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bacting's Issues


  • public void generate( IMolecule molecule,
  • public void generate( IMolecule molecule, String options,
  • public List options() {
  • public String load() {
  • public boolean isLoaded() {
  • public boolean checkKey(String inchikey) throws BioclipseException {
  • public boolean check(String inchi) throws BioclipseException {
  • public boolean checkStrict(String inchi) throws BioclipseException {
  • public boolean isAvailable() {

Goal: Version 1.0

This version has the significant part implemented of:

  • ReportManager: #26
  • OpsinManager: #30
  • BridgedbManager: #29
  • InChIManager: #31
  • BioclipsePlatformManager: #28
  • XmlManager: #27
  • ChemspiderManager: #32
  • RDFManager: #36
  • CDKDebugManager: #34
  • PubChemManager: #33
  • CDKManager: #35

Where significant is at least 30%.

CDKManager.loadMolecule with Scyjava does not work

Bacting API method with unexpected output

loadMolecule did not work when importing CDKManager with scyjava.


Expected Output

kegg_sdf will be a data object for the given input

Actual Output

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-9f73bc61576b> in <module>()
----> 1 kegg_sdf = cdk.loadMolecule("./kegg.sdf")

TypeError: No matching overloads found for net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager.loadMolecule(str), options are:
	public net.bioclipse.cdk.domain.ICDKMolecule net.bioclipse.managers.CDKManager.loadMolecule(, throws,

Additional context

You can reproduce the error with

add missing JavaDoc

To fix the warnings during compilation:

[WARNING] Javadoc Warnings
[WARNING] /home/egonw/var/Projects/hub/bacting/managers-cheminfo/net.bioclipse.managers.inchi/src/main/java/net/bioclipse/managers/ warning - @param argument "inchikey" is not a parameter name.
[WARNING] /home/egonw/var/Projects/hub/bacting/managers-cheminfo/net.bioclipse.managers.inchi/src/main/java/net/bioclipse/managers/ warning - @param argument "inchikey" is not a parameter name.


  • public String diff(ICDKMolecule mol, ICDKMolecule mol) {
  • public String debug(ICDKMolecule mol) {
  • public String getManagerName() {
  • public String perceiveSybylAtomTypes(IMolecule mol)
  • public String perceiveCDKAtomTypes(IMolecule mol)
  • public String listWriterOptions(IChemFormat format) {
  • public String listReaderOptions(IChemFormat format) {

Update Copyright info in HEADER

From #11:

"All code in the /bioclipse/ folder": I do not see such folder.

This content in the "Copyright and authors" section is outdated (predates the split into a separate folder).

ADD Licence file

Licence is only mentioned in README, would create a separate file for this repo.


  • public IFile loadCompound(int csid, IFile target, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List resolve(String inchiKey, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String downloadAsString(Integer csid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IMolecule download(Integer csid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List similaritySearch(IMolecule mol, Float tanimoto, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List exactSearch(IMolecule mol, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List substructureSearch(IMolecule mol, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List simpleSearch(IMolecule mol, IProgressMonitor monitor)


