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cocos2d-js's Issues

Flowing text

I was wondering if there's also any support for flowing text (ex. text coming out per letter in a flowing manner over time - the speed adjustable in terms of ms/letter).

If there isn't, this would be great to have; especially for RPG style games.

And congrats on the RC0 release!

How to outline labels

I was wondering how I would go about enabling labels to have a black outline of their text.

Not compatible with OS X 10.7

In the wiki, it says that the runtime requirement is OS X 10.7. Creating a new project and building it works, but it doesn't run on Lion (it complains that the OS X version is too old).

If I change the project's deployment target to 10.7, it compiles, but crashes on start with the following error:

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
  Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/ Mac
  Reason: Incompatible library version: Muse Mac requires version 64.0.0 or later, but ApplicationServices provides version 1.0.0

bug of cc.Class.extend if compile js to jsc

fnTest = /xyz/.test(function(){xyz;}) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
prototype[name] = typeof prop[name] == "function" &&
            typeof _super[name] == "function" && fnTest.test(prop[name]) ?

the regexp will test whether include '_super' in custom function body, there is no problem in js mode since function auto convert to string correctly, but the body is compressed in jsc mode...

so far i use a workaround is to remove the test in jsc mode.
is there a better way to solve it?

set chipmunk:true in project.json is not working

I try to make This guide working with cocos-2d-js v3.0

    "project_type": "javascript",

    "debugMode": 1,
    "showFPS": true,
    "frameRate": 60,
    "id": "gameCanvas",
    "renderMode": 0,
    "engineDir": "frameworks/cocos2d-html5",

    "modules": ["cocos2d"],

    "jsList": [

But when I open it in browser, showing error Uncaught ReferenceError: cp is not defined

And then I fixed it by

    "jsList": [

Errors on Firefox 27.0.1

I've tried both the included server (with command "cocos run -p web") and another webserver I have installed, and with both I get the following errors in Firefox:

TypeError: console.assert is undefined CCBoot.js:917
TypeError: is undefined

The same source requested from both servers works fine in Chrome.

buggy plist loader

there was a bug in plist loader that read the plist file repeat both in jsb and cpp
to fix it is either just read in jsb or read in cpp
i have fixed in #320 to read in cpp, but @joshuastray choose another way #344
so the bug is coming again...

i have no test which way is better yet...
maybe i should remove my previous modification to fix it?

Packing App run SocketIO Failure


    var SocketIO = SocketIO || io; // 打包APP后 这句代码 以下的代码貌似跟屏蔽了一样不会执行,PC 浏览器是正常的

    var label = cc.LabelTTF.create("SocketIO", "Arial", 48);
    label.setPosition(cc.p(winsize.width / 2, winsize.height / 2));
    this.addChild(label, 10);

    var sioclient = SocketIO.connect("ws://", {"force new connection" : true});
    sioclient.on("connect", function() {

引擎:Cocos2d-js 3.0 beta
环境:PC 浏览器 运行 SocketIO 正常
环境:打包APP后手机运行失效,而且 var SocketIO = SocketIO || io; 下面的代码也不会执行(貌似跟屏蔽了一样),不知道这是什么情况
注:项目配置文件 project.json 里已引入socketio模块
"modules" : ["cocos2d","extensions","socketio"],

cocos2d-js 3.0 rc0 messed up the touch events of pageview

It didn't respond the touch events of layout of pageview, but it works fine on beta. And the mouse events work fine on both rc0 and beta.

It could capture the touch events of the left or right side which out range of pageview.



Warning: Open Wifi for debuging...

I get this dialog box when I try to debug my game on an android console. It's connected with ethernet.

Would it be possible to get rid of this test?

