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ghc-syb's Issues

everythingStage crashes on mkHsTyWithBndrs:kvs

While traversing the AST with everythingStaged Parser GHC 7.8.4 crashes on mkHsTyWithBndrs:

argon: argon: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.8.4 for x86_64-unknown-linux):

Please report this as a GHC bug:

As far as I understand, this shouldn't happen, as everythingStaged is supposed to avoid known potholes.

Here is how everythingStaged is being used:

everythingStaged evaluates Foreign Import before typechecking

CC @alanz

I've analyzed many popular Haskell packages and I've been able to find only this one bug.
Given this code:

module Internal.Sparse where

import Foreign.C.Types(CInt(..))
import Foreign(Ptr)

-- SmxV is not defined anywhere but that does not matter because we are just parsing
foreign import ccall unsafe "smXv"
  c_smXv :: SMxV

foreign import ccall unsafe "smTXv"
  c_smTXv :: SMxV

everythingStaged explodes with:

argon: argon: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.8.4 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
    ForeignImport coercion evaluated before typechecking

Please report this as a GHC bug:

I wasn't been able to really understand what's going on there.

Build failures in ghc-syb-utils

Preprocessing library ghc-syb-utils-
[1 of 1] Compiling GHC.SYB.Utils    ( GHC/SYB/Utils.hs, dist/build/GHC/SYB/Utils.o )

GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:189:24: error:
    Module ‘NameSet’ does not export ‘nameSetElemsStable’

GHC is at 8.0.1.

Test suite failure with GHC 8.0.x

Currently test suite of release fails when building with GHC 8.0.x with the following error:

===== Type-checked Source ============================
regression-tests: Data.ByteString.ByteString.toConstr
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at libraries/bytestring/Data/ByteString/Internal.hs:184:20 in bytestring-
Test suite regression-tests: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/ghc-syb-utils-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.

After a bit of digging this appears to be related to HsStringPrim constructor which contains a ByteString field. ByteString's implementation of toConstr is toConstr _ = error "...." so everything blows up in showData.generic. To confirm this I applied the following patch:

diff --git a/utils/GHC/SYB/Utils.hs b/utils/GHC/SYB/Utils.hs
index 7b53b79..df7a880 100644
--- a/utils/GHC/SYB/Utils.hs
+++ b/utils/GHC/SYB/Utils.hs
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ import DynFlags
 import GHC hiding (moduleName)
 import Outputable hiding (space)
 import SrcLoc()
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
 import qualified OccName(occNameString)
 import Bag(Bag,bagToList)
 import Var(Var)
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ data Stage = Parser | Renamer | TypeChecker deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
 --   (based on the 'Stage' that generated the Ast)
 showData :: Data a => Stage -> Int -> a -> String
 showData stage n = 
-  generic `ext1Q` list `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan 
+  generic `ext1Q` list `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan `extQ` byteString
           `extQ` name `extQ` occName `extQ` moduleName `extQ` var `extQ` dataCon
           `extQ` overLit
           `extQ` bagName `extQ` bagRdrName `extQ` bagVar `extQ` nameSet
@@ -244,6 +245,7 @@ showData stage n =
         indent i = "\n" ++ replicate i ' '
         string     = show :: String -> String
         fastString = ("{FastString: "++) . (++"}") . show :: FastString -> String
+        byteString = ("{ByteString: "++) . (++"}") . show :: BS.ByteString -> String
         list l     = indent n ++ "[" 
                               ++ concat (intersperse "," (map (showData stage (n+1)) l)) ++ "]"
diff --git a/utils/ghc-syb-utils.cabal b/utils/ghc-syb-utils.cabal
index 72958b0..dccf41d 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-syb-utils.cabal
+++ b/utils/ghc-syb-utils.cabal
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ extra-source-files: test/test-cases/*.hs
   build-depends:   base >= 4 && < 5
+                 , bytestring
                  , syb >= 0.1.0
   if impl(ghc >= 7.0)

that allows the test suite to pass. Output of a successful run.
I'm not familiar at all with the problem domain here so I have no idea if that's a proper / acceptable solution. Hopefully this gives enough details for someone more knowledgeable in this area to come up with an adequate fix if (assuming such a fix is desired).

