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mainmhd's Introduction

15.0.0 (2019-10-24)

Bug Fixes

  • AllBuilds: Remove Root include from public header ViewObject.h (5c56e3a)
  • Android: fix create incident link crash (42bc63b)
  • Android: Fix deadlock when SygicContext.getInstance notify listener which transitively calls mainthread from SDK dispatcher sync call (5a79d66)
  • Android: fix jni string to ProxyPlaceData class (de5325d)
  • Android: fix kotlin libs versions (a68438e)
  • Android: fix kotlin libs versions (4a00148)
  • Android: proguard rule for MediaType class (8a1a40f)
  • Android: remove Licensing class from the interface (bd68efe)
  • Android: WariningsSettings POR and POI getters and setters (f88d140)
  • anr: WaypoinPass analyzer (68d397b)
  • ANR: simple lane search fix (ea62225)
  • Audio: Fix occasional deadlock during audio play (5f38bfd)
  • Audio: Fixes adding/removing audio listeners (89729bb)
  • Audio: fixes crash while exiting app and playing instruction on ios (e648738)
  • Chore: Forgotten PR refactors (fe5a2fe)
  • Core: App wont crash when unsupported incident type appears. SchoolZone misspelt. (250ccf5)
  • Core: fix remaining occurencies of operation runner handling (a07f177)
  • Core: Fix road reader big allocations caused by corrupted data (2d5a132)
  • Core: fix simulation stopping on rotation (bacb8bb)
  • Core: json.hpp vs2019 warning (de0bb1d)
  • Core: max line count handling in multilang table (219cf16)
  • Core: Notify internal modules as first before external modules (00912a3)
  • Core: Partial trajectory is matched on splitted parts of minimal length (3ef9667)
  • Core: postpone operation execution after callback registration (0b516af)
  • Core: Removed assert for Service area busy tmc type (34f2ddb)
  • Core: Time intervals weekday fix (11dceaf)
  • Core: Time intervals weekday fix - additional correction for saturday (b191ac8)
  • Core: Timer fix in case of explicit Fire calls (473fc8e)
  • Core: Use thread safe version of time system api functions (35f9d9f)
  • Core: Wrong iso doesnt quit application. (df17e60)
  • Interface: Anr interface Incident manager method argument fix (b807870)
  • Interface: avoid transaction too large exception by not storing the rote data to the bundle (2f33589)
  • Interface: do not use the .Get() method while creating incidents info object (63cee4e)
  • Interface: fixed anr incidents interface (6b058f7)
  • Interface: incident types (08deead)
  • Interface: misspelled member name (e6544fa)
  • Interface: null pointer exception fix (e211d81)
  • Interface: places and incidents interface consistency fixes (f931c7b)
  • Interface: resume simulation after screen rotation (963e28e)
  • Interface: Route number format init in signpost info (f218c50)
  • Interface: Transport mode initialization in route progress info (3360f93)
  • Interface: Unsupported navigation types were deleted (33f2f41)
  • iOS: bluetooth central manager initialization with first usage (e530256)
  • iOS: first SYPositioning observer did not start PositioningManager with default dataSource (10f644c)
  • iOS: fix RouteProgress description (85efd1c)
  • iOS: GetRouteProgress returns nil if navigation not running, RouteProgress transportMode default value is Unknown (4e102c3)
  • iOS: incidents notification renaming (6ffb2cf)
  • iOS: interface tests compilation (34ec705)
  • iOS: simple lane search fix (7fa9420)
  • iOS: SYCameraProperties changed to class, fixed swift interface visibility (a9828d0)
  • iOS: SYMapCameraDelegate protocol methods renamed (6d92c9c)
  • iOS: SYNavigationLaneInformation typo (4de77af)
  • iOS: SYPair replaced by dictionary (501a86e)
  • iOS: SYRequestResultState replaces with NSError (f44decd)
  • iOS: wrong getter on SYRoute info (6f24080)
  • Lanes: Updated docu, fixed ios and anr simple lane info, filled missing data (e455be6)
  • Map: allow to define different text styles for each logistic sign (6f0e353)
  • Map: autozoom is initialized even when there is no imminent location (9be8148)
  • Map: check map list item pointer in MapDownload cancel method (3e27550)
  • Map: correct enum naming (42d23db)
  • Map: Disable ninepatch image downscale to prevent corruption for config extraction (d6420a3)
  • Map: don't show restriction on road when vehicle limit is the same as road limit (f9c37d7)
  • Map: Fix camera clipping through the terrain (625ee0d)
  • Map: fix copy paste mismatch (af21413)
  • Map: fix crash when online incidents are deinitialized (d0b662d)
  • Map: Fix duplicate keys for route geometry for different segments (beb6264)
  • Map: fix improper normal map tiles calculation causing asserts in openGL (e791bf1)
  • Map: fix issue in logging in unit test, make it insensitive to source file pathes (edea96e)
  • Map: Fix of out of range vector in polyline object (8f80e5c)
  • Map: fix road sign color for one digit national roads in Poland (b9d0c80)
  • Map: Fix size reporting for path geometry (2071c8d)
  • Map: Fix typo and constructor list ordering in path geometry test (dc91a24)
  • Map: Fixed issue with invalid camera distance numeric value in vehicle size computation (4e07311)