Some paths are not recogniced

I've found some problems:

  1. The seems to only be able to locate User environment variables, but not System ones
  2. The standard path for Ant seems to be "ANT_HOME", however, looks for "ANT_ROOT".
  3. COCOS_CONSOLE_ROOT is not being defined properly, in my case, for example it got set to "C:\Cocos2d-JS/tools/cocos2d-console\bin" rather than "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin"
  4. The route to the console's bin folder need to be added to the "Path" System environment variable or else the command "cocos" is not recognized.

cocos2dx-html5 中的 touch.getLocation()得到的坐标错误


camera.setEye(0, 100, z);
camera.setCenter(0, 100, 0);


cocos2d-js and phonegap

I think, cocos2d-js and phonegap does same thing. The difference is cocos2d-js use OpenGLES and phonegap use native webview.

Consider, how about let cocos2d-js works like phonegap? Every module is plugin. and add it use command cocos plugin add XXX

ANT_ROOT not defined

I cannot compile for android. It says the following:

Runing command: compile
Building mode: debug
ANT_ROOT not defined. Please define it in your environment

my export command outputs the following:
declare -x ANT_ROOT="/usr/bin/ant"

How can I solve this issue?

AssetsManager::createDirectory(const std::string& path) bug on windows

because windows path start like c:/ or d:/
so the following code when i==0 it will do this
CreateDirectoryA("c:/", NULL);
it will make the function return false , so the full path will not create


if ((GetFileAttributesA(path.c_str())) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
    subpath = "";
    for(int i = 0 ; i < dirs.size() ; ++i)
        subpath += dirs[i];
        BOOL ret = CreateDirectoryA(subpath.c_str(), NULL);
        if (!ret && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != GetLastError())
            return false;
return true;


Bug in CocoStudioTest

step 1 : run EffectComponentTest in SceneTest;
step 2 : goto TestAsynchronousLoading in ArmatureTest;

you will get a "debug assertion failed" msg.

Failed to load resource(moduleConfig.json)

I try to open index.html in Safari after cocos new hello -l js,but the whole screen is black and empty.
Which console shows:

[Error] Failed to load resource: 请求的 URL 在此服务器上找不到。 (moduleConfig.json, line 0)

And then I copy cocos2d-js/frameworks/cocos2d-html5/moduleConfig.json into this directory,but the console shows:

[Error] load json [libs/cocos2d-html5/moduleConfig.json] failed : load libs/cocos2d-html5/moduleConfig.json failed!
    (匿名函数) (CCBoot.js, line 1747)
    (匿名函数) (CCBoot.js, line 555)
    onload (CCBoot.js, line 515)

tileMap in mobile browser

This is a tileMap. In mobile browser , part of the lost at the bottom like img1. In pc browser, you can see all part like img2

My create code is like this :
var map = cc.TMXTiledMap.create("res/back.tmx");


popScene can't see ccs

sceneA is include a ccs. when popScene SceneA can't see the ccs again.

sceneA create code :
var node = ccs.sceneReader.createNodeWithSceneFile(;

favicon.ico missing

The file "favicon.ico" is missing from the template's "res" folder, and so a project created with the script is also missing it.
(and it's expected, the console shows a 404 error message)

The game crashed on my coolpad 8060 phone

cocos new MyGame -l js
cd MyGame/
cocos compile -p android

Installed the apk to my phone, run it and got errors below, the C++ or lua version is ok but js broken down...

