  no previously-included directories found matching 'docs\_build'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'vectors'
  warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'vectors'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'azure-pipelines.yml'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching '.azure-pipelines'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching '.travis.yml'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching '.travis'
  warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory '.azure-pipelines'
  warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory '.travis'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching ''
  warning: no previously-included files found matching '.coveragerc'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'codecov.yml'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'dev-requirements.txt'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'rtd-requirements.txt'
  warning: no previously-included files found matching 'tox.ini'
  writing manifest file 'src\cryptography.egg-info\SOURCES.txt'
  running build_ext
  generating cffi module 'build\\\\Release\\_padding.c'
  creating build\
  creating build\\Release
  generating cffi module 'build\\\\Release\\_constant_time.c'
  generating cffi module 'build\\\\Release\\_openssl.c'
  building '_openssl' extension
  creating build\\Release\build
  creating build\\Release\build\
  creating build\\Release\build\\Release
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.23.28105\bin\HostX86\x64\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /W3 /GL /DNDEBUG /MD -IC:\Users\JM\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\include -IC:\Users\JM\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\include "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.23.28105\include" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\shared" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\um" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\winrt" "-IC:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\cppwinrt" /Tcbuild\\Release\_openssl.c /Fobuild\\Release\build\\Release\_openssl.obj
  build\\Release\_openssl.c(498): fatal error C1083: No se puede abrir el archivo incluir: 'openssl/opensslv.h': No such file or directory
  error: command 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\BuildTools\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.23.28105\\bin\\HostX86\\x64\\cl.exe' failed with exit status 2
  ERROR: Failed building wheel for cryptography
  Running clean for cryptography
Failed to build cryptography
ERROR: Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

Can you point me to obtain a solution??

Thanks in advance.

eclipse IDE editor unresolved includes

building esp-idf project with pure make you can specify include directories with the item

how can it be defined in the idf-eclipse plugin as there i cant find such entry

Unresolved inclusion - mac os

using open jdk 13 on mac 10.14.6
fresh checkout of esp idf v4.0-beta1
fresh install of eclipse 2019-09
fresh plugin install
installed tools using tools manager

I created a new project from hello_world example. I'm getting a bunch of "unresolved inclusion" and red highlights all over the editor. Of note, "#include <stdio.h>" is found, and when I open this file it's pulling it from this path: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h

Building fails, and is missing PATH for ninja. The other tools are there.

Fixing PATH lets me build, but editor is still buggered.

I've tried going through the manual steps mentioned, but nothing seems to fix Eclipse's editor. I'm pretty sure its not using xtensa gcc when its generating these editor errors, and I would expect it to jump to the stdio.h from xtensa's gcc, not the system SDK.

Screen Shot 2019-10-16 at 11 55 05 AM

Any help would be appreciated!

Build error due to %PATH% variable is not expanded in the Build preference PATH in Windows OS


On a windows 10 system with the latest python/git/pip I can't build the tools in eclipse 19-09. I can build them with the install and export batch files with the 'default' tools and old versions. I noticed in the console that the path to python seems to be hardcoded. Python is installed for all users in Roaming not Local. The environmental PATH is correctly set. The path to the python file is correct. I have another windows 10 system working so for me it's a minor issue.
Thanks for the great work.



Missing: mosquitto.h (IEP-106)


I downloaded Mosquitto and successfully transmitted and received messages sent using command prompt. However, while trying to build a code on Eclipse throws me errors; primarily that the mosquitto.h is missing. Kindly help.


CODE: (reference: Kolban's book on ESP32)

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_event_loop.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mosquitto.h"

int app_main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *host="pc9100";
int port = 1883;
char *message = "hello world!";
char *topic = "greeting";

 struct mosquitto *mosq = mosquitto_new(
		 NULL,  // Generate an id
		 true,  // Create a clean session

 int rc = mosquitto_connect(
		 	 mosq,   // Client handle
			 host,   // Host of the broker
			 port,   // Port of the broker

 if (rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
	 printf("Error with connect: %d\n", rc);

 	 	 (const void*)message,



Not able to access function definition (IEP-107)

I have setup with the plugin. Everything compiles, I can check declaration of ESP functions but not able to go to function definitions. Is there any easy way to configure Eclipse to show function definition so that debugging is easy

Unresolved inclusion: #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" (IEP-119)

Re-installed eclipse, ESP-IDF & tools, twice to make sure I didn't miss a step.
Tried to build "hello_world"
Got unresolved inclusions on:
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_spi_flash.h"

Saw some potential solutions to include certain directories in Project>Properties>C/C++ General> Paths and Symbols, but this choice doesn't exist in my project.
Another potential solution was right-click project and go to Properties>C/C++ Build but that doesn't exist either.

Others have fixed this by adding:
But WHERE do I add this in my setup?

