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obsidian-advanced-canvas's Introduction


Due to a high-priority project and other reasons, development of Advanced Canvas is paused until 20th Nov.


Advanced Canvas for

GitHub star count Open issues on GitHub List of contributors
GPL-3.0 license

⚡ Supercharge your canvas experience! Create presentations, flowcharts and more!


Open the Community Plugins tab in the settings and search for "Advanced Canvas" (or click here).

Other installation methods
  • Install it using BRAT
  • Manual folder creation
    1. Create a folder named obsidian-advanced-canvas in your vault's plugins folder (<vault>/.obsidian/plugins/).
    2. Download main.js, styles.css and manifest.json from the latest release and put them in the obsidian-advanced-canvas folder.
    3. Enable the plugin in Settings -> Community plugins -> Installed plugins


All features can be enabled/disabled in the settings.

  • Create groups independently of the nodes
  • More canvas commands
  • Node Styles
    • (Flowchart) Node Shapes
      • Terminal shape
      • Process shape
      • Decision shape
      • Input/Output shape
      • On-page Reference shape
      • Predefined Process shape
      • Document shape
      • Database shape
    • Border Styles
      • Dotted
      • Dashed
      • Invisible
    • Text Alignment
      • Left
      • Center
      • Right
  • Edge Styles
  • Custom colors in the color picker
  • Properties Support
    • Set properties for the canvas file
  • Presentation mode
    • Create presentations by connecting nodes with arrows
  • Portals
    • Embed other canvases inside your canvas
    • Create edges (arrows) to the embedded canvas
  • Collapsible groups
    • Collapse and expand groups to organize your canvas
  • Better readonly
    • Disable node popup menus
    • Lock the canvas' position
    • Lock the canvas' zoom
  • Encapsulate selection
    • Create a new canvas from the selected nodes
    • Create a link to the new canvas in the current canvas
  • Expose canvas events to use them in other plugins
  • Expose node data to style them using CSS


Please consider supporting the plugin. There are many hours of work and effort behind it. The two easiest ways to support the plugin are either by starring ⭐ the repository or by donating any amount on Ko-fi ❤️. Thank you!

ko-fi Time Spent

Canvas Commands

  • Advanced Canvas: Create text node
    • Create a new text node
  • Advanced Canvas: Create file node
    • Create a new file node
  • Advanced Canvas: Select all edges
    • Select all edges
  • Advanced Canvas: Zoom to selection
    • Zoom to the bounding box of the selected nodes
  • Advanced Canvas: Clone node up/down/left/right
    • Clone the selected node in the direction of the arrow keys
    • The cloned node will have the same dimensions and color as the original node
  • Advanced Canvas: Expand node up/down/left/right
    • Expand the selected node in the direction of the arrow keys

Node Styles

Node Shapes

Flowchart Example Flowchart Example


  • Use the updated popup menu set a node's shape


Terminal Shape Terminal Shape
Process/Center Shape Process/Center Shape
Decision Shape Decision Shape
Input/Output Shape Input/Output Shape
On-page Reference Shape On-page Reference Shape
Predefined Process Shape Predefined Process Shape
Document Shape Document Shape
Database Shape Database Shape

Border Styles

Set the style of the border to dotted, dashed or invisible.

Border Styles Example Border Styles Example

Edge Styles

Path Styles

Set the style of the edge paths to dotted, short-dashed or long-dashed.

Edge Styles Example Edge Path Styles Example

Arrow Styles

Set the style of the arrows to triangle outline, halved triangle, thin triangle, diamond, diamond outline, circle or circle outline.

Arrow Styles Example Edge Arrow Styles Example

Pathfinding Methods

Set the pathfinding method of the edges (arrows) to default, straight, squared or A*.

Path Styles Example Edge Pathfinding Methods Example

Custom Styles

Custom style attributes for nodes and edges can easily be added.

