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The web-service helps you put video on the web without the hassle. This documentation helps you use the corresponding NodeJS client.

Quick start


 npm install


const apiVideo = require('');

// Create client for Production and authenticate
const client = new apiVideo.Client({username: 'xxx', apiKey: 'xxx'});

// Create client for Sandbox and authenticate
const client = new apiVideo.ClientSandbox({username: 'xxx', apiKey: 'xxx'});

// Create and upload a video ressource
let result = client.videos.upload('/path/to/video.mp4', {title: 'Course #4 - Part B'});

result.then(function(video) {
}).catch(function(error) {

// Update video properties
let result = client.videos.update('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', {description: 'Course #4 - Part B'});

result.then(function(video) {

// Search video by tags filter and paginate results
let result ={currentPage: 1, pageSize: 25, tags: ['finance']});

result.then(function(videos) {
  for (let x = 0; x < videos.length; x += 1) {
    if (, x)) {
      let video = videos[x];

// Delete video ressource
let result = client.videos.delete('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX');
result.then(function(statusCode) {
}).catch(function(error) {

// Upload a video thumbnail
let result = client.videos.uploadThumbnail('/path/to/thumbnail.jpg', 'viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX');

result.then(function(video) {

// Update video thumbnail by picking image with video timecode
let result = client.videos.updateThumbnailWithTimecode('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', '00:15:22.05');

result.then(function(video) {

// Create players with default values
let result = client.players.create();

result.then(function(player) {

// Get a player
let result = client.players.get('plXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX');

result.then(function(player) {

// Search a player with paginate results
let result ={currentPage: 1, pageSize: 50});

result.then(function(players) {
  for (let x = 0; x < players.length; x += 1) {
    if (, x)) {
      let player = players[x];

let properties = {
  shapeMargin: 10,
  shapeRadius: 3,
  shapeAspect: "flat",
  shapeBackgroundTop: "rgba(50, 50, 50, .7)",
  shapeBackgroundBottom: "rgba(50, 50, 50, .8)",
  text: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)",
  link: "rgba(255, 0, 0, .95)",
  linkHover: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .75)",
  linkActive: "rgba(255, 0, 0, .75)",
  trackPlayed: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)",
  trackUnplayed: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .1)",
  trackBackground: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
  backgroundTop: "rgba(72, 4, 45, 1)",
  backgroundBottom: "rgba(94, 95, 89, 1)",
  backgroundText: "rgba(255, 255, 255, .95)",
  language: "en",
  enableApi: true,
  enableControls: true,
  forceAutoplay: false,
  hideTitle: true,
  forceLoop: true

let result = client.players.update('plXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', properties);

result.then(function(player) {

let result = client.players.delete('plXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX');
result.then(function(statusCode) {
}).catch(function(error) {

// Upload video caption
let result = client.captions.upload('path/to/caption.vtt', {videoId: 'viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', language: 'en'});

result.then(function(caption) {

// Get video caption by language
let result = client.captions.get('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', 'en');

result.then(function(caption) {

// Update the default caption language
let result = client.captions.updateDefault('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', 'en', true);

result.then(function(caption) {

//Delete caption by language
let result = client.captions.delete('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', 'en');
result.then(function(statusCode) {
}).catch(function(error) {

// Create a live
let result = client.lives.create('This is a live');

result.then(function(live) {

// Get video Analytics Data for the month of July 2018
let result = client.analyticsVideo.get('viXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', '2019-01');

result.then(function(analyticVideo) {

// Search Video Analytics Data for January 2019 and return the first 100 results
let result ={currentPage: 1, pageSize: 100, period: '2019-01'});

result.then(function(analyticsVideo) {
  for (let x = 0; x < analyticsVideo.length; x += 1) {
    if (, x)) {
      let analyticVideo = analyticsVideo[x];

// Get live Analytics Data for the month of July 2018
let result = client.analyticsLive.get('liXxxxXxxxXxxxxxxxXX', '2019-01');

result.then(function(analyticLive) {

// Search Live Analytics Data between May 2018 and July 2018 and return the first 100 results
let result ={currentPage: 1, pageSize: 100, period: '2019-01'});

result.then(function(analyticsLive) {
  for (let x = 0; x < analyticsLive.length; x += 1) {
    if (, x)) {
      let analyticLive = analyticsLive[x];

// Generate a token for delegated upload
let result = client.tokens.generate();
result.then(function(token) {

Full API

 *         VIDEO                 *
const client = new apiVideo.Client({username: 'xxx', apiKey: 'xxx'});

// Show a video

// List or search videos = {});

// Create video properties
client.videos.create(title, properties = {});

// Upload a video media file
// Create a video, if videoId is null
client.videos.upload(source, properties = {}, videoId = null);

// Create a video by downloading it from a third party, title, properties = {});

// Update video properties
client.videos.update(videoId, properties);

// Set video public

// Set video private

// Delete video (file and data)

// Delegated upload (generate a token for someone to upload a video into your account)
result = client.tokens.generate(); // string(3): "xyz"
result.then(function(token) {
  // ...then upload from anywhere without authentication:
  //  curl -F [email protected]

 *         VIDEO THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for video
client.videos.uploadThumbnail(source, videoId);

