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entity-rs's Issues

Create mdbook for entity-rs in doc/ directory

Create an mdbook in doc/ that will publish to the github pages for this repo.

Follow for the actions to use.

Check out for a trigger that can happen when a specific path changes. Would want to update our CI to exclude our doc path and then add a new workflow for our book.

In terms of book's contents, modeling after some books like async_graphql, serde, and async-std.

  • Overview
  • Data & Relationship Models (diagrams)
  • All about ents
    • Fields, Values, and Edges
    • Implementing Ent trait
    • Using derive
      • Examples
      • Struct attributes (ent, field, edge)
      • Enum-level attributes (ent)
        • Describe how enums work in wrapping
      • Builder
      • Typed query
    • Using attribute macro
  • All about databases
    • CRUD model
    • Implementing trait
    • Existing implementations
      • In memory
      • Sled
    • Queries
      • Overview
      • Predicate types
      • Typed predicate
  • Features
    • serde
    • inmemory
    • sled
    • macros
    • async_graphql

bool vs darling::Flag for certain options

Some options such as no_builder are currently declared as type bool, which means no_builder = false is technically valid. Mechanically, that means "yes, I do want a builder," but it's not clear that a double-negative is required in this case.

darling::util::Flag provides a bool-like interface without allowing boolean literals in the attribute; instead only the word form is allowed. Does it make sense to switch over and tighten the API definition?

Refactor ent to use sync::Weak<Box<dyn Database>> instead of Option<Box<dyn Database>>

Rather than requiring the implementor of the database to handle internal state for arc, provide a clone implementation on a database, etc. it would be better to use a weak reference. This way, if a database is destroyed, all active ents will lose their reference to it as well.

Since a weak reference can be created via Weak::new() without providing an initial value (upgrade will return None), we can get rid of the option.

This will change the connect(...) ent signature and the builder signature.

Create ValueLike trait with blanket `From<ValueLike> for Value` and `TryFrom<Value> for ValueLike`

A refactoring that would also impact the macro. Rather than relying on From and TryFrom being implemented in different directions, have a singular trait that provides methods to convert in both directions. That trait can that have a blanket impl for the From and TryFrom impls. This makes the derive macro easier to understand and better highlights the actual mapping.

Additionally, we should be able to convert a From<...> into the trait, defaulting the other method to always failing.

trait ValueLike {
    fn parse(value: Value) -> Result<Self, ValueLikeErr>;
    fn to_value(&self) -> Value;

Database trait needs load and save methods

Because we will predominately be managing a database using Box<dyn Database>, we need a trait method to enable loading and saving the database.

  • For some databases, like future SQL impls, this is automatic.
  • For other databases, like sled, this requires an explicit call to save the database.
  • For inmemory, there is no option (unless using serde) to load/save.

The alternative that, thinking through, might be better is to have Database require AsAny similar to Ent and provide a blanket implementation to convert to a specific database. For users of a database, my assumption is only one kind will be used at a time, so explicitly downcasting should be enough to use database-specific options. Would need to validate that this is useable when Arc<Box<dyn Database>> is used.

Support database migrations

Model after or other ORMs that are following Facebook's TAO model.

My first thought is to encourage code versioning of a schema by renaming an ent and creating a new version and having some macro that generates a conversion between the two ents. This would be create a From<Old> for New and create some mutation to apply to a database.

Redo ui tests

After refactoring the derive macros, I think it makes sense to throw out the old tests and make new ones as that would be faster to cover each individual derive macro and the specific error messages we want to verify, rather than repurposing the existing ones.

Create a prelude for traits

A common practice in libs is to provide a top level prelude module reminiscent of the stdlib that is used to bring the minimum traits that need to be imported to use trait methods.

Some examples come to mind:

  • Database
  • EntQuery
  • EntBuilder
  • Ent
  • EntType

Remove default features from entity crate

While it's nice to have some included, I'm now a fan of the "batteries not included." It also means we can remove the need to test for no default features if we make it such that there are no features by default.

CI nightly is not running UI tests

I must have broken something as UI tests are supposed to be run on nightly. Before 0.1 is released, I need to make sure these are back to being run again.

