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ida2-command-line-tools's Introduction

IDA Command Line Tools

This repository provides a bash script ida for interacting with the Fairdata IDA service from the command line.

The script should execute correctly on any Unix like system; including Linux, BSD, Mac OS-X, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

See the installation and configuration instructions below.

Usage: ida [-h]
       ida upload    [-v|V] [-D] [-F] [-c config] [-i ignore] [-t host] [-p project]      target_pathname local_pathname
       ida copy      [-v|V] [-D]      [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project] [-f] target_pathname new_target_pathname
       ida move      [-v|V] [-D]      [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project]      target_pathname new_target_pathname
       ida delete    [-v|V] [-D]      [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project]      target_pathname
       ida download  [-v|V]           [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project] [-f] target_pathname local_pathname
       ida validate  [-v|V]           [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project] [-f] target_pathname local_pathname
       ida info      [-v|V]      [-j] [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project] [-f] target_pathname
       ida inventory [-v|V]           [-c config]             [-t host] [-p project]

       -h : show this guide
       -p : project name
       -t : target host (default: "")
       -f : target_pathname is relative to frozen area, new_target_pathname is relative to staging area
       -c : configuration file
       -i : ignore file
       -v : provide verbose output
       -V : provide both verbose and debug output with explicit details about configuration and all operations
       -D : dry-run (does not perform any operations with changes in the IDA service)
       -F : force upload (upload files even when the local file already exists in the service)
       -j : format the output of the info action as JSON

Pathnames may correspond to either files or folders. If a folder is specified, then the action is performed for all files within that folder and all subfolders. Folders are downloaded as zip files. Actions can be performed on only one file or folder at a time.

Unless the -f parameter is specified, target_pathname and new_target_pathname are relative to the staging area of the specified project. If the -f parameter is specified, then the target_pathname is relative to the frozen area; and if the copy action is specified, the new_target_pathname is relative to the staging area of the specified project. The -f parameter is only allowed for download, copy, validate, and info actions.

local_pathname is the pathname of a folder or file on the local system which is to be uploaded, or the pathname on the local system to which a file will be downloaded (either a single data file or the zip file for a data folder). Existing files will not be overwritten.

The move action can also be used to rename a file or folder without changing its location.

If both the -v (verbose) and the -D (dry-run) parameters are specified, then verbose status messages for operations which are skipped will be prefixed with an asterisk '*' indicating that they were not actually performed.

Note that files are not officially stored persistently in the IDA service until they are frozen, which can only be done using the web UI of the service (

The output format of the info action is plain text with indentation, unless the -j (JSON) flag is given. The output format of the inventory action is always formatted as JSON.

Examples are provided at the end of this guide.


The ida and ida-checksum scripts requires that bash is installed on your system as /bin/bash and that the utilities curl, xargs, awk, and sha256sum (or shasum on Mac OS-X) are installed on your system and visible somewhere in your $PATH.

Download the ida and ida-checksum scripts, ideally placing them in a location somewhere in your $PATH, and ensure that the scripts are executable. E.g.:

curl -LJO ""
curl -LJO ""
chmod +x ida ida-checksum


The ida script must be provided with valid IDA account credentials in order to access the project space.

The username will be your CSC account username, as managed in the CSC Customer Portal MyCSC.

The password will be an application password that you create in the IDA service, as detailed below.

Application passwords

To create an application password, log in to the IDA web UI, and open the settings view by selecting "Personal" from the pull down settings menu at the top right of the view, and then either select the "Security" section in the left hand navigation pane or scroll down to the security section.

In the field provided, enter a name for your new application password and click "Create new app password". The new application password will be displayed, and must be copied and saved immediately. It will not be possible to view the application password again, though it will be listed by the provided name and you will be able to delete it and remove it from use.


The ida script requires that certain parameters are defined, either via environment variables, or via a configuration file, or provided via command line arguments.

Configuration file

The ida script will look for and load a file $HOME/.ida-config if it exists in your home directory.

