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arm-assembly-cheat's Introduction

ARM Assembly Cheat

ARMv7 and ARMv8 assembly userland minimal examples tutorial. Runnable asserts on x86 hosts with QEMU user mode or natively on ARM targets. Nice GDB step debug setup. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 host and Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 targets. Baremetal setup at:************/linux-kernel-module-cheat#baremetal-setup x86 cheat at:************/x86-assembly-cheat

1. Getting started

On Ubuntu, clone, configure, build QEMU and Binutils from source, run all ARMv7 and ARMv8 examples through QEMU user, and assert that they exit with status 0:

git clone --recursive************/arm-assembly-cheat
cd arm-assembly-cheat
make test
echo $?

Expected outcome: the exit status is successful:


For other operating systems, see: Getting started on non-Ubuntu operating systems.

We compile our own Binutils and QEMU to be able to use the newest ISA features. Those projects build pretty fast (~10 minutes), so it is fine. The cleanest thing would be to also compile GCC with crosstool-NG toolchain.

The armv7 examples are all located under the v7 directory. Run all of them:

cd v7
make test
echo $?

Run just one of them:

cd v7
make test-<basename-no-extension>
echo $?


make test-add

will run v7/add.S.

This just tests some assertions, but does not output anything. See: Asserts.

Alternatively, to help with tab completion, the following shortcuts all do the same thing as make test-add:

./t add
./t add.
./t add.out

ARMv8 examples are all located under the v8 directory. They can be run in the same way as ARMv7 examples:

cd v8
make test-movk

Just build the examples without running:


Clean the examples:

make clean

This does not clean QEMU builds themselves. To do that run:

make qemu-clean

1.1. Asserts

Almost all example don’t output anything, they just assert that the computations are as expected and exit 0 is that was the case.

Failures however output clear error messages.

Try messing with the examples to see them fail, e.g. modify v7/add.S to contain:

mov r0, #1
add r1, r0, #2
ASSERT_EQ(r1, 4)

and then watch it fail:

cd v7
make test-add


error 1 at line 12
Makefile:138: recipe for target 'test-add' failed
error 1 at line 12

since 1 + 2 tends to equal 3 and not 4.

So look how nice we are: we even gave you the line number 12 of the failing assert!

1.2. Getting started on non-Ubuntu operating systems

If you are not on an Ubuntu host machine, here are some ways in which you can use this repo.

1.2.1. Other Linux distro hosts

For other Linux distros, you can either:

  • have a look at what download-dependencies does and adapt it to your distro. It should be easy, then proceed normally.

    Might fail due to some incompatibility, but likely won’t.

  • run this repo with docker. Requires you to know some Docker boilerplate, but cannot (?) fail. Docker host setup
sudo apt install docker
sudo docker create -it --name arm-assembly-cheat -w "/host/$(pwd)" -v "/:/host" ubuntu:18.04
sudo docker exec -it arm-assembly-cheat /bin/bash

Then inside Docker just add the --docker flag to ./download-dependencies and proceed otherwise normally:

./download-dependencies --docker
make test

The download-dependencies takes a while because build-dep binutils is large.

We share the repository between Docker and host, so you can just edit the files on host with your favorite text editor, and then just run them from inside Docker.

TODO: GDB TUI GUI is broken inside Docker due to terminal quirks. Forwarding the port and connecting from host will likely work, but I’m lazy to try it out now.

1.2.2. Non-Linux host

For non-Linux systems, the easiest thing to do is to use an Ubuntu virtual machine such as VirtualBox:

Porting is not however impossible because we use the C standard library for portability, see: Architecture of this repo. Pull requests are welcome.

1.2.3. Raspberry Pi 2 native

Yay! Let’s see if this actually works on real hardware, or if it is just an emulation pipe dream?

Tested on Raspbian Lite 2018-11-13 with this repo at commit bcddf29c8e00b30afe7b3643558b25f22a64405b.

For now, we will just compile natively, since I’m not in the mood for cross compilation hell today.

According to Wikipedia the Raspberry Pi 2 V 1.1 which I have has a BCM2836 SoC, which has 4 ARM Cortex-A7 cores, which implement ARMv7-A, VFPv4 and NEON.

Therefore we will only be able to run v7 examples on that board.

