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xcodebuild.nvim's Introduction

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ xcodebuild.nvim

A plugin designed to let you migrate your iOS, iPadOS, and macOS app development to Neovim. It provides all essential actions for development, including building, launching, and testing.

Xcodebuild Testing

Xcodebuild Debugging

โœจ Features

  • Support for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS apps built using Swift.
  • Project-based configuration.
  • Project Manager to deal with project files without using Xcode.
  • Test Explorer to visually present a tree with all tests and results.
  • Built using official command line tools like xcodebuild and xcrun simctl.
  • Actions to build, run, debug, and test apps.
  • App deployment to selected iOS simulator.
  • Buffer integration with test results (code coverage, success & failure marks, duration, extra diagnostics).
  • Code coverage report with customizable levels.
  • Browser of failing snapshot tests with a diff preview (if you use swift-snapshot-testing).
  • Advanced log parser to detect all errors, warnings, and failing tests to present them nicely formatted.
  • nvim-tree integration that automatically reflects all file tree operations and updates Xcode project file.
  • nvim-dap helper functions to let you easily build, run, and debug apps.
  • nvim-dap-ui integration with console window to show app logs.
  • lualine.nvim integration to show selected device, test plan, and other project settings.
  • Picker with all available actions.
  • Highly customizable (many config options, auto commands, highlights, and user commands).

๐ŸŒณ Nvim-tree Integration

Xcodebuild.nvim is integrated with nvim-tree to let you manage your project and files in a convenient way.

Every change in the file tree presented by nvim-tree will be automatically reflected in the Xcode project.


โšก๏ธ Requirements

  • Neovim (not sure which version, use the latest one ๐Ÿ˜…).
  • telescope.nvim used to present pickers by the plugin.
  • nui.nvim used to present code coverage report.
  • xcbeautify - Xcode logs formatter (optional - you can set a different tool or disable formatting in the config).
  • Xcodeproj - required by Project Manager to manage project files.
  • nvim-tree required if you want to visually manage your project files.
  • Xcode (make sure that xcodebuild and xcrun simctl work correctly).
  • To get the best experience, you should install and configure nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui to be able to debug.
  • This plugin requires the project to be built using Swift. It was tested only with Xcode 15.
  • Make sure to configure LSP properly. You can read how to do that in my post: The Complete Guide To iOS & macOS Development In Neovim.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

Install the plugin using your preferred package manager.

๐Ÿ’ค lazy.nvim

return {
  dependencies = {
    "nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua", -- if you want the integration with file tree
  config = function()
        -- put some options here or leave it empty to use default settings

Install external tools:

brew install xcbeautify
gem install xcodeproj


Make sure to check out Tips & Tricks!

You will find there a collection of useful tips & tricks for iOS/macOS development in Neovim.

๐Ÿ“ฑ Setup Your Neovim For iOS Development

I wrote an article that sums up all the steps required to set up your Neovim from scratch to develop iOS and macOS apps:

The Complete Guide To iOS & macOS Development In Neovim

You can also check out the sample Neovim configuration that I prepared for iOS development: ios-dev-starter-nvim

๐Ÿš€ Usage


Make sure to open your project's root directory in Neovim and run XcodebuildSetup to configure the project. The plugin needs several information like project file, scheme, config, device, and test plan to be able to run commands.

๐Ÿ”ง Commands

๐Ÿ‘‰ See all user commands

Xcodebuild.nvim comes with the following commands:


Command Description
XcodebuildSetup Run configuration wizard to select project configuration
XcodebuildPicker Show picker with all available actions
XcodebuildBuild Build project
XcodebuildCleanBuild Build project (clean build)
XcodebuildBuildRun Build & run app
XcodebuildBuildForTesting Build for testing
XcodebuildRun Run app without building
XcodebuildCancel Cancel currently running action
XcodebuildCleanDerivedData Deletes project's DerivedData
XcodebuildToggleLogs Toggle logs panel
XcodebuildOpenLogs Open logs panel
XcodebuildCloseLogs Close logs panel

