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enzyme-matchers's Issues

"not" missing in message when evaluating negative assertions

I've noticed that if a negative assertion fails using one of the assertions in this library, it fails correctly but "not" is missing in the message text. For example:

import React from 'react';

class Fail extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <input id="checked" checked={true} />
        <input id="not" checked={true} />

module.exports = Fail;
import React from 'react';
import {mount} from 'enzyme';
import jasmineEnzyme from 'jasmine-enzyme';
var Fail= require('../Fail.jsx');

describe('Fail', () => {
  var wrapper;

  beforeEach(() => {
    wrapper = mount(<Fail />);

  it('should render the not checked component as not checked', () => {

1) Fail should render the not checked component as not checked
    Expected "<input id="not" name="">" to be checked

The message should be "Expected [emement] not to be checked".

`toHaveTagName` does not work in IE11

Running my spec suite on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and IE11.

IE11 is the only browser experiencing the following:

Expected <function DropContainer(props) {
	  var className = props.className,
	      direction = props.direction,
	      flush = props.flush;

	  return _react2.default.createElement(
	      className: className + ' ' + directionClassName(direction) + ' ' + flushClassName(flush, direction),
	      component: 'div'
	}> node to equal (using ===) type "ReactTransitionGroup" but it is a "undefined".


export default function DropContainer(props) {
  const {
  } = props;

  return (
      className={`${className} ${directionClassName(direction)} ${flushClassName(flush, direction)}`}

Stepping through the matcher, it's pretty clear why it would be failing.

Attempting to get the name of the enzymeWrapper is not supported in IE.

A polyfill should suffice. I'll see if I can provide a workaround (for the time being).

Support matchers for `equals` or `matchesElement`

For enzyme .equals, it would be great to be able to write:

const wrapper = shallow(<span />);
expect(wrapper).toEqualNode(<span />);

instead of

const wrapper = shallow(<span />);
expect(highlightedText.equals(<span />)).toBe(true);

which gives no useful information on failure.

Or the equivalent with .matchesElement

Errors with flowtypes

Hey, adding this module to jest causes a lot of flow type checking errors:

 10: import type { EnzymeObject } from '../../../../types/EnzymeObject';
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ../../../../types/EnzymeObject. Required module not found

There might be a way to ignore these with a flowconfig, but it'd be better if it worked out of the box.

I wonder if maybe this could be fixed by .npmignore tje src directory as it is not used (lib folder is the actual module as far as I can tell)

Use of jasmine matcher as value of toHaveProp()

I am trying to update a project that uses the old 1.2.0 version of jasmine-enzyme and I encountered a breaking change that I don't see mentioned in the change-log (this is jasmine specific).
The toHaveProp() method does not work aymore when jasmine core matchers are used as value.

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
	render () {
		return <div name="whatever" />;

it( 'toHaveProp()  with jasmine matchers as value', () => {
	const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
        // This one works:
	expect( wrapper ).toHaveProp( 'name', 'whatever' );
	// This one fails with 2.0.0 and above:
	expect( wrapper ).toHaveProp( 'name', jasmine.any( String ) );
} );

1.2.0 works, but 2.0.0 and 3.4.0 gives the same error:

Expected <MyComponent> "name" prop values to match (using npm.deepEqualIdent) but they didn't.

Should this be working or did you drop support for this specific stuff at one point ?
I have not used jest yet, so I don't know if there is any equivalent.

Thanks !

`toHaveState` with stateValue passes when it shouldn't

toHaveState appears to be ignoring the second argument (stateValue) as described here:

Since it's ignoring the second argument, tests pass if they will likely have the key even if the values don't match. Here's a reduced test case:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';

class Fixture extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = { foo: 12 };

  render() {
    return (<div />);

describe('test', () => {
  it('should fail', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Fixture />);

    // This should fail since 12 != 15
    expect(wrapper).toHaveState('foo', 15);

mapWrappersHTML() throws exception when a component has object property


I've found that when a component has an object property, mapWrappersHTML() throws an exception like "TypeError: 'Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive)' returned for property 'Symbol(Symbol.toPrimitive)' of object '[object Object]' is not a function"

This is because it attempts to run ${key}="${props[key]}" and fails to interpolate the object.

This is seen, for example, when running .toBePresent() against more than one result().

I'm not sure I see the benefit of mapWrappersHTML() having all that complexity - couldn't it essentially perform the same as the single node case in printHTMLForWrapper()?