Infinite loop on building with eclipse (IEP-115)

I got an infinite loop while trying to build with eclipse. On console everything works as expected.

cmake --build . -- -v
CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory /home/sven/workspace/Water Me/build/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt
[0/1] /usr/bin/cmake -H/home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me -B/home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build
-- Component directory /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/aws_iot does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. No component will be added
-- Component directory /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/micro-ecc does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. No component will be added
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 7: /usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: basename: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 7: /usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: sed: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 86: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: basename: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 86: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: sed: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 332: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: uname: not found
-- Project version: 684fab7-dirty
-- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build/esp-idf/esp32/esp32_out.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/ld/
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.libgcc.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.syscalls.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-data.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-funcs.ld
-- Components: app_trace app_update asio bootloader bootloader_support bt coap console cxx driver efuse esp-tls esp32 esp32-wifi-manager esp_adc_cal esp_common esp_eth esp_event esp_gdbstub esp_http_client esp_http_server esp_https_ota esp_https_server esp_local_ctrl esp_ringbuf esp_rom esp_websocket_client esp_wifi espcoredump esptool_py expat fatfs freemodbus freertos heap idf_test jsmn json libsodium log lwip main mbedtls mdns mkspiffs mqtt newlib nghttp nvs_flash openssl partition_table protobuf-c protocomm pthread sdmmc soc spi_flash spidriver spiffs spiffs_image tcp_transport tcpip_adapter tft ulp unity vfs wear_levelling wifi_provisioning wpa_supplicant xtensa
-- Component paths: /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/app_trace /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/app_update /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/asio /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bootloader /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bt /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/coap /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/console /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/cxx /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/driver /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/efuse /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp-tls /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32 /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/esp32-wifi-manager /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_adc_cal /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_common /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_eth /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_event /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_gdbstub /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_http_client /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_http_server /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_https_ota /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_https_server /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_local_ctrl /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_ringbuf /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_websocket_client /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/espcoredump /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/expat /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/fatfs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/freemodbus /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/heap /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/idf_test /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/jsmn /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/json /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/libsodium /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/log /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/lwip /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/main /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mbedtls /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mdns /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/mkspiffs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mqtt /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/newlib /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/nghttp /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/nvs_flash /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/openssl /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/partition_table /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/protobuf-c /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/protocomm /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/pthread /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/sdmmc /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/soc /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/spi_flash /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spidriver /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spiffs /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spiffs_image /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/tcp_transport /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/tcpip_adapter /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/tft /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/ulp /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/unity /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/vfs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wear_levelling /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wifi_provisioning /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/xtensa
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build
[0/1] /usr/bin/cmake -H/home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me -B/home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build
-- Component directory /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/aws_iot does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. No component will be added
-- Component directory /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/micro-ecc does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file. No component will be added
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 7: /usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: basename: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 7: /usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: sed: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 86: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: basename: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 86: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: sed: not found
/usr/lib/git-core/git-submodule: 332: /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-setup: uname: not found
-- Project version: 684fab7-dirty
-- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build/esp-idf/esp32/esp32_out.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/ld/
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32/ld/esp32.peripherals.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.libgcc.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.syscalls.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-data.ld
-- Adding linker script /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom/esp32/ld/esp32.rom.newlib-funcs.ld
-- Components: app_trace app_update asio bootloader bootloader_support bt coap console cxx driver efuse esp-tls esp32 esp32-wifi-manager esp_adc_cal esp_common esp_eth esp_event esp_gdbstub esp_http_client esp_http_server esp_https_ota esp_https_server esp_local_ctrl esp_ringbuf esp_rom esp_websocket_client esp_wifi espcoredump esptool_py expat fatfs freemodbus freertos heap idf_test jsmn json libsodium log lwip main mbedtls mdns mkspiffs mqtt newlib nghttp nvs_flash openssl partition_table protobuf-c protocomm pthread sdmmc soc spi_flash spidriver spiffs spiffs_image tcp_transport tcpip_adapter tft ulp unity vfs wear_levelling wifi_provisioning wpa_supplicant xtensa
-- Component paths: /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/app_trace /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/app_update /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/asio /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bootloader /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/bt /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/coap /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/console /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/cxx /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/driver /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/efuse /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp-tls /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp32 /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/esp32-wifi-manager /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_adc_cal /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_common /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_eth /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_event /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_gdbstub /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_http_client /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_http_server /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_https_ota /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_https_server /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_local_ctrl /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_ringbuf /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_rom /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_websocket_client /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_wifi /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/espcoredump /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/expat /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/fatfs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/freemodbus /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/freertos /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/heap /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/idf_test /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/jsmn /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/json /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/libsodium /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/log /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/lwip /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/main /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mbedtls /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mdns /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/mkspiffs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/mqtt /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/newlib /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/nghttp /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/nvs_flash /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/openssl /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/partition_table /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/protobuf-c /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/protocomm /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/pthread /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/sdmmc /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/soc /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/spi_flash /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spidriver /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spiffs /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/spiffs_image /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/tcp_transport /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/tcpip_adapter /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/components/indirectBuild/ESP32_TFT_library/components/tft /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/ulp /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/unity /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/vfs /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wear_levelling /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wifi_provisioning /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant /home/sven/workspace/esp/esp-idf/components/xtensa
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/sven/workspace/esp/water-me/build

Type 'esp_chip_info_t' could not be resolved in new idf project created using helloworld tmplate project (IEP-122)

Describe the bug
Type 'esp_chip_info_t' could not be resolved
eclipse 2019-12 cdt

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a new idf project using hello_world template project;
  2. add some include directories;
  3. build success,but Type 'esp_chip_info_t' could not be resolved in hello_world_main.c file


Environment Information:

ESP-IDF Tools Information:
Executing /usr/bin/python /Users/fick/esp/esp-idf/tools/ list

  • xtensa-esp32-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • xtensa-esp32s2-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32-S2) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • esp32ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32 ULP coprocessor
    • 2.28.51-esp-20191205 (recommended, installed)
  • esp32s2ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32-S2 ULP coprocessor
    • 2.28.51-esp-20191205 (recommended, installed)
  • cmake: CMake build system (optional)
    • 3.13.4 (recommended, installed)
  • openocd-esp32: OpenOCD for ESP32
    • v0.10.0-esp32-20191114 (recommended, installed)
  • ninja: Ninja build system (optional)
    • 1.9.0 (recommended, installed)

Launch Target drop-down menu disappears when I create a new ESP Application launch configuration (IEP-105)

Hi the community!