Project Manager

Command Description
XcodebuildProjectManager Show picker with all Project Manager actions
XcodebuildCreateNewFile Create a new file and add it to target(s)
XcodebuildAddCurrentFile Add the active file to target(s)
XcodebuildRenameCurrentFile Rename the current file
XcodebuildDeleteCurrentFile Delete the current file
XcodebuildCreateNewGroup Create a new directory and add it to the project
XcodebuildAddCurrentGroup Add the parent directory of the active file to the project
XcodebuildRenameCurrentGroup Rename the current directory
XcodebuildDeleteCurrentGroup Delete the current directory including all files inside
XcodebuildUpdateCurrentFileTargets Update target membership of the active file
XcodebuildShowCurrentFileTargets Show target membership of the active file

๐Ÿ‘‰ To add a file to multiple targets use multi-select feature (by default tab).


Command Description
XcodebuildTest Run tests (whole test plan)
XcodebuildTestTarget Run test target (where the cursor is)
XcodebuildTestClass Run test class (where the cursor is)
XcodebuildTestFunc Run test (where the cursor is)
XcodebuildTestSelected Run selected tests (using visual mode)
XcodebuildTestFailing Rerun previously failed tests
XcodebuildFailingSnapshots Show a picker with failing snapshot tests

Code Coverage

Command Description
XcodebuildToggleCodeCoverage Toggle code coverage marks on the side bar
XcodebuildShowCodeCoverageReport Open HTML code coverage report
XcodebuildJumpToNextCoverage Jump to next code coverage mark
XcodebuildJumpToPrevCoverage Jump to previous code coverage mark

Test Explorer

Command Description
XcodebuildTestExplorerShow Show Test Explorer
XcodebuildTestExplorerHide Hide Test Explorer
XcodebuildTestExplorerToggle Toggle Test Explorer
XcodebuildTestExplorerRunSelectedTests Run Selected Tests
XcodebuildTestExplorerRerunTests Re-run recently selected tests


Command Description
XcodebuildSelectProject Show project file picker
XcodebuildSelectScheme Show scheme picker
XcodebuildSelectConfig Show build configuration picker
XcodebuildSelectDevice Show device picker
XcodebuildSelectTestPlan Show test plan picker
XcodebuildShowConfig Print current project configuration
XcodebuildBootSimulator Boot selected simulator
XcodebuildUninstall Uninstall mobile app

โŒ˜ Sample Key Bindings

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>X", "<cmd>XcodebuildPicker<cr>", { desc = "Show Xcodebuild Actions" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xf", "<cmd>XcodebuildProjectManager<cr>", { desc = "Show Project Manager Actions" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xb", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuild<cr>", { desc = "Build Project" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xB", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuildForTesting<cr>", { desc = "Build For Testing" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xr", "<cmd>XcodebuildBuildRun<cr>", { desc = "Build & Run Project" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xt", "<cmd>XcodebuildTest<cr>", { desc = "Run Tests" })
vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>xt", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestSelected<cr>", { desc = "Run Selected Tests" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xT", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestClass<cr>", { desc = "Run This Test Class" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xl", "<cmd>XcodebuildToggleLogs<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Xcodebuild Logs" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xc", "<cmd>XcodebuildToggleCodeCoverage<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Code Coverage" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xC", "<cmd>XcodebuildShowCodeCoverageReport<cr>", { desc = "Show Code Coverage Report" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xe", "<cmd>XcodebuildTestExplorerToggle<cr>", { desc = "Toggle Test Explorer" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xs", "<cmd>XcodebuildFailingSnapshots<cr>", { desc = "Show Failing Snapshots" })

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xd", "<cmd>XcodebuildSelectDevice<cr>", { desc = "Select Device" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xp", "<cmd>XcodebuildSelectTestPlan<cr>", { desc = "Select Test Plan" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>xq", "<cmd>Telescope quickfix<cr>", { desc = "Show QuickFix List" })


Press <leader>X to access the picker with all commands.

Press <leader>xf to access the picker with all Project Manager commands.

