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Comments (16)

mikemhenry avatar mikemhenry commented on July 21, 2024 2

I'll try and take a look into this more tomorrow, thank you so much for investigating!

from mumps-feedstock.

hmacdope avatar hmacdope commented on July 21, 2024 2

As a partial update @traversaro @akhmerov we have some friends at Quansight looking into fixing the METIS 5.2.1 build (hopefully). Will keep you posted.

from mumps-feedstock.

traversaro avatar traversaro commented on July 21, 2024 2

Personally I am in favor of stopping the metis 5.1.1 migration and switching back to metis 5.1.0 here and in the other migrated feedstocks (see Once metis 5.2.1 is ready, we can try it and if it works fine proceed with the 5.2.1 migration, I am not sure if any other @conda-forge/mumps @conda-forge/metis have any other opinion. I would be happy to do the necessary PRs to stop the migration and revert migrated repos to 5.1.0 .

from mumps-feedstock.

traversaro avatar traversaro commented on July 21, 2024 1

Thanks a lot for the thorough investigation @akhmerov, I totally agree. At this point, considering also the other failures we are seeing with metis 5.1.1 (conda-forge/gtsam-feedstock#21) we could consider reverting the migration to 5.1.1 at the conda-forge level, and stick to 5.1.0 until metis 5.2.1 is available. This has the downside that dgl will not be installable side-by-side with other conda-forge packages that depend on metis, but if anyone really needs that they can invest in the work either in packaging metis 5.2.1 or ensuring that the package of interest build for both metis 5.1.0 and 5.1.1 .

Any opinion on this @conda-forge/metis @conda-forge/dgl @conda-forge/mumps ?

from mumps-feedstock.

minrk avatar minrk commented on July 21, 2024 1

conda-forge/conda-forge-pinning-feedstock#5396 halts the migration. Rebuilds can start once that lands. Looks like only 10 packages. @Traverso feel free to ping me on any un-migrate PRs

from mumps-feedstock.

traversaro avatar traversaro commented on July 21, 2024

@akhmerov just to understand, is this crash related to python -c "import kwant; kwant.test()" (that was in theory fixed in #88) or something else?

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

It's a different segfault caught by our updated tests (that's why kwant.test() passes now, while the unreleased version of tests crashes). Because it works with the same version of mumps and with different orderings though, I expect that the problem is not on our side.

Here is the crash in CI, but I'll provide a more self-contained example in a bit.

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

I have investigated the failure more, and I have arrived to the following reproducer that works on Ubuntu 23.10.

First Make an environment

name: mumps_bug
    - conda-forge
    - mumps-seq=5.2.1
    - metis=5.1.1
    - kwant=1.4.4
    - valgrind
    - pytest
    - pip
    - pip:
      - pytest-valgrind

Download this test file

import itertools
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pytest import raises
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal

import kwant
from kwant._common import ensure_rng

import kwant.solvers.sparse
import kwant.solvers.mumps
no_mumps = False

mumps_solver_options = [
    {'nrhs': 10, 'ordering': 'metis'},
    {'nrhs': 10, 'sparse_rhs': True, 'ordering': 'metis'},
    {'nrhs': 2, 'ordering': 'metis', 'sparse_rhs': True},

solvers = list(itertools.chain(
    [("mumps", opts) for opts in mumps_solver_options],

def solver_id(s):
    solver_name, opts = s
    args = ", ".join(f"{k}={repr(v)}" for k, v in opts.items())
    return f"{solver_name}({args})"

@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=mumps_solver_options)
def solver(request):
    solver_opts = request.param
    solver = kwant.solvers.mumps
    return solver

def smatrix(solver):
    return solver.smatrix

def greens_function(solver):
    return solver.greens_function

def wave_function(solver):
    return solver.wave_function

def twolead_builder():
    rng = ensure_rng(4)
    system = kwant.Builder()
    left_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
    right_lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
    for b, site in [(system, chain(0)), (system, chain(1)),
                    (left_lead, chain(0)), (right_lead, chain(0))]:
        h = rng.random_sample((n, n)) + 1j * rng.random_sample((n, n))
        h += h.conjugate().transpose()
        b[site] = h
    for b, hopp in [(system, (chain(0), chain(1))),
                    (left_lead, (chain(0), chain(1))),
                    (right_lead, (chain(0), chain(1)))]:
        b[hopp] = (10 * rng.random_sample((n, n)) +
                   1j * rng.random_sample((n, n)))
    return system

n = 5
chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=n)
sq = square = kwant.lattice.square(norbs=n)

def test_output(twolead_builder, smatrix):
    fsyst = twolead_builder.finalized()

    result1 = smatrix(fsyst)
    s, modes1 =, result1.lead_info
    assert s.shape == 2 * (sum(len(i.momenta) for i in modes1) // 2,)
    s1 = result1.submatrix(1, 0)
    result2 = smatrix(fsyst, 0, (), [1], [0])
    s2, modes2 =, result2.lead_info
    assert s2.shape == (len(modes2[1].momenta) // 2,
                        len(modes2[0].momenta) // 2)
    assert_almost_equal(abs(s1), abs(s2))
    assert_almost_equal(, s),
    raises(ValueError, smatrix, fsyst, out_leads=[])
    modes = smatrix(fsyst).lead_info
    h = fsyst.leads[0].cell_hamiltonian()
    t = fsyst.leads[0].inter_cell_hopping()
    modes1 = kwant.physics.modes(h, t)[0]
    h = fsyst.leads[1].cell_hamiltonian()
    t = fsyst.leads[1].inter_cell_hopping()
    modes2 = kwant.physics.modes(h, t)[0]

def test_smatrix_shape(smatrix):
    chain = kwant.lattice.chain(norbs=1)

