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CascadiaJS Website

Platform and Services

This website is built on Enhance and deploys to Begin.

It currently depends on the following external services:

Enhance Structure

Enhance is an opinionated HTML web framework that renders pages on the server and supports progressive enhancement on the client for SPA-like experiences.

An Enhace app has two top-level directories: app and public.

The app Directory

The app directory contains all the code for our application, in addition to Markdown files that power many of the static webpages.

Disclaimer: Enhance is a new and rapidly changing web framework. We will do our best to keep this README up to date, but please reference the Enhance docs as the source of truth.

Here's a brief rundown of each subdirectory and its purpose:

  • api - controllers for paths in our web app, they generally call APIs and load data, which is passed to the view logic in pages
  • elements - custom elements that render and expand on the server
  • markdown - static Markdown files
  • pages - views (generally in HTML) that, if needed, render data passed from their API controller

The public Directory

This contains static files (images, css, etc).

Enhance makes all of these files available via the special /_public/ path off the root. In addition, this project has turned on fingerprinting, so when you deploy a file to the cloud (i.e. /images/logo.png), its filename is re-written with a unique hash attached (i.e. /images/logo-abc123.png) and when you reference this file in your markup (using just /images/logo.png), Enhance will re-write the response to the client on-the-fly to reference the filename with the attached hash.

App Design

For the most part, file-based routing makes it pretty clear what paths are supported by our app. For instance, the existence of pages/2024/index.mjs tells you that the app supports a /2024 web page.

Pages that require data to render are paired with an identically names JS file in the api directory.

There are two files named $$.mjs that live in the api and pages directories. The dollar sign ($$) functions as a wildcard and catches paths that are not defined by named files. This enables us to render Markdown files from the md directory based on the path requested:

  • /code-of-conduct will render markdown/
  • /2024/cfp will render md/2024/

If there is no Markdown file that matches the path, a 404 error will be returned.


  • clone this repo
  • npm i
  • install the Begin CLI, see instructions here


If you need to run/test the mailing list subscription action (POST /signup) you will need to configure the following environment variables: CIO_SITE_ID, CIO_API_KEY, CIO_APP_KEY

Run dev server

npm start

Generating social sharing images for speakers and other web pages

You'll need to install puppeteer globally first:


Then link it so that you can run the script

npm link puppeteer

Making contributions

If you would like to make a contribution, please fork this repo and send us a pull request.'s People


alexlande avatar anvaka avatar charliepark avatar crtr0 avatar davethegr8 avatar davidbruant avatar furchin avatar gitter-badger avatar hackygolucky avatar jasonrhodes avatar jefflembeck avatar jlipps avatar junosuarez avatar katiek2 avatar kennethormandy avatar noodlefrenzy avatar rmurphey avatar zachattack avatar


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Help Wanted: Website

Own the web content cradle to grave, including updates as tickets go on sale, speakers are announced, etc. Please leave a comment if you're interested in this role and leave links to website that you've produced that you're proud of.

This responsibility tends to be very front-loaded in the timeline of planning the conference. Assistance with items such as the copy for events and speakers will be provided by organizers responsible for these concerns but will be coordinated by you.

  • Cascadia JSFest(entire conference that encompasses components below)
    • CSS Day
    • Browser Day
    • Node Day

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Talk: Using statecharts for clean & scalable UX

Using statecharts for clean & scalable UX

The what, why, and how of statecharts in JavaScript

Statecharts are awesome. They’re so much more than ‘state’ in Ember.js or React, and they can be used in conjunction with any framework. Using statecharts you can translate interaction designs directly into code that runs on the browser or in Node (or even in embedded systems).

Because statecharts are such a fantastic way to discretize user input into useful transitions between an app’s views, I’ll focus chiefly on how to develop with statecharts for the front-end. The talk will include a description of designing with statecharts, translating those designs to SCXML (or the new SCJSON), and working with SCION in an example app.

Speaker Bio

Hello, CascadiaJS! I’m Will Shown, a UX designer and front-end web developer. I’ve been working with the connection between browsers and humans since building my first web app in 2008 while learning Cognitive Science at McGill University.

Since then I’ve been part of the team that redesigned and started a sci-fi game engine called GEOF. I’m an avid fan of RuPaul’s Drag Race and my favorite weather is fog.

UI components with a pre-processor based supporting architecture

UI components with a pre-processor based supporting architecture

Elements, Components and a reusable UI

Building a UI is hard, building a UI that is scaleable is harder and building a UI that is scaleable and easy to maintain is almost impossible. That is, unless you really begin to think about things from the perspective of a component architecture.

Let us not forget that all the amazing things being talked about these days, that new functional and custom components in the DOM require a presentation layer. How we attach presentation to the UI is not as simple as applying functionality in most cases. There is a lot of code and there are a lot of really confusing archetypes out there, and I have seen countless examples where CSS has gone horribly wrong.

OOCSS, SMACSS and BEM are all good ideas, but all have major flaws. You can't simply follow one theoretical process and expect it to always work. Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation make attempts to make this 'easier' but all they created was a huge abstraction from what needs to be done and made solutions harder to learn and application code bases harder to maintain.

Have you seen classes like:


This is when your CSS is BEEEM'ing with overly excited naming conventions.

Then there is the use of constructed classes, SMACSS style .is-disabled, to apply presentation of state where common attributes are more appropriate or the use of ARIA rules will add real accessibility semantics. And then do we even need to talk about .mr20, .margin_left_22px, btn-small and .btn-red, a means of strictly adhering presentation to the DOM unnecessarily.

Quick audience poll: Do you use Bootstrap? Do you write inline CSS? o_O

In my talk I will speak to the new trends in building a component type architecture that is supported by a scaleable and extendable CSS architecture that leverages better organization techniques offered to us via pre-processors. In addition I will give examples of how to use real semantics versus just adding more classes and extraneous javascript for the sake of adding presentation and experience. .is-active != aria-selected, just saying.