  • public ICDKMolecule newMolecule() {
  • public ICDKMolecule newMolecule(IAtomContainer atomContainer) {
  • public List asList( IAtomContainerSet set ) {
  • public IAtomContainerSet asSet( List list ) {
  • public MarkerErrorHandler(IFile file) {
  • public void handleError(String message, int row, int colStart,
  • public void handleError(String message, int row, int colStart,
  • public void handleError(String message, Exception exception) {
  • public void handleError(String message) {
  • public ICDKMolecule loadMolecule(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public ICDKMolecule loadMolecule( InputStream instream,
  • public List loadMolecules( IFile file,
  • public List loadMolecules( InputStream contents,
  • public List loadMolecules( IFile file,
  • public void calculateSMILES(IMolecule molecule,IReturner returner,
  • public void save(IChemModel model, String target, IChemFormat filetype,
  • public void save( IAtomContainer model,
  • public void save( IChemModel model,
  • public void customize( IAtom atom, Object nodeToAdd )
  • public void customize( IBond bond, Object nodeToAdd )
  • public void customize( IAtomContainer molecule,
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol)
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol, String filename)
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol, boolean overwrite)
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol, String filename, boolean overwrite)
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol, IFile file, boolean overwrite)
  • public IChemFormat guessFormatFromExtension(String file) {
  • public void saveMolecule( IMolecule mol_in,
  • public void saveMolecule(IMolecule mol_in, IFile target, IChemFormat filetype)
  • public void saveMolecule( IMolecule mol_in,
  • public void saveMolecule( IMolecule mol_in,
  • public void saveMolecule( IMolecule mol,
  • public void saveMolecule( IMolecule mol,
  • public void saveMolecules( List<? extends IMolecule> molecules,
  • public void saveMolecules( List<? extends IMolecule> molecules,
  • public void generateImage(IMolecule molecule, String path) throws Exception {
  • public void generateImage(IMolecule molecule, String path, int width, int height) throws Exception {
  • public ICDKMolecule fromSMILES(String smilesDescription)
  • public ICDKMolecule fromCml(String molstring)
  • public ICDKMolecule fromString(String molstring)
  • public List moleculesFromString( String s )
  • public Iterator
  • public Iterator createConformerIterator(String path) {
  • public Iterator
  • public boolean fingerPrintMatches( ICDKMolecule molecule,
  • public boolean subStructureMatches( ICDKMolecule molecule,
  • public List subStructureMatches(
  • public List getSubstructures(ICDKMolecule molecule,
  • public boolean areIsomorphic( ICDKMolecule molecule,
  • public ICDKMolecule asCDKMolecule(IMolecule imol) throws BioclipseException {
  • public boolean smartsMatches(ICDKMolecule molecule, String smarts)
  • public boolean isValidSmarts(String smarts){
  • public boolean isValidCAS(String number){
  • public List getSmartsMatches(ICDKMolecule molecule,
  • public int numberOfEntriesInSDF(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
  • public Record(int s, int l) {
  • public void createSDFileIndex( IFile file , IProgressMonitor monitor) {
  • public List loadConformers( IFile file,
  • public double calculateMass(IMolecule molecule) throws BioclipseException {
  • public double calculateMajorIsotopeMass(IMolecule molecule) throws BioclipseException {
  • public void generate2dCoordinates(IMolecule molecule,
  • public void generate2dCoordinates(List molecules,
  • public void saveMol2(ICDKMolecule mol, String filename)
  • public List loadSMILESFile( IFile file,
  • public List loadSMILESFile( InputStream contents,
  • public int getNoMolecules(IFile file)
  • public void generate3dCoordinates(IMolecule molecule,
  • public void generate3dCoordinates(List molecules,
  • public ICDKMolecule addExplicitHydrogens(IMolecule molecule)
  • public ICDKMolecule addImplicitHydrogens(IMolecule molecule)
  • public MoleculesInfo getInfo(IFile transform) {
  • public boolean has2d(IMolecule mol) throws BioclipseException {
  • public boolean has3d(IMolecule mol) throws BioclipseException {
  • public void saveCML(ICDKMolecule cml, String filename)
  • public void saveMDLMolfile(ICDKMolecule mol, String filename)
  • public IChemFormat determineIChemFormatOfString(String fileContent)
  • public IChemFormat determineIChemFormat(IFile file)
  • public String determineFormat( String path ) throws IOException,
  • public void appendToSDF( IFile sdFile, ICDKMolecule molecule ) throws BioclipseException {
  • public void saveSDFile(final IFile file, List<? extends IMolecule> entries,
  • public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List extractFromSDFile( IFile file,
  • public Map<Integer,String> createSDFPropertyMap( IFile file,
  • public List extractFromSDFile( IFile file, int startenty,
  • public IMolecularFormula molecularFormulaObject(ICDKMolecule m) {
  • public String molecularFormula( ICDKMolecule m ) {
  • public IChemFormat determineFormat(IContentType type) {
  • public IChemFormat getFormat(String type) {
  • public String getFormats() {
  • public List createMoleculeList() throws BioclipseException,
  • public ICDKMolecule perceiveAromaticity( IMolecule mol ) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List perceiveAromaticity(List<? extends IMolecule> mols) throws BioclipseException{
  • public List partition(IMolecule molecule)
  • public int totalFormalCharge(IMolecule molecule)
  • public float calculateTanimoto(BitSet fingerprint1, BitSet fingerprint2)
  • public float calculateTanimoto(IMolecule calculateFor, BitSet reference )
  • public float calculateTanimoto( IMolecule calculateFor,
  • public void calculateTanimoto( List calculateFor,
  • public IFile calculateTanimoto(List molecules,
  • public IFile calculateRMSD(List molecules,
  • public String getMDLMolfileString(IMolecule molecule_in) throws BioclipseException {
  • public Object getProperty(ICDKMolecule molecule, Object propertyName) {
  • public Object setProperty(ICDKMolecule molecule, Object propertyName,
  • public ICDKMolecule removeExplicitHydrogens(ICDKMolecule molecule) {
  • public ICDKMolecule removeImplicitHydrogens(ICDKMolecule molecule) {
  • public boolean isConnected(IMolecule molecule) throws BioclipseException {
  • public ICDKMolecule clone(ICDKMolecule molecule) throws BioclipseException {
  • public ICDKMolecule mcss(List molecules,
  • public List kabsch(List molecules,
  • public List kabsch(List molecules,
  • public List getTautomers(IMolecule molecule, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List<List> randomSplit(List mols_in, int parts){
  • public List<List> randomSplit2parts(List mols_in, double firstRatio){
  • public void convertSDFtoSMILESFile( IFile sdfFile,