[Matcher]: `toMatchSnapshot` for enzyme comp

jest-enzyme ONLY

It would be real cool if we could support enzyme with snapshot testing in jest. Since we rejected it from living in the enzyme repo (enzymejs/enzyme#541), this seems like the natural place.

Of course we would have to fall back to the original toMatchSnapshot if a non-enzyme wrapper was given.

Basic thoughts:

var originalToMatchSnapshot;
toMatchSnapshot(enzymeWrapper) {
  if (notEnzyme(enzymeWrapper)) {
    return originalToMatchSnapshot(enzymeWrapper);

  var snapshotable = convertToCompatibleJSON(enzymeWrapper);
  return originalToMatchSnapshot(snapshotable);

jest-enzyme setupTestFrameworkScriptFile needs <rootDir>

I get the below error with "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "node_modules/jest-enzyme/lib/index.js". I no longer have an error when prepending <rootDir>.

Error: Jest: Module "node_modules/jest-enzyme/lib/index.js" in the "setupTestFrameworkScriptFile" option was not found. at resolve (.../node_modules/jest-config/build/normalize.js:48:11) at Object.keys.reduce (.../node_modules/jest-config/build/normalize.js:343:17) at Array.reduce (native) at normalize (.../node_modules/jest-config/build/normalize.js:294:23) at promisify.then (.../node_modules/jest-config/build/loadFromPackage.js:24:12) error Command failed with exit code 1.

MATCHER WANTED: `toHaveAttr(key, value)`


const style = { width: '50px', height: '50px' };
const wrapper = shallow(<img alt="avatar" src="image.jpg" style={style} />);

expect(wrapper).toHaveAttr('alt', 'avatar');
expect(wrapper).toHaveAttr('src', 'image.jpg');
expect(wrapper).toHaveAttr('style', 'width:50px;height:50px;');

Installation instructions are vague

I was excited to try out this library but I ran into a lot of trouble installing and configuring.

I did get it working but I think others may have some difficulty too. I'm happy to make a PR with some more detailed installation instructions if it would be helpful.

toContainReact failure message is inverted

It looks like the assertion failure message for toContainReact is inverted.


FAIL  src\App.test.js
  โ— <App/> โ€บ renders the welcome message

    Expected wrapper to contain <h2>THE CORRECT MESSAGE</h2>.

      at stack (node_modules\jest-jasmine2\vendor\jasmine-2.4.1.js:1580:17)
      at (src\App.test.js:10:21)
      at process._tickCallback (internal\process\next_tick.js:103:7)


FAIL  src\App.test.js
  โ— <App/> โ€บ renders the welcome message

    Expected wrapper not to contain <h2>THE CORRECT MESSAGE</h2>.

      at stack (node_modules\jest-jasmine2\vendor\jasmine-2.4.1.js:1580:17)
      at (src\App.test.js:10:21)
      at process._tickCallback (internal\process\next_tick.js:103:7)

It's a little subtle, but the error message is saying that it expected to the component not to contain a snippet of JSX. In this case, the expectation was that it does contain that snippet.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the create-react-app boilerplate and add jest-enzyme to it.
  2. Alter the included App.test.js slightly (see below)
  3. Run npm test.
// src/App.test.js

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import App from './App';

describe('<App/>', () => {
  it('renders the welcome message', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<App/>);
    const message = <h2>THE CORRECT MESSAGE</h2>;


Jest installation and use of basic example is unclear / throws Error.

Using jest-enzyme, here is my test file, copied directly from your examples:

import React from 'react'
import {mount, shallow} from 'enzyme'

function Fixture() {
  return (
      <input id="checked" defaultChecked />
      <input id="not" defaultChecked={false} />

describe('wrapper', () => {
  it('works', () => {
    const wrapper = mount(<Fixture />); // mount/render/shallow when applicable

I have installed as devDependencies jest-enzyme, enzyme, react-addons-test-utils.

I get this failure message:

> CI=true react-scripts test --env=jsdom

 FAIL  src/__tests__/ListModalSpec.js
  โ— wrapper โ€บ works

    TypeError: expect(...).toBeChecked is not a function

      at Object.<anonymous> (src/__tests__/ListModalSpec.js:16:38)
      at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)

How am I holding it wrong?

Make library work with `render`

Currently we are doing nothing with rendered components. chai-enzyme is supporting them nicely. We should find a way to support rendered components.

Question: Avoid requiring enzyme for `toContainReact` matcher


I've been trying to create a Karma plugin wrapper for this project, however I've hit a road block as the toContainReact matcher requires Enzyme.