First connect to your Pi through SSH as explained at:

Then inside the Pi:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git make gcc gdb
git clone************/arm-assembly-cheat
cd arm-assembly-cheat/v7
make NATIVE=y test
make NATIVE=y gdb-add

GDB TUI is slightly buggier on the ancient 4.9 toolchain (current line gets different indentation, does not break on the right instruction after asm_main_after_prologue, cannot leave TUI), but it might still be usable

The Pi 0 and 1 however have a BCM2835 SoC, which has an ARM1176JZF-S core, which implements the ARMv6Z ISA, which we don’t support yet on this repo.

1.2.4. Raspberry Pi 3 native

The Raspberry Pi 3 has a BCM2837 SoC, which has 4 Cortex A53 cores, which implement ARMv8-A.

However, as of July 2018, there is no official ARMv8 image for the Pi 3, the same ARMv7 image is provided for both:

Then we look at the following threads:

which lead us to this 64-bit Debian based distro for the Pi:

So first we flash pi64’s 2017-07-31 release, and then do exactly the same as for the Raspberry Pi 2, except that you must go into the v8 directory instead of v7.

1.3. GDB step debug

Debug one example with GDB:

make gdb-add


./t -g add

This leaves us right at the end of the prologue of asm_main in GDB TUI mode, which is at the start of the assembly code in the .S file.

Stop on a different symbol instead:

make GDB_BREAK=main gdb-add


./t -b main -g add

It is not possible to restart the running program from GDB as in gdbserver --multi unfortunately:

Quick GDB tips:

1.3.1. Advanced usage

The default setup is opinionated and assumes that your are a newb: it ignores your .gdbinit and puts you in TUI mode.

However, you will sooner or later notice that TUI is crappy print on break Python scripts are the path of light, e.g. GDB dashboard.

In order to prevent our opinionated defaults get in the way of your perfect setup, use:

make GDB_EXPERT=y gdb-add

or the shortcut:

./t -G add

1.4. Disassemble

Even though GDB step debug can already disassemble instructions for us, it is sometimes useful to have the disassembly in a text file for further examination.

Disassemble all examples:

make -j `nproc` objdump

Disassemble one example:

make add.objdump

Examine one disassembly:

less -p asm_main add.objdump

This jumps directly to asm_main, which is what you likely want to see.

Disassembly is still useful even though we are writing assembly because the assembler can do some non-obvious magic that we want to understand.

1.5. crosstool-NG toolchain

Currently we build just Binutils from source, but use the host GCC to save time.

This could lead to incompatibilities, although we haven’t observed any so far.

crosstool-NG is a set of scripts that makes it easy to obtain a cross compiled GCC. Ideally we should track it here as a submodule and automate from there.

You can build the toolchain with crosstool-NG as explained at:

Then run this repo with:

make \
  CTNG=crosstool-ng/.build/ct_prefix \
  PREFIX=arm-cortex_a15-linux-gnueabihf \
  test \

1.6. Build the documentation

If you don’t like reading on GitHub, the HTML documentation can be generated from the README with:

make doc
xdg-open out/README.html

1.7. Custom build flags

E.g., to pass -static for an emulator that does not support dynamically linked executables like gem5:

make CCFLAGS_CLI=-static

2. ARM assembly basics

2.1. Registers


Bibliography: ARMv7 architecture reference manual A2.3 "ARM core registers".

2.1.1. ARMv8 x31

Example: v8/x31.S

There is no x31 name, and the encoding can have two different names depending on the instruction:

To make things more confusing, some aliases can take either name, which makes them alias to different things, e.g. mov accepts both:

mov x0, sp
mov x0, xzr

and the first one is an alias to add while the second an alias to orr.

The difference is documented on a per instruction basis. Instructions that encode 31 as SP say:

if d == 31 then
  SP[] = result;
  X[d] = result;

And then those that don’t say that, B1.2.1 "Registers in AArch64 state" implies the zero register:

In instruction encodings, the value 0b11111 (31) is used to indicate the ZR (zero register). This indicates that the argument takes the value zero, but does not indicate that the ZR is implemented as a physical register.

This is also described on ARMv8 architecture reference manual C1.2.5 "Register names":

There is no register named W31 or X31.

The name SP represents the stack pointer for 64-bit operands where an encoding of the value 31 in the corresponding register field is interpreted as a read or write of the current stack pointer. When instructions do not interpret this operand encoding as the stack pointer, use of the name SP is an error.

