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cellift-artifacts's Introduction

Artifacts Evaluation - README - Usenix Security 2022

For Paper: CELLIFT: Leveraging Cells for Scalable and Precise Dynamic Information Flow Tracking in RTL


Steps needed after this git repo is cloned:

  1. Obtain the Docker image. (Human time: 1 minute. Computer time: likely many hours.)
  2. Install Xilinx Vivado. (Human time: 2 minutes. Computer time: several hours.) (Optional, we included our own Vivado logs)
  3. Run experiments. (Human time: 30 minutes, on and off. Computer time: several days.)

Welcome to the Artifact of this paper. We have made considerable effort to make the process of reproducing experiments both reliable and painless, and we hope that this shows. We will estimate the required computer time and human time for each step.

Requirements: Hardware: memory: this is unfortunately a very heavyweight artifact, due to the resource-intensive nature of the Verilog transformation and synthesis into C++ code (especially by the competition, GLIFT), and of FPGA synthesis. To reproduce all results, including memory requirements for C++ synthesis (figure 7), 256GB of RAM will be required. If such a machine is not available, re-using already-generated binaries in the Docker image is possible, but of course this memory measurement step can't be done. Under these circumstances a desktop with 64GB of RAM should be able to run all the remaining experiments.

Hardware: storage: The Docker image is 330GB. A squashed and tidied image will be vastly smaller, but it may be harder to provide incremental updates if needed, hence our decision to make the huge, layered image available. To download the image and download and install Vivado, together, we estimate a total of 500GB of storage will be needed. Installing Vivado is optional.

Software: OS: we tested our Docker image on a Ubuntu 22.04 host machine. But we expect any reasonable modern docker-capable distro will work. The OS requirements for Vivado are of course entirely up to Xilinx, but some recent Ubuntu distro's are supported.

Software: FPGA synthesis tool (no fpga hardware required): We depend on Xilinx Vivado (we tested v2019.3) and a large device target. This requires a license. If no license is available, a 30-day trial license can be obtained automatically. If you don't wish to do this, you can use our Vivado logs.

Steps to reproduce this work

Obtain the Docker image. (Human time: 1 minute. Computer time: likely many hours.)

First thing to do: retrieve evaluation image from dockerhub. This includes all of the source code of CellIFT, and of target designs that were used throughout the paper. This is excluding the FPGA results.

Pull image:

    docker pull

Stable digest:

    Digest: sha256:9a15d4070d321026ad4d5d9ba5a236842c6c456279f9c08f4fa4132de7b399ce

Pull by hash:

    docker pull

However, if you pull by hash, make sure the new image has the tag so the next instructions work.

Start a container using the Docker image to run experiments. (Human time: 5 minutes, on and off. Computer time: several days.)

All experiments have already been reproduced inside this image, as can be seen in the comments and commands in the Dockerfile. The Dockerfile is also a convenient reference on how to run each experiment.

First, start a new container with the image:

    docker run -it /bin/bash

WARNING: if you exit this shell (thereby stopping the container), the state will not be saved. If you wish to save the state, run a 'docker commit' on the container to save its state.

This procedure assumes you don't want to rebuild everything from scratch. If you do, the full source code for it is in /cellift-meta/ in the Docker image. The Dockerfile in there has the steps to produce the base image that the artifact Dockerfile is based on (see hash-addressed FROM line in the Dockerfile).

In the container, lots of the tools assume this environment, so we first do this:

    . /cellift-meta/

Assign CELLIFT_JOBS the desired degree of parallelism:

    export CELLIFT_JOBS=16

All the previously created experimental results are in /cellift-meta/experimental-data/, so let's move them so the scripts won't skip work because there are already results:

    mv /cellift-meta/experimental-data/ /cellift-meta/experimental-data-prev

this path contains charts and data from experiments captured on our own systems and can be used as comparison material.

Cell microbenchmarks for reproducing Figure 6 (human time: several minutes at a time. computer time: a day)

    cd /cellift-meta/cellift-ubenchmarks
    make verilator_build NUM_EXECUTIONS=100000 
    make verilator_run NUM_EXECUTIONS=100000 -j$CELLIFT_JOBS
    make collect -j$CELLIFT_JOBS NUM_EXECUTIONS=100000"

The verilator_build step in particular takes a very long time unless there are many cores. The final chart will be saved in


and can be retrieved with docker cp. The result should look like Figure 6 in the paper. Example:

    docker cp b446538f950c:/cellift-meta/cellift-ubenchmarks/fig/ubench_separate.png .           

