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schema-builder's Issues

Не создаются таблицы с одинаковым именем в разных БД

Есть 2 entity с одинаковым именем класса User, лежат по разным неймспейсам и смотрят в разные БД

1ая Entity user

namespace App\Admin\Database;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;
 * @Cycle\Entity(database="admintool", table="users")
 * @Cycle\Table()
class User
 * @Cycle\Column(type="bigPrimary")
 public $id;
 * @Cycle\Column(type="string")
 public $email;

2ая Entity user

namespace App\Ugg\Database;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation as Cycle;
 * @Cycle\Entity(database="ugg", role="ugg_users", table="users")
 * @Cycle\Table()
class User
 /** @Cycle\Column(type="bigPrimary") */
 public $id;
/** @Cycle\Column(type="enum(active,inactive,deleted,unknown)", default="active") */
 public $status;


php app.php cycle:sync


Detecting schema changes:
• ugg.users: 5 change(s) detected
• admintool.users: 2 change(s) detected

отрабатывает без ошибок, но появится только одна таблица users в БД admintool

Если запустить через миграцию, появится таблица users и в admintool и в ugg БД

php app.php cycle:migrate
php app.php migrate

Two mirrored unique indexes gets generated in pivot table

2 unique indexes gets generated in pivot table

unique(product_category_id, product_id)
unique(product_id, product_category_id)
            ->addColumn('id', 'bigPrimary', [
                'nullable' => false,
                'default'  => null
            ->addColumn('product_category_id', 'bigInteger', [
                'nullable' => false,
                'default'  => null
            ->addColumn('product_id', 'bigInteger', [
                'nullable' => false,
                'default'  => null
            ->addIndex(["product_category_id", "product_id"], [
                'name'   => '0e92fceae82e7e0e91d346a72bf831ae',
                'unique' => true
            ->addIndex(["product_category_id"], [
                'name'   => 'product_product_category_index_product_category_id_6035f3284ea68',
                'unique' => false
            ->addIndex(["product_id"], [
                'name'   => 'product_product_category_index_product_id_6035f3284ea79',
                'unique' => false
            ->addIndex(["product_id", "product_category_id"], [
                'name'   => '642dad4db053452e89cb383adbe9089f',
                'unique' => true
            ->addForeignKey(["product_category_id"], 'product_categories', ["id"], [
                'name'   => '4c20a9d910d4f5d5ffa685a41db81ccc',
                'delete' => 'CASCADE',
                'update' => 'CASCADE'
            ->addForeignKey(["product_id"], 'products', ["id"], [
                'name'   => 'product_product_category_foreign_product_id_6035f3284ea75',
                'delete' => 'CASCADE',
                'update' => 'CASCADE'

Exception when using one embedded entity for multiple fields

When using the same embedded entity without a prefix, for example "Money" for the price and total fields, I expect an exception with the message you need to specify a prefix, but now nothing happens and the schema is built with the same fields, and both entities get the same data.


Respect @Embedded property order when you generate migration's columns


 * @Cycle\Entity()
class Post
     * @Cycle\Column(type="primary")
    public int $id;

     * @Cycle\Relation\Embedded(target="Seo")
    public Seo $seo;

     * @Cycle\Column(type="primary")
    public DateTimeImmutable $createdAt;
 * @Embeddable(columnPrefix="seo_")
class Seo
     * @Cycle\Column(type="string", name="title", nullable=true)
    public ?string $title;

     * @Cycle\Column(type="string", name="description", nullable=true)
    public ?string $description;

     * @Cycle\Column(type="string", name="keywords", nullable=true)
    public ?string $keywords;

Generated migration

    ->addColumn('id', 'primary', [
        'nullable' => false,
        'default'  => null
    ->addColumn('created_at', 'primary', [
        'nullable' => false,
        'default'  => null
    ->addColumn('seo_title', 'string', [
        'nullable' => true,
        'default'  => null,
        'size'     => 255
    ->addColumn('seo_description', 'string', [
        'nullable' => true,
        'default'  => null,
        'size'     => 255
    ->addColumn('seo_keywords', 'string', [
        'nullable' => true,
        'default'  => null,
        'size'     => 255
    ->setPrimaryKeys(["id", "created_at"])

What i want is that created_at should be generated after Seo columns, i.e. in this case after seo_keywords

Generate schema by annotated entities without DB connection

Is it possible generate schema only use info form entity, not to load actual schema from DB?

I use "cycle/orm and co" among with symfony. Schema is compiled while cache:clear, cache:clear is run while docker build.
As there is no db connection, this error occur.

[PDOException (7)]
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] could not translate host name "db" to address: Name does not resolve
Exception trace:
at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:637
PDO->__construct() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:637
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->createPDO() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Postgres/PostgresDriver.php:213
Cycle\Database\Driver\Postgres\PostgresDriver->createPDO() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:200
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->connect() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:653
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->getPDO() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:487
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->prepare() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:443
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->statement() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:457
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->statement() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Driver.php:253
Cycle\Database\Driver\Driver->query() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Postgres/PostgresHandler.php:71
Cycle\Database\Driver\Postgres\PostgresHandler->hasTable() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Schema/AbstractTable.php:99
Cycle\Database\Schema\AbstractTable->__construct() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Driver/Postgres/PostgresHandler.php:31
Cycle\Database\Driver\Postgres\PostgresHandler->getSchema() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/database/src/Table.php:88
Cycle\Database\Table->getSchema() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Registry.php:161
Cycle\Schema\Registry->linkTable() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/annotated/src/Entities.php:80
Cycle\Annotated\Entities->run() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Compiler.php:57
Cycle\Schema\Compiler->compile() at /srv/app/package/CycleORMBundle/src/Service/SchemaCompiler.php:26

As a workaround, I do cache:clear at startup time.
But it loads DB, every kubernetes pod get schema from DB at the same time.

