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with_advisory_lock's Introduction


Adds advisory locking (mutexes) to ActiveRecord 6.0+, with ruby 2.7+, jruby or truffleruby, when used with MySQL or PostgreSQL. SQLite resorts to file locking.

Gem Version CI

What's an "Advisory Lock"?

An advisory lock is a mutex used to ensure no two processes run some process at the same time. When the advisory lock is powered by your database server, as long as it isn't SQLite, your mutex spans hosts.


This gem automatically includes the WithAdvisoryLock module in all of your ActiveRecord models. Here's an example of how to use it where User is an ActiveRecord model, and lock_name is some string:

User.with_advisory_lock(lock_name) do

What happens

  1. The thread will wait indefinitely until the lock is acquired.
  2. While inside the block, you will exclusively own the advisory lock.
  3. The lock will be released after your block ends, even if an exception is raised in the block.

Lock wait timeouts

with_advisory_lock takes an options hash as the second parameter. The timeout_seconds option defaults to nil, which means wait indefinitely for the lock.

A value of zero will try the lock only once. If the lock is acquired, the block will be yielded to. If the lock is currently being held, the block will not be called.


If a non-nil value is provided for timeout_seconds, the block will not be invoked if the lock cannot be acquired within that time-frame. In this case, with_advisory_lock will return false, while with_advisory_lock! will raise a WithAdvisoryLock::FailedToAcquireLock error.

For backwards compatability, the timeout value can be specified directly as the second parameter.

Shared locks

The shared option defaults to false which means an exclusive lock will be obtained. Setting shared to true will allow locks to be obtained by multiple actors as long as they are all shared locks.

Note: MySQL does not support shared locks.

Transaction-level locks

PostgreSQL supports transaction-level locks which remain held until the transaction completes. You can enable this by setting the transaction option to true.

Note: transaction-level locks will not be reflected by .current_advisory_lock when the block has returned.

Return values

The return value of with_advisory_lock_result is a WithAdvisoryLock::Result instance, which has a lock_was_acquired? method and a result accessor method, which is the returned value of the given block. If your block may validly return false, you should use this method.

The return value of with_advisory_lock will be the result of the yielded block, if the lock was able to be acquired and the block yielded, or false, if you provided a timeout_seconds value and the lock was not able to be acquired in time.

with_advisory_lock! is similar to with_advisory_lock, but raises a WithAdvisoryLock::FailedToAcquireLock error if the lock was not able to be acquired in time.

Testing for the current lock status

If you needed to check if the advisory lock is currently being held, you can call Tag.advisory_lock_exists?("foo"), but realize the lock can be acquired between the time you test for the lock, and the time you try to acquire the lock.

If you want to see if the current Thread is holding a lock, you can call Tag.current_advisory_lock which will return the name of the current lock. If no lock is currently held, .current_advisory_lock returns nil.

ActiveRecord Query Cache

You can optionally pass disable_query_cache: true to the options hash of with_advisory_lock in order to disable ActiveRecord's query cache. This can prevent problems when you query the database from within the lock and it returns stale results. More info on why this can be a problem can be found here


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'with_advisory_lock'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Lock Types

First off, know that there are lots of different kinds of locks available to you. Pick the finest-grain lock that ensures correctness. If you choose a lock that is too coarse, you are unnecessarily blocking other processes.

Advisory locks

These are named mutexes that are inherently "application level"—it is up to the application to acquire, run a critical code section, and release the advisory lock.

Row-level locks

Whether optimistic or pessimistic, row-level locks prevent concurrent modification to a given model.

If you're building a CRUD application, this will be 2.4, 2.5 and your most commonly used lock.

Table-level locks

Provided through something like the monogamy gem, these prevent concurrent access to any instance of a model. Their coarseness means they aren't going to be commonly applicable, and they can be a source of deadlocks.


Transactions and Advisory Locks

Advisory locks with MySQL and PostgreSQL ignore database transaction boundaries.

You will want to wrap your block within a transaction to ensure consistency.

MySQL < 5.7.5 doesn't support nesting

With MySQL < 5.7.5, if you ask for a different advisory lock within a with_advisory_lock block, you will be releasing the parent lock (!!!). A NestedAdvisoryLockErrorwill be raised in this case. If you ask for the same lock name, with_advisory_lock won't ask for the lock again, and the block given will be yielded to.

