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sharepress's Introduction

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: aaroncollegeman, joeyblake
Donate link:
Tags: facebook, twitter, social, like, posts, page
Requires at least: 2.9
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 2.2.36

Automatic posting and reposting to Facebook and Twitter.

== Description ==

**SharePress** is a WordPress plugin that automatically shares your content to Facebook and Twitter.

**Note:** This version of SharePress is being sunset, and will no longer be supported after December 31, 2015. 
You can read about this decision [here](
There are currently no plans to continue SharePress development beyond December 31, 2015.

Features of this plugin include:

* Automatically publish your WordPress posts to your personal Facebook wall
* Publish to all of the Facebook pages you manage
* Publish to your Twitter followers
* Customize each Facebook status message
* Control the image Facebook uses just by setting the post's featured image
* Customize Twitter status hashtag
* Delay SharePress' sharing for minutes, hours, or days after a post goes live
* Schedule reposts of your content: keep traffic flowing to your site day and night
* Total control over all Facebook open graph meta data using filters and/or custom fields

SharePress is compatible with WordPress Multisite (MU) and WordPress Multi-Network.

= Why use SharePress instead of those other guys? =
Two great reasons:

**Focus** Integrating with social networks is hard, so we focus on the big providers—Facebook and Twitter—so 
that SharePress can continue to be the most reliable solution for automatic
posting and reposting. You write good content, and we'll keep the oauth out of your hair.

**Ease of use** Simple is hard, but we're committed to keeping SharePress easy to use. Like WordPress' core 
features, we'll always try to keep our defaults sensible, and our options pages short. This ensures SharePress 
is easy to use for you, your clients and customers, and also keeps SharePress healthy and easy to maintain.

But don't take our word for it...

= Who uses SharePress? =

Awesome people like these:

Mike Schepker of <a href="" target="_blank"></a> says

> SharePress is the easiest, most reliable plugin for getting your WordPress content onto your Facebook page. Setup was a breeze and I have not experienced any issues with the new plugin. SharePress is a much more elegant solution than other services like Networked Blogs. SharePress was the first premium plugin I've ever purchased for my site, and let me tell you, it was well worth the money.

Corey Brown of <a href="">No Treble</a> and <a href="">Squidoo</a> says

> I've been a lucky beta tester for SharePress for about 6 months now. Not only is it completely reliable, the feature set is second to none. I'd been trying to solve the WordPress-to-Facebook page issue for quite some time, and SharePress stands alone with its feature list. This is a game changing plugin (have you seen the repost feature!?). And if that wasn't enough, this one has the best support I've ever seen from a plugin developer.

Tim Stephenson of []( says

> Firstly, thanks for creating SharePress - it's the first plugin for social "cross posting" I've come across that actually just works, and more importantly, works reliably every time you use it!

David Delaney of []( says

> "I'm all set now. Thank you very much for your help and for this awesome plugin."

Dan Winer of []( says

> I can't tell you how many Facebook plugins I have tried and none of them have been reliable enough, simple enough or flexible enough for simply posting new posts to a Facebook Page. Finally I have found SharePress - simple, reliable, flexible, (cheap) - Thank you so much Fat Panda! If only I had found you earlier.

Jason Hess of <a href="" target="_blank"></a> says

> SharePress is exactly what I needed to keep all my followers and fellow enthusiasts up-to-date with the greatest of ease. Why post twice when SharePress does all the work for you!? You can't beat the support either!

== Installation ==

Want to try SharePress for FREE?

1. Get the plugin. Activate the plugin.

2. [Create a Facebook application](

3. Go to Settings / SharePress, and run setup.

Need support? [Get the Pro version].(

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I purchased a license key for SharePress; how do I get support? =

E-mail based tech support is available to license holders until December 31, 2015. 

All you have to do is e-mail us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

== Changelog ==

= 2.2.36 =
* Facebook no longer supports read_stream permission

= 2.2.35 =
* If user already had a license key, don't hide it

= 2.2.34 =
* No more license keys version! SharePress can now be used to publish to Facebook and Twitter without the need to purchase a license key. You can read about this decision [here](

= 2.2.33 =
* Remove "share_item" scope request

= 2.2.32 =
* Version bump: compatible with WordPress 4.2.1

= 2.2.31 =
* Update Facebook setup to require new page-posting permissions

= 2.2.30 =
* Fix notice errors on settings screen
* Version bump: compatible with WordPress 4.0