  • Map: Fixed rendering of map smart label with image (1a5cd77)
  • Map: Fixes 3d junction geometry generation (f67d97e)
  • Map: Fixes traffic icon types (2cc6e8c)
  • Map: generate correct long polyline parts (b920761)
  • Map: proper color of road signs for national roads in Poland (5525ca6)
  • Map: Rework traffic labels to work in multiple views (9bf8f8c)
  • Map: show road truck restrictions for bus too (de0ea37)
  • Map: Traffic on Route visualization fixed in some minor cases (e12a9f0)
  • Map: White junction arrows (e8dfe57)
  • Maps: Prohibited to load one map region twice (online and offline) (1c99007)
  • Navigation: added CreateExternalIncidentId to ANR interface (5e546f9)
  • Navigation: added CreateExternalIncidentId to IOS interface (839fbc7)
  • Navigation: Android instructions (d8d7443)
  • Navigation: compute next times working (ea57dae)
  • Navigation: Crash fix RemoveBetterRouteListener func in java (63a3ea5)
  • Navigation: CreateExternalIncidentId returns int32 as 4 bytes vector (2be0c49)
  • Navigation: fix in vehicle interpolator (734d367)
  • Navigation: fix of route position simulator data source handling (7aae5f4)
  • Navigation: fix starting and stopping of gps device (29617b1)
  • Navigation: fixed calling the wrong listener wrapper (60daf30)
  • Navigation: Fixed undeterministic Poi on route search with online route. Or with route waypoint. (3386141)
  • Navigation: fixed wrong roundabout exit number (2d0d651)
  • Navigation: Fixes trajectory invalidation for all instances after it is cleared. (8d1b5fc)
  • Navigation: handling of starting/stopping gps device on ios (fc95b68)
  • Navigation: Laneinfo arrow array is filled with eNoDirIndicated also (3828078)
  • Navigation: More fixes for ios interface (206ea96)
  • Navigation: Possible call stack overflow fix for offline map (d037090)
  • Navigation: Reading speedlimit in interval when start is higher than to[(h23){h6}] (e3a6c0a)
  • Navigation: Reading speedlimit in time and direction in time for online map (4d46e04)
  • Navigation: refactor tests, extract mock class (a9e8aef)
  • Navigation: refactoring of changed location status (2ab6f6e)
  • Navigation: Route explorer progress and intermediate results notification (d3cf9fe)
  • Navigation: Route explorer traffic returns error ServiceDisabled correctly (1ee9cf1)
  • Navigation: Speedlimit analyzer wil reset after 15sec timeout (b33089f)
  • Navigation: turn off recompute after finish reach (455f740)
  • Navigation: Unnecessary call of online place request (0c0fbbc)
  • Navigation: Vehicle matching for online route without internet connection (d4172bb)
  • Navigation: Zoom out the view more near junctions (428271a)
  • NAvigation: WaypoinPass analyzer is always on (cf258f3)
  • Places: Fix missing custom category/grup places (46b8bb8)
  • Position: Fixed vehicle snapping to oposite direction on highways (5866915)
  • Python: copy, but the object is non-copyable runtime error (a0a43d8)
  • Python: Fix logistic attribute getter crash when road doesn't contain logistic info (c95c228)
  • Python: fix tests after interface change (6cab8a7)
  • Python: interface adaptation (ca7d2d0)
  • Python: interface tests (50c2edd)
  • Routing: CalculateRoutes doesnt block ui thread (8e8a120)
  • Routing: Active avoids are not send by server anymore (9e1fa0a)
  • Routing: fix crash in QT application (4fe6538)
  • Routing: Fixes alternative route recompute and selection (8ad8a6d)
  • Routing: Fixes random junction information reported to user after recompute (ce4ca3d)
  • Routing: Removed recursion from map connection check before offline routing (e8c5a42)
  • Routing: Routing should no longer signal multiple times that alternative is ready (dcd1ace)
  • search: clang build fix (31b269b)
  • Search: Add city center name to title of a house number result having no street (bf28cfc)
  • Search: Add coordinates and boundary of respective city to category result (fe6e173)
  • Search: Fix incorrect handling of online location ID (8f10387)
  • Search: Fix map provider not being set (5166daa)
  • Search: Fix missing place category and group in PlaceCategory/Group search result (53d30ba)
  • Search: Fix multiparent parser returning invalid index on compressed parent interval (342f86c)
  • Search: Fix poi category invalid parent city (0f175b3)
  • Search: iOS interface reverse search detail nullable strings (53bc479)
  • Search: Missing include (f7800fe)
  • Search: Percent-encode all string parameters of a query (88e6f61)
  • Search: Prevent search from defaulting to system language (6503a27)
  • Search: removed timestamp and category from history result (448d9bf)
  • Tests: fix failing MapOjects tests (e1ed40a)
  • Tests: fix Places test (c268e61)
  • Traffic: Automatically avoid blocked or closed traffic (8f03a1c)
  • Traffic: Automatically avoid blocked or closed traffic (370955d)
  • travelbook: Failing unittest fixed, ignoring gps horizontal accuracy attribute (453929c)
  • Windows: Fix qt app map_installed slot crash when splitted map has been installed (9c0c9d9)


