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lsp-pyright's Issues

lsp-goto-implementation not working

Attempting to do lsp-goto-implementation I get this:

lsp--send-request-async: The connected server(s) does not support method textDocument/implementation.
To find out what capabilities support your server use ‘M-x lsp-describe-session’
and expand the capabilities section

That shows:

[-] /home/luke/devel/clients/MAT/rpr
 `-[-] pyright:192087
    |-[-] Buffers
    |  `-[X]
    `-[-] Capabilities
       |-[X] callHierarchyProvider: t
       |-[-] executeCommandProvider:
       |  |-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |  `-[X] commands: []
       |-[-] codeActionProvider:
       |  |-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |  `-[X] codeActionKinds: [quickfix source.organizeImports]
       |-[-] signatureHelpProvider:
       |  |-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |  `-[X] triggerCharacters: [( , )]
       |-[-] completionProvider:
       |  |-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |  |-[X] resolveProvider: t
       |  `-[X] triggerCharacters: [. []
       |-[-] renameProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] documentHighlightProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] hoverProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] workspaceSymbolProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] documentSymbolProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] referencesProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] declarationProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       |-[-] definitionProvider:
       |  `-[X] workDoneProgress: t
       `-[X] textDocumentSync: 2

Is it indeed the case that this is not supported yet? If it is, is there any guidance on what I might be doing wrong? In VSCode, the pyright extension says it supports: "Find Definitions to quickly go to the location of a symbol’s definition" so I thought this feature would be present.

Install issue

(use-package) shows that lip-pyright isn't available...

How specify Python interpreter with elisp

I'm trying to integrate lsp-pyright with PDM python package manager and doom-emacs. But I fails to make pyright to use my PDM python interpreter. It still use my system interpreter.

I have tried to use lsp-pyright-auto-search-paths and lsp-pyright-venv-path to specify python interpreter, but that doesn't work

(defun pdm-get-python-executable (&optional dir)
    (let ((pdm-get-python-cmd "pdm info --python"))
        (if dir
            (concat "cd "
                    " && "

(defun pdm-get-packages-path (&optional dir)
  (let ((pdm-get-packages-cmd "pdm run bash -c 'printenv PEP582_PACKAGES'"))
    (concat (string-trim
              (if dir
                  (concat "cd "
                          " && "

(add-hook! python-mode
  (setq lsp-pyright-extra-paths (vector (pdm-get-packages-path)))
  (setq lsp-pyright-auto-search-paths (pdm-get-python-executable))
  (setq lsp-pyright-venv-path (pdm-get-python-executable))
  (require 'lsp-pyright)
  (lsp)) ; or lsp-deferred

Support `poetry run pyright-langserver`

Currently, when using Poetry with a local venv, you have to create a .dir-locals.el file containing something like:

((python-mode . ((lsp-pyright-venv-path . "/home/user/project/.venv")))))

It would be great if we were able to configure the Pyright command, or at least set an option to run it through Poetry. I tried this (somewhat hacky) solution:

(eval-after-load 'lsp-clients
     (lsp-dependency 'pyright (:system ,(executable-find "poetry")))

(after! lsp-pyright
  (setq lsp-pyright-langserver-command-args "run pyright-langserver --stdio"))

But it didn't work ("Unable to find installed server...").

Specify custom virtualenv directory name/lambda

From what I can tell, lsp-pyright currently looks for the venv and .venv directories in default-directory and up (via locate-dominating-file):


Lines 153 to 159 in 65fb141

(defun lsp-pyright-locate-venv ()
"Look for virtual environments local to the workspace."
(or lsp-pyright-venv-path
(-when-let (venv-base-directory (locate-dominating-file default-directory "venv/"))
(concat venv-base-directory "venv"))
(-when-let (venv-base-directory (locate-dominating-file default-directory ".venv/"))
(concat venv-base-directory ".venv"))))

I have used a convention of using env as the directory for virtualenvs in all my projects. Can you please provide a way (either via a lambda or by specifying folder names it looks for) to give a custom folder name to lsp-pyright which it searches for in order to find the virtualenv directory?

Note that lsp-pyright-venv-path doesn't work, because the env folders are project-local.

Unable to install lsp-pyright from melpa

I am running emacs 27.2 on a Mac running Big Sur. I am unable to install lsp-pyright from melpa. I cannot get it to show up in the package list package-list-packages and I cannot install it directly via package-install. Is this because it depends on emacs 26? Is the dependency on emacs 26 a hard dependency?

