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core's Introduction

Contao Open Source CMS


Contao is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the project website for more information.


The purpose of this package is to develop the Contao bundles in a monorepo. Use it when you want to create a pull request or report an issue.

The monorepo is automatically split into separate packages:

Please do not use contao/contao in production! Use the split packages instead.

Platinum partners

Thanks to our platinum partners for helping us fund the development of Contao.


To create a pull request and to test your changes within a running Contao application, it is the easiest to use the Contao Managed Edition. Start by installing it in your current directory:

composer create-project --no-install contao/managed-edition <directory> <branch>

Replace <directory> with the directory where you want to install the Managed Edition (use . for the current directory). Replace <branch> with 5.x-dev if you want to add a new feature, or with <lts-version>.x-dev (currently 4.13.x-dev) if you want to fix a bug.

Then adjust the require section in your composer.json file, so Composer loads the monorepo instead of the individual bundles:

"require": {
    "php": "^8.1",
    "contao/contao": "5.x-dev"

Again, use 5.x-dev if you want to add a new feature or <lts-version>.x-dev if you want to fix a bug.

Next, install the dependencies:

composer update

Composer automatically clones the Git repository into the vendor/contao/contao folder. You can complete the setup by running vendor/bin/contao-setup on the command line.

Any changes you make in vendor/contao/contao will be tracked via Git, so you can submit your pull request directly from your application.

Running scripts

First install the code quality tools:

composer bin all install

Then run the code quality scripts via Composer:

composer all

You can also run the scripts separately:

composer rector
composer ecs
composer service-linter
composer monorepo-tools
composer unit-tests
composer functional-tests
composer phpstan
composer depcheck

Use the -- argument to pass additional flags to the underlying commands:

composer unit-tests -- --filter CoreBundle
composer ecs -- --clear-cache

Functional tests

To set up the functional tests, create a database named contao_test:

mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE contao_test"

If your database uses credentials, copy the file core-bundle/phpunit.xml.dist to core-bundle/phpunit.xml and adjust the following line:

    <env name="DATABASE_URL" value="mysql://root@localhost:3306/contao_test" />

Then run the functional tests via Composer:

composer functional-tests


To build the assets, you need a Node.js version >= 18.12 and the pnpm package manager. Then run these commands:

pnpm install
pnpm build

End-to-end tests

The Contao end-to-end tests are availabe as an NPM package. You can install and run them with pnpm:

pnpm add contao-e2e-tests --dev
pnpm contao-e2e-tests


Contao is licensed under the terms of the LGPLv3.

Getting support

Visit the support page to learn about the available support options.

core's People


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core's Issues

Count visits of every news reader page

Is it possible to show how much people are visit every news... in the news reader.. after the date of publishing and the name of the author.. may be in the same way like author and date.. with checkbox

--- Originally created by anonymous on September 1st, 2008, at 03:46pm (ID 36)

ModuleRegistration: Check for unique fields

the check for "uniqueness" is done against the DCA. In ModulePersonalData it is done against the $arrData array, which is copied from DCA.

I've noticed this because I use a custom registration module, and set "unique" inside the module for the e-mail field.

I'd suggest use the same method ($arrData preferred) in both modules.

--- Originally created on August 25th, 2008, at 10:14am (ID 9)

Kleine Dialogfenster bei "Bild einfügen" und "Link einfügen"

Möchte man im TinyMCE ein Bild einfügen oder eine Datei verlinken, so sind die Auswahlfenster sehr klein. Da die Pfade zu den Dateien im Typolight-Verzeichnis mit im Fenster stehen, sieht man meist nicht, welche Datei verlinkt wird bzw. wie das Bild heißt.

Schön wäre eine Möglichkeit zum Schrollen oder ein deutlich breiterer Dialog.

--- Originally created by anonymous on September 1st, 2008, at 08:46pm (ID 40)

Wrong title reference in feed xml-file

Instead of the real title of an event - it puts the date in.
Could not reprodeced in the demo => demo did not write any event in the feedfile.