  1. Add a popup menu option
    • Open the <VAULT-PATH>/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-advanced-canvas/data.json file
    • If you want to add an option to node popup menu, search for customNodeStyleAttributes property, otherwise search for customEdgeStyleAttributes property. (Create it if it doesn't exist yet)
    • Add the custom popup menu option (Remove the comments!)
     "customNodeStyleAttributes": [
             "datasetKey": "exampleStyleAttribute", // Must be unique and written in camelCase
             "label": "Example Style Attribute",
             "options": [
                     "icon": "cloud-sun", // Choose an icon from
                     "label": "Sunny Appearance",
                     "value": null // Null means default
                     "icon": "cloud-rain-wind", // Choose an icon from
                     "label": "Rainy Appearance",
                     "value": "rainy" // The value that gets set
         // You can add more categories here
  2. Create a new CSS snippet in your vault (And enable it in the settings)
    .canvas-node[data-<DATASET-KEY>="rainy"] { /* The dataset key is now written in kebab-case */
        background-color: #7f7f7f;
  3. Reload Obsidian and enjoy your new custom style!
    Custom Style Attribute Example

Custom Colors

Add custom colors to the color picker. You can add them using the following css snippet:

:root {
    /* Where X is the index of the color in the palette */
    /* The colors 1-6 are already used by Obsidian */
    --canvas-color-X: 0, 255, 0; /* RGB */
Custom Colors In Palette Custom Colors In Palette

Properties Support

Support for properties in canvas files just like in md files. You can edit the properties using the updated control menu.

Supported properties:

  • cssclasses (Separate multiple classes with a space)

Custom Background Example (cssclasses)

.canvas-wrapper.<CLASS-NAME> > .canvas-background {
    background-image: url('<IMAGE-URL>');
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
    filter: blur(5px) brightness(0.8);

Presentation Mode

In presentation mode, you can navigate through the nodes using the arrow keys or the PageUp/PageDown keys (Compatible with most presentation remotes). The different slides/nodes are connected using arrows. If you want to have multiple arrows pointing from the same node, you can number them in the order you want to navigate through them. While in presentation mode, the canvas is in readonly mode (So better readonly effects the presentation mode as well!). You can exit the presentation mode using the ESC key or the corresponding command. If you want to continue the presentation from the last slide you were on, you can use the Advanced Canvas: Continue presentation command.

Presentation mode example

Canvas File Presentation canvas file

More Complex Example

Complex presentation mode example

Canvas File Complex presentation canvas file


  • Create the first slide
    • Create the first slide of the presentation using the updated popup menu
    • OR create a node and mark it as the first slide using the updated card menu
  • Add more slides
    • Link the slides using arrows
      • If you want to loop back to a previous slide, you can number the arrows in the order you want to navigate through them
    • TIP: Create slides with consistent dimensions by using the updated card menu
  • Control the presentation
    • Start the presentation using the command palette (Advanced Canvas: Start presentation)
    • Change slides using the arrow keys
    • Exit the presentation using the ESC key


Embed other canvases inside your canvas and create edges (arrows) to the embedded canvas.

Portal example


  • Embed a canvas file and click on the door icon of the popup menu to open a portal

Collapsible Groups

Collapse and expand groups to organize your canvas.

Collapsible Groups Example Collapsible Groups Example

Better Readonly

  • Disable node popup menus
  • Lock the canvas' position
  • Lock the canvas' zoom
  • BUT to retain some interactivity, it allows zooming to a bounding box (e.g. zoom to selection, zoom to fit all)


  • Use the updated control menu to toggle the new features (Only shown if the canvas is in readonly mode)

Encapsulate Selection

Move the current selection to a new canvas and create a link in the current canvas.


  • Select the nodes you want to encapsulate
  • Use the context menu (right click) to encapsulate the selection
  • OR use the command palette (Advanced Canvas: Encapsulate selection)

Canvas Events

All custom events are prefixed with advanced-canvas: and can be listened to using app.workspace.on (Just like the default events).

