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build-harness's Issues

Allow packages vendor/repo to be configured

Describe the Feature

Could the packages/install target work with custom git repos?

Use Case

I was playing with idea of having a fork of

In general I like the idea of submitting PR's back to this repo, but wondering if these will get a bit too specific to my own use-cases. For now I've got my own fork that I would like to use with build-harness to install packages for my project needs.

Describe Ideal Solution

Would love to set an variable in the top-level build-harnessMakefile that could control this:

export PACKAGES_VERSION = master
export PACKAGES_VENDOR ?= cloudposse
export PACKAGES_REPO ?= packages.git

Then in the modules/packages/install

## Install packages 
	@if [ ! -d $(PACKAGES_PATH) ]; then \
	  echo "Installing packages ref=$(PACKAGES_VERSION)..."; \
	  rm -rf $(PACKAGES_PATH); \
	  $(GIT) clone -c advice.detachedHead=false --depth=1 -b $(PACKAGES_VERSION)$(PACKAGES_VENDOR)/$(PACKAGES_REPO) $(PACKAGES_PATH); \
	  rm -rf $(PACKAGES_PATH)/.git; \

Currently I do this as a module override, but it generates a lot of noise:

... /build-harness-extensions/modules/packages/Makefile:9: warning: overriding recipe for target 'packages/install'
... /build-harness/modules/packages/Makefile:15: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'packages/install'


1 - Is there any way to avoid printing out those warnings when overriding recipes?
2 - Would you accept a PR for making package-vendor/repo configurable?

Terraform docs generation script fails when temp file exists

The script to generate terraform docs uses an intermediate to pre process files with awk as work around of a limitation in the terraform-docs tool for terraform version 0.12. The temporary file created is not a unique file, it always generate the following file. /tmp/ In case the generate file is not cleared or in recursive usages mode the script fails frequent.

By removing .tf from the template it always will use a unique file should allow overwriting all areas

Have a question? Please checkout our Slack Community or visit our Slack Archive.

Slack Community

Describe the Feature

If this repo can be used with other repositories for other organizations, both private and public, the watermarks and references to cloudposse, and all areas in general should be overwritable without having to use a custom

Expected Behavior

All parts of the should be overwritable using only the README.yaml

Use Case

Usage in a private module for a private organization

Describe Ideal Solution

Configuration options for the yaml file that will overwrite all areas and documentation with an example yaml configuration for a private module.

Alternatives Considered

Using a custom

Additional Context

Related #223

xargs errors on Mac

When running the make terraform:lint command on Mac I get an error that relates to the xargs options.

$ make terraform:lint
xargs: illegal option -- -
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements]] [-J replstr]
             [-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs] [-s size]
             [utility [argument ...]]

According to these resources the option --no-run-if-empty is a GNU option only.

Can you remove that or look at weather it is really needed?

make readme fails to call installed gomplate binary

Describe the Bug

make readme installs gomplate to vendor/gomplate. However, when executing,, the script tries to call the system version of gomplate instead of the installed version of gomplate.

For systems that do not have gomplate installed, the make readme fails. For example:

jonathanstimbp:bastion jonathan$ make readme
* Installing packages master...
Cloning into '/Users/jonathan/code/oss/bastion/build-harness/vendor/packages'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 921, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (921/921), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (454/454), done.
remote: Total 921 (delta 316), reused 592 (delta 232), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (921/921), 11.22 MiB | 26.42 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (316/316), done.
* Installing gomplate to /Users/jonathan/code/oss/bastion/build-harness/vendor
mkdir -p -m a+rX /Users/jonathan/code/oss/bastion/build-harness/vendor
curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 --fail -sSL -o /Users/jonathan/code/oss/bastion/build-harness/vendor/gomplate && chmod +x /Users/jonathan/code/oss/bastion/build-harness/vendor/gomplate
make: gomplate: No such file or directory
make: *** [readme/build] Error 1

Expected Behavior

make readme should succeed, utilizing the vendor/gomplate version instead of the system version. Perhaps the PATH variables are not being properly set or the script needs to be calling the local version instead.

Steps to Reproduce

Do not have gomplate installed on the machine. Run make readme on any project.


