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oceananigans.jl's Introduction


🌊 Fast and friendly ocean-flavored Julia software for simulating incompressible fluid dynamics in Cartesian and spherical shell domains on CPUs and GPUs.

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Oceananigans is a fast, friendly, flexible software package for finite volume simulations of the nonhydrostatic and hydrostatic Boussinesq equations on CPUs and GPUs. It runs on GPUs (wow, fast!), though we believe Oceananigans makes the biggest waves with its ultra-flexible user interface that makes simple simulations easy, and complex, creative simulations possible.

Oceananigans.jl is developed by the Climate Modeling Alliance and heroic external collaborators.


Installation instructions

Oceananigans is a registered Julia package. So to install it,

  1. Download Julia (version 1.9 or later).

  2. Launch Julia and type

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("Oceananigans")

This installs the latest version that's compatible with your current environment. Don't forget to be careful 🏄 and check which Oceananigans you installed:

julia> Pkg.status("Oceananigans")

Running your first model

Let's run a two-dimensional, horizontally-periodic simulation of turbulence using 128² finite volume cells for 4 non-dimensional time units:

using Oceananigans
grid = RectilinearGrid(CPU(), size=(128, 128), x=(0, 2π), y=(0, 2π), topology=(Periodic, Periodic, Flat))
model = NonhydrostaticModel(; grid, advection=WENO())
ϵ(x, y) = 2rand() - 1
set!(model, u=ϵ, v=ϵ)
simulation = Simulation(model; Δt=0.01, stop_time=4)

But there's more: changing CPU() to GPU() makes this code on a CUDA-enabled Nvidia GPU.

Dive into the documentation for more code examples and tutorials. Below, you'll find movies from GPU simulations along with CPU and GPU performance benchmarks.

The Oceananigans knowledge base

It's deep and includes:


If you use Oceananigans.jl as part of your research, teaching, or other activities, we would be grateful if you could cite our work and mention Oceananigans.jl by name.

  doi = {10.21105/joss.02018},
  url = {},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {The Open Journal},
  volume = {5},
  number = {53},
  pages = {2018},
  author = {Ali Ramadhan and Gregory LeClaire Wagner and Chris Hill and Jean-Michel Campin and Valentin Churavy and Tim Besard and Andre Souza and Alan Edelman and Raffaele Ferrari and John Marshall},
  title = {{Oceananigans.jl: Fast and friendly geophysical fluid dynamics on GPUs}},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}

We also maintain a list of publications using Oceananigans.jl. If you have work using Oceananigans.jl that you would like to have listed there, please open a pull request to add it or let us know!


If you're interested in contributing to the development of Oceananigans we want your help no matter how big or small a contribution you make! Cause we're all in this together.

If you'd like to work on a new feature, or if you're new to open source and want to crowd-source neat projects that fit your interests, you should start a discussion right away.

For more information check out our contributor's guide.


Watch deep convection in action

Watch free convection in action

Watch winds blowing over the ocean

Watch free convection with wind stress in action

Performance benchmarks

We've performed some preliminary performance benchmarks (see the performance benchmarks section of the documentation) by initializing models of various sizes and measuring the wall clock time taken per model iteration (or time step).

This is not really a fair comparison as we haven't parallelized across all the CPU's cores so we will revisit these benchmarks once Oceananigans.jl can run on multiple CPUs and GPUs.

To make full use of or fully saturate the computing power of a GPU such as an Nvidia Tesla V100 or a Titan V, the model should have around ~10 million grid points or more.

Sometimes counter-intuitively running with Float32 is slower than Float64. This is likely due to type mismatches causing slowdowns as floats have to be converted between 32-bit and 64-bit, an issue that needs to be addressed meticulously. Due to other bottlenecks such as memory accesses and GPU register pressure, Float32 models may not provide much of a speedup so the main benefit becomes lower memory costs (by around a factor of 2).

Performance benchmark plots

oceananigans.jl's People


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oceananigans.jl's Issues

Spectral solver for the nonhydrostatic pressure must produce divergence-free velocity field.

I guess this is not something I was thinking of but John pointed out that it's crucial that the Fourier-spectral solver returns a nonhydrostatic pressure that when used to update the velocity field, produces a velocity field that is non-divergent at every grid point. Otherwise mass is being unphysically accumulated and tracer quantities will also be accumulated due to nonzero Q(∇·u) terms in the flux divergence operators ∇·(uQ) = Q(∇·u) + u·∇Q, leading to divergences and blowups.

Right now the wavenumbers are computed as

kx = 2π/Lx  # DFT
ky = 2π/Ly  # DFT
kz = 1π/Ly  # DCT

which should lead to a solver whose solutions converge spectrally. While it may solve for the pressure at the center of the cells very accurately, if ∇·u is non-zero this will be a big problem.

This will require some testing on my part to see which solver best satisfies ∇·u. If we can satisfy it to machine precision, that would be amazing. If not, hopefully it can satisfy it better than the conjugate-gradient method and then we can use the continuity equation to enforce ∇·u=0.

