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pyphoon's Issues

Add a link to Jef Poskanzer's original phoon (

The README gives the email address and website of Jef Poskanzer's original phoon, as well as some background info about it (Written in PASCAL in 1979, ported to C). But not the link to the actual project page ( This makes locating the original C source code for study or analysis a difficult, involved process.

In there is a link to John Walkers original version of moontool which the astronomical calculations are based off of. It feels natural to also provide a link to Jef Posanker's code somewhere (possibly in the README with the other info) too.

How to make output work with a white background

Any ideas how to make this print well when my shell background is white? I tried to modify the curl output to use a black background but couldn't get it to work. The colors don't work very well when the background is white.

Installation from PyPI doesn’t work

Are you the owner of ?

stitny$ python3 -mpip install --user pyphoon
Collecting pyphoon
  Downloading pyphoon-0.1-py3-none-any.whl (30 kB)
Installing collected packages: pyphoon
Successfully installed pyphoon-0.1
stitny$ pyphooon
bash: pyphooon: command not found

I had to install from pip install git+ to get a working version.

Missing hemisphere translations

We are missing translations of North/South Hemisphere for:
bg, ca, cs, da, et, el, es, fi, hr, ia, it, ja, nl, pl, ro, sk and sr.

Pyphoon on windows cannot parse dates

I installed pyphoon on Arch Linux and on windows. On it works properly but on windows:

pyphoon 1960-04-02

says cannot parse date, but strangely later dates like 1980-10-31 or 1993-10-31 work fine.
I'm guessing its an issue with python-dateutils on windows.


Could you please use Let's Encrypt for ssl cert?

Full moon reported an improper time

Hi guys,

this looks like it may be related to issue 33? I assumed that dateutil understands proper ISO / RFC3339 dates, since claims "Parsing of RFC strings is supported as well". So I guess the proper UTC time arrives at the code.

$ pyphoon 2023-08-01T18:31:34Z # actually the super full moon of August 1st (according to
             .--'  o     . .   `--.      
          .-'   .    O   .       . `-.   
       .-'@   @@@@@@@   .  @@@@@      `-.        
      /@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   .    \       
    ./    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@       . \.     
   /@@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@@@@@@   O      \    
  /@@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@@@@@@@@     @@@ \   
  |@@@@@               . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|   
 /@@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@  \  First Quarter +
 | @@@@    --`-'       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |  6 19:23:21
 |@ @@@        `    o      .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |  Full Moon -
 |       @@  @         .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |  0  1:01:52
 \  . @        @@@     `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o /  
  |      @@   @@@@@ .           @@   .       |   
  \     @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O    .     o   . /   
   \  o  @@     \ \  /         .    .       /    
    `\     .    .\.-.___   .      .   .-. /'     
      \           `-'                `-' /       
       `-.   o   / |     o    O   .   .-'        
          `-.   /     .       .    .-'   
             `--.       .      .--'      

Applying the delta, I get ;-)

$ pyphoon 2023-08-01T19:33:27Z # not a full moon in the sky, but sure a beauty in the console
             .--'  o     . .   `--.      
          .-'   .    O   .       . `-.   
       .-'@   @@@@@@@   .  @@@@@      `-.        
      /@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   .    \       
    ./    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@       . \.     
   /@@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@@@@@@   O      \    
  /@@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@@@@@@@@     @@@ \   
  |@@@@@               . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|   
 /@@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@  \  Full Moon +
 | @@@@    --`-'       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |  0  0:00:00
 |@ @@@        `    o      .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |  Last Quarter -
 |       @@  @         .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |  6 15:56:29
 \  . @        @@@     `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o /  
  |      @@   @@@@@ .           @@   .       |   
  \     @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O    .     o   . /   
   \  o  @@     \ \  /         .    .       /    
    `\     .    .\.-.___   .      .   .-. /'     
      \           `-'                `-' /       
       `-.   o   / |     o    O   .   .-'        
          `-.   /     .       .    .-'   
             `--.       .      .--'      

Do you have have a phoon/phoon-c version handy to see if this difference was in there, too?