All Events (27)
  • advanced-canvas:canvas-changed
    • Fired when a new canvas gets loaded
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:viewport-changed:before and advanced-canvas:viewport-changed:after
    • Fired before and after the viewport gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:node-moved
    • Fired when a node gets moved
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:double-click
    • Fired when the canvas gets double-clicked
    • Payload: Canvas, MouseEvent, preventDefault: { value: Boolean }
  • advanced-canvas:dragging-state-changed
    • Fired when the dragging state of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, boolean
  • advanced-canvas:node-created
    • Fired when a new node gets created
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-created
    • Fired when a new edge gets created
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-added
    • Fired when a new node gets added
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-added
    • Fired when a new edge gets added
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-removed
    • Fired when a node gets removed
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-removed
    • Fired when an edge gets removed
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-changed
    • Fired when any node gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:edge-changed
    • Fired when any edge gets changed
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge
  • advanced-canvas:node-bbox-requested
    • Fired when the bounding box of a node gets requested (e.g. for the edge path or when dragging a group)
    • Payload: Canvas, Node, BBox (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:edge-center-requested
    • Fired when the center of an edge gets requested (e.g. for the edge label position)
    • Payload: Canvas, Edge, Position (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:containing-nodes-requested
    • Fired when the nodes inside a bounding box get requested
    • Payload: Canvas, BBox, Node[] (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:selection-changed
    • Fired when the selection of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, oldSelection: Set<Node|Edge>, updateSelection: (() => void) => void
  • advanced-canvas:zoom-to-bbox:before and advanced-canvas:zoom-to-bbox:after
    • Fired before and after the canvas gets zoomed to a bounding box (e.g. zoom to selection, zoom to fit all)
    • Payload: Canvas, BBox
  • advanced-canvas:popup-menu-created
    • Fired when the a node popup menu gets created (Not firing multiple times if it gets moved between nodes of the same type)
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:node-interaction
    • Fired when a node gets hovered over
    • Payload: Canvas, Node
  • advanced-canvas:undo
    • Fired when undo gets called
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:redo
    • Fired when redo gets called
    • Payload: Canvas
  • advanced-canvas:readonly-changed
    • Fired when the readonly state of the canvas changes
    • Payload: Canvas, boolean
  • advanced-canvas:data-requested
    • Fired when the canvas data gets requested
    • Payload: Canvas, CanvasData (Reference!)
  • advanced-canvas:load-data
    • Fired when the canvas data gets set
    • Payload: Canvas, CanvasData (Reference!), setData: (CanvasData) => void
  • advanced-canvas:canvas-saved:before and advanced-canvas:canvas-saved:after
    • Fired before and after the canvas gets saved
    • Payload: Canvas


Every feature can be enabled/disabled in the settings. All features were made to be as customizable as possible.


All contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help:

  • Create a fork of the repository
  • Create a branch with a descriptive name
  • Make your changes
  • Debug the plugin using npm run dev
  • Create a pull request
  • Wait for the review

Known Issues - Create an issue if you find any!

  • Shapes are not shown in the preview
  • Edges from portals can still be dragged

obsidian-advanced-canvas's People


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obsidian-advanced-canvas's Issues

Undo resets node shape

I've only tested this on mobile, so that might be the issue. Whenever undo is used it sets all nodes to the default node shape. Redo sets it back to the custom shape again. This is a fairly big issue if you use the undo function a lot

[FR] Add more anchor points to all nodes

Recently I've been trying to map out my social contacts and discovered that Obsidian only has 4 anchor points for each node. Turns out, this scenario is quite complex as most people have more than 4 connections. I would love to see more anchor points for all nodes.

[FR] Layout Mode (e.g. Mind Map)

Issue Summary

Regarding the application of the "mind map" mode in canvas, there are already projects that have made relevant features.