I'm using Eclipse 2018-12 CDT.
I'm trying to run the HelloWorld Exemple. So far I was able to do all steps in until the Configuration Launch Target step. The instrutions talk about a third dropdown which is this one I guess:


Unfortunately I don't have (or I don't see) this dropdown. Here is what I have:


I'm able to get this, which is, I guess, equivalent:


But then I'm expecting to set the Serial Port as shown in the instructions:


... but this is what I have instead:


So, is there a problem with the instructions or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

"Git Executable Location" is required for install tools (IEP-100)


I'm trying to setup my environment in Eclipse to run the Hello World project by following the steps from:

But when I get to:

The steps are not the same as the ones show in the latest IDF-Eclipse-Plugin. In the tutorial you can see that is only required to add the path to the IDF and now you need also to add the path for "Git Executable Location".




Build Issue (IEP-150)

When I am trying to build the code for blinking the onboard LED, the following message is displayed:

"Building in: C:\Users\eclipse-workspace\blink\build
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\Users\Desktop\IDF\esp-idf-master\tools\cmake\toolchain-esp32.cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DIDF_TARGET=esp32 C:\Users\eclipse-workspace\blink
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
CMake Warning at C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/kconfig.cmake:39 (message):
Failed to detect version of mconf-idf. Return code was 1.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/build.cmake:161 (__kconfig_init)
C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/idf.cmake:48 (__build_init)
C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/project.cmake:7 (include)
CMakeLists.txt:5 (include)

-- Project is not inside a git repository, or git repository has no commits; will not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER.
-- Project version: 1
-- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
-- Checking Python dependencies...
CMake Error at C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/build.cmake:271 (message):
Some Python dependencies must be installed. Check above message for
Call Stack (most recent call first):
C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/build.cmake:397 (__build_check_python)
C:/Users/Desktop/IDF/esp-idf-master/tools/cmake/project.cmake:341 (idf_build_process)
CMakeLists.txt:6 (project)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "C:/Users/eclipse-workspace/blink/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "C:/Users/eclipse-workspace/blink/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
cmake --build . -- -v
ninja: error: loading '': The system cannot find the file specified.

Build complete (0 errors, 0 warnings): C:\Users\eclipse-workspace\blink\build"

Kindly help me out!

Build and Flash Error

The following error pops up when I am trying to build the "blink" project.

Note: I have been following "" to set up my ESP-32 on Eclipse. I am stuck in the Compiling stage of it. I have also done the necessary changes and set necessary locations in the "blink' property like PATH, IDF_PATH, V etc.

Console Output:

make all
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/app_update/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/coap/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/efuse/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp32/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/mbedtls/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/nghttp/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/partition_table/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/ulp/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/unity/Makefile.projbuild...
Toolchain path: /opt/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc
Toolchain version: crosstool-ng-1.22.0-80-g6c4433a5
Compiler version: 5.2.0
PROJECT_PATH= COMPONENT_DIRS= /usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/subproject V=1 BUILD_DIR_BASE=/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader TEST_COMPONENTS= TESTS_ALL= EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS= /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/subproject'
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/subproject/main/Makefile.projbuild...
including /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/efuse/Makefile.projbuild...
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader_support -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/ COMPONENT_NAME=bootloader_support build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader_support'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader_support'
Target 'component-bootloader_support-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader_support/libbootloader_support.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/log -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/log/ COMPONENT_NAME=log build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/log'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/log'
Target 'component-log-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/log/liblog.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/spi_flash -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/spi_flash/ COMPONENT_NAME=spi_flash build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/spi_flash'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/spi_flash'
Target 'component-spi_flash-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/spi_flash/libspi_flash.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/micro-ecc -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/micro-ecc/ COMPONENT_NAME=micro-ecc build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/micro-ecc'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/micro-ecc'
Target 'component-micro-ecc-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/micro-ecc/libmicro-ecc.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/soc -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/soc/ COMPONENT_NAME=soc build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/soc'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/soc'
Target 'component-soc-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/soc/libsoc.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/main -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/subproject/main/ COMPONENT_NAME=main build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/main'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/main'
Target 'component-main-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/main/libmain.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/efuse -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/efuse/ COMPONENT_NAME=efuse build
make[2]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/efuse'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/efuse'
Target 'component-efuse-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/efuse/libefuse.a'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader/subproject'
python /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/tools/
Python requirements from C:/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf\requirements.txt are satisfied.

