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epochcore's Issues

Quick question

So, I'm looking to help add new things for 1.0 and I was wondering whether I'm getting the code right. Let's assume that I wanted to add a burn barrel that would initially be turned off on placement but could be lit and put out. Ignoring for the moment a basic build kit, crafting and the string table entries would this entry for CfgVehicles.hpp be correct and work?

` class Fireplace_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
author = "Bohemia Interactive";
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Vessels\MetalBarrel_empty_F.p3d";
displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_BurnBarrelSIM";

class Land_MetalBarrel_empty_F: Constructions_static_F
	author = "Bohemia Interactive";
	mapSize = 0.62;
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_BurnBarrel";
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Vessels\MetalBarrel_empty_F.p3d";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructEngine";
	simulation = "fire";
	keepHorizontalPlacement = 0;
	class Effects: SmallFire
		class Light1
			simulation = "light";
			type = "SmallFireLight";
		class sound
			simulation = "sound";
			type = "Fire";
		class Smoke1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "SmallFireS";
		class Fire1: Smoke1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "SmallFireBarrel";
		class Refract1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "Refract";

One other question re the config, in class Effects, it inherits from SmallFire. The Epoch camp fire does not, so should the inheritance be removed?


Crafting workbench crashes ARMA3 in Experimental

As the title says, when attempting to craft a workbench ARMA3 crashes to the desktop. Crafting lumber packs is fine. Will test other craftables. Assume it's related to the config issues on texture rendering.


Cinder Garage Door with Hatch Kit?

I love the new cinder door model... excellent. Was just wondering whether it should be a kit though or, like the other upgrades, simply be an upgrade to an existing cinder garage door as part of CfgBaseBuilding.hpp.


Please, please, please can we have a morphine injector?

Pretty please if it is not too much work for the modeling folks? Maybe a red Adrenaline injector??? The reason I ask is that I've already done a fair bit of work on some (optional?) additions to the Epoch medical system that include usable bandages (only stop bleeding), FAKs (if flag set then work in the same way as vehicle repair parts and just heal a bit of damage), blood bags (self-blood bag, blood bag others and fill blood bags) and I would like to add morphine as something that heals leg damage (and thus removes the broken leg icon as well)...

Assuming like Advanced Vehicle Repair that this would be a config option in CfgEpochClient.hpp with the default being false.

Cheers again,

Am I doing things right here

Before I update any files or make any changes I thought I would ask you folks whether I'm doing this right. My aim for 1.0 is to pass back the building items from A2/Epoch so that they, building kits (and mission configs) are all ready to go.

Here are what I think I need for the CfgVehicles models covering Burn Barrels, Camo Nets and a Light Pole. Can you let me know whether I've done these right or not.

class BurnBarrel_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
author = "BI";
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Vessels\MetalBarrel_empty_F.p3d";
displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_BurnBarrel";

class BurnBarrel_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 0.62;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Vessels\MetalBarrel_empty_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_BurnBarrel";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructEngine";
	simulation = "fire";
	keepHorizontalPlacement = 0;
	class Effects
		class Light1
			simulation = "light";
			type = "SmallFireLight";
		class sound
			simulation = "sound";
			type = "Fire";
		class Smoke1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "SmallFireS";
		class Fire1: Smoke1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "SmallFireBarrel";
		class Refract1
			simulation = "particles";
			type = "Refract";

class LightPole_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
    author = "BI";
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Civ\Lamps\LampShabby_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LightPole";

class LightPole_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 0.79;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Civ\Lamps\LampShabby_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LightPole";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructTree";
	armor = 200;
	class Reflectors
		class Light_1
			color[] = {1100,700,500};
			ambient[] = {11,7,5};
			intensity = 5;
			size = 1;
			innerAngle = 80;
			outerAngle = 130;
			coneFadeCoef = 3;
			position = "Light_1_pos";
			direction = "Light_1_dir";
			hitpoint = "Light_1_hitpoint";
			selection = "Light_1_hide";
			useFlare = 1;
			flareSize = 0.9;
			flareMaxDistance = 100;
			class Attenuation
				start = 0;
				constant = 0;
				linear = 0;
				quadratic = 0.8;
				hardLimitStart = 30;
				hardLimitEnd = 40;