This is not an issue in MySQL >= 5.7.5, and no error will be raised for nested lock usage. You can override this by passing force_nested_lock_support: true or force_nested_lock_support: false to the with_advisory_lock options.

Is clustered MySQL supported?


There are many lock-* files in my project directory after test runs

This is expected if you aren't using MySQL or Postgresql for your tests. See issue 3.

SQLite doesn't have advisory locks, so we resort to file locking, which will only work if the FLOCK_DIR is set consistently for all ruby processes.

In your spec_helper.rb or minitest_helper.rb, add a before and after block:

before do
  ENV['FLOCK_DIR'] = Dir.mktmpdir

after do
  FileUtils.remove_entry_secure ENV['FLOCK_DIR']

with_advisory_lock's People


abinoda avatar atyndall avatar danielnc avatar fmluizao avatar github-actions[bot] avatar hrdwdmrbl avatar jasoncodes avatar joshuaflanagan avatar jturkel avatar mceachen avatar muxcmux avatar pond avatar seuros avatar shalvah-gs avatar sposmen avatar zmariscal avatar


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with_advisory_lock's Issues

Worth using `pg_try_advisory_xact_lock` for PostgreSQL?

I recently added the gem to a project and we ran into a case where the locks were not getting freed due to the transaction being aborted when it hit a configured statement timeout. When the abort occurred ActiveRecord would throw PG::InFailedSqlTransaction when trying to do the unlock.

We monkey patched in pg_try_advisory_xact_lock which auto releases at the end of the transaction and it has been working well so far. I'm fairly new to advisory locks so there might be a reason not to use them. From what I understand the main issues are that pg_try_advisory_lock will work outside of a transaction and pg_try_advisory_xact_lock is only supported in PostgreSQL 9.1 and up.

GET_LOCK Cached by MySQL


We have a problem with closure_tree but comes from with_advisory_lock because on log are trying to get SELECT GET_LOCK('closure_tree', 0) until timeout finish the thread of server or in other cases (because runs indefinitely) doesn't end until mysql reset cache status.

Is possible to improve this state by disabling cache on MySQL but some times Query Cache is really necessary or simply doesn't have MySQL configuration access.

Our test case was maded with ab console program ( and getting a similar command like mentioned we get the exposed result.

ab -n 6 -c 6 -p -T application/json
CACHE (0.0ms)  SELECT GET_LOCK('closure_tree', 0)
CACHE (0.1ms)  SELECT GET_LOCK('closure_tree', 0)
CACHE (0.0ms)  SELECT GET_LOCK('closure_tree', 0)

If you get this query with a dynamic timestamp on file lib/with_advisory_lock/mysql.rb similar than mentioned, you will change the query and will get the real state of the locked string after timestamp change (1 second).

0 < connection.select_value("SELECT GET_LOCK(#{quoted_lock_name}, 0)*"

Thanks !

[Question] RDSProxy Usage

Has anyone used this gem with RDSProxy? Doing testing locally it seems that the locking works properly but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

RFC: Turn off ActiveRecord caching within lock blocks

I explained this issue in depth in #47. The short version is that ActiveRecord caching can lead to stale query results within an advisory lock, at a time when it's critical to be working with up-to-date data.

I'm thinking that it may make sense for the with_advisory_lock block to automatically turn off caching via ActiveRecord::QueryCache.uncached for the duration of the block. Or perhaps there should be an argument to with_advisory_lock to control this.

The example use case is using an advisory lock to prevent the double-creation of a record. Take this for example:

def create_or_update_user(external_user)
  transaction do
    with_advisory_lock("create-user-#{}", transaction: true) do
      user = User.find_or_initialize_by(external_id:

In this example users are created from 3rd party webhooks, and the goal is to create a new user if it doesn't already exist, or update the existing one.

The problem I ran into is that upstream of the lock in my code I had a User.find_by(external_id: The user didn't exist at this point, so the result was being cached as nil. Then inside the lock find_or_initialize_by used the cached result of nil, even though by this time the user record had already been created, thus defeating the purpose of the lock.