I've been playing around with the matcher, and found an alternative, but hacky solution to avoid the import.


const wrappedInstance = Object.getPrototypeOf(enzymeWrapper).wrap(reactInstance);

Instead of

const wrappedInstance = shallow(reactInstance);

This uses the wrap method from ReactWrapper, but there may be hidden complications with the this.root?

Is there any way we can render the error message without importing Enzyme?

Improve toHaveState's support for nested objects

  1. If a component has an object key which is an object literal and you expect(component).toHaveState('key', ...) with another object literal (different references), the test will fail.
  2. [object Object] strings are not very helpful for debugging.


Remove Warning: ReactTestUtils has been moved to react-dom/test-utils

After I add this line to my Jest test setup file:
import 'jest-enzyme';

Every time I run my tests, I got follow warning for each test case:

console.error node_modules/fbjs/lib/warning.js:36
Warning: ReactTestUtils has been moved to react-dom/test-utils. Update references to remove this warning.

It seems like jest-enzyme have some old react dependence. Is it possible to remove these warnings?

"react": "15.5.3",
"enzyme": "2.8.2",
"jest-enzyme": "3.2.0",

"expect is not defined" when importing jest-enzyme in setup.js

I am using Jest 20 with Enzyme 2.8.0.

Importing jest-enzyme in my test files works, but as soon as I put it in my setup.js I am getting the following error:

    ReferenceError: expect is not defined
      at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/jest-enzyme/lib/index.js:23:1)

Here's my setup.js file:

/* eslint-disable no-console */

const { jsdom } = require('jsdom');

global.document = jsdom('');
global.window = document.defaultView;
Object.keys(document.defaultView).forEach((property) => {
	if (typeof global[property] === 'undefined') {
		global[property] = document.defaultView[property];

const { Response, Headers, Request } = require('whatwg-fetch');

global.Response = Response;
global.Headers = Headers;
global.Request = Request;

jest.mock('Linking', () => ({
	addEventListener: jest.fn(),
	removeEventListener: jest.fn(),
	openURL: jest.genMockFn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()),
	canOpenURL: jest.genMockFn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()),
	getInitialURL: jest.genMockFn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()),

jest.mock('react-native-snackbar', () => ({

const originalConsoleError = console.error;
console.error = (message) => {
	// see
	if (message.startsWith('Warning: Unknown prop')) {


I tried rolling back to Jest 19 and putting the import at the end of file, didn't help.
What could be the problem?

printHTMLForWrapper prints deep output instead of shallow debug output for ShallowWrapper on IE 11

This code in html.js returns wrapper.html() for shallow wrappers instead of wrapper.debug() when run on IE 11:

    case 1: {
        return wrapper.debug().replace(/\n/g, '');

      return wrapper.html();

This is because is undefined on IE 11 ( is not supported).


const wrapper = enzyme.shallow(<FooComponent />);

Typescript can't find index.d.ts

index.d.ts was in src folder in 3.2.0 but in 3.5.1 it's in lib folder and Typescript cannot find the definitions anymore.

Also @types/jest defines Matchers as interface Matchers<R> but jest-enzyme defines Matchers as interface Matchers. This causes Typescript to throw error All declaration of Matchers must have identical type parameters

toBeInstanceOf matcher

Name up for discussion.
Idea is that if I want to check that a wrapper is a specific component, I could assert easily.


Is the name correct?

Rename matchers to avoid core jasmine overrides

Just started playing with enzyme and jasmine-enzyme and got stuck on an unexpected bug. Currently the toMatch and toContains matchers override core jasmine matchers which work on strings.

Would you consider renaming these?
They could be renamed to something like toMatchSelector and toContainReact or something like that...

Appreciate your time, and thanks for your effort and library!

toHaveProp does not respect propValue in 2.1.0-rc1

With the following spec:

import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';

function User(props) {
  return (
    <div className="user">{}</div>

User.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

function Fixture(props) {
  return (
    <div id="root">
      <User name="Nope!" />

it('should pass props to the User', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<Fixture />);

  expect(wrapper.find(User)).toHaveProp('name', 'Test User');

As of v2.0.0 the output of the above spec fails and outputs:

Expected wrappers prop values not to match for key "name":
            Actual: "Nope!"
            Expected: "Test User"

After the upgrade to v2.1.0-rc1 the spec passes.

`toHaveProp()` should maybe compare `undefined` values?

Consider a test that looks something like the following:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return <div>{ }</div>

describe('MyComponent', () => {
  it('has name prop', () => {
    let props = { name: 'Mr. Foobar' }
    let wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent { ...props } />)
    expect(wrapper).toHaveProp('name', props.nameTypo)

In this case, the test passes, even though there is an obvious typo in the matcher's arguments: .toHaveProp('name', props.nameTypo).

