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Empowering your tmux (status bar) experience!

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tmux-powerline is a tmux tpm plugin that gives you a slick and hackable powerline status bar consisting of segments. It's easily extensible with custom segments and themes. The plugin itself is implemented purely in bash thus minimizing system requirements. However you can make segments in any language you want (with a shell wrapper).

Some examples of segments available that you can add to your tmux status bar are (full list here):

  • LAN & WAN IP addresses
  • Now Playing for MPD, Spotify (GNU/Linux native or wine, macOS), iTunes (macOS), Rhythmbox, Banshee, MOC, Audacious, Rdio (macOS), cmus, Pithos and (last scrobbled track).
  • New mail count for GMail, Maildir, mbox, mailcheck, and Apple Mail
  • GNU/Linux and macOS battery status (uses richo/dotfiles/bin/battery)
  • Weather in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin using Yahoo Weather
  • System load, cpu usage and uptime
  • Git, SVN and Mercurial branch in CWD
  • Date and time
  • Hostname
  • tmux info
  • tmux mode indicator (normal/prefix, mouse, copy modes)
  • CWD in pane
  • Current X keyboard layout
  • Network download/upload speed
  • Earthquake warnings


Full screenshot

Full screenshot


Current tmux session, window and pane, hostname and LAN & WAN IP address.



New mails, now playing, average load, weather, date and time.


Now I've read my inbox so the mail segment disappears!

right-status, no mail

After pausing the music there's no need for showing the Now Playing segment anymore. Also the weather has become much nicer!

right-status, no mpd

Laptop mode: a battery segment.

right-status, weather and battery

dual-line status

dual-line status bar


@xx4h is helping out developing, maintaining and managing this project!


Requirements for the lib to work are:

  • tmux -V >= 2.1
  • bash --version >= 3.2 (Does not have to be your default shell.)
  • Nerd Font. Follow instructions at Font Installation. However you can use other substitute symbols as well; see

Segment Requirements

Some segments have their own requirements. If you enable them in your theme, make sure all requirements are met for those.

  •, (, curl, bc
  • X11, XKB
  • (gmail): wget, (mailcheck): mailcheck.
  • ifstat (there is a simpler segment not using ifstat but samples /sys/class/net)
  • tmux-mem-cpu-load
  • rainbarf
  • GNU grep with Perl regular expression enabled (FreeBSD specific), jq for yrno weather API.
  • jq for GitHub API.

FreeBSD specific requirements

Preinstalled grep in FreeBSD doesn't support Perl regular expressions. Solution is rather simple -- you need to use textproc/gnugrep port instead. You also need to make sure, that it has support for PCRE and is compiled with --enable-perl-regexp flag.


  1. Install tpm and make sure it's working.
  2. Install tmux-powerline as a plugin by adding a line to tmux.conf:
     set -g @plugin 'erikw/tmux-powerline'
  3. Install the plugin with <prefix>I, unless you changed tpm's keybindings.
    • The default powerline should already be visible now!
  4. Continue to the Configuration section below.

Note that tpm plugins should be at the bottom of you tmux.conf. This plugin will then override some tmux settings like status-left, status-right etc. If you had already set those in your tmux config, it is a good opportunity to remove or comment those out. Take a look at main.tmux for exactly which settings are overridden.


tmux-powerline stores the custom config, themes and segments at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux-powerline/.

To make the following example easier, let's assume the following:

  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME has the default value of ~/.config
  • tmux-powerline was installed to the XDG path ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-powerline

Adapt the commands below if your paths differs from this.

Config file

Start by generating your own configuration file:

mv ~/.config/tmux-powerline/ ~/.config/tmux-powerline/
$EDITOR ~/.config/tmux-powerline/

Go through the default config and adjust to your needs!

Custom theme

The theme is specified by setting the environment variable $TMUX_POWERLINE_THEME in the config file above. It will use a default theme and you probably want to use your own. The default config have set the custom theme path to be ~/.config/tmux-powerline/themes/.

Make a copy of the default theme and make your own, say my-theme:

mkdir -p ~/.config/tmux-powerline/themes
cp ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-powerline/themes/ ~/.config/tmux-powerline/themes/
$EDITOR ~/.config/tmux-powerline/themes/

Remember to update the configuration file to use the new theme by setting TMUX_POWERLINE_THEME=my-theme

Custom segments

In the same was as themes, you can create your own segments at TMUX_POWERLINE_DIR_USER_SEGMENTS which defaults to ~/.config/tmux-powerline/segments.