Support in-memory database that can serialize to disk

Two options:

  1. Write an adhoc one that uses one or more hashmaps
  2. Leverage sled

I think sled will be nice to have eventually and being a key-value store it should work well like with hashmaps (or b+ trees). The 1.0.0 version is supposedly stabilizing late January 2021, which would avoid any awkward migration efforts.

For the time being, I guess custom in-memory that uses one or more hashmaps would be the way to go. Those also serialize well whereas sled would require some intermediate serialize/deserialize as described in spacejam/sled#1065.

For either database, main challenge is supporting custom indexing. If we had to search through all ents with each query, it would be too expense. Some possible shortcuts to take:

  1. Have a root ent that contains top-level hashmaps for each of our other ents; use that root-level ent to initiate a query
  2. Create a hashmap keyed by ent types whose value is another hashmap keyed by ent field names whose value is a third hashmap keyed by field values and value is a vec of ent ids (for lookup of an ent by its field)
  3. Support a series of index structs that support different values and that wrap a hashmap or vec; you can get one or more ids from an index by giving it a condition; e.g. > 5 and < 8 would navigate a BST to find available ids

Switch proc_macro_attribute to parse item as DeriveInput

darling only supports DeriveInput at the top level, which I'd like to use to remove as much of the boilerplate and cruft from the macro code as possible.

I wasn't sure if it was as simple as using parse_macro_input like with derive macros, but apparently it is as seen in this example from syn:

pub fn simple_ent(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let args = /* ... */;
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);

This means that I can have a singular darling definition for structs across both my attribute and derive macros. Same for enums as well.

Refactor ent macro attributes

Currently, we have attributes like the following:

#[ent(no_builder, no_query, no_typed_methods)]

These seem almost pointless (not quite). It may be okay to keep them, but the main ones we want to support are the following:

#[ent(builder = "name", query = "name")]

Additionally, for enums, we need a way to specify the list of types and that the enum wraps them once #15 is complete. This would be at the struct field level:

#[ent(edge(enum = "MyEnum", types = ["T1", "T2", "T3"]))]

The above would change how the load_ method works as it would load the untyped version and attempt to case to each of the given types, wrapping the type in the enum using a call to Into for T1, T2, or T3. None would be returned when another, unexpected type is found.

This still depends on MyEnum implementing some query, which may not be desirable. To that end, there are also two options for the queries: #[ent(edge(no_query))] to remove the query methods on the edge and #[ent(edge(untyped_query))] to change the query method to be a generic entity::Query instead of a typed version.

Support custom indexer for non-SQL databases

Need to devise some sort of custom indexer interface that can be used to support faster lookup of ent ids.

Use case in mind is for vimwiki-server where each ent has a region associated with it to denote where it is in a file. Before swapping to entity-rs, a special structure was maintained to provide fast lookup given an offset into the appropriate location (by using a tree).

The challenge is having a generic-enough indexer and how to pass it around as Rust isn't dynamic. We'd need to be able to attach an indexer type to the field attribute and then the database would know to create an indexer of that type for the given field.

Maybe an enum of types would be best such as

pub enum Indexer {
    Hash, // Will create a  hashmap of a field's value using `Value` as key and `Vec<Id>` as value
    Geo, // Will create a kd-tree of a field's value -- to support Region from vimwiki, we'd need a 3D search grid... how can we make this generic enough to enable someone to specify? 

Maybe the best way is to have a trait that is an indexer? It would take a Value as an argument and provide a Vec<Id> as the output?

trait Indexer {
    fn insert(&mut self, value: Value, id: Id);

    fn get(&self, value: Value) -> Vec<Id>;

    fn remove(&mut self, value: Value, id: Id) -> Option<Id>;

Provide async_graphql integration

I'm not yet sure if this is possible given that async_graphql does not expose traits or anything else to implement. Instead, it uses its own attribute proc macro to generate code.

This would be fine if I knew that I could attach it to run after my own derive macro by adding an impl block that gets transformed. I'll have to test to see.

#[derive(Clone, Ent)]
pub struct MyEnt {
    // ...

Refactor derive(Ent) into multiple derives

Currently, the builder, query, and ent are all under a single derive.

Rather than having three (or four if you count the typed methods) impls bundled under one derive, these should be composable with #[simple_ent] bringing them all together.