๐Ÿ“‹ Logs Panel

  • Press o on a failed test in the summary section to jump to the failing location
  • Press q to close the panel

๐Ÿงช Test Explorer

  • Press o to jump to the test implementation
  • Press t to run selected tests
  • Press T to re-run recently selected tests
  • Press R to reload test list
  • Press [ to jump to the previous failed test
  • Press ] to jump to the next failed test
  • Press <cr> to expand or collapse the current node
  • Press <tab> to expand or collapse all classes
  • Press q to close the Test Explorer

โš™๏ธ Configuration

๐Ÿ”ฅ Customize Xcodebuild.nvim

See default Xcodebuild.nvim config
  restore_on_start = true, -- logs, diagnostics, and marks will be loaded on VimEnter (may affect performance)
  auto_save = true, -- save all buffers before running build or tests (command: silent wa!)
  show_build_progress_bar = true, -- shows [ ...    ] progress bar during build, based on the last duration
  prepare_snapshot_test_previews = true, -- prepares a list with failing snapshot tests
  test_search = {
    file_matching = "filename_lsp", -- one of: filename, lsp, lsp_filename, filename_lsp. Check out README for details
    target_matching = true, -- checks if the test file target matches the one from logs. Try disabling it in case of not showing test results
    lsp_client = "sourcekit", -- name of your LSP for Swift files
    lsp_timeout = 200, -- LSP timeout in milliseconds
  commands = {
    cache_devices = true, -- cache recently loaded devices. Restart Neovim to clean cache.
    extra_build_args = "-parallelizeTargets", -- extra arguments for `xcodebuild build`
    extra_test_args = "-parallelizeTargets", -- extra arguments for `xcodebuild test`
    project_search_max_depth = 3, -- maxdepth of xcodeproj/xcworkspace search while using configuration wizard
  logs = { -- build & test logs
    auto_open_on_success_tests = false, -- open logs when tests succeeded
    auto_open_on_failed_tests = false, -- open logs when tests failed
    auto_open_on_success_build = false, -- open logs when build succeeded
    auto_open_on_failed_build = true, -- open logs when build failed
    auto_close_on_app_launch = false, -- close logs when app is launched
    auto_close_on_success_build = false, -- close logs when build succeeded (only if auto_open_on_success_build=false)
    auto_focus = true, -- focus logs buffer when opened
    filetype = "objc", -- file type set for buffer with logs
    open_command = "silent botright 20split {path}", -- command used to open logs panel. You must use {path} variable to load the log file
    logs_formatter = "xcbeautify --disable-colored-output", -- command used to format logs, you can use "" to skip formatting
    only_summary = false, -- if true logs won't be displayed, just xcodebuild.nvim summary
    show_warnings = true, -- show warnings in logs summary
    notify = function(message, severity) -- function to show notifications from this module (like "Build Failed")
      vim.notify(message, severity)
    notify_progress = function(message) -- function to show live progress (like during tests)
      vim.cmd("echo '" .. message .. "'")
  console_logs = {
    enabled = true, -- enable console logs in dap-ui
    format_line = function(line) -- format each line of logs
      return line
    filter_line = function(line) -- filter each line of logs
      return true
  marks = {
    show_signs = true, -- show each test result on the side bar
    success_sign = "โœ”", -- passed test icon
    failure_sign = "โœ–", -- failed test icon
    show_test_duration = true, -- show each test duration next to its declaration
    show_diagnostics = true, -- add test failures to diagnostics
    file_pattern = "*Tests.swift", -- test diagnostics will be loaded in files matching this pattern (if available)
  quickfix = {
    show_errors_on_quickfixlist = true, -- add build/test errors to quickfix list
    show_warnings_on_quickfixlist = true, -- add build warnings to quickfix list
  test_explorer = {
    enabled = true, -- enable Test Explorer
    auto_open = true, -- open Test Explorer when tests are started
    auto_focus = true, -- focus Test Explorer when opened
    open_command = "botright 42vsplit Test Explorer", -- command used to open Test Explorer
    open_expanded = true, -- open Test Explorer with expanded classes
    success_sign = "โœ”", -- passed test icon
    failure_sign = "โœ–", -- failed test icon
    progress_sign = "โ€ฆ", -- progress icon (only used when animate_status=false)
    disabled_sign = "โธ", -- disabled test icon
    partial_execution_sign = "โ€", -- icon for a class or target when only some tests were executed
    not_executed_sign = " ", -- not executed or partially executed test icon
    show_disabled_tests = false, -- show disabled tests
    animate_status = true, -- animate status while running tests
    cursor_follows_tests = true, -- moves cursor to the last test executed
  code_coverage = {
    enabled = false, -- generate code coverage report and show marks
    file_pattern = "*.swift", -- coverage will be shown in files matching this pattern
    -- configuration of line coverage presentation:
    covered_sign = "",
    partially_covered_sign = "โ”ƒ",
    not_covered_sign = "โ”ƒ",
    not_executable_sign = "",
  code_coverage_report = {
    warning_coverage_level = 60,
    error_coverage_level = 30,
    open_expanded = false,
  integrations = {
    nvim_tree = {
      enabled = true, -- enable updating Xcode project files when using nvim-tree
      should_update_project = function(path) -- path can lead to directory or file
        -- it could be useful if you mix Xcode project with SPM for example
        return true
  highlights = {
    -- you can override here any highlight group used by this plugin
    -- simple color: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = "#00ff00",
    -- link highlights: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = "DiagnosticOk",
    -- full customization: XcodebuildCoverageReportOk = { fg = "#00ff00", bold = true },