  • Press Enter to create brother card;
  • Press Tab to create child card;
  • Delete card to rearrange layout automatically;
  • Press Alt + ←/→/↓/↑ to navigate between cards;
  • Press Cmd / Ctrl + ←/→/↓/↑ to create floating cards;

But it’s not enough. I think this project can further enhance the idea of displaying the canvas mind map mode by emulating the collapsing/expanding features implemented on v2.6.0-beta.1.

Feature Description

  • Collapse of child nodes by clicking the expand (⊕) or collapse (⊖) symbols next to the father node.
  • Display the number of collapsed child nodes after collapse



[FR] Using cursor postion of click when canvas file node enters edit mode

Currently, when a focused file node in canvas is clicked, it only switches into edit mode with the cursor setting to first character of file. Therefore, when editing a file in canvas, user needs to click once to foucs on the node , then click a second time to enter edit mode, and a third time is required to set the cursor position. Reducing the number of operations to one would greatly streamline the process for users who edit multiple files on the canvas heavily.

[FR] Backlinks inside canvas using edges

Scrintal , another Canvas based PKM tool uses Visual-Thinking ability of the Canvas to let their users form multiple-complex connections intuitively. In the background these connections are automatically translated as Backlinks between notes, allowing it to be reused in other places. It's effortless, and a pure bliss to use compared to Obsidian.

In contrast, an Obsidian user has to type in the double bracket to toggle backlinking, type in the search bar, skim through a long list of search results to find the one they are looking for. For making multiple links they repeat the process all over again. Extremely taxing effort and time.
Backlinking and GraphView is what made Obsidian gain popularity and find it's userbase since they were the first to implement this feature, and they even inspired many other PKM tools to add GraphView. And yet, another Core feature like Canvas is not integrated with them which is very annoying. Right now the only way to utilize both is by manually adding backlinks to recreate the Canvas Connections.
I cannot emphasize the world of difference it makes between Scrintal and Obsidian in this regard. Obsidian NEEDS the backlinking feature of Scrintal's Canvas. Once it's in place it will be even more powerful than Scrintal, since these visual-connections are now accessible globally since translated-backlinks are now accessible by Graph-View and many existing plugins like Canvas-Link-Exploder would unlock many powerful workflows in Obsidian.

This is one of the main selling-point of Scrintal as their users love the intuitive visual thinking and ease-of-use making relevant links. Easier ways to form connections is a long awaited feature request in the Obsidian forum(Scrintal, AI-Based linking similar to Napkin)
I cannot emphasize enough how useful this feature would be. So I implore you to add this feature to your plugin. I have been on the hunt for this feature for a while now, I scoured google to no avail. I even thought about making it myself even though I'm no coder and I don't even know where to begin. That's how bad I want this feature.
I can tell from your plugin, you are a very capable developer. So I kindly request you to make this. PLEASE!! :)

[FR] Group Theming

Since Notes are grouped, following a color theme makes the Groups look distinct from each-other, while the contents of a group are of the same color creating a sense of Harmony/Homogeneity within the Group.

In my other feature request, I had recommended avoiding the use of distinctive visual elements since that would create a hierarchy in the Canvas which may not be apt. But using colors in the Group is very appropriate due to the fore mentioned reasons.

The color of the Note, the color of the Group's frame, and the color of the connecting arrows.
These can be coded to pick a Triadic color from the color wheel.

[FR] Open in Split-View shortcut (needs modification in it's behavior)

Earlier when I made this request, you said it may not deserve any immediate attention for now. I guessed the effort:benefit isn't significant.

  • For now I request you to make shortcuts similar to Ctrl+Alt+Click which opens the file in split-view(right). while the Canvas stays open in the left-pane.
    • The problem is, it creates a new-split-view everytime it's used. Since this is created for users who work on multiple files at the same time. But I am hoping to view/edit one file at a time, while my primary need is a larger view of the notes in my Canvas.
      Modifying this shortcut to open-files-in-new-tabs within existing-split-pane(without creating a new split-pane) would be enough to fit my needs, for now, maybe forever.
      • It'd be nice if this feature could be set to as default when i click on the file name(outside the note).

