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clndr's Introduction


CLNDR is a jQuery calendar plugin. It was created- you've heard this before- out of frustration with the lack of truly dynamic front-end calendar plugins out there.

See a demo:



jQuery and Moment.js are depended upon. By default CLNDR tries to use Underscore.js's _.template() function, however if you specify a custom rendering function (see documentation below) underscore will not be used at all.

Because their APIs are the same, Lo-Dash's _.template() function will work ask well! Just include Lo-Dash instead of underscore.

Recent Changes

Thanks to everyone for their interest! Things just got shuffled around a bit to accommodate a grunt workflow. The fully-commented source version is src/clndr.js, while clndr.js and clndr.min.js are meant for development & production, respectively. In addition, CLNDR is now registered as a jQuery plugin, so you can now track versions through the tags in this repo.

Introduction: You Write The Markup

There are wonderful and feature-rich calendar modules out there and they all suffer the same problem: they give you markup (and often a good heap of JS) that you have to work with and style. This leads to a lot of hacking, pushing, pulling, and annoying why-can't-it-do-what-I-want scenarios.

CLNDR doesn't generate markup (well, it has some reasonable defaults, but that's an aside). Instead, CLNDR asks you to create a template and in return it supplies your template with a great set of objects that will get you up and running in a few lines.

The 'Days' Array

Here's a typical CLNDR template. It's got a controller section and a grid section.

<div class="clndr-controls">
  <div class="clndr-previous-button">&lsaquo;</div>
  <div class="month"><%= month %></div>
  <div class="clndr-next-button">&rsaquo;</div>
<div class="clndr-grid">
  <div class="days-of-the-week">
    <% _.each(daysOfTheWeek, function(day) { %>
      <div class="header-day"><%= day %></div>
    <% }); %>
    <div class="days">
      <% _.each(days, function(day) { %>
        <div class="<%= day.classes %>" id="<%= %>"><%= %></div>
      <% }); %>

The days array contains most of the stuff we need to make a calendar. Its structure looks like this:

  day: 5,
  classes: "day",
  id: "calendar-day-2013-05-29",
  events: [],
  date: moment("2013-05-29")

This makes quick work of generating a grid. days.classes contains extra classes depending on the circumstance: if a given day is today, 'today' will show up, as well as an 'event' class when an event lands on that day.

Pass In Your Events

CLNDR accepts events as an array of objects:

events = [
  { date: "YYYY-MM-DD or some other ISO Date format", and: "anything else" }

CLNDR looks through the objects in your events array for a date field unless you specify otherwise using the dateParameter option. In your template the days array will auto-magically contain these event objects in their entirety. See the examples for a demonstration of how events populate the days array.


CLNDR leans on the awesome work done in underscore.js and moment.js- these are requirements (unless you are using a different rendering engine, in which case underscore is not a requirement). Do be sure to include them in your <head> before clndr.js. It is a jQuery plugin, so naturally you'll need that as well.

The bare minimum (CLNDR includes a default template):


With all of the available options:

  // the template: this could be stored in markup as a <script type="text/template"></script>
  // or pulled in as a string
  template: clndrTemplate,
  // start the week off on Sunday (0), Monday (1), etc. Sunday is the default.
  weekOffset: 0,
  // determines which month to start with using either a date string or a moment object.
  startWithMonth: "YYYY-MM-DD" or moment(),
  // an array of day abbreviations. If you have moment.js set to a different language,
  // it will guess these for you! If for some reason that doesn't work, use this...
  // the array MUST start with Sunday
  // (use in conjunction with weekOffset to change the starting day to Monday)
  daysOfTheWeek: ['D', 'L', 'M', 'M', 'J', 'V', 'S'],
  // click callbacks! the keyword 'this' is set to the clndr instance in all callbacks.
  clickEvents: {
    // fired whenever a calendar box is clicked.
    // returns a 'target' object containing the DOM element, any events,
    // and the date as a moment.js object.
    click: function(target){ },
    // fired when a user goes forward a month.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
    nextMonth: function(month){ },
    // fired when a user goes back a month.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
    previousMonth: function(month){ },
    // fired when the next year button is clicked.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month and year.
    nextYear: function(month) { },
    // fired when the previous year button is clicked.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month and year.
    previousYear: function(month) { },
    // fires any time the month changes as a result of a click action.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
    onMonthChange: function(month) { },
    // fires any time the year changes as a result of a click action.
    // if onMonthChange is also set, it is fired BEFORE onYearChange.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month and year.
    onYearChange: function(month) { },
    // fired when a user goes to the current month & year.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
    today: function(month){ },

