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osrm's Introduction

OSRM cookbook

This cookbook can do the following things for you

  • Install and configure the OSRM route daemon
  • Download, extract, contract map data and keep them up to date

To use the following recipes and providers, add the following to your metadata.rb

depends 'osrm'



Runs install_git


Clone and install the latest HEAD from Project-OSRM to node['osrm']['target'] (default /opt/osrm).



osrm_map is a shortcut that calls the other map providers in the following order

  • osrm_map_download
  • osrm_map_extract
  • osrm_contract

This example downloads, extracts and contracts the osrm map for Germany:

osrm_map 'germany'

The following additional attributes are allowed:

osrm_map 'europe'
  map_dir         '/srv/my_map_data'     # Where to put the maps (defaults to '/opt/osrm-data')

  # Path to the map (osm.pbf or osm.bz2) to use.
  # This is filled in automatically if the file is downloaded.
  # Only use it in case you are using a custom map.
  map             '/path/to/map.osm.bpf'

  profile         'car'                  # Profile to use (defaults to 'car')
  profile_dir     '/srv/my_profiles'     # Where to look for profiles (.lua files)
  extract_command 'osrm-extract'         # Path to osrm-extract binary
  contract_command 'osrm-contract'         # Path to osrm-contract binary
  user            'my_osrm_user'         # User to run commands as
  cwd             '/srv/my_osrm'         # Set working directory for osrm-extract
  threads         5                      # How many threads to use (defaults to number of cpu cores)
  cleanup         false                  # Do not cleanup .osrm and .osrm.restrictions after preparing
  timeout         3600                   # Timeout in seconds for osrm-extract/osrm-contract. Defaults to 24h
  stxxl_size      150000                 # Size (in MB) of stxxl temporary file. Dynamically allocated by default
  stxxl_file      '/tmp/stxxl'           # Location of stxxl temporary file. Defaults to '/var/tmp/stxxl'

  # The files checksum can also be checked (defaults to true)
  # When set to true, it will use the default checksum set in the attributes (if existent)
  # When set to false, it doesn't check the checksum
  # When set to an ftp:// or http:// URL, retrieve the file and use the checksum in its content
  # When set to a string, use it as the checksum
  checksum        ''


Downloads map data for the specified region.

osrm_map_download 'planet'
osrm_map_download 'europe'
osrm_map_download 'north-america'
osrm_map_download 'germany'
osrm_map_download 'us-west'

For a full list of supported regions, take a look at attributes/regions.rb. If necessary, it can be easily extended to support even more, feel free to file a pull request!

By default, the provider automatically re-downloads the file if it was changed on the server. You can prevent this behaviour when using the :download_if_missing action:

osrm_map_download 'europe' do
  action :download_is_missing

Furthermore, you can specify the following attributes:

osrm_map_download 'us-west' do
  user     'my_osrm_user'
  map_dir  '/srv/my_map_data' # Where to put the downloaded files (defaults to '/opt/osrm-data')

  # Manually specify url to download map from.
  # Defaults to the URL in the attributes (available for most regions)
  url      ''

  # The files checksum can also be checked (defaults to false)
  # When set to true, it will use the default checksum set in the attributes
  # When set to false, it doesn't check the checksum
  # When set to an ftp:// or http:// URL, use its contents as a checksum
  # When set to a string, use it as the checksum
  checksum ''


Extracts downloaded map data, using osrm-extract.


osrm_map_extract 'europe'

The following attributes are supported:

osrm_map_extract 'europe' do
  map_dir     '/srv/my_map_data'  # Use the same directory you used in osrm_map_download

  # Path to the map (osm.pbf or osm.bz2) to use.
  # This is set automatically (via attributes),
  # if you use a map downloaded by osrm_map_download.
  # Only use it in case you are using a custom map.
  map        '/path/to/map.osm.bpf'

  profile     'car'               # Profile to use (defaults to 'car')
  profile_dir '/srv/my_profiles'  # Where to look for profiles (.lua files)
  command     'osrm-extract'      # Binary to use
  user        'my_osrm_user'
  cwd         '/srv/my_osrm'      # Set working directory for osrm-extract
  threads     5                   # How many threads to use (defaults to number of cpu cores)
  timeout     3600                # Timeout in seconds for osrm-extract. Defaults to 24h
  stxxl_size  150000              # Size (in MB) of stxxl temporary file. Dynamically allocated by default
  stxxl_file  '/tmp/stxxl'        # Location of stxxl temporary file. Defaults to '/var/tmp/stxxl'


contracts extracted map data, using osrm-contract.


osrm_map_contract 'europe'

The following attribtues are supported:

osrm_map_contract 'europe' do
  map_dir     '/srv/my_map_data'  # Use the same directory you used in osrm_map_download