/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_trace -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/app_trace/ COMPONENT_NAME=app_trace build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_trace'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_trace'
Target 'component-app_trace-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_trace/libapp_trace.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_update -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/app_update/ COMPONENT_NAME=app_update build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_update'
Project is not inside a git repository, will not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER.
App "blink" version: 1
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_update'
Target 'component-app_update-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/app_update/libapp_update.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/asio -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/asio/ COMPONENT_NAME=asio build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/asio'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/asio'
Target 'component-asio-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/asio/libasio.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/aws_iot -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/aws_iot/ COMPONENT_NAME=aws_iot build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/aws_iot'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/aws_iot'
Target 'component-aws_iot-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/aws_iot/libaws_iot.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader_support -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/ COMPONENT_NAME=bootloader_support build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader_support'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader_support'
Target 'component-bootloader_support-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader_support/libbootloader_support.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bt -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/bt/ COMPONENT_NAME=bt build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bt'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bt'
Target 'component-bt-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bt/libbt.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/coap -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/coap/ COMPONENT_NAME=coap build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/coap'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/coap'
Target 'component-coap-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/coap/libcoap.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/console -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/console/ COMPONENT_NAME=console build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/console'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/console'
Target 'component-console-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/console/libconsole.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/cxx -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/cxx/ COMPONENT_NAME=cxx build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/cxx'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/cxx'
Target 'component-cxx-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/cxx/libcxx.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/driver -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/driver/ COMPONENT_NAME=driver build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/driver'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/driver'
Target 'component-driver-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/driver/libdriver.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/efuse -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/efuse/ COMPONENT_NAME=efuse build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/efuse'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/efuse'
Target 'component-efuse-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/efuse/libefuse.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp-tls -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp-tls/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp-tls build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp-tls'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp-tls'
Target 'component-esp-tls-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp-tls/libesp-tls.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp32 -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp32/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp32 build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp32'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp32'
Target 'component-esp32-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp32/libesp32.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_adc_cal -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_adc_cal/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_adc_cal build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_adc_cal'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_adc_cal'
Target 'component-esp_adc_cal-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_adc_cal/libesp_adc_cal.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_event -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_event/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_event build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_event'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_event'
Target 'component-esp_event-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_event/libesp_event.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_client -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_http_client/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_http_client build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_client'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_client'
Target 'component-esp_http_client-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_client/libesp_http_client.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_server -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_http_server/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_http_server build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_server'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_server'
Target 'component-esp_http_server-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_http_server/libesp_http_server.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_ota -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_https_ota/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_https_ota build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_ota'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_ota'
Target 'component-esp_https_ota-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_ota/libesp_https_ota.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_server -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_https_server/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_https_server build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_server'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_server'
Target 'component-esp_https_server-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_https_server/libesp_https_server.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_ringbuf -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esp_ringbuf/ COMPONENT_NAME=esp_ringbuf build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_ringbuf'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_ringbuf'
Target 'component-esp_ringbuf-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/esp_ringbuf/libesp_ringbuf.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/espcoredump -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/espcoredump/ COMPONENT_NAME=espcoredump build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/espcoredump'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/espcoredump'
Target 'component-espcoredump-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/espcoredump/libespcoredump.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ethernet -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/ethernet/ COMPONENT_NAME=ethernet build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ethernet'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ethernet'
Target 'component-ethernet-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ethernet/libethernet.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/expat -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/expat/ COMPONENT_NAME=expat build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/expat'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/expat'
Target 'component-expat-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/expat/libexpat.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/fatfs -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/fatfs/ COMPONENT_NAME=fatfs build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/fatfs'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/fatfs'
Target 'component-fatfs-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/fatfs/libfatfs.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freemodbus -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/freemodbus/ COMPONENT_NAME=freemodbus build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freemodbus'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freemodbus'
Target 'component-freemodbus-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freemodbus/libfreemodbus.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freertos -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/freertos/ COMPONENT_NAME=freertos build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freertos'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freertos'
Target 'component-freertos-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/freertos/libfreertos.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/heap -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/heap/ COMPONENT_NAME=heap build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/heap'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/heap'
Target 'component-heap-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/heap/libheap.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/idf_test -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/idf_test/ COMPONENT_NAME=idf_test build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/idf_test'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/idf_test'
Target 'component-idf_test-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/idf_test/libidf_test.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/jsmn -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/jsmn/ COMPONENT_NAME=jsmn build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/jsmn'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/jsmn'
Target 'component-jsmn-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/jsmn/libjsmn.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/json -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/json/ COMPONENT_NAME=json build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/json'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/json'