  // the target classnames that CLNDR will look for to bind events.
  // these are the defaults.
  targets: {
    nextButton: 'clndr-next-button',
    previousButton: 'clndr-previous-button',
    nextYearButton: 'clndr-next-year-button',
    previousYearButton: 'clndr-previous-year-button',
    todayButton: 'clndr-today-button',
    day: 'day',
    empty: 'empty'
  // an array of event objects
  events: [],
  // if you're supplying an events array, dateParameter points to the
  // field in your event object containing a date string.
  // It's set to 'date' by default.
  dateParameter: 'date',
  // show the numbers of days in months adjacent to the current month
  // (and populate them with their events). defaults to true.
  showAdjacentMonths: true,
  // when days from adjacent months are clicked, switch the current month.
  // fires nextMonth/previousMonth/onMonthChange click callbacks. defaults to false.
  adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false,
  // a callback when the calendar is done rendering.
  // This is a good place to bind custom event handlers
  // (also see the 'ready' option below).
  doneRendering: function(){ },
  // anything you want access to in your template
  extras: { }
  // if you want to use a different templating language, here's your ticket.
  // Precompile your template (before you call clndr),
  // pass the data from the render function into your template,
  // and return the result. The result must be a string containing valid markup.
  // The keyword 'this' is set to the clndr instance
  // in case you need access to any other properties.
  // More under 'Template Rendering Engine' below.
  render: function(data){
    return '<div class="html data as a string"></div>';
  // this is called only once after clndr has been initialized and rendered.
  // use this to bind custom event handlers that don't need to be re-attached
  // every time the month changes (most event handlers fall in this category).
  // hint: this.element refers to the parent element that holds the clndr,
  // and is a great place to attach handlers that don't get tossed out every
  // time the clndr is re-rendered.
  ready: function() { }

All of the things you have access to in your template:

// an array of day-of-the-week abbreviations,
// shifted as requested using the weekOffset parameter.
daysOfTheWeek: ['S', 'M', 'T', etc...]
// the number of 7-block calendar rows,
// in the event that you want to do some looping with it
numberOfRows: 5
// the days object, documented in more detail above
days: [ { day, classes, id, events, date } ]
// the month name- don't forget that you can do things like
// month.substring(0, 1) and month.toLowerCase() in your template
month: "May"
// the year that the calendar is currently focused on
year: "2013"
// all of the events happening this month
eventsThisMonth: [ ],
// all of the events happening last month
eventsLastMonth: [ ],
// all of the events happening next month
eventsNextMonth: [ ],
// anything you passed into the 'extras' property when creating the clndr
extras: { }

Returning the Instance

It's possible to save the clndr object in order to call it from JS later. There are functions to increment or set the month or year. You can also provide a new events array.

// Create a Clndr and save the instance as theCalendarInstance
var theCalendarInstance = $('#myCalendar').clndr();

// Go to the next month

// Go to the previous month

// Set the month using a number from 0-11 or a month name

// Go to the next year

// Go to the previous year

// Set the year

// Change the events. Note that this triggers a re-render of the calendar.

// Add events. Note that this triggers a re-render of the calendar.

Template Requirements

CLNDR is structured so that you don't really need anything in your template... If you don't include any markup it just won't do anything cool. If you want to take advantage of click callbacks you'll need to give your grid boxes the class (it's 'day' by default) and you'll need to set the id to the days[index].id provided in the template. To illustrate:

<% _.each(days, function(day){ %>
  <div class='<%= day.classes %>' id='<%= %>'><%= %></div>
<% }); %>

Currently CLNDR sets the id to 'calendar-day-2013-05-30' and uses it to determine the date when a user clicks on it.

Some Configuration

Template Rendering Engine (experimental)

You can pass in a render function as an option, for example:

var precompiledTemplate = myRenderingEngine.template( $('#my-template').html() );

  render: function(data) {
    return precompiledTemplate(data);

where the function must return the HTML result of the rendering operation. In this case you would precompile your template elsewhere in your code, since CLNDR only cares about your template if it's going to use underscore.

If you are using your own render method, underscore.js is NOT a dependency of this plugin.

CLNDR has been tested successfully with doT.js and Hogan.js. Please get in touch if you have success with other languages and they will be documented here.

Here's an example using doT.js...

The markup:

<script id="dot-template" type="text/template">
  <div class="clndr-controls">
    <div class="clndr-previous-button">&lsaquo;</div>
    <div class="month">{{= it.month }}</div>
    <div class="clndr-next-button">&rsaquo;</div>
  <div class="clndr-grid">
    <div class="days-of-the-week">
      {{~it.daysOfTheWeek :day:index}}
        <div class="header-day">{{= day }}</div>
      <div class="days">
        {{~it.days :day:index}}
          <div class="{{= day.classes }}" id="{{= }}">{{= }}</div>

The Javascript:

var clndrTemplate = doT.template( $('#dot-template').html() );

  render: function(data) {
    return clndrTemplate(data);


Clndr has support for internationalization insofar as Moment.js supports it. By configuring your Moment.js instance to a different language, which you can read more about here, you are configuring Clndr as well.

