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js-git's Introduction



This project is a collection of modules that helps in implementing git powered applications in JavaScript. The original purpose for this is to enable better developer tools for authoring code in restricted environments like ChromeBooks and tablets. It also enables using git as a database to replace SQL and no-SQL data stores in many applications.

This project was initially funded by two crowd-sourced fundraisers. See details in and Thanks to all of you who made this possible!


Detailed API docs are contained in the doc subfolder of this repository.

In general the way you use js-git is you create a JS object and then mixin the functionality you need. Here is an example of creating an in-memory database, creating some objects, and then walking that tree using the high-level walker APIs.

Creating a repo object.

// This provides symbolic names for the octal modes used by git trees.
var modes = require('js-git/lib/modes');

// Create a repo by creating a plain object.
var repo = {};

// This provides an in-memory storage backend that provides the following APIs:
// - saveAs(type, value) => hash
// - loadAs(type, hash) => hash
// - saveRaw(hash, binary) =>
// - loadRaw(hash) => binary

// This adds a high-level API for creating multiple git objects by path.
// - createTree(entries) => hash

// This provides extra methods for dealing with packfile streams.
// It depends on
// - unpack(packStream, opts) => hashes
// - pack(hashes, opts) => packStream

// This adds in walker algorithms for quickly walking history or a tree.
// - logWalk(ref|hash) => stream<commit>
// - treeWalk(hash) => stream<object>

// This combines parallel requests for the same resource for efficiency under load.

// This makes the object interface less strict.  See its docs for details

Generators vs Callbacks

There are two control-flow styles that you can use to consume js-git APIs. All the examples here use yield style and assume the code is contained within a generator function that's yielding to a tool like gen-run.

This style requires ES6 generators. This feature is currently in stable Firefox, in stable Chrome behind a user-configurable flag, in node.js 0.11.x or greater with a command-line flag.

Also you can use generators on any ES5 platform if you use a source transform like Facebook's regenerator tool.

You read more about how generators work at Generators vs Fibers.

var run = require('gen-run');

run(function*() {
 // Blocking logic goes here.  You can use yield
 var result = yield someAction(withArgs);
 // The generator pauses at yield and resumes when the data is available.
 // The rest of your process is not blocked, just this generator body.
 // If there was an error, it will throw into this generator.

If you can't use this new feature or just plain prefer node-style callbacks, all js-git APIs also support that. The way this works is actually quite simple. If you don't pass in the callback, the function will return a partially applied version of your call expecting just the callback.

someAction(withArgs, function (err, value) {
  if (err) return handleMyError(err);
  // do something with value

// The function would be implemented to support both style like this.
function someAction(arg, callback) {
  if (!callback) return someAction.bind(this, arg);
  // We now have callback and arg

Basic Object Creation

Now we have an in-memory git repo useful for testing the network operations or just getting to know the available APIs.

In this example, we'll create a blob, create a tree containing that blob, create a commit containing that tree. This shows how to create git objects manually.

  // First we create a blob from a string.  The `formats` mixin allows us to
  // use a string directly instead of having to pass in a binary buffer.
  var blobHash = yield repo.saveAs("blob", "Hello World\n");

  // Now we create a tree that is a folder containing the blob as `greeting.txt`
  var treeHash = yield repo.saveAs("tree", {
    "greeting.txt": { mode: modes.file, hash: blobHash }

  // With that tree, we can create a commit.
  // Again the `formats` mixin allows us to omit details like committer, date,
  // and parents.  It assumes sane defaults for these.
  var commitHash = yield repo.saveAs("commit", {
    author: {
      name: "Tim Caswell",
      email: "[email protected]"
    tree: treeHash,
    message: "Test commit\n"

Basic Object Loading

We can read objects back one at a time using loadAs.

// Reading the file "greeting.txt" from a commit.

// We first read the commit.
var commit = yield repo.loadAs("commit", commitHash);
// We then read the tree using `commit.tree`.
var tree = yield repo.loadAs("tree", commit.tree);
// We then read the file using the entry hash in the tree.
var file = yield repo.loadAs("blob", tree["greeting.txt"].hash);
// file is now a binary buffer.

When using the formats mixin there are two new types for loadAs, they are "text" and "array".