Speaker Bio


Hi, I am Dale. I split my time between San Francisco where I am Senior UI Architect for AppDirect, and Seattle where I am a Lead Instructor for Code Fellows' Web Development Accelerator. When I am not up all night coding, I am very involved in the Sass community, locally and nationally. A core contributor to SassMeister, co-authoring the book 'Sass in the Real World' and write for various blogs.

In those rare moments when I can actually put the computer down, I enjoy spending time with my wife and two daughters riding bikes and enjoying the outdoors.

Talk: Using JavaScript to reach the next gen of coders in LATAM

Using JavaScript to reach the next gen of coders in LATAM

There's a sense of pride in making, in learning something new and seeing it working in real life. Even if it's only blinking a LED(the hardware version of a hello world) there's something magical when it works. That is why we are working in a program called STEAM@UG from GalileoU in Guatemala for high school students as an introduction to coding and basic electronics.

Using a few simple games like pong, tic-tac-toe, etc is a great way to connect with teenagers interested in tech and let them become makers coding with JavaScript and building basic hardware to control the games.

Speaker Bio

Educator, tinkerer and software developer. Elemental Geeks co-founder, Innovation Lab @ GalileoU lead, Android GDE, NodeBots Guatemala & GDG Guatemala co-organizer. Firmly believer in the power of community. From Galileo University he is trying to empower as many people as possible in latam to become makers. He started Engineering Kickstart a program for high schoolers to get started into coding and basic electronics, to get them excited about tech, let them connect with mentors and make them cross the line from users to makers.

Talk: Staying In The Fast Lane - Tools to Keep Your Site Speedy & Light

Staying In The Fast Lane - Tools to Keep Your Site Speedy & Light

The story you'd like to tell

Developing a fast website is not easy. There are plenty of tools and techniques to serve a good and fast experience to our visitors. Monitoring how a site evolves and evaluating and spotting performance bottlenecks is also something everybody should take care of. This talk will give a overview describing which tools are available and why it makes sense to build up a performance culture inside of a company.


A gave the talk I have in mind at a user group in Berlin. Can also go into more technical details if that's preferred. ;)



Speaker Bio

Stefan has been working in e-commerce for 4 years and is just entering the world of single page applications. Mostly doing frontend stuff, he is also really into performance and fancy cutting edge technologies. In his spare time he contributes to various open source projects and maintains the performance tooling collection

Talk: Automating testing, documentation and validation with schemas in hapi

Automating testing, documentation and validation with JSON schema in hapi

We started building services on HAPI a year back and found it to be a great framework. Since then we have added some plugins to our stack for automatically connecting all endpoints to rabbitMQ, supporting validation of input and output streams via schemas, simplify integration testing and much more.

One of the things we wanted to achieve was to automatically generate documentation for our different endpoints/services.

JOI is very simple to use but it lacks in how it lets you describe your data, so we started writing schemas in yaml. We allow for the whole range of validation structures that's supported by the JSON schema standard. It also makes it possible to add meta data around the data we're describing, so as to make automatic documentation and testing of endpoints more elaborate, and easier.

I want to tell you about how this helps us build faster, and provide more robust apis.

Added as per @nvcexploder recommendation:
Documentation can either be "manually" generated our easily built into a build step. We solve this using jenkins, and we have a separate project for the documentation generation that unfortunately isn't quite ready for open source, but we're getting there.

We are working a lot with regards to rabbitmq and having that be an important backbone for communication between internal services. We have a library for easy access from both node js apps and PHP (which still makes for part of our code base) which makes it seamless to talk to other app just as if they were normal in process calls (although they also add async support for php which is pretty neat).

We are also focusing on the testing, schema and docs. They're both important focuses and we have some interesting progress in for example our project lintlovin ( which works really well together with our schemas and test structure (or with pretty much any other node project).

Speaker Bio

Patrik Ring

Patrik Ring is the CTO and founder over at, and he loves writing code, which he primarily does in javascript or php. Main interests are backend and dev-ops. Patrik thinks that diversity is extremely important for successful teams and spends time reading a lot on the issue, including going to alterconf and other wonderful events.

When not involved in social justice or computers, he enjoys rock climbing, skiing and parkour.

Talk: Scale all the things: an architecture primer!

Scale all the things: an architecture primer!

The story you'd like to tell

This crash course is designed to give an overview of scalable web architecture and the open source software that can be used to scale a web application.

This will be a very practical discussion where we will scale an imaginary web application from being a basic single server web app to one that can handle millions of users and terabytes of data whilst maintaining performance and availability. At each step of the journey we will discuss the reasoning behind our decisions and any trade offs we make.

Topics covered will include decoupling logic through microservices, handling failure through redundancy, horizontal scaling and partitioning of data. We will also go over common open source technologies used for scaling apps such as caching, proxies, load balancers and queues.

Software developers and IT generalists will leave having a general overview of options available to them to effectively scale and manage their web applications using free and open source software and understand the benefits of a range of technologies.

Speaker Bio

Georgi is an Aussie software engineer now living and working in New York City. She writes lots of code in all the languages and enjoys dressing her cats up in costumes. Georgi's current nerd crush is on building scalable distributed systems and writing Go. She is an alumna of Hacker School in New York, and currently works in Bitly's Application Engineering team.

Help Wanted: Marketing

Spread the word far and wide about the conference. This includes in-person sharing via meetups, conferences/hackathons you happen to be attending, and taking advantage of appropriate social media. Whatever else is fitting and that you can dream up.

  • CSS Day
  • Browser Day
  • Node Day

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Create preliminary CFPs for individuals CJS Fest days

Modify and improve the CFP from prior years to specify for the change in concerns.

