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kuairec's Introduction

KuaiRec: A Fully-observed Dataset for Recommender Systems (Density: Almost 100%)


KuaiRec is a real-world dataset collected from the recommendation logs of the video-sharing mobile app Kuaishou. For now, it is the first dataset that contains a fully observed user-item interaction matrix. For the term "fully observed", we mean there are almost no missing values in the user-item matrix, i.e., each user has viewed each video and then left feedback.

Other related open-sourced datasets are KuaiRand and KuaiSAR.

The following figure illustrates the user-item matrices in traditional datasets and KuaiRec.


With all user preferences known, KuaiRec can used in offline evaluation (i.e., offline A/B test) for recommendation models. It can benefit lots of research directions, such as unbiased recommendation, interactive/conversational recommendation, reinforcement learning (RL), and off-policy evaluation (OPE) for recommendation.

If you use it in your work, please cite our paper: LINK PDF

  author = {Gao, Chongming and Li, Shijun and Lei, Wenqiang and Chen, Jiawei and Li, Biao and Jiang, Peng and He, Xiangnan and Mao, Jiaxin and Chua, Tat-Seng},
  title = {KuaiRec: A Fully-Observed Dataset and Insights for Evaluating Recommender Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},
  series = {CIKM '22},
  location = {Atlanta, GA, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3511808.3557220},
  numpages = {11},
  year = {2022},
  pages = {540–550}

This repository lists the example codes in evaluating conversational recommendations as described in the paper.

We provide some simple statistics of this dataset here. It is generated by Statistics_KuaiRec.ipynb. You can do it online at Google Colab colab.


2024.06.02: To facilitate the application of large language models (LLM) in recommendation systems, we collect caption information and category information for all videos and presented them in text format!

  • The corresponding caption and category information can be downloaded here: kuairec_caption_category.csv. Additionally, we have packaged them into the file, which can be downloaded from the download section below.
  • The descriptions of the caption and category information are available here.

2022.05.16: We update the dataset to version 2.0. We made the following changes:

  • We removed the unused video ID=1225 from all tables having the field video_id and re-indexed the rest videos, i.e., ID = ID - 1 if ID > 1225.
  • We added two tables to enhance the side information for users and videos, respectively. See 4.item_daily_features.csv and 5. user_features.csv under the data description section for details.

Download the data

We provide several options to download this dataset:

Option 1. Download via the "wget" command.

 wget --no-check-certificate

Option 2. Download manually through the following links:

The script provides a simple way to load the data via Pandas in Python.

Data Descriptions

KuaiRec contains millions of user-item interactions as well as side information including the item categories and a social network. Six files are included in the download data:

├── data
│   ├── big_matrix.csv          
│   ├── small_matrix.csv
│   ├── social_network.csv
│   ├── user_features.csv
│   ├── item_daily_features.csv
│   └── item_categories.csv
│   └── kuairec_caption_category.csv

The statistics of the small matrix and big matrix in KuaiRec.

#Users #Items #Interactions Density
small matrix 1,411 3,327 4,676,570 99.6%
big matrix 7,176 10,728 12,530,806 16.3%

Note that the density of the small matrix is 99.6% instead of 100% because some users have explicitly indicated that they would not be willing to receive recommendations from certain authors. I.e., They blocked these videos.

1. Descriptions of the fields in big_matrix.csv and small_matrix.csv.

Field Name: Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 0
video_id The ID of the viewed video. int64 3650
play_duration Time of video viewing of this interaction (millisecond). int64 13838
video_duration Time of this video (millisecond). int64 10867
time Human-readable date for this interaction str "2020-07-05 00:08:23.438"
date Date of this interaction int64 20200705
timestamp Unix timestamp float64 1593878903.438
watch_ratio The video watching ratio (=play_duration/video_duration) float64 1.273397

The "watch_ratio" can be deemed as the label of the interaction. Note: there is no "like" signal for this dataset. If you need this binary signal in your scenarios, you can create it yourself. E.g., like = 1 if watch_ratio > 2.0.