01-02 14:55:50.757: I/DEBUG(12307): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): Build fingerprint: 'marvell/dkb/dkb:2.3.7/GWK74/2.3.009.P1.120905.8060:user/release-keys'
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): pid: 13101, tid: 13101 >>> org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript <<<
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): signal 4 (SIGILL), code 1 (ILL_ILLOPC), fault addr 82e6e28c
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): r0 00000000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 836f69d0
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): r4 836f61d0 r5 0000004c r6 00000004 r7 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): r8 80317f40 r9 0000ced8 10 448c8bf8 fp 4561a238
01-02 14:55:50.765: I/DEBUG(12307): ip ffffffff sp bedff2c0 lr b00037f5 pc 82e6e28c cpsr 60000010
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): #00 pc 82e6e28c /mnt/asec/org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript-1/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): #1 lr b00037f5 /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): code around pc:
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): 82e6e26c e5832004 e2833008 e1530000 1afffff7
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): 82e6e27c e59f40a8 e3a00000 e1a02000 e08f4004
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): 82e6e28c e6ef1072 e201703f e1a03321 e2033001
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): 82e6e29c e1a013c1 e1a06083 e1866003 e2235001
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): 82e6e2ac e1836086 e1a01f81 e1836086 e1815f05
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): code around lr:
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): b00037d4 2a002601 1e48d003 18e40083 00b64276
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): b00037e4 e0061c0d 19a46823 32031e5a 4798d800
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): b00037f4 2d003d01 bd70dcf6 1c03b510 1c0433e8
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): b0003804 28006818 3304d004 22016819 ffdef7ff
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): b0003814 682334f4 d0002b00 bd104798 4c05b510
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): stack:
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff280 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff284 00000003
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff288 00000001
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff28c 0000ced8 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff290 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff294 82e64118 /mnt/asec/org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript-1/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff298 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff29c 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2a0 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2a4 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2a8 00000001
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2ac 8366a764 /mnt/asec/org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript-1/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2b0 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2b4 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2b8 df002777
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2bc e3a070ad
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2c0 8366a774 /mnt/asec/org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript-1/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2c4 0000004c
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2c8 00000004
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2cc 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2d0 b000e1cc
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2d4 b000e1c8
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2d8 0000273f
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2dc b00038a7 /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2e0 01705000
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2e4 afd00000 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2e8 00000025
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2ec b000e0e8
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2f0 836ad078 /mnt/asec/org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript-1/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2f4 b000e0e8
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2f8 0000273f
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff2fc b0004fa3 /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.984: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff300 00000025
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff304 b000e174
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff308 b000e0e8
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff30c 00000008
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff310 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff314 80348749 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff318 bedff33c
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff31c b000e0f0
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff320 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff324 b000e0e8
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff328 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff32c 005752dd [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff330 40514f60 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff334 b0004fed /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff338 b000e0e8
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff33c b0004b05 /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff340 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff344 bedff3a4
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff348 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff34c 40514f60 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff350 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff354 bedff3a4
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff358 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff35c b00059d5 /system/bin/linker
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff360 0000ced8 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff364 8034e13b /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff368 40514f60 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff36c 000007ff
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff370 00000001
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff374 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff378 803a45c0 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff37c 00000001
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff380 0000006e
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff384 8035449f /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff388 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff38c 40514f60 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff390 005752b0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff394 bedff408
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff398 40086bb8 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff39c 80366147 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3a0 448c8b38
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3a4 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3a8 44e9a902 /system/framework/core.odex
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3ac 448c8c28
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3b0 bedff400
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3b4 8031cfd8 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3b8 80322050 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3bc bedff400
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3c0 00000001
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3c4 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3c8 0000cee0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3cc 0004deb8 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3d0 bedff6b0
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3d4 803a9d08
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3d8 4561a238 /system/framework/framework.odex
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3dc 803220e0 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3e0 bedff400
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3e4 0000ced8 [heap]
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3e8 80322050 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3ec 4496c504 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3f0 fffffec4
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3f4 80320fd4 /system/lib/
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3f8 00000000
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff3fc bedff39c
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff400 4561a238 /system/framework/framework.odex
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff404 448c8ebc
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff408 40523668 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-heap (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff40c 00000007
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff410 449c907c /dev/ashmem/dalvik-LinearAlloc (deleted)
01-02 14:55:50.992: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff414 00017058 [heap]
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff418 0000ced8 [heap]
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff41c bedff3b8
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff420 448c6300
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff424 0000cee0 [heap]
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff428 44038f70
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff42c 803aa036
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff430 803aa078
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff434 00000000
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff438 00000000
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff43c 00000000
01-02 14:55:51.007: I/DEBUG(12307): bedff440 00000000
01-02 14:55:51.937: I/ActivityManager(1306): Process org.cocos2dx.hellojavascript (pid 13101) has died.
01-02 14:55:51.945: D/Zygote(1059): Process 13101 terminated by signal (4)

Update libwebsockets

The currently used version of libwebsockets (v 1.23) is 8 months old and contains some huge bugs. I.e. headers are parsed with incorrect case sensitivity which breaks compatibility with various web servers.

