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singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper's Introduction

Singpass MyInfo OIDC helper

Use this module to build client applications that can:

  • Authenticate users via the Singpass/Corppass OIDC provider
  • Retrieve user's MyInfo data via the MyInfo Person-Basic API and Person API


npm i @govtechsg/singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper



Helper to get a V3 MyInfo person.

import { MyInfo } from "singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper"


  • constructor
Param Type Description
attributes string[] Array of user attributes to retrieve from MyInfo. For full list of attributes, see here
clientID string Your app's client ID when you onboarded with MyInfo
personBasicURL string The full URL to the MyInfo person basic endpoint. Exposed for lib user to choose between staging, prod, and any mock server
singpassEserviceID string Your app's ID when you onboarded Singpass. Used by MyInfo to check if the NRIC you are trying to retrieve MyInfo data for has recently logged into your app via Singpass
keyToDecryptJWE string Your private key to decrypt MyInfo's JWE payload. The public key has been given to MyInfo during onboarding, for them to encrypt the JWE containing Person Data
certToVerifyJWS string The public cert from MyInfo as MyInfo payloads are both encrypted with JWE, and signed with JWS
privateKeyToSignRequest string Used for signing the request to MyInfo server. Needs to be an encrypted PKCS8 private key
privateKeyPassword string the password that you used to encrypt privateKeyToSignRequest
  • getPersonBasic(uinfin: string, attributes: string[]) => MyInfoComponents.Schemas.PersonBasic - get basic profile data which excludes CPF and IRAS data in the shape of MyInfoComponents.Schemas.PersonBasic
  • constructAuthorizationUrl(state: string, purpose: string, attributes: string[]) => string - constructs the authorization url with the necessary params for authorising the user to retrieve full person data
  • getToken(authCode: string, state?: string): => TokenResponse - get access token when presented with a valid authcode obtained from the Authorise API
  • getPerson(accessToken: string, attributes: string[]) => MyInfoComponents.Schemas.Person - get full person data in the shape of MyInfoComponents.Schemas.Person, requires a valid access token obtained from getToken


Usually not needed, for making any other custom requests to MyInfo not covered in our MyInfo helper.

  • constructor
Param Type Description
appId string Your app's client ID when you onboarded with MyInfo
privateKeyToSignRequest string Used for signing the request to MyInfo server. Needs to be an encrypted PKCS8 private key
privateKeyPassword string the password that you used to encrypt privateKeyToSignRequest
  • get(uri: string, queryParams?: { [key: string]: any }, accessToken?: string) - make get request to the defined myinfo gov endpoint

    • queryParams refer to the query params for the get request
    • accessToken will be prefixed with 'Bearer ' and included in the Authorization header, meant for getPerson api which requires an access token obtained from the Token API
  • post(uri: string, params: { [key: string]: any }) - make post request to the defined myinfo gov endpoint



Use getPersonBasic to get a fake MyInfo basic profile. Use getPerson if you want the full profile which includes the financial data from CPF and IRAS.

  • constructor
Param Type Description
attributes string[]? List of MyInfo attributes that this helper will return
  archetype: ProfileArchetype;
  userdisplayname?: string;
  race?: MyInfoRaceCode:
  marital?: MyInfoMaritalStatusCode;
  marriagedate?: string;
  divorcedate?: string;
  marriagecertno?: string;
  countryofmarriage?: MyInfoCountryPlaceCode;
  childrenbirthrecords?: ChildrenBirthRecord[];
  childrenoverridemode?: ChildrenOverrideMode;
  residentialstatus?: MyinfoResidentialCode;
  occupationfreeform?: string;
  dob?: string;
  gstvyear?: number;
  gvs?: GVS;
  merdekageneligible?: boolean;
  merdekagenquantum?: number;
  merdekagenmessagecode?: MyinfoMerdekaGenerationMessageCode;
  hdbtype?: MyinfoHDBTypeCode;
  housingtype?: MyinfoHousingTypeCode;
  drivingqdlvalidity?: MyinfoDrivingLicenceValidityCode;
  vehiclestatus?: MyinfoVehicleStatus;
  employment?: string;
}) => MyInfoComponents.Schemas.PersonBasic