Individual days to target:

  • CSS
  • Node
  • Browser

Changes to work in:

  • flow changes to issue filing as opposed to PR submission
  • Make sure to include information that a talk does not have to be shoehorned into a particular day and can be submitted for more than if the submission fits.
  • timeline for submitters to expect feedback as well as final announcements for accepted/rejected talks
  • Keep in mind that this is all to be provided to curators(finalized in January) for their own editing prior to the CFP announcement in January.

Talk: Using browserify and node streams to power your data visualization apps

Using browserify and node streams to power your data visualization apps

The story you'd like to tell

The biggest tech buzzterm of 2015 is sure to be "full stack engineer". This term exists because there's such a strong separation between client and server. But there are plenty of tools to help alleviate this pain!

This talk will demonstrate how to combine some of the hottest JavaScript trends: d3js, browserify, and node streams to build streaming data visualization apps in the browser.

Speaker Bio

Nathan is the engineer behind Dash, which is dashboarding software to visualize data. He enjoys using node streams to help remove the server and client dichotomy seen in so many applications. He tries to stay active in the Philly node scene, and enjoys mentoring node school events.

Help Wanted: Curators

Please leave a comment if you are interested in being Curator for one of the days below. Please include links to events that you have organized in the past.

A Curator is considered a core-organizer for CascadiaJS. The Curator will have the ability to delegate as one sees fit, but will be provided extensive guidance/support/tooling on what we've seen work in the past, and what the accountabilities are. Curators should understand that anything that isn't getting done on the timeline laid out(that's been delegated) is something they'll have to do themselves(this will happen, guaranteed). Responsibilities include the cohesion of the talks/events occuring during the event, managing the components that lead up to the event(speaker selection, volunteer coordination, sponsors, vendors, coordinating with other core-organizers).

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Event of interest:

  • CascadiaJS Fest overarching coordination(Carter Rabasa & Tracy Hinds)
    • CSS Day
    • Browser Day
    • Node Day

Talk: Web Security in Node.js Applications

Web Security in Node.js Applications

The story you'd like to tell

With billions of people using the Internet, the potential for nefarious or outright criminal users hitting your site is very high. With attacks ranging from MITM, CSRF, Script Injection, Clickjacking to name a few, it is imperative that we as developers understand these exploits, how they work, how they can be stopped, and how to implement the code or setup to do so. As developers, we tend to focus on the core of what our application does. Unfortunately, security tends to be overlooked or at best an afterthought.

In this talk we will explore the OWASP top 10 web application security flaws including how they work and best practices to protect your application from them. The focus will be on Express web applications in Node, but the principles shown can be applied to any framework or environment.

Speaker Bio

Scott Smith is a VP of Product Development during the day and full stack Node and .NET developer by night. Most recently Scott created Coderbits, an intelligent portfolio site for developers and designers, and sold it to Appirio to power their Top Coder platform. He has a passion for REST APIs and loves sharing that passion with others. When not working, you will probably find him SCUBA diving on a tropical island.

CSS vs pre-processors like Sass, Less and Stylus?

With CJS 2015's new CSS day, how do we feel about pre-processors vs. vanilla CSS?

I'm willing to bet we'll get proposals from the Sass community. ;) While the focus should remain on vanilla CSS, if the proposals are strong enough we could consider something along the lines of "The Sass Hour".

CFP open submissions time and deadline

Working backwards and given time constraints in prior years, it looks like the Call will be coming soon!

January 15th 45-day submission window**
March 8th 1-month window for final review by committee
April 8th 3-month notice to acceptances/rejections
CJS 2015, July 8-10

**allows for added benefit of early submissions to receive feedback and improve for resubmission.

Does this sound about right, @crtr0?

Cross-referencing with #8 as these organizers/curators will have to be committed by then and helping with this effort!

Title TK!!!

Title of Talk

  • Name : Jane Doe
  • Location : Cascadia, USA
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Twitter : [@janedoe][url to twitter account]
  • GitHub : [janedoe][url to GitHub account]
  • Url(s) : [][url to relevant sites]

The story you'd like to tell

[Presentation description goes here. Try to keep it under say, 500 words, but more than 140 characters]

Speaker Bio

![](url to avatar image goes here)avatar is required

I'm an example bio. I'm a magical sloth that likes to crawl and climb through the forest and sit in the stream and I write code sometimes.

Help Wanted: Logistics

Manage the coordination of vendors and volunteers leading up to and during the conference.

  • Cascadia JSFest overarching coordination(Carter/Tracy)
    • CSS Day
    • Browser Day
    • Node Day

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Talk: Browser Video Collaboration with WebRTC and ObjectRTC, No Plugins Needed

Browser Video Collaboration with WebRTC and ObjectRTC, No Plugins Needed

The story you'd like to tell

The Open Web Platform has evolved tremendously allowing browsers to provide capabilities previously only available via specialized plugins. WebRTC and the newest specification, ObjectRTC (ORTC), are the evolution of plugin-free video collaboration and in this talk, we’ll go over how these specifications will change the way we collaborate on the web.

We’ll look at:

  • The current state of WebRTC
  • How to leverage WebRTC now
  • The differences between WebRTC and ORTC
  • What ORTC will bring to the table, why it's important and how to plan for the future

I'll also be doing coding to demonstrate WebRTC usage.

Speaker Bio

Rey is a developer advocate at Microsoft focused on helping developers build awesome cross-browser experiences. He’s an ardent supporter of standards-based development and a former member of the jQuery Project Team.

Autoresponder for [email protected]?

Since I've done the github route, I thought I'd shoot in my pitch via the email route.

With GitHub I can track my proposal, even make edits. But with the mail route, I send it winging off into the ether...

It would be nice if we added an autoresponder on that address saying "thanks, we got your e-mail and will be getting back to you once we have reviewed all the proposals. If you need to speak to us about X, Y, or Z, please use these contact points: [list of contact points]"

Talk: The Design of Developing

The Design of Developing

As front-end developers we hear a lot about the design of the interfaces we’re building. But what about the design of our dev tools? Strong design principles can transform one-off scripts into something more modular, more reusable, and more accessible to a broader audience: in other words, design principles can transform our code into software. In this talk I'll use my experience building open source tools—utilities such as Grunticon and CriticalCSS—to show how you can transform your idea into a well-made, maintainable tool that will hold up for as long as you need it.