It would be great if it could be updated to latest version (master branch of

Are there any instructions on how to update the source and compile it for cocos2d-x?

build android package failed.

error output:

e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame>d:\cocos2d-js\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\cocos compile -p android

Runing command: compile
Building mode: debug
NDK build mode: debug
building native
The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 !
running: 'd:\android-ndk-r9d\ndk-build -C e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\
-j1 NDK_MODULE_PATH=e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\;e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\;e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\;e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\ NDK_DEBUG=1'

Android NDK: e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\ Cannot find module with tag '.' in import path Android NDK: Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?
Android NDK: The following directories were searched:
Android NDK:
make.exe: Entering directory e:/temp/test9/MyJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/' e:\temp\test9\MyJSGame\frameworks\runtime-src\\../../js-bindings/bindings/ *** Android NDK: Aborting. . Stop. make.exe: Leaving directorye:/temp/test9/MyJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/'
Error running command, return code: 2

BUG 键盘监听事件无法响应按键

测试环境:PC web
引擎版本:cocos2d-js 3.0 beta
event : cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD,
onKeyPressed : function(keyCode, event){
onKeyReleased : function(keyCode, event){
}, this);



3.0beta use script cocos new project webdebug failed

I use script cocos new to create a new project, and open with webstorm, then debug. However it outputs errors below!

Uncaught Missing file: CCDirectorWebGL.js
cc.assert CCDebugger.js:296
(anonymous function) CCDirector.js:905
Cocos2d-html5-v3.0 beta
Uncaught TypeError: Property '_createStatsLabel' of object # is not a function CCEGLView.js:464 main.js:2
(anonymous function) CCBoot.js:1470
(anonymous function) CCBoot.js:1612
(anonymous function) CCBoot.js:419
cc.async._counterFunc CCBoot.js:127
(anonymous function) CCBoot.js:429
Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method '_clear' CCDirector.js:211 CCDirector.js:766
callback CCBoot.js:1438


cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(640, 960, cc.ResolutionPolicy.EXACT_FIT);

cocos2d-js 3.0 crashed on ios 5

I tested on ipad 1 with ios 5.1.1 and iphone 4s with ios 5.0.1. It appeared the cocos2d logo of full screen, and then it crashed. Xcode could not capture any error with All Exceptions. But it works fine on ios 6 and above.
It compiled with Xcode 5.1.1 on OS X 10.9.1 both cocos2d-js 3.0 rc0 and beta.

.cocos-project.json not defined in Moonwarriors and tests

When attepting to run the source I get a "Can't find config file .cocos-project.json" error.

There exists a "project.json" file in the "samples/js-moonwarriors" folder, but renaming it to ".cocos-project.json" then causes the followin error when attempting the run command:

C:\Cocos2d-JS\samples\js-moonwarriors>cocos run -p web

C:\Cocos2d-JS\samples\js-moonwarriors>python C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console
\bin\/ run -p web
Runing command: compile
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\/", line 578, in <module
    run_plugin(command, argv, plugins)
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\/", line 558, in run_plu
    dependencies_objects[dep_name] = run_plugin(dep_name, argv, plugins)
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\/", line 560, in run_plu
gin, dependencies_objects)
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\..\plugins\project_compile\proje", line 635, in run
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\", line 195, in parse_ar
    self._project = Project(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\", line 229, in __init__

  File "C:\Cocos2d-JS\tools\cocos2d-console\bin\", line 241, in _parse_p
    lang = project_info[Project.KEY_PROJ_TYPE]
KeyError: 'project_type'

If I try to run this by hosting it in a server, I get the following errors in Chrome:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught ReferenceError: cc is not defined

All of the above also applies to the contents of "js-tests".