      <title>26.09.2008 08:00 - 27.09.2008 18:00</title>
      <description><![CDATA[<p>Ort:<br />Hörsaal TIB 13b-A der TU Berlin<br 

--- Originally created by frankb on September 3rd, 2008, at 10:49pm (ID 50)

includeBlankOption Text

I'd like to be able to define the "includeBlankOption" text appearing in the select menu. This is exspecially useful for the member (frontend editable) fields.

How about a new eval-option "blankOptionText"? If not available, the default "-" can be used.

--- Originally created on August 21st, 2008, at 09:09am (ID 5)

Extended News-Module

My Idea:
Extend the news-module to the functionality of a standard article (tl_article), including functions to use standard-modules (text, headline, html etc.) ans so on.

Is this heavy work to do? Is it possible to change the "outfit" of the newsmoduile to that one of the article-module?!

What do you think?


--- Originally created by SharkeyO on September 1st, 2008, at 12:47pm (ID 34)

Keine Auswahl im "frame" dafür Fehlermeldng

der Frame in dem man den Frontenduser auswählen kann um die Vorschau der Seite anzuzeigen ist nicht korrekt ausgefült - die genaue Anzeige des Frames (FF3 - Aktueller Frame/zeige nur den aktuellen Frame) zeigt dann diese Fehlermeldung:

Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required 'pfadzumverzeichnis/v3honold/typolight/switch.php' (include_path='.:/opt/lampp/lib/php') in Unknown on line 0

es sind aber (2) User angelegt mit dem die Verkäufer Ihre Präsentationen herunterladen, die für den "normalen" Besucher nicht sichtbar sind.

Die Seite ist basiert auf dem manuellen Update von 2.5.9 auf 2.6.0
Auf dem selben Server ist eine weitere TL 2.6.0 Update-Version installiert, die ebenfalls die gleiche Meldung anzeigt.

Bei Bedarf kann ich mit FTP und TL Zugangsdaten dienen.

--- Originally created by kretschi on September 1st, 2008, at 11:08pm (ID 41)

BE Select inputType: includeBlankOption & required not working together

Select a BE field with:

'inputType'=> 'select',
'eval' => array('mandatory'=> true, 'includeBlankOption'=> true)

When submitted with a blank option, no error is generated. A blank option is not a valid option for a mandatory field, so this should generate a validation error.

--- Originally created by thyon on September 2nd, 2008, at 11:47am (ID 45)

New Icon still present in parent (sort 4) when table closed=true

using sorting mode = 4 (parent top, children below, e.g. tl_content), I set the DCA with closed=true.

This removes the "(+) new element" global operation, and also the (+) icons in the children elements, but it does not remove the (+) new icon in the parent element. the icon doesn't work, but it should also remove this icon, as the user might think they are able to create elements, and the table is closed for creating new elements.

--- Originally created by thyon on September 2nd, 2008, at 10:01am (ID 42)

Helpdesk - Displaying active tickets "mine first"

This sorting order doesn't seem to work properly: the active tickets are still sorted by priority, mine in the middle of the others.

--- Originally created by anonymous on September 1st, 2008, at 10:22am (ID 33)

Disable IP check when authenticating users

Provide a setting where IP checks can be disabled by the administrator (in SETTINGS), so that people like me coming from a country like South Africa, can logon to certain websites, as it seems the local Telecoms operator changes my "IP" to the rest of Europe on the fly...

--- Originally created by thyon on August 29th, 2008, at 04:24pm (ID 18)

pageTree Widget, dataContainer != Table

I found a problem in Widget PageTree on my TL 2.6beta2, it might also exist on older version.

The PageTree generateAjax() does not work if you don't use dataContainer Table. I have tried to add a page tree to the settings, and you'll get a Database error.