Import "numpy" could not be resolved.

Pyright is having trouble resolving pip3 installed packages like numpy or matplotlib. I checked numpy's installation location and it's under /home/ianpan/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages, and when I ran pyright --verbose I do see this exact same path being found both under "Search paths found for configured python interpreter" and "Received 5 paths from interpreter".
In this case, is the pyrightconfig.json file still needed? If it is, what exactly should I put in the configuration file? All I need is for pyright to recognize my pip3 packages that installed "globally". Thanks in advance!

"pyright" configuration section of lsp-configuration-setting not retrieved in initialization

I am using a very basic configuration of this package.

So the package initializes client settings via:

 `(("pyright.disableLanguageServices" lsp-pyright-disable-language-services)
   ("pyright.disableOrganizeImports" lsp-pyright-disable-organize-imports)
   ("python.analysis.useLibraryCodeForTypes" lsp-pyright-use-library-code-for-types)
   ("python.analysis.diagnosticMode" lsp-pyright-diagnostic-mode)
   ("python.analysis.typeCheckingMode" lsp-pyright-typechecking-mode)
   ("python.analysis.logLevel" lsp-pyright-log-level)
   ("python.analysis.autoSearchPaths" lsp-pyright-auto-search-paths)
   ("python.pythonPath" lsp-pyright-locate-python)))

These are written into lsp-client-settings:

lsp-client-settings is a variable defined in ‘lsp-mode.el’.
Its value is
(("pyright.disableLanguageServices" lsp-pyright-disable-language-services)
 ("pyright.disableOrganizeImports" lsp-pyright-disable-organize-imports)
 ("python.analysis.useLibraryCodeForTypes" lsp-pyright-use-library-code-for-types)
 ("python.analysis.diagnosticMode" lsp-pyright-diagnostic-mode)
 ("python.analysis.typeCheckingMode" lsp-pyright-typechecking-mode)
 ("python.analysis.logLevel" lsp-pyright-log-level)
 ("python.analysis.autoSearchPaths" lsp-pyright-auto-search-paths)
 ("python.pythonPath" lsp-pyright-locate-python))

However, when I inspect the calls to get the individual configuration settings "pyright" vs "python", it looks as though the "python" section is retrieved:

(lsp-configuration-section "python")

evaluates to:

#s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("python" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("analysis" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ("diagnosticMode" "openFilesOnly" "typeCheckingMode" "basic" "logLevel" "info" "autoSearchPaths" t)) "pythonPath" "/Users/johnnysigman/anaconda3/bin/python"))))


(lsp-configuration-section "pyright")

evaluates to:

#s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 data ())

Which doesnt have any of the configuration settings stored previously. This is the function used to initialize the package.

How to use the conda env?

Thanks for the package!

I got some error popping up when I try to use the conda env. Jump to definition doesn't work on packages installed in the conda env.

Here is my pyrightconfig.json file.

  "venvPath": "/Users/ztlevi/.conda/envs/test/"

This is the error

Pyright language server 1.1.58 starting
Server root directory: /Users/ztlevi/.local/share/nodenv/versions/12.10.0/lib/node_modules/pyright/dist/
Error reading settings: TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
Loading configuration file at /Users/ztlevi/Developer/python-test/pyrightconfig.json
Assuming Python version 3.7
Assuming Python platform Darwin
No include entries specified; assuming /Users/ztlevi/Developer/python-test
Auto-excluding **/node_modules
Auto-excluding **/__pycache__
Auto-excluding .git
Setting pythonPath for service "python-test": "/usr/local/bin/python3"
stubPath /Users/ztlevi/Developer/python-test/typings is not a valid directory.
Searching for source files
Found 5 source files
Error reading settings: TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
No configuration file found.
Setting pythonPath for service "numpy": "/usr/local/bin/python3"
stubPath /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/typings is not a valid directory.
Assuming Python version 3.7
Assuming Python platform Darwin
Searching for source files
Found 371 source files
Error reading settings: TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
No configuration file found.
Setting pythonPath for service "numpy": "/usr/local/bin/python3"
stubPath /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/numpy/typings is not a valid directory.
Assuming Python version 3.7
Assuming Python platform Darwin
Searching for source files
Found 356 source files

BTW, I'm seeing this error even if I use the system python interpreter.

Import "numpy" could not be resolved

As titled, pyright can't seem to find my pip3-installed packages like numpy or matplotlib. How can I go about letting pyright recognize where these pip3 packages are installed?
Thanks in advance!