No response


No response

Additional Context

No response

Path with spaces brakes for Docker

Describe the Bug

When docker is installed in a path with spaces, it brakes the Makefile

make[2]: *** No rule to make target `/Users/hansd/Library/Application'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [/Users/hansd/Library/Application] Error 2

Expected Behavior

just runs

Steps to Reproduce

$ which docker
/Users/hansd/Library/Application Support/multipass/bin/docker

Eg this occurs when using multipass on a Mac (


No response


  • Mac
  • Multipass optionally

Additional Context


DOCKER ?= $(shell which docker)

`helm/toolbox/upsert`: ERROR: Unable to connect to helm server


  • we’re seeing this error intermittently from the ‘Deploy backing services with helmfile codefresh’ step:
ERROR: Unable to connect to helm server                                                                         
make: *** [//build-harness/modules/helm/Makefile:24: helm/toolbox/upsert] Error 1


  • It could be simply related to timeouts.

`make help/all` hide or disable unnecessary targets

Have a question? Please checkout our Slack Community or visit our Slack Archive.

Slack Community

Describe the Feature

It would be nice to hide or disable unnecessary targets so it doesn't overwhelm the user.

Expected Behavior

The targets shown should be applicable to the module.

Use Case

Not to overwhelm the user with targets that are not applicable.

Describe Ideal Solution

Hide or disable modules.

Alternatives Considered


Additional Context


Silence Warnings for Go and Glide


which: no glide in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin)
which: no go in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin)


  • These shouldn't be required for build-harness

make terraform/install on Apple Sillicon results in wrong download url

Describe the Bug

make terraform/install
Installing Terraform 1.0.11 (linux) from
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404

Expected Behavior

Installing Terraform 1.0.11 (linux) from

Steps to Reproduce

See above


No response


Running in a linux docker container

Additional Context

No response

Overwriting the for readme target

Have a question? Please checkout our Slack Community or visit our Slack Archive.

Slack Community

Describe the Feature

It would be nice to do something like this.

make readme ./path/to/our/

Expected Behavior

A way to overwrite the template with documentation on how to do so

Use Case

It would be nice to overwrite the for private modules as we may not need some of the cloudposse watermarks but would still like to use the buildharness.

Describe Ideal Solution

See Describe the Feature

Alternatives Considered

Only way I can think of doing this now would be extend the harness with our own README module. If that doesn't work, then we'd have to try forking the repo.

Additional Context


Feature Flag: Silence Warnings


  • Add a feature flag to make it possible to disable warnings
//build-harness/modules/git/bootstrap.Makefile:2: disabling git bootstrapping
//build-harness/modules/helm/Makefile.repo:15: unable to extrapolate current BRANCH
//build-harness/modules/semver/Makefile:58: disabled semver processing
//build-harness/modules/travis/Makefile:12: unable to extrapolate current BRANCH
//build-harness/modules/git/bootstrap.Makefile:2: disabling git bootstrapping
//build-harness/modules/helm/Makefile.repo:15: unable to extrapolate current BRANCH
//build-harness/modules/semver/Makefile:58: disabled semver processing
//build-harness/modules/travis/Makefile:12: unable to extrapolate current BRANCH


  • Warnings are great for debugging, but scary for users

Hardcoded git context when syncing codefresh pipelines


make codefresh/sync/pipelines fails when repository does not exist and the codefresh account being used does not have a git integration named "github". See here

This should either be configurable via environment or select a context of type git.github using codefresh get context --type git.github

`make list` target to list all the targets

Have a question? Please checkout our Slack Community or visit our Slack Archive.

Slack Community

Describe the Feature

make list to show all targets

Expected Behavior

Shows all targets

Use Case

I forget the targets so I have to go back to the

Describe Ideal Solution

make list

Alternatives Considered

Explain what alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional Context


I tried adding that to my Makefile after the included script and when I ran make list, it only returned:


[helm/toolbox/upsert] fails if no tiller installed


  • If no tiller exists (e.g. helm reset), then install fails


  • Bad conditional logic
✓   (cpco-testing-admin) conf ⨠  make helm/toolbox/upsert
INFO: Perform attempt - 1
Error: could not find tiller
INFO: Helm version:  matches tiller version: .
INFO: Initializing helm client...

DEPRECATION NOTICE: is shutting down (update your links!)



Remove all references to and refer instead.

See our deprecation documentation for more details, including instructions on how to update.


GitHub announced that the redirector service is shutting down on 2022-04-29. GitHub only provided 4 days notice of this shutdown.

This means all references to will stop working.


GitHub amended their decision to completely shut down (and amended the above linked blog post)), but you should still make the change when convenient in order to preserve functionality going forward.

yq not installed for PPC and zLinux

Describe the Feature

The helm/chart/build/package target is dependent on yq. Our builds run on amd64, ppc64le and s390x Linux, but on the latter two, running yq results in cannot execute binary file: Exec format error presumably because it is the amd64 version.