If you are using a moment.js language configuration in which weeks begin on a Monday (e.g. French), Clndr will detect this automatically and there is no need to provide a weekOffset or a daysOfTheWeek array.

The day of the week abbreviations are created automatically using moment.js's current language setting, however if this does not suit your needs you should override them using the daysOfTheWeek option. Make sure the array you provide begins on the same day of the week as your current language setting.

Underscore Template Delimiters

If you're not a fan of <% %> and <%= %> style delimiters you can provide Underscore.js with alternatives in the form of regular expressions. There are three delimiters...

interpolate, which outputs a string (this is <%= %> by default)

escape, for escaping HTML (this is <%- %> by default)

evaluate, for evaluating javascript (this is <% %> by default)

If you're more comfortable with Jinja2/Twig/Nunjucks style delimiters, simply call this before you instantiate your clndr:

// switch to Jinja2/Twig/Nunjucks-style delimiters
_.templateSettings = {
  interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,
  escape: /\{\{\-(.+?)\}\}/g,
  evaluate: /\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g


  • Tests!
  • Improve mobile experience
  • Node.js module for server-side rendering of the initial calendar.


v1.0.13 ~ 2013-10-24: changed the way clndr.eventsLastMonth and clndr.eventsNextMonth propagate... previously they were only available if "showAdjacentMonths" was turned on, whereas now they are always available. They are also available in the template now as eventsLastMonth and eventsNextMonth. Fixed a bug where eventsLastMonth and eventsNextMonth were jQuery arrays instead of regular ol' Arrays. This bug was introduced in v1.0.7. cleaned up example folder.

v1.0.12 ~ 2013-10-22: you can now make next and previous year buttons using the classes clndr-next-year-button and clndr-previous-year-button, or by specifying the options targets.nextYearButton and targets.previousYearButton. doneRendering's this keyword is now set to the clndr instance. Added the ready callback, which is a good place to attach event handlers. Added clickEvents.onYearChange, which is fired whenever the year changed as a result of a click action (even if you just went to the next month and it happened to be December to January!).

v1.0.11 ~ 2013-10-19: set the context in all click events so that this now refers to your clndr instance! this is also bound to the clndr instance in the render function. Added the class past to all days before today.

v1.0.10 ~ 2013-10-16: fixed a nasty bug where events weren't getting passed into click handlers. this bug was introduced with v1.0.8! Please update.

v1.0.9 ~ 2013-10-16: Fixed an i18n bug where the days of the week would start on a Monday correctly, but the calendar grid would still start as if the first day of the week was Sunday. This fix correctly uses moment.js's current settings to determine the first day of the week. If you are planning to use CLNDR in multiple languages, update to this version!

v1.0.8 ~ 2013-10-14: Deprecated the use of days[].id, adding it instead to the list of classes. You no longer have to set an id for each day element, and if you do it will be completely ignored. Just keep using days[].classes! Fixed a bug where an adjacent month's day would show up as last-month or next-month incorrectly if the year was different. Added some validation to address a bug where ids would show up as calendar-day-Invalid Date.

v1.0.7 ~ 2013-09-30: settled on jQuery's $.filter method, opening the door to IE 7 + 8 support. If you plan on supporting IE 8 or below, don't forget to use jQuery's 1.x branch, as 2.x has dropped IE 6 - 8 support.

v1.0.6 ~ 2013-09-24: fixed a bug where daysOfTheWeek option wouldn't work.

v1.0.5 ~ 2013-09-24: added support for showing days in months adjacent to the current month, controlled using the showAdjacentMonths option. Added the ability for those adjacent days to move to their month when clicked using the adjacentDaysChangeMonth option. Added daysOfTheWeek option, which you should avoid by allowing moment.js to make the abbreviations for you. Fixed a bug where providing some targets: {} options would remove the rest of them.

v1.0.4 ~ 2013-09-14: fixed a bug in setEvents and event population where events would show up null.

v1.0.3 ~ 2013-09-14: Underscore.js is now only relied upon for its _.template() function, which means if you are using your own rendering engine you do NOT need underscore to use CLNDR.js

v1.0.0 ~ 2013-09-14: Officially v1.0.0! Added extras option, which exposes the extras variable in your template, allowing you to pass in arbitrary objects & synchronous functions for use inside of your template.

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