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dot-vm's Introduction



The goal of this project was to learn a bit more about how things function at a low level, by constructing a small assembly like programming language and executing it.

The parser and interpreter are handwritten in C++.

Language description


Statements are evaluated on a line by line basis.
Every line follows this rough scheme:

[instruction] [argument] ; Comment

Multiple arguments are separated by commas :

[instruction] [argument 1],...,[argument n] ; Comment

Or with no arguments :

[instruction] ; Comment


An argument can either be:

  • A 64 bit signed integer
    Please note : Expressions are not supported ! Inserting one will cause a syntax error !
  • A string, which will be represented by a pointer
  • A register

Arguments are passed to instructions through the syntax seen above, but lots of instructions are overloaded to get their arguments from the stack.
In that case, arguments are popped from the stack in order left to right.


Numbers are interpreted using the strtoll C function, meaning they can use the following prefixes:

  • Numbers starting by 0 are base-8 : 023751277
  • Numbers starting by 0x or 0X are base-16 : 0xF42162497
  • All other numbers are base-10


Strings are any character wrapped in double quotation marks.
They support escape sequences in the form of : \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \", \? and \\, and they are NULL terminated.


Registers are 64 bit wide variables for storing data, there are currently 5:

reg  ; General purpose register
rax  ; Arithmetic register
rcx  ; Counting register
sp   ; Pointer to top of the stack
mem  ; Pointer to start of memory block

Values of registers are acessed through the dollar $ dereference operator:

reg   ; Pointer to 'reg'
$reg  ; Value of 'reg'
$$reg ; etc...


Labels are use to jump around the program during execution.
They are defined with the colon instruction and jumped to with the jump instruction.

: label
; Defines the label 'label'
; /!\ Do not forget the space

jump label
; Jumps to the label 'label'

There is one reserved label, ret which denotes the last place a call instruction was invoked, and one obligatory label, main, which is where the interpreter starts running the program.
More will be explained in the Functions header.

Label names can only contain letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens, dots, and @, so they must conform to this regex: /[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.@]+/


The language is composed of these instructions :

  • Stack manipulation : push, pop and swap

    push [value...]
    ; Pushes a/multiple value to the stack
    	push 1968, 12 ; Pushes 1968 to the stack, then pushes 12
    	push $reg     ; Pushes the value of register 'reg' to the stack
    pop [register]
    ; Removes a value from the stack at a given offset and optionally store it somewhere
    	pop     ; Removes the top of the stack
    	pop reg ; Removes the top of the stack and stores it in register 'reg'
    swap [value]
    ; Swaps the top of the stack with the given index
    	swap 2
    	;        ╭─────┐ 
    	; [5, 8, 9, 3, 4] <- Top
    	;        └─────╯
    	; No value means swapping the two top elements on the stack, or the equivalent of `swap 1`
  • Arithmethic instructions : add, sub, mul, div and mod

    add [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Adds two values together, and pushes the result to the stack
    	add            ; Pops the first and second values from the stack and adds them together
    	add $reg, $rax ; Adds the value from 'reg' and 'rax'
    sub [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Substracts the first value by the second value, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'add' instruction
    mul [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Multiplies two values together, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'add' instruction
    div [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Divides the first value by the second value, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'add' instruction
    mod [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Divides the first value by the second value, and pushes the remainder to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the `div` instruction
  • Bitwise instructions : and, or, xor, not, lshift, rshift

    and [value 1], [value 2]
    ; ANDS two values together, and pushes the result to the stack
    	and      ; Pops the first and second value from the stack, and ANDs them
    	and 7, 4 ; Pushes 4 to the stack
    or [value 1], [value 2]
    ; ORs two values together, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'and' instruction
    xor [value 1], [value 2]
    ; XORs two values together, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'xor' instruction
    not [value]
    ; Flips the bits of a value, and pushes the result to the stack
    	not      ; Pops the top of the stack, flips it and pushes it back
    	not $rax ; Flips the bits of 'rax'
    lshift [value]
    lshift [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Shifts the bit of a value to the left by the given amount, and pushes the result to the stack
    	lshift 2     ; Pops the top of the stack, left shifts it by two and pushes it back
    	lshift 12, 3 ; Pushes 96 to the stack
    rshift [value]
    rshift [value 1], [value 2]
    ; Shifts the bit of a value to the right by the given amount, and pushes the result to the stack
    ; Works in the same way as the 'lshift' instruction
  • Memory manipulation : mov, movn