Can't compile with ghc 7.10

[1 of 1] Compiling GHC.SYB.Utils    ( GHC/SYB/Utils.hs, dist/build/GHC/SYB/Utils.o )

    Module ‘NameSet’ does not export ‘nameSetToList’
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ghc-syb-utils-0.2.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

PostTcType can panic even after typechecker with TemplateHaskell.

I have code

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Blow where

import Language.Haskell.TH

foo :: Q Exp
foo = [| \f -> f 2 |]

that manages to blow up showData after typechecking. I added some unsafePerformIO+evaluate magic to catch it, output:

{Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
   (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:6:8-12} 
      (ABE {Var:} {Var: foo} 
     ({abstract:TcEvBinds}) {Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): 
      (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:1-21} 
        (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:1-3} {Var: foo}) 
          (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:1-21} 
              (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:7-21} 
                (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:7-21} 
                   (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:10-18} 
                       (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:10-18} 
                          (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:11} 
                           (VarPat {Name: f}))] 
                           (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:16-18} 
                             (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:16-18} 
                               (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:16} 
                                (HsVar {Name: f})) 
                               (L {experimental/users/robinpalotai/ghcapi/Blow.hs:7:18} 
HERE --->                        (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.fromInteger}) PostTcType blew up!)))))))] 
                      [] PostTcType blew up! 
         [] Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Q Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Exp 
        (WpHole) {!NameSet placeholder here!} 

It would be nice if it didn't.

ghc-syb-utils is not buildable with GHC-7.6

It fails with long list of type errors:

[1 of 1] Compiling GHC.SYB.Utils    ( GHC/SYB/Utils.hs, dist/build/GHC/SYB/Utils.o )

    Couldn't match type `SDoc -> String' with `[Char]'
    Expected type: DynFlags -> [Char]
      Actual type: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
    In the first argument of `(.)', namely `showSDoc'
    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `showSDoc . ppr'
    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `(++ "}") . showSDoc . ppr'

    Couldn't match type `SDoc' with `DynFlags'
    Expected type: Name -> DynFlags
      Actual type: Name -> SDoc
    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `ppr'
    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `showSDoc . ppr'
    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `(++ "}") . showSDoc . ppr'


Please do a release :)


I need 190c787 for ghc-mod to work out of the box once ghc-7.10 is released, would be cool if you could do a release.

ghc-syb-utils error during installation

When running cabal install ghc-syb-utils I get the following error. I'm completely new to Haskell, so I have no idea what this means, but there seems to be a compilation error with the library. Any idea how I can fix it?

GHC version is 8.4.3 (the current latest).

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring ghc-syb-utils-
Building ghc-syb-utils-
Failed to install ghc-syb-utils-
Build log ( /Users/ines/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.4.2/ghc-syb-utils- ):
cabal: Entering directory '/var/folders/qq/qsg3wfvj3nqfzkdnn9ggp2vc0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-8763/ghc-syb-utils-'
Configuring ghc-syb-utils-
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-nopie' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
Preprocessing library for ghc-syb-utils-
Building library for ghc-syb-utils-
[1 of 1] Compiling GHC.SYB.Utils    ( GHC/SYB/Utils.hs, dist/build/GHC/SYB/Utils.o )

GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:258:64: error:
    • Could not deduce (HasSourceText (XHsChar RdrName))
        arising from a use of ‘ppr’
      from the context: Data a
        bound by the type signature for:
                   showData :: forall a. Data a => Stage -> Int -> a -> String
        at GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:229:1-49
    • In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘ppr’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘showSDoc_ . ppr’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
        ‘(++ "}") . showSDoc_ . ppr’
258 |         overLit    = ("{HsOverLit:"++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
    |                                                                ^^^

GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:261:73: error:
    • Could not deduce (Data (XHsChar RdrName))
        arising from a use of ‘list’
      from the context: Data a
        bound by the type signature for:
                   showData :: forall a. Data a => Stage -> Int -> a -> String
        at GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:229:1-49
    • In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list . bagToList’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
        ‘(++ "}") . list . bagToList’
261 |         bagRdrName = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)): "++) . (++"}") . list . bagToList 
    |                                                                         ^^^^

GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:263:70: error:
    • Could not deduce (Data (XHsChar Name))
        arising from a use of ‘list’
      from the context: Data a
        bound by the type signature for:
                   showData :: forall a. Data a => Stage -> Int -> a -> String
        at GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:229:1-49
    • In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list . bagToList’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
        ‘(++ "}") . list . bagToList’
263 |         bagName    = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Name)): "++) . (++"}") . list . bagToList 
    |                                                                      ^^^^

GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:265:69: error:
    • Could not deduce (Data (XHsChar Var))
        arising from a use of ‘list’
      from the context: Data a
        bound by the type signature for:
                   showData :: forall a. Data a => Stage -> Int -> a -> String
        at GHC/SYB/Utils.hs:229:1-49
    • In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘list . bagToList’
      In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely
        ‘(++ "}") . list . bagToList’
265 |         bagVar     = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): "++) . (++"}") . list . bagToList 
    |                                                                     ^^^^
cabal: Leaving directory '/var/folders/qq/qsg3wfvj3nqfzkdnn9ggp2vc0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-8763/ghc-syb-utils-'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ghc-syb-utils- failed during the building phase.
The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

Looking for a home for some functions

Could I provide a pull request to bring over the SYB versions of staged schemes from to ghc-syb?

In particular

    -- * SYB versions
    , somethingStaged
    , everythingStaged
    , somewhereMStaged
    , somewhereMStagedBu
    , everywhereMStaged
    , everywhereMStaged'
    , everywhereStaged
    , everywhereStaged'
    , onelayerStaged
    , listifyStaged

    -- ** SYB Utility
    , checkItemRenamer

Stackage nightly test suite failure

> /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-$ ghc -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/pkgdb Setup
> /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-$ ./Setup configure --enable-tests --package-db=clear --package-db=global --package-db=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/pkgdb --libdir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/lib --bindir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/bin --datadir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/share --libexecdir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/libexec --sysconfdir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/etc --docdir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/doc/ghc-syb-utils- --htmldir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/doc/ghc-syb-utils- --haddockdir=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/doc/ghc-syb-utils- --flags=
Configuring ghc-syb-utils-
> /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-$ ghc -clear-package-db -global-package-db -package-db=/var/stackage/work/builds/nightly/pkgdb Setup
> /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-$ ./Setup build
Building ghc-syb-utils-
Preprocessing library ghc-syb-utils-
[1 of 1] Compiling GHC.SYB.Utils    ( GHC/SYB/Utils.hs, dist/build/GHC/SYB/Utils.o ) [dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h changed]
Preprocessing test suite 'regression-tests' for ghc-syb-utils-
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( test/Regression.hs, dist/build/regression-tests/regression-tests-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/regression-tests/regression-tests ...
> /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-$ dist/build/regression-tests/regression-tests

<no location info>: error:
    can't find file: /tmp/stackage-build13/ghc-syb-utils-

Prelude.undefined when using proc notation

CC @alanz

Continuing my analysis of Haskell packages, I stumbled upon a weird error with some Pandoc code. Here is the stripped down version of it:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}

-- | First argument: basis for a new "pretty" anchor if none exists yet
-- Second argument: a key ("ugly" anchor)
-- Returns: saved "pretty" anchor or created new one
getPrettyAnchor :: OdtReaderSafe (AnchorPrefix, Anchor) Anchor
getPrettyAnchor = proc (baseIdent, uglyAnchor) -> do
    state <- getExtraState -< ()
    returnA -< prettyAnchor

While GHC 7.10.2 works as usual, GHC 7.8.4 crashes while traversing the AST. Unlike other times, the program stops with

argon: Prelude.undefined

From my understanding, there should be an undefined somewhere and it's getting evaluated. However, I couldn't find any undefined related to arrows types.

Now I've downloaded the GHC 7.8.4 source code in the hope of finding something with grep.

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