Target 'component-json-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/json/libjson.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/libsodium -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/libsodium/ COMPONENT_NAME=libsodium build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/libsodium'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/libsodium'
Target 'component-libsodium-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/libsodium/liblibsodium.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/log -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/log/ COMPONENT_NAME=log build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/log'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/log'
Target 'component-log-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/log/liblog.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/lwip -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/lwip/ COMPONENT_NAME=lwip build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/lwip'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/lwip'
Target 'component-lwip-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/lwip/liblwip.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/main -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/main/ COMPONENT_NAME=main build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/main'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/main'
Target 'component-main-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/main/libmain.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mbedtls -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/mbedtls/ COMPONENT_NAME=mbedtls build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mbedtls'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mbedtls'
Target 'component-mbedtls-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mbedtls/libmbedtls.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mdns -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/mdns/ COMPONENT_NAME=mdns build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mdns'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mdns'
Target 'component-mdns-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mdns/libmdns.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/micro-ecc -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/micro-ecc/ COMPONENT_NAME=micro-ecc build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/micro-ecc'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/micro-ecc'
Target 'component-micro-ecc-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/micro-ecc/libmicro-ecc.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mqtt -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/mqtt/ COMPONENT_NAME=mqtt build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mqtt'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mqtt'
Target 'component-mqtt-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/mqtt/libmqtt.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/newlib -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/newlib/ COMPONENT_NAME=newlib build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/newlib'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/newlib'
Target 'component-newlib-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/newlib/libnewlib.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nghttp -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/nghttp/ COMPONENT_NAME=nghttp build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nghttp'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nghttp'
Target 'component-nghttp-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nghttp/libnghttp.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nvs_flash -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/nvs_flash/ COMPONENT_NAME=nvs_flash build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nvs_flash'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nvs_flash'
Target 'component-nvs_flash-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/nvs_flash/libnvs_flash.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/openssl -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/openssl/ COMPONENT_NAME=openssl build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/openssl'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/openssl'
Target 'component-openssl-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/openssl/libopenssl.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protobuf-c -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/protobuf-c/ COMPONENT_NAME=protobuf-c build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protobuf-c'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protobuf-c'
Target 'component-protobuf-c-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protobuf-c/libprotobuf-c.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protocomm -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/protocomm/ COMPONENT_NAME=protocomm build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protocomm'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protocomm'
Target 'component-protocomm-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/protocomm/libprotocomm.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/pthread -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/pthread/ COMPONENT_NAME=pthread build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/pthread'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/pthread'
Target 'component-pthread-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/pthread/libpthread.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/sdmmc -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/sdmmc/ COMPONENT_NAME=sdmmc build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/sdmmc'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/sdmmc'
Target 'component-sdmmc-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/sdmmc/libsdmmc.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/smartconfig_ack -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/smartconfig_ack/ COMPONENT_NAME=smartconfig_ack build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/smartconfig_ack'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/smartconfig_ack'
Target 'component-smartconfig_ack-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/smartconfig_ack/libsmartconfig_ack.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/soc -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/soc/ COMPONENT_NAME=soc build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/soc'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/soc'
Target 'component-soc-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/soc/libsoc.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spi_flash -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/spi_flash/ COMPONENT_NAME=spi_flash build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spi_flash'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spi_flash'
Target 'component-spi_flash-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spi_flash/libspi_flash.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spiffs -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/spiffs/ COMPONENT_NAME=spiffs build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spiffs'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spiffs'
Target 'component-spiffs-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/spiffs/libspiffs.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcp_transport -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/tcp_transport/ COMPONENT_NAME=tcp_transport build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcp_transport'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcp_transport'
Target 'component-tcp_transport-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcp_transport/libtcp_transport.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcpip_adapter -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/tcpip_adapter/ COMPONENT_NAME=tcpip_adapter build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcpip_adapter'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcpip_adapter'
Target 'component-tcpip_adapter-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/tcpip_adapter/libtcpip_adapter.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ulp -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/ulp/ COMPONENT_NAME=ulp build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ulp'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ulp'
Target 'component-ulp-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/ulp/libulp.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/unity -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/unity/ COMPONENT_NAME=unity build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/unity'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/unity'
Target 'component-unity-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/unity/libunity.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/vfs -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/vfs/ COMPONENT_NAME=vfs build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/vfs'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/vfs'
Target 'component-vfs-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/vfs/libvfs.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wear_levelling -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/wear_levelling/ COMPONENT_NAME=wear_levelling build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wear_levelling'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wear_levelling'
Target 'component-wear_levelling-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wear_levelling/libwear_levelling.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wifi_provisioning -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/wifi_provisioning/ COMPONENT_NAME=wifi_provisioning build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wifi_provisioning'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wifi_provisioning'
Target 'component-wifi_provisioning-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wifi_provisioning/libwifi_provisioning.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wpa_supplicant -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/wpa_supplicant/ COMPONENT_NAME=wpa_supplicant build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wpa_supplicant'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wpa_supplicant'
Target 'component-wpa_supplicant-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/wpa_supplicant/libwpa_supplicant.a'
/usr/bin/make -C /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/xtensa-debug-module -f /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/make/ COMPONENT_MAKEFILE=/c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/xtensa-debug-module/ COMPONENT_NAME=xtensa-debug-module build
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/xtensa-debug-module'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/xtensa-debug-module'
Target 'component-xtensa-debug-module-build' responsible for '/c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/xtensa-debug-module/libxtensa-debug-module.a'
To flash all build output, run 'make flash' or:
python /c/Users/40007382/Desktop/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/blink.bin 0x8000 /c/Users/40007382/eclipse-workspace/attempt/OnOff/build/partitions_singleapp.bin

