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bdajax's Introduction

bdajax provides JavaScript helper functions and a simple dispatcher system driven by XML-attributes. Attributes are defined in its own XML namespace, placed in the XHTML markup.

The dispatcher basically provides two behaviors

  • trigger events
  • perform actions

Behaviors are bound to JavaScript events.

This package bundles required resources for the use of bdajax inside a pyramid or zope application. It does NOT include the required server implementations. bdajax can be used with other Python or non-Python server backends too as long as action performing code is implemented and available through browser URL.

The main paradigm is the use of an event/listener model. It enables bdajax to listen to events and trigger events on ajaxified DOM components.

Consider a navtree as example; the idea is to trigger an event when a navigation item gets clicked. Click semantically indicates a changed context. Then listen to this event on all DOM elements to get notified on changing server context.

This makes it possible to have completely decoupled "sub-applications" knowing nothing but an event contract from each other.

Following attributes are available:

ajax:bind="evt1 evt2"
Indicate bdajax behavior on DOM element and the event(s) triggering it/them.
ajax:event="evt1:sel1 evt2:sel2"
Trigger event(s) on selector. The triggered event gets the target as additional parameter on event.ajaxtarget.
ajax:action="name1:selector1:mode1 name2:selector2:mode2"
Perform AJAX action(s) on selector with mode. Selector points to target DOM element, mode defines how to modify the DOM tree. Possible mode values are inner and replace.
AJAX target definition. Consists out of target context URL and a query string used for requests on the target context. ajax:target is mandatory when ajax:event is defined, and optional when ajax:action is defined (depends on if event is triggered by bdajax or browser event).
ajax:confirm="Do you really want to do this?"
Show confirmation dialog before actually executing actions and trigger events.
Renders ajax action to overlay with selector. selector is optional and defaults to #ajax-overlay. content_selector is optional to selector and defaults to .overlay_content.
Additional CSS class which is added when overlay is opened and removed as soon as overlay is closed.
Indicate AJAX form. Valid only on form elements. Value gets ignored.

Sets the browser URL path and pushes history state if supported by browser. If value is href, path gets taken from href attribute. If value is target path gets taken from event ajaxtarget or ajax:target attribute. Otherwise value is taken as defined.

On popstate event bdajax executes the definitions written to state object. The state object consists of target, action and event attributes. Execution behaves the way described at ajax:action and ajax:event.

Target gets taken from ajax:path-target if set, otherwise falls back to target from event ajaxtarget or ajax:target. If ajax:path-target set with empty value, target gets taken from path.

Action gets taken from ajax:path-action if set, otherwise falls back to ajax:action. If ajax:path-action set with empty value, action execution on history state change can be suppressed even if ajax:action is set.

Event gets taken from ajax:path-event if set, otherwise falls back to ajax:event. If ajax:path-event set with empty value, event triggering on history state change can be suppressed even if ajax:event is set.

Overlay gets taken from ajax:path-overlay if set, otherwise falls back to ajax:overlay. If ajax:path-overlay set with empty value, overlay triggering on history state change can be suppressed even if ajax:overlay is set.

Additional CSS class for overlay gets taken from ajax:path-overlay-css if set, otherwise falls back to ajax:overlay-css.

If no action and no event and no overlay defined on history state change, bdajax performs a redirect to target.

Bdajax appends the request parameter popstate=1 to requests made by history browsing. This is useful to determine on server side whether to skip setting ajax path as continuation definition.

Can be used in conjunction with ajax:path.
Can be used in conjunction with ajax:path.
Can be used in conjunction with ajax:path.
Can be used in conjunction with ajax:path.
Can be used in conjunction with ajax:path.


No selectors containing spaces are supported!

This package already includes resource configuration for Zope and pyramid. This is done by ZCML. Include the following ZCML include statement to your ZCML configuration:

<include package="bdajax" />

The expected ajaxaction view is not provided. Its intended to be provided by a custom implementation. See 'Perform actions' below.

Load bdajax related Scripts:

  include jquery 1.7+.
<script src=""></script>

  overlay could be included via jquerytools bundle or overlay.js directly
<script src=""></script>

  bdajax related Javascript.
<script src=""></script>

  optionally add bootstrap 3 overlay hook if bootstrap is used.
<script src=""></script>

Load bdajax related CSS:

  bdajax related default styles.
<link href=""
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

  optionally use bootstrap 3 bdajax related styles if bootstrap is used.
  no need to include default styles in this case.
<link href=""
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

Make sure the content of or is rendered in Markup.