How to debug jstests?

I use Cocos Code IDE, import JSTests in cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta, then build mac runtime:

CpResource /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/ /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/\
    cd /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/
    builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/ /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/\


The following build commands failed:
    CpResource /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/ /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/\
(1 failure)
Runing command: compile
Building mode: debug
running: 'xcodebuild -project "/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/" -configuration Debug -target "JSTests Mac" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/'

Error running command, return code: 65

The 2nd time build runtime again, the error turns to:


The following build commands failed:
    CpResource /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/ /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/\
    CpResource /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/ /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/\
(2 failures)
Runing command: compile
Building mode: debug
running: 'xcodebuild -project "/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/" -configuration Debug -target "JSTests Mac" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/js-tests/project/'

Error running command, return code: 65

I can debug successfully by creating a new "hello world" project, so I copy all the JSTests files to the "Hello world" project, but build runtime error again:

Ld /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac/CocosJSGame\\ Mac normal x86_64
    cd /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac
    /Applications/ -arch x86_64 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac -F/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac -filelist /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/build/\\ Mac.LinkFileList -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -stdlib=libc++ -fobjc-link-runtime /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac/libjsbindings\ Mac.a -lchipmunk\ Mac -lcocos2dx\ Mac -lcocos2dx-extensions\ Mac -lCocosDenshion\ Mac -lcurl -lsqlite3 -lz -framework IOKit -framework AppKit -framework OpenGL -framework QuartzCore -framework OpenAL -framework AudioToolbox -framework AVFoundation -framework Foundation -framework CoreGraphics -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/build/\\ Mac_dependency_info.dat -o /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac/CocosJSGame\\ Mac
ld: library not found for -lchipmunk Mac
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


The following build commands failed:
    Ld /Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac/CocosJSGame\\ Mac normal x86_64
(1 failure)
Runing command: compile
Building mode: debug
running: 'xcodebuild -project "/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/CocosJSGame.xcodeproj" -configuration Debug -target "CocosJSGame Mac" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/apple/Downloads/cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta/samples/CocosJSGame/runtime/mac'

Error running command, return code: 65


每个TableViewCell 内现有两个按钮需相应。




Movie play feature

Hi, from what I understand html5 provides some nice methods to play video in browsers. It would be great if we could get this integrated into cocos2d-js.

chipmunk physics works but sprite with animation doesn't move

I got this code from the example parkour(I'm using cocos2d-js v3.0alpha2, Cocos Code IDE):

   this.sprite = cc.Sprite.create("#zombie1.png");
    this.sprite.attr({x:120, y:120});
    this.sprite.scale = 0.5;

    //1. create PhysicsSprite with a sprite frame name
    this.sprite = cc.PhysicsSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("zombie1.png");
    var contentSize = this.sprite.getContentSize();
    // 2. init the runner physic body
    this.body = new cp.Body(1, cp.momentForBox(1, contentSize.width, contentSize.height));
    //3. set the position of the runner
    this.body.p = cc.p(g_runnerStartX, g_groundHight + contentSize.height / 2);
    //4. apply impulse to the body
    this.body.applyImpulse(cp.v(150, 0), cp.v(0, 0));//run speed
    //5. add the created body to space;
    //6. create the shape for the body
    this.shape = new cp.BoxShape(this.body, contentSize.width - 14, contentSize.height);
    //7. add shape to space;
    //8. set body to the physic sprite

Here chipmunk physics works (debugnode shows it) but sprite with animation doesn't move..

[3.0 RC0 Bug]When setOpacity to LabelBMFont, meet a rendering bug in JSB

the following is the bug situation
the result is setOpacity(0) to the LabelBMFont
----------- Language Dividing Line -----------
更新了RC0版本后,在JSB上原来一起正常的LabelBMFont,现在出现了严重的透明渲染问题,但其他Sprite, LabelTTF均正常。

cocos2d-js and Linux

This is really a noob suggestion, but ...

I think wiki is missing information how to compile to Linux and Win.

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