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cke's Issues

Run multi-host test on CentOS

Currently we are using CoreOS Container Linux for Node OS.

CoreOS employs SELinux but its docker containers run with kernel_t.
Under Red Hat, Fedora, or CentOS, docker containers are labelled with more restricted one.

Running mtest with CentOS Node improves our confidence for CKE's SELinux support.

Add tests for tools


Some tools in tests/ do not have tests.
For example, rivers has no tests.

Without tests, we cannot update them reliably.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Kubernetes 1.24


Upgrade Kubernetes version to 1.24.


  • Upgrade container images, including etcd
  • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy

From changelog

  • kube-apiserver
    • the --master-count flag and --endpoint-reconciler-type=master-count reconciler are deprecated in favor of the lease reconciler
    • the insecure address flags --address, --insecure-bind-address, --port and --insecure-port (inert since 1.20) are removed
  • The insecure address flags --address and --port in kube-controller-manager have had no effect since v1.20 and are removed in v1.24.
  • kubelet
    • The --pod-infra-container-image kubelet flag is deprecated and will be removed in future releases
    • The feature DynamicKubeletConfig has been removed from the kubelet.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Kubernetes 1.23


Upgrade Kubernetes version to 1.23


  • Upgrade container images, including etcd
  • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy



  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

"etcd-added-member" docker volume is left lacking once "etcd-add-member" fails at sync

Describe the bug

waitEtcdSyncCommand in AddMemberOp can fail due to timeout or some other reason.
Once waitEtcdSyncCommand fails, VolumeCreateCommand will be skipped and etcd-added-member docker volume will never be created.


  • Version: v1.23.4
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04

To Reproduce

  1. Login to one of the control plane nodes.
  2. Execute docker volume remove etcd-added-member.
  3. Wait and confirm that etcd-added-member is left lacking.

Expected behavior
etcd-added-member is (re-)created after waiting for sync.

Apply static resources without updating manually


CKE updates static resources if is updated, so the revision needs to be updated manually when the resource is edited.
This is error-prone, in fact, the failure due to the revision update missing has occurred.


Detect differences of YAML files using equality.DeepDerivative, and if there're differences then server-side apply.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

fix unfavorable behavior during node reboot


make cke reboot nodes smoothly.

CKE connect to nodes at the beginning of reconcile loop even if the nodes are rebooting. so:

  • get dial timeout (30s) and/or
  • get command timeout (10m)


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add DefaultGatherer to collect standard metrics


I want to collect standard and runtime metrics.


Add prometheus.DefaultGatherer to promhttp.HandlerFor call.



  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

ComponentConfig for kube-proxy


Currently, CKE does not use ComponentConfig for kube-proxy whereas almost all command-line flags of kube-proxy have been deprecated.

In fact, kube-proxy issues a warning:

WARNING: all flags other than --config, --write-config-to, and --cleanup are deprecated. Please begin using a config file ASAP.

We need to replace command-line args with ComponentConfig for kube-proxy.[email protected]/config/v1alpha1#KubeProxyConfiguration

For reference, EKS has been using ComponentConfig for a while.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

"etcd-added-member" docker volume is left lacking once "etcd-add-member" fails at sync

Describe the bug

waitEtcdSyncCommand in AddMemberOp can fail due to timeout or some other reason.
Once waitEtcdSyncCommand fails, VolumeCreateCommand will be skipped and etcd-added-member docker volume will never be created.


  • Version: v1.23.4
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04

To Reproduce

  1. Login to one of the control plane nodes.
  2. Execute docker volume remove etcd-added-member.
  3. Wait and confirm that etcd-added-member is left lacking.

Expected behavior
etcd-added-member is (re-)created after waiting for sync.

Way to add specific node


Add a way to add nodes with specific sabakan labels to the cluster.

maybe related issue: #509


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Make kubelet and kube-proxy get started before kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler


Currently, kubelet and kube-proxy start after kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler.
This could decrease the chances for Pods to be distributed among a large number of Nodes.