Speaker Bio

Jeff's Face

Jeff Lembeck is a developer over at Filament Group. He writes a whole lot of code and the occasional post for A List Apart, has guest lecturered and TA'd for Ada Developers Academy, and is a former member of the jQuery Mobile team. Jeff lives in Seattle where he obsesses over oyster happy hours and how to make the best negroni. He dreams of someday owning a hot tub boat.

Talk: CSS regression testing with Scout

Title of Talk

CSS regression testing with Scout

The only way to truly test CSS is in its natural habitat: a browser. Unfortunately, you need to add HTML, some JavaScript and a healthy dose of user interaction to really explore all the effects of new rules and
changes. Manual testing gets tedious and is error-prone, but automated functional testing always required an unreasonable amount of complex programming...until now.

Scout is a brand new functional testing tool aimed at developers of all levels that makes simulating user behavior and auditing the results a breeze. In this talk I will live code a complete set of tests for an existing project and show how Scout can save the day by catching visual and functional regressions in a number of common scenarios.

Speaker Bio

Menno is a front-end developer from Amsterdam and likes making people happy. He is totally the lead guitarist in a band.

Previous speaking experience:

Talk: Style Guides: Why Bother?

Style Guides: Why Bother?

The story you'd like to tell

Style guides often seem like a lot of work, why would you want to bother doing one? A style guide can increase performance of your site, the quickness with which you can add on new features and sections to your site or application, and it's great documentation for new team members to get up-to-speed. In this session we'll take a look at the benefits of creating and maintaining a style guide. In addition, we'll take a look at a few different case studies of style guides; how to create them, how they were useful in cutting code, and how they were used to do design changes quickly.

Speaker Bio


Susan Robertson is a freelance front end developer who focuses on CSS, style guides, responsive, and accessibility; working with clients such as FiftyThree, Imprint, Cloud Four, and others. When not actually writing code, she can be found writing about a wide variety of topics on her own site as well as contributing to A List Apart and The Pastry Box. When not staring at a screen, she reads comics and novels, cooks lots of yummy food, and enjoys her Portland neighborhood.

Talk: Having fun with Neopixels & JavaScript

Having fun with Neopixels & JavaScript

I love to make&build using RGB LEDs, don't you love it too? they are so bright and full of life! also I happen to like JS very much so why not mix both? Through this presentation we will show several projects made with neopixels including games(tic-tac-toe, tetris), wearables and interactive art.

Speaker Bio

Educator, tinkerer and software developer. Elemental Geeks co-founder, Innovation Lab @ GalileoU lead, Android GDE, NodeBots Guatemala & GDG Guatemala co-organizer. Firmly believer in the power of community. From Galileo University he is trying to empower as many people as possible in latam to become makers. He started Engineering Kickstart a program for high schoolers to get started into coding and basic electronics, to get them excited about tech, let them connect with mentors and make them cross the line from users to makers.

Help Wanted: Significant Others Track

CascadiaJS Fest is going to be a destination conference, which means that we will be encouraging people to bring their families up to Semiahmoo for the duration of their stay. The purpose of an SO track is to make sure that SOs (spouses, partners, children, etc) have things to do during the day and enjoy their CJS experience just as much as those who are inside listening to talks. JSConf has been a pioneer here and it's worth looking at what they did this past year as a guide for designing an SO experience for CJS.

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Talk: It came from Web Components

It came From Web Components (or: custom elements in production)

  • Name : Thomas Wilburn
  • Location : Seattle, WA
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Twitter : [@thomaswilburn][]
  • GitHub : [thomaswilburn][]
  • Url(s) : [][]

How the Seattle Times uses custom elements to deliver news apps

Web Components have gotten a lot of press lately, especially given high-profile frameworks like Polymer, but relatively few people have deployed them in production. That's a shame, because unlike some modern browser APIs, they're perfectly usable in browsers today, and the developer benefits can be substantial. At the Seattle Times, we see web components--and particularly custom elements--as powerful tools for building news apps and interactive stories, and we're already using them in production code.

In this presentation, we'll talk about how to polyfill the web component spec for use in modern browsers and IE9+. We'll discuss how custom elements can make developer's lives easier and speed project development. And we'll look at some existing, high-traffic Seattle Times projects that are already using these techniques to great effect. By the end of the talk, you'll be prepared to go forth and make fast, easy, reusable web components of your very own.

Short talk outline

  1. Intro to Web Components
    • What are they?
    • How do they save time? What are the benefits?
  2. Case studies:
    • <leaflet-map> lets our producers quickly assemble data-driven maps without writing JavaScript
    • <responsive-frame> is built into our new CMS for injecting external content responsively
    • <svg-map> for our elections, made SVG much less painful
  3. Building a web component on the current web platform
    • Tech used: document.registerElement() shim, LESS, DoT templates, Browserify
    • Construct a <markdown-preview> element in five minutes.

Speaker Bio

Thomas Wilburn is the news web developer for The Seattle Times, where he works with editors and journalists to tell stories in web-savvy digital formats. Previously, he worked on the web team for Guild Wars 2 at ArenaNet. He's also the author of Caret, an open-source, Sublime-like editor written as a Chrome packaged app.

Talk: What's new with Babylon.js v2.0

What's new with Babylon.js v2.0

The story you'd like to tell

Babylon.js is a free open source framework ( Version 2.0 will introduce a lot of interesting features:

  • WebAudio support
  • Automatic scene optimization
  • Procedural textures
  • Hardware nstances and LOD

This session will cover how these features are working, alongside a deep dive into the debug layer, a new tool that allows web developers to leverage F12 tools in order to understand well how different parts of the engine are interacting together.