  archetype: ProfileArchetype;
  userdisplayname?: string;
  race?: MyInfoRaceCode:
  marital?: MyInfoMaritalStatusCode;
  marriagedate?: string;
  divorcedate?: string;
  marriagecertno?: string;
  countryofmarriage?: MyInfoCountryPlaceCode;
  childrenbirthrecords?: ChildrenBirthRecord[];
  childrenoverridemode?: ChildrenOverrideMode;
  residentialstatus?: MyinfoResidentialCode;
  occupationfreeform?: string;
  dob?: string;
  gstvyear?: number;
  gvs?: GVS;
  merdekageneligible?: boolean;
  merdekagenquantum?: number;
  merdekagenmessagecode?: MyinfoMerdekaGenerationMessageCode;
  hdbtype?: MyinfoHDBTypeCode;
  housingtype?: MyinfoHousingTypeCode;
  drivingqdlvalidity?: MyinfoDrivingLicenceValidityCode;
  vehiclestatus?: MyinfoVehicleStatus;
  employment?: string;
  cpfcontributionhistoryoverridemode?: OverrideMode;
  cpfcontributions?: CpfContributionHistory[];
  cpfbalances?: CpfBalance;
  noabasic?: NoaBasic;
}) => MyInfoComponents.Schemas.Person
  • get a fake person data.

  • enum MyInfo.Fake.ProfileArchetype suitably named profile archetypes to generate different types of fake MyInfo person

Updating Myinfo domains

Folder / file structure of src/myinfo/domain

Path What is does
custom/enums Custom defined enums in json
custom/person-common Additional swagger definitions to go into the PersonCommon object
generated Auto generated enums from generate-myinfo-typings script, do not add files here!

Help! The swagger file is missing <insert data item name>

  • Myinfo REST API does not publish every data item
  • You will need to manually add its OpenAPI specification in custom/person-common then run npm run generate-myinfo-typings '<swagger file>'
  • An interface will be created and the corresponding data item will be added to the PersonCommon object

Help! myinfo-api-code-tables.xlsx is missing <insert code name>

  • myinfo-api-code-tables.xlsx lists general codes only
  • More detailed lists can be found at
  • If the missing code list can be found in SingStat, update generate-myinfo-typings script to import accordingly
  • Otherwise
    1. Manually add the enum definition (json) to custom/enums folder
      • Hint: Refer to existing files for format
    2. Run npm run generate-myinfo-typings '<swagger file>'

Help! myinfo-api-code-tables.xlsx's <insert code name> does not match the swagger definition

  • Follow the solution above to add enum definition manually
  • That enum will overwrite the auto generated enum

Singpass (Pre-NDI)

Helper for integrating with Pre-NDI Singpass OIDC

import { Singpass } from "singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper"


  • constructor
Param Type Description
authorizationUrl string The URL for Singpass /authorize endpoint
logoutUrl string The URL for Singpass /logout endpoint
tokenUrl string The URL for Singpass /token endpoint
clientID string Your app's ID when you onboarded Singpass.
clientSecret string The client secret. To be sent together with client ID to token endpoint
redirectUri string the redirect URL for Singpass to redirect to after user login. Must be whitelisted by SP during onboarding
jweDecryptKey string Private key for decrypting the JWT that wraps the token
jwsVerifyKey string Public key for verifying the JWT that wraps the token


  • constructAuthorizationUrl = (state: string, nonce?: string) => string - constructs the authorization url with the necessary params, including the:

  • state (later returned in redirectUri)

  • nonce (later returned inside the JWT from token endpoint)

  • getTokens (authCode: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get back the tokens from SP token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • refreshTokens (refreshToken: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get fresh tokens from SP token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • getIdTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<TokenPayload> - decrypt and verify the JWT. Outputs TokenPayload, which is the input for extractNricAndUuidFromPayload

  • extractNricAndUuidFromPayload(payload: TokenPayload) => { nric: string, uuid: string } - finally, get the nric and WOG (Whole-of-government) UUID of the user from the ID Token TokenPayload

Logout Singpass SSO session

  • logoutOfSession(sessionId: string) => Promise<SessionLogoutResult>- Log user out of Singpass session, using a valid session id (that is retrieved from Singpass domain cookie)

Singpass (Post-NDI)

Helper for integrating with Post-NDI Singpass OIDC

import { Singpass } from "singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper"


