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bunnycdn-api's Introduction

BunnyNET CDN API Class

The most comprehensive, feature-packed and easy to use PHP class for ( BunnyCDN) pull, video streaming, DNS and storage zones API.

This class whilst having a main focus on storage zone interaction includes pull zone features, DNS, Video streaming and more. Combining API with FTP managing and using your BunnyNet storage zones just got easier.

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Table of contents

1.9.7 changes

14th May 2024

  • Fixed dirSize() needing a slash
  • Fixed createFolder() throwing warning messages
  • Added fileExists()


  • PHP 8.2

For Pull zone, billing and statistics API interaction you will need your BunnyNet API key, this is found in your dashboard in the My Account section.

The video streaming API you need the video stream library access key which is found in the settings for the library at

If you want to interact with storage zones you will need your BunnyCDN API key set and the name of the storage zone.

You can get this with listStorageZones() as it returns all the storage zone data/info for the account.

Features & abilities

  • List storage zones
  • Add/create storage zone
  • Delete storage zone
  • Create folder in storage zone
  • Delete folder in storage zone
  • Delete file in storage zone
  • Delete all files in a folder in storage zone
  • Download a file from storage zone
  • Download a file from storage zone with progress percentage
  • Download all files in a folder from storage zone
  • Upload file to storage zone
  • Upload file to storage zone with progress percentage
  • Upload all files in a folder to storage zone
  • Rename file or folder in storage zone
  • Move file in storage zone
  • Get file size in storage zone
  • Get directory size in storage zone
  • Navigate/List directories in storage zone
  • List all from storage zone directory
  • List all files formatted from storage zone directory
  • List all folders formatted from storage zone directory
  • List all formatted from storage zone directory
  • Create, edit and delete videos
  • Create, edit and delete DNS zones
  • Get usage statistics
  • Get billing data
  • View balance
  • View monthly charge
  • View monthly charge breakdown
  • Apply coupon code
  • List pull zones
  • Get pull zone
  • Add pull zone
  • Update pull zone
  • Delete pull zone
  • Purge pull zone
  • Add hostname to pull zone
  • Remove hostname from pull zone
  • Set force SSL for pull zone
  • List pull zone HTTP access logs
  • Calculate costs


Install with composer:

composer require corbpie/bunny-cdn-api

Use like:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Corbpie\BunnyCdn\BunnyAPIPull;

$bunny = new BunnyAPIPull();//Initiate the class

echo $bunny->listPullZones();

Setting API key:

option 1 (preferred)

Line 12 bunnyAPI.php


option 2

With apiKey() (needs setting with each calling of class)

$bunny->apiKey('XXXX-XXXX-XXXX');//Bunny api key

Storage zone interaction

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Corbpie\BunnyCdn\BunnyAPIStorage;

$bunny = new BunnyAPIStorage();

Storage zone name and access key for storage zone interaction (not needed if just using pull zone functions)

Set $access_key = '' to obtain key automatically (storage name must be accurate)

$bunny->zoneConnect($storagename, $access_key);

$storagename name of storage zone string

$access_key key/password to storage zone string optional

List storage zones


returns array

Add a storage zone


$newstoragezone name of storage zone to create string

Delete a storage zone


$id id of storage zone to delete int

Get directory size

$dir = "media/images/dogs";


$dir directory to get size of string

Return current directory


returns string

Change directory

$dir = "media/images/dogs";


$dir directory navigation (FTP rules) string

Check folder exists


$path the folder path string

Returns bool

Check file exists

$file = "media/images/dogs/collie.jpg";


$file the full file path including the filename string

Returns bool

Move to the parent directory


Create a folder in the current directory

$new_folder = "dogs"


$new_folder Create a folder in the current directory string

Delete folder


$folder_name Name of the folder to delete (folder must be empty) string

Delete a file


$name Name of file to delete string

Delete all files in a folder


$dir Directory to delete all files in string

Rename a file

BunnyCDN does not allow for ftp_rename so file copied to a new name and then the old file is deleted.