๐ŸŽจ Customize Highlights

See all highlights

Test File

Highlight Group Description
XcodebuildTestSuccessSign Test passed sign
XcodebuildTestFailureSign Test failed sign
XcodebuildTestSuccessDurationSign Test duration of a passed test
XcodebuildTestFailureDurationSign Test duration of a failed test

Test Explorer

Highlight Group Description
XcodebuildTestExplorerTest Test name (function)
XcodebuildTestExplorerClass Test class
XcodebuildTestExplorerTarget Test target
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestInProgress Test in progress sign
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestPassed Test passed sign
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestFailed Test failed sign
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestDisabled Test disabled sign
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestNotExecuted Test not executed sign
XcodebuildTestExplorerTestPartialExecution Not all tests executed sign

Code Coverage (inline)

Highlight Group Description
XcodebuildCoverageFullSign Covered line - sign
XcodebuildCoverageFullNumber Covered line - line number
XcodebuildCoverageFullLine Covered line - code
XcodebuildCoveragePartialSign Partially covered line - sign
XcodebuildCoveragePartialNumber Partially covered line - line number
XcodebuildCoveragePartialLine Partially covered line - code
XcodebuildCoverageNoneSign Not covered line - sign
XcodebuildCoverageNoneNumber Not covered line - line number
XcodebuildCoverageNoneLine Not covered line - code
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableSign Not executable line - sign
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableNumber Not executable line - line number
XcodebuildCoverageNotExecutableLine Not executable line - code

Code Coverage (report)

Highlight Group Description
XcodebuildCoverageReportOk Percentage color when above warning_coverage_level
XcodebuildCoverageReportWarning Percentage color when below warning_coverage_level
XcodebuildCoverageReportError Percentage color when below error_coverage_level

๐Ÿค– Customize Behaviors

See all auto commands

You can customize integration with xcodebuild.nvim plugin by subscribing to notifications.


vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
  pattern = "XcodebuildTestsFinished",
  callback = function(event)
    print("Tests finished (passed: "
        .. ", failed: "
        .. ")"

Use print(vim.inspect( to see what is exactly provided in the payload.

Below you can find a list of all available auto commands.

Pattern Provided Data (
XcodebuildBuildStarted forTesting (Bool)
XcodebuildBuildStatus forTesting (Bool), progress (Int? [0-100]), duration (Int)
XcodebuildBuildFinished forTesting (Bool), success (Bool), cancelled (Bool), errors (Table)
XcodebuildTestsStarted none
XcodebuildTestsStatus passedCount (Int), failedCount (Int)
XcodebuildTestsFinished passedCount (Int), failedCount (Int), cancelled (Bool)
XcodebuildApplicationLaunched none
XcodebuildActionCancelled none
XcodebuildProjectSettingsUpdated (Table)
XcodebuildTestExplorerToggled visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?)
XcodebuildCoverageToggled (Bool)
XcodebuildCoverageReportToggled visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?)
XcodebuildLogsToggled visible (Bool), bufnr (Int?), winnr (Int?)