Reorder the operations so that Node resources get created before kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Command-line flags are polluted by glog

Try slok/noglog to resolve this problem:

$ cke -h
Usage of cke:
        log to standard error as well as files
  -config string
        configuration file path (default "/etc/cke/config.yml")
  -http string
        <Listen IP>:<Port number> (default "")
  -interval string
        check interval (default "10m")
  -log_backtrace_at value
        when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
  -log_dir string
        If non-empty, write log files in this directory
  -logfile string
        Log filename
  -logformat string
        Log format [plain,logfmt,json]
  -loglevel string
        Log level [critical,error,warning,info,debug]
        log to standard error instead of files
  -session-ttl string
        leader session's TTL (default "60s")
  -stderrthreshold value
        logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
  -v value
        log level for V logs
  -vmodule value
        comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging

Make sonobuoy great again


The current sonobuoy job takes too long (> 3 hours).
Life is short, so make it faster!


  • Use non-nested VMs.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Failed to update squid deployment with SSA

Describe the bug

After applying this release to the staging environment, CKE failed to apply the squid deployment.

This resource is applied with SSA and the failure is caused by the SSA conflict.
The corresponding CKE operation is resource-apply and the error message is Apply failed with 1 conflict: conflict with \"before-first-apply\" using apps/v1: .spec.template.spec.containers[name=\"squid\"].image.


  • Version: v1.17.1

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run CKE v1.17.0
  2. Update CKE to v1.17.1

Expected behavior
squid is deployed with no error.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Drop docker support


Kubernetes 1.20 deprecates dockershim: kubernetes/kubernetes#94624
CKE should follow the path.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Suspend/resume sabakan integration


ckecli has a subcommand ckecli sabakan disable to disable sabakan integration.
This also removes the sabakan URL registered by ckecli sabakan set-url, so this completely terminates integration.

There are use cases of suspending/resuming sabakan integration, e.g. in the maintenance of sabakan.
Support such use cases.


Add ckecli sabakan enable that restores sabakan integration.

ckecli sabakan disable will not remove the URL; instead it sets a disabled flag in etcd.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Kubernetes 1.20


Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.19 to 1.20.


  • Upgrade container images
    • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy to v0.50.0
  • Add label
  • Remove label
  • Drop docker support in #394
  • Use ComponentConfig for kube-proxy in #424


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Enable control plane to maintain during reboot


Maintenance operation does not run while reboot operation is running.

  • Endpoints are not updated if one control-plane is down.
  • controller-manager and scheduler do not recover if they crash.


Run reboot operation on another go routine

  • Modify rebootOp as follows
    • after rebooting, remove annotation
    • wait until the node is schedulable
    • remove the rebooted node from the reboot queue
  • Modify rebootUncordonOp as follows
    • only uncordon for the node which is unschedulable and no` annotation
  • Register records of the reboot operation and do the operation by using a goroutine in order to avoid record registration conflicts with other operations.
  • Disable sabakan integration for the certain period during a reboot operation in order to avoid the frequent master node change


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Generating certificates for webhooks


It would be very helpful if CKE can generate TLS certificates for admission webhooks,
and can embed them in Secret resources. The CA certificate should also be embedded
into ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration.


Things to do:

  1. Prepare a CA in Vault to issue certificates for webhooks.
  2. Generalize user-resources to allow any kind of standard Kubernetes resources.
  3. Issue TLS certificates and embed them in Secret.
  4. Embed the CA certificate in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and MutatingWebhookConfiguration.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add a way to add pre-tainted empty node


Add a way to add a empty node on which no pods runs. It may be useful for benchmarking purpose.

maybe related issue: #539


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

vault token was revoked

Describe the bug

There might be a problem that the vault token is revoked if a CKE instance is down for a long time.

ckecli history showed the following logs:

    "id": "30906",
    "status": "cancelled",
    "operation": "etcd-wait-cluster",
    "command": {
        "name": "wait-etcd-sync",
        "target": ",,"
    "targets": [
    "info": "",
    "error": "Error making API request.\n\nURL: GET\nCode: 403. Errors:\n\n* permission denied",
    "start-at": "2021-03-16T05:46:53.049466554Z",
    "end-at": "2021-03-16T05:47:11.072880945Z"


  • Version:
  • OS:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior

If the vault returns 403, CKE should exit.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hour-restricted reboot-queue processing


For example, reboot only at night.

note: It is just a workaround for instability due to node/pod restarting.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Change etcd certificate


Currently, if the etcd container in a controller node is down, the kube-apiserver in the same node cannot send its status to CKE. Thus CKE does not try to recover the controller node.