$directory = "media/images/dogs";
$old_file_name = "collie.jpg";
$new_file_name = "poodle.jpg";

$bunny->renameFile($directory, $old_file_name, $new_file_name);

$directory Directory that contains the file string

$old_name Object that is being renamed string

$new_name New name for object string

Move a file

$bunny->moveFile($file, $move_to);

$file File to move string

$move_to Directory to move file to string

Download a file

$bunny->downloadFile($save_as, $get_file, $mode);

$save_as Save file as string

$get_file File to download string

$mode FTP mode to use INT

Download all files in a directory

$bunny->downloadAll($dir_dl_from, $dl_into, $mode);

$dir_dl_from Directory to download all from string

$dl_into Download into string

$mode FTP mode to use INT

Upload a file

$bunny->uploadFile($upload, $upload_as, $mode);

$upload File to upload string

$upload_as Upload as string

$mode FTP mode to use INT

Upload all files from a local folder

$bunny->uploadAllFiles($dir, $place, $mode);

$dir Upload all files from this directory string

$place Upload to string

$mode FTP mode to use INT

Return storage zone files and folder data (Original)


returns array

Return storage zone directory files formatted


$location Directory to get and return data string

returns array

Return storage zone directory folders formatted


$location Directory to get and return data string

returns array

Return storage zone directory file and folders formatted


$location Directory to get and return data string

returns array

List all pull zones and data


returns array

List pull zones data for id


$id Pull zone to get data from int

returns array

Purge pull zone data


$id Pull zone to purge int

Delete pull zone data


$id Pull zone to delete int

Lists pullzone hostnames and amount


Add hostname to pull zone

$bunny->addHostnamePullZone($id, $hostname);

$id Pull zone hostname will be added to int

$hostname Hostname to add string

Remove a hostname from pull zone

$bunny->removeHostnamePullZone($id, $hostname);

$id Pull zone hostname be removed from int

$hostname Hostname to remove string

Change force SSL status for pull zone

$bunny->forceSSLPullZone($id, $hostname, $force_ssl);

$id Pull zone hostname change status int

$hostname Affected hostname string

$force_ssl True = on, FALSE = off bool

Add ip to block for pullzone

$bunny->addBlockedIpPullZone($pullzone_id, $ip, $db_log = false);

Un block an ip for pullzone

$bunny->unBlockedIpPullZone($pullzone_id, $ip, $db_log = false);

List all blocked ip's for pullzone


Purge cache for a URL

$bunny->purgeCache($url, $async = false);

$url Purge cache for this url string

$async Dont wait for the purge before returning result bool

Pull zone logs as formatted array

$bunny->pullZoneLogs($id, $date);

$id Pull zone id int

$date Date for logs, only past 3 days (mm-dd-yy) string

Get usage statistics


returns array

Get billing data


returns array

Get account balance


returns float

Get monthly charge


returns float

Get monthly charge breakdown for region


returns array

Lists total billing amount and first date time


returns array

Apply a coupon code


Set Json header


Convert/format bytes to other data types

$bunny->convertBytes($bytes, $convert_to = 'GB', $format = true, $decimals = 2);

Convert bool to int value


returns int

Close connection (Optional)


Video streaming zone interaction

Calling and setting stream library access key

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Corbpie\BunnyCdn\BunnyAPIStream;

$bunny = new BunnyAPIStream();


//Or set stream library access key at line 14 in BunnyAPI.php

You can only get the video library id from your stream library page Set video stream library id


$library_id stream library id int

Get video collections

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


Set video collection guid


$collection_guid video collection guid string

Set video guid


$video_guid video guid string

Get video collections for library id

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.

$bunny->getStreamCollections($page, $items_pp,$order_by);

$page page number int

$items_pp items to show int

$order_by order by string

Get streams for a collection

Requires setStreamLibraryId() and setStreamCollectionGuid() to be set.


Update stream collection

Requires setStreamLibraryId() and setStreamCollectionGuid() to be set.


$updated_collection_name the name to update video collection to string

Delete stream collection

Requires setStreamLibraryId() and setStreamCollectionGuid() to be set.


Create stream collection

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


$new_collection_name the name for your new video collection string

List videos for library

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


$collection_guid video collection guid string

Get video information

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


$collection_guid video collection guid string

Delete video

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


$library_id library id int

$collection_guid video collection guid string

Create video

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


$video_title video title string

Create video for collection

Requires setStreamLibraryId() and setStreamCollectionGuid() to be set.


