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psmqtt's Issues

2 questions: syntax for USB HDD


your script is working awesome, I`m have 1 question and need for help.

  1. what would be the best way to start the script on boot?
    @reboot /usr/bin/python3 /home/server/psmqtt/ - seems to be not working

I`m running Debian OS

thank you very much

Inconsistent reports for SMART data

Thanks for adding in SMART support!
Sadly, I've been fighting with psmqtt to get it working consistently (this is on windows)

I have 8 drives (5 hdd, 3 ssd), but at any given time, only some of the drives report statistics. The very unusual thing is out of the 8 drives, sometimes 4 will report smart data, sometimes 6 will report, sometimes, depending on their mood, only 3 of them will report.

The ones which aren't reporting properly show vague messages. I'm guessing the problem stems from something upstream (pysmart? smartctl?). I'm eager to trace this bug, but don't even know where to start. Any suggestions appreciated.

pqmqtt.log (in this case, sdb report is OK, but sdc is failing. sometimes it might be the other way around)

[2023-01-30 12:00:19,392] INFO mqttc.publish('psmqtt/naruto/smart/sdb/temperature', '30')
[2023-01-30 12:00:19,395] DEBUG run_task(smart/sdc/temperature, smart/sdc/temperature)
[2023-01-30 12:00:20,978] INFO mqttc.publish('psmqtt/naruto/smart/sdc/temperature/error', ''NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'')
[2023-01-30 12:00:20,978] ERROR run_task caught: smart/sdc/temperature : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\psmqtt\src\", line 153, in run_task
    payload = get_value(task)
  File "C:\psmqtt\src\", line 802, in get_value
    value = handler.handle(tail)
  File "C:\psmqtt\src\", line 532, in handle
    self.device = SmartDevice(
  File "C:\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pySMART\", line 295, in __init__
  File "C:\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\pySMART\", line 1023, in update
    parsed = re.compile(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

C:\psmqtt> smartctl --scan-open

/dev/sda -d ata # /dev/sda, ATA device
/dev/sdb -d ata # /dev/sdb, ATA device
/dev/sdc -d ata # /dev/sdc, ATA device
/dev/sdd -d ata # /dev/sdd, ATA device
/dev/sde -d ata # /dev/sde, ATA device
/dev/sdf -d ata # /dev/sdf, ATA device
/dev/sdg -d ata # /dev/sdg, ATA device
/dev/sdh -d usbprolific # /dev/sdh [USB Prolific], ATA device
/dev/csmi1,2 -d ata # /dev/csmi1,2, ATA device
/dev/csmi1,4 -d ata # /dev/csmi1,4, ATA device
/dev/csmi1,5 -d ata # /dev/csmi1,5, ATA device

C:\psmqtt> smartctl -a /dev/sdc

smartctl 7.3 2022-02-28 r5338 [x86_64-w64-mingw32-w10-21H2] (sf-7.3-1)
Copyright (C) 2002-22, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     HGST Deskstar NAS
Device Model:     HGST HDN724040ALE640
Serial Number:    PK2334PBKLGXVT
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 23df2ad3d
Firmware Version: MJAOA5E0
User Capacity:    4,000,787,030,016 bytes [4.00 TB]
Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate:    7200 rpm
Form Factor:      3.5 inches
Device is:        In smartctl database 7.3/5319
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.0, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is:    Mon Jan 30 12:30:45 2023 PST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82)	Offline data collection activity
					was completed without error.
					Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
					without error or no self-test has ever 
					been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: 		(   24) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: 			 (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
					Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
					Suspend Offline collection upon new
					Offline surface scan supported.
					Self-test supported.
					No Conveyance Self-test supported.
					Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
					power-saving mode.
					Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported.
					General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (   1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 ( 560) minutes.
SCT capabilities: 	       (0x003d)	SCT Status supported.
					SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
					SCT Feature Control supported.
					SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000b   100   100   016    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  2 Throughput_Performance  0x0005   136   136   054    Pre-fail  Offline      -       81
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0007   185   185   024    Pre-fail  Always       -       447 (Average 389)
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       288
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   005    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000b   100   100   067    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  8 Seek_Time_Performance   0x0005   124   124   020    Pre-fail  Offline      -       33
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0012   091   091   000    Old_age   Always       -       65397
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0013   100   100   060    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       178
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count 0x0032   098   098   000    Old_age   Always       -       3103
193 Load_Cycle_Count        0x0012   098   098   000    Old_age   Always       -       3103
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0002   187   187   000    Old_age   Always       -       32 (Min/Max 14/63)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0022   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0008   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x000a   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       65

SMART Error Log Version: 1
ATA Error Count: 65 (device log contains only the most recent five errors)
	CR = Command Register [HEX]
	FR = Features Register [HEX]
	SC = Sector Count Register [HEX]
	SN = Sector Number Register [HEX]
	CL = Cylinder Low Register [HEX]
	CH = Cylinder High Register [HEX]
	DH = Device/Head Register [HEX]
	DC = Device Command Register [HEX]
	ER = Error register [HEX]
	ST = Status register [HEX]
Powered_Up_Time is measured from power on, and printed as
DDd+hh:mm:SS.sss where DD=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
SS=sec, and sss=millisec. It "wraps" after 49.710 days.