Can not import cv2 correctly

I'm use pyrightconfig json file and install cv2.
Can't prompt correctly for cv2.imread or cv2.imwrite
Sorry, my english is not good.
我已经安装了cv2 包 在 test 环境下,并且使用了pyrightconfig.json 文件。
现在问题是无法正常提示cv2的候选项,例如 imread imwrite,这些都无法正常提示。
不过其他包(tensorflow numpy)都能正常提示

this is my pyrightconfig.json

this is lsp-log

Add node version requirements to documentation

I was attempting to install lsp-pyright on a centos7 machine without root privileges. For me the default versions were:

  • node v6.16.0
  • npm v3.10.10

When attempting to build pyright in doom emacs I kept getting
Syntax Error: Unexpected Token *

Updating the node version to 14 fixed this as I looked #35 which mentioned downgrading to node 14 was required on mac.

I am quite new to contributing so my question is would you be open to adding a quick section in the readme about node requirements as they are not obvious on microsofts documentation either?

I would be happy to investigate what versions work and don't.

pyright and ms-python simultaneously?

Hi, I'm trying to decide between using this language server or the ms-python server, when I realized that vscode seems to be using both simultaneously to complement each other, since pyright as I understand it's just type checker.

Is this possible in emacs as well? How would someone set it up?

Auto-completing function calls does not insert parens

I'm on Spacemacs and just switched from pyls to pyright . One thing I noticed is that auto-completion does not insert parens after completing a function name.
As an example (the pipe character is where he cursor would be): if I type pri|, company completes it to print|. I would expect it to expand to print(|) and drop the cursor inside the parens.

It works on pyls, is this an upstream issue on Pyright's end? I did try to update it as well, but no dice.

Suggestions for remote tramp configuration?

I'm trying to adapt this to work over tramp, and tried the following:

    :new-connection (lsp-tramp-connection "pyright-langserver")
    :major-modes '(python-mode)
    :server-id 'pyright-remote
    :remote? t

which does get recognized as a legitimate client for a tramp-opened file, but then fails with Server pyright-remote:84540/starting exited with status exit(check corresponding stderr buffer for details). Do you want to restart it? (y or n) n.

By default lsp-pyright seems to be trying to run npm locally to find out where pyright-langserver is, but that obviously won't work over a tramp/SSH connection. I had already installed pyright, and npm on my remote host helpfully added a /usr/local/bin/pyright-langserver link. Any suggestions?

Permission denied on "Application Data" folder


I am using lsp-pyright in the following environment

  • Emacs 28.0.50
  • Windows 11 (preview)

When lsp-mode is starting the pyright server I get the following error

LSP :: pyright:10456 initialized successfully in folders: (c:/Software/license-queue c:/Software/admin-scripts c:/Software/user-admin-scripts c:/Software/PyTest c:/Webb/TPCloner c:/Software/vault-audit-sink c:/Users/anste c:/Software/dog-lameness)
Error processing message (file-error "Opening directory" "Permission denied" "c:/Users/anste/AppData/Local/Application Data").

Furthermore, my Emacs is unresponsive quite a while after opening the first Python buffer.

I do not know if this is a problem with the pyright server itself, or lsp-mode.

How to suppress "XXX is not accessed"

스크린샷 2021-03-03 오후 9 24 44

I created pyrightconfig.json

    "reportUnusedVariable" : "none",
    "reportUnusedImport": "none",
    "reportUnusedFunction": "none",

but It's not effective.

when I run pyright in Terminal, It's avoid.
스크린샷 2021-03-03 오후 9 30 40

How to I get just warning / error report. I don't want get Info-level report(green face).

Disable tab error

I edit my python code with tabs instead of spaces, I know that PEP 8 says to use spaces, but I honestly hate using them and I want my tab key to input... well tabs.
Anyway I keep getting errors using pyright saying indentation contains tabs and I can't seem to get rid of them, has anyone else solved this issue?

[RFE] command to restart a pyright server

Sometimes I see the pyright session is stale, and doesn't pick up changes like newly added dependencies. Typically this happens when I'm changing/enabling virtual environments for some reason (in the same file). Presently I do it by manually editing venvPath and venv in pyrightconfig.json.

It would be great if we could have a command to restart the pyright session to pickup these changes. At the moment I have to restart emacs.

