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html5-history-api's People


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html5-history-api's Issues

Ajax update script error 80020101 with IE

Hello, I'm new here, My problem is when I try to update this script from an ajax response, some like this:


I'm using jquery and I'm getting the error 80020101 related to this code in jquery:

globalEval: function( data ) {
if ( data && core_rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
// rather than jQuery in Firefox
( window.execScript || function( data ) {
window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
} )( data );
the problem is with IE only. maybe some problem with the history.min.js code.

AMD support

it would be nice if there was a little chunk of code added to support AMD interface please

(CommonJS seems not useful since it's a browser only module)


Response over 320k causing an error in Firefox on pushState

I'm running into an odd problem with the library in Firefox.

Initially, it appeared that we had an intermittent problem when calling history.pushState(...), but I've narrowed it down to only occurring when the data I'm trying to push is over 320k in size and I'm using the Firefox browser (v18.0.2). The error I'm getting back from the firebug console is:

NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIDOMHistory.pushState]

This same size response causes no problems in either Chrome or IE.

The specific call is:
history.pushState({ tab: tabId, html: data }, reportName, queryString);

where tabId, reportName, & queryString are all trivially short (1, 10, & ~25-30 chars respectively).

The exact same call works fine as long as the data parameter is < 320k. I've experimented with different characters to see if it was some type of encoding issue, but it does not appear to be. I have slowly approached the 320k limit by adding "0"'s to the response and adding that one extra "0" will tip it over the edge and cause the exception.

Has anyone seen this behavior before? Any ideas on workarounds?


Все равно пишет что нет метода pushState. Адовый IE... В остальных браузерах все ок и без этой библиотеки

Standard API return value

Hi and thanks for the very nice history api shim !

I wonder however what is the reason to store the data in window.history.location instead of the standard way the API does, using the event object sent to the popstate event handler, that event object having a "state" property with the data associated with the state ?

broken html5 addEventListener (for case with postMessage usage)

This problem is reproducible only in Fire Fox:
when I trying to send message via Html5 postMessage from iframe (opened e.g. from domain to main page (on domain main page didn't get message due to the replacement of the native "addEventListener" method.
In case if i comment out this library\remove addEventListener replacement everything works fine.

Please check this case out.
Thanks in advance.

Использование URL якорей (hash) (#)

Нельзя считать единственным способом использования URL-якорей (hash) только для эмуляции работы переходов по страницам и разделам в HTML4 браузерах (например "#/about" для "/about" и "/news/auto" для "news/auto"). Ведь прямое назначения Якорей адреса, это когда он указывает на определённое место на странице (атрибут id html-тега) или указывает скрипту на то, что нужно поменять или сделать на странице, например указывает на определённый таб, или на определённый слайд в презентации или в hash вообще указываются значения выбранных параметров в большой сложной форме поиска (пример: "/search#age=20&political=5"). В последнем случае вообще будет удобно делиться такой ссылкой на определённое состояние формы поиска, а так же иметь удобный способ Prev/Next по истории браузера (состояниям сложной формы поиска).

Для таких случаев возможно лучше было бы иметь возможность в HTML4 браузерах устанавливать только hash с прямым назначением, т. е. когда history.pushState( null, null, "#age=20&political=5"); устанавливал бы такой адрес "{shema+host}{current-url-path}#age=20&political=5". Может какая-то настройка нужна, или передавать дополнительный параметр в pushState.

Но и с автоматическим редиректом (преобразование из HTML4 эмулированного вида в HTML5 вид) тоже стоит немного переобдумать. При вызове редиректа стоит наверно проверить параметр hash на присутствие параметра "type", и делать редирект только в этом случае. Так как якорь может использоваться по своему прямому назначению. Тогда можно было бы поставить параметр type в "!" и не бояться, что будет отредирекчено то, что не должно быть отредерекчино.

sessionStorage throws error when cookies are disabled

// this line
var sessionStorage = window['sessionStorage'];

Causes errors when, for whatever reason, cookies are disabled.
This can be because of 'disable cookies' in a development-plugin, or the 'Block third-party cookies and site data' in the Chrome content settings when running the site in a Facebook IFrame.

Calls to window['sessionStorage'] should be wrapped in a try-catch.

Which browsers should it support?

I can't see anywhere which states which browsers that this supports?

I presume that it supports IE8 and IE9? But it would be good to know about others.

forward button greyed out

Hey. In Chrome I noticed the forward button is greyed out.

I went went to page a, page b then back to back a but no forward button to go to back a... Also can I detect if the history API is using pushState or hashes?

Issue in IE8

In IE8, when I try to use history.back() to navigate to previous state, it always tells me "Unable to get property 'replace' of undefined or null reference. history.min.js, line 16 character 274" and therefore, the url didn't change to previous state. IE9 & 10 work fine.