The name XZR represents the zero register for 64-bit operands where an encoding of the value 31 in the corresponding register field is interpreted as returning zero when read or discarding the result when written. When instructions do not interpret this operand encoding as the zero register, use of the name XZR is an error

2.2. GAS syntax

2.2.1. Unified syntax

There are two types of ARMv7 assemblies:

  • .syntax divided

  • .syntax unified

They are very similar, but unified is the new and better one, which we use in this tutorial.

Unfortunately, for backwards compatibility, GNU AS 2.31.1 and GCC 8.2.0 still use .syntax divided by default.

The concept of unified assembly is mentioned in ARM’s official assembler documentation: and is often called Unified Assembly Language (UAL).

Some of the differences include:

2.2.2. Immediates

The requirement for hash # and dollar $ prefixes varies across v7, where it depends on .syntax, and v8.


For the grep: integer literals.

2.2.4. .n and .w suffixes

When reading disassembly, many instructions have either a .n or .w suffix.

.n means narrow, and stands for the Thumb encoding of an instructions, while .w means wide and stands for the ARM encoding.

3. Instructions

Grouping loosely based on that of the ARMv7 architecture reference manual Chapter A4 "The Instruction Sets".

3.1. Branch instructions

3.1.1. b

Unconditional branch.

Example: v7/b.S

The encoding stores pc offsets in 24 bits. The destination must be a multiple of 4, which is easy since all instructions are 4 bytes.

This allows for 26 bit long jumps, which is 64 MiB.

TODO: what to do if we want to jump longer than that?

3.1.2. beq

Branch if equal based on the status registers.

Example: v7/beq.S.

The family of instructions includes:

  • beq: branch if equal

  • bne: branch if not equal

  • ble: less or equal

  • bge: greater or equal

  • blt: less than

  • bgt: greater than

3.1.3. bl

Branch with link, i.e. branch and store the return address on the rl register.

Example: v7/bl.S

This is the major way to make function calls.

The current ARM / Thumb mode is encoded in the least significant bit of lr. bx

bx: branch and switch between ARM / Thumb mode, encoded in the least significant bit of the given register.

bx lr is the main way to return from function calls after a bl call.

Since bl encodes the current ARM / Thumb in the register, bx keeps the mode unchanged by default. ret

Example: v8/ret.S

In ARMv8 aarch64:

  • there is no bx since no Thumb to worry about, so it is called just br

  • the ret instruction was added in addition to br, with the following differences:

    • provides a hint that this is a function call return

    • has a default argument x30 if none is given. This is where bl puts the return value.

3.1.4. cbz

Compare and branch if zero.

Example: v8/cbz.S

Only in ARMv8 and ARMv7 Thumb mode, not in armv7 ARM mode.

Very handy!

3.1.5. Conditional execution

Weirdly, b and family are not the only instructions that can execute conditionally on the flags: the same also applies to most instructions, e.g. add.

Example: v7/cond.S

Just add the usual eq, ne, etc. suffixes just as for b.

The list of all extensions is documented at ARMv7 architecture reference manual "A8.3 Conditional execution".

3.2. Load and store instructions

In ARM, there are only two instruction families that do memory access: ldr to load and str to store.

Everything else works on register and immediates.

This is part of the RISC-y beauty of the ARM instruction set, unlike x86 in which several operations can read from memory, and helps to predict how to optimize for a given CPU pipeline.

This kind of architecture is called a Load/store architecture.

3.2.1. ldr ldr pseudo-instruction

ldr can be either a regular instruction that loads stuff into memory, or also a pseudo-instruction (assembler magic):

The pseudo instruction version is when an equal sign appears on one of the operators.

The ldr pseudo instruction can automatically create hidden variables in a place called the "literal pool", and load them from memory with PC relative loads.

Example: v7/ldr_pseudo.S

This is done basically because all instructions are 32-bit wide, and there is not enough space to encode 32-bit addresses in them.

Bibliography: Addressing modes

Load and store instructions can update the source register with the following modes:

  • offset: add an offset, don’t change the address register. Notation:

    ldr r1, [r0, 4]
  • pre-indexed: change the address register, and then use it modified. Notation:

    ldr r1, [r0, 4]!
  • post-indexed: use the address register unmodified, and then modify it. Notation:

    ldr r1, [r0], 4

The offset itself can come from the following sources:

  • immediate

  • register

  • scaled register: left shift the register and use that as an offset

The indexed modes are convenient to loop over arrays.