Error 65 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 7 hours (0 days + 7 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  84 51 01 cf 51 2d 01  Error: ICRC, ABRT 1 sectors at LBA = 0x012d51cf = 19747279

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Powered_Up_Time  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  35 00 08 c8 51 2d 40 00      07:19:30.545  WRITE DMA EXT
  ef 02 00 00 00 00 40 00      07:19:30.544  SET FEATURES [Enable write cache]
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 40 00      07:19:30.544  SET FEATURES [Set transfer mode]
  c6 00 10 00 00 00 40 00      07:19:30.544  SET MULTIPLE MODE
  ec 00 00 00 00 00 40 00      07:19:30.542  IDENTIFY DEVICE

Error 64 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 7 hours (0 days + 7 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  84 51 01 cf 51 2d 01  Error: ICRC, ABRT 1 sectors at LBA = 0x012d51cf = 19747279

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Powered_Up_Time  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  35 00 08 c8 51 2d 40 00      07:17:32.347  WRITE DMA EXT
  ef 02 00 00 00 00 40 00      07:17:32.347  SET FEATURES [Enable write cache]
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 40 00      07:17:32.346  SET FEATURES [Set transfer mode]
  c6 00 10 00 00 00 40 00      07:17:32.346  SET MULTIPLE MODE
  ec 00 00 00 00 00 40 00      07:17:32.345  IDENTIFY DEVICE

Error 63 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6 hours (0 days + 6 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  84 51 01 df 4f 2d 01  Error: ICRC, ABRT 1 sectors at LBA = 0x012d4fdf = 19746783

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Powered_Up_Time  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  35 00 08 d8 4f 2d 40 00      06:57:32.618  WRITE DMA EXT
  35 00 08 80 eb ff 40 00      06:57:32.290  WRITE DMA EXT
  ef 02 00 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:32.290  SET FEATURES [Enable write cache]
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:32.289  SET FEATURES [Set transfer mode]
  c6 00 10 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:32.289  SET MULTIPLE MODE

Error 62 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6 hours (0 days + 6 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  84 51 01 df 4f 2d 01  Error: ICRC, ABRT 1 sectors at LBA = 0x012d4fdf = 19746783

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Powered_Up_Time  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  35 00 08 d8 4f 2d 40 00      06:57:31.637  WRITE DMA EXT
  ef 02 00 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:31.637  SET FEATURES [Enable write cache]
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:31.636  SET FEATURES [Set transfer mode]
  c6 00 10 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:31.636  SET MULTIPLE MODE
  ec 00 00 00 00 00 40 00      06:57:31.635  IDENTIFY DEVICE

Error 61 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 6 hours (0 days + 6 hours)
  When the command that caused the error occurred, the device was active or idle.

  After command completion occurred, registers were:
  -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  84 51 01 df 4f 2d 01  Error: ICRC, ABRT 1 sectors at LBA = 0x012d4fdf = 19746783

  Commands leading to the command that caused the error were:
  CR FR SC SN CL CH DH DC   Powered_Up_Time  Command/Feature_Name
  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  ----------------  --------------------
  35 00 08 d8 4f 2d 40 00      06:55:38.749  WRITE DMA EXT
  35 00 08 d0 4f 2d 40 00      06:55:38.749  WRITE DMA EXT
  ef 02 00 00 00 00 40 00      06:55:38.748  SET FEATURES [Enable write cache]
  ef 03 46 00 00 00 40 00      06:55:38.748  SET FEATURES [Set transfer mode]
  c6 00 10 00 00 00 40 00      06:55:38.748  SET MULTIPLE MODE

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      2785         -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

Gradually increasing CPU Load

I'm really pleased with psmqtt, it's really nicely done.
However I have a small issue.

I'm running psmqtt on three Raspberry Pis (Original B, Pi 2 and Pi3) communicating with a mosquitto broker on the Pi3. After 24-36 hours (ish) the Original Pi B has gradually increased from a ~1-5% CPU load to 100%. The Pi2 and Pi3 have increased from 1-2% to 20% over the same period.