IE detection cc_on causes errors on all IE versions that loads javascript with sourcemaps


This single pease of code:
eval("/@cc_on 1;@/")
turns on conditional compiling.

When it is turned on, sourseMapUrl's are executed as code instead of comments and causes runtime errors in IE:

removing that peace of code seems to fix the errors, and doesn't seem to break anything, but I'm not sure. I guess there is a better way to detect IE.

More information:

Need more Info

My site will support IE8+, and all other modern browsers. I am not passing any additional command line parameters to the script as I am using it. Given that I have a couple of questions.

  1. Do I need this library for older, non-HTML 5 browsers only or should I load it for all browsers?
  2. I have tested on FF and Chrome and it seems to work however for IE8 it does not. I loaded the history.iegte8.js instead of the history.js but I still get errors. Basically it is reporting the history.pushState is not a property or method. There is no documentation but I suspect I only need to load the history.iegte8.js and not both the history.iegte8.js and history.js.

IE11 bug

The same one that was in IE10 and was fixed later: ':///' is added to the address bar.


Problem with jQuery 2.0

Hello Dmitrii,

i use our script with jQuery 2.0, but i become an error:

in your script because of the line 431

list[ i ].call( window, o );

in jQuery 2.0 the line 4757

if ( === 3 ) {

because the event has no target. Do you have any suggest how to fix this?


history.location.href incorrect in IE9

In IE9, the history.location.href is incorrect, but document.location.href is correct, as you can see in the next image:


This always happens whit the first page we browse to, so I think this is because the first page we enter is not saved correctly in the history state.

Any idea how to fix this?
Thanks, and great script by the way!

tag 4.1.0

history.iegte8.js refers to v 4.1.0 but there's no such tag. It's confusing if you are consuming the lib. When do you plan to tag it?

JSON.parse(null) is invalid (Android 2.3)

There is one issue stopping history.iegte8.js from working with the Android 2.3 stock browser: JSON.parse(null) throws an exception.

This occurs in 1 place in the code:

historyStorage = function(state) {
    return sessionStorage ? state ? sessionStorage.setItem('__hitoryapi__', JSON.stringify(state)) :
        JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('__hitoryapi__')) || {} : {};

I see two ways of fixing this:

  1. Inline-resolve: JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('__hitoryapi__') || null)
  2. Use the JSONParse from the IE6-version, but the emulation part is not really needed.

What do you think can one of these fixes be added to history.iegte8.js?
I don't know how you handle it with pull requests, how do you create the minified versions etc.
Please let me know if and how I should create a pull request.

Links with href="/" not working in ie <= 9

The link in the following sample code (with the updated history.js file from github) does not work in Internet Explorer <= 9. Although, if I do not include the history.js it works as expected.

<!doctype html> 
        <a href="/">Homepage</a>
        <script src="history.js"></script>

On the other hand, the following sample code works without problems:

<!doctype html> 
        <a href="/test/">Test</a>
        <script src="history.js"></script>

The problem only appears when we have href="/" in the link.

Установка параметров конфигурации библиотеки

Я так понимаю, что единственный способ установить параметры конфигурации для библиотеки это использовать GET-параметры запроса в адресе на библиотеку: history.js?type={type}&redirect={isRedirect}&basepath={basepath}.

Но как быть, если сервер настроен на установку HTTP-заголовков кеширования файлов без GET-параметров запроса?

И как быть, если есть необходимость упаковывать библиотеку вместе с другими js-библиотеками в один js-файл. Как пример своим сервисом упаковки или сторонним, например: hem, stitch или любые другие.

Для этих случаев не помешало бы иметь альтернативный способ установки конфигурационных параметров.

Ну, и, если представить, что тегов <script> много, то уже немного смущает, то что при инициализации тратится небольшое время на поиск параметров конфигурации.

inconsistent URL escaping

I am attempting to call history.pushState with a URL that contains escaped JSON data but the behavior is not correct in Firefox. The URL written to the address bar has some escaping removed and no longer works when pasted into a new browser. The problem does not occur in Chrome or IE 9.

history.pushState input URL:


Firefox address bar result:


IE9 address bar result:


Chrome address bar result:


npm support

I'm using your library as a dependency in my project and would like to stop copying it across everytime there is an update.
Do you think you could publish HTML5-History-API to npm? (and republish it when you bump the version) npm is full of browser-only libraries these days.



It'd be nice to see that this library had decent test coverage to watch for regressions. It'd be hard for a big company to rely on this library without being confident that updates don't introduce new bugs.

Multiple hashes IE9

I have noticed one thing in IE9, after using the page for a while the hash will duplicate see image bellow;


Mouse wheel click

When the mouse wheel click by link, by usual way it should be open in new tab.
In your code it doesn't.