  • A4.6.5 "Addressing modes"

  • A8.5 "Memory accesses" Loop over array

As an application of the post-indexed addressing mode, let’s increment an array.

Example: v7/inc_array.S ldrh and ldrb

There are ldr variants that load less than full 4 bytes:

3.2.2. str

Store from memory into registers.

Example: v7/str.S

Basically everything that applies to ldr also applies here so we won’t go into much detail.

3.2.3. ldmia

Pop values form stack into the register and optionally update the address register.

stmdb is the push version.

Example: v7/ldmia.S

The mnemonics stand for:

  • stmdb: STore Multiple Decrement Before

  • ldmia: LoaD Multiple Increment After

Example: v7/push.S

push and pop are just mnemonics stdmdb and ldmia using the stack pointer sp as address register:

stmdb sp!, reglist
ldmia sp!, reglist

The ! indicates that we want to update the register.

The registers are encoded as single bits inside the instruction: each bit represents one register.

As a consequence, the push order is fixed no matter how you write the assembly instruction: there is just not enough space to encode ordering.

AArch64 loses those instructions, likely because it was not possible anymore to encode all registers: and replaces them with stp and ldp.

3.3. Data processing instructions


3.3.1. cset

Example: v8/cset.S

Set a register conditionally depending on the condition flags:

ARMv8-only, likely because in ARMv8 you can’t have conditional suffixes for every instruction.

3.3.2. Bitwise bic

Bitwise Bit Clear: clear some bits.

dest = `left & ~right`

Example: v7/bic.S ubfm

Unsigned Bitfield Move.

copies any number of low-order bits from a source register into the same number of adjacent bits at any position in the destination register, with zeros in the upper and lower bits.

Example: v8/ubfm.S

TODO: explain full behaviour. Very complicated. Has several simpler to understand aliases. ubfx

Alias for:

UBFM <Wd>, <Wn>, #<lsb>, #(<lsb>+<width>-1)

Example: v8/ubfx.S

The operation:

UBFX dest, src, lsb, width


dest = (src & ((1 << width) - 1)) >> lsb; bfm

TODO: explain. Similar to ubfm but leave untouched bits unmodified. bfi


Move the lower bits of source register into any position in the destination:

  • ARMv8: an alias for bfm

  • ARMv7: a real instruction

3.3.3. mov

Move an immediate to a register, or a register to another register.

Cannot load from or to memory, since only the ldr and str instruction families can do that in ARM: Load and store instructions

Example: v7/mov.S

Since every instruction has a fixed 4 byte size, there is not enough space to encode arbitrary 32-bit immediates in a single instruction, since some of the bits are needed to actually encode the instruction itself.

The solutions to this problem are mentioned at:

Summary of solutions:

  • movw and movt

  • place it in memory. But then how to load the address, which is also a 32-bit value?

    • use pc-relative addressing if the memory is close enough

    • use orr encodable shifted immediates

The blog article summarizes nicely which immediates can be encoded and the design rationale:

An Operand 2 immediate must obey the following rule to fit in the instruction: an 8-bit value rotated right by an even number of bits between 0 and 30 (inclusive). This allows for constants such as 0xFF (0xFF rotated right by 0), 0xFF00 (0xFF rotated right by 24) or 0xF000000F (0xFF rotated right by 4).

In software - especially in languages like C - constants tend to be small. When they are not small they tend to be bit masks. Operand 2 immediates provide a reasonable compromise between constant coverage and encoding space; most common constants can be encoded directly.

Assemblers however support magic memory allocations which may hide what is truly going on: Always ask your friendly disassembly for a good confirmation.

3.3.4. movw and movt

Set the higher or lower 16 bits of a register to an immediate in one go.

Example: v7/movw.S

The ARMv8 version analogue is movk.

3.3.5. Shift suffixes

Most data processing instructions can also optionally shift the second register operand.

Example: v7/shift.S

The shift types are:

  • lsr and lfl: Logical Shift Right / Left. Insert zeroes.

  • ror: Rotate Right / Left. Wrap bits around.

  • asr: Arithmetic Shift Right. Keep sign.

Documented at: ARMv7 architecture reference manual "A4.4.1 Standard data-processing instructions"

3.3.6. S suffix

Example: v7/s_suffix.S

The S suffix, present on most Data processing instructions, makes the instruction also set the Status register flags that control conditional jumps.

