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dynamodb-adapter's Issues

Determine a better level of staleness or make configurable.

Is it intentional to read using a 10 second exact staleness? While this could lead to lower read latency, it will by definition read 10 seconds old data. The default would be to use a strong read which is guaranteed to return all changes that have been committed, which is also one of the USP's of Spanner compared to storage systems that use eventual consistency. Another option here could also be to use a max staleness of 10 seconds, instead of exact staleness, and let Spanner choose the optimal read timestamp.

Originally posted by @olavloite in #3 (comment)

Support column type lengths than only STRING(MAX) and BYTES(MAX).

This should strip away the length of the column for variable length columns (STRING and BYTES). That would make it possible to use columns with a different length than only STRING(MAX) and BYTES(MAX).

(And yes, I know it could be easily circumvented by adding the column to the dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl as STRING(MAX), even if the column is for example STRING(100), but that will probably confuse users.)

Originally posted by @olavloite in #3 (comment)

If we publish two stream objects to two different topics, they should be able to run in parallel.

If we publish two stream objects to two different topics, they should be able to run in parallel, right? However, the current code only allows a single go routine to publish a message. We can change this to:

topic, ok := mClients[topicName]
if !ok {
	topic = pubsubClient.c.
		TopicInProject(topicName, config.ConfigurationMap.GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID)
	mClients[topicName] = topic

message := &pubsub.Message{}
message.Data, _ = json.Marshal(streamObj)
_, err := topic.Publish(context.Background(), message).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {

topic.Publish is a thread-safe method: (t.scheduler also has an internal sync.Mutex).

Originally posted by @hengfengli in #3 (comment)

Adapter requires a sessions to be specific to each operation

Currently the adapter requires that a session get created for each operation that needs to be performed GetItem, Query, PutItem, etc.

It would be better to use the X-Amz-Target HTTP Header field in the / endpoint of the adapter to determine the operation begin requested and route appropriately . For example X-Amz-Target: DynamoDB_20120810.Query could be handled by / and routed to the query handler in the adapter.

Originally posted by @bgood in #27 (comment)

UpdateItem operators are case sensitive

Expected Behavior

While running UpdateItem operation, UpdateExpression requires an operator like "set" as shown below
UpdateExpression: aws.String("SET number_of_items = :number_of_items").

With dynamo , both "set" and "SET" works and it should be the same with Spanner.

Actual Behavior

With spanner, update operation is ignored when we use "set" but succeeds when with use "SET"

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Add the following function to main.go under examples folder

func updateCustomerDetails(svc *dynamodb.DynamoDB) {
_, err := svc.UpdateItem(&dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
TableName: aws.String("Customer_Order"),
Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
"PK": {
S: aws.String("CUST#0000000000"),
"SK": {
S: aws.String("EMAIL#[email protected]"),
ExpressionAttributeValues: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
":number_of_items": {
S: aws.String("6"),
ReturnValues: aws.String("UPDATED_NEW"),
UpdateExpression: aws.String("set number_of_items = :number_of_items"),

if err != nil {
getCustomerContactDetails(svc,"CUST#0000000000","EMAIL#[email protected]")


  1. go build
  2. ./golang spanner


  • Version:
  • Platform:

Query operations failing with JSON serialization error.

Query operations failing with JSON serialization error.

SerializationError: failed decoding JSON RPC response
	status code: 200, request id: 
caused by: JSON value is not a list (map[string]interface {}{"L":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"PK":map[string]interface {}{"S":"CUST#0000000000"}, "SK":map[string]interface {}{"S":"ORDER#ej68vuldzgps"}, "customer_id":map[string]interface {}{"S":"0000000000"}, "order_id":map[string]interface {}{"S":"ej68vuldzgps"}, "order_status":map[string]interface {}{"S":"PROCESSING"}, "order_ts":map[string]interface {}{"S":"2021-05-14T12:07:00.000000"}}}})
No record foundpanic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0

goroutine 1 [running]:
	projects/forks/dynamodb-adapter/examples/golang/main.go:115 +0x6b3
	projects/forks/dynamodb-adapter/examples/golang/main.go:52 +0x1c5

Originally posted by @bgood in #27 (comment)

Create sample application in Java

To help new users adopt the adapter we should have an example Java application. It should include all supported operations.