Ephem / XEphem / PyEphem comparison

Apparently ephem by Elwood Charles Downey on which XEphem, (nowadays) and PyEphem was based, produces output that looks suspiciously similar to pyphoon's (some whitespace omitted):

Select: Sky dome, Alt/az sky, Solar system, Earth, Moon, No trails
CET 20:31:34  8/01/2023
LST 11:59:16
                                             .----'  o        .    `----.                  
                                          .-'     .    O  .          .   `-.               
                                       .-'      @@@@@@       .              `-.            
                                     .'@     @@@@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@    .   `.          
                                   .'@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@         `.        
                                 .'@@@ o   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@      o    `.      
                                /@@@       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @   @@@@@@@@@@  @@     .  \     
                               /            @@@@@@@@@@@   .  @@   @@@@@@@@@@@@     @@ \    
                              /@  o     .     @@@@@@ o       @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@ \   
                             /@@@                        .       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@ \  
                            /@@@@@                     @      .   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@   \ 
                            |@@@@@     o      `.-./  .             @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@    . | 
                           / @@@@@           __`-'       o          @@       . @@@@@@     \
                           |@ @@@@ .        @    `    @            @@    .     @@@@@@     |      First Quarter +
                           |   @@       @                    o       @@@   o   @@@@@@.    |      6 20:23:21    
                           |          @                             @@@@@       @@@       |      Full Moon -    
                           |  . .  @      @  @       o              @@@@@     .    .      |      0  0:01:52    
                           \            @                .-.      .  @@@  .           .   /
                            |    @   @   @      @        `-'                     .       / 
                            \   .      @   @                   .            o            / 
                             \     o          @@@@   .                .                 /  
                              \       @@@    @@@@@@        .                    o      /   
                               \     @@@@@   @@\@@    /         o           .         /    
                                \  o  @@@       \ \  /  ___         .   .     .--.   /     
                                 `.      .       \.-.---                     `--'  .'      
                                   `.             `-'       .                    .'        
                                     `.    o     / |              O      .     .'          
                                       `-.      /  |         o              .-'            
                                          `-.           .         .      .-'               
                                             `----.        .       .----'                  
Select: Sky dome, Alt/az sky, Solar system, Earth, Moon, No trails
CET 20:33:26  8/01/2023
LST 12:01:09
                                             .----'  o        .    `----.                  
                                          .-'     .    O  .          .   `-.               
                                       .-'      @@@@@@       .              `-.            
                                     .'@     @@@@@@@@@@@       @@@@@@@@    .   `.          
                                   .'@@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@         `.        
                                 .'@@@ o   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@      o    `.      
                                /@@@       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @   @@@@@@@@@@  @@     .  \     
                               /            @@@@@@@@@@@   .  @@   @@@@@@@@@@@@     @@ \    
                              /@  o     .     @@@@@@ o       @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@ \   
                             /@@@                        .       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@ \  
                            /@@@@@                     @      .   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @@@   \ 
                            |@@@@@     o      `.-./  .             @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@    . | 
                           / @@@@@           __`-'       o          @@       . @@@@@@     \
                           |@ @@@@ .        @    `    @            @@    .     @@@@@@     |      First Quarter +
                           |   @@       @                    o       @@@   o   @@@@@@.    |      6 20:25:13    
                           |          @                             @@@@@       @@@       |      Full Moon -    
                           |  . .  @      @  @       o              @@@@@     .    .      |      0  0:00:00    
                           \            @                .-.      .  @@@  .           .   /
                            |    @   @   @      @        `-'                     .       / 
                            \   .      @   @                   .            o            / 
                             \     o          @@@@   .                .                 /  
                              \       @@@    @@@@@@        .                    o      /   
                               \     @@@@@   @@\@@    /         o           .         /    
                                \  o  @@@       \ \  /  ___         .   .     .--.   /     
                                 `.      .       \.-.---                     `--'  .'      
                                   `.             `-'       .                    .'        
                                     `.    o     / |              O      .     .'          
                                       `-.      /  |         o              .-'            
                                          `-.           .         .      .-'               
                                             `----.        .       .----'                  

My guess was: Some messup with daylight saving time being applied (to UTC dates) when it shouldn't (would explain the extra hour), plus some outdated ephemerides for the remaining 00:01:52. But when I researched further, things get confusing...

Current XEphem 4.1 has full moon occur on 2023-08-01T18:33:44Z. Different sources give the times as 18:31Z or 18:33Z, depending on the website one checks.

NASA JPL Horizons

NASA JPL Horizons with geocentric, airless gives the greatest illumination around 1841Z, which lasts for 3 minutes at the given precision. That may explain why most sources disagree about 3 minutes.