    system = kwant.Builder()
    lead0 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,)))
    lead1 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((1,)))
    for b, site in [(system, chain(0)), (system, chain(1)),
                    (system, chain(2))]:
        b[site] = 2
    lead0[chain(0)] = lambda site: lead0_val
    lead1[chain(0)] = lambda site: lead1_val

    for b, hopp in [(system, (chain(0), chain(1))),
                    (system, (chain(1), chain(2))),
                    (lead0, (chain(0), chain(1))),
                    (lead1, (chain(0), chain(1)))]:
        b[hopp] = -1
    fsyst = system.finalized()

    lead0_val = 4
    lead1_val = 4
    s = smatrix(fsyst, 1.0, (), [1], [0]).data
    assert s.shape == (0, 0)

    lead0_val = 2
    lead1_val = 2
    s = smatrix(fsyst, 1.0, (), [1], [0]).data
    assert s.shape == (1, 1)

    lead0_val = 4
    lead1_val = 2
    s = smatrix(fsyst, 1.0, (), [1], [0]).data
    assert s.shape == (1, 0)

    lead0_val = 2
    lead1_val = 4
    s = smatrix(fsyst, 1.0, (), [1], [0]).data
    assert s.shape == (0, 1)

def test_reflection_no_open_modes(greens_function):
    # Build system
    syst = kwant.Builder()
    lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1, 0)))
    syst[(square(i, j) for i in range(3) for j in range(3))] = 4
    lead[(square(0, j) for j in range(3))] = 4
    syst[square.neighbors()] = -1
    lead[square.neighbors()] = -1
    syst = syst.finalized()

    # Sanity check; no open modes at 0 energy
    _, m = syst.leads[0].modes(energy=0)
    assert m.nmodes == 0

    assert np.isclose(greens_function(syst).transmission(0, 0), 0)

Place the file in an empty folder and activate the environment. Observe that running py.test in that folder, while sometimes finishes (disregard the errors, they are not relevant), sometimes segfaults with

================================================================================= test session starts ==================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.1, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.3.0
rootdir: /home/anton/tmp/mumps_bug
plugins: valgrind-0.2.0
collected 9 items                                                                                                                                                               FFF...FFFatal Python error: Segmentation fault

Current thread 0x00007f6926919740 (most recent call first):
  File "/home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kwant/linalg/", line 243 in analyze
  File "/home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kwant/linalg/", line 320 in factor
  File "/home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kwant/solvers/", line 104 in _factorized

Furthermore, running valgrind using PYTHONMALLOC=malloc valgrind --show-leak-kinds=definite --log-file=valgrind-output py.test --valgrind --valgrind-log=valgrind-output gives (after a fairly long wait) this error that looks relevant:

________________________________________________________________________ test_reflection_no_open_modes[solver0] ________________________________________________________________________

Valgrind detected both an error(s) and a leak(s):

**3904598** **********************************************************************
**3904598** **********************************************************************
==3904598== More than 100 errors detected.  Subsequent errors
==3904598== will still be recorded, but in less detail than before.
==3904598== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3904598==    at 0x53A159F8: libmetis__genmmd (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53A16CBC: libmetis__MMDOrder (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53A17090: libmetis__MlevelNestedDissection (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53A175DB: METIS_NodeND (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53963A5F: __mumps_ana_ord_wrappers_MOD_mumps_metis_nodend_mixedto32 (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53756C60: __zmumps_ana_aux_m_MOD_zmumps_ana_f (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x5384CA2F: zmumps_ana_driver_ (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x538D3700: zmumps_ (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x538D8ABD: zmumps_f77_ (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x538CFB25: zmumps_c (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/
==3904598==    by 0x53713DE9: __pyx_pw_5kwant_6linalg_6_mumps_6zmumps_5call (in /home/anton/micromamba/envs/mumps_bug/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kwant/linalg/
==3904598==    by 0x32F93E: UnknownInlinedFun (pycore_call.h:92)
==3904598==    by 0x32F93E: PyObject_Vectorcall (call.c:325)

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

Also: installing metis=5.1.0 makes the segfault disappear and removes the Valgrind error (the leak stays, but it's likely irrelevant).

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

Investigating the issues with Metis 5.1.1, it seems unavoidable. I suggest skipping 5.1.1 and waiting until 5.2.1 arrives to the feedstock (conda-forge/metis-feedstock#41 if it succeeds).

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

This is becoming a blocker for using the feedstock on windows. There:

  • Version 5.2.1 misplaces .lib files so that mumps isn't found by meson
  • Version 5.6.2 lacks mumps_int_def.h (#100)

(I'm just working on a feedstock over here: conda-forge/staged-recipes#25042)

from mumps-feedstock.

hmacdope avatar hmacdope commented on July 21, 2024

The basic blocker is KarypisLab/GKlib#23 (comment).

If we don't get a response soon we will do a release targeting latest sha.

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

I'm a bit concerned about counting on that, see the evaluation of Metis 5.2 by SuiteSparse DrTimothyAldenDavis/SuiteSparse#291 (comment)

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

Would it be an appropriate solution to have build variants for metis 5.1.0 and 5.2.1 (when it's available)? Looking at #88, the only difference is whether to apply the patch.

On the other hand only packaging for a library that wasn't tested (metis 5.2.1) or even isn't releasable right now seems like a potential for a lot of pain for the users.

from mumps-feedstock.

akhmerov avatar akhmerov commented on July 21, 2024

Since the packages are now effectively broken, I would really appreciate that.

from mumps-feedstock.

traversaro avatar traversaro commented on July 21, 2024

More examples of metis 5.1.1 problems in the wild: ami-iit/bipedal-locomotion-framework#799 .

from mumps-feedstock.

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