Are we managed to get organize import and auto import working

Just a question on if we are able to get organize import and auto import working?
If we are then would you mind to give me a hint.
s = socket.socket()

  1. I expect the auto import to work but it does not. Instead I got '"socket" is not defined'.
  2. Even when I do it with lsp-organize-imports, it also does not help.
    LSP :: source.organizeImports action not available

| -[+]
|-[X]callHierarchyProvider: t
| |-[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]commands: []
| |-[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]codeActionKinds: [quickfix source.organizeImports]
| |-[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]triggerCharacters: [( , )]
| |-[X]workDoneProgress: t
| |-[X]resolveProvider: t
| -[X]triggerCharacters: [. []
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
| -[X]workDoneProgress: t
-[X]textDocumentSync: 1

  1. Maybe it's a server problem?

[Trace - 09:33:23 ] Sending request 'textDocument/codeAction - (259)'.
Params: {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///home/xtaidin/workspace/dev/lsp-pyright/testpython/"
"range": {
"start": {
"line": 1,
"character": 11
"end": {
"line": 1,
"character": 11
"context": {
"diagnostics": [
"source": "Pyright (reportUndefinedVariable)",
"severity": 1,
"message": ""socket" is not defined",
"range": {
"end": {
"character": 16,
"line": 1
"start": {
"character": 10,
"line": 1
"only": [
[Trace - 09:33:23 ] Received response 'textDocument/codeAction - (259)' in 2ms.
Result: []

Documentation not working


I have the problem that lsp-ui-show-doc is very short and company-show-doc-buffer just opens an empty buffer for many functions (bultins and numpy for example). I tried many things and I also manually installed type stubs that are found by pyright but nothing helps.
Is anyone having this problems as well? Looking for any pointers on how to fix this.

When I show the doc buffer with anaconda-mode I get correct results, so I doubt it is my Python installation.

Rename Symbol not working with lsp-pyright

Not sure if this is a language server issue or lsp-pyright issue.

lsp-rename works with pylsp language server but not pyright

pyright version 1.1.187
lsp-mode 20211115.807

update - tested it with eglot aswell but I had the same issue there, eglot think the rename is successful but it was not.

LSP :: Connected to [pyright-remote:47980/starting] and it never gets connected over tramp

my lsp-pyright setting in vanila emacs.

(use-package lsp-pyright
	:ensure t
	:hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
				(require 'lsp-pyright)
  (setq lsp-log-io t)
   (setq lsp-pyright-use-library-code-for-types t)
   (setq lsp-pyright-diagnostic-mode "workspace")
       :new-connection (lsp-tramp-connection (lambda ()
				       (cons "pyright-langserver"
       :major-modes '(python-mode)
       :remote? t
       :server-id 'pyright-remote
       :multi-root nil
       :priority 3
:initialization-options (lambda () (ht-merge (lsp-configuration-section "pyright")
                                                    (lsp-configuration-section "python")))
       :initialized-fn (lambda (workspace)
                         (with-lsp-workspace workspace
                           (ht-merge (lsp-configuration-section "pyright")
                                     (lsp-configuration-section "python")))))
       :download-server-fn (lambda (_client callback error-callback _update?)
			     (lsp-package-ensure 'pyright callback error-callback))
       :notification-handlers (lsp-ht ("pyright/beginProgress" 'lsp-pyright--begin-progress-callback)
				     ("pyright/reportProgress" 'lsp-pyright--report-progress-callback)
				     ("pyright/endProgress" 'lsp-pyright--end-progress-callback))))

My tramp version is 2.5.0 and emacs 27.2. Error logs are empty in \tmp directory. The pyright is in the system path and python path is from conda environment. Please help.