  • AllBuilds: geobounding box for route geometry from current position to end position (0a34af6)
  • Android: abort disabled in assert macro (0d8725a)
  • Android: add geographic bounding box of route polyline from current position to end position to RouteProgress (86a9305)
  • Android: Add start/stop position updating (4eefb28)
  • Android: add status parameter to RouteUpdated callback (608177c)
  • Android: configurable test build type from local properties (8769ff7)
  • Android: constants for Place groups and Place detail keys (9bf1fe6)
  • Android: Explore places on route (9ec5e9e)
  • Android: None option to filter type in search request (6dfe7d7)
  • Android: Place category constants (73711e8)
  • Android: Place request with optional parameters (c40dc1a)
  • Android: places java interface (40458c4)
  • anr: incident manager error handling (97d6011)
  • Core: Library::out_of_range_error ctor with what string (587e7c5)
  • Core: new incidents interface (c3d9659)
  • Core: new ios interface incidents (8a38ffc)
  • Core: new place interface (2fd748c)
  • Core: RouteExplorer uses Functional (04490c6)
  • Core: SearchPlaces now supports none fiter type (44f4844)
  • Core: WhenAll with context (8bd446c)
  • Interface: extend LogisticInfoSettings with more properties (6872c04)
  • Interface: extract proxy methods to ProxyObjectManager (66dc8b8)
  • Interface: MapView model minor refactor (4cb5aac)
  • Interface: Method to get links from proxy objects extracted to ProxyObjectsManager (e6eb526)
  • Interface: safe initialization of managers (f29674a)
  • ios: Removed waypoin pass analyzer (f6d8245)
  • iOS: add geographic bounding box of route polyline from current position to end position to RouteProgress (885fce1)
  • iOS: explore places on route (a77b3f5)
  • iOS: Incidents manager error handling (a6006a0)
  • iOS: Incidents manager error handling (2ededc4)
  • iOS: incidents proxy load link error handling (6701555)
  • iOS: new places interface (97775cf)
  • iOS: Place group and place detail key constants (632d036)
  • iOS: places mamanger error handling (17e76ab)
  • iOS: places proxy load link error handling (890c0bc)
  • iOS: SYGeoCoordinate initializers chenged from nullable to nonnull (25aa8c4)
  • iOS: SYPair implements NSCopying protocol for better usage within swift structures (a767fae)
  • Map: Add startup_online_maps_enabled to configuration (12dd84a)
  • Map: Add support for new landmark texture format (6231e98)
  • Map: added possibility to call custom render loop (5256f6b)
  • Map: city center loader with callback (1bcde78)
  • Map: Licensing online/offline maps (fc89064)
  • Map: support json for skin data (4c69477)
  • Navigation: Adde RoadNumberFormat function anr (3084c88)
  • Navigation: Adde RoadNumberFormat function cpp (781ae5e)
  • Navigation: Adde RoadNumberFormat function ios (da3b586)
  • Navigation: Create ExplorePlacesOnRoute function (37bab0f)
  • Navigation: ios interface change for running analyzers (fc748b4)
  • Navigation: ios new search api (37d2e68)
  • Navigation: Navigation licensed (a947a05)
  • Navigation: Navigation manager notify about navi route recomputing and sets recomputed route to navigation automatically (c17a454)
  • Navigation: Navigation manager notify about navi route recomputing and sets recomputed route to navigation automatically - anr (797d739)
  • Navigation: Navigation manager notify about navi route recomputing and sets recomputed route to navigation automatically - ios (78227b8)
  • Navigation: New navigation warnings design (18a1c54)
  • Navigation: RouteExplorer added to anr interface (ad58ad1)
  • Navigation: RouteExplorer added to cpp interface (82f1722)
  • Navigation: RouteExplorer added to ios interface (fc0b655)
  • Navigation: RouteExplorer fixes (4ad32d0)
  • Navigation: Vehicle matching with online maps while disconnected (f8640ce)
  • Places: Replace Places interface with new one (ebf66cb)
  • Positioning: iOS interface SYPositioning changed from singleton to instances, added SYPositioningManager singleton instance to handle positioning dataSource and position logging (a88f549)
  • Routing: Added compute type to request header (b402593)
  • Routing: Added support for street numbers for online instructions (9baea6b)
  • Routing: Apply license to routing service (addbcc7)
  • Routing: Remove api_key for online directions service, service using token (693545c)
  • Routing: Switch online routing service from api_key oriented to authenticated session (02e29f8)
  • Search: Add C interface for autocomplete result title highlights (d0a9190)
  • Search: Add C interface for poi detail attributes (1c0b98a)
  • Search: Add location id implementation for coordinate results (09f9cf5)
  • Search: Add search error handling to C interface (65289db)
  • Search: Add source id to search results (a6d4443)
  • Search: Apply license to search service (2d10a29)
  • Search: atocomplete and geocode CPP interface (89eb77f)
  • Search: Connect search service to license API (09e914d)
  • Search: Enable request canceling on C interface (2613ca4)
  • Search: Enable search request canceling (908fd76)
  • Search: Implement C interface for online search (e826122)
  • Search: Implement C interface for place and category request (20dd8a7)
  • Search: Implement C interface for search library (78c1835)
  • Search: Implement client for online search API v2 (0677291)
  • Search: Implement flat data geocoding (8fd183a)
  • Search: Replace unsupported map reader calls (268b311)
  • Search: search library interface v2 draft (bf62332)
  • Search: Switch api key oriented online service to sso token authenticated service (a46963c)
  • Search: Update online search client according to api specification (6426183)
  • Traffic: traffic interface refaktor - anr interface (2ad0b7e)
  • Traffic: traffic interface refaktor - cpp interface (bb7fd46)
  • Traffic: Traffic licensed (100297d)
  • Windows: Incident error handling (f2ba0ae)
  • Windows: Places error handling (71ddbbf)