// When you're sure the file contains unicode text, you can load it as text directly.
var fileAsText = yield repo.loadAs("text", blobHash);

// Also if you prefer array format, you can load a directory as an array.
var entries = yield repo.loadAs("array", treeHash);
entries.forEach(function (entry) {
  // entry contains {name, mode, hash}

Using Walkers

Now that we have a repo with some minimal data in it, we can query it. Since we included the walkers mixin, we can walk the history as a linear stream or walk the file tree as a depth-first linear stream.

// Create a log stream starting at the commit we just made.
// You could also use symbolic refs like `refs/heads/master` for repos that
// support them.
var logStream = yield repo.logWalk(commitHash);

// Looping through the stream is easy by repeatedly calling waiting on `read`.
var commit, object;
while (commit = yield, commit !== undefined) {


  // We can also loop through all the files of each commit version.
  var treeStream = yield repo.treeWalk(commit.tree);
  while (object = yield, object !== undefined) {


Filesystem Style Interface

If you feel that creating a blob, then creating a tree, then creating the parent tree, etc is a lot of work to save just one file, I agree. While writing the tedit app, I discovered a nice high-level abstraction that you can mixin to make this much easier. This is the create-tree mixin referenced in the above config.

// We wish to create a tree that contains `www/index.html` and `` files.
// This will create these two blobs, create a tree for `www` and then create a
// tree for the root containing `` and the newly created `www` tree.
var treeHash = yield repo.createTree({
  "www/index.html": {
    mode: modes.file,
    content: "<h1>Hello</h1>\n<p>This is an HTML page?</p>\n"
  "": {
    mode: modes.file,
    content: "# Sample repo\n\nThis is a sample\n"

This is great for creating several files at once, but it can also be used to edit existing trees by adding new files, changing existing files, or deleting existing entries.

var changes = [
    path: "www/index.html" // Leaving out mode means to delete the entry.
    path: "www/app.js", // Create a new file in the existing directory.
    mode: modes.file,
    content: "// this is a js file\n"

// We need to use array form and specify the base tree hash as `base`.
changes.base = treeHash;

treeHash = yield repo.createTree(changes);

Creating Composite Filesystems

The real fun begins when you create composite filesystems using git submodules.

The code that handles this is not packaged as a repo mixin since it spans several independent repos. Instead look to the git-tree repo for the code. It's interface is still slightly unstable and undocumented but is used in production by tedit and my node hosting service that complements tedit.

Basically this module allows you to perform high-level filesystem style commands on a virtual filesystem that consists of many js-git repos. Until there are proper docs, you can see how tedit uses it at

Mounting Github Repos

I've been asking Github to enable CORS headers to their HTTPS git servers, but they've refused to do it. This means that a browser can never clone from github because the browser will disallow XHR requests to the domain.

They do, however, offer a REST interface to the raw git data.

Using this I wrote a mixin for js-git that uses github as the backend store.

Code at Usage in tedit can be seen at

js-git's People


aaronhammond avatar aaronpowell avatar alexbirkett avatar aredridel avatar creationix avatar dfries avatar doublelift avatar dregin avatar dscho avatar ezralalonde avatar funroll avatar gitter-badger avatar jason-cooke avatar kmalakoff avatar kriskowal avatar mintbridge avatar mrscreationix avatar scottgonzalez avatar seriema avatar theknarf avatar tracker1 avatar vsivsi avatar wkonkel avatar


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js-git's Issues

Make pre-build scripts for webpages

Maintain some pre-built scripts for easy integration with normal webpages.

  • js-git.js - Core library, sets up window.jsGit namespace. Includes websocket remote and abstract local repo. Uses memory db.
  • js-git-indexed-db.js - Plugin to replace memorydb with indexedDB storage.
  • js-git-web-fs.js - Plugin to replace memorydb with html5 filesystem storage.
  • js-git-local-storage.js - Plugin to replace memorydb with local storage.

Fill out

Using the backers report, fill out the file in the repo. This will require sending out a survey to ask people what name they want to be listed under.

check out chrisdickinson's recent work

how to supply password for my private key?

if i try an ssh key, I get this:

~/c>jsgit clone [email protected]:creationix/js-git.git

Error: Encrypted private key detected, but no passphrase given
    at Connection.connect (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git-node-platform/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Connection.js:1088:15)
    at module.exports (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git-node-platform/ssh.js:32:5)
    at connect (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git/protocols/ssh.js:31:5)
    at discover (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git/protocols/ssh.js:61:29)
    at Object.fetch (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git/protocols/ssh.js:70:5)
    at /Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git/helpers/parallel-data.js:18:18
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at parallelData (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/node_modules/js-git/helpers/parallel-data.js:17:9)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/dominictarr/.nave/installed/0.10.10/lib/node_modules/js-git-node/bin/clone.js:66:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)

Want to back this issue? Place a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.