2. Descriptions of the fields in social_network.csv

Field Name: Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 5352
friend_list The list of IDs of the friends of this user. list [4202,7126]

3. Descriptions of the fields in item_categories.csv.

Field Name: Description Type Example
video_id The ID of the video. int64 1
feat The list of tags of this video. list [27,9]

4. Descriptions of the fields in item_daily_features.csv. (Added on 2022.05.16)

Field Name: Description Type Example
video_id The ID of the video. int64 3784
date Date of the statistics of this video. int64 20200730
author_id The ID of the author of this video. int64 441
video_type Type of this video (NORMAL or AD). str "NORMAL"
upload_dt Upload date of this video. str "2020-07-08"
upload_type The upload type of this video. str "ShortImport"
visible_status The visible state of this video on the APP now. str "public"
video_duration The time duration of this duration (in milliseconds). float64 17200.0
video_width The width of this video on the server. int64 720
video_height The height of this video on the server. int64 1280
music_id Background music ID of this video. int64 989206467
video_tag_id The ID of the tag of this video. int64 2522
video_tag_name The name of the tag of this video. string "祝福"
show_cnt The number of shows of this video within this day (the same with all following fields) int64 7716
show_user_num The number of users who received the recommendation of this video. int64 5256
play_cnt The number of plays. int64 7701
play_user_num The number of users who play this video. int64 5034
play_duration The total time duration of playing this video (in milliseconds). int64 138333346
complete_play_cnt The number of complete plays. complete play: finishing playing the whole video, i.e., #(play_duration >= video_duration). int64 3446
complete_play_user_num The number of users who perform the complete play. int64 2033
valid_play_cnt valid play: play_duration >= video_duration if video_duration <= 7s, or play_duration > 7 if video_duration > 7s. int64 5099
valid_play_user_num The number of users who perform the complete play. int64 3195
long_time_play_cnt long time play: play_duration >= video_duration if video_duration <= 18s, or play_duration >=18 if video_duration > 18s. int64 3299
long_time_play_user_num The number of users who perform the long time play. int64 1940
short_time_play_cnt short time play: play_duration < min(3s, video_duration). int64 1538
short_time_play_user_num The number of users who perform the short time play. int64 1190
play_progress The average video playing ratio (=play_duration/video_duration) int64 0.579695
comment_stay_duration Total time of staying in the comments section int64 467865
like_cnt Total likes int64 659
like_user_num The number of users who hit the "like" button. int64 657
click_like_cnt The number of the "like" resulted from double click int64 496
double_click_cnt The number of users who double-click the video. int64 163
cancel_like_cnt The number of likes that are canceled by users. int64 15
cancel_like_user_num The number of users who cancel their likes. int64 15
comment_cnt The number of comments within this day. int64 13
comment_user_num The number of users who comment on this video. int64 12
direct_comment_cnt The number of direct comments (depth=1). int64 13
reply_comment_cnt The number of reply comments (depth>1). int64 0
delete_comment_cnt The number of deleted comments. int64 0
delete_comment_user_num The number of users who delete their comments. int64 0
comment_like_cnt The number of comment likes. int64 2
comment_like_user_num The number of users who like the comments. int64 2
follow_cnt The number of increased follows from this video. int64 151
follow_user_num The number of users who follow the author of this video due to this video. int64 151
cancel_follow_cnt The number of decreased follows from this video. int64 0
cancel_follow_user_num The number of users who cancel their following of the author of this video due to this video. int64 0
share_cnt The times of sharing this video. int64 1
share_user_num The number of users who share this video. int64 1
download_cnt The times of downloading this video. int64 2
download_user_num The number of users who download this video. int64 2
report_cnt The times of reporting this video. int64 0
report_user_num The number of users who report this video. int64 0
reduce_similar_cnt The times of reducing similar content of this video. int64 2
reduce_similar_user_num The number of users who choose to reduce similar content of this video. int64 2
collect_cnt The times of adding this video to favorite videos. int64 0
collect_user_num The number of users who add this video to their favorite videos. int64 0
cancel_collect_cnt The times of removing this video from favorite videos. int64 0
cancel_collect_user_num The number of users who remove this video from their favorite videos int64 0