The Original B isn't running anything else - its a test box to trial stuff and is currently idle (or should be!).
The Pi2 is running PiVPN
The Pi3 is running openHAB and mosquitto

The only change to these systems has been the introduction of psmqtt.
There is nothing relevant in the psmqtt.log file, my psmqtt.conf file is attached

Hope you can help, let me know if you need anything.
Many thanks,

battery stats

Cool project. Would it be possible to add battery stats as well?

Specific use-case for me is to send to mqtt to be received by Node-RED to turn around and control a z-wave power outlet so I can sanely condition a brand new battery for my laptop (turn on power once battery is at or below X percent and turn it off once battery is at or above Y percent).

Missing license

I would like to contribute to this project and i also like to use it in a project i am currently working on.
Would mind licensing this project? Maybe MIT?

Regards and keep up the good work :)

In Docker on Debian 12 : Exception: Use sudo to read '/dev/nvme0' SMART data

Under docker, even if I sudo docker run, I receive the following error for the disk info.

Linux yippie-ha 6.1.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.76-1 (2024-02-01) x86_64 GNU/Linux

[2024-05-07 17:43:14,103] ERROR Use sudo to read '/dev/nvme0' SMART data
[2024-05-07 17:43:14,103] INFO mqttc.publish('psmqtt/yippie-ha/smart/nvme0/temperature/error', 'Use sudo to read '/dev/nvme0' SMART data')
[2024-05-07 17:43:14,103] ERROR run_task caught: smart/nvme0/temperature : Use sudo to read '/dev/nvme0' SMART data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/psmqtt/src/", line 154, in run_task
    payload = get_value(task)
  File "/opt/psmqtt/src/", line 802, in get_value
    value = handler.handle(tail)
  File "/opt/psmqtt/src/", line 536, in handle
    raise Exception(errmsg)
Exception: Use sudo to read '/dev/nvme0' SMART data

Thank you for your work and help!

Raspberry pi CPU temp

I get an error:
Exception: Element 'sensors_temperatures' in 'sensors_temperatures/*' is not supported
When using psmqtt on a rapsberry pi zero
Has the CPU temperature been implemented for raspis yet?

Error on mac OS X 10.11.6

Hello here is error on start
ed@iMac-Ed > ~/Documents/GitHub/psmqtt: python3 File "", line 38 except Exception, e: ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

paho missing 1 required positional argument: 'callback_api_version'

Came across this after fresh install of psmqtt. Requirements.txt installs paho-mqtt V2.0, which has a breaking change with psmqtt. Fix for now that I found was to revert paho-mqtt to V1.6 by running this command:

sudo pip3 install "paho-mqtt < 2.0.0"

sudo is required because the psmqtt service runs under root.


Any plans to support DockerFile container?

What volumes/folders does it need? Some root privilegies?
On my NAS i have all containerized and i'd like to have this too.

Documention for psmqtt.conf

Documentation for psmqtt.conf is a little parse.

For example how to input another address that 'localhost' for the broker
Will it be:
mqtt_broker = or
mqtt_broker = ''

Neither work
localhost on the other pi running mosquitto works just fine...

Help with disk_usage


Thanks for this project.

I am running on ubuntu, and a little confused by some of the results I am getting. Of course, this could easily be user error :)

Disk space according to df -h :

df -H /dev/sda2
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2       491G  122G  344G  27% /

I am making a request on a topic as follows


listening on psmqtt/<myhost>/disk_usage/free/|dev|sda2, I receive the value 3927171072

which at a glance, looks about right, but if this is bytes, then

echo "scale = 2; 3927171072 / (1024^3) " | bc

Where am I going wrong? :)

File monitoring

First of all, thanks for this great piece of software!
May it be possible to implement file monitoring as well?
It would be a nice feature to get the file-modification timestamp and the size of a file.