$video_title video title string

Upload video

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.

Need to use createVideo() first to get video guid

$bunny->uploadVideo($video_guid, $video_to_upload);

$video_guid video guid string

$video_to_upload video filename string

Set thumbnail for video

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.

$bunny->setThumbnail($video_guid, $thumbnail_url);

$video_guid video guid string

$thumbnail_url image url string

Get video resolutions

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


Get video size

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.


Add captions

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.

$bunny->addCaptions($video_guid, $collection_guid, $label, $captions_file);

$video_guid video guid string

$srclang caption srclang string

$label label for captions string

$captions_file caption file URL string

Delete captions

Requires setStreamLibraryId() to be set.

$bunny->deleteCaptions($library_id, $video_guid, $srclang);

$video_guid video guid string

$srclang captions srclang string

DNS zone interaction

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Corbpie\BunnyCdn\BunnyAPIDNS;

$bunny = new BunnyAPIDNS();

Get DNS all zones


$library_id stream library id int

Get DNS zone


$zone_id DNS zone id int

Add a DNS zone

$bunny->addDNSZone($domain, $logging);

$domain domain name string $logging use logging bool

Add a DNS zone full

$parameters = array(
    'Domain' => '', 'NameserversDetected' => true, 'CustomNameserversEnabled' => true,
    'Nameserver1' => '', 'Nameserver2' => '', 'SoaEmail' => '[email protected]',
    'DateModified' => '2022-08-18 23:59:59', 'DateCreated' => '2022-08-18 23:59:59', 'NameserversNextCheck' => '2022-08-28 23:59:59',
    'LoggingEnabled' => true, 'LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled' => true

$parameters parameters to create array

Delete DNS zone


$zone_id DNS zone id int

DNS zone statistics


$zone_id DNS zone id int

Update DNS nameservers

$bunny->updateDNSZoneNameservers($zone_id, $custom_ns, $ns_one, $ns_two);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $custom_ns use custom nameservers bool $ns_one NS one string $ns_two NS two string

Update DNS SOA email

$bunny->updateDNSZoneNameservers($zone_id, $soa_email);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $soa_email NS one string

Add a DNS record by using parameters

$parameters = array('Type' => 0, 'Ttl' => 120, 'Accelerated' => true, 'Weight' => 200);
$bunny->addDNSRecord($zone_id, $name, $value, $parameters);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $name name string $value IP address string $parameters array

Add DNS A record

$bunny->addDNSRecordA($zone_id, $hostname, $ipv4);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $ipv4 IPv4 address string

Add DNS AAAA record

$bunny->addDNSRecordAAAA($zone_id, $hostname, $ipv6);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $ipv6 IPv6 address string

Add DNS CNAME record

$bunny->addDNSRecordCNAME($zone_id, $hostname, $target);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $target string

Add DNS MX record

$bunny->addDNSRecordMX($zone_id, $hostname, $mail, $priority);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $mail mail server string $priority int

Add DNS TXT record

$bunny->addDNSRecordTXT($zone_id, $hostname, $content);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $content txt contents string

Add DNS NS record

$bunny->addDNSRecordNS($zone_id, $hostname, $target);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $target string

Add DNS redirect

$bunny->addDNSRecordRedirect($zone_id, $hostname, $url);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $hostname hostname string $url redirect to string

Update DNS A record

$bunny->updateDNSRecordA($zone_id, $dns_id, $hostname, $ipv4);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $dns_id DNS record id int $hostname hostname string $ipv4 ipv4 address string

Update DNS AAAA record

$bunny->updateDNSRecordAAAA($zone_id, $dns_id, $hostname, $ipv6);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $dns_id DNS record id int $hostname hostname string $ipv6 ipv6 address string

Disable DNS record

$bunny->disableDNSRecord($zone_id, $dns_id);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $dns_id DNS record id int

Enable DNS record

$bunny->enableDNSRecord($zone_id, $dns_id);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $dns_id DNS record id int

Delete DNS record

$bunny->deleteDNSRecord($zone_id, $dns_id);

$zone_id DNS zone id int $dns_id DNS record id int

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bunnycdn-api's Issues

Is there a smart fileExists method?


sometimes I need to check if a file exists on the storage.
I currently just get the folder via listFiles and then check if the return array does contain the file.
But this can take quite some time as I might have thousands of files in the folder.
Is there a more clever way to do this?