I solve this in my code by using uncached to ensure a fresh query:

def create_or_update_user(external_user)
  transaction do
    with_advisory_lock("create-user-#{}", transaction: true) do
      self.class.uncached do
        user = User.find_or_initialize_by(external_id:

With_advisory_lock test with Multiple threads fails

This issue was originally posted on Stack Overflow. [Stack Overflow].

Summary of the issue is that rails tests which create multiple threads then try to call an operation which uses with_advisory_lock do not seem work properly. Things that were tried:

  1. Wrap with_advisory_lock block in a Transaction -> Locking behavior as expected
  2. Create a transacion within the with_advisory_lock block -> Locking behavior as expected
  3. Use only transaction and NO with_advisory_lock -> Locking behavior as expected
    The only thing that doesn't seem to work as expected is just using with_advisory_lock as intended.

I'm using the with_advisory_lock gem to try and ensure that a record is created only once. Here's the github url to the gem.

I have the following code, which sits in an operation class that I wrote to handle creating user subscriptions:

def create_subscription_for user
  subscription = UserSubscription.with_advisory_lock("lock_%d" % do
    UserSubscription.where({ user_id: }).first_or_create

  # do more stuff on that subscription

and the accompanying test:

threads = []
user = FactoryBot.create(:user)

rand(5..10).times do
  threads << do


expect(UserSubscription.count).to eq(1)

What I expect to happen:

  • The first thread to get to the block acquires the lock and creates a record.
  • Any other thread that gets to the block while it's being held by another thread [waits indefinitely until the lock is released] 1 (as per docs)
  • As soon as the lock is released by the first thread that created the record, another thread acquires the lock and now finds the record because it was already created by the first thread.

What actually happens:

  • The first thread to get to the block acquires the lock and creates a record.
  • Any other thread that gets to the block while it's being held by another thread goes and executes the code in the block anyway and as a result, when running the test, it sometimes fails with a ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error (I have a unique index on the table that allows for a single user_subscription with the same user_id)

What is more weird is that if I add a sleep for a few hundred milliseconds in my method just before the find_or_create method, the test never fails:

def create_subscription_for user
  subscription = UserSubscription.with_advisory_lock("lock_%d" % do
    sleep 0.2
    UserSubscription.where({ user_id: }).first_or_create

  # do more stuff on that subscription

My questions are: "Why is adding the sleep 0.2 making the tests always pass?" and "Where do I look to debug this?"


UPDATE: Tweaking the tests a little bit causes them to always fail:

threads = []
user = FactoryBot.create(:user)

rand(5..10).times do
  threads << do

until threads.all? { |t| t.status == 'sleep' }
  sleep 0.1


expect(UserSubscription.count).to eq(1)

I have also wrapped first_or_create in a transaction, which makes the test pass and everything to work as expected:

def create_subscription_for user
  subscription = UserSubscription.with_advisory_lock("lock_%d" % do
    UserSubscription.transaction do
      UserSubscription.where({ user_id: }).first_or_create

  # do more stuff on that subscription

So why is wrapping first_or_create in a transaction necessary to make things work?

Lock ignored for concurrent fibers

I have code that uses advisory locks to synchronize access across processes. But the lock is ignored when running concurrent fibers.

> fs ={{ ActiveRecord::Base.with_advisory_lock("test", timeout_seconds: 0){ Fiber.yield(:inside_lock) } } }
=> [#<Fiber:0x000000010cecf380 (pry):15 (created)>, #<Fiber:0x000000010cecefc0 (pry):15 (created)>]
   (0.8ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(1484750348,0) AS t92239c629d25968c41bc80391a4aabb4 /* test */
   (0.2ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(1484750348,0) AS t54e121e1f436b79ab55825ef77d4125e /* test */
=> [:inside_lock, :inside_lock]

This is because with_advisory_lock ignores the lock if nested inside another lock, determined by thread variable. In case of fibers, they share the same thread, but locks are not actually nested.

It is possible to work-around the issue by adding a local Mutex, but I feel like this behavior is not correct.