So i made this possible by few next strings.

// I pass aditional parameter 'e' in function
$("a").click(function(e) {

// make check, if the button equals 1 it means that it's wheel, so open it in new tab.
if( e.button == 1 ) { this.href, "_blank" );
return false;

// at the end just make sure it's a left button, if it's not - exit of function.
if ( e.button != 0 ) return true;


wrong name in bower repo

  1. components.json should be renamed to bower.json
  2. When installing this with bower bower install --save html5-history-api it installs as "history" in my local bower.json. This name isn't registered in the bower repo.

Add tags for version numbers.

As of now, it is difficult to find the current version of the library, as it is now only written in the different files. You should tag each new version, also making it easier to go back in the version history (great if you are releasing a completely new version, and need to support multiple versions for a while).

Also now, bower.json and package.json is not updated to 4.0.2.

history.state in Safari not null

If I change the value in the address bar, then history.state never zero.
In the other browser is the history.state zero.

If I use the back or forward button, then is history.state already filled in all browser.
That is okay.

Broken URLs in IE10 in Windows 7

When I use pushState() in IE10 with a relative URL the final URL in the browser is corrupted. Since IE10 natively supports the native History API I guess there is some problem with version detection.

If I use an absolute path "/yyy/xxx.html" then it works fine, but "xxx.html" doesn't.

When I remove the history.js script from my page the code works fine using the IE10 native API.

duplicate URL by IE


The problem is, that when the url is: http://...../?s=test/ and then i clicked on a filter, then must the url are ?s=test&order=asc, what in mozilla and other browsers works, but in ie its not work. Here are the urls duplicated like so:


    nohttp   = url.replace("http://","").replace("https://","");
    firstsla = nohttp.indexOf("/");
    pathpos  = url.indexOf(nohttp);
    path     = url.substring(pathpos + firstsla);

    if (push != 1) {
        var stateObj = { foo: 1000 + Math.random()*1001 };

            history.pushState(stateObj, null , path);   


popstate event completely broken in IE8

In IE8, whenever a call to replaceState or pushState is made, a popState event is dispatched.

Only hash changes not originating from a replace/pushState call should dispatch a popState event.

Параметр конфигурации "type"

Я бы предложил параметр конфигурации "type" переименовать в более интуитивно-понятный вид. Вот несколько примеров:

  • hash-prefix
  • prefix
  • hash-delimiter
  • delimiter
  • html4-hash-delimiter
  • hashbang
  • fragment-identifier
  • hash-fragment-identifier

IE fallback with multiple parts in the deeplink duplicates the deeplink


I'm encountering a wrong behavior when using deeplinks like this in IE 8:

When doing a push-state with '/video/1' the resulting url is:
So the first part of the deeplink is repeated. When refreshing and setting the deeplink to that value, the first 2 parts get duplidated.
So in short, everythint except the last part is duplicated.

When stepping trough with breakpoints I located the line that caused the error:

// convert relative link to the absolute
href = /^(?:[\w0-9]+:)?///.test( href ) ?
href.indexOf( "/" ) === 0 ? _protocol + href :
href : _protocol + "//" + current._host + (
href.indexOf( "/" ) === 0 ? href :
href.indexOf( "?" ) === 0 ? _pathname + href :
href.indexOf( "#" ) === 0 ? _pathname + current._search + href :
_pathname.replace( /[^\/]+$/g, '' ) + href

At that moment 'href' = "video/1", and _pathname = "/_projects/_libraries/frontend/_svn/skeleton/deploy/public/video/1"
All the checks fail, so it will execute the last part:
_pathname.replace( /[^\/]+$/g, '' ) + href

Here, only '1' is stripped from the _pathname, and video/1 is added, so 'video' is doubled.

I don't know all the situations this line is executed for (different inputs), so I'm not sure how to fix it correctly myself.

If you need more information, or if I have to test something, please let me know.

SCRIPT126: Specified module could not be found

In IE8 console, I am seeing the following error - and history is not working in IE8:

SCRIPT126: The specified module could not be found.
history.js, line 470 character 21

            // This rule for Internet Explorer 8
            if ('execScript' in window) {
                 * to IE8 override the global properties using
                 * VBScript, declaring it in global scope with
                 * the same names.
                <em>window['execScript']('Public ' + prop, 'VBScript')</em>;

(prop = "onhashchange"}

The call stack says this function was called from 'initialize' line 836... which was called by Anonymous line 898 .. then Global code line 16.

It did the same with history.min.js - so switched to full to find the problem lines..

title of chrome history is not correct

If I update document.title before history.pushState, then the google chrome history entry have the title of the page before and not the new title.