  • BatchGetItem
  • BatchWriteItem
  • DeleteItem
  • GetItem
  • PutItem
  • Query
  • Scan
  • UpdateItem

Integration test runs are failing on baseline

Expected Behavior

Integration tests should be passing on the baseline branch when run through CircleCI.

Actual Behavior

The following is produced when trying to run integrations through CircleCI

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
cat <<EOF > $HOME/config-files/staging/config.json
    "GoogleProjectID": "$SPANNER_PROJECT",
    "SpannerDb": "dynamodb-adapter-int",
    "QueryLimit": 5000
cat <<EOF > $HOME/config-files/staging/spanner.json
    "dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl": "dynamodb-adapter",
    "dynamodb_adapter_config_manager": "dynamodb-adapter",
    "department": "dynamodb-adapter",
    "employee": "dynamodb-adapter"
cat <<EOF > $HOME/config-files/staging/tables.json
        "sortKey": "",
        "attributeTypes": {
            "emp_id": "N",
        "indices": {}
        "sortKey": "",
        "attributeTypes": {
            "d_id": "N",
        "indices": {}
go run integrationtest/setup.go setup
go test integrationtest/api_test.go
go run integrationtest/setup.go teardown

/bin/bash: /home/circleci/config-files/staging/config.json: No such file or directory

Exited with code exit status 1
CircleCI received exit code 1

Add example client applications

Using the adapter with the DynamoDB Java client library did not work for me. Using it with
DynamoDB Go client library did, but only if I set the entire endpoint including the operation that I want to execute manually when creating a session. That surprised me (see example below). I think this code base would benefit from a couple of simple examples on how it could be used. Considering the fact that it is intended as kind of a drop-in replacement of a DynamoDB backend, I would expect to be able to use it with a client library, and not have to create and submit the JSON messages manually.

My test client currently looks like this:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create DynamoDB client for GetItem.
	svc := dynamodb.New(createGetItemSession())

	result, err := svc.GetItem(&dynamodb.GetItemInput{
		TableName: aws.String("DynamoDbTest"),
		Key: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
			"ColFloat64": {
				N: aws.String("2.1440135556938245e-06"),
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", result.String())

	// Test PutItem.
	type Rec struct {
		ColFloat64 float64
		ColInt64 int64
		ColString string
		ColBytes []byte
		ColBool bool

	item := Rec{
		ColFloat64: 3.14,
		ColInt64:   1000,
		ColString:  "test",
		ColBytes:   []byte{1,2,3},
		ColBool:    true,
	av, err := dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(item)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Got error marshalling new record:")
	input := &dynamodb.PutItemInput{
		Item: av,
		TableName: aws.String("DynamoDbTest"),

	// Create DynamoDB client for PutItem.
	svc = dynamodb.New(createPutItemSession())
	_, err = svc.PutItem(input)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Got error calling PutItem:")

var creds = credentials.NewStaticCredentials("secret", "even-more-secret", "")
var region = "eu-west-1"

func createSession(url string) *session.Session {
	return session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
		Config: aws.Config{
			Credentials: creds,
			Region: &region,
			Endpoint: aws.String(url),

func createGetItemSession() *session.Session {
	return createSession("http://localhost:9050/v1/GetItem")

func createPutItemSession() *session.Session {
	return createSession("http://localhost:9050/v1/PutItem")

Carried over from PR #3 #3 (review)

Create sample application in Python

To help new users adopt the adapter we should have an example Python application. It should include all supported operations.