  1. derive(Ent) does just the Ent trait as is standard
  2. derive(EntType) does the EntType trait
  3. derive(EntBuilder) does the custom builder struct and impl
  4. derive(EntQuery) does the custom query struct and impl
  5. derive(EntTypedFields) does the field getters and setters
  6. derive(EntTypedEdges) does the edge id getters/setters and the edge loading, which is dependent on implementing ent
  7. derive(EntDebug) creates a new Debug impl that excludes the database from the ent to enable debug printing since the database is not required to implement Debug
  8. derive(EntWrapper) does the EntWrapper trait for an enum

Making it this way both enables users to more easily make their own implementations while mixing/matching as well as help me make the code a little cleaner with separated responsibilities. E.g. typetag is only relevant for the ent derive.

This also encourages new integrations such as #23:

  1. derive(AsyncGraphqlEnt) would produce a new impl using the #[async_graphql::Object] that exposes the fields of the ent, the ids of the edges, and the edges themselves via the load methods
  2. derive(AsyncGraphqlEntFilter) would produce a new struct using the #[derive(async_graphql::InputObject)] that has option fields for every ent field and edge where edge option type is dependent on a similar impl for the edge

Consider collections crate

Using our entity logic with the inmemory database, we could make some simple data structures in the future:

  1. Tree where we have a single entity type for the nodes that are connected
    • Have an optional edge for the parent
    • Have a many:1 edge for the children
    • Have a optional edges for left and right siblings
    • Have a single field that will contain the value associated with the tree node (needs to derive value)
  2. Typical graph

Support deriving typed ents via proc macro

Something along the lines of

pub struct PageEnt {
    #[ent(field, index)]
    #[ent(field_name = "...")] // Optional attribute to change the method name from title(...)
    #[ent(mut)] // Optional attribute to include a mutable method to edit the field
    #[ent(into)] // Optional attribute to include a method to consume ent and produce the specific field
    title: String,

    #[ent(edge_new = "path::to::method")] // Optional attribute to change the method used, that assumes (database, ent)
    #[ent(edge_id_name = "...")] // Optional attribute to change the name of the id method from element_ids
    #[ent(edge_name = "...")] // Optional attribute to change the name of the method from to_...
    elements: Vec<BlockElementEnt>,

results in

pub struct PageEnt(Ent);

impl IEnt for PageEnt { ... }

impl PageEnt {
    pub fn title(&self) -> &str {
        match self.0.field_value("title").expect("Corrupted PageEnt missing field title") {
            Value::Text(x) => x,
            x => panic!("Corrupted PageEnt title wrong type: {:?}", x),

    /// Only exists because of attribute
    pub fn update_title(&mut self, new_title: String) {
        self.0.update_field("title", new_title);

    /// Only exists because of attribute
    pub fn into_title(self -> String {
        /// TODO: Need to add an into_field_value method to Ent that consumes and produces single value
        match self.0.into_field_value("title").expect("Corrupted PageEnt missing field title") {
            Value::Text(x) => x,
            x => panic!("Corrupted PageEnt title wrong type: {:?}", x),

    /// Edges get a unique method to return the ids of the edge
    pub fn element_ids(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
        self.0.edge("elements").expect("Corrupted PageEnt missing edge elements").to_ids()

impl<D: Database> Connected<D, PageEnt> {
    /// Traverses edge, gets ents, and converts to appropriate type
    pub fn to_elements(&self) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<BlockElementEnt>> {
        self.load_edge("elements").map(|ents||ent| BlockElementEnt::new(self.database(), ent)))

    /// Special method available to reload data within ent based on current database standing
    pub fn refresh(self) -> DatabaseResult<Self> {
        /// TODO: Provide helper method on database that will return an ent and return a databaseError if none found
        Self::new(self.database, self.database.get_required(
    /// Special method available to push all ent changes back to the database
    pub fn flush(&self) {
        self.database().insert(self.ent().id(), self.ent().clone())

impl<D: Database> From<Connected<D, PageEnt>> for Ent {
    fn from(x: Connected<D, PageEnt>) -> Self {

impl From<PageEnt> for Ent {
    fn from(x: PageEnt) -> Self {

/// TODO: Will need custom type for loading an ent and failing
impl TryFrom<Ent> for PageEnt {
    type Err = LoadEntErr;

    fn try_from(x: Ent) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        // TODO: Would need to check all of the fields and edges of the ent to validate
        // proper types (for fields) and existence (for edges since we won't traverse)