Expected Behavior

The helm/install target should install the platform-specific version of yq.

Alternatives Considered

Write my own target to package helm charts with no dependency on yq. Other alternatives are to use something like echo to append the text that yq writes to values.yaml. A more sophisticated approach would be to grep for the text and replace it if it exists (maybe using sed), else append it.

Ran into issues with features added/changed in Maintenance PR last week

Describe the Bug

I found two issues within the changes added with PR #304.

The first is that the make terraform/get-plugins target fails to execute properly with 127 exit code

❯ make init
exit 0
Cloning into 'build-harness'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 150, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (150/150), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (122/122), done.
remote: Total 150 (delta 9), reused 81 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (150/150), 94.82 KiB | 2.56 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (9/9), done.
❯ make terraform/install
Installing Terraform 1.1.2 (linux) from
################################################################################################################# 100.0%
/home/jbouse/test/build-harness/vendor/terraform version
Terraform v1.1.2
on linux_amd64
+ provider v3.1.0
❯ make terraform/get-plugins
/bin/bash: cho: command not found
make: *** [/home/jbouse/test/build-harness/modules/terraform/Makefile:19: terraform/get-plugins] Error 127

The second is that the make clean target fails execute properly

❯ make clean
if [ -d "/home/jbouse/test/build-harness" ]; then \
  if [ -d build-harness ] && [ $(stat -f %i "/home/jbouse/test/build-harness") == $(stat -f %i build-harness) ]; then \
    rm -rf build-harness; \
  else \
    echo Not removing build harness from "/home/jbouse/test/build-harness" because it appears to be shared.; \
    echo If you are sure you want to delete it, run: ; \
    echo '   rm -rf "/home/jbouse/test/build-harness"'; \
  fi; \
stat: cannot read file system information for '%i': No such file or directory
stat: cannot read file system information for '%i': No such file or directory
/bin/bash: line 1: [: too many arguments
Not removing build harness from /home/jbouse/test/build-harness because it appears to be shared.
If you are sure you want to delete it, run:
   rm -rf "/home/jbouse/test/build-harness"

Expected Behavior

In the first instance simply expect to have the message output as a result

❯ make terraform/get-plugins
terraform -get-plugins no longer supported

In the second instance expect the build-harness to either be deleted with no output or the expected error message output.

❯ make clean


❯ make clean
Not removing build harness from /home/jbouse/path/to/shared/build-harness because it appears to be shared.
If you are sure you want to delete it, run:
   rm -rf "/home/jbouse/path/to/shared/build-harness"

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Created new repository from cloudposse/terraform-example-module
  2. Execute make init
  3. Execute make lint or make terraform/get-plugins
  4. See error for first instance
  5. Execute make clean
  6. Serr error for second instance

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Version: 20.04 LTS

build-harness gh actions doesn't work with act

act should work with our gh actions in this repo.
It would simplify workflow and allow to test changes before pushing.
Especially this flag is interesting for continuous testing --watch - watch the contents of the local repo and run when files change

[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit] 🚀  Start image=node:12.6-buster-slim
[lint/readme                             ] 🚀  Start image=node:12.6-buster-slim
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit]   🐳  docker run image=node:12.6-buster-slim entrypoint=["/usr/bin/tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[lint/readme                             ]   🐳  docker run image=node:12.6-buster-slim entrypoint=["/usr/bin/tail" "-f" "/dev/null"] cmd=[]
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit]   🐳  docker cp src=/workspace/cloudposse.terraform-opsgenie/. dst=/github/workspace
[lint/readme                             ]   🐳  docker cp src=/workspace/cloudposse.terraform-opsgenie/. dst=/github/workspace
[lint/readme                             ] ⭐  Run actions/checkout@master
[lint/readme                             ]   ✅  Success - actions/checkout@master
[lint/readme                             ] ⭐  Run cloudposse/[email protected]
[lint/readme                             ]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=0.39.0
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit] ⭐  Run actions/checkout@v1
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit]   ✅  Success - actions/checkout@v1
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit] ⭐  Run actions/setup-python@v1
[cloudposse-terraform-workflow/pre-commit]   ☁  git clone '' # ref=v1
[lint/readme                             ]   ❌  Failure - cloudposse/[email protected]
Error: open /.cache/act/[email protected]/action.yaml: no such file or directory

Sample action.yaml from actions-setup-python@v1 repo:

name: 'Setup Python'
description: 'Set up a specific version of Python and add the command-line tools to the PATH.'
author: 'GitHub'
    description: "Version range or exact version of a Python version to use, using SemVer's version range syntax."
    default: '3.x'
    description: 'The target architecture (x86, x64) of the Python interpreter.'
    default: 'x64'
    description: "The installed python version. Useful when given a version range as input."
  using: 'node12'
  main: 'dist/index.js'
  icon: 'code'
  color: 'yellow'

make 4.4 (oct 31 2022) causes issues with the git submodule resulting in an infinite loop

Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help.