An alternative (not sure if this would work) is to discretize the derivative operators using a second-order centered-difference scheme (which I believe I've done for the 1D solver, and previous 3D solver) which explicitly places the discretization points on the center of the cells. Then the wavenumbers are

kˣ² = (4 / Δx²) * sin(πl / Nˣ)²  # DFT
kʸ² = (4 / Δy²) * sin(πm / Nʸ)²  # DFT
kᶻ² = (2 / Δz²) * (cos(πn / Nᶻ) - 1)  # DCT

and of course you expect second-order convergence. But if it better satisfies ∇·u=0 then it might be the way to go. You can also derive wavenumbers for fourth-order discretization.

EDIT: Fixed second-order wavenumbers.

Docs are failing.

I'm using Documenter.jl to compile the documentation from Markdown. I'm hoping to use mkdocs (with the mkdocs-material theme) to create the static documentation website and then publish it on

I haven't tried too hard but I can't seem to get this set up to work. Maybe it's too complicated? Anyways, this is a reminder to come back and work on getting some documentation online.

Running with Float32 leaves numerical artifacts.

Using 32-bit floats leaves numerical artifacts. See attached images of deep convection: top is surface temperature and bottom is vertical slice through the center of the cooling disk at time step 1500. They appear when using 32-bit floats on the CPU and GPU. I suspect the Poisson pressure solve is to blame. There are things we can consider to increase the accuracy of the FFT at single-precision.

Float64 on CPU (good):
64bit cpu

Float32 on CPU (bad):
32bit cpu

Float32 on GPU (even worse, but still stable!):
32bit gpu

β-plane and full Coriolis

For long Cartesian slices? Will this work on a Cartesian grid? I know a full treatment of Coriolis in the ocean is nontrivial...

Element-wise kernels: Prefetch data needed for time stepping at the start?

Jumping the gun here but instead of accessing e.g. model.tracers.T[i, j, k+1] multiple times during a time step, can it be prefetched, i.e. T_kp1 = model.tracers.T[i, j, k+1], and then reused multiple times? Would the value or the pointer need to be accessed?

The only reason to do this is performance gain. Will this work or will the code turn into spaghetti? Can some sort of compiler figure this stuff out for us?

Vertically stretched Cartesian grid

Current operators assume constant Δz which allow the model to use faster operators and use a tiny bit less space, so they'd have to be rewritten a tiny bit to account for a variable Δz when that gets implemented.

We can either write new operators that get dispatched on HorizontallyRegularCartesianGrid structs (already possible), or maybe the performance gain is so tiny that we just make RegularCartesianGrid a subset of HorizontallyRegularCartesianGrid and only have one set of operators.

HorizontallyRegularCartesianGrid might be a descriptive but pretty bad struct name.

Broadcasting and operations on different Field types

Right now I've decided to not implement broadcasting for Field types. It would be really nice but I'd have to figure out how to take into account the different field types, e.g. can broadcast T .+ S as they're both of type CellField but not u .+ v as u::FaceFieldX, v::FaceFieldY.

Maybe even take it further and implement u .+ v which would have to do u .+ avgx(avgy(v)), and isn't commutative anymore.

Use multiple dispatch to control Poisson solver

This if-statement is not necessary, because the architecture can be known from the array types of the CellFields.

Specifically, this line can be changed to

function solve_poisson_3d_ppn_planned!(ssp::SpectralSolverParameters, g::RegularCartesianGrid, f::CellField{T}, ϕ::CellField{T}) where T<:CuArray



I think it would actually be preferable to dispatch on the type of the arrays in RegularCartesianGrid. However, it does not appear that the arrays representing the coordinates of the grid are parameterized in the definition of RegularCartesianGrid. Why is that?

If the array type of the problem is part of RegularCartesianGrid, then dispatch can be used in place of if-statements all over the code, especially in fields.jl.

Finally, the term 'spectral solvers' is misleading here. The solver does not have spectral accuracy; it simply uses the FFT, which happens to be used to solve different problems that have a 'spectral' character.

IDCT for dim=3 in 3D Poisson solver does not work on the GPU.

I could not get the Poisson pressure solver to work on the GPU. Most of it works but CUDA does not have a DCT function so I had to perform the DCT/IDCT in terms of the FFT/IFFT.

The DCT/IDCT functions work in isolation (regression tested with FFTW.r2r!, see link to Jupyter notebook below) but not in the Poisson solver. More specifically, the IDCT fails when applied to the third dimension (after or before the IFFT is applied to dimensions 1 and 2).

For now I got around this by copying the right hand side to the CPU, doing the transform on the CPU, and copying the geopotential back to the GPU. This operation is so much slower than the time stepping that it takes up like 98%+ of wall clock time. It might also be introducing further numerical errors.