[BUG] Real-time Portal updates

It'd be nice to have it in place. Currently I close the portal and open it again, works similar to refreshing a webpage.

[FR] collapsing/expanding groups

Issue Summary

In the current project, Canvas serves as a core component offering robust graphic rendering and organization capabilities. However, when dealing with complex visual scenarios or large-scale projects, the lack of expand/collapse functionality for Group elements can lead to user frustration and reduced efficiency in viewing or editing multi-level content.

Feature Description

Current State

I have investigated multiple similar projects to find a solution, but unfortunately, the current products on the plugin market and GitHub do not provide an intuitive and efficient Group folding/expanding implementation.
Your project is excellent at enhancing the canvas experience, so I'd love to get some help here.

Proposed Improvement

  • Add controls to group style UI.

When the control is clicked, the group shrinks to show only the title. Click again and the group will expand to show all contents.

A good concrete example is the way group elements are handled in Marginnote3, where this functionality is achieved by clicking the expand (⊕) or collapse (⊖) symbols next to the group node.
Marginnote3 example

Possible Alternatives

  • In the mini-toolbar above a group, put a collapse/uncollapse control.
    Menu Control

Possible impact

When implementing this feature, you need to consider its impact on UI design, performance optimization, and DOM tree operation and rendering efficiency, so this is just a feature suggestion, not a "do it now" demand.

Additional Information

Here is a project that has been put on the shelves for reference:Obsidian Collapse Node
The project in the above link extends the concept of folding and unfolding to the canvas node, but the overall implementation effect is not good. I think it's enough to implement it only at the group level.

[BUG] Files created in a canvas aren't inside the default folder

Obsidian Settings > Options > Files & Links > Folder to create new notes in
Obsidian Settings > Core plugins > Canvas > Folder to create new canvas files in

I have set them to "in the folder specified folder below" and pointed them to a default location.

While creating a note from a canvas, or new canvas via 'encapsulate' option, or by adding .canvas at the end of file name they are created in the Home directory. it'd be nice to have them follow the fore mentioned locations.

Also, it'd be handy to have a "create a new canvas button". which i have mentioned in #49

[FR] Ability to Edit Canvas Card Menu

The ability to Disable the "Create groups independently of the nodes" from the Canvas Card Menu would be helpful to clear up some space, As I don't use it at all.
The declutter would be beneficial for other plugins such as "Canvas Daily Note Plugin"

Along with this, the ability to hide "Drag to Add note from vault", the default Canvas feature would be nice too since I don't use it either. This request would work well with my other feature request "Double-click to add Note instead of Card"

[FR] Adjusting the .md editor in the Canvas

  1. The key refused to move the indentation of the bullet-points. Rather, it takes the cursor to options such as popups above the card.
    Lack of such subtle features is so frustrating for someone like me who uses the hierarchy and folding indentations a lot.

  2. Having the text-editor fill the screen would be nice. It's not necessary for while doing quick edits. But for continuous writing, something like + should Zoom into the Canvas and fitting the note to 90% of the screen.
    When I hit or click outside the note should zoom back to the original Zoom level I started with.
    I'm particular about 90% for some spatial awareness, the edge and arrows are visible, and i can click outside to exit the enlarged view, which is quick and intuitive.

[minor bug] [minor FR] Collapse-Node compatibility

i use this Collapse-Node plugin to fold-unfold cards in my canvas.
When a Portal is double clicked upon, when it's card is folded, it wont open.