  # Path to the map (osm.pbf or osm.bz2) to use.
  # This is set automatically (via attributes),
  # if you use a map downloaded by osrm_map_download.
  # Only use it in case you are using a custom map.
  map        '/path/to/map.osm.bpf'

  profile     'car'               # Profile to use (defaults to 'car')
  command     'osrm-contract'      # Binary to use
  user        'my_osrm_user'
  cwd         '/srv/my_osrm'      # Set working directory for osrm-contract
  threads     5                   # How many threads to use (defaults to number of cpu cores)
  cleanup     false               # Do not cleanup .osrm and .osrm.restrictions after preparing
  timeout     3600                # Timeout in seconds for osrm-extract. Defaults to 24h


Sets up and starts the node-osrm service.

osrm_node 'europe' do
  profile  'car'               # Profile for which to start the daemon
  user     'osrm-node'         # User to run the daemon as
  port     5000                # TCP port to bind to
  listen   ''         # TCP address to listen on
  map_base '/path/to/map_base' # Base path of the (contracted) map
                               # e.g. '/opt/osrm-data/europe/car/europe-lastest'
                               # (skip the file extention, like .edges or .osm.bpf)
  shared_memory false          # Use a shared-memory segment (created by osrm-datastore, see next provider)


Sets up and starts osrm-routed (using upstart) for the specified region. NOTE: osrm_routed is not recommended for production usage. Use the osrm_node provider instead to deploy node-osrm.


osrm_routed 'europe'

The following attributes are supported:

osrm_routed 'europe' do
  service_name 'osrm-routed-%s'    # %s will be replaced with the selected region and profile
  profile      'car'               # Profile for which to start the daemon
  user         'osrm-routed'       # User to run the daemon as

  daemon       '/path/to/osrm-routed'

  map_dir      '/srv/my_map_data'  # Use the same directory you used in osrm_map_download)
  map_base     '/path/to/map_base' # Base path of the (contracted) map
                                   # e.g. '/opt/osrm-data/europe/car/europe-lastest'
                                   # (skip the file extention, like .edges or .osm.bpf)

  threads      16                  # How many threads to use (defaults to number of cpu cores)

  port         5000                # TCP port to bind to
  listen       ''         # TCP address to listen on

  shared_memory false              # Use a shared-memory segment (created by osrm-datastore, see next provider)


Loads a specified map into memory


osrm_datastore 'europe'

The following attributes are supported:

osrm_datastore 'europe' do
  profile      'car'               # Profile for which to start the daemon
  shmmax       5_000_000_000       # Memory limit in bytes. Defaults to a value that should be enough for world
  user         'osrm-routed'       # User to run the daemon as (will be created if not existent)

  command      '/path/to/osrm-datastore'

  map_dir      '/srv/my_map_data'  # Use the same directory you used in osrm_map_download)
  map_base     '/path/to/map_base' # Base path of the (contractd) map
                                   # e.g. '/opt/osrm-data/europe/car/europe-lastest'
                                   # (skip the file extention, like .edges or .osm.bpf)


You can set the following attributes if you need settings that differ form the defaults


node['osrm']['repository'] = ''
node['osrm']['branch'] = 'master' # use e.g. 'v0.3.5' for a stable version

node['osrm']['target'] = '/opt/osrm'
node['osrm']['map_dir'] = '/opt/osrm-data'

node['osrm']['threads'] = node['cpu']['total']


node['osrm']['routed']['user'] = 'osrm-routed'
node['osrm']['routed']['service_name'] = 'osrm-routed-%s'


You can add custom regions like this

node['osrm']['map_data']['your-region']['profiles'] = %w(car)
node['osrm']['map_data']['your-region']['url'] = ""
node['osrm']['map_data']['your-region']['checksum'] = "#{node['osrm']['map_data']['your-region']['url']}.md5"


Pull requests are very welcome!

  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

osrm's People


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osrm's Issues


Do you plan to support the osrm-datastore with sharedmemory support ?

osrm_datastore does not work if osrm_map action is :create

Here is my recipe:

include_recipe 'apt'
include_recipe 'osrm'

region = 'delaware'

group 'osrm-routed'
user 'osrm-routed' do
  gid 'osrm-routed'
  shell '/bin/false'

osrm_map region do
  action :create

osrm_datastore region

osrm_routed region do
  listen ''
  port   5000
  shared_memory true

And when I run kitchen converge:

           Error executing action `create` on resource 'osrm_datastore[delaware]'

           execute[/opt/osrm/build/osrm-datastore /opt/osrm-data/delaware/car/delaware-latest.osrm] (/tmp/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/osrm/providers/datastore.rb line 59) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
           ---- Begin output of /opt/osrm/build/osrm-datastore /opt/osrm-data/delaware/car/delaware-latest.osrm ----
           STDERR: [warn] Invalid file path given!

If I delete /opt/osrm-data/delaware/car and change the osrm_map action to :create_if_missing, kitchen converge works fine.