// Update video's thumbnail by picking timecode
client.videos.updateThumbnailWithTimecode(videoId, timecode);

 *         VIDEO CAPTIONS        *

// Get caption for a video
client.videos.captions.get(videoId, language);

// Get all captions for a video

// Upload a caption file for a video (.vtt)
client.videos.captions.upload(source, properties);

// Set default caption for a video
client.videos.captions.updateDefault(videoId, language, isDefault);

// Delete video's caption
client.videos.captions.delete(videoId, language);

 *         PLAYERS               *

// Get a player

// List players = {});

// Create a player
client.players.create(properties = {});

// Update player's properties
client.players.update(playerId, properties);

// Delete a player

 *         LIVE                 *

// Show a live

// List or search lives = {});

// Create live properties
client.lives.create(name, properties = {});

// Update live properties
client.lives.update(liveStreamId, properties);

// Delete live (file and data)

 *         LIVE THUMBNAIL       *

// Upload a thumbnail for live
client.lives.uploadThumbnail(source, liveStreamId);

 *         ANALYTICS             *

// Get video analytics between period
client.analyticsVideo.get(videoId, period);

// Search videos analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata;

// Get live analytics between period
client.analyticsLive.get(liveStreamId, period);

// Search lives analytics between period, filter with tags or metadata;

Full API Details Implementation


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
search - - - -
- parameters(object) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • keyword(string)
  • tags(string|array(string))
  • metadata(array(string))
create - - - -
- title(string) Video title ✔️ -
- properties(object) Video properties
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
upload - - - -
- source(string) Video media file ✔️ -
- properties(object) Video properties
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
- videoId(string) Video identifier -
uploadThumbnail - - - -
- source(string) Image media file ✔️ -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
updateThumbnailWithTimeCode - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- timecode(string) Video timecode ✔️ 00:00:00.00
update - - - -
- videoId()string Video identifier ✔️ -
- properties(object) Video properties ✔️
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
makePublic videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
makePrivate videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
delete videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
create properties(object) Player properties
  • shapeMargin(int)
  • shapeRadius(int)
  • shapeAspect(string)
  • shapeBackgroundTop(string)
  • shapeBackgroundBottom(string)
  • text(string)
  • link(string)
  • linkHover(string)
  • linkActive(string)
  • trackPlayed(string)
  • trackUnplayed(string)
  • trackBackground(string)
  • backgroundTop(string)
  • backgroundBottom(string)
  • backgroundText(string)
  • enableApi(bool)
  • enableControls(bool)
  • forceAutoplay(bool)
  • hideTitle(bool)
search - - - -
- parameters(object) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
update - - - -
- playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -
- properties(object) Player properties ✔️
  • shapeMargin(int)
  • shapeRadius(int)
  • shapeAspect(string)
  • shapeBackgroundTop(string)
  • shapeBackgroundBottom(string)
  • text(string)
  • link(string)
  • linkHover(string)
  • linkActive(string)
  • trackPlayed(string)
  • trackUnplayed(string)
  • trackBackground(string)
  • backgroundTop(string)
  • backgroundBottom(string)
  • backgroundText(string)
  • enableApi(bool)
  • enableControls(bool)
  • forceAutoplay(bool)
  • hideTitle(bool)
delete playerId(string) Player identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- language(string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)
getAll videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
upload - - - -
- source(string) Caption file ✔️ -
- properties(string) Caption properties ✔️
  • videoId(string)
  • language(string - 2 letters)
updateDefault - (object) - - -
- videoId Video identifier ✔️ -
- language (string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)
- isDefault (string) Set default language ✔️ true/false
delete - - - -
- videoId Video identifier ✔️ -
- language (string) Language identifier ✔️ 2 letters (ex: en, fr)


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
get liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
search - - - -
- parameters(object) Search parameters
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
create - - - -
- name(string) Live name ✔️ -
- properties(object) Live properties
  • record(boolean)
  • playerId(string)
uploadThumbnail - - - -
- source(string) Image media file ✔️ -
- liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
update - - - -
- liveStreamId()string Live identifier ✔️ -
- properties(object) Live properties ✔️
  • title(string)
  • description(string)
  • tags(array(string))
  • playerId(string)
  • metadata(array(
    'key' => 'Key1',
    'value' => 'value1'
    'key' => 'Key2',
    'value' => 'value2'
delete liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values/Format
get - - - -
- videoId(string) Video identifier ✔️ -
- period (string) Period research
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020
search parameters(object) Search parameters
  • Pagination/Filters:
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • tags(string|array(string))
  • metadata(array(string))
  • Period:
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values/Format
get - - - -
- liveStreamId(string) Live identifier ✔️ -
- period (string) Period research
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020
search parameters(object) Search parameters
  • Pagination/Filters:
  • currentPage(int)
  • pageSize(int)
  • sortBy(string)
  • sortOrder(string)
  • Period:
  • For a day : 2018-01-01
  • For a week: 2018-W01
  • For a month: 2018-01
  • For a year: 2018
  • Date range: 2018-01-01/2018-01-15
  • Week range: 2018-W01/2018-W03
  • Month range: 2018-01/2018-03
  • Year range: 2018/2020


Function Parameters Description Required Allowed Values
generate - Token for delegated upload - -

More on

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