  • constructor
Param Type Description
oidcConfigUrl string The URL for Singpass OIDC configuration details endpoint
clientID string Your app's ID when you onboarded Singpass.
redirectUri string the redirect URL for Singpass to redirect to after user login. Must be whitelisted by SP during onboarding
jweDecryptKey key object Object conatining private key for decrypting the JWT that wraps the token
clientAssertionSignKey key object Object conatining private key for signing the client assertion provided in the token endpoint request


  • constructAuthorizationUrl = (state: string, nonce?: string) => Promise<string> - constructs the authorization url with the necessary params, including the:

  • state (later returned in redirectUri)

  • nonce (later returned inside the JWT from token endpoint)

  • getTokens (authCode: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get back the tokens from SP token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • getIdTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<TokenPayload> - decrypt and verify the JWT. Outputs TokenPayload, which is the input for extractNricAndUuidFromPayload

  • extractNricAndUuidFromPayload(payload: TokenPayload) => { nric: string, uuid: string } - finally, get the nric and WOG (Whole-of-government) UUID of the user from the ID Token TokenPayload

Corppass (Pre-NDI)

Helper for integrating with Pre-NDI Corppass OIDC

import { Corppass } from "singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper"


  • constructor
Param Type Description
authorizationUrl string The URL for Corppass /authorize endpoint
tokenUrl string The URL for Corppass /token endpoint
clientID string Your app's ID when you onboarded Corppass.
clientSecret string The client secret. To be sent together with client ID to token endpoint
redirectUri string the redirect URL for Corppass to redirect to after user login. Must be whitelisted by SP during onboarding
jweDecryptKey string Private key for decrypting the JWT that wraps the token
jwsVerifyKey string Public key for verifying the JWT that wraps the token


  • constructAuthorizationUrl = (state: string, nonce?: string) => string - constructs the authorization url with the necessary params, including the:

  • state (later returned in redirectUri)

  • nonce (later returned inside the JWT from token endpoint)

  • getTokens (authCode: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get back the tokens from token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • refreshTokens (refreshToken: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get fresh tokens from SP token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • getAccessTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<AccessTokenPayload> - decode and verify the JWT. Outputs AccessTokenPayload, which contains the EntityInfo, AuthInfo and TPAccessInfo claims

  • getIdTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<IdTokenPayload> - decrypt and verify the JWT. Outputs IdTokenPayload, which is the input for extractInfoFromIdTokenSubject

  • extractInfoFromIdTokenSubject(payload: TokenPayload) => { nric: string, uuid: string, countryCode: string } - finally, get the nric, system defined UUID and country code of the user from the ID Token TokenPayload

Corppass (Post-NDI)

Helper for integrating with Post-NDI Corppass OIDC

import { Corppass } from "singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper"


  • constructor
Param Type Description
oidcConfigUrl string The URL for Corppass OIDC configuration details endpoint
clientID string Your app's ID when you onboarded Corppass.
redirectUri string the redirect URL for Corppass to redirect to after user login. Must be whitelisted by SP during onboarding
jweDecryptKey key object Object conatining private key for decrypting the JWT that wraps the token
clientAssertionSignKey key object Object conatining private key for signing the client assertion provided in the token endpoint request


  • constructAuthorizationUrl = (state: string, nonce?: string) => Promise<string> - constructs the authorization url with the necessary params, including the:

  • state (later returned in redirectUri)

  • nonce (later returned inside the JWT from token endpoint)

  • getTokens (authCode: string, axiosRequestConfig?: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<TokenResponse> - get back the tokens from token endpoint. Outputs TokenResponse, which is the input for getIdTokenPayload

  • getAccessTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<AccessTokenPayload> - decode and verify the JWT. Outputs AccessTokenPayload, which contains the EntityInfo, AuthInfo and TPAccessInfo claims

  • getIdTokenPayload(tokens: TokenResponse) => Promise<IdTokenPayload> - decrypt and verify the JWT. Outputs IdTokenPayload, which is the input for extractInfoFromIdTokenSubject

  • extractInfoFromIdTokenSubject(payload: TokenPayload) => { nric: string, uuid: string, countryCode: string } - finally, get the nric, system defined UUID and country code of the user from the ID Token TokenPayload

Key Object

Param Type Description
key string contents of key
format string format of key provided
alg string key algorithm

singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper's People


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