To get started, copy an existing segment that is similar to the segment that you want to create.

mkdir -p ~/.config/tmux-powerline/segments
cp ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tmux-powerline/segments/ ~/.config/tmux-powerline/segments/
$EDITOR ~/.config/tmux-powerline/segments/

Now you can add my-segment to your own theme!

Also see How to make a segment below for more details.


Some segments might not work on your system for various reasons such as missing programs or different versions not having the same options. To find out which segment is not working it may help to enable the debug setting in ~/.config/tmux-powerline/ However this may not be enough to determine the error so you can inspect all executed bash commands (will be a long output) by doing

bash -x (left|right)

To debug smaller portions of code, say if you think the problem lies in a specific segment, insert these lines at the top and bottom of the relevant code portions e.g. inside a function:

set -x
exec 2>/tmp/tmux-powerline.log
<code to debug>
set +x

and then inspect the outputs like

less /tmp/tmux-powerline.log
tail -f /tmp/tmux-powerline.log # or follow output like this.

You can also enable the debug mode in your config file. Look for the TMUX_POWERLINE_DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED environment variable and set it to true.

If you can not solve the problems you can post an issue and be sure to include relevant information about your system and script output (from bash -x) and/or screenshots if needed. Be sure to search in the resolved issues section for similar problems you're experiencing before posting.

Common problems

Nothing is displayed

You have edited ~/.tmux.conf but no powerline is displayed. This might be because tmux is not aware of the changes so you have to restart your tmux session or reloaded that file by typing this on the command-line (or in tmux command mode with prefix :)

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Multiple lines in bash or no powerline in Zsh using iTerm (macOS)

If your tmux looks like this then you may have to in iTerm uncheck [Unicode East Asian Ambiguous characters are wide] in Preferences -> Settings -> Advanced.


This project can only gain positively from contributions. Fork today and make your own enhancements and segments to share back! If you'd like, add your name and email to AUTHORS before making a pull request so you can get some credit for your work :-)

How to make a segment

If you want to (of course you do!) send a pull request for a cool segment you written make sure that it follows the style of existing segments, unless you have good reason for it. Each segment resides in the segments/ directory with a descriptive and simple name. A segment must have at least one function and that is run_segment which is like the main function that is called from the tmux-powerline lib. What ever text is echoed out from this function to stdout is the text displayed in the tmux status bar. If the segment at a certain point does not have anything to show, simply don't echo anything out and the segment will be hidden. A successful execution of the run_segment function should return an exit code of 0. If the segment failed to execute in a fatal way return a non-zero exit code so the user can pick up the error and fix it when debug mode is on (e.g. missing program that is needed for the segment).

Usage of helper function to organize the work of a segment is encourage and should be named in the format __helper_func. If a segment has settings it should have a function generate_segmentrc which outputs default values of all settings and a short explanation of the setting and its values. Study e.g. segments/ to see how it is done. A segment having settings should typically call a helper function __process_settings as the first statement in run_segment that sets default values to the settings that has not been set by the user.

Also, don't use bash4 features as requiring bash4 complicates installation for macOS user quite a bit. Use tabs for indentation (discussion),

More tmux plugins

I have another tmux plugin that might interest you:

  • tmux-dark-notify - A plugin that make tmux's theme follow macOS dark/light mode.

tmux-powerline's People


austinbeam avatar creaktive avatar derekbrokeit avatar dexterthedragon avatar dfshan avatar dominikduda avatar drew-daniels avatar embe221ed avatar erikagnvall avatar erikw avatar frostnotfall avatar gavink97 avatar hadret avatar halbardhobby avatar ingomeyer441 avatar izzygomez avatar jfelchner avatar larrybotha avatar mafrosis avatar mingchaoyan avatar msempere avatar mullakhmetov avatar nomaed avatar sherifkandeel avatar suvash avatar takkumattsu avatar tnkhanh avatar tor-oscar avatar xayon avatar xx4h avatar


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tmux-powerline's Issues

Network monitor

A segment showing network usage statistics would be handy. Use ntop or iftop?

exited with code 127

For some reason my right status bar always aborted with code 127
I'm running on lastet Mountain lion, installed the latest bash from brew, and using zsh.

And if I run the script individually with bash, it shows no error message

Patched Font Glyphs do not appear on the Tmux Powerline.