Key points:

  • You do not need to know Babylon.js to come to this talk as I'll focus on new and independent stuff (like web audio for instance)
  • Every sample and code will start from the playground ( where you do not need any expertise on babylonjs
  • The F12 part is all about window.performance.measure API that I integrated into Babylon.js to get a more visual result (more info here:

In a more general way, Babylon.js v2.0 is a way to use advanced 3d topics without the burden of learning all the plumbing :)

Speaker Bio

David Catuhe is driving HTML5 and open web standards evangelization for Microsoft. He defined himself as a geek. He loves developing with JavaScript and HTML5 but also with DirectX, C#, C++ or even Kinect (He wrote a book about it which is available on Amazon). He is the author of Babylon.js ( and hand.js (

Talk: These Bots are Made for Walkin'

These Bots are Made for Walkin'

The story you'd like to tell

Johnny-Five's new Animation class gives us the ability to sequence complex movements across multiple servos. What's that good for? Walking robots of course!

This talk is follow up to Rick Waldron's Bits of Nodebots Next. We've moved the mark from "This is possible in Johnny-Five!" to "This is built into Johnny-Five!" and we want to everyone to build really cool, creepy, crawly things with it.

This talk includes a brief introduction to Johnny-Five, robot gaits and kinematics along with tips to get you started with the Animation class and Johnny-Five.

Speaker Bio

I am a Johnny-Five collaborator, and an amateur roboticist.

This is an updated version of the talk I gave at EmpireNode. It includes a little more on robot gaits, additional demos and a little less walking through code.

Provide option to NOT print handles/names on hoodies

(Copied from CJS 2014 issues)

Some people love having their handles/names on their hoodies. Some people hate it. For CJS 2015, please allow an option for attendees to have a generic hoodie without any name/handle information on it.


Talk: Your Code is Haunted

Your Code is Haunted

The story you'd like to tell

Come sit around the campfire and listen to ghost stories about your code. I'll reveal the spooky global and peer dependencies that may haunt your code. We'll dive into the æther exploring global, peer and nested relationships. I'll do some ghost bustin' on how to avoid these unseen specters to maintain a happy and stable project.


Server/Client Overall Takeaway: Be mindful of the hidden dependencies that lurk in your code

  • Global Dependencies
    Server/Client Takeaway:
    Write modules considering the many available environments your code could be used
    • What are globals? (maybe ones you forgot)
    • Discuss global architectures
    • Isomorphic consideration (what happens when your same code is ran on the server vs client side and vice versa?)
    • Tour available platforms JavaScript will be ran
  • Peer Dependencies
    Server/Client Takeaway:
    How to avoid peer dependencies but manage them when you must
    • What are peer dependencies? (Peer relationships tend to be more hidden than global)
    • Discuss peer architectures
    • The plugin problem (really drive this one showing how updates to peer deps break plugins, maintenance woes)
    • Incompatibile modules
  • Nested Dependencies
    Server/Client Takeaway:
    Nested dependencies are mostly great
    • What are nested dependencies?
    • Discuss nested architectures
    • When it's good: most of the time
    • When it's bad: duplication, long path names, disk space, etc
    • Your deps vs their deps (>=2 level deps are not yours)
  • Semantic Versioning
    Server/Client Takeaway:
    How to best version your modules and that you should semver, even with client side modules
    • What is semver?
    • How do various package managers interpret semver?
    • Sidenote: Dependencies that you wouldn't think are dependencies, example ^ vs ~ based on the specific version of npm.

Speaker Bio


Kyle is an open source developer that works for YNAB. He has maintained many spooky projects and ain't afraid of no ghosts.

A place for workshops within the CascadiaJS event schedule

I've seen some conferences do really rad stuff with incorporating workshops as part of their main event schedule. LXJS is a great example. JSConf is another approach.

Would people want this?
Most attendees were so so excited to sign up for workshops. The topics ranged from browser-side to hardware. All, surprisingly, had almost perfect balance of sign-ups.

What does it take to implement?

  • ?? number of workshops
  • ~30 attendees per event.
  • 5 instructors--1 leader is part of this set
  • as interactive as possible. Collaborative with table neighbors. Possibly moving around doing things. Fresh topics.
    See more below.

How can it be better?
Lots and lots of awareness. This is a mini-conf in itself. As curator, you cannot assume everything is taken care of by anyone running these individual workshops. This goes as far as audio or office supplies on the day-of.

Workshops should absolutely not be product pitches. Most of EmpireNode's workshop proposals were disguised pitches. When we investigated this more it was disappointing. That's not why people attend workshops. Twilio and Hapi.js(sort of Walmart even they though are working to separate these concerns) are the few companies/projects I've seen do workshops without 'selling' to me. That's important. Attendees will smell that quickly.

My experience with running workshops so far:
You should have an owner of Workshop Wrangler. This person needs to not only be responsible for driving the Call for Workshops, but will have to educate the community on what is really being sought out for this event. You can write it all down and publish it on the Call for Workshops and on the website. That won't be enough. It's a lot of in-person recruiting and networking. To get the results you want, you may have to come up with the workshops you want--premise, basic expectation of what will transpire, and what you'll want the attendees to walk away knowing/feeling. You will need to have an absolute deadline for all content for the workshop, because it requires a run-through prior for quality control. There can be no movement on this.

The workshops should be varied. They don't need to all be beginner friendly. In fact, I would highly discourage it. They do require having teams of instructors who are friendly and patient. We were very fortunate that those who agreed to instruct were just insanely wonderful people.

Talk: My server is flat

My server is flat: building apps on static pages for fun and profit

  • Name : Thomas Wilburn
  • Location : Seattle, WA
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Twitter : [@thomaswilburn][]
  • GitHub : [thomaswilburn][]
  • Url(s) : [][]

Techniques for developing native web apps using static files

The fastest server is the one you don't run: with the rise of powerful client-side JavaScript and server-side tools like GitHub Pages, Jekyll, and Brunch, flat-file websites have seen a resurgence in popularity. They're cheap, reliable, and simple to debug and deploy.