Instrument and synthesize the design files for reproducing Figure 7 (human time: several minutes at a time. computer time: many hours)

The CellIFT-specific files for each verilog design target are in each of these directories:


If you wish to rebuild the binaries to simulate the designs in the various instrumentation modes, go to each of these directories, and build the desired simulation binary targets. Building these is necessary to reproduce Figure 7, the instrumentation and synthesis time.

    make clean # Otherwise nothing will happen, the binaries are already there
    bash cellift_notrace
    bash cellift_trace
    bash glift_notrace
    bash glift_trace
    bash passthrough_notrace
    bash vanilla_notrace
    bash vanilla_trace

All of these have to be executed in each of the design directories above. This will take a long time, in particular for the glift targets. For Ariane (cellift-cva6 dir) and Boom (cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom dir) the glift targets eventually fail (timeout or OOM), so we recommend these are skipped, although they can be tried if they are running on a machine with a lot of memory and the evaluator has much patience.

The results are logged in /cellift-meta/experimental-data/resources/. This data is collected and charted with:

    cd /cellift-meta/python-experiments

These scripts will print the path names of the output charts they produced:


To copy the chart out and view it, docker cp can be used. The result should look like Figure 7 in the paper.

Execute RISCV benchmarks on vanilla and instrumented designs to reproduce Figure 8 (human time: several minutes at a time. computer time: several hours on a fast machine.)

To reproduce Figure 8 we execute benchmarks on many design variants. This is driven by the plotting target, so we only have to do this:

    cd /cellift-meta/python-experiments

The result is in respectively:


Together these should look like Figure 8.

FPGA synthesis to reproduce Figure 9 (human time: several minutes at a time. computer time: several days)

Reproducing the FPGA synthesis experiments is outside a Docker container.

First we show how to reproduce our results with our provided Vivado logs. We go to the repo and execute the chart script. that takes as an argument the root path where all the FPGA experiments and outputs are stored. We provided our own in GITREPO/our-fpga-results. Let's reproduce these first:

    cd GITREPO/cellift-fpga-glance/plot_fpga
    python3 ../../our-fpga-results

This gives output like:

    BOOM vanilla /home/beng/development/cellift-ae/our-fpga-results/boom_vanila/report_utilization_impl.txt
    BOOM vanilla /home/beng/development/cellift-ae/our-fpga-results/boom_vanila/report_timing_impl.txt
    data for paths:
    {   'Ariane': {'cellift': 25.64, 'vanilla': 11.693},
        'BOOM': {'cellift': 31.041, 'glift': 37.108, 'vanilla': 9.363},
        'Ibex': {'cellift': 14.305, 'glift': 19.345, 'vanilla': 9.509},
        'PULPissimo': {'cellift': 21.517, 'glift': 20.561, 'vanilla': 18.228},
        'Rocket': {'cellift': 18.705, 'glift': 29.265, 'vanilla': 6.94}}
    data for LUTs:
    {   'Ariane': {'cellift': 970154, 'vanilla': 41192},
        'BOOM': {'cellift': 1625704, 'glift': 1856776, 'vanilla': 73536},
        'Ibex': {'cellift': 17417, 'glift': 25871, 'vanilla': 3469},
        'PULPissimo': {'cellift': 154555, 'glift': 232830, 'vanilla': 32318},
        'Rocket': {'cellift': 104128, 'glift': 118598, 'vanilla': 11965}}
    ['BOOM', 'Ariane', 'PULPissimo', 'Ibex', 'Rocket']

And output in:


Which should look like Figure 9. (Some re-ordering is likely.)

To reproduce all FPGA experiments, we need Vivado. This will take several days to run.