Performance Improvements

  • Map: Add checks to CMapFile for filename nullptr (5ae2cb7)
  • Map: Move number of strings saved in map files (4d736d9)
  • Map: Reduce allocations rendering roads (8f8e2aa)
  • Search: Limit number of cities in postal result output (7866ffb)


  • Search: Search::Search() and GetDetail() have been removed from CPP interface. To migrate your project, please replace these methods with Autocomplete() and Geocode() from SearchManager
  • iOS: Camera protocol methods renamed to not collide with old deprecated SYMapViewDelegate methods.
  • iOS: - SYGeoCoordinate initializers have nullable prefix for no reason
  • iOS: SYCameraProperties should be visible on swift interface as NSObject subclass
  • Android: Place request paremeters order has changed and some parameters are optional now
  • iOS: - SYPair replaced by NSDictionary to fix undefined behavior of key and value properties
  • Navigation: Warnings have been renamed as Route event notifications. OnRouteInfo/RouteInfo analyzer has been removed and route informations has been moved to route progress concept. Information about analyzer progress is no longer included in route event notification. For analyze whole route from start to finish is now available Route Explorer. Route Explorer provides traffic, incident and places exploration.
  • Positioning: - SYPositioning changed from singleton to instance
  • SYPositioning handles only position updated events
  • SYPositioningManager singleton
  • SYPositioningManager is responsible for positioning datasource, background updating and position logging
  • lastKnownPosition is now static function on SYPosition class
  • Interface: some public methods have been moved but the places and incidents API is not public yet
  • Places: Places interface has been completely replaced by new one. Now Place can be referenced by PlaceLink data type and described by Place data type. Results from navigation warnings or results from Search implements PlaceLink interface and Place can be loaded via PlaceManager.
  • Route progress changed from notification to sync method.
  • Interface: - removed duplicated method to get PlaceLink, CityLink and IncidentLink from ProxyObjects (Shared PlaceManager and shared IncitentsMAnager method should be used instead)
  • iOS interface SYProxyPlace, SYProxyCity and SYProxyIncident method extracted to SYProxyObjectsManager

mainmhd's People


darxie avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar

mainmhd's Issues

Add passengers to list

The passengers need to be added into a list in the bus during the getIn() operation and removed upon the getOff() method.

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