    mov [register], [value]
    ; Moves a value to a register
    	mov reg, $rax ; Moves the value of 'rax' to 'reg'
    	mov sp, 20    ; Changes the value of the top of the stack to 20
    	; Equivalent to : `pop` and `push 20`
    	push $mem, 16
    	mov $sp, "String" 
    	; Moves a pointe to a string to the second index of memory
    movn [amount], [register], [value]
    ; Moves the specified amount of bytes of a value into a register
    ; Please note: *this strictly moves the value*
    ; Thus, passing a memory address to it will only copy the address, not what is in it.
    	movn 2, reg, $rax ; Write only the first two bytes of rax (rightmost or leftmost depending on endianess) into rax
    	push "Some string\n"
    	add $sp, 5
    	movn 1, reg, $$sp ; Moves 's' character to reg
  • Runtime manipulation : :, jump, ifeq and call

    : [label]
    ; Defines a label to be jumped to
    	: label ; Defines the label 'label'
    jump [label]
    ; Jumps to a label
    ; Throws an error if the label doesn't exists
    	jump label ; Jumps to the label 'label'
    ifeq [operator]
    ifeq [operator], [value], [value]
    ; Compares two values together based on the given operator
    ; Skips the next instruction if the condition is false
    	ifeq le, $rax, 10
    	; Will only execute the next instruction if the value of 'rax'
    	; is less or equal to 10
    	; Valid comparisons are 'eq','lt','le','gt','ge','ne'
    	; Which translates to : 
    	; 'equal', 'less than', 'less or equal',
    	; 'greater than', 'greater or equal' and 'not equal'
    	ifeq eq
    	; Pops two values from the stack and only execute the next instruction if they are equal
    call [label]
    ; Jumps to a label and sets the 'ret' label to the next instruction
    ; Call is functionally equivalent to 'jump', but it is used to invoke functions
    ; More is explained in the **Functions** header
    	call func
    	push 10
    	; Jumps to label func, and set label ret to the next instruction
    	; In this case, a push instruction
  • Other : print, syscall and nop

    print [(string | value)...]
    ; Will print the given characters to stdout
    	print "Hello, world!\n" ; Prints "Hello, World!" and a line feed
    	print "The value of rax is ", $rax, "\n" ; Concatenation of values
    syscall [number of args], [syscall id]
    ; Calls the given syscall
    ; Arguments for the syscall are taken from the stack
    	; This exits the program manually
    	push 0
    	syscall 1, 60
    ; Not an operation, acts as a placeholder or pass through statement
    	ifeq eq, 1, 1


Functions are defined at the start of the program as labels.
They return by a jump to ret, and are called with the call instruction.

Arguments are traditionally passed through the stack.

Here is an exemple function :

: funcThreeAdd ; Defines label 'funcThreeAdd'
	; Body of the function, here it adds the first, second and third value from the stack
	; Add the first and second value
	; Adds the result with the third value
	; Jump back to the call statement

: main ; Program starts here
	push 12, 60, 0xF
	call funcThreeAdd ; Jumps to function
	; ret now points here
	print "The value is :", $sp, "\n" ; This should print '87'

As the ret label represents returning, jumping to it from the main program will thus exit the program.

Note: Traditionally, the exit code is set with reg and exit is handled automatically by the compiler, however this can be disabled through a flag and done manually through a syscall.

The Preprocessor

The preprocessor is the first thing that will interact with the code after reading.

It allows for abstraction through the use of macros.
It is interacted with through these preprocessor directives:

Built-in directives

  • #include directive, will insert the given files body, relative to the path of the current file.
    The #include directive won't include the same file multiple times, however this can be circumvented using the #include_recursive directive.