In order to keep your XHTML valid when using the XML namespace extension define this namespace in the XHTML document:

<html xmlns=""

Indicate bdajax behavior on DOM element:

<a href=""
   ajax:bind="keydown click">

Binds this element to events keydown and click.

Bind event behavior to DOM element:

<a href=""

This causes the contextchanged event to be triggered on all DOM elements defining contextsensitiv css class. The extra attribute ajaxtarget gets written to the event before it is triggered, containing definitions from ajax:target.

Set path directly, triggers event on history state change:

<a href=""

Take path from target, performs action on history state change:

<a href=""

Take path from href attribute, trigger overlay:

<a href=""

An action performs a JSON request to the server and modifies the DOM tree as defined.

bdajax expects a resource (i.e a zope/pyramid view or some script) named ajaxaction on server. Resource is called on target url with target query parameters. Three additional arguments are passed:

name of the action
given selector must be added to response. Can be NONE, which means that no markup is manipulated after action (useful i.e. in combination with continuation actions and events).
the manipulation mode. Either inner or replace or NONE (see above).

The resource is responsible to return the requested resource as a JSON response in the format as follows:

    mode: 'inner',             // the passed mode
    selector: '#someid',       // the passed selector
    payload: '<div>...</div>', // the rendered action
    continuation: [{}],        // continuation definitions

Action continuation

The continuation value defines an array of tasks which should be performed after an ajax action returns. Available continuation definitions are described below.


    'type': 'action',
    'target': '',
    'name': 'actionname',
    'mode': 'inner',
    'selector': '.foo'


    'type': 'event',
    'target': '',
    'name': 'eventname',
    'selector': '.foo',
    'data': {}


    'type': 'path',
    'path': '/some/path',
    'target': '',
    'action': 'actionname:.selector:replace',
    'event': 'contextchanged:#layout',
    'overlay': 'acionname:#custom-overlay:.custom_overlay_content',
    'overlay_css': 'some-css-class'


    'type': 'overlay',
    'action': 'actionname',
    'selector': '#ajax-overlay',
    'content_selector': '.overlay_content',
    'css': 'some-css-class',
    'target': '',
    'close': false

Overlays dynamically get a close button. In order to keep overlay contents easily alterable inside the overlay element an element exists acting as overlay content container. content_selector defines the selector of this container.

Setting close to true closes overlay at selector. In this case action and target are ignored.


    'type': 'message',
    'payload': 'Text or <strong>Markup</strong>',
    'flavor': 'error',
    'selector': null,

Either flavor or selector must be given. Flavor could be one of 'message', 'info', 'warning', 'error' and map to the corresponding bdajax UI helper functions. Selector indicates to hook returned payload at a custom location in DOM tree instead of displaying a message. In this case, payload is set as contents of DOM element returned by selector.

If both flavor and selector are set, selector is ignored.

Be aware that you can provoke infinite loops with continuation actions and events, use this feature sparingly.

Trigger actions directly

Bind an action which is triggered directly:

<a href=""

On click the DOM element with id fubar will be replaced by the results of action renderfubar. Request context and request params are taken from ajax:target definition.

Trigger actions as event listener

Bind an action acting as event listener. See section 'Trigger events'. A triggered event indicates change of context on target with params. Hereupon perform some action:

<div id="content"

Note: If binding actions as event listeners, there's no need to define a target since it is passed along with the event.

Bind multiple behaviors to the same DOM element:

<a href=""

In this example on click event contextchanged is triggered, action rendersomething is performed and URL path /some/path get set.

Bdajax can display a confirmation dialog before performing actions or trigger events:

<a href=""
   ajax:confirm="Do you really want to do this?">

If ajax:confirm is set, a modal dialog is displayed before dispatching is performed.

Ajax actions can be rendered to overlay directly by using bdajax:overlay:

<a href=""

This causes bdajax to perform action acionname on context defined in ajax:target and renders the result to an overlay element.