The fix is simple:

diff --git a/lib/with_advisory_lock/base.rb b/lib/with_advisory_lock/base.rb
index 19f6791..a4a7e73 100644
--- a/lib/with_advisory_lock/base.rb
+++ b/lib/with_advisory_lock/base.rb
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ def lock_stack_item
     def self.lock_stack
-      # access doesn't need to be synchronized as it is only accessed by the current thread.
-      Thread.current[:with_advisory_lock_stack] ||= []
+      # access doesn't need to be synchronized as it is only accessed by the current fiber/thread.
+      Fiber.current[:with_advisory_lock_stack] ||= []
     delegate :lock_stack, to: 'self.class'

any plans on supporting rails 7 ?

Is this gem still maintained?
Do you have plans on supporting rails 7?

I've used it successfully in the past and would like to reuse it again, but we have rails 7 migration planned, and want to be sure it will be rails7 friendly before going in

Next planned release?

Hello maintainers,

I'm working on a feature that would very much benefit from nested advisory locks. Currently I'm including this gem by specifying the ref of HEAD of master branch (currently 25e415c).

Is there a planned release coming up? Our testing so far is successful - it seems stable and reliable - but it's always preferable to be able to lock into a specific release than directly to a commit.


Drop dependency on thread_safe


I was wondering why the gem thread_safe is listed as a runtime dependency in the gemspec... Inspecting the code I see no usage of this gem... Could it be removed? This gem was merged into concurrent-ruby and is deprecated.

Rails 6 compatibility?

Hi, and thanks for this gem that looks to be the answer to my problem.

ActiveRecord 6 is not mentioned in the README, are the known issues, or is it not updated yet?

broken test with MySQL and AR 4.2

With the last merge:

NoMethodError:         NoMethodError: undefined method `can_be_bound?' for ActiveRecord::PredicateBuilder:Class
4.2.9/lib/active_record/relation/query_methods.rb:574:in `where'
            /home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.6/gems/activerecord-4.2.9/lib/active_record/querying.rb:10:in `where'
            /home/travis/build/ClosureTree/with_advisory_lock/test/parallelism_test.rb:28:in `block in work'

(perhaps skip that one test if AR 4.2 and MySQL?)

Connection pool causing locks to be taken when they shouldn't

During testing I found that (at least in my set up), ActiveRecord was re-using connections in which advisory locks were held, so when trying to lock on one again, even though it is locked, as it is within the same session.

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I can't guarantee the connection that is used to take the lock, so I can't guarantee this is locking correctly all the time.

Can anyone shed some light on to this issue?

If timeout is 0, try once before giving up

I would expect Foo.with_advisory_lock("foo", 0) { ... } to try to obtain the lock once, and give up immediately if it cannot be obtained.

Instead, the code will never try to obtain the lock. It will simply give up.

PG Transactional locks not working on Rails 5.2

I've been using with_advisory_lock for transactional locks on Rails 4.2 for a long time with success. I just upgraded my app to Rails 5.2 and suddenly they're not working anymore. I'm using Postgres.

My use case is to prevent double-creation of a record (very similar to the use described in #42). It looks something like this:

def create_or_update_user(external_user)
  transaction do
    with_advisory_lock("create-user-#{}", transaction: true) do
      user = User.find_or_initialize_by(external_id:

This code is executed by Sidekiq workers in jobs that are triggered by 3rd party webhooks. Often two jobs will run simultaneously that are trying to run this same method for the same user. On Rails 4.2 the transactional advisory lock would successfully prevent two workers from trying to create the same user record. Now that I'm on Rails 5.2 I'm getting flooded with ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique errors, meaning that the the locks are not working like they used to. (The table has a unique index in postgres that prevents a duplicate record.)

Does anyone know what might have changed in Rails 5 that could cause this? Did something change with the way that ActiveRecord connects to the database? @mceachen would your comments on #42 apply here? Those were about session-level locks on MySQL so I'm unsure, but the fact that it used to work and now it doesn't is very confusing to me.

PS I've noticed that the block isn't necessary for transaction locks, since the lock is released when the transaction ends, so I've also tried the following code and I get the same result. Both of these approaches worked on Rails 4.2:

def create_or_update_user(external_user)
  transaction do
    with_advisory_lock("create-user-#{}", transaction: true)
    user = User.find_or_initialize_by(external_id:

Locking and unlocking separately (without a block)

I've had a good rummage through the code, and am pretty sure things aren't wired up this way, but I wondered if it's possible to kick off a lock with one method call, then release the lock with another? This would be useful say in a before_save and after_save_commit callback arrangement.