Tried using Emscripten?

You're going to be asked this multiple times I suppose, might as well have some place to point them, but have you tried using Emscripten with libgit?

Sometimes the unpacker applies deltas wrong

Track down the source of the issue and fix it so that all repos can be cloned.

The js-git repo itself will reproduce this issue.

In the examples folder do:

> node clone.js git://
> node walk.js conquest.git/
 a41b3594925a48c161ce2b5fd2fa1866dfac8a41 /

        if (err) throw err;
Error: ENOENT, open '/home/tim/Code/js-git/examples/js-git.git/objects/d6/f37173f8536b469112cc62f3e69bc6271ea250'

This repo is too disorganized & confusing

This repo has unfinished code, empty files, old files, etc. etc. It would be great if you could remove everything from this repo and have just a that links to the following...

  1. A Javascript library that is commandline and browser agnostic
  2. A Node CLI wrapper for the Javascript library
  3. A Browser wrapper for the Javascript library

Fix broken links when cloning luvit.

tim@touchsmart:~/JSGit/git-node/examples$ node clone.js git://
Cloning git:// to luvit.git
Counting objects: 8034, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (4216/4216), done.
Total 8034 (delta 4129), reused 7270 (delta 3426)
Receiving objects: 100% (8034/8034)   
Applying deltas: 100% (4129/4129)   
tim@touchsmart:~/JSGit/git-node/examples$ cd luvit.git/
tim@touchsmart:~/JSGit/git-node/examples/luvit.git$ git fsck
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
broken link from    tree ce5bc0e22c2876b388c5ec011f91fd869fd7dba7
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broken link from  commit 5dfaea433f2ce4bfce126596590393961a698334
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              to    tree 00379fa0f87f1f43b569faa9ed27f5ee77194c9a
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missing tree a5f1849236956ee1df7b9dfa3dce3c304de8b8ce
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missing tree 92f5b9b6dce75a00f1cfcaf2a8720a008cd39dbf
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missing tree 89b7ce122f09a0c151414228c11efca68caa5aa0
missing tree 4df80ea18061bd98481a4b1d3223e4a182febd5e
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missing tree 2a3c114353dbbb4416a938dc8e1c371998e9e116
missing tree 80ff534035ebc424b09c7068dbe6928f4f2672cd

Document platform requirements

Would be good to document what platform implementations need to provide, eg.
For bare repos need:

  • sha1
  • inflate
  • deflate
  • object db

then additionally for working dir support also need:

  • fs
  • index db

So for the repo browser app for example, only the bare repo set is needed from the platform.

Self Hosting

js-git should be able to in a browser:

  • clone its own source from a remote git repo
  • make new commits locally
  • fetch and merge any updates from the remote
  • push new commits to the remote

Port git-browser to windows RT

To add a new platform to git-browser, you only need create a new target in the make file and create a new bootstrap file in the src folder. Then add whatever libraries you need to impement this.

The hardest part for me is actually testing the code. I don't know how to use visual studio and I'm often not on a windows computer at all. I do have a Surface RT for testing though if someone wants to help me set up a dev workflow I can use.

Announce new fund-raising to the Kickstarter group

I wasn't aware of the new fund-raising at BountySource. Naturally I donated at once, but I think it might be an idea to send an email to all the backers on Kickstarter. Just shortly write what was delivered as part of the Kickstarter, and link to this new one (maybe you can't link to a "competitor" Kickstarter, but link to Github then) saying you want to finish this and need more money.

Implement packed-file reading in git-fs-db.

trying out the read method, I find I can read a new object entry that exists as an unpacked object in the .git/objects directory.

but I get an ENOENT on an object hash that does not exist in the .git/objects directory if I try to read an older file that I am pretty sure is sitting in a packed object file.

just wondering if that's on the todo list - if so I'll just drop my experiments for now until it's supported - or maybe you need some help there I could try to support it?

Want to back this issue? Place a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.