= 2.2.29 =
* Facebook permissions update

= 2.2.28 =
* Compatible with WordPress 3.9
* Admin utility for flushing settings

= 2.2.27 =
* Gracefully fix twitter authentication keys

= 2.2.26 =
* Added new support ticket system
* Version bump: compatible with WordPress 3.8.1

= 2.2.25 =
* Added: Filter "sp_auto_flush_fb" for disabling Facebook cache flushing: just return false
* Fixed: in MU environments, blog admins can't run SharePress setup

= 2.2.24 =
* Compatible with WordPress 3.8
* Fixed: Hide the wait spinner when there are SharePress validation issues on publish
* Fixed: Default value for "append_link" was "1" instead of "on", so radio field on settings screen was empty
* Fixed: Changed wording of notification that links users to the SharePress settings page after plugin installation
* Fixed: Made License Key field visible ahead of Facebook App setup
* Fixed: Wrong link for creating a Facebook app
* Fixed: Clearer instructions for Site URL, App Domains, and Sandbox mode settings

= 2.2.23 =
* Fix syntax for older versions of php

= 2.2.22 =
* Added: Finally, pro users can hide their personal wall using custom filters. Refer to the instructions in sharepress-mu.php

= 2.2.21 =
* Added: more detailed sharepress error email when multiple open graph tags exist

= 2.2.20 =
* Fixed: facebook cache buster the old one is behind a login now! Uses api call.
* Added: a link to the posts editing page to kick the facebook linter for a published post
* Fixed: a couple of og:meta bugs
* Compatible with WordPress 3.7.1

= 2.2.19 =
* Version bump: compatible with WordPress 3.7
* Note: though we increased og:image image size in version 2.2.18, the Facebook API appears to only use small thumbnails for links posted this way; but rest assured we'll be prepared to support larger images if and when Zuck changes his mind... which happens all the time.

= 2.2.18 =
* Take advantage of new, larger image sizes in Facebook posts

= 2.2.17 =
* Fix bug where scheduled/delayed posts would fail.

= 2.2.16 =
* Version bump to fix bug in deployment script

= 2.2.15 =
* Change: Strip html tags out of og:title

= 2.2.14 =
* Fixed: No more unintentional posting of pages and custom post types!
* Change: Compatible with WordPress 3.6

= 2.2.13 =
* Change: Tweak documentation formatting.

= 2.2.12 =
* Change: SharePress Multi-Site and Multi-Network configuration made easier
* Change: Make it possible to take advantage of centralized license key configuration without forcing the use of a single Facebook app across the multi-site or multi-network installation
* Added: Support for Facebook's [new article Open Graph meta tags]( article:publisher and article:author

= 2.2.11 =
* Fix: Compatible with Twitter's API v1.1

= 2.2.10 =
* Change: Compatible with WordPress 3.5.1
* Change: No longer using for support or usage tracking - too expensive
* Change: Implemented Google Analytics for anonymous usage tracking, on by default but can be disabled from the settings screen
* Change: For usability, gray-out Application pages from Target lists

= 2.2.9 =
* Change: Compatible with WordPress 3.5

= 2.2.8 =
* Change: Compatible with WordPress 3.4.1
* Added: Restore the ability to set image Facebook uses to be the first image in the Post's gallery

= 2.2.7 =
* Change: Version bump - compatible with WordPress 3.4

= 2.2.6 =
* Fixed: Corrected major usability issue in initial setup process

= 2.2.5 =
* Fixed: SharePress was posting Page updates to default sharing targets - DOH!
* Added: Now reporting SharePress version to intercom, so that I can safely notify users who haven't upgraded without annoying users who have

= 2.2.4 =
* Added: More concise description of schedule fixing feature on settings screen regarding
* Change: When using schedule fixing feature, ignore errors that occurred more than twenty-four hours ago
* Fixed: Sometimes Facebook API errors still made it through into WP admin screen, instead of being handled and warning the user

= 2.2.3 =
* Added: Schedule fixing feature is off by default, and is now configurable from the settings screen

= 2.2.2 =
* Fixed: Twitter posting was broken in 2.2
* Fixed: Posts created via the QuickPress on the Dashboard weren't posting to Facebook or Twitter
* Added: A technique for recovering from "missed schedules" - not necessarily the fault of SharePress

= 2.2.1 =
* Fixed: Big bug in "The first image in the content" option for Facebook post image
* Added: Better control over new support features