Column attributes aren't copied on relations generation

Auto-generated columns don't have the same attributes like in the related source column


#[Cycle\Entity(table: 'country')]
class Country
    #[Cycle\Column(type: 'primary' /*, unsigned: true*/)]
    private ?int $id = null;
#[Cycle\Entity(table: 'city')]
class City
    #[Cycle\Column(type: 'primary')]
    private ?int $id = null;

    #[Cycle\Relation\BelongsTo(target: Country::class, nullable: true)]
    private ?Country $country = null;

Schema compile does not adhere to default database value of null


When compiling a schema, the default database value as configured within the database manager will be used inside of the schema instead of null.

Example with annotated entity:

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;

#[Entity(role: AccountType::class, repository: AccountTypeRepository::class, table: 'account_type')]
class AccountType
    #[Column(type: 'tinyInteger', name: 'account_type_id', primary: true, nullable: true)]
    protected ?int $accountTypeId = null;
    // ...

In the above example the "database" entity option is not set, so I expect the schema to have a null value for SchemaInterface::DATABASE instead it uses the default value as configured on the database manager (in my example that would be test).

Schema snippit:

namespace Cycle\ORM\SchemaInterface;

class CompiledSchema
    public const LIST = [
        AccountType::class => [
            // ...
            SchemaInterface::MAPPER => 'Cycle\ORM\Mapper\Mapper',
            SchemaInterface::SOURCE => 'Cycle\ORM\Select\Source',
            SchemaInterface::REPOSITORY => AccountTypeRepository::class,
            SchemaInterface::DATABASE => 'test', // <================ should be null not test
            // ...

If I compile the schema during my build step which uses a different database name compared to production I end up with the following error, on production.

Cycle\Database\Exception\DBALException: Unable to create Database, no presets for 'build_2024_abfertgg_db' found

I can resolve this by setting the database to null after the schema has been compiled. But I feel like this is not the expected behavior.
Explicitly setting the entity option "database" to null does not change the outcome.

Versions used:

    "cycle/annotated": "^3.4",
    "cycle/database": "^2.7",
    "cycle/orm": "^2.6",

Embedded entity's fields conflict with the parent ones (even using columnPrefix)

Let's say we have a parent entity:



namespace App\Database;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation;

/** @Annotation\Entity() */
class Parent
    /** @Annotation\Column(type="primary") */
    public $id;
    /** @Annotation\Relation\Embedded(target="Embed") */
    public Embed $embed;

and an embeddable one:



namespace App\Database;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation;

/** @Annotation\Embeddable(columnPrefix="embedded_") */
class Embed
    /** @Annotation\Column(type="int") */
    public $id;
    /** @Annotation\Column(type="text") */
    public $data;

Cycle fails on making scheme of such relations:

php app.php cycle
Updating ORM schema...  [Cycle\Schema\Exception\FieldException] 
 Field `id` already exists               

I would agree on that if we had no columnPrefix attribute. But the real column name will be equal to embedded_id and this is not a duplicate. There's a tricky hack (which allows you to remain the same DB scheme, but with changes in the class) - rename the property and add the name attribute with the previous value:



namespace App\Database;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation;

/** @Annotation\Embeddable(columnPrefix="embedded_") */
class Embed
    /** @Annotation\Column(type="int", name="id") */
    public $myRandomIDField;
    /** @Annotation\Column(type="text") */
    public $data;

🐛 Primary keys which are defined by "Table / Primary Key" are ignored

No duplicates 🥲.

  • I have searched for a similar issue in our bug tracker and didn't find any solutions.

What happened?


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Core\Entity\Wall;

use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Entity;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Relation\BelongsTo;
use Cycle\Annotated\Annotation\Table;

// #[PrimaryKey(['group_id', 'block_id'])] does not work too
#[Table(primary: new Table\PrimaryKey(['group_id', 'block_id']))]
#[Entity(table: 'wall_block')]
class WallBlock
    public function __construct(
        #[BelongsTo(target: Group::class, innerKey: 'group_id')]
        private Group $group,

        #[BelongsTo(target: Block::class, innerKey: 'block_id')]
        private Block $block,
    ) {


Entity `wallBlock` must have defined primary key
Exception trace:
  at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Relation/RelationSchema.php:127
 Cycle\Schema\Relation\RelationSchema->getPrimaryColumns() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Relation/RelationSchema.php:89
 Cycle\Schema\Relation\RelationSchema->compute() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Relation/BelongsTo.php:52
 Cycle\Schema\Relation\BelongsTo->compute() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Generator/GenerateRelations.php:117
 Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateRelations->register() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Generator/GenerateRelations.php:91
 Cycle\Schema\Generator\GenerateRelations->run() at /srv/app/vendor/cycle/schema-builder/src/Compiler.php:57


ORM 2.2.1
PHP 8.2

Change column naming case in relations for consistency

Now if entity has relation to another entity with naming like ProductBrand, orm generates column name like productBrand_id.
It would be better if output name was product_brand_id, coz entity properties gets generated with snake case.

Add support for postgres schemas

Было бы здорово добавить поддержку постгресовских схем. Сейчас по умолчанию захардкожена дефолтная public.

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