If the result of the operation is 0, then it triggers beq, since comparison is a subtraction, with success on 0.

cmp sets the flags by default of course.

3.3.7. adr

Similar rationale to the ldr pseudo-instruction, allowing to easily store a PC-relative reachable address into a register in one go, to overcome the 4-byte fixed instruction size.


3.4. Miscellaneous instructions

3.4.1. nop

There are a few different ways to encode nop, notably mov a register into itself, and a dedicated miscellaneous instruction.

Example: v7/nop.S

Try disassembling the executable to see what the assembler is emitting:

gdb-multiarch -batch -ex 'arch arm' -ex "file v7/nop.out" -ex "disassemble/rs asm_main_after_prologue"

4. Instruction encoding

Understanding the basics of instruction encodings is fundamental to help you to remember what instructions do and why some things are possible or not.

4.1. Instruction length

Every ARMv7 instruction is 4 bytes long.

This RISC-y design likely makes processor design easier and allows for certain optimizations, at the cost of slightly more complex assembly. Totally worth it.

Thumb is an alternative encoding.

4.3. Thumb-2

Newer version of thumb that allows encoding almost all instructions, TODO example.

5. Calling convention

Call C standard library functions from assembly and vice versa.


c_from_asm usage:

cd v7
./t c_from_asm


hello puts
hello printf 12345678

ARM Architecture Procedure Call Standard (AAPCS) is the name that ARM Holdings gives to the calling convention.


6. Inline assembly

Very similar to x86, so we will just focus on giving a few basic examples and pointing out any differences from x86:

6.1. Register variables

Allow for potentially more efficient assembly code when you need to store values in a specific register, explained in detail at:

The following examples are just educational but useless in practice, you should just achieve them with constraints in real code:

This feature notably useful for making system calls, see also: Freestanding Linux inline assembly system calls.

7. Linux system calls

Do a write and exit raw Linux system calls:

make -C v7/linux test
make -C v8/linux test

Outcome for each:

hello syscall v7
hello syscall v8


For some C inline assembly examples, see: Freestanding Linux inline assembly system calls.

Unlike most our other examples, which use the C standard library for portability, examples under linux/ be only run on Linux.

Such executables are called free-standing, because they don’t execute the glibc initialization code, but rather start directly on our custom hand written assembly.

The syscall numbers are defined at:


8. ARMv8

In this repository we will document only points where ARMv8 differs from ARMv7 behaviour: so you should likely learn ARMv7 first.

ARMv8 is the 64 bit version of the ARM architecture.

It has two states:

  • AArch32

  • AArch64: 64-bit mode, the main mode of operation

Great summary of differences from AArch32:

ARMv8 was released in 2013.

Some random ones, TODO create clean examples of them:

  • the stack has to 16-byte aligned. Therefore, the main way to push things to stack is ldp and stp, which push two 8 byte registers at a time

8.1. AArch32

32-bit mode of operation of ARMv8.

Userland is highly / fully backwards compatible with ARMv7:

For this reason, QEMU and GAS seems to enable both AArch32 and ARMv7 under arm rather than aarch64.

There are however some extensions over ARMv7, many of them are functionality that ARMv8 has and that designers decided to expose on AArch32 as well, e.g.:

8.2. movk

Fill a 64 bit register with 4 16-bit instructions one at a time.

Similar to movw and movt in v7.

Example: v8/movk.S

8.2.1. movn

Set 16-bits negated and the rest to 1.

Example: v8/movn.S

8.3. stp

Push a pair of registers to the stack.

TODO minimal example. Currently used on v8/commmon_arch.h since it is the main way to restore register state.

8.4. ARMv8 str

PC-relative str is not possibl in ARMv8.

For ldr it works as in ARMv7.

As a result, it is not possible to load from the literal pool for str.

Example: v8/str.S

This can be seen from ARMv8 architecture reference manual C3.2.1 "Load/Store registerthe": ldr simply has on extra PC encoding that str does not.

9. Floating point

9.1. VFP

Vector Floating Point extension.


Basically not implemented in ARMv8 which seems to have vector floating point specified in the main spec: ARMv8 floating point availability:

Some devices such as the ARM Cortex-A8 have a cut-down VFPLite module instead of a full VFP module, and require roughly ten times more clock cycles per float operation.

VFP has several revisions, named as VFPv1, VFPv2, etc. TODO: announcement dates.