Slack Community

Describe the Bug

make 4.4 (oct 31 2022) and 4.4.1 causes issues with the git submodule resulting in an infinite loop

cc: @Nuru

Expected Behavior

It should not be in an infinite loop

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Use the ancient OSX make which is 3.81 version
  2. /usr/bin/make init
  3. Notice that the target exits successfully
  4. Use the GNU make by doing brew install make to get the latest 4.4 version
  5. /usr/local/bin/make init
  6. Notice the infinite loop
✗ make SHELL='sh -x' init

+ pwd
+ pwd
+ '[' -d build-harness ']'
+ pwd
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ show -s --format=%aN
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url
+ sed 's/\.git$//g'
+ sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g'
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ rev-parse --verify --short HEAD
+ config --get remote.origin.url



Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OSX Ventura 13.0
  • GNU Make 4.4

Additional Context

Worked on debugging this with @dudymas on it! Thank you!

Downgrading back to make 4.3 is successful

Commenting out this line prevents the issue

include $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH)/modules/*/bootstrap.Makefile*

And the git module is the specific one that seems to be failing which causes repeating the include.

export GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell $(GIT) rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
export GIT_TAG ?= $(shell $(GIT) tag -l --sort -taggerdate --points-at HEAD 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)
export GIT_COMMIT_URL ?= $(shell $(GIT) config --get remote.origin.url 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\.git$$//g' | sed 's/git@\(.*\):/https:\/\/\1\//g' )/commit/$(GIT_COMMIT_SHORT)
export GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE ?= $(shell $(GIT) show -s --format=%s%b 2>/dev/null)
export GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR ?= $(shell $(GIT) show -s --format=%aN 2>/dev/null)
export GIT_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP ?= $(shell $(GIT) log -1 --format=%ct 2>/dev/null)


Option 1: Use OSX make

/usr/bin/make --version
/usr/bin/make all

Option 2: Brew to pin GNU Make to 4.3

if you do not want to use the older make but also want to pin to 4.3 using homebrew

# uninstall 4.4 make
brew uninstall make
# find your make.rb file
find / -name make.rb
# override the make.rb file with the 4.3 version
wget make.rb
# install
brew install make.rb
# finally pin
brew pin make

Generate doc failed if "type" present in object definition

I tried to use /bin/terraform-docs.awk to generate documentation with terraform-docs.

An error occured with this variable from provider aws, resource "aws_ecs_service", property "ordered_placement_strategy" :

variable "ordered_placement_strategy" {
  type = list(object({
    type  = string
    field = string
  description = "Ordered task placement strategy on EC2 instances"
  default = [
      type  = "spread"
      field = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone"

Due to presence of "type" in the object definition, and default value, awk transformation failed to retrieve a valid hcl0.11 content.

Transformation result :

variable "ordered_placement_strategy" {
  type = "object"
  type = "string"
  description = "Ordered task placement strategy on EC2 instances"
  default = [
  type = "spread"

Thank you for the awk hack anyway 👍

Warn when using checked-out local build-harness rep


In order to ensure a known version of build-harness is run by various automation workflows, and to support development and testing of build-harness, if you have the build-harness project checked out from GitHub and it is in the same directory tree at the same or higher level than your project, the checked out version will be used instead of the latest version.

This leads to problems and confusion by end users when they have a checked out version and it is old.

Feature Request: information display

When using the local checked out version of build-harness, display:

  • A notice that the local version is being used, including the exact directory where that version is located
  • A warning when that version is different than the current version of the default branch of the project, or a confirmation that hte latest version is being used

Feature Request: make this behavior a feature flag

More users are confused and "bitten" by this behavior than benefit from it. Therefore:

  • Make the default to be to use the auto-updated downloaded version when BUILD_HARNESS_AUTO_INIT is "true", with corresponding informational output

Missing template for README.yaml

Love your project. But i found a really small issue. The smallest.

You're missing a file in template\README.yaml file for readme:init target to work.
If you run your target readme/init or something on a project that has no readme.yaml yet, an attempt is made to copy over this file from build.harness\templates but there is none.