But for a lot of developers, the flat file approach is alien (or worse, associated with the phrase "open in notepad.exe"). How do you build deep, interactive web applications without any server support?

In this talk, we'll cover how to generate a modern static site using standard build tools like Grunt, deploy these sites to hosts like S3, and strategies to overcome the weaknesses and hurdles of a client-only application strategy.

Speaker Bio

Thomas Wilburn is the news web developer for The Seattle Times, where he works with editors and journalists to tell stories in web-savvy digital formats. Previously, he worked on the web team for Guild Wars 2 at ArenaNet. He's also the author of Caret, an open-source, Sublime-like editor written as a Chrome packaged app.

Talk: You have the node hammer, don't make everything a nail!

You have the node hammer, don't make everything a nail!

The story you'd like to tell

node.js is a great tool. Just like a hammer is a great tool too. Used correctly it can archive so many great things. But once you have that hammer, everything looks like a nail. node.js just sucks when it comes to building websites, but it's a great tool for small network based services within a heterogene micro service architecture. I want to show where we (Jimdo) use node.js in our distributed architecture, and where and why we decided to go with other languages / frameworks.

Speaker Bio

Ole Michaelis is the co-founder of SoCoded, a hackfest and web development conference in Hamburg. He’s a Software Engineer at Jimdo, a DIY website creator, where he focuses on backend development. In his free time, he’s building, a hazzle-free slide sharing platform. Ole is passionate about open source software, enjoys traveling, and loves Mexican food. He classifies himself as a 'bad' German as he dislikes beer and soccer – the traditional German past-times.

Talk: Abstraction and the new challenges with teaching ES6

Abstraction and the new challenges with teaching ES6


javascript programming language design from an educational perspective as told by Jacques Derrida, Richard Feynman, Pablo Picasso, and Carl Sagan (among others)

The new ES6 standard introduces several new abstractions- through my experience as an educator I’ve seen abstractions thwart - not help! - new students of programming. This talk aims to explore the difficulties beginners experience with abstractions, with specific examples from ES6, and then present new ideas on alleviating those difficulties. This talk will also present a strong opinion on what types of abstractions are best for both the new and the advanced developer, from within a framework established by figureheads from the sciences and humanities.

why me?


Formerly a NYC Teaching Fellow, my career arc tracks from middle school science teacher to web developer. A self-taught programmer with a background in philosophy and neuroscience, I've always been an advocate of the well-rounded developer from a non-CS background. Since transitioning from public education to the world of technology, I've made it my aim to deeply interrogate how we as a community teach ourselves and the next generation of web developers. And while computer science education is an increasing en vogue topic, with many players and perspectives, I've found that my interdisciplinary approach is unique and engaging-- which makes it more approachable to a wider audience.

Ashley is currently an Open Web Engineer at Bocoup, where she focuses on pedagogy and building educational products for teaching both the beginner and advanced student how to be an awesome, productive member of the web development community.

czech it out

This repo holds the slides to the talk I'd like to modify and give at CascadiaJS, each branch is a modified instance for the audience I delivered it to:

I've given variations of this talk at 2 universities and the BostonJS meetup, but would really like the opportunity to give it at a large conference. The need for industry professionals, regardless of their role, to approach JS from an educational perspective is only growing. I think my talk does a good job of encouraging people at any level of skill that they have a role in improving JS education, whether it is working on building new abstractions for the language through TC-39 or as a someone who is just starting out. I'm super open to feedback on the content and modifying it to best fit CascadiaJS!

Talk: JavaScript and Internet Controlled Hardware Prototyping

JavaScript and Internet Controlled Hardware Prototyping

The story you'd like to tell

The electronics maker movement has led a massive shift in how people are re-engineering the world around them through rapid hardware prototyping. With the rise of inexpensive, wifi and bluetooth low energy enabled electronics, this hardware revolution is internet and mobile controlled, all through simple bridges to build the electronics intelligence in familiar web languages.

In this session, we'll play with microcontrollers and JavaScript to take a first dive into the world of internet controlled electronics, exploring topics such as:

  • Setting up a microcontroller to be controlled through web APIs
  • Using JavaScript language bridges on the boards
  • The future of web controlled hardware prototyping

Speaker Bio

Jonathan LeBlanc is an Emmy award winning software engineer, author of the O’Reilly book "Programming Social Applications", and the Head of Global Developer Advocacy for Braintree and PayPal.

Specializing in identity, auth and security, hardware to web interconnectivity, and data mining techniques, as well as open source initiatives around social engagement, Jonathan works on the development of emerging initiatives towards building a more user-centric web.

Talk: Beyond [G[runt|ulp]|Broccoli]: Client-side app builds at scale

Beyond [G[runt|ulp]|Broccoli]: Client-side app builds at scale

The Talk

Grunt, Gulp, and Broccoli all got the JS world thinking seriously about how to build and deploy client-side applications, and made the process vastly easier, more repeatable, and more reliable. But what if you need to build and deploy hundreds or thousands of client-side applications every day, each with slightly different rules and considerations, and all relying on services that may or may not be experiencing a hiccup right when you need them?

This is the situation we faced at Bazaarvoice, where each customer gets a custom build of a client-side application for each supported locale, and customers can make changes and redeploy as often as they want. Over two years, our Grunt-based solution became difficult for new developers to understand, difficult to debug, difficult to modify, and extremely fragile when dependencies were feeling flaky. It was also next to impossible to get visibility into why and how often builds were failing.

Starting late last year, we have rewritten our builds from the ground up, with an emphasis on making it as easy as possible for developers to understand, contribute to, modify, and create build workflows. At the same time, we also made it easier to gather metrics about the health and performance of the build system, and made builds vastly more tolerant of dependency failures. In this talk, I'll explain how.