Collapse-Node is a very handy plugin, and I believe it should be integrated into Advanced Canvas. the plugin is not in active development, and has issues like not recognizing overlapping cards, etc. which leads to a clutter. and the irony is, this plugin's sole job is to help with managing clutter. it'd be a great addition to the suite of tools in Advanced Canvas. Please consider it.

additional colors dont work in seperate windows

When i open the canvas in a new window the additional colors do no longer work.
I am assuming because it is no longer the :root window?

Sorry if im saying something stupid, im using obsidian only since a few hours.

[FR] Expanded group overlapping with other content

Issue Summary

This is a difficult balance. The original purpose of the group collapsing feature request was to accommodate more cards so that more information could fit into the same canvas. But now, in order to prevent cards that do not belong to the collapsed group from accidentally entering its scope and becoming its child nodes, the cards must be placed further away, resulting in a decrease in the space utilization of the entire canvas.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • Intelligent Layout Algorithm:

I think should design a layout algorithm that can automatically adjust the existing child node layout within the group and the affected card layout outside the group when the group is expanded, so that they will not overlap or be misclassified into the group, and maintain the relative position relationship between adjacent cards.

4. Developer Considerations:

I understand that implementing such features may require significant design and development effort. Therefore, I would like developers to consider the feasibility of these suggestions and evaluate whether there are alternative solutions that better align with the application architecture and roadmap.

In conclusion, finding the right balance between effective space utilization and maintaining clean, organized content relationships is crucial. I highly value other diverse opinions and look forward to any feedback or updates on this issue.

"Drag to add slide" bug


when I utilize the "Drag to Slide" button, my nodes vanish and no slide gets created. Is this supposed to be operational or is it still considered "work in progress"?


[FR] Shortcuts to Navigate

I had issues navigating around the Canvas with my keyboard. Looks like it's a long-awaited feature request. But the Author said he's not going to publish it.

The bare minimum I need is to Jump between note selections (Ctrl+Shift+Arrows)
This comment has a list of interesting suggestions.

[FR] [bug] button to create a new canvas

By experimenting. I accidentally found out I could change the file extension at the end of a new note to .canvas and create a new canvas in the current one via Portal.
But it has some bugs, where it creates an empty card without a "card label" above it. nothing happens upon double clicking it. once you delete this odd-card it unveils the Portal to the newly created canvas.
This bug occurs sometimes, and sometimes not.

To avoid this, I create a dummy file and use the Encapsulate feature to create a new Canvas. I would really appreciate a dedicated button to create a new Canvas which is intuitive and helpful. especially with the workflow mentioned in #16

[FR] Fixed Slide Ratio + Wrap selection into the slide

As the title says

  1. The Slide ratio can be easily changed upon dragging the corners. I would like to change the Scale, while retaining the ratio. Setting a fixed ratio such as 16:9 should be followed.

  2. My workflow is having a completed Canvas and sorting out the Slides at the end. But this feature forces me to rearrange the Canvas which I don't like. Sometimes the notes get stuck to the Frame and trying to move the Frame drags my notes around too.
    To fix this, the ability to select multiple notes, and then creating a Slide-Group around it in the set ratio(16:9) would be nice.

  3. Also, I don't really use the Slide icon in the Canvas Card menu. Even if I did use it, its a rarely used feature by nature. I don't want to keep it in the Canvas Card menu. The toggle to disable/hide that would help me free up the space and make my screen look mimimal/distraction free.

[FR]Prompt the positional relationship between collapsed groups

Issues Summary

When a group element is collapsed, its original size range is hidden, causing other elements to fall into it when moved. I think it's necessary to create a tip to avoid this happening.

Suggestions Improvement

  • Create cues using grid guides

  • When other elements mistakenly fall into the size range of the collapsed group, the shadow of the range is displayed to serve as a reminder.

[BUG]Nested collapsed groups not follow

Issue Summary

The no-follow condition is triggered when the edges of a nested collapsed group extend beyond the edges of the parent collapsed group.

Screen Recording


My Opinion

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but from simple logic, after a collapsed group is fixed to the range of another group, it should become its child node and move accordingly.