/// Only exists because of from_unchecked attribute
impl From<Ent> for PageEnt {
    fn from(x: Ent) -> Self {

Get domain

Not sure if I want to do this yet. Couple of details I'd need to work out:

  1. Where to get a *.rs domain (Reddit discussion
    • Some examples of what is used via a WHOIS lookup
      • uses Beotel
      • & uses ninet
      • uses ISTanCo
  2. What do I use to power the domain?

Support generating ents using a macro_rules definition

Defining an ent! macro that can generate all of the structs, impls, and other Rust code we need. Wasn't sure if modifying a struct's fields was possible with the derive macro approach, so this seems like the next best thing and is simpler/less code than the proc macro of #3.

  1. Must always start with @name <NAME>; to specify the name of the ent used for the struct, impls, and type name

  2. Attributes come next and can have zero or more in the form of @attr <NAME> [...] where the macro matches on the first two and then has zero or more arguments to apply. This gets folded into different impls.

    a. global_database lets us add a new impl block for a specific database type and expression that yields the database, which would be some global that can be accessed. Helps to reduce boilerplate where we don't need to pass the database around everywhere if it's going to persist the lifetime of the program.

    b. *only_database would indicate that we don't need generics and instead only a specific database. An alternative might just be to add a type alias of PageEnt and have the actual struct use a different name. Not sure if I want this in a macro as it might be too difficult to support the former case and the latter case can be done externally.

  3. Fields and edges are interchangeable in that fields could come before or after edges, but they are always grouped together

    a. fields(...) contains all of the fields in the form of [@index]? <NAME> <TYPE>; and uses the information to do a couple of things:
    i. Include name and type in the parameters for constructing a new ent
    ii. Include name and type in the fields of a struct that is the builder e.g. PageEntBuilder
    iii. Include names as argument values in the body of the constructor method of the ent
    iv. If index flag given, will mark the field with attribute index

    b. edges(...) contains all of the edges in the form of @maybe|@one|@many [@shallow_delete|@deep_delete]? <NAME> <TYPE>
    i. Include name and type (as Option, Id, or Vec) in the parameters for constructing a new ent
    ii. Include name and type (as Option, Id, or Vec) in the fields of a struct that is the builder e.g. PageEntBuilder
    iii. Include names as argument values in the body of the constructor method of the ent
    iv. If shallow/deep delete attribute given, will mark the edge with the appropriate attribute

ent! {
    @name PageEnt;
    @attr global_database InmemoryDatabase GLOBAL_INMEMORY_DATABASE.lock().unwrap();
    @attr only_database InmemoryDatabase;
        @index title String;
        @deep_delete @one header ContentEnt;
        @maybe subheader ContentEnt;
        @many paragraphs ContentEnt;

ent! {
    @name ContentEnt;
    @attr global_database InmemoryDatabase GLOBAL_INMEMORY_DATABASE.lock().unwrap();
    @attr only_database InmemoryDatabase;
        text String;
        @one @shallow_delete page PageEnt;

Support ephemeral ent ids with each database containing an id allocator

Similar to a typed arena, we need something that provide unique ids that persists in a database. In vimwiki-rs, I wrote an id allocator, which I can port over to here.

Given an ephemeral id of 0 assigned to an ent, the database should replace that id with a unique id when being inserted. This enables us to create new ent instances without the user having to think of a unique id.

Support ValueLike macro on plain enum

For enums like

pub enum MyValueEnum {

should be able to derive a ValueLike impl of

impl ValueLike for MyValueEnum {
    fn into_value(self) -> Value {
        match self {
            Self::One => Value::Text(String::from("one")),
            Self::Two => Value::Text(String::from("two")),
            Self::Three => Value::Text(String::from("three")),

    fn try_from_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self, Value> {
        match value {
            Value::Text(x) => match x.as_str() {
                "one" => Ok(Self::One),
                "two" => Ok(Self::Two),
                "three" => Ok(Self::Three),
                _ => Err(Value::Text(x)),
            x => Err(x),

Impl GraphQL predicate for collections

Currently not supported because it's complex to edit the macro code that generates predicates for standard types to support types that have generics.