The intent here is obvious: the component should have a prop called name with a value of 'Mr. Foobar'. In practice, though, because of the typo, the matcher simply checked that the prop existed, and stopped short of comparing the component's actual value for name with the expected value (of undefined).

I think this might be a case where the matcher should have compared the values. It may be necessary to consider arguments.length to determine if a value comparison is required, not whether the propValue === undefined. Doing so should preserve the ability to call the matcher with one arg (.toHaveProp('foo')) as well as catch programmer mistakes like the case outlined above.

Fix CI Environment

CI has been failing for a while.. needs to be fixed so we can merge with confidence.

TypeScript still not bundled properly

With new release 3.6.0, I executed:

mkdir enzyme-poc && cd enzyme-poc && npm init -y && npm i jest-enzyme jest --save-dev
cat ./node_modules/jest-enzyme/lib/index.d.ts

I was hoping for it to contain the changes from #134

But it doesn't

Did we make a mistake while publishing or is it intentional?

When I do executed

cat ./node_modules/jest-enzyme/package.json

It does reveal that it's using 3.6.0

Issue with assertions calling html() for contextualInformation

I'm noticing that most of the assertions perform an html() invocation on the enzyme wrapper (to generate possible error output?). This triggers a renderToStaticMarkup from react-dom, which seems to defeat the whole purpose of shallow rendering because this tries to build the full tree and fails because dependencies of children in the tree are not met.

Am I missing something obvious?

Future Plans

Jest is diverging from jasmine slowly, so we need to prepare for that change. My plan is this:

  • convert repo to multi-repo with lerna
  • rename repo to enzyme-matchers. Different name?

packages would be:

  • enzyme-matchers
  • jasmine-enzyme
  • jest-enzyme

Could be extensible for mocha, chai, Ava, etc with this approach

`toHaveProp()` modifies parameter value

Strangely the toHaveProp matcher seems to modify the passed array value:

it('check props', () => {
    const numberArray = [1, 2, 3];
    console.log(numberArray);                           // [ 1, 2, 3 ]
    expect(wrapper).toHaveProp('records', numberArray);
    console.log(numberArray);                           // [ 1 ]

I'm (apart from that happily ๐Ÿ‘ ) using jasmine-enzyme 3.2.0 (and enzyme 2.8.2).

`toContainReact` fails even though output matches

First off: I have tried searching the web to see if this was a common issue, but that does not seem to be the case. I assume this is the repository I should be posting this issue to -- if it is not, feel free to close it (and please direct me to the correct repository).

Now then!

I have written a recursive React component that I am writing tests for. For some reason, it seems that toContainReact fails even though the HTML output contains the expected elements.

I created an application that contains a minimum reproduction (at least as minimum as I could find) of this issue: Saser/tocontainreact-failing

When running the test in the above repo, I get the following output:

Expected <div> to contain <span>outer<span>inner</span></span> but it was not found.
HTML Output of <div>:

Any idea as to what might be wrong?

MATCHER WANTED: `toHaveStyle(key, value)`


const style = { height: '100%', flex: 8 };
const wrapper = shallow(<div style={style} />);

expect(wrapper).toHaveStyle('height', '100%');
expect(wrapper).toHaveStyle('flex', 8);

v2.1.0 TypeError: Cannot read property '_tag' of undefined

One our test works correctly with your enzyme-matchers in v2.0.0. But in version 2.1.0 it stats failing.
Error doesn't look like a problem with test, it looks more like problem with enzyme-matchers.
Error stack trace:

TypeError: Cannot read property '_tag' of undefined
      at node_modules/enzyme-matchers/lib/utils/html.js:16:57
      at (native)
      at mapWrappersHTML (node_modules/enzyme-matchers/lib/utils/html.js:15:24)
      at printHTMLForWrapper (node_modules/enzyme-matchers/lib/utils/html.js:53:21)
      at Assertion.toBePresent (node_modules/enzyme-matchers/lib/assertions/toBePresent.js:32:73)
      at Assertion.<anonymous> (test/frontend/__helpers/assertions.js:12:43)
      at Assertion.Object.defineProperty.value [as bePresent] (node_modules/should/lib/assertion.js:147:14)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/frontend/unit/features/appsList/appSuggestion/AppSuggestion.jsx:96:60)

Failing assertion looks:

wrapper.find(".appSuggestion .section").should.bePresent();

We use should for assertions and therefore I wrote wrapper which extends should with your module.