this is the lsp-log:pyright-remote

[Trace - 10:51:30 am] Sending request 'initialize - (1)'.
Params: {
  "processId": null,
  "rootPath": "/home/tripathy/current_project",
  "clientInfo": {
    "name": "emacs",
    "version": "GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.32)\n of 2021-03-30"
  "rootUri": "file:///home/tripathy/current_project",
  "capabilities": {
    "workspace": {
      "workspaceEdit": {
        "documentChanges": true,
        "resourceOperations": [
      "applyEdit": true,
      "symbol": {
        "symbolKind": {
          "valueSet": [
      "executeCommand": {
        "dynamicRegistration": false
      "didChangeWatchedFiles": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true
      "workspaceFolders": true,
      "configuration": true
    "textDocument": {
      "declaration": {
        "linkSupport": true
      "definition": {
        "linkSupport": true
      "implementation": {
        "linkSupport": true
      "typeDefinition": {
        "linkSupport": true
      "synchronization": {
        "willSave": true,
        "didSave": true,
        "willSaveWaitUntil": true
      "documentSymbol": {
        "symbolKind": {
          "valueSet": [
        "hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport": true
      "formatting": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true
      "rangeFormatting": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true
      "rename": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true,
        "prepareSupport": true
      "codeAction": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true,
        "isPreferredSupport": true,
        "codeActionLiteralSupport": {
          "codeActionKind": {
            "valueSet": [
        "resolveSupport": {
          "properties": [
        "dataSupport": true
      "completion": {
        "completionItem": {
          "snippetSupport": false,
          "documentationFormat": [
          "resolveAdditionalTextEditsSupport": true,
          "resolveSupport": {
            "properties": [
        "contextSupport": true
      "signatureHelp": {
        "signatureInformation": {
          "parameterInformation": {
            "labelOffsetSupport": true
      "documentLink": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true,
        "tooltipSupport": true
      "hover": {
        "contentFormat": [
      "foldingRange": {
        "dynamicRegistration": true
      "callHierarchy": {
        "dynamicRegistration": false
      "publishDiagnostics": {
        "relatedInformation": true,
        "tagSupport": {
          "valueSet": [
        "versionSupport": true
    "window": {
      "workDoneProgress": true
  "initializationOptions": {
    "python": {
      "venvPath": "",
      "pythonPath": "/home/tripathy/miniconda3/bin/python",
      "analysis": {
        "extraPaths": [],
        "autoSearchPaths": true,
        "logLevel": "info",
        "typeCheckingMode": "basic",
        "diagnosticMode": "workspace",
        "useLibraryCodeForTypes": true,
        "stubPath": "",
        "typeshedPaths": [],
        "autoImportCompletions": true
    "pyright": {
      "disableOrganizeImports": false,
      "disableLanguageServices": false
  "workDoneToken": "1"

[Trace - 10:51:31 am] Received notification 'window/logMessage'.
Params: {
  "message": "Pyright language server 1.1.126 starting",
  "type": 3

[Trace - 10:51:31 am] Received notification 'window/logMessage'.
Params: {
  "message": "Server root directory: /home/tripathy/applications/node-v14.16.0-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/pyright/dist/",
  "type": 3

Pyright sticks to the first virtual enviroment you open

I have multiple python projects with different virtual environments in <project_root>/venv directory.
With a help of .dir-locals.el and projectile-project-root, whenever I open a file it will run pyvenv-activate to the right venv.
I have pyrightproject.json with "venv": "venv" inside.

However, pyright is kinda "sticks" to the environment of the project that was first opened after emacs restart, e.g. if I open a file from project A and then open a file from project B: project B files will have unresolved library imports error because these libraries are not installed in the environment A.

What am I missing? Not sure if it is a bug or I just need to tweak lsp-pyright / pyrightproject.json more (I have tried using executionEnvironments there but behaviour was the same).

Server starts up with multiple workspace folders with no instruction to do so

When I start up a new project with pyright, the log shows that "workspaceFolders" in the log has many entries. I'm not sure how these are being set but it slows down the project with file watchers.

Any thoughts? It looks like these are every paths to every python project I've ever run this in. Could it be reading my projectile bookmarks?

Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 10 34 45 PM

lsp pyright errors

For the next code (which runs without errors):

import numpy as np
print (np.sign(-1))

I got the error with pyright in emacs:

"sign" is not a known member of module (lsp)

But if I run pyright in the shell, it doesn't report any errors:

$ pyright 
No configuration file found.
stubPath /home/sd/pyr/typings is not a valid directory.
Assuming Python platform Linux
Searching for source files
Found 1 source file
0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 infos 
Completed in 0.551sec

So, I get a some mystic error report. This is also in other cases, for example, when work with pandas, when no pyright itself, no vscode doesn't reports any errors.

The value of lsp-pyright-typechecking-mode is basic for all cases.