Support Option<Ent>, Ent, and Vec<Ent> as edge when using #[simple_ent]

Because the attribute macro can transform everything, we should be able to support transforming:

struct MyEnt {
    other: MyEnt


#[derive(Ent, ...)]
struct MyEnt {
    #[ent(edge(type = "MyEnt"))]
    other: Id,

This would be done ONLY when the type is not specified in the edge attribute during the attribute macro expansion.

Validate that only one of [id, database, created, last_updated] is present on a single field

I don't think this is supposed to be valid:

#[derive(Debug, Ent)]
struct What {
    #[ent(id, database, created, last_updated)]
    how: String,

Experience-wise, the most consistent and precise behavior feels like it would be, "if a field declares multiple ent-field words, they all get errors." That avoids needing to worry about order of appearance in the derive input and avoids leaking to the user the order in which the checks take place in the proc-macro.

This shouldn't otherwise block parsing or validation, so the shape of internal::EntField wouldn't change, but it's probably useful to have it expose a method for checking this condition to avoid many-way if-statements spreading far throughout the codebase.

One open question: Should a field that claims to be both id and database count in the "__ already declared elsewhere" check? If so, then this new validation goes inside the per-field loop before the big if/else tree. If not, then maybe the best approach is to add fn known_field(&self) -> Option<darling::Result<KnownField>> to internal::EntField and then branching off that in the per-field loop?

Not all edge collection types can be returned as a slice

Not all collection types can be returned as &[Id]. For example, BinaryHeap<Id> cannot be treated as a slice to my knowledge. We either need to distinguish the types to support both &[Id] and &BinaryHeap<Id> or we just have the ids be returned as &<TYPE> for all situations.

Add macro support for enum of entities

Use case is for vimwiki where I have BlockElement, InlineElement, and other enums that can be one of several types.

Need to be able to do

pub struct Page {
    #[ent(edge = "BlockElement"))]
    elements: Vec<Id>,

pub enum BlockElement {
    // ...

This would generate an implementation for the enum that has no builder, maybe a typed query but without anything useful (just id, type, etc) since the page would generate it, and routes all IEnt functions to the underlying variant. Because you can use the field and edge untyped functions, that would be good enough here, especially since you can extract the more specific type from the enum.

Search for hard-coded name usage across different types in macros

Suppose we have two ents: EntOne and EntTwo. If they each have an edge to the other and are deriving EntQuery, there is a method produced for the query that uses the other ent's query type.

struct EntOneQuery { ... }
impl EntOneQuery {
    pub fn query_two(...) -> EntTwoQuery { ... }

Support Cargo -Z minimal-versions

Dependent on async-graphql/async-graphql#392.

    name: minimal-version
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
          toolchain: nightly-2020-09-21
          override: true
      - name: Install cargo-hack
        run: cargo install cargo-hack
      - name: "check --all-features -Z minimal-versions"
        run: |
          # Remove dev-dependencies from Cargo.toml to prevent the next `cargo update`
          # from determining minimal versions based on dev-dependencies.
          cargo hack --remove-dev-deps --workspace
          # Update Cargo.lock to minimal version dependencies.
          cargo update -Z minimal-versions
          cargo hack check --all-features --workspace --no-dev-deps

Hitting some issues where transient dependencies are too old.

# Using -Z minimal-versions fails with the async-graphql dependency as it
# has the follow dep chain of
# multer 1.2.2 -> mime 0.3.0 -> unicase 2.0.0 -> rustc_version 0.1.0 -> semver 0.1.0
# The semver version fails to compile and is ancient, so we are providing a
# requirement on a later version of the build dependency to enable using
# the minimal version check
rustc_version = "0.1.7"
semver = "0.1.20"                                                                          

Support generating typed filters for async-graphql based on entities

Per discussion in async-graphql/async-graphql#373, GraphQL doesn't support unions in input types today. This means that the typed predicates that are unions can't be used directly. Instead, I'll need to be able to generate a unique input type to handle all conditions for a given ent.

enum Predicate {

// becomes

struct Predicate {
    equals: Option<...>,
    greater_than: Option<...>,

The challenge is that we'd need to make.a unique struct per type: String, Int, Float, Boolean, and ID. This isn't too demanding and could potentially be converted into a Custom Scalar as it supports maps (BTrees of names and values), lists (vec of values), and other types as defined here:

If we can get away with making value be a scalar, then we could make custom predicate & filter input types that flatten the enums into structs of options. We'd want to give them names like GraphQLPredicate and GraphQLFilter (and GraphQLQuery).