I think it is the problem of this code in pushState function:
if (lastTitle != null) {
document.title = lastTitle;

Framework should handle Safari's missing history.state

Safari 5.1.5 atleast has no support for history.state, so I'm guessing the older versions does not support it either.
I think the framework itself should handle this, so the use is as easy as it is now.

Works great on all the other browser though, good work! I like it much better than balupton's history.js.

Url changes not as expected in IE8

It works really fine in all browsers, but in IE8 I'm having a few problems with the url redirect. Let me explain:

This is my website url:

And this is the expected url to my campaign:

I know that a hash (#) will appear in IE8, so the expected url is:

But, when I access the direct url '' it is changed to:!/mycampaign
With an ! after the hash

And this is breaking the correctly functionality of the redirect. Someone has any idea how this can be fixed?

Outlook 2010 Web Browser - replaceState function causes loss of focus

I have provided a little more detail regarding how I use Microsoft Outlook 2010 as my browser in the question above.

Since I wrote the question I have found my issue to be related to the replaceState function in the plugin.

I have programmed my form so that a javascript / jquery keyup function triggers a live search function on my table (datatable). When the keyup function is triggered I also run a function I created called replaceState() which finds all my form inputs and saves the state of them in the history using your plugins history.replaceState function.

Within the Outlook 2010 browser feature each keypress causes the input field to lose focus. I can click back within the field and enter another character but each time the focus is lost. All the functionality works perfectly within this browser and the history is saved successfully.

If I comment out the history.replaceState line the search works fine and doesn't lose focus (and of course doesn't save the history). It doesn't lose focus in IE10 even though the Outlook 2010 browser appears to use the IE10 agent.

Hope you can help with this as I want to integrate my web application into Microsoft Outlook, like Microsoft CRM does.

Thanks for a great plugin, I've tried a few ways to do this and yours is the only one that worked well for me.

IE6 & IE7 issue - Not working when combined with Modernizr

Thanks for the great polyfill!

I've noticed a strange issue with IE6 and IE7 on XP. If I load Modernizr first, before history.js then things aren't working. Ideally I would like to use Modernizr.load to conditionally load the history.js. My simple test code is below. On IE8 it's fine


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="modernizr-2.6.2-respond-1.1.0.min.js"></script>        
    <script src="history.js"></script>        
    window.onload = function() {
        // function for the reference is processed when you click on the link
        function handlerAnchors() {
            // keep the link in the browser history
            history.pushState( null, null, this.href );

            // here can cause data loading, etc.

            // do not give a default action
            return false;

        // looking for all the links
        var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );

        // hang on the event, all references in this document
        for( var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++ ) {
            anchors[ i ].onclick = handlerAnchors;

        // hang on popstate event triggered by pressing back/forward in browser
        window.onpopstate = function( e ) {

            // we get a normal Location object

            * Note, this is the only difference when using this library,
            * because the object document.location cannot be overriden,
            * so library the returns generated "location" object within
            * an object window.history, so get it out of "history.location".
            * For browsers supporting "history.pushState" get generated
            * object "location" with the usual "document.location".
            var returnLocation = history.location || document.location;

            // here can cause data loading, etc.

            // just post
            alert( "We returned to the page with a link: " + returnLocation.href );
        <a href="/mylink.html">My Link</a>
        <a href="/otherlink.html">Other Link</a>


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="history.js"></script>        
    <script src="modernizr-2.6.2-respond-1.1.0.min.js"></script>        
    window.onload = function() {
        // function for the reference is processed when you click on the link
        function handlerAnchors() {
            // keep the link in the browser history
            history.pushState( null, null, this.href );

            // here can cause data loading, etc.

            // do not give a default action
            return false;

        // looking for all the links
        var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );

        // hang on the event, all references in this document
        for( var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++ ) {
            anchors[ i ].onclick = handlerAnchors;

        // hang on popstate event triggered by pressing back/forward in browser
        window.onpopstate = function( e ) {

            // we get a normal Location object

            * Note, this is the only difference when using this library,
            * because the object document.location cannot be overriden,
            * so library the returns generated "location" object within
            * an object window.history, so get it out of "history.location".
            * For browsers supporting "history.pushState" get generated
            * object "location" with the usual "document.location".
            var returnLocation = history.location || document.location;

            // here can cause data loading, etc.

            // just post
            alert( "We returned to the page with a link: " + returnLocation.href );
        <a href="/mylink.html">My Link</a>
        <a href="/otherlink.html">Other Link</a>

pushState not working on Chrome on IOS 6 (ipad)

When i do a pushState on Chome on ISO6, nothing happens. The native pushState does work (when not loading this library).

I'm trying to debug it myself, but hopefully you can fix it.

I'm having it currently on:
ipad 3 ios 6.0.1
ipad 3 ios 6.1.2
iphone 4 ios 6.1

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