Not accurate deocumentation

As i seen by usage example, method used as instance method.
It is confusing as one may think it is like SQL row lock.
Please emphasize in docs that this it is class method. It is relying on locks string only without any relation to class at all... Really, like some kind of helper...
So should not be illusion of row locking emulation....

BTW, you may introduce per instance locking by using lock string like "[User 11]" or so. Then lock_name may be some suffix of this.

advisory locks with connection pooling (pgbouncer)

It's not a bug although it might be a good place to ask, at least the answer might be an interesting section in Readme ;).

We've been using advisory locks extensively in multiple apps via with_advisory_lock gem and now, we are looking into introducing a connection pooler due to the huge number of DB connections. We are considering pgbouncer with transaction pool_mode and based on some research, some things are not really clear, so I was wondering if you have any experience with that.

So advisory locks are session-based features, which won't work with a transaction pool mode. This is also a common source of the issues with running migrations in Rails and one of the reasons why in Rails 6 it's possible to disable advisory locks to solve the issue with migrations. On the other hand, there are transaction-level locks, which are also supported by this gem, which might work just fine with the transaction pool mode. Yet, this doesn't seem to go along with the general recommendations that you shouldn't use advisory locks with pgbouncer or even with the fact that in Rails, it's either a session-based advisory lock or not at all (although this decision could be made due to the fact that it's possible to disable transaction per migration).

So I was wondering if transaction-level locks will just work with pgbouncer or should we find some alternative?

Thanks in advance for the answer.

Timeout not passed to MySQL timeout

Hey there -- thanks for providing this gem. Is there a reason you chose to always provide a timeout of 0 within the MySQL driver rather than pass the thread timeout along? Would you be receptive to a PR that changes this behavior?


undefined method `with_advisory_lock' in Rails test environment

I am having difficulty executing with_advisory_lock in my Rails test environment.

Works fine when RAILS_ENV=development:

code/pullreminders » rails c
Loading development environment (Rails 5.1.6)
Nirb(main):001:0> NotificationRule.with_advisory_lock
Traceback (most recent call last):
        1: from (irb):1
ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2))

But doesn't when `RAILS_ENV=test`:

code/pullreminders » RAILS_ENV=test rails c
Loading test environment (Rails 5.1.6)
irb(main):001:0> NotificationRule.with_advisory_lock
Traceback (most recent call last):
1: from (irb):1
NoMethodError (undefined method `with_advisory_lock' for #Class:0x00007f9769d8d080)

I am using Postgres and here's my Gemfile:

ruby '2.5.0'
gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.6'
gem 'with_advisory_lock', '~> 4.0.0'

As far as I can tell my development and test databases are the same as far as Postgres configuration and schema.

[Not a bug] Proper usage of with_advisory_lock

Hi! first off, thanks for the attention and for for the gem.

Rails: 5.0.0
psql (PostgreSQL) 10.3 (Debian 10.3-1.pgdg90+1)

My rails server is run inside a docker container with

bundle exec puma -t 0:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RAILS_ENV:-development}

DB config has a pool of 5 threads as well

I am trying to figure out what I might be doing wrong in using this gem.

This is an excerpt of a service object

  def call
    Rails.logger.debug "Running thread #{Thread.current.object_id}"
    ActiveRecord::Base.with_advisory_lock_result("backlog-lock", timeout_seconds: 5) do
      if servicing.work_order.in_progress?
        servicing.update(status: :open, redone: true, approval_status: nil)

This code gets executed as a result of a controller action, and to test I am executing two curl requests in parallel.

The behaviour I don't understand is that the second thread to reach the with_advisory_lock_result seems to be blocking the first one, instead of just waiting for 5 seconds while the other thread keeps running.