    #include "FILE"
    #include_recursive "FILE"
  • #define directive, will define the given single-line macro, and every subsequent use of the macro will replace it with its contents.

    #define MACRO VALUE
  • #macro directive, will define the given multi-line macro.

    #macro MACRO
    	; BODY
  • macrogroup directive, will define the given macro group.

#define MACRO_1 ...
#define MACRO_2 ...

	; use MACRO_1 and MACRO_2
  • #ifdef/ifndef directive, will only insert its body if the given macro is defined / not defined

    #ifdef MACRO
    	; BODY
  • #ifis and #elif/#ifnis and #elnif directives, will only insert their body if the macro exists and is equal to the given value.
    Note this only works with single line macros.

    #ifis MACRO VALUE
    	; BODY
    #elif MACRO VALUE
    	; BODY
  • #undef directive, removes the definition of a macro.

    #undef MACRO
  • #error directive, throws a compilation error with the given message.

    #error "MESSAGE"


Macros are designed to streamline programming in dotvm, they acts as functions without requiring the use of the callstack, though they come at the cost of additional size.
As seen before, they are defined using the #define and the #macro directive.

Macros must satisfy the same naming requirement as labels, only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens, dots, and @: /[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.@]+/.

Built-in macros:

  • __FILE__: Name of the current file
  • Only defined in macros:
    • __NUM_ARGS__: Number of arguments given
    • ARG_n: Argument with index n, where n is a number between 0 and __MAX_MACRO_ARGS__
    • __MAX_MACRO_ARGS__: Maximum number of arguments which can be given to a macro. Default is 16, but can be adjusted through a compiler flag.
    • __MACRO_INDEX__: Unique index given to a macro.
    • __MACRO_ID__: Unique identifier given to each expansion of a macro.
      This means that between two expansions of the same macro, __MACRO_INDEX__ will be equal but not __MACRO_ID__.
  • Only defined in macro groups:
    • __GROUP_INDEX__: Unique index given to macro group.
    • __GROUP_ID__: Unique identifier given to a macro group.

Macros can be expanded implicitely, if they are on their own, or explicitely, if you need to compose things together.
It that case, #() will be used :

#define define_label : label#(ARG_1) ; (value)
; labelARG_1 would be considered a single word and wouldn't work

define_label 1
; Gets expanded to:
: label1

Multi-line macro definition:

#macro jifeq ; (label, word, val1, val2)
	#ifnis __NUM_ARGS__ 4
		#error "Wrong number of arguments given to jifeq"
	ifeq ARG_2, ARG_3, ARG_4
	jump ARG_1

jifeq somelabel, eq, $reg, 0

; Gets expanded to: 
; (trailing spaces are removed)
#ifnis 4 4
#error "Wrong number of arguments given to jifeq"

ifeq eq, $reg, 0
jump somelabel

; Further directives are processed:
ifeq eq, $reg, 0
jump somelabel

Macro Groups

You will sometimes need to 'link' two or more macros together, such as when making blocks, for example.

If that's the case, you will have to use a macro group.
As seen before, a macro group is started with the #macrogroup directive, and ended with the #endmacrogroup directive.

Inside of a macro group, two special macros, __GROUP_INDEX__ and __GROUP_ID__ will be defined. They are special as they are processed after all of regular macros are expanded.

When they are nested, the deepest one always take precedence:

; #(__GROUP_INDEX__) is 0, this is the global macro group

	; #(__GROUP_INDEX__) is 1

		; #(__GROUP_INDEX__) is 2

	; #(__GROUP_INDEX__) is 1

As macrogroups are processed after regular macros, they can be included in macros, without additional effort to the user:

#macro ifblock ; (word, val1, val2)
	ifeq ARG_1, ARG_2, ARG_3
	jump #(__GROUP_ID__)true
	jump #(__GROUP_ID__)false
	: #(__GROUP_ID__)true

#macro ifblockend
	: #(__GROUP_ID__)false


The macros will first be expanded, then the groups will be parsed out.

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