  • public DataSource getSource(String source) throws BioclipseException {
  • public DataSource getSourceFromName(String name) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List listAllSources() {
  • public List listAllOrganisms() {
  • public IDMapper getIDMapper(String provider) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List listIDMapperProviders() {
  • public List search(String restService, String query, int limit) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List search(IDMapper database, String query, int limit) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List guessIdentifierType(String identifier) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List map(String restService, String identifier, String source) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List map(IDMapper database, String identifier, String source) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List map(String restService, String identifier, String source, String target) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List map(IDMapper database, String identifier, String source, String target) throws BioclipseException {
  • public Set map(IDMapper database, Xref source) throws BioclipseException {
  • public Set map(IDMapper database, Xref source, String target) throws BioclipseException {
  • public Xref xref(String sourcedIdentifier) throws BioclipseException {
  • public Xref xref(String identifier, String source) throws BioclipseException {
  • public IDMapper loadRelationalDatabase(String location) throws BioclipseException {

JOSS review 2558: first set of comments

First set of comments for JOSS submission 2558.


The paper looks fine. I only have a few minor comments.

  • Summary: provide URL to original Bioclipse, besides tha academic reference to (Spjuth et al., 2007). Furthermore, should add 2-3 sentences specifying what Bioclipse does.

  • What is "Spring approaches"? Are you referring to the Spring Framework (

  • Why there is the section for "Grabbing Bacting from Groovy"? Isn't that something more fitting for the Readme in repository instead of the paper? Furthermore, if you discuss it for Groovy, why not for JavaScript and Python as well?


  • "Bacting := acting as the Bioclipse TNG": what is TNG?

  • "If you use this software, please cite the Bioclipse 2 paper"
    But this tool is called Bacting.
    What is the relation between Bioclipse 2 and Bacting. Did you just re-named Bioclipse 2 into Bacting? If so, this should be clarified.

  • "Bacting is a Java-based, open-source platform..." however, the example is in Groovy. Why not Java? And what is that example doing? (Could add 1-2 sentences saying what it should be for)

  • In the Readme, need a full working example to show what Bacting can do. I see the "For a description of the API, I refer to the book", but you still need some full examples here.
    Note that JOSS explicitly requires: "Do the authors include examples of how to use the software (ideally to solve real-world analysis problems)."

  • "All code in the /bioclipse/ folder": I do not see such folder.