You can copy the provided example ida-config file from the templates subdirectory to your home directory as $HOME/.ida-config and edit it accordingly. E.g.:

curl -LJ "" -o $HOME/.ida-config

Be sure to set the permissions of your configuration file securely so its contents are not visible to others:

chmod go-rwx $HOME/.ida-config

It is also possible to explicitly specify a configuration file using the -c command line option:

-c /some/path/name/to/ida-config

Configuration settings will be taken from existing environment variables, followed by $HOME/.ida-config, followed by a configuration file specified with the -c command line option, followed by any other specified command line options; thus, it is possible to partially or completely override configuration settings defined at each subsequent level of specification.

Target Host

You may define the target host using the IDA_HOST environment variable, when appropriate. If undefined, all commands will be directed to the production service

For example, if you want all commands to be directed to the IDA demo environment host you would define it as follows:


You may also specify the target host using the -t command line option:

-t ""


You may define your project using the IDA_PROJECT environment variable, specifying the CSC project number.

For example, if your project's CSC project number were "2100123" you would define it as follows:


You may also specify the CSC project number using the -p command line option:

-p "2100123"

If you belong to more than one project, you can define whichever project is most frequently used and use the -p commmand line option to explicitly specify another project when different from the default.

All target pathnames are considered to be relative to the staging or frozen area of the specified project.


You may define your CSC username using the IDA_USERNAME environment variable.

For example, if your CSC username were "johndoe" you would define it as follows:



You may define your IDA application password using the IDA_PASSWORD environment variable.

For example, if your IDA application password were "Wre-xoZyN-d4dWc-RStwi-36d2t" you would define it as follows:



For added security, account credentials (username and password) can be defined for each target host using netrc in a $HOME/.netrc file located in your home directory:

machine login johndoe password Wre-xoZyN-d4dWc-RStwi-36d2t

If account credentials are defined using netrc, it will not be necessary to define either IDA_USERNAME or IDA_PASSWORD elsewhere.

You can copy the provided example netrc file from the templates subdirectory to your home directory as $HOME/.netrc and edit it accordingly.

Be sure to set the permissions of your configuration file securely so its contents are not visible to others:

chmod go-rwx $HOME/.netrc

Run-time authentication

If any account credentials (username and/or password) cannot be found from any of the above sources, you will be prompted to enter them for each command.

Ignore file

The ida script will look for and use a file .ida-ignore if it exists in your home directory, to exclude files matching certain patterns from upload.

This is useful when uploading entire folders, to exclude special system files such as .DS_Store on MacOSX or various temporary or log files which might exist within the local filesystem but are not part of the data to be stored in IDA.

You can copy the provided example ida-ignore file from the templates subdirectory to your home directory as $HOME/.ida-ignore and edit it accordingly.

The ignore file should contain one pattern per line, and will be applied only to filenames, not to pathnames or portions of pathnames. Patterns should be compatible with those understood by the -name option of the POSIX find command.

It is also possible to explicitly specify an ignore file using the -i command line option:

-i /some/path/name/to/ida-ignore

Collision Avoidance for File Operations

All users belonging to a given project have the same rights, and may interact with, add, and remove project data concurrently. To help avoid one user unintentionally interfering with another user's activity, the IDA service employs a number of checks and restrictions to ensure that multiple concurrent users' activities do not collide in undesirable ways.

Operations on files in the staging area, including uploading, deleting, renaming, and moving (but not downloading), will not be allowed if they intersect with the scope of an action that is being initiated.

If an action is initiated in the web UI of the service, it takes precidence over any batch operations utilizing the command line tools, such that the batch operations may be blocked by the initiated action. In such cases, the command line tools will exit with an error message.

More details can be found in the online user guide.

Info Output

The output of the info action is both human friendly as well as easily parsable by script.