Ephemeris / PORT_LOGIN Tue Aug  8 14:22:20 2023 Pasadena, USA    / Horizons    
Target body name: Moon (301)                      {source: DE441}
Center body name: Earth (399)                     {source: DE441}
Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC
Start time      : A.D. 2023-Aug-01 18:30:00.0000 UT      
Stop  time      : A.D. 2023-Aug-01 19:00:00.0000 UT      
Step-size       : 1 minutes
Target pole/equ : MOON_ME                         {East-longitude positive}
Target radii    : 1737.4, 1737.4, 1737.4 km       {Equator_a, b, pole_c}       
Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137             {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}
Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0                   {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}
Center pole/equ : ITRF93                          {East-longitude positive}
Center radii    : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c}       
Target primary  : Earth
Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km        {source: DE441}
Rel. light bend : Sun                             {source: DE441}
Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2                                          
Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS)
RA format       : HMS
Time format     : CAL 
Calendar mode   : Mixed Julian/Gregorian
EOP file        : eop.230806.p231030                                           
EOP coverage    : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2023-AUG-06. PREDICTS-> 2023-OCT-29
Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s 
Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO )
Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation (  0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO )
Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate (     0.0=NO )                           
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN          phi  PAB-LON  PAB-LAT      Illu%  Def_illu   ang-sep/v  SN.ang   SN.dist        TDB-UT
 2023-Aug-01 18:30       4.9116 308.9234  -2.4651   99.81640    3.6807       0.0/*  164.36     85.82     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:31       4.9114 308.9291  -2.4650   99.81641    3.6803       0.0/*  164.24     85.82     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:32       4.9112 308.9347  -2.4649   99.81643    3.6801       0.0/*  164.13     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:33       4.9111 308.9403  -2.4648   99.81644    3.6798       0.0/*  164.01     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:34       4.9109 308.9460  -2.4647   99.81645    3.6796       0.0/*  163.89     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:35       4.9108 308.9516  -2.4646   99.81646    3.6794       0.0/*  163.77     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:36       4.9107 308.9573  -2.4645   99.81647    3.6793       0.0/*  163.65     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:37       4.9106 308.9629  -2.4644   99.81647    3.6791       0.0/*  163.53     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:38       4.9105 308.9686  -2.4644   99.81648    3.6790       0.0/*  163.41     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:39       4.9105 308.9742  -2.4643   99.81648    3.6790       0.0/*  163.29     85.80     69.183292

 2023-Aug-01 18:40       4.9104 308.9799  -2.4642   99.81649    3.6789       0.0/*  163.17     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:41       4.9104 308.9855  -2.4641   99.81649    3.6789       0.0/*  163.05     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:42       4.9104 308.9912  -2.4640   99.81649    3.6790       0.0/*  162.93     85.80     69.183292

 2023-Aug-01 18:43       4.9105 308.9968  -2.4639   99.81648    3.6790       0.0/*  162.81     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:44       4.9105 309.0024  -2.4638   99.81648    3.6791       0.0/*  162.69     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:45       4.9106 309.0081  -2.4637   99.81647    3.6792       0.0/*  162.57     85.80     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:46       4.9107 309.0137  -2.4637   99.81647    3.6793       0.0/*  162.45     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:47       4.9108 309.0194  -2.4636   99.81646    3.6795       0.0/*  162.33     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:48       4.9109 309.0250  -2.4635   99.81645    3.6797       0.0/*  162.21     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:49       4.9111 309.0307  -2.4634   99.81644    3.6800       0.0/*  162.10     85.81     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:50       4.9112 309.0363  -2.4633   99.81643    3.6802       0.0/*  161.98     85.82     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:51       4.9114 309.0420  -2.4632   99.81641    3.6805       0.0/*  161.86     85.82     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:52       4.9116 309.0476  -2.4631   99.81640    3.6808       0.0/*  161.74     85.82     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:53       4.9119 309.0533  -2.4630   99.81638    3.6812       0.0/*  161.62     85.83     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:54       4.9121 309.0589  -2.4629   99.81636    3.6816       0.0/*  161.50     85.83     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:55       4.9124 309.0646  -2.4629   99.81634    3.6820       0.0/*  161.38     85.84     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:56       4.9127 309.0702  -2.4628   99.81632    3.6824       0.0/*  161.26     85.84     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:57       4.9130 309.0758  -2.4627   99.81630    3.6829       0.0/*  161.14     85.85     69.183292
 2023-Aug-01 18:58       4.9133 309.0815  -2.4626   99.81627    3.6834       0.0/*  161.02     85.85     69.183291
 2023-Aug-01 18:59       4.9137 309.0871  -2.4625   99.81624    3.6839       0.0/*  160.90     85.86     69.183291
 2023-Aug-01 19:00       4.9140 309.0928  -2.4624   99.81622    3.6845       0.0/*  160.78     85.87     69.183291

Hmm, today I learned that there is no single answer to when a full moon occurs, evidently, so maybe the only fix you could reasonably make is about the DST being applied incorrectly.


Add timezone option

Created from chubin/
To correctly show delta time to last and next phase, and the correct phase at the days when there's a phase change, a timezone option is needed.

I did translation for Armenian

This is translation for Armenian


'en': ["New Moon", "First Quarter", "Full Moon", "Last Quarter", "Northern Hemisphere", "Southern Hemisphere"],


'am': ["Նորալուսին", "Առաջին քառորդ", "Լիալուսին", "Վերջին քառորդ", "Հյուսիսային կիսագունդ", "Հարավային կիսագունդ"],

sorry i don't know how to pull)

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