Issue: I do not see the Glyphs in the tmux powerline :-


OS: Mac OS X 10.7.4
Terminal Application: iTerm 2

>> tmux -V
tmux 1.6

>> bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.2.37(2)-release (i386-apple-darwin11.2.0)

>> zsh --version
zsh 5.0.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0)

>> ./ 
#[bg=colour148] #[fg=colour148, bg=colour148]#[fg=colour234,bg=colour148]0:1.1 #[fg=colour148, bg=colour33]⮀#    
[fg=colour0,bg=colour33]   ilab #[fg=colour33, bg=colour24]⮀#[fg=colour255,bg=colour24]   ⓛ   #[fg=white,   
bg=colour24]⮁#[fg=colour255,bg=colour24]   ⓦ   #[fg=colour24, bg=colour235]⮀#[fg=red,bg=colour235]   #

>> ./
#[fg=colour237, bg=colour235]⮂#[fg=colour167,bg=colour237]    0.65 0.84 0.86 #[fg=colour37, bg=colour237]⮂#  
[fg=colour255,bg=colour37]   ✈ 26°C    #[fg=colour235, bg=colour37]⮂#[fg=colour136,bg=colour235]   Sat #[fg=default,   
bg=colour235]⮃#[fg=colour136,bg=colour235]   2012-07-28 #[fg=default, bg=colour235]⮃#[fg=colour136,bg=colour235]   14:07  

My tmux configuration:

# split panes
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v

# resize panes
bind -r h resize-pane -L 5
bind -r j resize-pane -D 5
bind -r k resize-pane -U 5
bind -r l resize-pane -R 5

# enable 256-colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

# enable utf-8 on status bar
set -g status on
set -g status-utf8 on

# status refresh interval
set -g status-interval 2

# status left
set -g status-left-length 60
set -g status-left "#(~/.tmux/tmux-powerline/"

# status right
set -g status-right-length 90
set -g status-right "#(~/.tmux/tmux-powerline/"

# solarized theme
source ~/.tmux/tmux-colors-solarized/tmuxcolors.conf

# window and pane start index
set -g base-index 1
set -g pane-base-index 1

# center the window list
set -g status-justify centre

# vi mode for the buffer
setw -g mode-keys vi

# command sequence for nested tmux session
bind-key a send-prefix

# remap prefix to ctrl-a
set -g prefix C-a

I am using a patched Ubuntu Mono font. I previously tried using the patched font available for download from the vim-powerline wiki page, but then I also tried patching it myself, but to no avail.

I personally do not see that the patched font is the issue, since running the scripts independently do produce the glyphs, they just don't appear on the tmux status line for some reason.

Proper configurability

Add proper configurability by separating the config from the repo.
Tmux allows setting and reading environment variables, this could be placed in a file sourced by tmux.conf.
A sample or default configuration should be provided for quick installation.
Each such env var should be namespaced to prevent collisions with system variables.
This would allow each segment to provide its own configuration as well.

VCS branch segment when there's no branch

As long as there's a git (or any other) repository, the branch is showing fine.
The issue arises whenever I go to a directory that is not under version control.
In that case I get a message instead:
"/location/to/" (I'm not sure if there's anything else, since it overflows its space.

Any ideas?

segment XXX exited with code 1. Aborting.

Both CPU and Mail-count does this, and prints it on the right status bar (instead of the working segments).
Before updating to the latest commit, if something didn't work, at least it didn't print an error.
Further, why doesn't works for me?
I'm using ubuntu linux, and the other segments seem to work just fine.


arrows not displayed correctly in

I'm currently using running tmux and zsh

After struggling with the bash and path, now it is finally working, but this is what I saw

Even in iTerm2 too

Pretty ugly, so I went to the preference and check the font I use, I can confirm it is using the patched fonts from vim-powerline "Monaco for Powerline 11pt"

So I'm curious what is happening to the arrows, why are they so small?

Powerline did not show when use ZSH.

I am using Z-Shell and followed the README instruction to config the Tmux-powerline.

I changed => PLATFORM="mac", used Patched font to true.

Other files remain the same, it did not work.

I changed absolute path of cwd instead of variable in file, and it still did not work.

I installed the fontpatcher and patch font for my ternimal, and it stilll did not work.

Did I do anything wrong or miss any steps?

Tried google search and still no answers. Please, help. Thanks. error'd

google has changed their url for weather (i guess?) and the script spits out html:

ï¼ <title>Sorry...</title><style> body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; color: #000; }</style>


We're sorry...

... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.

See Google Help for more information.