The log output from executing the code above is:

Started POST "/api/servicings/92/reschedule?redo_reason=testing" for at 2018-12-26 20:46:17 +0000
Started POST "/api/servicings/91/reschedule?redo_reason=testing" for at 2018-12-26 20:46:17 +0000
Processing by API::ServicingsController#reschedule as */*
  Parameters: {"redo_reason"=>"testing", "id"=>"91"}
Processing by API::ServicingsController#reschedule as */*
  Parameters: {"redo_reason"=>"testing", "id"=>"92"}
  User Load (1.6ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  User Load (7.7ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  Servicing Load (4.7ms)  SELECT  "servicings".* FROM "servicings" WHERE "servicings"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "servicings"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 92], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  CACHE (0.0ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  CACHE (0.3ms)  SELECT  "servicings".* FROM "servicings" WHERE "servicings"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "servicings"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 92], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  Servicing Load (9.5ms)  SELECT  "servicings".* FROM "servicings" WHERE "servicings"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "servicings"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 91], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  CACHE (0.0ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  CACHE (0.5ms)  SELECT  "servicings".* FROM "servicings" WHERE "servicings"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "servicings"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 91], ["LIMIT", 1]]
   (2.0ms)  BEGIN
   (2.8ms)  BEGIN
   (0.3ms)  COMMIT
   (0.4ms)  COMMIT
Running thread 47076409369740
Running thread 69856980992120
   (1.5ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t3f11a179e210d135eade537bf1cf4340 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.8ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t27331309003857f07af7ba8c5d482a7f /* backlog-lock */
  WorkOrder Load (11.5ms)  SELECT  "work_orders".* FROM "work_orders" WHERE "work_orders"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "work_orders"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 39], ["LIMIT", 1]]
   (1.3ms)  BEGIN
   (1.3ms)  COMMIT
  Location Load (3.5ms)  SELECT  "locations".* FROM "locations" WHERE "locations"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "locations"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  WorkOrder Load (2.6ms)  SELECT  "work_orders".* FROM "work_orders" WHERE "work_orders"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "work_orders"."status" IN ('open', 'in_progress') AND "work_orders"."backlog" = $1 AND "work_orders"."location_id" = 1 LIMIT $2  [["backlog", true], ["LIMIT", 1]]
   (0.4ms)  BEGIN
  SQL (5.4ms)  INSERT INTO "work_orders" ("contact", "location_id", "description", "backlog", "starts_at", "timezone", "ends_at", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) RETURNING "id"  [["contact", "Donato test"], ["location_id", 1], ["description", "Test"], ["backlog", true], ["starts_at", 2018-12-27 12:00:00 UTC], ["timezone", "America/New_York"], ["ends_at", 2018-12-27 18:00:00 UTC], ["created_at", 2018-12-26 20:46:18 UTC], ["updated_at", 2018-12-26 20:46:18 UTC]]
   (3.9ms)  COMMIT
   (0.7ms)  BEGIN
   (0.5ms)  COMMIT
  Area Load (11.5ms)  SELECT  "areas".* FROM "areas" WHERE "areas"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND "areas"."id" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]]
   (99.2ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t00e16279f8d89a1b21ffe48bd6306f09 /* backlog-lock */
   (1.1ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS tf3d6a44a3253fb07f24c8015b242f75b /* backlog-lock */
   (1.3ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS tccae0e9b109ac8a5fa3dacabd26ea120 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.7ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t705f95fd6f580325093a5c300580671e /* backlog-lock */
   (0.8ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS tbfeb8cd03aef66de28ea5193a5772ce2 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.6ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t331e00c084d8fd5f7bebfffb5e1ad7f0 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.7ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t33c88295291c7d1a319c46a7043d5115 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.6ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t1e5a62030123421fa68169c6bc3629c9 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.6ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t52bc53f618514af84bc297cdacc9d25a /* backlog-lock */

This last line goes on for the 5 seconds (parameter to with_advisory_lock_result) and then it gives up -- no lock acquired -- and only then does the first thread resume work.

From the lines

Running thread 47076409369740
Running thread 69856980992120
   (1.5ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t3f11a179e210d135eade537bf1cf4340 /* backlog-lock */
   (0.8ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(986825911,0) AS t27331309003857f07af7ba8c5d482a7f /* backlog-lock */

I presume that there are indeed 2 threads in parallel (different Thread.current.object_id), almost in sync with each other.

I expected that I would see logs of the first thread doing its work intermingled with logs of the second thread querying the pg_try_advisory_lock, which does not seem to be the case.

Perhaps I am missing a parameter, or a db config in rails....