Here's what I patched on line 163ff of PageTree.php:

// Load current values
if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['dataContainer'] == 'File')
    if (strlen($GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$strField]))
        $this->varValue = $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$strField];
elseif ($this->Database->fieldExists($strField, $this->strTable))
    $objField = $this->Database->prepare("SELECT " . $strField . " FROM " . $this->strTable . " WHERE id=?")

    if ($objField->numRows)
        $this->varValue = deserialize($objField->$strField);

--- Originally created on August 18th, 2008, at 07:05pm (ID 3)

Download link stoped working after upgrade to the latest table

Before I upgraded to the latest stable 2.6.0, files ware downloaded with download.php and it worked smoothly. Now, with 2.6.0 upgrade installed, all download links URLs are changed and do not work anymore. Is it a bug or do I have to configure the system differently?

--- Originally created by bezner on September 1st, 2008, at 01:09pm (ID 35)

Organising templates in /templates folder

for convenience i organized the /templates folder at the root of TL for having subfolders relative to modules name:


here is how i modified the 2 functions in /system/libraries/Controller.php :

    protected function getTemplate($strTemplate)
        $strFile = sprintf('%s/templates/%s.tpl', TL_ROOT, $strTemplate);

        if (

            foreach ($this->Config->getActiveModules() as $strModule)
                $strPath = sprintf('%s/templates/%s/%s.tpl', TL_ROOT, $strModule, $strTemplate);
                if (file_exists($strPath)) {
                    $strFile = $strPath;

                $strPath = sprintf('%s/system/modules/%s/templates/%s.tpl', TL_ROOT, $strModule, $strTemplate);
                if (file_exists($strPath)) {
                    $strFile = $strPath;

        if ()file_exists($strFile))
            throw new Exception(sprintf('Could not find template file "%s"', $strTemplate));

        return $strFile;


    protected function getTemplateGroup($strPrefix)
        $arrTemplates = array();
        $arrFolders = array(TL_ROOT . '/templates');

        foreach ($this->Config->getActiveModules() as $strModule)
            $strFolder = sprintf('%s/templates/%s', TL_ROOT, $strModule);
            if (is_dir($strFolder)) {
                $arrFolders[] = $strFolder;

            $strFolder = sprintf('%s/system/modules/%s/templates', TL_ROOT, $strModule);
            if (is_dir($strFolder)) {
                $arrFolders[] = $strFolder;

        foreach ($arrFolders as $strFolder)
            $arrFiles = preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($strPrefix, '/') . '.*\.tpl$/i',  scan($strFolder));

            foreach ($arrFiles as $strTemplate)
                $arrTemplates[] = basename($strTemplate, '.tpl');

        return array_values(array_unique($arrTemplates));

that way it's still checking inside the root of /templates (i put there only fe_ templates) before checking /templates/module

it works for me and if you think it could be relevant enough, this could be a feature request

Related issues: #1348

--- Originally created by anonymous on September 2nd, 2008, at 12:20pm (ID 46)

Newsletter - Subscription e-mail activation link

Token-link in subscription e-mail doesn't work, when you use nummeric ID for a pages instead of its page alias to generate URLs.
You become an e-mail and click on the link, the page with module Subscribe opens but you don't see any information about your subscribtion activation and in backend you are still not activated.
It works perfectly when you use page alias. But there is a problem when token-link is generated whith a nummeric ID.

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 31st, 2008, at 09:28am (ID 26)

Error Code for Typolight

I am getting this error on my site when trying to access it.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /home/persh3/public_html/newsletter/index.php on line 57

The site is set to let users sign up for a newsletter and also has a form on it.

Thank you in advance

Allen Scarrow

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 28th, 2008, at 04:37pm (ID 10)

Insert Tags Drop Down


wie währe denn eine DropDown Auswahlbox im WYSIWYG Editor um InsertTags auf die schnelle eizufügen.