© 2009 Google - Google Home

(this is with the default location and temperature setting)

Strange output from/with segments not producing output.

If a segment does not produce any output nothing is to be printed. However it the segments or does not have anything to output (which they don't) it looks like this (brown segment after vcs_branch should not exist.



The project should be governed by a permissible license so people know that they can steal the code any way they want, pretty much :P What to use? Plain old BSD?

Print Working Directory Segment Not Working

I'm trying to get the working directory segment ( to work but it is refusing with tmux 1.6. Nothing related to the working directory appears in the right status bar.

Here are the relevant bits. If any more info is needed please let me know.

$ bash ~/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ 
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 33: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 52: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 59: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 66: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 77: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 84: declare: -A: invalid option
declare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 93: declare: -A: invalid optiondeclare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 100: declare: -A: invalid optiondeclare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 108: declare: -A: invalid optiondeclare: usage: declare [-afFirtx] [-p] [name[=value] ...]
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 42: /Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂: No such file or directory
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 33: /Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂")
/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 34: /Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂")/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 35: /Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂")/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/ line 36: /Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/Users/dylan/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/pwd.shcolour211colour89⮂")
$ bash ~/.tmux/tmux-powerline/segments/ 
usage: grep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoPqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
        [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color=when]
        [--context[=num]] [--directories=action] [--label] [--line-buffered]
        [--null] [pattern] [file ...]
$ echo $PS1
\h:\W \u\$ $([ -n "$TMUX" ] && tmux setenv TMUXPWD_$(tmux display -p "#I_#P") "$PWD")

Config in $HOME

Write a default config somewhere in $HOME and let the configuration of what segments to use be done there.

wan_ip segment needs bc package

Something to add to the docs - the wan_ip segment script requires the bc package, which wasn't installed on my Ubuntu box by default.

disappears if status-left-length/right too wide

when i had the config as you listed in my .tmux.conf, nothing showed up. you were showing an example, however i think it might be better to find a fairly universal environment variable to determine the area things are displayed in.(possibly $COLUMNS is universal enough?)

btw, it now works for me, but if you need to recreate me not seeing anything in the status with the 60/90, i'm running debian stable xmonad (mainly from cabal but parts from apt), rxvt-unicode (deb).

VCS info not updating

Running in Debian.

If I start tmux from within a git/hg/svn repo it shows the vcs info and if I switch branches in that repo it updates...
But if I change directory it still displays the vcs info for the directory I was in before starting tmux and if I started from a non-version controlled directory it never shows up.

Configuration options

Implement the configuration file. One idea is to set the platform in use and let the segments use this variable to determine how to produce the output e.g. GNU Linux and OS X have different commands battery status etc.

List of dependencies

It would simplify the installation process if all dependencies, including those of the segments, were listed in the README file.
Segment wan_ip is dependent on curl.

Implement themes for tmux-powerline

I was wondering, why don't you mix some of your segments into themes? You know, tmux-powerline could work as a framework, and you can hold them on your repo. They could work as examples or starting point for cool powerline :)

Need a failsafe mode

Right now all the scripts will disappear or printing out some weird text when it fails, I would like to see a failsafe mode for each segment so it will at least display some text to indicate error but not some weird text or completely disappear from existence, or it would be quite difficult and annoying to find some script not working sometimes and didn't know where it went

Background on last separator wrong?

I just got this set up and it looks like the background on the very last separator is wrong, which messes up something fierce with transparency enabled.

I don't always use transparency, but even when it's not enabled the background would be grey instead of black. I looked at it real quick but didn't really have enough time to work with anything. Anybody else with the same issue or know how I can fix it? Thanks!

Way to toggle powerline

Sometime we just want to get in the "zone" and leave the distractions at the door, we can do a simple:

bind S set-option -g status

but what if we have multiple tabs? We lose that valuable information, so what I propose is to find a way to disable only the scripts.

Weather bug

I've seen, on an alien system, than the parsing of the weather data failed. Investigate when it happens again.

Weather glyph improvement suggestion

The glyph used for dust, foggy, haze, smoky, blustery, and mist is ♨, but this is strange since the origin of this glyph is hot-springs (at least that's how it's used here in Japan). Plus, in my opinion, vertical wavy lines convey convection, while dust/foggy should be a settled visible impairment (horizontal).

Generally, I would suggest using (FOGGY), but I am not sure how well supported this glyph is in fonts. It doesn't seem very well supported and it looks bad in the terminal on OSX. So, I would suggest ﹌ (DOUBLE WAVY OVERLINE) or 〰 (WAVY DASH) as they are easy to understand and not a big departure from the original intent of using HOT SPRING.