As mentioned at: the Linux kernel shows those capabilities in /proc/cpuinfo with flags such as vfp, vfpv3 and others, see:

When a certain version of VFP is present on a CPU, the compiler prefix typically contains the hf characters which stands for Hard Float, e.g.: arm-linux-gnueabihf. This means that the compiler will emit VFP instructions instead of just using software implementations.


9.1.1. fadd vs vadd

It is very confusing, but fadds and faddd in ARMv7 and Aarch32 are pre-UAL for vadd.f32 and vadd.f64.

The same goes for most ARMv7 mnemonics: f* is old, and v* is the newer better syntax.

But then, in ARMv8, they decided to use fadd as the main floating point add name, and get rid of vadd!

Also keep in mind that fused multiply add is fmadd.

9.2. Advanced SIMD instructions


The ARMv8 architecture reference manual specifies floating point support in the main architecture at A1.5 "Advanced SIMD and floating-point support".

The feature is often refered to simply as "SIMD&FP" throughout the manual.

The Linux kernel shows /proc/cpuinfo compatibility as neon.

Register files are documented at:

Notice how Sn is very different between v7 and v8! In v7 it goes across Dn, and in v8 inside each Dn.

9.2.1. vcvt

Example: v7/vcvt.S

Convert between integers and floating point.

The floating-point to fixed-point operation uses the Round towards Zero rounding mode. The fixed-point to floating-point operation uses the Round to Nearest rounding mode.

Notice how the opcode takes two types.

E.g., in our 32-bit float to 32-bit unsigned example we use:

vld1.32.f32 vcvtr

Example: v7/vcvtr.S

Like vcvt, but the rounding mode is selected by the FPSCR.RMode field.

Selecting rounding mode explicitly per instruction was apparently not possible in ARMv7, but was made possible in AArch32 e.g. with vcvta.

Rounding mode selection is exposed in the ANSI C standard through fesetround.

TODO: is the initial rounding mode specified by the ELF standard? Could not find a reference. vcvta

Example: v7/vcvt.S

Added in ARMv8 AArch32 only, not present in ARMv7.

In ARMv7, to use a non-round-to-zero rounding mode, you had to set the rounding mode with FPSCR and use the R version of the instruction e.g. vcvtr.

Now in aarch32 it is possible to do it explicitly per-instruction.

Also there was no ties to away mode in ARMv7. This mode does not exist in C99 either.

9.2.2. SIMD interleaving

We can load multiple vectors from memory in one instruction.

Note how the vectors are loaded in an interleaved manner: one int for each.

This is why the ldN instructions take an argument list denoted by {} for the registers, much like armv7 ldmia.

TODO confirm: can load up to 4 vectors at once.

9.2.3. Advanced SIMD instructions bibliography

Non-formal introductory tutorials are extrmerly scarce.

A few good ways to get your hands on some examples include:

9.2.4. NEON

Just an informal name for the "Avanced SIMD instructions"? Very confusing.

ARMv8 architecture reference manual F2.9 "Additional information about Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions" says:

The Advanced SIMD architecture, its associated implementations, and supporting software, are commonly referred to as NEON technology. mentions that is is present on both ARMv7 and ARMv8:

NEON technology was introduced to the Armv7-A and Armv7-R profiles. It is also now an extension to the Armv8-A and Armv8-R profiles.

9.2.5. ARMv8 floating point availability

Support is semi-mandatory:

No floating-point or SIMD support. This option is licensed only for implementations targeting specialized markets.

Therefore it is in theory optional, but highly available.

This is unlike ARMv7, where floating point is completely optional through VFP.

9.2.6. ARMv7 advanced floating point registers

32 64-bit registers d0 to d31.

Can also be interpreted as 16 128-bit registers: q0 to q15.

9.2.7. ARMv8 advanced floating point registers

ARMv8 architecture reference manual B1.2.1 "Registers in AArch64" describes the registers:

32 SIMD&FP registers, V0 to V31. Each register can be accessed as:

  • A 128-bit register named Q0 to Q31.

  • A 64-bit register named D0 to D31.

  • A 32-bit register named S0 to S31.

  • A 16-bit register named H0 to H31.

  • An 8-bit register named B0 to B31.

9.3. SVE

Example: v8/sve.S

Scalable Vector Extension.

aarch64 only, newer than NEON.

It is called Scalable because it does not specify the vector width! Therefore we don’t have to worry about new vector width instructions every few years! Hurray!