Pyright install breaks with npm v7

I am setting up a fresh instance of macOS Big Sur. I think I am running into this upstream npm issue: npm/cli#2277

0 verbose cli [
0 verbose cli   '/opt/brew/Cellar/node/15.5.1/bin/node',
0 verbose cli   '/opt/brew/bin/npm',
0 verbose cli   '-g',
0 verbose cli   '--prefix',
0 verbose cli   '/Users/nw_henderson/',
0 verbose cli   'install',
0 verbose cli   'pyright'
0 verbose cli ]
1 info using [email protected]
2 info using [email protected]
3 timing config:load:defaults Completed in 1ms
4 timing config:load:file:/opt/brew/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc Completed in 1ms
5 timing config:load:builtin Completed in 1ms
6 timing config:load:cli Completed in 1ms
7 timing config:load:env Completed in 0ms
8 timing config:load:file:/Users/nw_henderson/ Completed in 0ms
9 timing config:load:project Completed in 1ms
10 timing config:load:file:/Users/nw_henderson/.npmrc Completed in 0ms
11 timing config:load:user Completed in 0ms
12 timing config:load:file:/Users/nw_henderson/ Completed in 0ms
13 timing config:load:global Completed in 0ms
14 timing config:load:cafile Completed in 0ms
15 timing config:load:validate Completed in 0ms
16 timing config:load:setUserAgent Completed in 1ms
17 timing config:load:setEnvs Completed in 0ms
18 timing config:load Completed in 5ms
19 verbose npm-session 20464621194c937e
20 timing npm:load Completed in 9ms
21 timing arborist:ctor Completed in 1ms
22 timing idealTree:init Completed in 5ms
23 timing idealTree:userRequests Completed in 1ms
24 silly idealTree buildDeps
25 silly fetch manifest pyright@*
26 http fetch GET 304 125ms (from cache)
27 silly placeDep ROOT [email protected] OK for:  want: *
28 timing idealTree:#root Completed in 132ms
29 timing idealTree:node_modules/pyright Completed in 0ms
30 timing idealTree:buildDeps Completed in 133ms
31 timing idealTree:fixDepFlags Completed in 0ms
32 timing idealTree Completed in 140ms
33 timing command:install Completed in 142ms
34 verbose stack Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/Users/nw_henderson/'
35 verbose cwd /Users/nw_henderson/.npm/_logs
36 verbose Darwin 20.2.0
37 verbose argv "/opt/brew/Cellar/node/15.5.1/bin/node" "/opt/brew/bin/npm" "-g" "--prefix" "/Users/nw_henderson/" "install" "pyright"
38 verbose node v15.5.1
39 verbose npm  v7.3.0
40 error code ENOENT
41 error syscall lstat
42 error path /Users/nw_henderson/
43 error errno -2
44 error enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '/Users/nw_henderson/'
45 error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
46 verbose exit -2

Document/streamline pyright/lsp-mode over TRAMP

I've seen several comments on the github issues asking about tramp, python virtual environments and lsp-mode for python. It's currently possible-ish with a couple hacks. For pyright (for example), the following launches uses the standard python interpreter /usr/bin/python

   (setq lsp-log-io t)
   (setq lsp-pyright-use-library-code-for-types t)
   (setq lsp-pyright-diagnostic-mode "workspace")
       :new-connection (lsp-tramp-connection (lambda ()
                                       (cons "pyright-langserver"
       :major-modes '(python-mode)
       :remote? t
       :server-id 'pyright-remote
       :multi-root t
       :priority 3
       :initialization-options (lambda () (ht-merge (lsp-configuration-section "pyright")
                                                    (lsp-configuration-section "python")))
       :initialized-fn (lambda (workspace)
                         (with-lsp-workspace workspace
                           (ht-merge (lsp-configuration-section "pyright")
                                     (lsp-configuration-section "python")))))
       :download-server-fn (lambda (_client callback error-callback _update?)
                             (lsp-package-ensure 'pyright callback error-callback))
       :notification-handlers (lsp-ht ("pyright/beginProgress" 'lsp-pyright--begin-progress-callback)
                                     ("pyright/reportProgress" 'lsp-pyright--report-progress-callback)
                                     ("pyright/endProgress" 'lsp-pyright--end-progress-callback))))

To accomodate virtualenvs, I added some additional initialization code to read the virtualenvironment off of pyvenv, prune the tramp path, and pass it to the server.