[FR] Add more arrow shapes

Hi Mike, I love this plugin and it already gives me a lot to work with. I'm currently trying to plot the class structure for a project in Obsidian and I have the feeling canvas would be great for it. However, there is only one arrow shape as far as I can see.

Do you think it is possible to add more arrow shapes like the ones used in UML diagrams?

I know there is a UML plugin for Obsidian but it doesn't integrate with Obsidian as neatly as canvas does. With more arrow shapes canvas would be the ideal candidate to become my graph of choice for it.

[FR] Linking Mode/Shortcut

Right now the users are expected to click on the exact spot to make connection. in the example use-case mentioned here, Linking is a primary task frequently performed.
Having the ability to Hold a button while clicking an item, which acts as a shortcut to spawn Arrow will be helpful.

Maybe having a mode where only links are formed. This could be added to Better-Readonly feature set, where users are expected to read and form connections.

Text keep disappearing

Hi my problem is when i type text into a card, it keeps disappearing, I think its a bug

Edge style, but for Cards

Would really love the ability to set custom edge styles, but for cards!

PS: congratz on your awesome work! I've tried donating it but got a message saying my country isn't supported :/. Do let me know if you have an alternative method

[FR] Show filename for embedded canvas

When another canvas is embedded the file name of the embedded canvas should be displayed on top or an option to display the filename if desired.


[BUG] A* edges have ugly connections with arrowheads

Arrowheads look weird when using A* edges


Possible solutions:

Offset to the target

In the above picture, the target position for A* could be offset slightly to the left, leading to an orthogonal edge into the target. Similarly, the start could be offset if that end has an arrowhead.

Rotate the Arrowhead

Pretty self-explanatory.

Modify the heuristic

Alternatively, the heuristic could be modified to include a cost penalty based on the distance to a card.
This could prevent the edge from "sticking" too close to a card if possible, like in this example:


[FR]: Add ability to show an alternative cover or text instead of content on canvas

Hi Mike, you seem to really wanna make the Canvas a really powerful tool, so I am hoping you might be interested in adding this functionality.

I ran into that problem that I am overwhelmed with all the text of the notes I am writing and even if I use a card, I would prefer to see eg a picture or another text instead.

With collapsed notes and css-classes/meta data there is the possibility to define another text or an image with embedd sytax similar to the project plugin, I think. Ofc collapsed notes and not just collapsed notes would be a smaller useful addition that someone else has solved in another plugin already.

What do you think?

[FR] Enable Hower-to-View feature in Canvas

This is an alternate solution to the problem cited in #26

Obsidian already offers a Hover-to-Preview feature, by Holding Ctrl while hovering over a File-name/Backlink.
But it doesn't work in Canvas. Enabling this feature inside Canvas solves half the problem of being able to Read.
- For writing, maybe the Hover-View is modified to edit the document. Or the user resorts to other ways such as opening it in Split-View, etc.

[FR] Automatic edge side

This Plugin should be added to your suite of enhancements. This plugin works. But it's not updated real-time. The user has to manually trigger it to rearrange the connections. I hope you'd be able to fix it

  • Some users might need to retain the side the Connection/Arrow was made in certain use-cases. But most of the time, the Arrows dynamically taking the shortest path as someone drags a note is an essential feature in any Canvas based app.

[FR] Larger Editor (Overlay)

The following is how I originally imagined #26, which is slightly better than using split-view imo.

When someone who writes a lot from Canvas, or reading a very long Note, The small card view may not be comfortable.

  • The ability to Zoom into the Canvas, fitting the note to ~80% of the screen.
    • This is executed upon Triple-Clicking a Note, making a handy and intuitive key to access this feature.
    • Upon pressing the view zooms-out to initial value.
    • Making it easier to form Spatial awareness in the Canvas would add to the user experience.
      • It is important to have perceivable yet quick animation while zooming in and out.
      • I mentioned ~80% of the screen is utilized to display the note, and not 100% because, the background - connections - files around the Note should be visible to create a sense of being in the Canvas and the Note's relative position within it.