๐Ÿ”Ž Test File Search - File Matching

See all strategies

xcodebuild logs provide the following information about the test: target, test class, and test name. The plugin needs to find the file location based on that, which is not a trivial task.

In order to support multiple cases, the plugin allows you to choose the search mode. It offers four modes to find a test class. You can change it by setting test_search.file_matching.

  • filename - it assumes that the test class name matches the file name. It finds matching files and then based on the build output, it checks whether the file belongs to the desired target.
  • lsp - it uses LSP to find the class symbol. Each match is checked if it belongs to the desired target.
  • filename_lsp first try filename mode, if it fails try lsp mode.
  • lsp_filename first try lsp mode, if it fails try filename mode.

filename_lsp is the recommended mode, because filename search is faster than lsp, but you also have lsp fallback if there is no match from filename.

๐Ÿ‘‰ If you notice that your test results don't appear or appear in incorrect files, try playing with these modes.

๐Ÿ‘‰ If your test results don't appear, you can also try disabling test_search.target_matching. This way the plugin will always use the first match without checking its target.

๐Ÿ“ฆ Swift Packages Development

This plugin supports only iOS and macOS applications. However, if you develop Swift Package for one of those platforms, you can easily use this plugin by creating a sample iOS/macOS project in your root directory and by adding your package as a dependency.

๐Ÿฆพ Extra Features

๐Ÿ”ฌ DAP Integration

nvim-dap plugin lets you debug applications like in any other IDE. On top of that nvim-dap-ui extension will present for you all panels with stack, breakpoints, variables, logs, etc.

See nvim-dap configuration

To configure DAP for development:

  • Download codelldb VS Code plugin from: HERE. For macOS use darwin version. Just unzip vsix file and set paths below.
  • Install also nvim-dap-ui for a nice GUI to debug.
  • Make sure to enable console window from nvim-dap-ui to see simulator logs.
return {
  dependencies = {
  config = function()
    local dap = require("dap")
    local xcodebuild = require("xcodebuild.dap")

    dap.configurations.swift = {
        name = "iOS App Debugger",
        type = "codelldb",
        request = "attach",
        program = xcodebuild.get_program_path,
        -- alternatively, you can wait for the process manually
        -- pid = xcodebuild.wait_for_pid,
        cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
        stopOnEntry = false,
        waitFor = true,

    dap.adapters.codelldb = {
      type = "server",
      port = "13000",
      executable = {
        -- set path to the downloaded codelldb
        -- sample path: "/Users/YOU/Downloads/codelldb-aarch64-darwin/extension/adapter/codelldb"
        command = "/path/to/codelldb/extension/adapter/codelldb",
        args = {
          -- make sure that this path is correct on your side

    -- disables annoying warning that requires hitting enter
    local orig_notify = require("dap.utils").notify
    require("dap.utils").notify = function(msg, log_level)
      if not string.find(msg, "Either the adapter is slow") then
        orig_notify(msg, log_level)

    -- sample keymaps to debug application
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dd", xcodebuild.build_and_debug, { desc = "Build & Debug" })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dr", xcodebuild.debug_without_build, { desc = "Debug Without Building" })
    vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dt", xcodebuild.debug_tests, { desc = "Debug Tests" })

    -- you can also debug smaller scope tests:
    -- debug_target_tests, debug_class_tests, debug_func_test,
    -- debug_selected_tests, debug_failing_tests

๐Ÿ› Simulator Logs

If you installed nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui, you can easily track your app logs. The plugin automatically sends simulator logs to the console window provided by nvim-dap-ui.

To see logs you don't need to run the debugger. You can just show the console and run the app (remember that the app must be launched by xcodebuild.nvim).

:lua require("dapui").toggle()


Logs printed by NSLog will appear only if the debugger is NOT attached.

Use this command to clear the console:

:lua require("xcodebuild.dap").clear_console()

Logs without using nvim-dap

If you don't want to use nvim-dap you can always print logs directly to your terminal by calling (from your project root directory):

tail -f .nvim/xcodebuild/simulator_logs.log

This approach works especially well if you are using tmux.