Installing Vivado

We used Vivado v.2019.1.1 (lin64) Build 2580384 for the paper. To install Vivado, download the unified archive from

Download this file: Download: "Vivado Design Suite - HLx Editions - 2019.1 Full Product Installation" Vivado HLx 2019.1: All OS installer Single-File Download (TAR/GZIP - 21.39 GB) MD5 SUM Value : 47388a71dc5962a4b8d76e752928616e

from the extracted directory, run these commands to install vivado from just the commandline:

    $ ./xsetup -b ConfigGen

choose 2. Vivado HL Design Edition

The installer will respond with "Config file available at..". Edit the file, we'll call the file it prints CONFIGFILE, and set Destination=.. to a suitable dir. We'll call the dir you select DESINATIONDIR. Then run the installer:

    $ ./xsetup --a XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms -b Install -c CONFIGFILE

it should finish with:

    INFO : Installation completed successfully.

Now source the Vivado settings script:

    $ source DESTINATIONDIR/Vivado/2019.1/

Obtain the hostid by executing vlm on the target machine, click on 'view host information' under 'view system information.' copy the hostname and the first NIC ID exactly.

Obtain a license on login (create an account if needed). pass the export check. get a license for 'vivado ml enterprise edition.' Get a host-locked license. Enter the hostname and the NIC ID. You will be mailed a license file. Copy that file, and in vlm click on 'load license,' press the button 'copy license,' and select the file. It should be added successfully.

Vivado can now be used for the fpga experiments.

Now go to the Artifacts repo, to the cellift-fpga-glance dir. Now, in each design directory, for each instrumentation type, create a run directory, and execute vivado from there. To automate this, we do:

    cd GITREPO/cellift-fpga-glance

This will take a long time in total. The script does have some incremental logic to skip fully complete synthesis runs, but it will take a little flexibility from the operator to abort the GLIFT runs when they take too long. Intermediate results (see next step) can be generated continually, as the output .txt files are generated at each synthesis step, so long running synthesis cases are no disaster.

The end result of this step is report_timing_impl.txt, report_timing.txt, report_utilization_impl.txt, and report_utilization.txt in dirs DESIGN/INSTR_proj (for 5 DESIGN values and 3 INSTR values).

To generate the plots for your own data, point the plot script to the root of all the output files:

    cd GITREPO/cellift-fpga-glance/plot_fpga
    python3 ../

This again produces this output:


Which should look like Figure 9. (Some re-ordering is likely.)

Execute Spectre and Meltdown POCs to reproduce Figure 11 (human time: a few minutes. computer time: a few minutes.)

To execute the code that reproduces Meltdown and Spectre and analyze the results:

    cd /cellift-meta/python-experiments
    make -C /cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/boom_attacks_v1_nofdiv/
    make -C /cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/boom_attacks_v1/
    make -C /cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/scenario_1_load_tainted_data_forbidden/
    make -C /cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/scenario_load_tainted_data_user_mode
    make -C /cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/scenario_1_load_tainted_data_ok

The final plot script produces 4 charts, each showing us the number of tainted elements as a function of time in the 4 cases shown in Figure 11. The script prints the 4 output files. In our test run we see:


The result should resemble the individual curves in Figure 11.

Execute architectural scenarios to support Section 8.4.

    cd /cellift-designs/cellift-pulpissimo-hdac-2018/cellift
    bash -e

The expected output ends with:

    Bug 1 detected:  SPI and GPIO are tainted with the same store operation.
    Bug 6 detected:  SoC control and GPIO (APB) are tainted with the same store operation.
    Bug 8 detected:  SoC control and SPI and GPIO are tainted with the same store operation.
    Bug 4 detected:  GPIO lock has been written to by software.
    Bug 27 detected: Interrupt mask written from user mode.
    Bug 5 detected:  GPIO lock has been reset.
    Bug 25 hinted:   No mismatch in taint occurrence clock cycles.
    Experiment complete.

The experiments are described in Section 8.4 - we execute deliberately buggy programs that our taint policy detects as such. This is done by analyzing the signal trace that each simulation in The control flow of that script is very readable and shows us how these conclusions are reached in detail.

Execute stats to regenerate chart in appendix. (human time: a few minutes. computer time: many hours.)

To reproduce the cellstats figure in the appendix, we provide the raw data in the image, as they take quite some time to produce (instrumentation).

To generate the plot from this data:

    cd /cellift-meta/python-experiments

this produces


This should look like Figure 12.

If you wish to regenerate the stats file from scratch, remove the .log files in /cellift-designs/cellift-pulpissimo-hdac-2018/cellift/statistics and all other design dir. Then in each design dir, run:

    make statistics/glift.log statistics/cellift.log statistics/vanilla.log

and re-run the script.

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