Problems Output:

Cannot install Eclipse plug ins with release 3.3 LTS

I'm new to esp-idf development (only ESP32 Arduino, even if I used Eclipse for STM32 and others)

I'm planning to use esp-idf 3.3 LTS, as it seems the best choice for long term, so I downloaded the ZIP file with all the submodules and expanded into my work directory

I followed the instructions here I'm on Windows 10, and with Python 3.7.4

I installed the plugins per instructions, following "Installing IDF Plugins using update site url". When I tried to follow "Installing ESP-IDF Tools", I got an error because the 3.3 release is missing (and so does 3.1.6, btw). I copied a few missing files from the latest github version, under tools. When re-executing the "install tools", I got an error due to a missing Python library. I installed it with "pip install", relaunched again.

This time it downloaded the tools properly, but then the next 2 steps failed again with an error...

At this point I'm lost... I can see that the tools have been installed (using the "List installed tools" option), but I don't know if the environment has been set properly or not

What am I missing?

Executing C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\ install-python-env
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 1317, in
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 1313, in main
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 1112, in action_install_python_env
idf_python_env_path, , virtualenv_python = get_python_env_path()
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 813, in get_python_env_path
idf_version_str = subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', global_idf_path, 'describe', '--tags'], cwd=global_idf_path, env=os.environ).decode()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 395, in check_output
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\run_init
.py", line 145, in new
process = cls.create_process(command, stdin, cwd=cwd, env=env, shell=shell)
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\", line 121, in create_process
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 305, in split
return list(lex)
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 295, in next
token = self.get_token()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 105, in get_token
raw = self.read_token()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 136, in read_token
nextchar =
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'read'

Executing C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\ export --format=key-value
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 1317, in
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 1313, in main
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 953, in action_export
idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python = get_python_env_path()
File "C:\ESP32\esp-idf-v3.3\tools\", line 813, in get_python_env_path
idf_version_str = subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', global_idf_path, 'describe', '--tags'], cwd=global_idf_path, env=os.environ).decode()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 395, in check_output
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\", line 145, in new
process = cls.create_process(command, stdin, cwd=cwd, env=env, shell=shell)
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\site-packages\", line 121, in create_process
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 305, in split
return list(lex)
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 295, in next
token = self.get_token()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 105, in get_token
raw = self.read_token()
File "C:\Program Files\Python37\lib\", line 136, in read_token
nextchar =
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'read'

Unable to resolve #include files (IEP-111)

I did a fresh installation, ESP_IDF, eclipse and so on, the installation is now running fine however no #includes has been resolved and a build failed due missing file.

Eclipse is unable to load the Windows registry library "winreg" (IEP-104)

Similar to: 'ESP-IDF Directory selection dialog doesn't appear #2'

"I followed step by step the instruction. Installed the plugin using URL method. Then I go to: Help > Espressif IDF Tools Manager > Install Tools and after pushing install nothing happens. Directory selection dialog doesn't appear."

After installing with v1.0.0-beta.2

Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
Build id: 20190917-1200
Python: 3.80
Java SE Development Kit 13

Any thoughts about the cause of the trouble?
Thanks in advance, Ralph

No Toolchain found for Target esp32 (IEP-1030)


I am following this documentation to get started on ESP32 using Eclipse, trying to replicate the steps on Windows 10.
I have successfully configured the target, but while compiling the project, the build console shows "No Toolchain found for Target esp32", unlike has been documented.
Kindly help!

Problem to load plugin

My system environment is:

  • OSX Mojave
  • Eclipse
    - Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
    - Build id: 20190917-1200

I'm getting an error during the load process of the plugin. I did a manual download which generated other errors.


Install Tools does not work

Hi Community.
Sorry in advance, I don't have a lot of experience in Eclipse and almost none with Espressif.

I'm using Eclipse 2018-12 (4.10.0) build 20181214-0600
I have installed succesfully ESP-IDF 3.3 and the tools with the Tools Installer and was able to open the menuconfig and build the Hello Worl example.

Then I tried to install the pluggin in Eclipse and found that IDF 4.0 (at least) was required. So I have installed 4.0 and the Tools with the Tool Installer again. And I was also able to open the menuconfig and build the Hello Worl example in IDF 4.0.

Unfortunately when I try to install the pluggin in Eclipse, when it tries to install the ESP-IDF Tools (according to, section "Installing ESP-IDF Tools"), it fails. And this is what the Eclipse Console shows:

Executing C:\Users\bbeliveau\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe C:\Users\bbeliveau\Documents\Espressif\esp-idf_3_3\tools\ export --format=key-value
C:\Users\bbeliveau\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\Users\bbeliveau\Documents\Espressif\esp-idf_3_3\tools\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

...where it looks for from my old ESP-IDF 3.3 folder.

So where I can change this to make sure it is looking for my 4.0 folder instead?

Thanks for your help!

Incorrect automatic plugin configuration and Build Error

My configuration is:
Ubuntu 19.10 in VMware Workstation 15 VM guest on Windows 10 Host
Eclipse 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
ESP-IDF v4.0-beta2

I have installed the plugin through the automatic procedure.
While I can successfully build and flash a program by command line, I get the following error in Eclipse:

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'CDT Core Builder' on project 'hello_world'.
Building hello_world
Cannot run program "/home/maurizio/Development/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake" (in directory "/home/maurizio/Development/eclipse-workspace/hello_world/build"): error=13, Permission denied
Building hello_world
Cannot run program "/home/maurizio/Development/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake" (in directory "/home/maurizio/Development/eclipse-workspace/hello_world/build"): error=13, Permission denied

I believe to have carefully followed instructions while setting up the environment and the plugin.
It looks like the project is not recognized as an Espressif IDF Project, same thing If I manually configure parameters.
Environment variables (both in system and in Eclipse) are OK as stated on instructions.
Some parameter fields in Eclipsed are not automatically configured by the plugin.
Indexer doesn't recognize include files (even when, if manually configured, Eclipse successfully compiles the project with no errors)

Windows 10 Eclipse problem

Hi, my name is Alejandro,

I have done the tutorial "Espressif IDF Eclipse Plugins". but when I get to the step "Installing ESP-IDF Tools", I encounter the following error in the Eclipse console:

Installing tools...
This can take a while. Please be patient.
Executing D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\ install all
D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Executing D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\ install-python-env
D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Executing D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\ export --format=key-value
D:\Users\Alejandro\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe: can't open file 'C:\Users\Alejandro\Desktop\esp-idf\tools\': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

could someone help me solve the problem?