In addition, we could still generate unique typed predicates for each of the five standard primitives of GraphQL.

Finally, we could add a derive of EntAsyncGraphQL and EntAsyncGraphQLFilter that would provide an object impl using the async_graphql macro and an input type filter that is a more specific MyEntGraphQLFilter where the edge and field are replaced with the graphql equivalents.

Fix macro hygenie


  1. Change primitives like u64 on created/last_updated to ::std::primitive::u64
  2. Evaluate places where Span::call_site() is used for replacement into Span::mixed_site()
  3. Provide means to set root crate path (I currently have a variable called root that is hard-coded to ::entity)
  4. Update value.clone() and others to ::std::clone::Clone::clone(&value)
  5. Update value.to_string() and others to ::std::string::ToString::to_string(&value)
  6. Find references to generated ent (builder/query) and use self::TestEnt
  7. Investigate if other paths are also impacted using a test
// tests/
use entity::Ent;

#[derive(Clone, Ent)]
pub struct TestEnt {

Support a global database and methods that leverage it by default

Ideally, we can have references to the database encoded in the ents themselves, but it might be nice to be able to configure a global database using.a mixture of static, once_cell, and an Option<Box<dyn Database>> that can be initialized via some global functions like entity::configure(database).

Then, with generated functions, we could have something like PageEnt::load(id) that uses PageEnt::with(db).load(id) or some other builder configuration, or a direct method like PageEnt::load_from(db, id).

For builder configuration, we create some struct like PageEntBuilder.

Encode field and edge attributes on ent directly rather than in schema

For now, the schema has extra baggage as it gets encoded with every ent, which has duplicate field and edge names. To avoid maintaining a schema for ents, might be a better idea to have it live directly on the ents themselves and switch back to having an explicit string type assigned to each ent.

Add tests for entity_macros related to non-Vec list and non-HashMap map

Supporting all other std library collections through macros includes support to detect VecDeque as a Value::List and BTreeMap as a Value::Map. Need to add these as tests to validate the field types are defined correctly. Same goes for PathBuf and OsString being treated as Value::Text.

Investigate re-exporting macros from dependencies

Tried before, but I may not have done it correctly.

The idea is that we want to remove the need to manually include typetag, serde, and (eventually) async_graphql alongside entity when using entity_macros.


impl ::entity::Ent for ... {

Additionally, if we can figure out a way to export a no-op attribute macro, we could avoid the need to check for typetag
inclusion at all and just always include the vendor version.

  • This might be a weird setup where we create a no-op macro within entity_macros that we will re-export from entity if we have the macros feature. This would mean that including entity_macros directly would no longer be an option.

Add From/Into Value for OsString, PathBuf, and Path

There may also be other types that are being used in vimwiki-server, so need to give it a proper runthrough before closing this out. For OsString, PathBuf, and Path we can use the Value::Text for conversions.

pub struct Wiki {
    index: usize,
    name: Option<String>,
    path: PathBuf,
    files: HashSet<PathBuf>,

Refactor GqlPredicate_<TYPE> into GqlPredicate::<TYPE> via module

One challenge when generating types via the derive macro was that the import needed to be done explicitly when used in another module.

use crate::{Region, GqlPredicate_Region};

#[derive(AsyncGraphqlEnt, AsyncGraphqlEntFilter)]
pub struct MyEnt {
    region: Region,

Because modules are in a separate namespace than structs/enums/etc, we should be able to generate a module that contains a common type like Region::GqlPredicate so we can do a single import:

use crate::Region;

#[derive(AsyncGraphqlEnt, AsyncGraphqlEntFilter)]
pub struct MyEnt {
    region: Region,

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.