    :initialization-options (lambda () (let* ((pyright_hash (lsp-configuration-section "pyright"))
                                               (python_hash (lsp-configuration-section "python"))
                                               (_ (puthash "pythonPath" (concat (replace-regexp-in-string (file-remote-p default-directory) "" pyvenv-virtual-env) "bin/python") (gethash "python" python_hash))))
                                          (ht-merge pyright_hash
    :initialized-fn (lambda (workspace)
                      (with-lsp-workspace workspace
                        (let* ((pyright_hash (lsp-configuration-section "pyright"))
                                               (python_hash (lsp-configuration-section "python"))
                                               (_ (puthash "pythonPath" (concat (replace-regexp-in-string (file-remote-p default-directory) "" pyvenv-virtual-env) "bin/python") (gethash "python" python_hash))))
                                          (ht-merge pyright_hash

This could be cleaner, and there isn't a unified way with pyenv-mode and poetry.el not officially supporting virtualenvs over TRAMP. I have a version of virtualenv support for pyvenv/poetry.el, but maybe it would make sense to coordinate with them upstream.

`pythonPath` wrong on MacOS

On MacOS, python links to the bundled Python 2.7. Since lsp-pyright searches for and configures pyright with the interpreter, this leads to real problems. There was a bug in pyright that now correctly first searches python3 in all cases, but since lsp-pyright specifically searches for and configures /usr/bin/python, it isn't solved in Emacs. See microsoft/pyright#2562.

The best solution is likely not to set the pythonPath at all. Since pyright itself expends some significant energy finding the correct interpreter on various platforms, this is duplicated effort anyway.

Is setting file watchers on `site-packages` necessary?

I have some pretty big projects, with a lot of dependencies. Right now I just let file watches happen on everything, which causes the LSP bootup to be pretty slow.

But is there a way to just indicate to the plugin to just look at the "main" project directory? I don't really need the server to be responsive to dependency changes, but I do want it to respond quickly to main project file changes.

(aside: do I even need file watching in general if nothing outside of Emacs is touching the files? Like does saving already "refresh the data" so to speak?)

Thanks for the effort put into this plugin!

`lsp-pyright-venv-path` vs. `lsp-pyright-venv-directory`?

Yesterday's commit 3fd23f1 added the option lsp-pyright-venv-directory, but there was already an option lsp-pyright-venv-path, which, judging by the description, has the same function.

BTW, both options have an incomplete :type spec. Since they can also be nil, the type should be something like this:

(defcustom lsp-pyright-venv-path nil
  "Path to folder with subdirectories that contain virtual environments.
Virtual Envs specified in pyrightconfig.json will be looked up in this path."
  :type '(choice (string :tag "Venv path")
                 (const :tag "No venv path" nil))
  :group 'lsp-pyright)

That way, they are displayed correctly in the Customize buffer and can be properly type-checked.

lsp method error

Hi, I use doom-emacs and pyright.

I encountered the following error today:

Error runnint timer 'lsp--on-idle': (error "The connected server(s) does not support method textDocument/documentHighlight.

Any help ? Thanks : D

Configuring lsp-pyright for anaconda

This is my pyrightconfig.json

  "exclude": ["images/**", "**/__pycache__"],

  "ignore": ["images/**", "**/__pycache__"],

  "venvPath": "/home/sreenivas/anaconda3/envs",
  "venv": "colorize",

  "reportMissingImports": true,
  "reportMissingTypeStubs": false,

  "pythonVersion": "3.7",
  "pythonPlatform": "Linux"

With doom emacs (lsp, pyright, conda, direnv), I'm running into issues getting my pyright path to work.

I think I traced this down to these two functions. I don't have a venv in my path, I'm using anaconda3. It's on a separate partition from my project. (Project is on /media/data/.... while virtualenv is on /home/sreenivas/anaconda3)

I can override the two functions to do the job, but I would like some advice on how to do it in a neater manner.

(defun lsp-pyright-locate-venv ()
  "Look for virtual environments local to the workspace."
  (concat "/home/sreenivas/anaconda3/" "envs"))

(defun lsp-pyright-locate-python ()
  "Look for python executable cmd to the workspace."
  (or (executable-find (f-expand "bin/python" (concat (lsp-pyright-locate-venv) "/colorize")))
        (if (>= emacs-major-version 27)
            (executable-find lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd lsp-pyright-prefer-remote-env)
          (executable-find lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd)))))

Now it gives:

Setting pythonPath for service "CH": "/home/sreenivas/anaconda3/envs/colorize/bin/python"

Add support for excluding paths

If a venv is located inside a project directory then it can cause a long startup time for pyright due to it analyzing all of the contents of the third party packages. The configuration documentation for pyright shows that there is support for an exclude option to specify paths that should not be scanned for type information unless imports are made that trigger it.

Looking at the code for lsp-pyright it seems that it should be possible to expose a variable that gets added to lsp-register-custom-settings to manage that setting.