Another way of achieving this.

  • While zooming into the note is one way of achieving it, a lot of space in the Screen is wasted since most Notes are Square and the Screens are 16:9.
    • A Editor Overlay animated-launched from the note upon triple-clicking it.
    • Clicking outside the Editor Overlay should close it. OR closes it
    • This might give the user the benefit of a fully utilizing the screen, and offering a Focus reading in-contrast to the spatial awareness in the earlier method.

don't work when edit in a new canvas file

I install v2.1.0 use BRAT plugin , there is a problem that cannot see options, when I create a new canvas file, then I have to close this file and reopen it , it will works.

  1. new file like this
  1. reopen it

[FR] import Search-results OR GraphView

Search-Results and GraphView already have powerful search queries integrated to sort through the files by specifying/excluding tags, path, etc

  1. Ability to import them into a Canvas gives the ability to work with those files, that's where the true value of GraphView lies.

  2. Whereas importing all the Search-results into a Canvas primarily helps us go through them to find-out what you are looking for.
    2.2.1 In the Native-Search, Highlights the matching search-input. Similarly they should remain highlighted in the imported cards.
    2.2.2 In the Native-Search, if a single file has more than one Match, the file is displayed in small chunks. It'd be nice if the Advanced-Canvas plugin could replicate this feature while importing.
    2.3 Since users perform multiple Searches to find what they are looking for, every Search-Import must be put inside a Group titled {{search-parameter}}. That way, when Multiple-Search results can be imported into a Single-Canvas.
    2.3.1 Some can use it as a way to bring together different data and try to sit through them and form connections. It can be seen as a way of gaining insights from existing knowledge. OR in a similar process new information(Eg. imports) can be integrated with existing knowledge base. (assume #16 is working)
    2.4 Within the Search-Groups, Sub-Groups based on Path, Tags, etc can be created. (these Groups are Unique to every search, some might return Notes that hold a lot of Tags, where a Tag-based Sub-Group might be apt. Whereas in some cases, file-path might be apt.
    By doing further research, we can find the following
    2.4.1. User-Research to Rank the list of metadata-properties. When we know the most Useful/Preferred properties, and we compare that with available data, we can make meaningful/useful Sub-Groups.
    For example, lets assume Tags>File_path in User-Preference. And the Search-Results contain a lot of Tags. So Sub-Groups are organized based on Tags.
    If there are "no Tags" in the resulting files(or a very few tags to have a meaningful impact), File_path is used to make the Sub-Group although the Ranking we made earlier states the opposite. If a specific Search-Operator is used by the user, it should be given priority in making Sub-Groups.
    2.4.2 In the previous example, the Tag based Sub-Groups might suggest Overlapping-Groups. Where two Groups are made, for Tag_A and Tag_B. Among the files in these groups, there could be a Third-Tag_C which is large and significant enough to form a Sub-Group of it's own, leading to an Intersection of two Groups A & B. I am not sure whether or not an intersection/overlaps are advisable in Obsidian Canvas. Maybe Sub-Groups are not the best way to visually represent Tabs. Which demands exploring different types of representations, and finding which of those work well with different types metadata. A large/complicated Search-Result could make it difficult to make accurate representations without the Notes overlapping or looking clumsy in a limited space. Thus limitations should be made. Such as maximum/optimal number of Nested-Groups, etc.

Once I got to writing this post, I realized this is not relevant as a part of Advanced-Canvas. While Request 1(Graph import) could be added since it looks simple. Request 2 is complex, and should be made into its own-plugin. I'd like to acknowledge it before posting it. if made, it'd prove useful, offering a better experience than the using the default search, where results are displayed in a sidebar(small font, hard to read) with minimal information, no grouping, etc.

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