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bones-for-genesis-2-0's Introduction

Bones for Genesis 2.0

Built for Genesis 3.* and WordPress 5.*.

A starting point for new Genesis projects. This is a starter child theme, not a dependency. Clone it. Fork it. Hack it for your own projects. Build cool things on the web.

Issues and pull requests are welcome and will be addressed.

To Get Started

You'll need Node.js.

git clone genesis-bfg
cd genesis-bfg
composer install && npm install


npm run watch


npm run build

All functions are prefixed with bfg. Do a find-and-replace to align the these function names to your project's prefix.'

bones-for-genesis-2-0's People


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bones-for-genesis-2-0's Issues

SCSS Files

Hi Cooper, do you happen to have a complete set of SCSS files that replicate the default Genesis styling or a similar 'complete' starting point that I can work backwards from?

1000thx for keeping this bone UP-2-Date!

JUST 1 Question

Hopefuly this is the right way to get intouch with other github ppl if not feel free to delete my noobish lines after reading ;) I just wanna know if it is normal that the size of the full theme build after seting up with node grunt & bower on near 50mb ? I have my 1st day on github& sass/grunt/compass and so on today ... probably i missing any imortant step in resizing? .... any help mucho gusto thx in advance & king regards! aleks

no-js is on html not body


In header.php you add the no-js class to the html element, but in scripts.js you remove it from the body element.

macOS Sierra & Grunticon PhantomJS

A couple of issues seem to have cropped up since upgrading to the GM Seed of MacOS Sierra, I spent a couple of hours today looking into it, but the only solution was to remove grunticon from the gruntfile

Running "grunticon:build" (grunticon) task
svg-to-png now spawning phantomjs...
(using path: /node_modules/svg-to-png/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs)

Something went wrong with phantomjs...
Fatal error: Command failed: /node_modules/svg-to-png/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs /node_modules/svg-to-png/lib/phantomscript.js

Process finished with exit code 1

get error when installing

get a warning when ruining grunt

Running "clean:build" (clean) task

1 path cleaned.

Running "sass:build" (sass) task
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../bower_components/Colors/sass/v
Load paths:
on line 5 of sass/style.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 65 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

Removal of Bower, npm update

Hey Cooper,

Since Bower has been removed, we just use npm update --save-dev right?

No need to run npm install to get any dependencies cleared up?

You'll need Node.js, Grunt, and Bower.

git clone genesis-bfg
cd genesis-bfg
npm update --save-dev && bower update --save

Image url adds css/ to string

Hi Cooper

I'm doing my first project with bones and I am struggling with images. I notice that the image urls point to http:// - - /wp-content/themes/themename/css/images/s-specials-heading.png instead of just to the image.

How do I ensure the url doesn't go via the css dir, instead just to the theme images.


IE Conditionals in /includes/structure/header..php

Hi Cooper, in this function there is a '.' after the second $output. Is this a mistake?

function bfg_ie_conditionals( $tag, $handle ) {

if( 'bfg' == $handle ) {
    $output = '<!--[if !IE]> -->' . "\n" . $tag . '<!-- <![endif]-->' . "\n";
    $output .= '<!--[if gte IE 8]>' . "\n" . $tag . '<![endif]-->' . "\n";
} elseif( 'bfg-ie-universal' == $handle ) {
    $output = '<!--[if lt IE 8]>' . "\n" . $tag . '<![endif]-->' . "\n";
} else {
    $output = $tag;

return $output;



Conditionally enqueueing a new script

Hi, trying to conditionally enqueue Selectivizr based on: <!--[if (gte IE 6)&(lte IE 8)]>, and have some short questions:

(1) Bearing in mind Bones uses ie6.css for anything below IE 8, would this still be the conditional statement you recommend for Selectivizr?

(2) How would I add the conditional statement using a ( $tag, $handle ) function for js, just like the one you use for the styles (ff_ie_conditionals)?