= 2.2 =
* Change: Fail gracefully from Facebook API issues, and never clear stored session token unless asked to do so by an administrator (e.g., run setup again)
* Change: No more hourly cron "keeping alive" the session token
* Change: Cache things for a LONG time - at least 30 days in most cases - including request for user profile data, as well as page (target) list and the access tokens therein
* Change: Failure to post to Facebook now no longer results in failure to post to Twitter - the post will still go to Twitter, if programmed to do so
* Fixed: The default open graph image is now 200x200 - well within Facebook's required minimum range
* Added: In-admin support care of Intercom

= 2.1.24 =
* Added: New filter: sharepress_user_can_edit_post($bool_can_edit, $wp_post) - return boolean indicating whether or not the current user has permission to modify sharepress meta data for the given $post
* Added: New filter: sharepress_ignore_save_nonce($bool_can_ignore) - return boolean indicating whether or not a valid nonce should be required for modification a post's sharepress meta data

= 2.1.23 =
* Fixed: When searching for images in post content, do not execute shortcodes - in some instances, this was creating content duplication on the page, in others content would not appear
* Fixed: strtotime error that was appearing for any post that had been published to Facebook more than once
* Fixed: When using the "Use the first image in the post" option, and when photos are set in the gallery, SharePress was selecting the last option, not the first
* Fixed: Corrected the language "Use the first image in the post," (hopefully) made it less confusing
* Added: Debugging (logging) can now be enabled via the settings screen in the admin
* Change: Updated Plugin description to eliminate any confusion created by differences in FREE and Pro versions of SharePress
* Change: Raised og:image size to 200x200 from 150x150

= 2.1.22 =
* Fixed: sharepress_og_tag_<tagName> didn't include $post or $meta arguments the way sharepress_og_tags does
* Added: Allow for open graph meta tag content to be overriden on a case-by-case basis by post meta data

= 2.1.21 =
* Fixed: Press-This tool
* Fixed: Somehow turned logging on by default; setting back to off by default
* Fixed: Issue with preg_replace turning extra whitespace into funky characters in og:description

= 2.1.20 =
* Updated: Link to better setup instructions

= 2.1.19 =
* Fixed: Version bump to address Subversion commit mishap

= 2.1.18 =
* Added: Better debugging output for MU sites that use Domain Mapping
* Added: More concise logging of Facebook meta data and API results
* Added: Read-only fields for Facebook App ID, Secret, and the current User Access token
* Added: Link for jumping to Facebook's Debugger to view details about the User Access token
* Fixed: Restored text about the offline access deprecation and link to my blog post about it (

= 2.1.17 =
* Fixed: Sometimes, the server would fail to verify's SSL certificate; we set sslverify => false, so this shouldn't happen again
* Added: Global default Twitter hashtag

= 2.1.16 =
* Fixed: Using the core Facebook classes is breaking installations. Going back to renaming the core classes.

= 2.1.15 =
* Fixed: Trapping for wrong Facebook class, resulting in upgrades failing if some class named Facebook already exists in the stack

= 2.1.14 =
* Fixed: Custom values for og:locale were not displaying in meta tags
* Fixed: Deleted the remaining Fancybox stuff... I thought I did this once before, but it came back!
* Fixed: Reimplemented Facebook PHP SDK, making better use of OOP design, and correcting some problems with session management
* Added: Better logging for issues

= 2.1.13 =
* Fixed: Was using '150x150' to control og:image thumbnail size, but it needed to be array(150, 150)

= 2.1.12 =
* Fixed: "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_post_thumbnail_id() in /home/chicagop/public_html/wp-content/plugins/sharepress/sharepress.php on line 564"

= 2.1.11 =
* Fixed: If the global default for Open Graph image is set to Global Default, then you can't use "Use Featured Image" option on individual posts

= 2.1.10 =
* Added: Support for custom post types. See:

= 2.1.9 =
* Fixed: Unlocked version was posting "null" in status message

= 2.1.8 =
* Fixed: If user unchecks "Same as title" and leaves the message box empty, don't fill it up automatically

= 2.1.7 =
* Added: Hourly cron job that pings the Facebook API, helping to ensure stored access token stays current

= 2.1.6 =
* Fixed: Stop caching API results
* Fixed: When publishing via XML-RPC, post meta would have title "Auto Draft" and default WP shortlink

= 2.1.5 =
* Fixed: After setting up Facebook app, user was being redirected to options-general.php instead of options-general.php?page=sharepress

= 2.1.4 =
* Fixed: More orphaned Fancybox stuff (sorry!)