  • "mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip" fails the build, due to
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.2.0:jar (attach-javadocs) on project managers-ui: MavenReportException: Error while generating Javadoc:
    [ERROR] Exit code: 1 - /Users/foo/WEB/joss/bacting/managers-core/src/main/java/net/bioclipse/managers/ warning: no description for @throws
    [ERROR] * @throws BioclipseException

as it is now, I cannot run the code, as I cannot compile it, nor follow an example to try it out.

  • The groupId is "io.github.egonw.bacting", which is the package used in some modules, e.g. "bacting-core". However, most of the code is under "net.bioclipse.managers".
    Why? Shouldn't it be "io.github.egonw.bacting.managers"?
    Or is this related to "All Bacting scripts will be backwards compatible with Bioclipse"?
    That would make sense for Groovy.
    But, in such case, what about Python and JavaScript? Or are those not supported in Bacting? This needs to be clarified in the documentation.

  • There are some test cases, but I do not see any check on coverage. Could add JaCoCo (, and then publish the results on some services like CodeCov ( This can then be automated in Travis with a simple:

- bash <(curl -s

You can then also add a badge in Readme for GitHub to display (eg, as you already do for "build-passing" for Travis).


  • public void planet() throws BioclipseException { reason: GUI
  • public void wiki() throws BioclipseException { reason: GUI
  • public String logfileLocation() {
  • public void bugTracker() throws BioclipseException { reason: GUI
  • public String download(String url, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String download(String url, String mimeType,
  • public IFile downloadAsFile(String url, IFile target,
  • public IFile downloadAsFile(String url, String mimeType, IFile target,
  • public IFile downloadAsFile(String url, String mimeType, IFile target,
  • public byte[] sparqlRemote(
  • public void openURL(URL url) throws BioclipseException { reason: GUI
  • public boolean isOnline() {
  • public String version() {
  • public void requireVersion( String version ) throws BioclipseException {
  • public void assumeOnline() throws BioclipseException {
  • public void requireVersion( String lowerVersionBound,
  • public String fullPath(IFile file) {


  • hasMolecule(InChI inchi)
  • getEntityID(InChI inchi)
  • getMolecule(InChI inchi) which returns an IMolecule


  • public List findInfo(IMolecule mol) throws BioclipseException
  • public List findInfo(String uri) throws BioclipseException
  • public String saveAsHTML(List stores, String filename) throws BioclipseException, CoreException
  • public List getProperties(IRDFStore store) throws BioclipseException, CoreException;


  • public IRDFStore importFile(IRDFStore store, IFile target, String format,
  • public IRDFStore importFromStream(IRDFStore store, InputStream stream,
  • public IRDFStore importFromString(IRDFStore store, String rdfContent,
  • public IRDFStore importURL(IRDFStore store, String url, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IRDFStore importURL(IRDFStore store, String url,
  • public String dump(IRDFStore store) {
  • public StringMatrix sparql(IRDFStore store, String queryString) throws IOException, BioclipseException,
  • public static String[] split(PrefixMapping prefixMap, Resource resource) {
  • public IRDFStore createInMemoryStore() {
  • public IRDFStore createInMemoryStore(boolean ontologyModel) {
  • public IRDFStore createStore(String tripleStoreDirectoryPath) {
  • public void addObjectProperty(IRDFStore store,
  • public void addDataProperty(IRDFStore store, String subject,
  • public void addTypedDataProperty(IRDFStore store,
  • public void addPropertyInLanguage(IRDFStore store,
  • public long size(IRDFStore store) throws BioclipseException {
  • public void saveRDFXML(IRDFStore store, String fileName)
  • public IFile saveRDFXML(IRDFStore store, IFile file,
  • public void saveRDFN3(IRDFStore store, String fileName)
  • public IFile saveRDFN3(IRDFStore store, IFile file,
  • public String asRDFN3(IRDFStore store)
  • public String asTurtle(IRDFStore store)
  • public void saveRDFNTriple(IRDFStore store, String fileName)
  • public IFile saveRDFNTriple(IRDFStore store, IFile file,
  • public IFile saveRDF(IRDFStore store, IFile file,
  • public void copy(IRDFStore targetStore, IRDFStore sourceStore)
  • public IRDFStore union(IRDFStore first, IRDFStore second)
  • public IRDFStore intersection(IRDFStore first, IRDFStore second)
  • public IRDFStore difference(IRDFStore first, IRDFStore second)
  • public void addPrefix(IRDFStore store, String prefix, String namespace)
  • public StringMatrix sparqlRemote(
  • public StringMatrix processSPARQLXML(
  • public IRDFStore sparqlConstructRemote(
  • public IRDFStore importRDFa(IRDFStore store, String url,
  • public List allClasses(IRDFStore store) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List allPredicates(IRDFStore store) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List getForPredicate(IRDFStore store, String resourceURI, String predicate) throws BioclipseException {
  • public List allOwlSameAs(IRDFStore store, String resourceURI)
  • public List allOwlEquivalentClass(IRDFStore store, String resourceURI)
  • public List allOwlSameAsOneDown(IRDFStore store, String resourceURI)
  • public List allOwlEquivalentClassOneDown(IRDFStore store, String resourceURI)
  • public List shortestPath(IRDFStore store, String firstNode, String secondNode)
  • public boolean accept(Statement arg0) {
  • public List shortestPath(IRDFStore store, String firstNode, String secondNode, final String predicate)
  • public boolean accept(Statement arg0) {
  • public IRDFStore extract(IRDFStore store, String iri, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IRDFStore copy(IRDFStore store, String predicate, String newPredicate, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IRDFStore rename(IRDFStore store, String predicate, String newPredicate, IProgressMonitor monitor)