Speaker Bio


Rebecca is a staff software engineer at Bazaarvoice, where she leads a team that shepherds third-party JavaScript application development for products with a reach of hundreds of millions of visitors across billions of pageviews. She lives in Austin, TX and writes at

Help Wanted: CFS/speakers

Manage the Call for Speakers and work aggressively to solicit submissions from a HIGHLY diverse group of people, where diversity includes but is not limited to: gender, race, geography, occupation and experience. Your responsibilities include: sourcing great submissions, building a committee to review submissions / select talks, and taking care of the speakers during the conference(making sure they arrive when/where need on-time, have what they need, have a few good laughs, etc.).

  • CSS Day
  • Browser Day
  • Node Day

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Ideas for CascadiaJS 15

  • app with all the event details
    -CJS sunglasses, if summer conference (great for pics, just like umbrellas for '13)
    -photo booth set up...just backdrop of the flag? Or an actual photo backdrop w/ the cascadia logo everywhere, tripod, camera person...(We got some great team photos taken when we went to CTA conf.)Then we can use these later to tweet to the different team for continual engagement
    -station(s) set up to power up your devices (helpful)
    -gift cards for ppl being awesome at the conference -- attendees, speakers, volunteers...nothing big -- $5 for a coffee/ice cream
    -maybe a dif conference badge this year -- one that has the schedule on one of the sides, if no app
    -hidden secret cards/stickers/tats...with clues to a mystery. People send answers to twitter w/ hash #cjs15

Talk: AngularCDC - Seamlessly connect your angular.js app to any online data source

AngularCDC - Seamlessly connect your angular.js app to any online data source

The story you'd like to tell

Angular Cloud Data Connector, or AngularCDC is a library initially built for AngularJS that allows you to work seamlessly with many data sources. AngularCDC supports offline mode and can handle all CRUD operations for you.

This talk will start with a quick glance at the architecture and then some samples with provided providers (AWS, Azure, CouchDB)
Then to better understand how a provider is working we well create a new one

ACDC is built on top of angular.js but next version will be independent from it and would be usable with Node.js for instance and I would be able to demonstrate the new version during this talk!

Speaker Bio

David Catuhe is driving HTML5 and open web standards evangelization for Microsoft. He defined himself as a geek. He loves developing with JavaScript and HTML5 but also with DirectX, C#, C++ or even Kinect (He wrote a book about it which is available on Amazon). He is the author of Babylon.js ( and hand.js (

Splash page

Ship initial splash page for website. This will establish base look & feel for the site and cjs2015. Should also give us a good starting point for the rest of the site.

Evolve the design/brand of previous years, and something summer + pacnw + beach would be ideal.

To keep in mind for design, a challenge will be to present the 3 different days as a cohesive conference but with the ability for each day to have its own site/page/subsection that the Curator has creative freedom.

Things we like:

Talk: Kids, JS, and Minecraft: A "Dynamite" Combo

Kids, JS, and Minecraft: A "Dynamite" Combo

Teaching Kids to Code with Minecraft

Kids love Minecraft, so when you show them how to create a world-destroying block of TNT with a single line of JavaScript, that gets their attention.

Seattle CoderDojo is a free programming club for kids. In 2015, by popular demand, we started offering a Minecraft modding workshop. To make it easier for kids to get started, we chose ScriptCraftJS, a Minecraft plugin that provides an in-game JS console and lets you write Minecraft mods in JS.

I'll walk through a basic mod development server setup, some demos of what our kids made in the first workshop, and talk about how it went guiding 6 teenagers to develop and and present the workshop to 30 other kids. The course syllabus and handouts will be available as an appendix to the deck so attendees can take them home to teach their own children or groups of kids.

Speaker Bio

Greg Bulmash Avatar

Greg Bulmash gets to see the cool features of Microsoft's Project Spartan before the general public, since his day job is documenting its new HTML, JS, and debugging/testing features for developers. In his spare time, he heads up the volunteer group running Seattle CoderDojo.

A former stand-up comic and Senior Editor at, Greg is a self-taught web developer with certifications in PHP and HTML5/CSS3/JS. He has spoken at multiple meetups (including Refresh Seattle and SeattleJS) and was a speaker at O'Reilly's OSCON 2014.

Talk: Getting down and dirty with TDD

Getting down and dirty with TDD

The story you'd like to tell

TDD (or Test Driven Development) is vital to creating stable, maintainable software. While just about anyone you speak with will agree that having tests are important, surprisingly few people are writing tests. Even fewer are using TDD as a process for building software.

This talk will focus on providing the tools necessary to get started writing tests to build high quality software. We'll build a very basic application with TDD, using modern tools and best practices to get you started by walking through a practical example of using TDD to add to your testing suite from the outset (something Ryan Roemer mentions in in his talk last year) by solving real-world problems (making XHR requests, dealing with third party libraries, etc). Too often discussions about getting started with TDD, and testing in general, focus on simple "Hello World" types of tests that don't translate well to the more complicated scenarios that developers face while attempting to embrace testing.

I will do this by leveraging a common front-end tech stack, building a simple application that has user input, fetching from a server, and uses other libraries to help with some common tasks. The specific tools to be used are Jasmine for the testing framework, Karma as the test runner, Angular as the JS app framework, and Gulp as my task runner. I will, of course, cover alternates to each where relevant; my intent with this tool choice is not to start any sort of debate or to proclaim one library as superior to another, but rather to focus on commonly used tools as a means of discussing the larger topic at hand.
I think this talk does well to build on previous CascadiaJS talks by not only continuing the conversation around testing but by also giving a practical example of the sorts of tests that can be used to build an application today.