File Info

File info consists of a sequence of field::value pairs, one per line, with the field name followed by a colon ":" and padded by one or more spaces. E.g.

project:    12345
pathname:   /2017-08/Experiment_1/test01.dat
area:       frozen
type:       file
pid:        5c41b5d90561a361661419f75150
size:       446
checksum:   sha256:56293a80e0394d252e995f2debccea8223e4b5b2b150bee212729b3b39ac4d46
encoding:   application/octet-stream
modified:   2017-01-03T19:27:42Z
frozen:     2017-01-18T11:17:15Z

Fields included for all files, in either the staging or frozen areas:

  • project
  • pathname
  • area
  • type
  • size (in bytes)
  • encoding
  • checksum (not always available, see note below)
  • modified

Additional fields provided for all files in the frozen area:

  • pid
  • frozen

Note: The checksum for a file is not always available, either because a file in staging was not uploaded using a recent version of the IDA command line tools and/or postprocessing is still ongoing for the freeze action with which a frozen file is associated. If the file is frozen and no checksum is included in the output of the info action, check the pending actions section of the IDA service web UI to monitor the status of the relevant pending action.

Folder Info

Folder info consists of a sequence of field::value pairs, one per line, with the field name followed by a colon ":" and padded by one or more spaces. Field::value pair lines are followed by a heading "contents:" on its own line, followed by zero or more pathnames, one per line, corresponding to the files or folders contained within the specified folder. E.g.

project:    12345
pathname:   /2017-08/Experiment_1
area:       staging
type:       folder
size:       23040

Each pathname is indented with whitespace, and thereby easily distinguished from lines with field::value pairs, where the field name begins at the start of each line.

Folder pathnames end in a forward slash "/", and thereby easily distinguished from file pathnames, which never end in a forward slash.

Empty folders will have no output lines following the "contents:" heading.

To retrieve a listing of the root contents of either the staging or frozen area for a project, the target pathname "/" can be specified.

Fields included for all folders, in either the staging or frozen areas:

  • project
  • pathname
  • area
  • type
  • size (in bytes)
  • contents

File Inventory

The output of the inventory action is encoded as a JSON object with the following example structure:

    "project": "12345",
    "created": "2020-03-13T12:58:36Z",
    "totalFiles": 83,
    "totalStagedFiles": 45,
    "totalFrozenFiles": 38,
    "staging": {
        "/2017-08/Experiment_2/test01.dat": {
            "size": 1234,
            "modified": "2020-02-11T14:04:26Z"
    "frozen": {
        "/2017-08/Experiment_1/test02.dat": {
            "size": 4567,
            "modified": "2020-02-11T14:04:26Z",
            "pid": "5e4ea9a829bfe465487185f441180",
            "checksum": "sha256:b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c",
            "frozen": "2020-02-20T15:07:32Z"


The validate action can be used to check whether local files exist in IDA and have the same size in bytes in both locations.

The target and local pathnames can correspond either to an individual file or a directory scope for which all files within that scope will be checked. If the -f (frozen) parameter is given, local files will be compared against files in the frozen area; else they will be compared against files in staging.

Normally, only files that are missing from IDA or have a different size are reported, but if the -v (verbose) parameter is given, the status of all files will be reported.

Files within a directory scope which exist in IDA but which are not present locally will be ignored.

Local File Checksum Generation

The included utility ida-checksum can be used to generate a checksum for a local file, of the same format (SHA-256, lowercase) used by the IDA service.

Usage: ida-checksum -h
       ida-checksum local_pathname

Special Notes

Files named .htaccess and files with a suffix of either .part or .filepart may not be uploaded. The filenames will need to be changed in some manner, such as zipping the file or adding some other suffix or name change. These restrictions are due to security and other internal management contraints of the underlying Nextcloud platform employed by the IDA service.

Note that files are not officially stored persistently in the IDA service until they are frozen, which can only be done using the web UI of the service.


For the following examples, it is assumed that the user has defined their primary project in their .ida-config file and their account credentials in their .netrc file.

Note that when uploading, copying or moving files or folders, complete target pathnames in the project staging area must always be specified, not merely the pathname of the folder into which data will be uploaded or moved.