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 28th, 2008, at 07:44pm (ID 13)

Missing files in typolight-check.php

Die neue typolight-check.php (für Version 2.6) zeigt 2 Fehlende Dateien an die es nicht gibt (hab auch in den Sources nicht gefunden):

Ist jetzt im Grunde kein riesen Fehler... könnte aber manche schon verwirren.

(Ich finde leider keine passende Kategorie in Component. Vielleicht könnte man da die typolight-check ergänzen)

--- Originally created by MacKP on August 30th, 2008, at 01:16pm (ID 21)

Nach Update von 2.5.9 auf 2.6 Probleme mit TinyMCE

Hallo Leo,

ich habe gerade zwei Seiten von 2.5.9 auf 2.6 upgedatet. Beide Seiten laufen soweit fehlerfrei, außer das bei beiden der TinyMCE nicht mehr richtig "geladen" wird. Der Fehler tritt sowohl in Opera 9.5, FF 3 und IE 7 unter Vista auf - sieht immer gleich aus.

Ich habe keinen Rahmen mehr, nur wenige Buttons etc. - siehe Bild!

Viele Grüße

Download the attachments

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 30th, 2008, at 12:35am (ID 19)

Liveupdate does not fully check permission on local file system before updating

Sometimes the folder permissions are changed here and there for adding other modules, updating system and config files or custom edits.

The LiveUpdate function only checks a few file/folder locations for correct write permissions. Would it be possible to check all files/folders for correct permissions before upgrading.

This will prevent downloading the 3MB file, and then when writing all the files, it fails in many places due to incorrect permissions.

Perhaps permissions checking button, to write out a report of all the problem files/folders before you start with the live update. Or perhaps a modified version of the system check, which scans the folders files in the existing TL site.

e.g. readytoupgrade.php (in the root or system)

--- Originally created by thyon on September 2nd, 2008, at 11:44am (ID 44)

Enclosure for event can not be downloaded

I used the demo to verify my problem: When I add an enclosure to an event, the file cannot be downloaded from the frontend. My installation of typolight 2.6 gives me an "invalid-id" error, the demo says, such an event wouldn't exist. Download does work from the download-archive, though.

Download the attachments

--- Originally created by ziehm on August 30th, 2008, at 08:36pm (ID 24)

Seitenlayout kann nicht erstellt bearbeitet werden.


seit der Umstellung auf Version 2.6.0 kann ich kein Seitenlayout erstellen oder bestehende bearbeiten.

Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /home/www/web15/html/mainpage/system/modules/backend/DataContainer.php on line 214

Leider kann ich das in der Demo nicht nachvollziehen. Aber da läuft ja auch 2.5.11

Danke im Voraus für die Hilfe.


Download the attachments

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 29th, 2008, at 04:14pm (ID 17)

tl_page palette wrong

In the palette for page type regular, the horizontal line is above the "type" field, on all other pages it is below the "type" field.

--- Originally created on August 21st, 2008, at 02:25pm (ID 6)

Typolight vermischt Websiten

ich habe seit dem letzten Update (vorher wars zumindest nicht) ein kleines Problem. Ich betreibe über Typolight mehrere Websiten, ich habe also mehrere "Startpunkte neuer Websiten". Bisher lief alles gut. Doch seit kurzem habe ich ein Problem, wenn es in den verschiedenen Websiten gleiche Seitenaliase gibt, so haben z.B. alle Seiten eine Kontakt-Seite, die jedesmal den Alias "kontakt" vom System vergeben bekommen hat. Nun gibt es anscheinend eine dominierende Seite, denn alle Links auf oder verweisen auf

Leider sind es ziemlich viele überschneidungen und durch das bestehende Nutzerkonzept mit vielen Beteiligten kann ich nicht ausschließen, dass die Seiten gleich heißen. (Sie sollen es ja auch).

Was kann ich also tun, damit wieder alles reibungslos funktioniert?

Danke für die Hilfe und ich hoffe, daß meine Frage verständlich war.