Incomplete missing project files (IEP-117)

Hello all,
I clean install this plugin and all requirements (Eclipse IDE version: 2019-12).
I start with New -> Espressif IDF Project.
I choose for example Hello World.

Problem is that projects in explorer not have sdkconfig and here is only what you see in the picture.

**Environment Information

still unresolved includes using latest idf-eclipse-plugin (IEP-99)

after building and flashing successfully the blink template I see still unresolved inclusions in my source file.
eclipse project has been created via

I use "latest" espressif plugin (see attached file)


I expect inclusions to be resolved after building for target

Environment Information:
eclipse info.log

ESP-IDF Tools Information:
Executing C:\Users\hpd\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe C:\Users\hpd\Documents\HPDPool\Privat\HpdDev2020\ESP32\ESPV4\tools\ list

  • xtensa-esp32-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • esp32ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32 ULP coprocessor
    • (recommended, installed)
  • cmake: CMake build system
    • 3.13.4 (recommended, installed)
  • openocd-esp32: OpenOCD for ESP32
    • v0.10.0-esp32-20190313 (recommended, installed)
  • mconf: menuconfig tool
    • v4.6.0.0-idf-20190628 (recommended, installed)
  • ninja: Ninja build system
    • 1.9.0 (recommended, installed)
  • idf-exe: IDF wrapper tool for Windows
    • 1.0.1 (recommended, installed)
  • ccache: Ccache (compiler cache)
    • 3.7 (recommended, installed)

Eclipse F3 navigation not as expected (IEP-98)

If I press (F3) while having cursor pointed to a function call like

esp_mqtt_client_publish(mqtt_client, CONFIG_EXAMPLE_PUBLISH_TOPIC, buf , strlen(buf), 1, 0);

I expect the type definition to be shown and after further (F3) , the implementation of this function to be shown.

But after showing Type definition as expected, the second (F3) will not show me the function implementation.

Meanwhile i learned, that {STRG}{TAB} at least will bring up the source file where a function is implemented. But this works only, if the function's source file has the same name as the header file and is as well located in the same directory.

I am using Eclipse 19-09 with ESP-IDF-ECLIPSE-PLUGIN (Beta 4).

Executing C:\Users\hpd\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe C:\Users\hpd\Documents\HPDPool\Privat\HpdDev2020\ESP32\ESPV4\tools\ list

  • xtensa-esp32-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32) based on GCC
    • esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
  • esp32ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32 ULP coprocessor
    • (recommended, installed)
  • cmake: CMake build system
    • 3.13.4 (recommended, installed)
  • openocd-esp32: OpenOCD for ESP32
    • v0.10.0-esp32-20190313 (recommended, installed)
  • mconf: menuconfig tool
    • v4.6.0.0-idf-20190628 (recommended, installed)
  • ninja: Ninja build system
    • 1.9.0 (recommended, installed)
  • idf-exe: IDF wrapper tool for Windows
    • 1.0.1 (recommended, installed)
  • ccache: Ccache (compiler cache)
    • 3.7 (recommended, installed)

Another "Unable to open sdkconfig" (IEP-103)

When double clicking on the sdkconfig, it will prompt a dialog stating "Starting JSON Configuration Server" and the it will failed with a message on a new tab:

"Error retrieving output from the json configuration server, please check the console"

I have been check issue #4 but no result. I have slightly anotger messages in Console.
So I updated back to latest "Espressif IDF Plugins for Eclipse" v1.0.0.201911081309 after trying local build from #4 issue.

Im trying with hello world example project. I manage to build it and flash to ESP32, checked response from COM port. But Can not open sdkconfig tool:

ErrorLog looks clear, I only see problem in Console:

  File "C:\esp\esp-idf-v4.1-dev\tools\kconfig_new\", line 94, in replace
    with open(sdkconfig_in, 'r') as f_in, open(sdkconfig_out, 'w') as f_out:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\\E_CAD\\TEMP\\tmpoq0ztips'


It is not default TEMP location, was trying different paths, not helps.
Folder properties in explorer looks ok:

PS: I experienced a python issue during tutorial installation on clear machine
Python from
don't see pip installed, so everything I was done - just remove
directory and set IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH to system preinstalled python path
C:\Program Files\Python38
After that Eclipse ask to manually do
C:\\Program Files\\Python38\\python.exe -m pip install -r C:\\esp\\esp-idf-v4.1-dev\\requirements.txt
And after that compillation and flashing goes fine.