It looks like some files are deleted inadvertently from osrm_contract causing osrm_datastore to fail.

Fresh installation failed on downloading osm.pbf stage.


Tried to install server with map for north-america region.

EC2 west 2 instance, Ubuntu 14.04.

Used Chef Client, version 11.4.4, chef-solo and roundsman.


include_recipe 'osrm::install_git'

osrm_map 'north-america' do
  action :create_if_missing
  user   'ubuntu'

osrm_routed 'north-america' do
  user   'ubuntu'
  listen ''
  port   5000

Got an error on stage of downloading .osm.pbf file.

** [out :: ] Recipe: osrm::default
** [out :: ] * osrm_map[north-america] action create_if_missing
** [out :: ] (up to date)
** [out :: ] Recipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
** [out :: ] * osrm_map_download[north-america] action download_if_missing
** [out :: ] (skipped due to only_if)
** [out :: ] * osrm_map_extract[north-america] action extract_if_missing
** [out :: ] (up to date)
** [out :: ] * template[/opt/osrm/build/extractor.ini] action create
** [out :: ] (up to date)
** [out :: ] * file[/opt/osrm/build/.stxxl] action create
** [out :: ] (skipped due to only_if)
** [out :: ] * directory[/opt/osrm-data/north-america/car] action create
** [out :: ] (up to date)
** [out :: ] * link[/opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf] action create
** [out :: ] (up to date)
** [out :: ] * execute[rm -f /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osrm] action run
** [out :: ] (skipped due to not_if)
** [out :: ] * execute[rm -f /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osrm.names] action run
** [out :: ] (skipped due to not_if)
** [out :: ] * execute[rm -f /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osrm.restrictions] action run
** [out :: ] (skipped due to not_if)
** [out :: ] * execute[osrm-north-america-car-extract] action run
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] ================================================================================
** [out :: ] Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[osrm-north-america-car-extract]'
** [out :: ] ================================================================================
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed
** [out :: ] ------------------------------------
** [out :: ] Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
** [out :: ] ---- Begin output of /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua ----
** [out :: ] STDOUT: [info] Reading options from: extractor.ini
** [out :: ] STDERR: [warn] Input file /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf not found!
** [out :: ] ---- End output of /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua ----
** [out :: ] Ran /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua returned 1
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] Resource Declaration:
** [out :: ] ---------------------
** [out :: ] # In /tmp/roundsman/config/cookbooks/osrm/providers/map_extract.rb
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 72:   execute "osrm-#{new_resource.region}-#{new_resource.profile}-extract" do
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 73:     user    new_resource.user if new_resource.user
** [out :: ] 74:     cwd     cwd
** [out :: ] 75:     timeout new_resource.timeout
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 76:     command "#{command} #{linked_map} -p #{profile_dir}/#{new_resource.profile}.lua"
** [out :: ] 77:     not_if  { ::File.exists?("#{map_stripped_path}.osrm.names") }
** [out :: ] 78:   end
** [out :: ] 79:
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] Compiled Resource:
** [out :: ] ------------------
** [out :: ] # Declared in /tmp/roundsman/config/cookbooks/osrm/providers/map_extract.rb:72:in `extract'
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] execute("osrm-north-america-car-extract") do
** [out :: ] action "run"
** [out :: ] retries 0
** [out :: ] retry_delay 2
** [out :: ] command "/opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua"
** [out :: ] backup 5
** [out :: ] cwd "/opt/osrm/build"
** [out :: ] returns 0
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] timeout 86400
** [out :: ] user "ubuntu"
** [out :: ] cookbook_name :osrm
** [out :: ] not_if { #code block }
** [out :: ] end
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] 
** [out :: ] [2014-06-03T09:55:13+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
** [out :: ] [2014-06-03T09:55:13+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
** [out :: ] Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated
** [out :: ] [2014-06-03T09:55:13+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/roundsman/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
** [out :: ] [2014-06-03T09:55:13+00:00] FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: execute[osrm-north-america-car-extract] (/tmp/roundsman/config/cookbooks/osrm/providers/map_extract.rb line 72) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
** [out :: ] ---- Begin output of /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua ----
** [out :: ] STDOUT: [info] Reading options from: extractor.ini
** [out :: ] STDERR: [warn] Input file /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf not found!
** [out :: ] ---- End output of /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua ----
** [out :: ] Ran /opt/osrm/build/osrm-extract /opt/osrm-data/north-america/car/north-america-latest.osm.pbf -p /opt/osrm/profiles/car.lua returned 1
command finished in 3602ms
failed: "sh -c 'sudo -p '\\''sudo password: '\\'' chef-solo -c /tmp/roundsman/solo.rb -j /tmp/roundsman/solo.json'" on 

After brief research, found this line where is blank. I was unable to find the place where map is filled with URL from attributes.

Temporally comment this line and rerun chef installation - successfully started downloading file.

Any ideas?

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