--- Originally created by anonymous on September 1st, 2008, at 06:59pm (ID 37)

ModulePersonalData: Username == Password

Now I checked against the trunk, and seem to have found another issue...

On line 137 of ModulePersonalData.php, we check if the new password matches the current username. But check is against the user object. Username could have been changed in the same post-value!

--- Originally created on August 25th, 2008, at 09:14am (ID 8)

Benutzer Rechte für Formulargenerator erweitern

wäre es möglich den Benutzern die rechte geben zu können neue Formulare anzulgen (bzw. schon angelegte zu kopieren)?
Aktuell können nur Formulare die schon von Administratoren angelegt wurden bearbeitet werden.

Da ich die extension Events Attend Module einsetzte bräuchte ich allerdings auch die Möglichkeit der Benutzergruppe diese Rechte zu geben, da die sonst keine neuen Anmeldungen erstellen können. Ein kompletter Admin Zugang wäre viel zu viel.

--- Originally created by MacKP on August 30th, 2008, at 10:50pm (ID 25)

Friendly name format for system administrator email

Could we allow friendly name format (aka email cloaking) for system administrator. Since this email is used for sending form mails for example, it would be nice to have the option to use something like System Administrator [[email protected]] to get 'System Administrator' to be displayed in email client instead of rough email address. Please.

Related issues: #1217, #1426

--- Originally created by bezner on September 1st, 2008, at 08:42pm (ID 39)

System: Einstellungen: keine Eingaben werder akzeptiert beim Speichern

Kürzlich wurde von 2.5x auf 2.6 geupdated. Jetzt können unter den System-Einstellungen keine Eingaben gemacht werden resp. sie werden allesamt nicht übernommen nach dem Speichern.

Cache wurde gelöscht, zwei verschiedene Browser gebraucht (Firefox 3 und Safari), ein- und ausgeloggt … wieso werden dennoch keine Eingaben in diesem wichtigen Formular übernommen?

--- Originally created by anonymous on September 2nd, 2008, at 05:02pm (ID 48)

Custom BE Ajax actions

Hi Leo,

I'm developping a set of new modules which one required the definition of a new field form similar to pagetree.
The problem is that to use it to create a module, I need to display it like a pagetree and use Ajax to allow deployment of values to select.

But I see that your class Ajax is not extendable to new actions in both





I think I've searched every solutions possible but none has worked so I come with this solution :
In the previous methods on each switch case, I add a default case who implement a custom action and getter and setter.
See the code of my Ajax.php in the attached file.

Like you can see, I didn't modify anything in your class, I've simply added new generics fonctionnalities.
Now, I want to know what you think of integrate this evolution on Typolight and, why not, some ideas to improve my solution.

To go further, why not make the class Ajax, a library class who get an singleton class Action in the library too => like this we can register all actions we want without risk to disable a friend action in another module and more it can be used on both front end and back end modules.

Download the attachments

--- Originally created by Chriscool on August 29th, 2008, at 03:38pm (ID 16)

bei event_teaser.tpl auch eine Ausgabe vom Monat (wie bei firstDay)

so das über dem ersten Event in dem Monat der Monat einmal steht. Das wäre für die Übersicht sehr schick, da man dann eine bessere Struktur da rein bekommt. Am besten wäre natürlich auch der Ausgeschriebene Monatsname (aber das kann man sich ja auch per Hand aus den Zahlen machen).

--- Originally created by MacKP on August 31st, 2008, at 01:10pm (ID 27)

replaceInsertTags doesn't seem to work in TypoLight 2.6

The template rendering got interrupted after inserting a file with {{file::myphpcode.php}}. After that, it only display me the tags, in my case :


--- Originally created by anonymous on August 28th, 2008, at 06:25pm (ID 12)

TYPOlight Systemdiagnose Tool

Hallo Leo !

Die Systemdiagnose sagt, dass die Dateien


fehlen. Allerdings sind diese in 2.6.0 auch nicht mehr enthalten.

