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saambe-3d's Introduction

SAAMBE-3D: Predicting Effect of Mutations on Protein–Protein Interactions.


SAAMBE-3D is a tool written in python 3, it is tested to work with python3.7. SAAMBE-3D implements a structure based mathod for predicting the binding free energy change for protein-protein due to a point-mutation. It requires the 3D structure in PDB of the protein-protein complex as input and information about the mutation to make the prediction.

SAMMBE 3D can be used to :
  • i) predict the binding free energy change caused by single mutation, and
  • ii) predict whether a particular mutation is disruptive or non-disruptive.


SAAMBE-3D requires following packages and mentioned versions to be installed in the python (Python 3.11.5) to work

  • numpy (1.26.0)
  • prody (2.4.0)
  • xgboost (1.7.6)

It has been tested to work on a machine running Ubunutu 22.04.3. The python is mainted using conda 23.7.2. We created a python environment for SAAMBE-3D using:

conda create -n py311_saambe3d python=3.11

Then if any conda environment is already active deactivate it using:

conda deactivate

Activate the conda python environemnt created above using:

conda activate py311_saambe3d

All the above versions of packages are installed using following commands.

conda install -c conda-forge numpy=1.26.0
conda install -c conda-forge prody=2.4.0
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost=1.7.6

downgrade the pyparsing to 3.1.1 if higher version installed, as it leads to error in selection parsing using prody. One can use below command for it.

conda install -c conda-forge pyparsing==3.1.1

Alternatively, create python environment from environment.yaml.

Alternatively one can create the python enviroment py311_saambe3d from the environment.yaml file using command:

conda env create --file=environment.yml

Prediction Models

The method provides two different models for predictions:

  • regression.model (for predicting: binding free energy change)
  • classification.model (for prediction: if the mutation is disruptive or non-disruptive)

How to run

To have a look at and familiarize yourself with all the options supported use:

python --help

The SAAMBE-3D can be run for a single point mutation by executing following command from inside of the SAAMBE-3D directory:

python -i PDBfile -c Chain -r Resid -w wild -m mutation -d model

To make predictionsof a list of point-mutations execute: -i PDBfile -f mutation_list -d model


Single point-mutation:

For example if user want to predict binding free energy for protein-protein complex with PDB ID 1A22 due to mutation from Cysteine (C) to Alanine (A) at res ID 182 in chain A, they should run the script by typing

python -i 1A22.pdb -c A -r 182 -w C -m A -d 1

After running it check the file output.out or the file name if you provided any with -o option for the output.

List of point-mutations.

If user want to get multiple predictions for many single mutations at the same complex, user can provide a file say mutations_list.txt, which should be formatted as follows for the above example. The columns in the mutation list file are: ChainID resID wildtype_residue mutant_residue

A 182 C A   

and the command will be:

python -i 1A22.pdb -f mutations_list.txt -d 1

After running it check the file output.out or the file name if you provided any with -o option for the output.

Similarly. for predicting disruptive/non-disruptive mutation, user can type the same command, just need to change the model from 1 to 0

python -i 1A22.pdb -c A -r 182 -w C -m A -d 0

After running it check the file output.out or the file name if you provided any with -o option for the output.


python -i 1A22.pdb -f mutations_list.txt -d 0

After running it check the file output.out or the file name if you provided any with -o option for the output. The 'mutations_list.txt' will be exactly same.


Pahari, S., Li, G., Murthy, A. K., Liang, S., Fragoza, R., Yu, H., & Alexov, E. (2020). SAAMBE-3D: predicting effect of mutations on protein–protein interactions. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(7), 2563.

saambe-3d's People


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saambe-3d's Issues

Explanation result

Results are displayed here

Structure: ara1_real.BL00140001.pdb
Chain: N
Postion: 34
Original Amino Acid:N
Mutated Amino Acid: Y
ΔΔG Prediction:
0.38 Destabilizing

Does this result indicate that mutation Y results in destabilization?
Was the ΔΔG calculated by ΔΔG=ΔGwt-ΔGmt or ΔΔG=ΔGmt - ΔGwt?



Hi there, I ran my case using both SAAMBE-3D and mmCSM-PPI. SAAMBE-3D suggested a destabilization, but mmCSM-PPI suggested a stabilization. I am not sure which one is reliable. Based on your publication, SAAMBE-3D outperforms mmCSM-PPI. So is it safe to use the SAAMBE-3D result? Thanks

Issue in matching residues

Hi, I have tried to use this tool to predict DDG after mutation in SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and ACE2.
Based on the fasta sequence provided by PDB database (and I also checked the residues and positions in PDB file), the sequence from 1 to 10 is MFVFLVLLPL in chain C.
But when I run the command python -i 7KNE.pdb -c C -r 2 -w F -m v -d 1, it got error ERROR>> Claimed wild-type residue 'F' in 'chain C and resid 2' not found.