Thanks for any ideas on this.

folderExists not working?

I am trying this:

          if ( $CDNStorage->folderExists($target) === false ) {  

This throws error like "can not create folder as it already exists".
So the folderExist does return false even that the folder exists already.

Any ideas?

Bunny CDN Stream upload encoding failed

Do you maybe know what can be a encoding problem with uploading to the stream?
I tried sending file as file, file as base64 encrypted and base64 with data content..

$videoFile -> is laravel UploadedFile type.
$video = 'data:' . mime_content_type($videoFile->path()) .';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($videoFile));

For all 3 tries in bunny dashboard gallery it shows encoding failed on a video.. Reencoding do not work as well.

Tried with mp4, webm, avi files..

Does 1.9.5 contains the new fileExists() ?

Just did an composer update and it says in my composer.lock that corbpie/bunny-cdn-api is now at v1.9.5 but looking at the code it downloaded, it does not contain the new fileExists() function.
Or am I doing something wrong?

Do I need to use your dev branch?
I am using master like this: "corbpie/bunny-cdn-api" : "*",

I have also deleted the corbpie folder from vendor and did again a composer update, still the same.

Thanks for any ideas.

Error in single high size video file.

{message: "ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)",ā€¦} exception: "ErrorException" file: "/home/admin/public_html/vendor/corbpie/bunny-cdn-api/src/BunnyAPI.php" line: 578 message: "ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115)"


i would like to integrate the code with my project (yes, i know composer exists but i need tighter integration), but my project is AGPL licensed while this one has no such license.

is this like public domain or something? i would like to know

purgeCache returns always a 400

Not sure if this is my fault...

If I use the example:


It returns a 400 code.
Of course I do not have access to, but if I try this here:
Then I get a 404 repsonse with this additional info:

  "ErrorKey": "pullZone.not_found",
  "Field": "PullZone",
  "Message": "The requested Pull Zone was not found"

So my question is why does this return a 400 when using this exension?
Also: this is the respone I get back:

 {"ErrorKey":"purge.urls_invalid","Field":"Urls","Message":"The purge request must contain at least one and no more than 50 URLs"}

And besides this, even If I try to use a pull zone where I have access to, it also always returns a 400 and does not purge.

Any idea?
Can somebody confirm that this exenstion is indeed purging correctly right now and also does return a 200 code on success?


Not logged in (ftp_login) failed

When running on the code $bunny->zoneConnect($storageZoneName, $accessKey); it show the follow errors
and i have check all the variable are there

Please let me know what make the error occurs
ErrorException ftp_login(): Not logged in

        $conn_id = ftp_connect((BunnyAPI::HOSTNAME));
        $login = ftp_login($conn_id, $storage_name, $this->access_key);

Composer support?

Any thoughts about adding composer support for easier use and updates in other projects? Iā€™d be happy to assist if you want.

Syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{'

Always getting this error, no matter if I try on PHP 7.4 or 8.0

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{' in /vendor/corbpie/bunny-cdn-api/src/BunnyAPI.php on line 294

Any ideas?

Which PHP version to use?

I got an error about php version.
"Package corbpie/bunny-cdn-api at version has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version (7.3.11)"

Which php versions are supported?

Return response for all valid http status codes

Currently, only 200 status code returns the response.

I suggest returning the response for 2XX status codes (e.g. 201 which means resources created). Also I suggest returning the response for errors i.e.


if ($responseCode >= 200 && $responseCode < 300) {
            return $this->data = json_decode($result, true);
        } else {
            return [
                'http_code' => $responseCode,
                'response' => json_decode($result, true),

Use a prs-7 http client instead of (only) curl

There are many clients that provide throttling, automatic retry, and a host of other goodies. I like the Symfony HttpClient, others like Guzzle.

Instead of making the API calls with curl, would you consider making them with a psr-7 client that the user installs and configures?

Basically, make the client generic, you could even document installing to continue using curl.

Thanks for releasing this. I like having the storage API and the system API all in the same bundle, currently I've installed the bunny storage where I just made the same request, and, which does use implement the psr7 client interface.

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