The documentation that lsp-pyright returns appears to be minimal (e.g., only function signatures rather than signatures and docstrings). However, the VSCode pyright client can show docstrings too. Is it possible to show docstrings in addition to the minimal hover info currently provided?

EDIT: It appears I was using Pylance and not Pyright in VS Code, which I just realized is not open source. Closing this issue.

Local modules are not resolved on OS X.

Emacs lsp-pyright is not able to resolve my project's modules.
The issue is not present when I'm running it manually from the shell.

This is my project's structure

├── ep
│   ├── api
│   ├── metrics
├── ...
├── pyrightconfig.json
├── ...

This is my pyrightconfig.json

    "pythonPlatform": "Darwin",

On every module starting with path I get:
Import "" could not be resolved.

`lsp-pyright` has a very long initialization time when opening a python file, and Emacs often loses response even during use.

When using Emacs for python development, I use the following configuration:

(use-package lsp-mode
  :hook (python-mode . lsp-deferred))

(use-package dap-mode
  :after lsp-mode
  (setq dap-python-debugger 'debugpy)
  (require 'dap-python))

;# To install pyright globally: 
;$ proxychains-ng-socks5 sudo npm install -g npm@latest
;$ proxychains-ng-socks5 sudo npm install -g pyright  
;#To update to the latest version: 
;$ proxychains-ng-socks5 sudo npm update -g pyright
(use-package lsp-pyright
  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
                        (require 'lsp-pyright)

But when I open a python file with Emacs, I always noticed a very long initialization time with the above configuration, and furthermore, Emacs often loses response even during use. Any hints for this problem?

Also see the relevant issue here.


Inherited class fields and function arguments does not autocomplete

Hi, thanks for pyright integration first of all. It is super fast but does not autocomplete inherited class fields and function arguments.
For example:

# in some file which imported
class Emacs:
    version = 26

# in current file
class Emacs27(Emacs):

it does not suggest "version" here.

Is it about pyright or lsp-pyright?

Server only in multi-root mode despite custom variable setting

I updated both lsp-mode and lsp-pyright today.

Now, I am getting the same issue as in #6 despite setting the customization variable lsp-pyright-multi-root to nil.

Any thoughts on how to debug? This is quite odd. I had confirmed before that #6 was fixed, but now it has resumed to its old behavior.

emacs hang after enable pyright

I just switched to lsp-pyright using spacemacs develop branch, but emacs will hang there if open an python file.
below is the result of profile-report, it seems to me this is related with lsp--all-watchable-directories , any idea where is wrong?

- #<compiled 0x15952ca777e1>                              310,227,249  78%
 - lsp--parser-on-message                                 310,175,050  78%
  - lsp--on-request                                       308,480,245  77%
   - mapc                                                 308,480,001  77%
    - lsp--server-register-capability                     308,410,830  77%
     - lsp-watch-root-folder                              308,214,112  77%
      - lsp--all-watchable-directories                    307,914,305  77%
       - -map                                             306,885,645  77%
        - mapcar                                          306,885,645  77%
         - #<compiled 0x15952ca916b5>                     306,885,645  77%
          - lsp--all-watchable-directories                306,884,597  77%
           - -map                                         303,637,919  76%
            - mapcar                                      303,637,919  76%
             - #<compiled 0x15952cc12e31>                 303,637,919  76%
              - lsp--all-watchable-directories            303,613,035  76%
               - -map                                     201,231,987  50%
                - mapcar                                  201,231,987  50%
                 - #<compiled 0x15952cc12ee5>             201,231,987  50%
                  - lsp--all-watchable-directories        201,211,307  50%
                   - -map                                 195,664,223  49%
                    - mapcar                              195,661,055  49%
                     - #<compiled 0x15952cc12ee5>         195,661,055  49%
                      + lsp--all-watchable-directories    195,661,055  49%
                     f-symlink?                               380,334   0%

I solved this issue by remove some 3rd part library root from workspace by command treemacs-edit-workspaces, maybe it is due to these library all too large.

Cannot start pyright server from emacs

Cannot start pyright server from lsp-mode. In pyright::stderr buffer I am seeing "cannot find module 'worker_threads'" error. Found a few posts online where people had similar error when using older versions of node (<12). I had old node but updated it with nvm to 14.15.2. I can start pyright just from bash (Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL2), but from emacs I always get the error. How do I troubleshoot it?
Tried emacs 26.3 and 27.1 with Spacemacs.

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