= 2.1.3 =
* Fixed: Orphaned bit of JS from when Fancybox was part of SharePress

= 2.1.2 =
* Added: Allow SharePress to be disabled globally with sharepress_enabled filter
* Fixed: There was a bug in the setup step, preventing some users from getting past SDK connect... yikes

= 2.1.1 =
* Added: Delay configuration now visible from post management screen

= 2.1.0 =
* Added: The ability to delay new posts from being posted to SharePress for a user-defineable amount of time.

= 2.0.25 =
* Fixed: "Let facebook choose" mode will now seek out the first image in the content, but only if it finds no other available configuration data (e.g., featured image, or images from the post's gallery)
* Added: powered URL shortening (optional)
* Change: Moved the Save Settings button over to the right and fixed it at the top, since the settings page is now awfully long... and maybe just awful.
* Fixed: SharePress::setting was returning $default when stored setting was == false

= 2.0.24 =
* Fixed: Another bug in og:image selection - this one in the "let facebook choose" mode

= 2.0.23 =
* Fixed: Proper detection of Featured Image defaults in XML-RPC posts
* Change: Dismiss inline errors as user makes corrections to meta data selections (e.g., if we say pick a target, and they do, immediately hide the error)

= 2.0.22 =
* Fixed: Regression: not posting in XML-RPC requests

= 2.0.21 =
* Fully compatible with WordPress 3.3 "Sonny"
* Change: "Let Facebook choose" mode for post image has been replaced with "Use the first image in the post," which is a much better default
* Change: Don't display the setup warning everywhere
* Added: Now you can toggle the post link that appears at the end of Facebook messages
* Added: Filter "sharepress_get_permalink" for influencing the permalink SharePress uses in posts to Facebook and Twitter, and for the og:url field
* Fixed: Scheduled posts were posted to Facebook even when set not to be
* Fixed: Don't display error for Featured Image when post is being submitted for review by a contributor

= 2.0.20 =
* Fixed: (again) Taking another shot at the shortcode-in-og:description-problem
* Fixed: Usability issues with the new Featured Image confirmation prompt
* Added: New global options for controlling from where the picture used by Facebook is sourced (featured image, global, or essentially-random)
* Change: Turned off the pinger. I wasn't using the data, and it upset some of my licensed customers. This will come back later in some more manageable form

= 2.0.19 =
* Fixed: The sharepress-mu.php file was all kinds of broken. Now works for the purpose of setting your license key, App Id, and App Secret in one place. Also, it's no longer part of the distribution. Sent only to people who buy the license.
* Fixed: Shortcodes appearing in og:description
* Fixed: Google+Blog wasn't posting to Facebook
* Fixed: Missing campaign tracking on some links in free version of the plugin
* Fixed: Default image size now 150x150
* Added: JS confirmation when no Featured Image is specified
* Added: Optional Twitter hash tag, customizeable for each post

= 2.0.18 =
* Fixed: If a Facebook connection error occurs on the Edit Post screen, the error message is hidden in the collapsed "Advanced" section of the meta box
* Fixed: Sometimes WP fires SharePress' one-minute cron job more than once a minute, resulting in multiple posts to Facebook
* Fixed: OG meta tags not turned on by default
* Fixed: A bunch of usability issues in the Settings screens
* Added: You can now elect to have your Posts shared on Twitter - no messaging customization yet: just post title and permalink

= 2.0.17 =
* Change: The Open Graph tags SharePress is allowed to insert can now be independently turned on and off, instead of in bulky groups
* Added: fb:app_id can be inserted automatically
* Added: og:description can be inserted automatically

= 2.0.16 =
* Added: Log file viewer

= 2.0.15 =
* Fixed: Upgraded to Facebook PHP SDK 3.1.1
* Fixed: Now using oAuth 2.0 for Facebook login
* Fixed: No longer using JavaScript SDK in the admin, so domain name restrictions no longer matter (i.e., WordPress MU)
* Fixed: No longer dependent upon cURL, instead using WP_Http (thanks to [Curtiss Grymala](

= 2.0.14 =
* Fixed: Some minor issues related to calling array_merge without a defined array

= 2.0.13 =
* Fixed: The bug introduced by 2.0.12 - everything was considered RPC because I forgot to treat the constant like a constant...

= 2.0.12 =
* Added: Support for posting to Facebook with SharePress via XML-RPC. You can't configure what the Facebook post will say -- it's all defaults. But it didn't work at all before. This is progress.