5. Descriptions of the fields in user_features.csv (Added on 2022.05.16)

Field Name: Description Type Example
user_id The ID of the user. int64 0
user_active_degree In the set of {'high_active', 'full_active', 'middle_active', 'UNKNOWN'}. str "high_active"
is_lowactive_period Is this user in its low active period int64 0
is_live_streamer Is this user a live streamer? int64 0
is_video_author Has this user uploaded any video? int64 0
follow_user_num The number of users that this user follows. int64 5
follow_user_num_range The range of the number of users that this user follows. In the set of {'0', '(0,10]', '(10,50]', '(100,150]', '(150,250]', '(250,500]', '(50,100]', '500+'} str "(0,10]"
fans_user_num The number of the fans of this user. int64 0
fans_user_num_range The range of the number of fans of this user. In the set of {'0', '[1,10)', '[10,100)', '[100,1k)', '[1k,5k)', '[5k,1w)', '[1w,10w)'} str "0"
friend_user_num The number of friends that this user has. int64 0
friend_user_num_range The range of the number of friends that this user has. In the set of {'0', '[1,5)', '[5,30)', '[30,60)', '[60,120)', '[120,250)', '250+'} str "0"
register_days The days since this user has registered. int64 107
register_days_range The range of the registered days. In the set of {'15-30', '31-60', '61-90', '91-180', '181-365', '366-730', '730+'}. str "61-90"
onehot_feat0 An encrypted feature of the user. Each value indicate the position of "1" in the one-hot vector. Range: {0,1} int64 0
onehot_feat1 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 7} int64 1
onehot_feat2 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 29} int64 17
onehot_feat3 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 1075} int64 638
onehot_feat4 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 11} int64 2
onehot_feat5 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 9} int64 0
onehot_feat6 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, 2} int64 1
onehot_feat7 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 46} int64 6
onehot_feat8 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 339} int64 184
onehot_feat9 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 6} int64 6
onehot_feat10 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 4} int64 3
onehot_feat11 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1, ..., 2} int64 0
onehot_feat12 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat13 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat14 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat15 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat16 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0
onehot_feat17 An encrypted feature. Range: {0, 1} int64 0

6. Descriptions of the caption and category fields in kuairec_caption_category.csv (Added on 2024.06.02)

Field Name: Description Type Example
video_id The ID of the video int64 2418
manual_cover_text 封面文字 (added by its author) str "被小可爱发现了"
caption 简介标题 (added by its author) str "这是什么狗狗,这么可爱真的可以这么遛吗?#喜欢的双击加关注 #直播 #博美俊介 #萌宠驾到"
topic_tag Tags of the topics of this video (added by its author) str "[博美俊介,喜欢的双击加关注,直播,萌宠驾到]"
first_level_category_id First-level category ID int64 17
first_level_category_name First-level category name str "宠物"
second_level_category_id Second-level category ID int64 233
second_level_category_name Second-level category name str "宠物日常记录"
third_level_category_id Thrid-level category ID int64 1169
third_level_category_name Third-level category name str "宠物狗"

kuairec's People


chongminggao avatar


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kuairec's Issues

User-related features

Hi, thank you for your fantastic work!
I notice that you added user_features.csv file in version 2.0. In this file, it contains features like if user is active or not, is livestreamer or not, etc. But some features are encrpyted, which I guess should be features like gender, age, location etc. I understand that it is for the protection of user privacy, but could it be possible to let me know which field contains less sensitive information like gender, age? Thank you in advance!



Sparsifying the small matrix

Hi, I read the paper and it says the small matrix is collected in 2 stage -- first the usual recommendation rule (stage 1), then for the pairs with missing values, the system is modified to make the missing items exposed to the users (stage 2).

Are there any records we can get to see which pairs are collected in stage 1 and which are collected in stage 2?


duplicate records in the big matrix


Thanks for the fantastic effort of collecting this dataset.
While I find there are duplicate <user_id, item_id, time> records in the big matrix (e.g., user_id: 217, item_id: 3136, time: '2020-09-01 11:27:43.599'). For <user_id, item_id> pairs, there are max 2224 records for one user and one video.
In future versions, will you deal with this duplicate record issue?




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