Add proper unit tests for sub-stream

This is for @jeffslofish

The newly created package needs some good unit tests.

An example of what I want can be seen in

Use tape and test in browsers and in node. I'll hook it up to travis and testling got CI. You can use @chrisdiskinson's beefy server for the testling tests I think.

sub-stream needs to test the same various combinations that push-to-pull tests as well as 0-sized, 1-sized, and n-sized nested bodies. Any more tests you can think of to cover extra code paths would be great.

  • Sync source, async source
  • fast sink, slow sink
  • push-filters that output more than they input, push-filters that output less than they input
  • empty body in substream, body with 1 chunk, body with more than one chunk
  • fast and slow consumers of the substreams

Add websocket protocol for web pages

Add a websocket based protocol complete with sample proxy server so that web-pages can clone while we wait on github to add CORS to http(s) repos.


i know you said this would be MIT licensed and i don't doubt you... but could you add some licensing info to this repo and to the submodules?


Add proper unit tests for push-to-pull

This is for @neilk

The newly created package needs some good unit tests.

An example of what I want can be seen in

Use tape and test in browsers and in node. I'll hook it up to travis and testling got CI. You can use @chrisdiskinson's beefy server for the testling tests I think.

push-to-pull needs to test the various combinations:

  • Sync source, async source
  • fast sink, slow sink
  • push-filters that output more than they input, push-filters that output less than they input

GIT server

Basic use case for MVP GIT server:

  • User wants to host files using git, controlled by nodejs.
  • There should be an event API for hooking into GIT for when a push is made to a repo for example.
  • Files need to be hosted via http, https, git, or ssh. At least one secure method is needed
  • User wants to store files in local or off-site locations (e.g. s3, mongodb, local fs...)
  • User needs the ability to clone files hosted via js-git
  • User needs the ability to push to the repo.
  • User needs the ability to host multiple repos.
  • User needs to support basic auth and ssh keys.

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after cloning, git can't read index

I successfully cloned one of my repos via https. but running git status in the repo results in a error message like this:

fatal: Unknown index entry format 28dc0000

Because I also have some git prompt addition the error messages come after each command.

$ git --version
git version

I installed js-git-node from npm. I cloned

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Design fs.*, db.*, env.* and git.* public APIs

The first minimal UI for js-git will be js repl based. There are three object interfaces that need to be implemented.


This is a dumb key/value interface

  • db.get(key, callback) - Get a value from the database by key.
  • db.set(key, value, callback) - Write a value to the database.
  • what else do we need? Maybe delete?

db conventions for git

We'll have some conventions for mapping a git database to a generic k/v store.

  • objects are keyed by their sha1 hash (of the value itself)
  • a repository is keyed by it's random uuid (for example f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479)

In the fs abstraction, .gitid files will contain the uuid of the git repo they reference.


This is a generic filesystem abstraction. It represents a filesystem that may contain several git repos (though the actual git databases are stored in the db instance)

  • fs.readfile(path, callback) - the data will be null if the file doesn't exist instead of emitting an error.
  • fs.writefile(path, contents, callback) - write contents to a file, creating it if it doesn't exist.
  • fs.rmfile(path, callback) - delete a file
  • fs.readdir(path, callback) - get a listing of files in a path as an array of strings.
  • fs.mkdir(path, callback) - create a folder, creating parent directories if needed.
  • fs.rmdir(path, callback) - delete a folder and all it's contents


An environment is like a bash instance. It has local state. For now this means current working directory. It also can integrate with the rest of the app and do things like open files in gui programs (text editors, image viewers, html engines, etc..)

  • env.chdir(path) - change the working directory. If this env is attached to a git instance, it notifies git of the change.
  • env.cwd() - Return the current working directory
  •, callback) - open a file for viewing in the default app (preview html)
  • env.edit(path, callback) - open a file for editing in the default app (edit html)

git env

This represents git porcelain coupled with an environment. It lets you do manage your git repos. The current working directory and current working git repo are implicit state.

  • git.init(callback) - create a new git repo in the current working directory
  • git.remotes - an object containing remote names and full urls. (TODO: how can we detect changes to this object, maybe a nextTick handler on a getter for .remotes?)
  • git.hashObject(object) - store an git object (string) in the git database by it's sha1 hash value.
  • git.updateIndex(...)
  • ... and other stuff as we implement them

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