In addition a selector for the overlay can be defined. This is useful if someone needs to display multiple overlays:

<a href=""

Optional to a custom overlay selector a content container selector can be defined:

<a href=""

Overlays can be closed by setting special value CLOSE at bdajax:overlay, optionally with colon seperated overlay selector:

<a href=""

bdajax displays application messages in a jQuery tools overlay.

bdajax.message displays a plain message. bdajax.warning and bdajax.error decorates message with appropriate icon:

bdajax.message('I am an application Message');

Load ajax action contents into an overlay:

var overlay_api = bdajax.overlay({
    action: 'actionname',
    target: '',
    selector: '#ajax-overlay',
    content_selector: '.overlay_ontent',
    css: 'additional_overlay_css_class'

selector is optional and defaults to #ajax-overlay.

content_selector is optional to selector and defaults to overlay_ontent.

Default overlay and default overlay content selector can be overwritten at bdajax.default_overlay_selector respective bdajax.default_overlay_content_selector.

css is optional and can be used to set a CSS class to overlay DOM element on open. This class gets removed as soon as overlay is closed.

Optionally to target, url and params can be given as options to the function. If both, target and url/params given, target is used.

Ajax overlays can be closed by passing close option to bdajax.overlay. When closing an overlay, overlay selector is considered as well from options if given, otherwise bdajax.default_overlay_selector is used.

    close: true,
    selector: '#ajax-overlay'

bdajax.overlay supports an on_close callback in options.

var on_close = function() {
    // do something
    action: 'actionname',
    target: '',
    on_close: on_close

Render a modal dialog inside an overlay. The function expects an options object and a callback function, which gets executed if user confirms dialog. The callback gets passed the given options object as well. message is mandatory in options:

var options = {
    message: 'I am an application Message'
bdajax.dialog(options, callback);


Parse hyperlinks for base URL:


This results in:



Parse hyperlinks for request parameters:


This results in:

{ param: 'value' }

The raw query as string can be parsed by additionally passing true to parsequery:

.. code-block:: js
bdajax.parsequery('', true);

This results in:

.. code-block:: js


Parse hyperlinks for path without base URL:

.. code-block:: js

This results in:

.. code-block:: js

The query can be included by additionally passing true to parsepath:

.. code-block:: js
bdajax.parsepath('', true);

This results in:

.. code-block:: js


Parse all information at once by calling parsetarget:


This result in:

    url: '',
    params: { param: 'value' },
    path: '/some/path',
    query: '?param=value'

bdajax.request function is convenience for XMLHTTPRequests. By default it sends requests of type html and displays a bdajax.error message if request fails:

    success: function(data) {
        // do something with data.
    url: 'foo',
    params: {
        a: 'a',
        b: 'b'
    type: 'json',
    error: function() {
        bdajax.error('Request failed');

Given url might contain a query string. It gets parsed and written to request parameters. If same request parameter is defined in URL query AND params object, latter one rules.


Callback if request is successful.
Request url as string.
params (optional)
Query parameters for request as Object.
type (optional)
xml, json, script, or html.
error (optional)
Callback if request fails.

Success and error callback functions are wrapped in bdajax.request to consider ajax spinner handling automatically.

Sometimes actions need to be performed inside JavaScript code. bdajax.action provides this:

var target = bdajax.parsetarget('');
    name: 'content',
    selector: '#content',
    mode: 'inner',
    url: target.url,
    params: target.params


Action name
result selector
action mode
target url
query params

Sometimes events need to be triggered manually. Since bdajax expects the attribute ajaxtarget on the received event a convenience is provided.

Target might be a URL, then it gets parsed by the trigger function:

var url = '';
bdajax.trigger('contextchanged', '.contextsensitiv', url);

Target might be object as returned from bdajax.parsetarget:

var url = '';
var target = bdajax.parsetarget(url);
bdajax.trigger('contextchanged', '.contextsensitiv', target);

Optionally, a data argument can be passed to bdajax.trigger, which gets set at the ajaxdata attribute of the event:

var url = '';
var data = { opt: 'val' };
bdajax.trigger('contextchanged', '.contextsensitiv', url, data);

To set URL path:

    path: '/some/path',
    target: '',
    action: 'layout:#layout:replace',
    event: 'contextchanged:#layout',
    overlay: 'actionname',
    overlay_css: 'additional-overlay-css-class'

bdajax.path also accepts a replace option. If given browser history gets reset.

    path: '/some/path',
    target: '',
    action: 'layout:#layout:replace',
    replace: true

Forms must have ajax:form attribute or CSS class ajax (deprecated) set in order to be handled by bdajax:

<form ajax:form="True"