Rewrite UI lib

The implementation of the printing functions are a bit fragile. Re-do it!


A segment that gives the the new mail count from a GMail account or even better IMAP.

Add support for Powerline (Python port)

I'm the author of Powerline for vim, and I'm currently working on a Python port of Powerline's functionality for usage in other applications like shell prompts and tmux statuslines. The Python port aims to create a common code base for all Powerline-based projects so we don't have to reinvent the wheel every time someone wants to have a fancy statusline in their project.

The current Python port is located at Lokaltog/powerline. All the common Python code is stable and I'm using it in vim daily now, and I don't expect the API to change significantly in the future.

A working example of how statuslines can be rendered to tmux is available here.

I just wanted to let you know about the new Powerline project, and I would love some feedback on whether this is something you'd like to include in your project (e.g. as a git submodule).

Cycle themes

Just an idea, since we have themes now maybe we could add support for cycle through the available themes found. E.g. I would usually us the theme but now I'm going to to some coding so I want to use the theme which has segments like vcs_* that are relevant.

Weather segment broken on Mac OS 10.7

According to @tommyolofsson the weather segment spawmed several new processes and opened several new files on Mac OS 10.7.

Pulled this from original author. Depleted resources - got loads of 'unable to fork' and 'too many open files'. Fucked. Shit. Up. (osx lion)

This bug was introduced by merge 4b14bb7.

In the meantime, anyone affected by this issue should checkout 490e8ab

git checkout 490e8ab

Anyone got time to debug with Mac OS 10.7?

More music players

While MPD is the best music player around not everyone has realized it yet. So support some more common players e.g. moc, Clementine, Nightingale, iTunes, Spotify.

Segment update time

Maybe each segment should have an attribute update_period on how often it should be updated or next_update specifying the next time the script should be run again.

Segment max length

An attribute that specifies the maximum output length to display. And maybe a global option setting the default max?

Google Weather API Rejecting Queries


The Google weather API in use has decided I've hit my rate limit for weather queries. My powerline stopped displaying so I ran the scripts standalone; the following was pulled from the output of that:

We're sorry...

... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.

See Google Help for more information.

So sad...any ideas? For now, commenting out the line that curls allows the scripts to run and display in tmux, but I totally loved the weather feature...

Bug in Lib Function

Hey there,

There is a bug in get_tmux_cwd() in on OS X with tmux 1.7. The line that tries to get the current pane seems to be using the incorrect format specifier, "#D".

local env_name=$(tmux display -p "TMUXPWD_#D" | tr -d %)

In the man-page for tmux(1) it claims that "#D" is the pane unique ID however tmux show-environment doesn't have the ID. I propose that it is changed to use the "#I" and "#S" specifier so the window and pane can string can be constructed. Please see the following output to support this.

$ tmux -V
tmux 1.7
$ tmux display -p "TMUXPWD_#D"
$ tmux show-environment
$ tmux display -p "TMUXPWD_#I_#S"

Any objections?

We're sorry... - google weather

"... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now"

It would be cool if there was a choice of weather services.

segments/ line 48: 1350230809 - : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "- ")

Hey tmux-powerline devs, thanks for making this possible, I can't believe there is a powerline for tmux already when I tried tmux, this is a wonderful news for me, however there are some issues for some segments that causes other segments not showing at all, I think this has to be fixed sooner or later.

Anyway, I found out that my gmail count is acting bad, so I pull it out and execute with bash -x and here is the log produced from the command (usename is cleared)

+ username=
+ password=
+ interval=5
+ tmp_file=/tmp/tmux-powerline_gmail_count.txt
+ override=false
+ '[' '!' -f /tmp/tmux-powerline_gmail_count.txt ']'
+ let 'interval=60*5'
+ '[' '' == mac ']'
++ stat -c %Y /tmp/tmux-powerline_gmail_count.txt
stat: illegal option -- c
usage: stat [-FlLnqrsx] [-f format] [-t timefmt] [file ...]
+ last_update=
++ date +%s
segments/ line 48: 1350230809 -  : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "-  ")
+ let 'interval=300*60'
++ cat /tmp/tmux-powerline_gmail_count.txt
+ mailcount=
+ echo '✉ '
+ exit 0

I have no idea what the hell happened.

Refactor np_*.sh

They share much common functionality. Break out the common stuff like trimming and rolling.

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