Add Twitter Badge to Readme Template





  • Promote our Twitter account

`make clean` doesn't actually execute the `rm` -- It just prints out the command to do so.

Found a bug? Maybe our Slack Community can help.

Slack Community

Describe the Bug

Running a make clean doesn't actually remove $(BUILD_HARNESS_PATH). It just echos the command to do so. Not sure if this is intentional or not...

Expected Behavior

I would think make clean should actually remove the build-harness directory + possibly the .build-harness file.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. git clone
  2. make
  3. make clean
  4. Notice build-harness/ is not removed.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Anything that will help us triage the bug will help. Here are some ideas:

  • Build Harness Version: master
  • OS: MacOSX
  • Version: 10.15.4

Use github/download-private-release when GITHUB_TOKEN exists


  • Refactor github/download-public-release to use github/download-private-release
    if GITHUB_TOKEN exists.


  • If GITHUB_TOKEN exists we use an authenticated call that has limits 5000 per day per IP
    else we call anonymous call that has limits to 60 per day per IP.


  • Make exits non-zero error if anonymous request limit hit.

terrafrom validate do not support -check-variables option anymore

Describe the Bug

From terrafrom v0.12+, terraform validate does not support -check-variables option anymore. See the discussion in the thread. From v0.12+ it won't check variable by default. Is it possible to remove -check-variables from module/terraform/Makefile?

Expected Behavior

Expected to see when using terraform version 0.13+, there's no error when running make terraform/validate

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run export TERRAFORM_VERSION = 0.15.4
  2. Clone build-harness (curl -sSL -o .build-harness ""; echo .build-harness)
  3. Run make terraform/install
  4. Run terraform/get-modules
  5. Run terraform/validte
  6. See error below:
│ Error: Failed to parse command-line flags
│ flag provided but not defined: -check-variables

For more help on using this command, run:
  terraform validate -help
make: *** [terraform/validate] Error 1

Environment (please complete the following information):

Anything that will help us triage the bug will help. Here are some ideas:

  • OS: OSX v11.13.1
  • build-harness version: 0.58.0
  • terraform version: 0.13+

Add `help/%` target


  • Add help/% target


  • Easily filter help by prefix.


Show all help for docker targets.

make help/docker

`make terraform/validate` does not to run on Terraform v0.12.X

Describe the Bug

Running make terraform/validate on Terraform v0.12.X prints the following message:

Terraform 0.12 does not support validate without skipping variables

Expected Behavior

I would expect the terraform/validate target to not care about this skipping variables flag as it doesn't seem needed, but maybe I am missing something.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. git clone
  2. make
  3. make terraform/install TERRAFORM_VERSION=0.12.24
  4. make terraform/validate
  5. Notice that Terraform validate is not run and the target prints "Terraform 0.12 does not support validate without skipping variables".

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Build Harness Version: master
  • OS: MacOSX
  • Version: 10.15.4

Additional Context

  • When I run tf validate locally without the Makefile / Build-harness -- I get the expected, useful output:
Error: Missing required argument

The argument "region" is required, but was not set.


make help/all not displaying all targets

Describe the Bug

When running make help or make help/all some of the targets are not displayed, specifically docs/ and docs/ Also awk complains about the regex being used.

Available targets:

awk: cmd. line:1: warning: regexp escape sequence `\_' is not a known regexp operator

Expected Behavior

The make help or make help/all should display all available targets and awk should not error.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. make init
  2. make help or make help/all

Environment (please complete the following information):

Anything that will help us triage the bug will help. Here are some ideas:

  • OS: Linux (Fedora)
  • Version 35
  • BASH Version: 5.1.8
  • AWK Version: 5.1.0
  • ZSH Version: 5.8

I tested in both BASH and ZSH just to rule out my ZSH was doing something funky.

Tested Solution:

Changed the regex used by awk here, to the below regex:


Semver should error if invalid format


  • Semvers have a strict format (e.g. is invalid, but 0.0.0-rc1.0 is valid)
  • Our semver target should error if invalid semver is calculated


  • Invalid semvers will silently fail with helm

Latest commit did not trigger a container tag+push

Describe the Bug

when I run commands that would use docker containers (i.e. make pr/readme) I get this error:

docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for cloudposse/build-harness:sha-a1e5103 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.

This sha is the latest commit to main but it appears a build was not triggered.

Expected Behavior

container tag exists

Steps to Reproduce

run make init; make pr/readme in any terraform module


No response


No response

Additional Context

No response

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