BridgedbManager.loadRelationalDatabase with Scyjava does not work

Bacting API method with unexpected output

loadRelationalDatabase did not work when importing BridgedbManager with scyjava.


Expected Output

test will be IDMapper object

Actual Output

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-eee82142c20a> in <module>()
----> 1 test = bdbClass.loadRelationalDatabase("./metabolites_20210109.bridge")

TypeError: No matching overloads found for *static* net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager.loadRelationalDatabase(str), options are:
	public org.bridgedb.IDMapper net.bioclipse.managers.BridgedbManager.loadRelationalDatabase(java.lang.String) throws

Additional context

You can reproduce this with


  • public List DNAsFromString(String dnaString) {
  • public List RNAsFromString(String rnaString) {
  • public List proteinsFromString(String proteinString) {
  • public IDNA DNAfromPlainSequence(String dnaString) {
  • public IRNA RNAfromPlainSequence(String rnaString) {
  • public IProtein proteinFromPlainSequence(String proteinString) {
  • public IDNA DNAfromPlainSequence(String dnaString, String name) {
  • public IRNA RNAfromPlainSequence(String rnaString, String name) {
  • public IProtein proteinFromPlainSequence(String proteinString,
  • public IProtein DNAtoProtein(IDNA dna) {
  • public IProtein DNAtoProtein(IDNA dna, String name) {
  • public List DNAtoProtein(List dnas) {
  • public IRNA DNAtoRNA(IDNA dna) {
  • public IRNA DNAtoRNA(IDNA dna, String name) {
  • public List DNAtoRNA(List dnas) {
  • public IProtein RNAtoProtein(IRNA rna) {
  • public IProtein RNAtoProtein(IRNA rna, String name) {
  • public List RNAtoProtein(List rnas) {
  • public IRNA transcriptionOf(IDNA dna) {
  • public IRNA transcriptionOf(IDNA dna, String name) {
  • public List transcriptionOf(List dnas) {
  • public IProtein translationOf(IRNA rna) {
  • public IProtein translationOf(IRNA rna, String name) {
  • public List translationOf(List rnas) {
  • public String getManagerName() {
  • public List DNAsFromFile(IFile file)
  • public List RNAsFromFile(IFile file)
  • public List proteinsFromFile(IFile file)
  • public List sequencesFromFile( IFile file )
  • public void sequencesToFASTAfile(final List<? extends ISequence> sequences,
  • public String sequencesToFASTAString(
  • public RecordableList createSequenceList()
  • public String proteinsToFASTAString(final List proteins){
  • public String dnaToFASTAString(final List dnas){
  • public void proteinsToFASTAfile(List proteins, IFile file) {
  • public List features(ISequence sequence) {
  • public List sequencesFromString(String s) {