(3) Similarly, I have a Font Awesome IE 7 script to load. Again, bearing in mind Bones uses ie6.css for anything below IE 8 would you suggest loading this?

Cannot seem to compile SASS :(

I have used SASS before, but I keep getting errors. Can you provide me with the regular CSS instead (in a gist or something)? I would be grateful.

Cannot compile after grunt command : message "Running watch task"

Hi Cooper and all,

I'm very, very interested to use BFG (i'm sure this is the best starter theme for Genesis) but I don't arrive to compile it. I'm sorry if I made mistakes in my message, english is my second language. I hope someone could help me.

What I've exactly done :
I'm on Windows 7 - 64 bits
I install Node.js from (version v0.10.28)
I install for windows (version 1.9.2-preview20140411) with option "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt"
I verify that my PATH is C:\Users***\AppData\Roaming\npm; C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin
I launch a command prompt
I go in my dir project
I install Bower with the command npm -g install bower
I install Grunt with the command npm install -g grunt-cli
I make the command git clone genesis-bfg
I make the command cd genesis-bfg
I make the command npm update --save-dev && bower update --save
I make the command grunt
I have a warning "You need to have Ruby dans Sass installed and in your PATH for this task to work"
I install Ruby from (version 2.0.0-p481(x64)) with option "Add Ruby executables to your PATH"
I launch a Ruby prompt command and make the command gem install sass
I reboot my computer to be sure and I launch a new git prompt command (i'm in the folder bfg-genesis) and I make the commande grunt
I have this error "ERROR : Cannot load compass".
I see that there is an issue for this error, so I make the command gem install compass --pre
I make again the command grunt
I have this message, grunt stay in watch mode and wait I edit a file but don't finish compil :

Is there someone who have an idea ? Maybe I don't make the right procedure, this is the first time I use Node, Grunt, Bower, Ruby, etc.

Or maybe someone has a full folder of the starter theme and could send me ? (I think this is the best solution for me... in order to use it as a simple child theme for WP)

Thank you a lot in advance for your help,

PHP-CS-Fixer Error

Hi Cooper, I've cloned a new copy of BFG and upon running build I get this error:

sh: php-cs-fixer: command not found
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! @ build: run-p build:* -s
npm ERR! Exit status 1


Webpack error after updating to 20170704

Hi Cooper, I seem to have ran into an error using Webpack after the update:

ERROR in ./js/scripts.js
Module build failed: (SystemJS) ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/dh/Documents/Websites/'
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/dh/Documents/Websites/'

Error loading /Users/dh/Documents/Websites/ as "babel-core" from /Users/dh/Documents/Websites/

ERROR in ./js/admin.js
Module build failed: (SystemJS) ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/dh/Documents/Websites/'
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/dh/Documents/Websites/'

Error loading /Users/dh/Documents/Websites/ as "babel-core" from /Users/dh/Documents/Websites/


P tags around images function

Hi Cooper, your preg_replace does not seem to work:

return preg_replace( '/

\s_(<a .>)?\s(<img ._ />)\s_(</a>)?\s_</p>/iU', '\1\2\3', $content );

Yet this one does for me:

return preg_replace('/

\s_?(<a ._?><img.?></a>|<img.?>)?\s*</p>/s', '\1\2\3', $content);

Wondered if this was a bug - are you having problems with the original? Could you also offer any advice on the validity of the syntax in my suggested replacement?



FitVids in bower.json

Cooper, should "jquery.fitvids": "davatron5000/FitVids.js", be removed from bower.json as vanilla-fitvids has been added?

Load issue

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /html/wp-content/themes/bfg/includes/structure/header.php on line 138"

Updating Packages on Previous Version

I've gone back to an old theme I created when you used Bower as a package manager for BFG and can't recall how to update the packages and complie the theme. I guess it's the 'old' version of 'composer install && npm install' and 'npm run build'. Can you please advise? Thanks!