  • BatchGetItem
  • BatchWriteItem
  • DeleteItem
  • GetItem
  • PutItem
  • Query
  • Scan
  • UpdateItem

storage/spanner.go could use some tests.

This file could really use some test cases. This is where most of the important stuff is happening; The translation from DynamoDB to Spanner and back. Having test cases for it automatically also means that we have a sort of documentation of what is supported and what is not.

Originally posted by @olavloite in #3 (comment)

Add mapping somewhere so we can better handle INT64 and FLOAT64 types.

Would it be possible to somehow add a mapping somewhere, or other configuration option, to indicate whether the adapter should use INT64 or FLOAT64 here? The reason is that this prevents the usage of an INT64 column to be used as part of the primary key of a table, while that is a very common data type to use in the primary key.

Using FLOAT64 as part of a primary key is possible, but I would recommend against it if the actual number is (supposed to be) an integer, as there could be subtle rounding problems.

Consider for example the following statement:

SELECT CAST(9007199254740993 as FLOAT64);

This will not return 9007199254740993 but 9007199254740992 when you execute it in Cloud Spanner. (Note: This is not specific to Cloud Spanner, but a general limitation of floating point numbers.)

Another possibility could be to map numeric values in DynamoDB to the NUMERIC data type in Cloud Spanner.

Originally posted by @olavloite in #3 (comment)

Implement golangci-lint linter

Currently the project is using the base Golang linter golint. An initial run of golangci-lint found many more errors that could be fixed, creating a cleaner codebase.

Move changeTableNameForSP to utils

The function changeTableNameForSP appears in multiple places. Since it is the same everywhere it would ideal if it were moved to a utils or some other central location.

  • config/config.go
  • integrationtest/setup.go
  • service/services/services.go
  • storage/spanner.go

BatchWriteItem is throwing error when run on spanner but runs fine on dynamo

Expected Behavior

UnprocessedItems: {


Actual Behavior

hangs for a minute and then throws the following error. However, the operation succeeds and the entry is added to the table

SerializationError: failed decoding JSON RPC response
status code: 200, request id:
caused by: JSON value is not a structure ([]interface {}{})

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Start the adapter manually under examples folder. Instructions are here :
  2. Add and call the following function in main.go under examples/golang
  3. go build under examples/golang
  4. examples/golang
func addNewCustomerBatch(svc *dynamodb.DynamoDB) {

  fmt.Println("Running a BatchWriteItem operation to add customers")
	result, err := svc.BatchWriteItem(&dynamodb.BatchWriteItemInput{
		  RequestItems: map[string][]*dynamodb.WriteRequest{
              "Customer_Order": {
                      PutRequest: &dynamodb.PutRequest{
                          Item: map[string]*dynamodb.AttributeValue{
                              "PK": {
                                  S: aws.String("CUST#0070070070"),
                              "SK": {
                                  S: aws.String("EMAL#[email protected]"),
                              "customer_fname": {
                                  S: aws.String("James"),
                              "customer_lname": {
                                  S: aws.String("Bond"),
                              "customer_email": {
                                  S: aws.String("[email protected]"),
                              "customer_id": {
                                  S: aws.String("0070070070"),
                              "customer_addresses": {
                                  S: aws.String("{Shipping:  Casino Royal, Las Vegas, NY}"),


  if err != nil {
    if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
        switch aerr.Code() {
        case dynamodb.ErrCodeProvisionedThroughputExceededException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodb.ErrCodeProvisionedThroughputExceededException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodb.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodb.ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodb.ErrCodeItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException:
            fmt.Println(dynamodb.ErrCodeItemCollectionSizeLimitExceededException, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodb.ErrCodeRequestLimitExceeded:
            fmt.Println(dynamodb.ErrCodeRequestLimitExceeded, aerr.Error())
        case dynamodb.ErrCodeInternalServerError:
            fmt.Println(dynamodb.ErrCodeInternalServerError, aerr.Error())
    } else {


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