Bug ?

Gruß Alex

--- Originally created by abroess on August 30th, 2008, at 03:16pm (ID 22)

Mootools 1.2

As discussed on the forum, I'd recommend to switch to the new Mootools 1.2

Attached you can find my latest releases of the TYPOlight Javascripts, updated for Mootools 1.2

Download the attachments

--- Originally created on August 18th, 2008, at 06:38pm (ID 1)

$this->left shows &nbsp; when no content

Hi I've noticed that 'if ($this->left)' statement gives always true because even when left module is off in page layout, it still echoes  
I've started to use
if ($this->left && $this->left!=" ") {
in my fe_....tpl but I think that should be only temporary solution.

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 30th, 2008, at 05:30pm (ID 23)

css-validator -> .dp-about .close falscher Farbwert

in der Datei plugins/dpsyntax/dpsyntax.css
hat sich ein kleiner Tippfehler eingeschlichen:
.dp-about .close ->
Ungültige Nummer : background-color Ungültige Nummer #exeadb

Zeile 6 fast ganz am Ende.

Wenn ich mir die Anordnung der Tastatur anschaue sollte das glaube ich #eceadb (wird vorher auch schon genutzt) heißen.

Dann klappts auch mit dem css-validator wieder ;-)

--- Originally created by MacKP on August 31st, 2008, at 10:12pm (ID 30)


Hey Leo

Zuerst sehr schöne Seite, gefällt mir gut. Auf der Seite ist mir folgender Rechtschreibefehler aufgefallen: TYPOlight webCSM.
Und wenn ich auf das Logo oben links klicke, werden bei mir die CSS Dateien nicht dargestellt.

Liebe Grüsse innovativecreation

--- Originally created by anonymous on August 28th, 2008, at 05:07pm (ID 11)

Log out the current front end user before creating the search index

If a front end user has been logged in via switch.php, you cannot rebuild the search index (TL will not index pages while a front end user is logged in). So, just logged out any front end user when the job is started.

--- Originally created on August 31st, 2008, at 02:21pm (ID 28)

Module Registration, Check Username == Password

In ModuleRegistration on Line 154, TL tries to check if the username is the same as the password, and return an error if it is.

I think this will never match, as the $objWidget is instance of "FormPassword", not "Password", right?

--- Originally created on August 24th, 2008, at 08:32pm (ID 7)

Images only in fileTree

I'd like to see the list of extensions limited in fileTrees where only images should be choosen. Example would be the Content Element "Text", adding an image.

--- Originally created on August 18th, 2008, at 07:06pm (ID 4)

d-m-y date format shows as 1908 instead of 2008 in news calendar

If I change the date format in settings from Y-m-d to d-m-y to show the year as 08 instead of 2008, it changes the date displayed in the frontend correctly.

However if I then try and amend or add a new date in a news article the pop up calendar show the year as 1908 not 2008.

This happens on the demo site too.

--- Originally created by 360fusion on August 31st, 2008, at 08:23pm (ID 29)

Repeat events with additional parameters

  1. Add the possibility to add a more complete events specification for REPEAT events, e.g.
[x] Yearly in:

Months (checkboxes)
[x] January 
[x] February, etc.

[x] On the:

[First] (second, third, fourth, last -- dropdown)

[Monday] (tues, wed, thu, fri -- dropdown)

  1. Possibly have the ability to add a custom event calculation (although I could write this as an extension) to calculate detailed holidays like Easter (which require a 10-step formula).

With these two features, it would be possible to create a Holiday Calendar for a country and then post it as XML or possibly even iCal format, so that other sites can subscribe to these holidays.

Similar calendars can then be set-up for Muslim and other calendar.

If this is not possible, perhaps the ability to parse iCal subscriptions and to enable/disable certain events in them. (Google's or Apple's iCal published).

Related issues: #90

--- Originally created by thyon on September 1st, 2008, at 07:13pm (ID 38)

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.