= 2.0.11 =
* Fixed: I wasn't actually reading the user's per-post configuration when determining what image to identify in the og:image tag

= 2.0.10 =
* Fixed: Stop escaping unicode characters in og: meta data
* Added: You can now indicate that SharePress should only insert the og:image meta tag; this is useful for installations that already have plugins inserting the meta data, but not the og:image tag

= 2.0.9 =
* Fixed: Choice "No" in SharePress meta box was not being saved
* Fixed: Took some steps to reduce issues with license keys
* Added: a lot more logging statements, to help debug some problems with scheduled posts

= 2.0.8 =
* Change: Facebook changed the URL for the linter, so I've updated SharePress to use the new URL

= 2.0.7 =
* Change: Made it possible to reset the Facebook session from within the text of critical error messages

= 2.0.6 =
* Fixed: For sites that don't use a Page for the front door, the og:url meta was using the first permalink of the first post from the loop. This is wrong, it should be using the siteurl on the home page. This is now fixed.
* Fixed: Default piture was not being used on Posts that didn't set a Featured Image, but weren't set to allow Facebook to pick a picture

= 2.0.5 =
* Change: Renamed "Sharepress" to "SharePress"
* Added: Tutorial video for setting up SharePress and registering a Facebook Application

= 2.0.4 =
* Fixed: Major bug in setup process, prevented establishing API key and app secret in the database.

= 2.0.3 =
* Fixed: Featured Image feature of SharePress was not working unless the activate Theme supported post-thumbnails.

= 2.0.2 =
* Fixed: Activating SharePress when the active theme did not use add_theme_support('post-thumbnails') would result in error messages being displayed in the Media management tool and other places

= 2.0.1 =
* Fixed: cron job is working again
* Fixed: cron job is no longer dependent upon activation/deactivation
* Fixed: if Facebook error occurs on Settings screen, wp_die is thrown with directions on how to get more information
* Fixed: no inline error when user has no Pages to manage

= 2.0 =
* SharePress Pro is now available! If you want access to the pro features, you'll need to upgrade SharePress and then buy a license key. This release also fixes a number of bugs and usability issues, and

= 1.0.10 =
* [Jen Russo]( reported that posts created via e-mailing to Posterous weren't triggering SharePress. There was a bug that prevented SharePress from firing in all cases other than the ones wherein the user was manually accessing the admin. This is now fixed.

= 1.0.9 =
* [Corey Brown]( reported a bug in the "Publish to Facebook again" feature: not only was it not publishing again, but it was deleting the original meta data. This is now fixed.

= 1.0.8 =
* Ron Kochanowski reported a strange problem with brand new posts displaying the message "This post is older than the date on which SharePress was activated." in the editor. I couldn't fix the problem, so I eliminated the "feature." Problem solved.

= 1.0.7 =
* Added "sp" prefix to the Facebook classes, now "spFacebook" and "spSpFacebookApiException" - was creating namespace conflicts with other Facebook plugins (thanks [Ben Gillbanks]( of [WPVOTE](

= 1.0.6 =
* Addressing some inconsistencies in the way the plugin is named, and the way that name is used internally.

= 1.0.5 =
* Major typo in the readme. Sheesh.

= 1.0.4 =
* Discovered that the only message that displays within the WordPress plugin library search is under the Description header.

= 1.0.3 =
* Forgot to up the plugin version. Hope I don't make that mistake twice.

= 1.0.2 =
* Admin notices should not display for any users other than administrators
* Broad update to readme.txt

= 1.0.1 =
* Added links for learning more about SharePress Pro

= 1.0 =
* The first release!

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.2.11 =
Twitter retired v1.0 of their API. This version of SharePress is compatible with Twitter's API v1.1, but you may need to regenerate your Twitter App keys.

= 2.0.15 =
Critical bug fix release. Please upgrade before October 1. Also note that when you upgrade, you will need to run SharePress setup again.

= 2.0.6 =
Critical bug fix release. Please upgrade soon.

= 2.0.4 =
Critical bug fix release. Please upgrade soon.

= 2.0.3 =
Critical bug fix release. Please upgrade soon.

= 2.0.2 =
Critical bug release. Please upgrade soon.