Add etcdRiversOps, to manage rivers containers on control planes for etcd endpoint with certificate.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Contain cke-tools


Currently, cke-tools is maintained in .
As cke-tools should be maintained together with CKE, the code should be moved to this repository.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Question regarding metallb + ipvs


Sorry to barge in, i usually check what you guys are doing as you have an extremely similar infrastructure as we do.
We ran into an issue with metallb + contour (well, mostly metallb related) and i'm wondering if you faced this before and how you solved it.

There seems to be an issue with kube-proxy blackholing load balancer external ips (creating entries for the metallb ip with no endpoints) when using externalTrafficPolicy: Local, this causes traffic inside the cluster to not be able to route, it works fine when coming from outside as the anycast will land on a node with an actual pod so there will be a route.

This is the metallb ticket: metallb/metallb#153
This is (one of) the kubernetes tickets: kubernetes/kubernetes#75262

Just curious if you found this issue in your infrastructure and how you solved it.


Kubernetes 1.22


Upgrade Kubernetes version to 1.22


  • Upgrade container images, including etcd
  • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add canary release to reduce the impact of failures


When a resource or container image is changed, CKE restarts the container simultaneously on all nodes to reflect the change.
If a configuration file or container image is corrupted, the container will not work on all nodes, and the impact of failure is significant.


Implement canary release to reduce the impact of failures.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add "--follow" option to "ckecli history"


I want to display cke history continuously.


Add --follow(-f)option to ckecli history.

If this option is specified, show the history in a new order, and continuously print new entries as they are appended to the history.


  • Finish implementation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

K8s 1.25: upgrade Kubernetes to 1.25


Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.24 to 1.25.


  • Upgrade container images, including etcd
  • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy
  • Do not use PSP


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

[KAIZEN] CI workflow fails randomly


Sometimes CI workflow fails randomly. Which jobs fail are different one by one.




  • Finish implementation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

K8s 1.22: use policy/v1 for Eviction


The API version for policy resources, e.g. PodDisruptionBudget, was upgraded from policy/v1beta1 to policy/v1 at K8s 1.21.
The "pod/eviction" subresource, however, accepts "policy/v1" eviction requests only from K8s 1.22.
Update op/reboot.go to use policy/v1 package.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add time-range restrictions to processing of reboot queue


Rebooting worker nodes can cause a disruption of our cloud services.
We should improve the availability of the services in case of server crashes, but the improvement is only half done.
We need time-range restrictions to the processing of the reboot queue not to cause a service disruption during business hours.


Describe how to address the issue.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Fix the diagram of the control plane nodes


There is a diagram which means the control plane nodes. It's wrong due to
the lack of riverses between apiservers and etcds.


Fix this diagram.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

ckecli ssh doesn't work with OpenSSH 8.6p1


ckecli ssh get stuck waiting for a private key from a fifo with OpenSSH 8.6p1.
OpenSSH 8.6p1 is installed on Flatcar 2905.2.1 , and mtest using Faltcat 2905.2.1 will fail because of this.


Fix ckecli ssh to work with OpenSSH 8.6p1.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

K8s 1.21: upgrade Kubernetes to 1.21


Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.20 to 1.21.


  • Upgrade container images
    • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy to v0.53.2
  • Add DenyServiceExternalIPs to the list of additionally-enabled admission plugins; remove the default plugins from the list


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

K8s 1.26: upgrade Kubernetes to 1.26


Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.25 to 1.26.


  • Upgrade container images, including etcd
  • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy
  • Stop using


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Add ckecli rq reset-backoff command


When reboot-queue is stuck, normally we do some manual operation and wait for the next reboot.
The waiting time can be shortened if we can reset the backoff of a reboot entry.