My system PATH variable from CMD:

PATH=C:\Program Files\Python38;C:\Program Files\Python38\Scripts;C:\Windows\syst
1.0\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.1\bin

C:\Program Files\Python38
PATH (Eclipse enviroment):
C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\xtensa-esp32-elf\esp32-2019r1-8.2.0\xtensa-esp32-elf\bin;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\esp32ulp-elf\\esp32ulp-elf-binutils\bin;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\cmake\3.13.4\bin;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\openocd-esp32\v0.10.0-esp32-20190708\openocd-esp32\bin;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\mconf\v4.6.0.0-idf-20190628\;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\ninja\1.9.0\;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\idf-exe\1.0.1\;C:\Users\E_CAD\.espressif\tools\ccache\3.7\;C:\esp\esp-idf-v4.1-dev\tools;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-13.0.1/bin/server;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-13.0.1/bin;C:\Program Files\Python38;C:\Program Files\Python38\Scripts;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-13.0.1\bin;C:\Users\E_CAD\eclipse\cpp-latest-released\eclipse

I also done everything similar on ubuntu - and there sdkconfig opens fine.

Environment Information:

ESP-IDF Tools Information:
ESP-IDF Tools.txt

Eclipse does not mark the line when breakpoint is hit (IEP-97)

I use Eclipse 2019-09 and configured everything as described.
I can debug my esp32, i can step trough my code etc

But the actual line in the eclipse editor is not highlighted which is a little bit anoying as i can't really see where i am in my code

This is the openocd output after some breakpoint hits

** Programming Started **
auto erase enabled
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x4009171A (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x40000400
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x4009171A (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x40000400
wrote 155648 bytes from file D:/esp/projects/testdebug/build/blink.bin in 2.159124s (70.399 KiB/s)
** Programming Finished **
** Verify Started **
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x4009171A (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x40000400
read 151936 bytes from file D:/esp/projects/testdebug/build/blink.bin and flash bank 0 at offset 0x00010000 in 0.808046s (183.622 KiB/s)
contents match
** Verified OK **
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu0 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : JTAG tap: esp32.cpu1 tap/device found: 0x120034e5 (mfg: 0x272 (Tensilica), part: 0x2003, ver: 0x1)
Info : esp32: Debug controller 0 was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : esp32: Core 0 was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x5000004B (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x00000000
Info : esp32: Core 0 was reset (pwrstat=0x1F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : esp32: Debug controller 1 was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : esp32: Core 1 was reset (pwrstat=0x5F, after clear 0x0F).
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x40000400 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x40000400
Info : Detected debug stubs @ 3ffb2a90 on core0 of target 'esp32'
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x400D3B90 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x400E2D12
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x400D3BE6 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x400E2D12
Info : Target halted. PRO_CPU: PC=0x400D3BE6 (active)    APP_CPU: PC=0x400E2D12

List of installed tools and plugin

Espressif IDF Plugins for Eclipse ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD

Executing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Python37_64\python.exe D:\esp\idf\tools\ list
* xtensa-esp32-elf: Toolchain for Xtensa (ESP32) based on GCC
  - esp-2019r2-8.2.0 (recommended, installed)
* esp32ulp-elf: Toolchain for ESP32 ULP coprocessor
  - (recommended, installed)
* cmake: CMake build system
  - 3.13.4 (recommended, installed)
* openocd-esp32: OpenOCD for ESP32
  - v0.10.0-esp32-20190313 (recommended, installed)
* mconf: menuconfig tool
  - v4.6.0.0-idf-20190628 (recommended, installed)
* ninja: Ninja build system
  - 1.9.0 (recommended, installed)
* idf-exe: IDF wrapper tool for Windows
  - 1.0.1 (recommended, installed)
* ccache: Ccache (compiler cache)
  - 3.7 (recommended, installed)

Do you have any idea what might be wrong? I can provide further details if needed

python-env and export errors

When using Eclipse to install the idf tools I get the following python errors:

Executing D:\Python36\python.exe D:\EPS-IDF\tools\ install-python-env
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 1317, in
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 1313, in main
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 1112, in action_install_python_env
idf_python_env_path, _, virtualenv_python = get_python_env_path()
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 813, in get_python_env_path
idf_version_str = subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', global_idf_path, 'describe', '--tags'], cwd=global_idf_path, env=os.environ).decode()
File "D:\Python36\lib\", line 336, in check_output
File "D:\Python36\lib\", line 418, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', '-C', 'D:\EPS-IDF', 'describe', '--tags']' returned non-zero exit status 128.

Executing D:\Python36\python.exe D:\EPS-IDF\tools\ export --format=key-value
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Not using an unsupported version of tool cmake found in PATH: 3.15.0. To use it, run 'D:\Python36\python.exe D:\EPS-IDF\tools\ export --prefer-system'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 1317, in
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 1313, in main
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 953, in action_export
idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python = get_python_env_path()
File "D:\EPS-IDF\tools\", line 813, in get_python_env_path
idf_version_str = subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', global_idf_path, 'describe', '--tags'], cwd=global_idf_path, env=os.environ).decode()
File "D:\Python36\lib\", line 336, in check_output
File "D:\Python36\lib\", line 418, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', '-C', 'D:\EPS-IDF', 'describe', '--tags']' returned non-zero exit status 128.

I used python 3.6 64-bit and Eclipse 2019-09 on Windows 10

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