Unable to set-up with raid devices

it seems that my raid 0 devices are not liked by the python program.
Here's my psmqtt.conf:

import socket

mqtt_broker = ''       # default: 'localhost'
mqtt_port = 1883                # default: 1883
mqtt_clientid = 'GC01SRVR'
mqtt_username = 'mqtt'
mqtt_password = 'mqtt_password'
mqtt_clean_session = False
mqtt_qos = 0
mqtt_retain = False
#mqtt_topic_prefix = 'psmqtt/'
mqtt_topic_prefix = 'psmqtt/' + socket.gethostname() + '/'
mqtt_request_topic = 'request'

schedule = {
    "every 1 minute" :    [
    "every 60 minutes"  :     "disk_usage/percent/|",  # slash replaced with vertical slash
    "every 1 second" : [

Forgot to add the error I get:

root@GC01SRVR:psmqtt$ python3 
[2021-11-19 18:34:56,902] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/GC01SRVR/request/#
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/programmi/psmqtt/", line 212, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 151, in run
    action(*argument, **kwargs)
  File "/home/programmi/psmqtt/", line 178, in on_timer
    run_task(tasks, tasks)
  File "/home/programmi/psmqtt/", line 63, in run_task
    if task.startswith(topic_prefix):
AttributeError: 'set' object has no attribute 'startswith'

Could you help me out a bit please? :)

Extracting values to HA

Temp sensor in HA gives "unknown"


And MQTT Explorer gives


ASUS_CPU sensor is working but that ASUS_TEMP is not working? What should I do? What am I missing there?

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "ASUS_CPU"
    state_topic: "psmqtt/cpu_percent"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "ASUS_TEMP"
    state_topic: "psmqtt/sensors_temperatures"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.asus }}"
    json_attributes_topic: "psmqtt/sensors_temperatures"

documentation issue

The readme contains no information on how to execute this code except through docker.

Guessing that I could run the python script from the command line:

jay@jay-linux:/usr/bin/psmqtt$ /usr/bin/python3.8 disk_usage/free/c
ERROR:root:Caught: module 'paho.mqtt.client' has no attribute 'CallbackAPIVersion'

New Feature: Docker monitoring

Would it be possible to get some simple monitoring of docker?

Would like to see how many containers and then how many that are up and running of those registered.
For instance, this example below would show 7 total, 5 running, 2 stopped.

riro@photon01 [ ~ ]# sudo docker ps --all

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                      PORTS                                                                   NAMES
9a7a33c7732e   txn2/irsync                        "/irsync --irsync-in…"   40 hours ago   Exited (2) 57 seconds ago                                                                           irsync
62f98e15b6d6   containrrr/watchtower              "/watchtower"            40 hours ago   Up 40 hours       >8080/tcp, :::8880->8080/tcp                               watchtower
7bd8a4c9dcc3   telegraf                           "/ tele…"   40 hours ago   Exited (0) 51 seconds ago                                                                           telegraf
f73f29272a9e   networkstatic/iperf3               "iperf3 -s"              40 hours ago   Up 40 hours       >5201/tcp, :::5201->5201/tcp                               iperf3
ec1dde90cfdd   portainer/agent                    "./agent"                40 hours ago   Up 40 hours       >9001/tcp, :::9001->9001/tcp                               portainer-agent
2331405e738c   senexcrenshaw/xteve                "/bin/sh -c '${XTEVE…"   5 days ago     Up 5 days         >34400/tcp, :::34400->34400/tcp                           xteve
de276fc2cd91   tautulli/tautulli                  "./ python T…"   5 days ago     Up 5 days (healthy)>8181/tcp, :::8181->8181/tcp                               tautulli

View sensors in HA

I have your program running, i can see it in mosquito broker but im unable to see it in homeassistant, can u please help me?

disk SMART

there is any published topic with the disks SMART info ?

thank you

Cannot load configuration from file psmqtt.conf

Hi everyone,
I am trying to use psmqtt on several computers but I’m always receiving the message:

Cannot load configuration from file psmqtt.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘psmqtt.conf’

Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? I would really appreciate your help.

Dockerfile not working

hi @eschava ,
I tried to build a docker image but the resulting image does not run properly:

fmontorsi@newpcstudio-linux:~/Documents/psmqtt$ docker run -ti psmqtt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/psmqtt/", line 22, in <module>
    from src.config import load_config
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'src'

Since I would like to employ this utility and I have quite a bit of experience with Python, docker and MQTT, would you welcome some PRs to fix a few issues?
For example:

  • the project does not have a github CI/CD pipeline which builds the project and deploys pypi packages or docker images to ease installations/deployments
  • the software does not handle gracefully some type of errors: e.g. an invalid MQTT broker address produces a python stacktrace...
  • etc

Let me know: if you welcome contributions I will start opening PRs :)


Temperatures and fan

Hi, is it possible to have some sort of explanation about the meaning of different temperatures.

sensors_temperatures/*; gives


And please add fan speed if possible.

Battery support

Would love to use this to report the battery percentage of my Linux laptop to Home Assistant.
You can already do this using psutil, the example I found online makes it seem like adding it wouldn't be too difficult.