Upload a local folder named "run42" to the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42":

ida upload /2017-04/Experiment_42 run42

Perform the same upload as above, with verbose output detailing all operations, and appending (saving) the output (including error output) to the local file "./uploads.log":

ida upload -v /2017-04/Experiment_42 run42 2>&1 | tee -a ./uploads.log

Upload a local file named "run42/test66.dat" to the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat":

ida upload /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat run42/test66.dat

Download a folder from the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42" to the local file "":

ida download /2017-04/Experiment_42

Download a folder from the frozen area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42" to the local file "":

ida download -f /2017-04/Experiment_42

Download a file from the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat" to the local pathname "run42/test66.dat":

ida download /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat run42/test66.dat

Download a file from the frozen area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat" to the local pathname "run42/test66.dat":

ida download -f /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat run42/test66.dat

Rename (move) a folder in the staging area from "/2017-04/Experiment_42" to "/2017-04/Experiment_42a":

ida move /2017-04/Experiment_42 /2017-04/Experiment_42a

Copy a file in the staging area from "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat" to "/2017-04/Experiment_42/verified/test66.dat":

ida copy /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat /2017-04/Experiment_42/verified/test66.dat

    The folder path "/2017-04/Experiment_42/verified" will be created if it does not already exist.

Copy a file from the frozen area from "/2017-04/Experiment_42/baseline.dat" to the staging area as "/2019-10/Experiment_56/baseline.dat":

ida copy -f /2017-04/Experiment_42/baseline.dat /2019-10/Experiment_56/baseline.dat

    The folder path "/2019-10/Experiment_56" will be created in the staging area if it does not already exist.

Move a file in the staging area from "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat" to "/2017-04/Experiment_42/verified/test66.dat":

ida move /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat /2017-04/Experiment_42/verified/test66.dat

    The folder path "/2017-04/Experiment_42/verified" will be created if it does not already exist.

Delete a folder from the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42":

ida delete /2017-04/Experiment_42

Delete a file from the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat":

ida delete /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat

Retrieve info about a folder in the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42":

ida info /2017-04/Experiment_42

Retrieve info about a folder in the frozen area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42":

ida info -f /2017-04/Experiment_42

Retrieve info about a file in the staging area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat":

ida info /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat

Retrieve info about a file in the frozen area with the relative pathname "/2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat":

ida info -f /2017-04/Experiment_42/test66.dat

Retrieve info about the root of the staging area of the project:

ida info /

Retrieve info about the root of the frozen area of the project:

ida info -f /

Retrieve an inventory of all project files stored in the service:

ida inventory

ida2-command-line-tools's People


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ida2-command-line-tools's Issues

Incorrect info output for large directories

ida info command produces incorrect output for large directories.
Some filenames are truncated and/or replaced by html code snippets.
Erroneous lines can be easily located since they end in carriage return ("\r" "^M").

As an example, I have a directory containing 840 files, info output r54-info.txt.
Errors can be found on lines 50, 153, 197, 344, 535, 770
Issue is reproducible, also on different clients.

Info output would be needed for custom download script since downloading TB sized zip files is not practical.

Skip existing while uploading?

From the documentation:

local_pathname is the pathname of a folder or file on the local system which is to be uploaded, or the pathname on the local system to which a file will be downloaded (either a single data file or the zip file for a data folder). Existing files will not be overwritten.

However, existing files seem to be overwritten while uploading. Is this a bug or a feature? It is not clear if the italized sentence refers to both uploads and downloads, or only downloads.

It would be useful, if data could be synced to IDA such that existing files would be skipped (based on either filenames or checksums).

Email notofication

Request for a new feature: It would be nice if the user receives an email notification, similar to slurm, after downloading or uploading a very big file.

Local directory pathname with '/' at the end is missing first character in target pathnames

When uploading a directory and setting the local pathname ending with '/', the filenames within the directory are missing the first character.


[jmehtone@intron temp]$ mkdir test
[jmehtone@intron temp]$ touch test/test1
[jmehtone@intron temp]$ touch test/test2

First without '/'

[jmehtone@intron temp]$ ida upload -v test test
Verifying specified credentials are valid...
Verifying local file or directory exists...
Verifying all folders in target pathname exist...
Verifying folder: test
Creating all target folders (if needed)...
Uploading file: **test/test1**
Uploading file: **test/test2**
Target uploaded successfully.

Then with '/'

[jmehtone@intron temp]$ ida upload -v test test/
Verifying specified credentials are valid...
Verifying local file or directory exists...
Verifying all folders in target pathname exist...
Verifying folder: test
Creating all target folders (if needed)...
Uploading file: **test/est1**
Uploading file: **test/est2**
Target uploaded successfully.

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