Expose Postgres integer lock id

At the moment, the gem generates lock id automatically based on the given string. The resulting lock id is hidden as an implementation detail. However, it would be useful to know for debugging purposes - to see which DB session is holding the current lock, in case it is stuck, and be able to force-release it.

Here is how it could work:

info = User.with_advisory_lock_result("user-#{}"){ ... }
unless info.lock_was_acquired?
  p info.lock_id #=> [2116437524, 0]
select * from pg_locks where classid = 2116437524;

MiniTest warning about usage in tests

There's a MiniTest warning in the test results, which obscure the output quite a lot.

A failed test output is hard to find among all those warnings about "global use of must_equal".

pg_advisory_lock vs. pg_try_advisory_lock

Why do you use pg_try_advisory_lock and not just simple pg_advisory_lock which will avoid polling in SQL?

You can plan with this example:

  def with_advisory_lock(lock_id)
    execute("SELECT pg_advisory_lock(#{lock_id})")
    execute("SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(#{lock_id})")

Naming conflict

The private method included in ActiveRecord has a very generic name and can easily conflict. Is it possible to give it a more specific name?

ActiveRecord::Base.send(:impl_class) #=> WithAdvisoryLock::PostgreSQL

Upcoming Changes: Enhancements to Multi-Database Support. Dropping support for SQLite3 and older ActiveRecord versions

Hello everyone,

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the with_advisory_lock gem, we are planning some significant changes in the upcoming release, which we wanted to share with you in advance to help you prepare for the transition.

Enhanced Multi-Database Support
This update aims to provide cleaner implementation by injecting the need code into the adapters directly.

Dropping Support for SQLite3
We have decided to drop support for SQLite3 in the next major release of with_advisory_lock. PostgreSQL and MySQL provide the capability natively, and this will allow us to simplify the codebase.

Single-node SQLite consumers can substitute this library with a mutex.

Support for ActiveRecord 7+
With the incoming release of a new Rails version and bi g refactoring going on in rails/rails, it will be more beneficial to drop support for legacy version.

Action Required
If you are currently using SQLite3 with with_advisory_lock, we recommend transitioning to a supported database system such as PostgreSQL or MySQL before the next release or lock the version.

We understand that these changes may require adjustments in your applications, and we are here to help.

Best regards,

cc @mceachen

try_lock and release_lock are not reliable under Postgres

Currently the postgres adapter uses connection#select_value which looking at the documentation the call chain is :

select_value -> select_one -> select_all

select_all "... returns an array of hashes ..."
select_one "... selects first hash of array ..."
select_value " ... selects first value of hash ..."

This means that when selecting more than one value in a statement you need to explictly request which column you want.

In some Rubies maybe select_value always returns the output of the lock functions but at least in REE/MRI 1.8 and jRuby in 1.8 mode where I tested this is not true.

The fix is simple - use execute and retrieve the value ( PR coming ) or change the SQL to only select the lock function result.

Using `with_advisory_lock!`

Looks like a new method with_advisory_lock! was added which raises an error if a lock failed to be acquired but it's not yet available on the latest version. Is the latest code stable enough to cut a release for that?


Race condition in `advisory_lock_exists?`

In multithreaded environment, e.g. 80 sidekiq parallel jobs (in our case), advisory_lock_exists? actually is mostly guaranteed to create many false positive locks in postgres. Most probably because 1st thread acquires lock and execution is passed to other thread while lock is not released.

I guess there is no easy way to overcome this with existing gem logic, as threads might be terminated any time and wrapping in syncronize is not a good way either.

So... created alternative nonblocking exist check.

class ApplicationRecord
  def self.advisory_lock_nonblocking_exists?(key)
    lock_keys =, key, {}).lock_keys

      SELECT 1 FROM pg_locks
      WHERE locktype='advisory'
        AND database=(SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname=CURRENT_DATABASE())
        AND classid=#{lock_keys.first.to_i}
        AND objid=#{lock_keys.last.to_i}

Not sure if such a way may have other problems (e.g. there might be cases when those pg tables are not accessible in restricted cloud hostings), but at least seems to work for our situation on AWS RDS - 1 big job opens lock, and many other small jobs just need to wait.

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