The instructions then allow implicitly tracking the loop index without knowing the actual vector length.

Added to QEMU use mode in 3.0.0.

The Linux kernel shows /proc/cpuinfo compatibility as sve.

9.3.1. SVE bibliography SVE spec

ARMv8 architecture reference manual A1.7 "ARMv8 architecture extensions" says:

SVE is an optional extension to ARMv8.2. That is, SVE requires the implementation of ARMv8.2.

A1.7.8 "The Scalable Vector Extension (SVE)": then says that only changes to the existing registers are described in that manual, and that you should look instead at the "ARM Architecture Reference Manual Supplement, The Scalable Vector Extension (SVE), for ARMv8-A."

We then download the zip from: and it contains the PDF: DDI0584A_d_SVE_supp_armv8A.pdf which we use here.

That document then describes the SVE instructions and registers.

9.4. Architecture of this repo

qemu-arm-static is used for emulation on x86 hosts. It translates ARM to x86, and forwards system calls to the host kernel.

OS portability is achieved with the C standard library which makes system calls for us: this would in theory work in operating systems other than Linux if you port the build system to them.

Using the standard library also allows us to use its convenient functionality such as printf formatting and memcpy to check memory.

Non-OS portable examples will be clearly labeled with their OS, e.g.: Linux system calls.

These examples show how our infrastructure works:

9.4.1. C driver

We link all examples against a C program: main.c. Sample simplified commands:

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o 'main.o' 'main.c'
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -c -o 'sub.o' 'sub.S'
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -o 'sub.out' 'sub.o' main.o

The C driver then just calls asm_main, which each .S example implements.

This allows us to easily use the C standard library portably: from the point of view of GCC, everything looks like a regular C program, which does the required glibc initialization before main().

9.5. Introduction to ARM

The ARM architecture is has been used on the vast majority of mobile phones in the 2010’s, and on a large fraction of micro controllers.

It competes with x86 because its implementations are designed for low power consumption, which is a major requirement of the cell phone market.

ARM is generally considered a RISC instruction set, although there are some more complex instructions which would not generally be classified as purely RISC.

ARM is developed by the British funded company ARM Holdings: which originated as a joint venture between Acorn Computers, Apple and VLSI Technology in 1990.

9.6. Free implementations

The ARM instruction set is itself protected by patents / copyright / whatever, and you have to pay ARM Holdings a licence to implement it with their own custom Verilog code.

This is the case of many major customers, including many Apple’s Ax and Qualcomm Snapdragon chips.

ARM has already sued people in the past for implementing ARM ISA:

Asanovic joked that the shortest unit of time is not the moment between a traffic light turning green in New York City and the cab driver behind the first vehicle blowing the horn; it’s someone announcing that they have created an open-source, ARM-compatible core and receiving a “cease and desist” letter from a law firm representing ARM.

This licensing however does have the following fairness to it: ARM Holdings invents a lot of money in making a great open source software environment for the ARM ISA, so it is only natural that it should be able to get some money from hardware manufacturers for using their ISA.

Patents for very old ISAs however have expired, Amber is one implementation of those: TODO does it have any application?


10.1. Update QEMU

git -C qemu pull
make -B -C v7 qemu
make -B -C v8 qemu

If the build fails due to drastic QEMU changes, first do:

make qemu-clean

Then make sure that the tests still pass:

make test

11. Bibliography

ISA quick references can be found in some places however:

Getting started tutorials:

11.1. Official manuals

The official manuals were stored in but as of 2017 they started to slowly move to

Each revision of a document has a "ARM DDI" unique document identifier.

The "ARM Architecture Reference Manuals" are the official canonical ISA documentation document. In this repository, we always reference the following revisions:

11.1.3. Programmer’s Guide for ARMv8-A

A more terse human readable introduction to the ARM architecture than the reference manuals.

Does not have as many assembly code examples as you’d hope however…​

11.2. Bare metal

This tutorial only covers userland concepts.

However, certain instructions can only be used in higher privilege levels from an operating system itself.

Here is a base setup ARM programming without an operating system, also known as "Bare Metal Programming":************/linux-kernel-module-cheat/tree/7d6f8c3884a4b4170aa274b986caae55b1bebaaf#baremetal-setup


  • clean crosstool-NG build for GCC

  • C standard library powevered by Newlib

  • works on both QEMU and gem5

Here are further links:

arm-assembly-cheat's People


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