class SmallForestCamoNet_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
    author = "BI";
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_SmallForestCamoNet";

class SmallForestCamoNet_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 14.59;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_SmallForestCamoNet";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructTent";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR_CA.paa"};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR.rvmat"};

class SmallDesertCamoNet_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
    author = "BI";
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_SmallDesertCamoNet";

class SmallDesertCamoNet_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 14.59;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_SmallDesertCamoNet";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructTent";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_OPFOR_CA.paa"};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR.rvmat"};

class LargeForestCamoNet_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
    author = "BI";
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_Big_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LargeForestCamoNet";

class LargeForestCamoNet_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 19.32;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_Big_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LargeForestCamoNet";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructTent";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR_CA.paa"};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR.rvmat"};

class LargeDesertCamoNet_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
    author = "BI";
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_Big_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LargeDesertCamoNet";

class LargeDesertCamoNet_EPOCH : Constructions_static_F
    author = "BI";
	mapSize = 14.59;
    scope = 2;
	model = "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\CamoNet_Big_F.p3d";
    displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_LargeDesertCamoNet";
	vehicleClass = "Epoch_objects";
	destrType = "DestructTent";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_OPFOR_CA.paa"};
	hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Shelters\Data\CamoNet_BLUFOR.rvmat"};

I have the configs for an outhouse (Land_FieldToilet_F), single and double portable lights, sandbag walls and a small bunker, a fuel pump, sun shade, bench (Land_Bench_05_F), tower (Land_Lifeguard_Tower_01_F), Scaffolding and a sink (plus a couple of other things). This covers all the A2/Epoch buildables that I can remember.

If this code is cool then I will start updating the files in my repo and push back.


Error in stringtable name for Rice Box

Line 3028 in CfgMagazines.hpp should be changed from:

	displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_ItemRice";


	displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_ItemRiceBox";

And line 3030 should be changed from

	descriptionShort = "$STR_EPOCH_ItemRiceDesc";


	descriptionShort = "$STR_EPOCH_ItemRiceBoxDesc";


Addition of buildable tents that would act as temporary storage

So, since I basically was told that everything I was thinking about for Epoch 1.0 was already covered, I thought I would make sure there were issues raised to ensure that they were.

The first is a deployable tent (A-frame and Ridge) that would act as temporary storage in the same way that Tipis and Lockboxes do. Would need a packed model for each so that they can be found as loot or crafted (but that side of things is beyond my abilities, I don't know graphics or 3D modeling) but the CfgVehicles additions for the tents themselves would be:

class TentA_EPOCH : Buildable_Storage
author = "whoever";
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Structures\Civ\Camping\TentA_F.p3d";
displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_TentA";
maximumLoad = 800;
class TentDome_EPOCH : Buildable_Storage
author = "whoever";
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Structures\Civ\Camping\TentDome_F.p3d";
displayName = "$STR_EPOCH_TentDome";
maximumLoad = 1200;

Additions to the stringtable for these items would be:

<Key ID="STR_EPOCH_TentA">
        <Original>A small one-person tent</Original>
<Key ID="STR_EPOCH_TentDome">
        <Original>A roomier camping tent</Original>


Issue with the UAV brain FSM?

Hmm... could be a logical problem in the drone code ... In the fsm for the drone it has this:

                     "[[(getPos _trgt),80,150,1,true] call EPOCH_fnc_findSafePos,_copter] call EPOCH_supportCopter;" \n

but that means that EPOCH_supportCopter will call EPOCH_unitSpawn.sqf with a randomized location from the targeted player ... but then the spawn code randomizes it with

        _pos = [_targetPos,80,150,1,true] call EPOCH_fnc_findSafePos;

potentially spawning the enemy AI on the player's location... or am I going mad?

Shouldn't EPOCH_supportCopter.sqf be called just with the player's pos? I.e. I think the FSM code should just be:
"[getPos _trgt,_copter] call EPOCH_supportCopter;" \n


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