Grid Sass incomplete

I was tinkering around with this child starter theme, and noticed that the _grid.scss is incomplete. It is missing computed percentages for .two-fifths, .three-fifths, and four-fifths. I know I rarely use those sizes, but I just ran into an instance that I do need them. I would try and figure them out, but these percentages seem very complicated when you have so many different combinations of "fifths" in one row.

Please help ~ Thanks Rob

macOS Sierra & Include Media

Getting this error when trying to compile on macOS Sierra

Running "sass:build" (sass) task
Error: Invalid US-ASCII character "\xE2"
        on line 263 of bower_components/include-media/dist/_include-media.scss
        from line 5 of sass/style.scss
  Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 65 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

Process finished with exit code 6

SVG Usage Issues

Hi Cooper, using an up to date BFG version I cannot seem to get an inline SVG to display. Can you please offer an example of how to use the icons.svg sprite that's created upon build so I can verify my code is working? Thanks

Taxonomy Title Desc. in archive.php

Hi Cooper, wondered if I could ask for some quick advice on extending the 'bfg_do_taxonomy_title_description' function (or creating a new function) to handle date-based archives too? This function works great for my categories but I would also like to display a title at the top of the date archive page.

Thanks in advance

No bower_components folder on install


On install of the latest version that I'd like to use on a new project it seems that the bower_components does not install or is not downloaded on initial clone.

I would really appreciate your help.

I am working on a macbook pro running El Capitan 10.11.3

Many thanks,

jQuery Enqueue

Hi Cooper,

I've had to change the jQuery array from ', array(), null, true );' to ', array(), null );' in order to get my revslider plugin to work. Can you please tell me whether I need to change anything in the jQuery fallback function to match this? And, would it be advisable to conditionally use one array for the page with the revslider on, and another for the rest?

Thanks in advance


Hi Cooper, I would like to include Superfish manually. Can you please tell me which of these I should include:

superfish.js, supersubs.js, hoverintent.js, superfish.css


needless argument: --sourcemap=none

I've cloned bones-for-genesis-2-0 a few times (thanks, it's terrific) and never seen this error before, but today I followed the setup steps for a new child theme and when I ran grunt for the first time this happened:

Running "clean:build" (clean) task
>> 0 paths cleaned.

Running "sass:build" (sass) task
OptionParser::NeedlessArgument: needless argument: --sourcemap=none
  Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 1 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

I removed the sourcemap: 'none' line from Gruntfile.js and when I ran grunt again it completed all tasks with no errors. That doesn't seem like the best solution, though.

Img class attr is getting &nbsp added

I noticed that images inserted via the content editor are getting &nbsp; added to the class attr, which is breaking layouts for things like: .alignright as what is being output is class="&nbsp;alignright "

The source of the issue is in post.php around line 191 add_filter( 'the_content', 'bfg_hard_space_expressions' );

Superfish Question

Hi, I'm using Bones with standard CSS and no CodeKit, do I need to manually add superfish.js or should I rely on what's built in to Genesis?

Permission denied - sass/normalize.scss

When I download the zip file and try to compile using - I always getPermission denied - /Users/me/Desktop/bones-for-genesis-2-0-master/sass/normalize.scss and styles.css is not created

Cannot load compass

I'm pretty new to Grunt (and this workflow all together), so bare with me if this is a stupid newbie question...

I installed everything as by the instructions, but when trying the 'grunt' command (or after changing a file with "grunt watch' active) I keep getting the following error:

Running "sass:build" (sass) task
ERROR: Cannot load compass.
Warning: Exited with error code 1

Proceding with --force does not work either (same error).

It does make the build directory, but leaves just an empty style.css file in it.

When I look at 'gem list' I can see both compass & sass are installed:
compass (0.12.4)
sass (3.3.4, 3.2.18)

This is on MacOSX 10.9.2 (Maverick).

Hope someone can help me on my way. Thanks in advance!

Build steps

I tried out your build steps and I can see that the css and js files are generated. Would it be possible to enhance the Gruntfile such that build would create a complete theme folder with all the required files?

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