Speaker Bio

Mike Tierney

A dedicated user experience developer with nearly a decade of experience building complex web applications, I have worked with startups, colleges, and design agencies, always with a focus on creating quality interactive experiences. I am the Directory of UI Engineering at Intridea, a global design and development firm, where I work on creating engaging (and maintainable) user interfaces for a wide variety of clients.

I currently live in Seattle, WA, where I drink far too much coffee, run in the rain, enjoy spending time with my family, and help organize Refresh Seattle.

Talk: Nuthin' but an SVG thang

Nuthin' but an SVG thang

The story you'd like to tell

A presentation on beautiful ways to bring rich graphical content into your web projects with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG isn't the newest technology on the web but it's seeing a huge rise in popularity. Today, SVG adoption can be seen in almost every aspect of front end development. UX components like scalable icons, animated graphics, image filters, image clipping and data visualization can all be built utilizing SVG.

The talk will go on a journey through the latest trends and popular use-cases of SVG through code examples on markup attributes, CSS properties, animations and filters. The talk will maneuver from SVG implementation examples, structure analysis, ideal workflow, optimization, best practices, and brief overview of build-tools & libraries such as D3.js and Snap.svg.

Speaker Bio

Eric Katz Avatar

Eric Katz is a full stack developer and senior consultant at Cardinal Solutions in Columbus, OH. He's been making awesome web browser things in HTML, CSS, and Javascript since 2003 (okay, so nothing on the web was awesome in 2003). When not in the "cloud" he spends time with his wife and child, watches football/soccer, and listens to alternative rock, dance music and podcasts.

Talk: Linux kernel hacking: a crash course

Linux kernel hacking: a crash course

The story you'd like to tell

Now over 20 year old, the Linux kernel might be one of the most significant pieces of open source software ever developed. The Linux kernel is not magic, but it is millions of lines of code written by thousands of developers so what does it even do?

This talk will arm attendees with some core knowledge about what the Linux kernel is including system calls, process scheduling, memory management and how the kernel interacts with hardware. We will hack on the kernel and bend it to our will by writing some loadable kernel modules. We will also take a look at some kernel source code and learn how to build our own kernel.

Speaker Bio

Georgi is an Aussie software engineer now living and working in New York City. She writes lots of code in all the languages and enjoys dressing her cats up in costumes. Georgi's current nerd crush is on building scalable distributed systems and writing Go. She is an alumna of Hacker School in New York, and currently works in Bitly's Application Engineering team.

Talk: Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API with Node.js

Beer Locker: Building a RESTful API with Node.js

The story you'd like to tell

APIs and Node and Beer, oh my! With an ever-growing collection of beer, I am in dire need of a way to store it. What better way to do this than to create an application? In this live coding session you will learn how easy it is to create a fully featured API using Node. When we are done, you will have the knowledge to create your own APIs that can create, read, update, and delete items, create users, authenticate users, and authorize API calls.

Speaker Bio

Scott Smith is a VP of Product Development during the day and full stack Node and .NET developer by night. Most recently Scott created Coderbits, an intelligent portfolio site for developers and designers, and sold it to Appirio to power their Top Coder platform. He has a passion for REST APIs and loves sharing that passion with others. When not working, you will probably find him SCUBA diving on a tropical island.

Talk: Turn your smartphone into an Open Web IoT board

Turn your smartphone into an Open Web IoT board

The story you'd like to tell

IoT kits are everywhere: Raspberry Pi, Arduino One, Spark Core. But they are so limited! Limited processing power, limited features. And every new sensor or chip will cost you big bucks. I don't want a GSM shield for 80$ if a full smartphone is available for just 30$!

Therefore: introducting JanOS. A fork of Firefox OS, that you can flash on your Firefox OS / Android smartphone. Full access to all device sensors / cameras / connectivity through Open Web APIs. It runs without a display, so write some code, remove the phone's mainboard from the casing, and you have a powerful, feature rich, cheap and JS powered IoT kit for all your needs.

Not good enough? Then come to see a beautiful and clever Linux kernel hack that transforms your phones volume buttons into generic GPIO ports that you can attach external LEDs/sensors onto.

Speaker Bio

Half the day I'm a developer for Telenor Digital where I work on Firefox OS / IoT / Open Hardware. I'm a peer for Firefox OS and submitted over 200 patches in the past two years. Further I'm working as Firefox OS Evangelist, building community in countries where Telenor launches.

Some further info

I spoke about the same subject at /, but since then I've been working on an official release, added GPIO port support, and thought of way more cool hacks. So it won't be a rehash of those talks :-)

Help Wanted: Sponsor Wrangler

Wrangle sponsors. This involves using the strength of the Cascadia and JSConf family network as well as your own to assist in the success of CascadiaJS. Day-of responsibilities include making sure the sponsors have everything they need and are engaging with attendees in a meaningful and useful way.

  • CSS Day
  • Browser Day
  • Node Day

Estimated time commitment:

  • individual hours/wk to accomplish assigned/delegated tasks for event
  • meetings along with async check-ins, both increasing in frequency from monthly to bi-monthly to weekly as the conference draws near.
  • recommended day before/after as well as the conference event dates

Talk: Efficient Web Type, c. 1556

Efficient Web Type, c. 1556

It’s 1556, and Pierre Haultin is punching a completely impractical, metal font: it’s space-efficient typographically, but far too small to read in print.

He intentionally looked for the boundaries type can perform within; we’re still facing dilemmas of typographic efficiency centuries later. Today, web typography must consider measured and perceived performance: their effects influence the reading experience on screens.

This talk shares practical web font performance patterns using JavaScript and CSS, and introduces the new WOFF 2.0 format from a typographic perspective—established by Haultin in the mid-16th century. His experience reveals an overlap between type setting and web performance, relevant to designers’ increasing use of JavaScript, and developers’ of type.

Speaker Bio

Kenneth Ormandy organises Type Brigade, Vancouver’s typography meetup, studies type design at Emily Carr University, and is a designer at Chloi Inc.

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.