= 2.0 =
SharePress Pro is now available! If you want access to the pro features, you'll need to upgrade SharePress and then buy a license key

= 1.0.6 =
Fixes a bug that results in breaking core JavaScript in the WordPress admin

= 1.0 =
Because it's the first version!

sharepress's People


collegeman avatar joeyblake avatar


 avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar James Cloos avatar



sharepress's Issues

If a user enters Facebook app or secret incorrectly, he can't get back to the settings screen to change it from within the profile registration workflow

To recreate this issue:

  1. Delete Facebook app and secret stored locally
  2. Go to Post editing screen, click Add Profile then Facebook
  3. Put in new keys, but deliberately use incorrect values. Click Save Changes
  4. Click Add Proflie
  5. Note inability to return to settings screen

I think the way to solve this is to put a flag in the session when beginning authentication. That way if authentication never completes, the next time authentication is requested, the config screen can be displayed automatically presenting some sort of generic "Oops! Looks like the last login failed. Please check your settings and try again."

Twitter auth workflow

When connecting Twitter profiles, users are asked to authorize the app every time they open the modal. This is probably unnecessary. Explore whether or not this can be eliminated.

Consistent relationships between Profiles and Updates

Profiles represent the service (e.g., Facebook) and user (e.g., aaroncollegeman). They have a field "service_tag" in the meta table that stores both the service ID and the user's unique ID in the remote system. This key combo should be unique for every user in every system, subject of course to bugs in our client implementations.

For speed, the Profile ID (WordPress posts.ID) is the field that is used to relate a Profile to the Updates that were posted to it. This relationship breaks down if a profile is disconnected (deleted) and recreated, thus assigning to it a new posts.ID. To patch this, a meta field "profile_service_tag" was created for Updates such that in the event the stored "profile_id" is no longer valid, a second lookup can possibly be used to locate the orphaned Profile record.

The problem with this is that it's inefficient. The other problem is, I think, that it makes the system easier to corrupt either intentionally or unintentionally.

This issue notes this problem for future consideration.

One thing we might want to consider doing is attaching an update query to the creation of new Profiles such that all stored "profile_id" for Updates get replaced to match the new posts.ID value for the Profile.

Something else we should do is ensure that no two Profile records have the same "service_tag" -- it must be kept unique, otherwise the system could easily become corrupted.

Specific Post filter for Update History

User should be able to click a "History" button on the Metabox and filter the Update History screen to just that post's updates. All the UI is in place for this -- the history button is hidden in views/metabox.php, and the message UI is hidden at the top of views/updates.php. Just need to implement the filter and the JS to hide/reveal the filter UI.

User should be able to login to demo site,, authorize Facebook and/or Twitter, and send an unlimited number of test messages

The demo site should be a multi-site WordPress installation running on Pagoda. It should have only the bare essentials - the latest in the 201x theme series, supercache, and SharePress. It should also have GA tracking in the content view, as well as in the editor view.

Public registration should be disabled for the purposes of this beta, but not permanently crippled, as we'll want to use this platform to allow potential customers to try SharePress.

We should first migrate all of our developer users here and setup accounts for them (with e-mail notification disabled!). Then we should do some mass mailing (MailChimp) to let the developers know that the demo is available.

The editor should have clear links for leaving us feedback via Zendesk.

When scheduling an update to be posted "immediately"

The button should change from "Save" to "Publish", and the UI should behave as follows:

  1. User clicks the "Publish" button, a confirmation box appears: Are you sure you want to publish this update now?
  2. If the user clicks "Cancel", editing resumes
  3. If the user clicks "OK", the Update view indicates that the update is being published, and upon completion of the API request, the update is labeled "sent" and the Edit button is hidden

User should be able to connect new social profiles via the post editor meta box

Until they have connected a social profile, the meta box should have to clear messages:

  1. If the post is not a new post, there should be some message re: the number of times the post has been shared, e.g., "This post has never been publicized."
  2. If there are no connected social profiles, there should be some text like "Connect a social profile to begin," in addition to the standard Add Profile button that always appears in the footer of the meta box

When the user clicks Add Profile, a drop list should appear presenting service options Facebook and Twitter. The user clicks on of these options to begin authentication for that service in a modal (Thickbox?).

On the demo site, all application keys are hidden ("SharePress MU mode"), and the connection process should proceed immediately into authentication on the third-party site. The user authenticates or cancels and is returned to the demo site (still inside the modal).

Back on the demo site, if the user authorized access, he should be presented with the choose account screen. For Twitter this is simple - there should only ever be one account. For Facebook this screen should include the user's personal Facebook account, as well as all of the Facebook pages to which he has access.

The user is allowed to choose only one profile from the list, and doing so should close the modal and refresh the SharePress meta box, revealing the profile as a choice for publicizing the post. If the global setting for auto-posting to WordPress posts is turned on, connecting a new profile should automatically generate a new update attached to this post using default messaging as configured in global settings.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.