๐Ÿšฅ Lualine Integration

You can also integrate this plugin with lualine.nvim.

Xcodebuild Lualine

See Lualine configuration
lualine_x = {
  { "'๓ฐ™จ ' .. vim.g.xcodebuild_test_plan", color = { fg = "#a6e3a1", bg = "#161622" } },
    "vim.g.xcodebuild_platform == 'macOS' and '๏„‰  macOS' or"
      .. " '๏„‹ ' .. vim.g.xcodebuild_device_name .. ' (' .. vim.g.xcodebuild_os .. ')'",
    color = { fg = "#f9e2af", bg = "#161622" },

Global variables that you can use:

Variable Description
vim.g.xcodebuild_device_name Device name (ex. iPhone 15 Pro)
vim.g.xcodebuild_os OS version (ex. 16.4)
vim.g.xcodebuild_platform Device platform (macOS or iPhone Simulator)
vim.g.xcodebuild_config Selected build config (ex. Debug)
vim.g.xcodebuild_scheme Selected project scheme (ex. MyApp)
vim.g.xcodebuild_test_plan Selected Test Plan (ex. MyAppTests)
vim.g.xcodebuild_last_status Last build/test status (ex. Build Succeeded [15s])

๐Ÿงช Code Coverage

Xcodebuild Code Coverage Report

See how to configure Using xcodebuild.nvim you can also check the code coverage after running tests.
  1. Make sure that you enabled code coverage for desired targets in your test plan.
  2. Enable code coverage in xcodebuild config:
code_coverage = {
  enabled = true,
  1. Toggle code coverage :XcodebuildToggleCodeCoverage or :lua require("xcodebuild.actions").toggle_code_coverage(true).
  2. Run tests - once it's finished, code coverage should appear on the sidebar with line numbers.
  3. You can jump between code coverage marks using :XcodebuildJumpToPrevCoverage and :XcodebuildJumpToNextCoverage.
  4. You can also check out the report using :XcodebuildShowCodeCoverageReport command.

The plugin sends XcodebuildCoverageToggled event that you can use to disable other plugins presenting lines on the side bar (like gitsigns). Example:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
  pattern = "XcodebuildCoverageToggled",
  callback = function(event)
    local isOn =
    require("gitsigns").toggle_signs(not isOn)

Coverage Report Keys:

Key Description
enter or tab Expand or collapse the current node
o Open source file

๐Ÿ“ธ Snapshot Tests Preview

This plugin offers a nice list of failing snapshot tests. For each test it generates a preview image combining reference, failure, and difference images into one. It works with swift-snapshot-testing library.

Run :XcodebuildFailingSnapshots to see the list.

Xcodebuild Snapshots

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป API

If you want to use functions directly instead of user commands, then please see xcodebuild.actions module.

๐Ÿงฐ Troubleshooting

Processing the project configuration is a very complex task that relies on parsing multiple crazy outputs from xcodebuild commands. Those logs are a pure nightmare to work with. This process may not always work.

In case of any issues with, you can try manually providing the configuration file .nvim/xcodebuild/settings.json in your root directory.

See a sample settings.json file
  "bundleId": "",
  "show_coverage": false,
  "deviceName": "iPhone 15",
  "destination": "28B52DAA-BC2F-410B-A5BE-F485A3AFB0BC",
  "config": "Debug",
  "testPlan": "YourTestPlanName",
  "projectFile": "/path/to/project/App.xcodeproj",
  "scheme": "App",
  "platform": "iOS Simulator",
  "productName": "App",
  "projectCommand": "-workspace '/path/to/project/App.xcworkspace'",
  "xcodeproj": "/path/to/project/App.xcodeproj",
  "lastBuildTime": 10,
  "os": "17.2",
  "appPath": "/Users/YOU/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-abafsafasdfasdf/Build/Products/Debug/"
  • platform - macOS or iOS Simulator
  • destination - simulator ID
  • projectFile / projectCommand - can be xcodeproj or xcworkspace, the main project file that you use

xcodebuild.nvim's People


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