  • public IFile loadCompound(int cid, IFile target, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IFile loadCompound3d(int cid, IFile target, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IFile loadCompoundRDF(int cid, IFile target, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List search(String query, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IMolecule download(Integer cid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public IMolecule download3d(Integer cid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String downloadAsString(Integer cid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String download3dAsString(Integer cid, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List download(List cids,
  • public List download3d(List cids,
  • public IRDFStore downloadRDF(Integer cid, IRDFStore store,

clarify Spring

From #11:

What is "Spring approaches"? Are you referring to the Spring Framework (

Documentation lacks a few key issues

I have a couple of suggestions regarding the documentation:

  1. The README does not state in 1-2 sentences what Bacting is about. I suggest that you add 1-2 sentences from your JOSS paper so that viewers of this repository know at a glance what it is about.
  2. Please mention the supported Java versions (CI pipeline gives me the answer, but still...)
  3. Please state more clearly which features of the original API are not covered. I assume that the readers of the README are interested in this information and don't want to make a diff themselves.
  4. I suggest that you also very quickly add a section on making releases. I doubt that any maintainers want to read the paper to find out how releases should be created.
  5. Please add some community guidelines on how to contribute. I suggest a file with a couple of sentences, maybe a code of conduct, some issue and PR templates etc. Feel free to ask me if you need clarification here.

port xml.validate(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)

This issue is specifically about porting a single Bioclipse methods to the XMLManager of Bacting.
The goal is that the API (manager method) call is identical in Bacting as it is in Bioclipse 2.6.2.

This issue is about porting xml.validate(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor). In Bacting, the
manager method signature should therefore be xml.validate(String file) where the String value is the
Bioclipse Project filename, like /SomeProject/someFile.txt.

This issue provides some pointers to get your going:

  • read the
  • find the Bioclipse source code (here: validate)
  • create the new method with the same implementation as in the Bioclipse code
  • create new test methods that test as many lines in the new method as possible
  • check if the JavaDoc is complete

a bit more about Bioclipse

From #11:

provide URL to original Bioclipse, besides tha academic reference to (Spjuth et al., 2007).
Furthermore, should add 2-3 sentences specifying what Bioclipse does.

Installation tries to sign with gpg and fails

Dear @egonw,

when attempting to install with mvn clean install I run into:

[INFO] --- maven-gpg-plugin:1.5:sign (sign-artifacts) @ bacting ---
gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key

The installation should not try to sign keys, or?
Am I missing something?


  • public ICDKMolecule parseIUPACName(String iupacName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String parseIUPACNameAsCML(String iupacName, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public String parseIUPACNameAsSMILES(String iupacName, IProgressMonitor monitor)


  • public IReport createReport()
  • public String asHTML(IReport report)

Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0) has been superseded

I have a question regarding the license. Why is this repository under Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL-1.0), when it's been superseded by Eclipse Public License 2.0 (EPL-2.0)?

Not a major issue or anything like that, but maybe you can explain that to me?


Oscar manager support

oscar.extractText() and .findResolvedNamedEntities()

Method described in this 2011 paper.

Plugin source code is available from:

Example use

A short code example where the API method is used.

// Demo showing the Oscar text mining functionality

var html = "<html><body>Benzene and toluene.</body></html>";

var text = oscar.extractText(html);
var mols = oscar.findResolvedNamedEntities(text);

var file = "/Oscar Demo/extractedMols.sdf";
cdk.saveSDFile(file, mols);;


  • public boolean isWellFormed(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public boolean isValid(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List validate(IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  • public List validateAgainstXMLSchema(
  • public List validateAgainstRelaxNG(
  • public List validateAgainstSchematron(
  • public List listNamespaces(IFile file) throws BioclipseException {


  • public String exportPNG(String pathwayFile)
  • public Set queryWikipathways(String label)
  • public String getGPML(String pathwayID)

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

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    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.