Implement ckecli rq reset-backoff to reset the backoff count and time


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

kubelet-bootstrap fails for a while

Describe the bug

When creating a k8s cluster for the first time, CKE fails at kubelet-bootstrap for a while.
It succeeds eventually, though.

ckecli history saids:

    "id": "14",
    "status": "cancelled",
    "operation": "kubelet-bootstrap",
    "command": {
        "name": "prepare-kubelet-files",
        "target": ""
    "targets": [
    "error": "Error making API request.\n\nURL: PUT\nCode: 400. Errors:\n\n* unknown role: kubelet",
    "start-at": "2019-09-02T07:48:29.685644433Z",
    "end-at": "2019-09-02T07:48:31.700480225Z"


  • Version: CKE 1.15.0
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start 30+ servers managed by sabakan.
  2. Set CKE parameters.
    ckecli constraints set control-plane-count 3
    ckecli constraints set minimum-workers 30
    ckecli constraints set maximum-workers 56
    ckecli sabakan set-url http://localhost:10080
  3. See error.

Expected behavior
kubelet-bootstrap succeeds immediately.

Additional context
The Vault log shows that many read operations for "cke/ca-kubernets/roles/kubelet" were issued simultaneously.
It seems that highly-parallel invocations of addRole() in pki.go confused the Vault.

Update kubernetes EndpointSlice before rebooting control plane node


Currently CKE does not run the "observe and update" loop while rebooting a node.
This means that it does not remove an unresponsive API server from default/kubernetes EndpointSlice while rebooting a control plane node.
#467 will solve this fundamentally, but it will be a big job.

Focus on default/kubernetes EndpointSlice and update it before rebooting a control plane node.




  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Kubernetes 1.19


Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.18 to 1.19.


  • Upgrade kube-scheduler config to v1beta1.
    • Note that v1alpha1/v1alpha2 are not supported in k8s 1.19, so we need to think about how to upgrade existing installations.
    • For instance,
      1. Stop 1.18 CKE service.
      2. Upgrade ckecli
      3. Set a new cluster configuration with ckecli cluster set or ckecli sabakan set-template.
      4. Start 1.19 CKE service.
  • Generate a new cluster configuration from the template if any just after the startup.
    • This is to support the above-mentioned upgrade scenario.
  • Upgrade container images
    • CoreDNS, Kubernetes, cke-tools including CNI plugins, etcd, pause, unbound
  • Update containerd used in mtest
  • Update sonobuoy to v0.19.0
  • Move --volume-plugin-dir specification to KubeletConfiguration's VolumePluginDir field.

The Kubelet's --volume-plugin-dir option is now available via the Kubelet config file field VolumePluginDir. (#88480) [SIG Node]

CKE has some usage:

$ g grep volume-plugin
example/cke-cluster.yml:      - "--volume-plugin-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins"
example/cke-cluster.yml:      - "--flex-volume-plugin-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins"
op/k8s/kubelet_boot.go:         "--volume-plugin-dir=/opt/volume/bin",
sonobuoy/cke-cluster.yml.template:      - "--volume-plugin-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins"
sonobuoy/cke-cluster.yml.template:      - "--flex-volume-plugin-dir=/var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins"


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

Switch from no-longer-maintained gopass


CKE uses gopass, which is no longer maintained.
Find and use an alternative.


terminal is suggested. -> terminal is deprecated and moved to term.


  • Finish implentation of the issue
  • Test all functions
  • Have enough logs to trace activities
  • Notify developers of necessary actions

README for mtest seems outdated

Describe the bug
I could not run mtest with the procedure described in mtest README.


  • Version: 1.20.4
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04

To Reproduce
Follow the instructions in mtest README.
At step 3, ./mssh host1 will fail.

$ make clean
$ make setup
$ make placemat
$ chmod 600 mtest_key
$ ./mssh host1
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

Expected behavior
The README should contain up-to-date procedure.

Additional context
I could run mtest with make setup placemat bootstrap.

CKE hangs up when etcd session is closed

Describe the bug

When etcd stops, CKE hangs because closing of concurrency.Session is not checked.
This causes a failure of the leader election.


  • Version:
  • OS:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

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