# python script showing battery details
import psutil
# function returning time in hh:mm:ss
def convertTime(seconds):
    minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
    hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
    return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
# returns a tuple
battery = psutil.sensors_battery()
print("Battery percentage : ", battery.percent)
print("Power plugged in : ", battery.power_plugged)
# converting seconds to hh:mm:ss
print("Battery left : ", convertTime(battery.secsleft))

Add renovate bot to maintain dependencies up to date

hi @eschava ,
One good thing to have on Python projects is a bot like Renovate that will automatically create PRs to update dependencies when a new dependency version comes out.
This helps both to maintain the project alive and up to date and also with security (new versions hopefully contain security fixes for disclosed CVEs, etc).

As collaborator I cannot add the app myself to this project, because it's yet another owner-only thing.
Anyway it's very easy to do: just go to and scroll down to the end and click "Install it for free" (it's completely free for open source projects).
If I remember correctly it will guide you in a simple process ending with a commit of a file like this one:

Here you can see the type of dashboard that gets created:
and an example of PR opened by the bot:

Hope this will be useful...

Autostart psmqtt

I finally managed to install on macOS, is there a way to start the program on boot? if I close the terminal, will the program keep running?
also, what's the correct syntax to get cpu temp for macOS? sensor_temperatures doesn't seem to work (I get an error)

Run as Service or daemon at start up

Sorry if this isn't the right method to ask this question. I want to use your script to report the status of my raspberry pi's starting automatically at boot.

However I run in problems because I think the script expects it to be launched from the psmqtt directory only.

When i try to use "python /home/psmqtt/" to start the script I get an error message;

"Cannot load configuration from file psmqtt.conf: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'psmqtt.conf'"

I was hoping to use cron job to start the script at boot do you think that is the best way or should be via a service on boot for example.

I'm a bit of a noob and not really sure what it is I'm doing. Appreciate your help and thanks for the great script it does so much so easily.

BTW - Is there a task for reporting the CPU temperature? I had a look but couldn't see anything.



Latest docker tag throws: "Error response from daemon: manifest unknown"

If I try to pull the latest tag, I get:

docker pull
Error response from daemon: manifest unknown

However, if I try to pull a specific version, it works fine:

docker pull
1.0.0: Pulling from eschava/psmqtt
4abcf2066143: Pull complete  
c3cdf40b8bda: Pull complete 
ac499ccf2147: Pull complete 
416bfceb623e: Pull complete 
76351c33299b: Pull complete 
a0effc962a32: Pull complete 
c2df1b96dde7: Pull complete 
ccb762f971d6: Pull complete 
a8147cd1dc2b: Pull complete 
f932c4149149: Pull complete 
a12d92bb7e77: Pull complete 
50ec1c47ecf7: Pull complete 
cf6ad4db96fc: Pull complete 
d4e583386669: Pull complete 
30130d43bb04: Pull complete 
6ef465775921: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:c59715110d227532423b3382ec8d211c9754348788b00bf71ce173171839c7a0
Status: Downloaded newer image for

I'm using Docker version 26.1.3

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • 3.11-alpine
  • 3.11-alpine
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-python v5
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-python v5
  • actions/checkout v4
  • mr-smithers-excellent/docker-build-push v6
  • mr-smithers-excellent/docker-build-push v6
  • recurrent ==0.4.1
  • paho-mqtt ==2
  • python-dateutil ==2.8.2
  • psutil ==5.9.5
  • jinja2 ==3.1.4
  • types-paho-mqtt ==
  • pySMART ==1.3.1.dev8

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

Disconnecting every 11 sec

first of all thanks for this. I have it run on my RPi 4 and everything works fine so far :)

Now I try to run it also on RPi Zero W and for some reasons connection to MQTT broker restarts every 11 seconds:

[2021-01-19 21:04:11,064] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:04:22,331] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects
[2021-01-19 21:04:33,361] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:04:44,434] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects

[2021-01-19 21:05:39,500] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:05:50,747] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects
[2021-01-19 21:06:01,774] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:06:12,850] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects
[2021-01-19 21:06:23,886] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:06:34,953] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects
[2021-01-19 21:06:45,987] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#

[2021-01-19 21:08:31,758] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:08:42,972] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects
[2021-01-19 21:08:54,027] DEBUG Connected to MQTT broker, subscribing to topic psmqtt/raspberry/request/#
[2021-01-19 21:09:05,076] DEBUG OOOOPS! psmqtt disconnects

MQTT broker is on another RPi4 (3rd one (!))

As mentioned another connection works fine.

is there any possibity to add IP and MAC addresses per interface (I think both are part of psutil)?

Thanks in advance for help.

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