Link to current Poisson GPU solver:

Messy Jupyter notebook: Testing DCT/IDCT on the GPU

Messy Jupyter notebook: Testing GPU Poisson solver

Generic vertical integral operator.

Should convert ∫δρgdz!(g::Grid, c::PlanetaryConstants, δρ::CellField, δρz::FaceFieldZ, pHY′::CellField) to a generic vertical integral operator. Is this one particularly special?

Abstract diagnostics framework.

Should work similarly to the abstract OutputWriter framework.

Some ideas:

  • Calculate averages and write them to disk or just print some statistics.
  • Check for and locate blowups.
  • Check for NaNs and where they first pop up (useful for debugging).
  • Calculate the Nusselt number.

Current Field structs are pretty unintuitive to use...

@glwagner Mostly a couple of notes of where I was in case you're thinking of working on the abstractions:

Currently Field is a struct with an f::Array in them, and are collected together in a struct of type FieldCollection. This kind of sucks because to create a new set of velocity + tracer fields and set the surface temperature field to 300 K for example, the code looks like:

using OceanDispatch
g = RegularCartesianGrid((100, 100, 50), (2000, 2000, 1000), Float64)
fs = Fields(g)
fs.θ.f[:, :, 1] .= 300

when I think it would be much more intuitive to be able to just write fs.θ[:, :, 1] .= 300.

Model implicitly assumes Clock.Δt is constant.

This is probably fine as I don't think the MITgcm uses adaptive time stepping and for what we do I doubt we'll be changing Δt halfway through a simulation, but as it stands if Δt changes it will break some code, read_output(...) methods in particular.

getindex and setindex! much slower than just accessing array contents directly.

Apparently it's 4~5x faster to do operations on instead of Field even thought I've inlined getindex and setindex!, not that it changes things much.

@inline getindex(f::Field, inds...) = getindex(, inds...)
@inline setindex!(f::Field, v, inds...) = setindex!(, v, inds...)

Probably just missing something simple but for now I'll use Would be nice to figure this out though.

g = RegularCartesianGrid((100, 100, 100), (10, 10, 10))
f1, f2 = CellField(g), FaceFieldX(g)

function δx1!(g::RegularCartesianGrid, f::CellField, δxf::FaceField)
    for k in 1:g.Nz, j in 1:g.Ny, i in 1:g.Nx
        @inbounds δxf[i, j, k] =  f[i, j, k] - f[decmod1(i, g.Nx), j, k]
julia> @benchmark δx1!(g, f1, f2)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     4.542 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      5.007 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        5.120 ms (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     11.010 ms (0.00% GC)
  samples:          975
  evals/sample:     1
function δx2!(g::RegularCartesianGrid, f::CellField, δxf::FaceField)
    for k in 1:g.Nz, j in 1:g.Ny, i in 1:g.Nx
        @inbounds δ[i, j, k] =[i, j, k] -[decmod1(i, g.Nx), j, k]
julia> @benchmark δx2!(g, f2, f1)
  memory estimate:  0 bytes
  allocs estimate:  0
  minimum time:     1.099 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      1.198 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        1.253 ms (0.00% GC)
  maximum time:     2.679 ms (0.00% GC)
  samples:          3967
  evals/sample:     1

Rayleigh–Bénard convection example should produce steady convective rolls at Ra=5000.

Thanks to @SandreOuza for raising these points in regards to this issue:

  • Aspect ratio should be 6:1.
  • Prandtl number should be 0.7.
  • Buoyancy b is related to temperature T through b = αgT where g is the acceleration due to gravity and α is the thermal diffusivity of water.
  • Boundary conditions at the top and bottom must be constant T. Random perturbations should only be applied at the first time step.
  • The convective rolls should show up in 2D as well (easier to debug).

Horizontal and vertical transforms

The wavenumber and transforms are being worked on.

@ali-ramadhan, see here for how FourierFlows.jl constructs wavenumbers:

I think it makes sense to do the r2r transform in z first. That way you can take advantage of the realness of your output in the subsequent horizontal transform.

For the 2D horizontal transform, you can use the 2D rfft. If your input array is nx, ny, the 2D rfft will output an array of size nx/2+1, ny --- using a real transform + conjugate form for the transform along x (the first dimension), and a full transform along y (since after transforming along x, your quantities are no longer real).

Hopefully this makes sense. Let me know if you have questions.

Ultimately I believe it will be best to use a tridiagonal solve in the vertical + Fourier transforms in the horizontal to permit arbitrary vertical grids for similar computational cost (but slightly more complex algorithm).

Better way of writing data to disk?

Right now FieldWriter writes using write(filepath, array) so you lose the size of the array (and the field type) when writing. This is probably inevitable here.

A better solution would be to write output as NetCDF.


  • Here const all the things.
  • For embarrasingly parallel : pmap (others = @parallel, DistributedArrays, MPIArrays)
  • GPU: CuArrays (quick and dirty), GPUArrays (architecture agnostic)

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