Ajax form processing is done using a hidden iframe where the form gets triggered to. The server side must return a response like so on form submit:

<div id="ajaxform">

    <!-- this is the rendering payload -->
    <form ajax:form="True"


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    // get response result container
    var container = document.getElementById('ajaxform');

    // extract DOM element to fiddle from result container
    var child = container.firstChild;
    while(child != null && child.nodeType == 3) {
        child = child.nextSibling;

    // call ``bdajax.render_ajax_form`` on parent frame (remember, we're in
    // iframe here). ``render_ajax_form`` expects the result DOM element,
    // the ``selector``, the fiddle ``mode`` and ``continuation``
    // definitions which may be used to perform ajax continuation.
    parent.bdajax.render_ajax_form(child, '#my_ajax_form', 'replace', {});


If div with id ajaxform contains markup, it gets rendered to selector (#my_ajax_form) with mode (replace). This makes it possible to rerender forms on validation error or display a success page or similar. Optional bdajax continuation definitions can be given.

Again, bdajax does not provide any server side implementation, it's up to you providing this.

NOTE - As of bdajax 1.10 the continuation definitions are passed directly to render_ajax_form instead of calling bdajax.continuation. This is necessary because render_ajax_form removes the hidden iframe after processing to prevent useless browser history entries. Please adopt your server side code when updating to version 1.10.

Integration of custom JavaScript to the binding mechanism of bdajax is done via bdajax.register. The register function takes a function and a boolean flag whether to immediately execute this function as arguments.

The passed binder function gets called every time bdajax hooks up some markup and gets passed the changed DOM part as context:

(function($) {

    var custom_binder = function(context) {
        $('mysel', context).on('click', function() { ... });

    $(document).ready(function() {
        bdajax.register(custom_binder, true);


Migration from old style registered binders

Prior to bdajax 1.9, binder functions were registered by directly manipulating bdajax.binders object. While this still works, it's not supposed to be used any more.

When migrating to bdajax.register, be aware that the context of this changes if binder function is member of a global object. To ensure proper execution, the binder function should be bound manually to the object it gets executed in, or the code should be adopted.

Thus, migrating code registering myob.binder as bdajax binder looks like so:

(function($) {

    var myob = {
        binder: function(context) {
            // ``this`` is expected to refer to ``myob``

    $(document).ready(function() {
        // old way of binding
        bdajax.binders.myob_binder = myob.binder;

        // new way of binding if context of ``this`` should be kept


bdajax is tested with common modern browsers:

  • Firefox
  • IE
  • Edge
  • Chome
  • Safari

If you find bugs or inconsistencies please report them on github.

  • Robert Niederreiter (Author)
  • Attila Oláh
  • Johannes Raggam

bdajax's People


rnixx avatar thet avatar agitator avatar jensens avatar chaoflow avatar


 avatar Jonathan Barratt avatar Michael Haubenwallner avatar


 avatar  avatar AnneGilles avatar Peter Mathis avatar Georg Gogo. BERNHARD avatar James Cloos avatar Harald Friessnegger avatar  avatar Julian Handl avatar

bdajax's Issues

Moving ajax-* divs in a different section

Currently there some divs (ajax-form,ajax-overlays.etc) defined in They are put into the template inside

. Unfortunately some diazo's templates may remove that section, so I wonder if it is possible to move them in a different place (maybe the content div?) or use METAL to fill up a template slot.

Make used overlay implementation pluggable

Currently, bdajax:overlay uses the overlay implementation from jquerytools. We should wrap bdajax internal overlay calls into a dedicated API and make the concrete overlay implementation pluggable. Thus some can use the overlay/dialog implementation from bootstrap, jqueryui, jquerytools, etc

Move ``document.ready`` calls to the end of all JS resources

When loading JavaScript with <script src="..." async="async"/> then those are loaded while the DOM tree is still parsed and eventually afterwards. document.ready is thrown when the DOM tree is loaded and eventually before the async scripts are finished loading.
Currently bdajax and the shop bundles are not ready to be loaded asynchronously because document.ready is always loaded on top of the JavaScript resources - before the code they try to initialize is actually loaded.

With async loading, this line errors with Cannot set "spinner" on undefined (or similar):

The whole document.ready needs to be moved to to the end of the script before })(jQuery); in line 798. For bdajax and all other shop scripts.

Then async="async" works nicely.

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