For us simplest solution is to downgrade to 2.0.0 and don't allow to update.

Negative assertion messages don't work in jasmine

  it('renders the name', () => {
    expect(wrapper).not.toIncludeText('lars van der hoover');

Failure message: Expected <SuperCoolComponent> to contain "lars van der hoover" but it did not.

Looks like 5d4b550 removed negated messages for jasmine

Assertion message improvements when using .not

Some of the messages for matchers are misleading when using .not.

For example, whether you do expect(this.subject.find(...)).toBePresent() or expect(this.subject.find(...)).not.toBePresent(), upon failure, the error message is "Expected contents to not be empty, but it is".

I think it would be more useful if the message changed depending on whether the assertion passes. For example, instead of this:

      compare(enzymeWrapper:Object) : Object {
        return {
          pass: enzymeWrapper.length !== 0,
          message: 'Expected contents to not be empty, but it is',

how about:

      compare(enzymeWrapper:Object) : Object {
        var passes = enzymeWrapper.length !== 0;
        return {
          pass: passes,
          message: passes ? 'Expected contents to not be empty, but it is' : 'Expected contents to be empty, but it wasnt',

I think a similar conditional could be applied to some of the other matchers as well.

toHaveStyle checks the DOM before rendering

function Fixture() {
  const style1 = { backgroundColor: 'red' };

  return (
      <span id="style1" style={style1} />

const wrapper = mount(<Fixture />); 
expect(wrapper.find('#style1')).toHaveStyle('backgroundColor', 'red');  // passes
expect(wrapper.find('#style1')).toHaveStyle('background-color', 'red');  // fails

second case should pass and first should fail right

3.5.0 on npm?

Doesn't look like 3.5.0 got pushed to npm, was that intentional?

Dynamic require statements fail webpack build

My webpack build throws warnings when importing jasmine-enzyme because of the colors package imported by enzyme-matchers.

There are two files in which produce the warnings: colors/lib/colors.js (line 138) and colors/lib/extendStringPrototype.js (line 101). Both lines do a dynamic require of some module.

Since the colors package is last updated about a year ago, I don't understand why it's giving me this problem all of the sudden. I'm asking the question here since it's loaded as a dependency of enzyme-matchers. Since so many people are using webpack with jasmine, my assumption is that it's perhaps some sort of configuration issue.

Any ideas as to what might be the problem?

Some modules in JS output don't seem to be correctly transpiled

For example, the name.js file in enzyme-matchers/lib/utils is converted to

'use strict';

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.default = getNameFromArbitraryWrapper;

var _instance = require('./instance');

var _instance2 = _interopRequireDefault(_instance);

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

 * Gets the name of the node or component for the SINGLE item
function getNameFromRoot(root) {
  // shallow
  if (root.unrendered) {
    var type = root.unrendered.type;

    return || type;

  var inst = (0, _instance2.default)(root);
  if (inst) {
    return inst._tag;

  // direct node
  if (typeof root.type === 'string') {
    return root.type;

  return typeof === 'function' ? : '(anonymous)';

 * Can take any sort of wrapper. A single node, a component,
 * multiple nodes, multiple components.
 * examples of outputs:
 * - "Fixture"
 * - "input"
 * - "(anonymous)"
 * - "Fixture, 2 "span" nodes found"
 * - "Fixture, 2 mixed nodes found"
 * @function name
 * @returns string

function getNameFromArbitraryWrapper(wrapper) {
  var nodeCount = wrapper.nodes.length;

  switch (nodeCount) {
    case 0:
        return '[empty set]';
    case 1:
        return getNameFromRoot(wrapper);
        var nodeTypeMap = {};

        // determine if we have a mixed list of nodes or not
        wrapper.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
          var name = getNameFromRoot(node);
          nodeTypeMap[name] = (nodeTypeMap[name] || 0) + 1;

        var nodeTypeList = Object.keys(nodeTypeMap);

        var nodeTypes = nodeTypeList.length === 1 ? nodeTypeList[0] : 'mixed';

        var root = getNameFromRoot(wrapper.root);

        return `${root}, ${nodeCount} ${nodeTypes} nodes found`;
module.exports = exports['default'];

It's not a native es6 module any more so it's treated by webpack as a regular js file but notice the return statement has back-ticks which breaks our phantomjs testing setup.

Flow types not packed into jest-enzyme


just did a fresh install of jest-enzyme and the types folder is not packed with the package, only the lib folder is present. Same for the enzyme-matchers package.

Not sure what the initial goal for 20682e1 was actually.

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