I am feeling quite confused about this particular issue, and I understand that it may not be due to the tool itself because the example code works well. Given my lack of experience in this field, I was wondering if there are any important details that I may have overlooked during the process. Thank you very much for your help.

Bug in code

First of, great work for putting this together. It's extremely fast and really useful. However, I believe there is a bug that needs to be fixed. It's in the function mutation_chemical.

From your paper the categories of chemical features should be:

  • Aliphatic (A, G, I, L, P, V)
  • aromatic (F, W, Y)
  • sulfur (C, M)
  • hydroxyl (S, T)
  • basic (R, H, K)
  • acidic (D, E) and
  • amide (N, Q)
    However, C appear in two categories in the code in ('C','R','H','K') and ('C','M'). I fixed this in my local copy of the code, If you want I can push the changes. I just wanted to point this out.

reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror

Hi, when I run the example code python -i 1A22.pdb -f mutations_list.txt -d 1
it got error like:
@> 3113 atoms and 1 coordinate set(s) were parsed in 0.03s. [15:17:50] WARNING: /Users/runner/miniforge3/conda-bld/xgboost_1588600962499/work/src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.without any output.
And the xgboost package I used is 1.0.2, I don't know how to fix it.
I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide.
Thank you.

Error Unicode-3

Right after installing, I tried to run the following, to try if it worked properly:

python -i /home/mario/Desktop/standaloneCode/SAAMBE-3D-master/1a22.pdb -d 1 -o /home/mario/Desktop/SAAMBE_outputs/1a22.out -c A -r 182 -w C -m A

I got the following:

WARNING: /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/xgboost-split_1700181129011/work/src/objective/ reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mario/Desktop/standaloneCode/SAAMBE-3D-master/", line 476, in
File "/home/mario/Desktop/standaloneCode/SAAMBE-3D-master/", line 461, in main
pred = file_loop(
File "/home/mario/Desktop/standaloneCode/SAAMBE-3D-master/", line 316, in file_loop
return pred_feature(label, model_type)
File "/home/mario/Desktop/standaloneCode/SAAMBE-3D-master/", line 328, in pred_feature
x = xgb.DMatrix(x)
File "/home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xgboost/", line 620, in inner_f
return func(**kwargs)
File "/home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xgboost/", line 743, in init
handle, feature_names, feature_types = dispatch_data_backend(
File "/home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xgboost/", line 962, in dispatch_data_backend
return _from_numpy_array(data, missing, threads, feature_names, feature_types)
File "/home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xgboost/", line 213, in _from_numpy_array
File "/home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/site-packages/xgboost/", line 279, in _check_call
raise XGBoostError(py_str(_LIB.XGBGetLastError()))
xgboost.core.XGBoostError: [17:13:56] /home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/xgboost-split_1700181129011/work/src/c_api/../data/array_interface.h:475: Unicode-3 is not supported.
Stack trace:
[bt] (0) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/ [0x7f5cd0e0af61]
[bt] (1) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/ [0x7f5cd0e2d12a]
[bt] (2) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/ [0x7f5cd0e2d9b6]
[bt] (3) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/../../ [0x7f5cddaff052]
[bt] (4) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/../../ [0x7f5cddafd925]
[bt] (5) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/../../ [0x7f5cddafe06e]
[bt] (6) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/ [0x7f6117fe22e4]
[bt] (7) /home/mario/miniconda3/envs/saambe3d/lib/python3.11/lib-dynload/ [0x7f6117fe1836]
[bt] (8) python(_PyObject_MakeTpCall+0x254) [0x502d54]

Looks like there is some issue with XGBoost and Unicode-3, I have XGBoost 1.7.6 installed. Any clue? Thanks.

XGBoost Issue

running the code on python 3.9.10 , with xgboost v1.6.2 results in the following exception :

Exception has occurred: XGBoostError
[23:52:59] /tmp/abs_40obctay9q/croots/recipe/xgboost-split_1659548945886/work/dmlc-core/src/io/ Check failed: allow_null: LocalFileSystem::Open "regression.model": No such file or directory
Stack trace:
[bt] (0) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/ [0x7fa42aeac154]
[bt] (1) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/ const&, char const*, bool)+0x3cb) [0x7fa42b229a6b]
[bt] (2) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/ const*, char const*, bool)+0x46) [0x7fa42b1fbe56]
[bt] (3) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/ [0x7fa42aec9f3c]
[bt] (4) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/../../ [0x7fa5de73ea4a]
[bt] (5) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/../../ [0x7fa5de73dfea]
[bt] (6) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/ [0x7fa5de757dc7]
[bt] (7) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload/ [0x7fa5de758454]
[bt] (8) /home/izhar/anaconda3/envs/MDAnalysis/bin/python(_PyObject_MakeTpCall+0x2c0) [0x5567e8caa070]

File "/mnt/NAS/SAAMBE-3D/", line 480, in pred_feature
File "/mnt/NAS/SAAMBE-3D/", line 475, in file_loop
File "/mnt/NAS/SAAMBE-3D/", line 561, in

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