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airborne's Issues

Expected ? to be array got Hash from JSON response

When I hit this uri

and use this expectation
expect_json_keys('?', [:position])

I get this error:

  1. Test Endpoint - has the correct keys
    Failure/Error: expect_json_keys('?', [:position])
    Expected ? to be array got Hash from JSON response

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:99:in `ensure_array'

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:11:in`block in get_by_path'

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:9:in `each'


    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:9:in `get_by_path'


    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:23:in `expect_json_keys'


    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.10/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:62:in `block (2 levels) in module:RequestExpectations'

    ./spec/sandbox/toys_rspec.rb:22:in`block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

I get the same error for *

Am I still running into a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

breaking change in expect_json

Perhaps this was expected behavior but when upgrading from 0.1.15 to 0.1.16, I noticed a change in the expect_json function.

Previously this test worked:

  it 'GET comments for a single topic for a datasource = facebook' do
    get "/topics/#{topic_slug}/comments?datasource_type=facebook"
    expect(response.code).to eq(200)
    expect_json('comments.*', {datasource: {type: 'FACEBOOK'}})

After the update it required me to define the whole json block object for datasource. i.e.

  it 'GET comments for a single topic for a datasource = facebook' do
    get "/topics/#{topic_slug}/comments?datasource_type=facebook"
    expect(response.code).to eq(200)
    expect_json('comments.*', {datasource: {key: 'FB', type: 'FACEBOOK', human: 'Facebook'}})

While that certainly makes sense, given the amount of tests we have, is there a function that works equivalently to the the old expect_json? I feel that having the ability to be as strict/loose as you like in the test is pretty useful. Particularly in some more complex examples. Thanks!

expect_json('@id' => '1234') throws errors

The following line throws errors because all the keys in json_body are symbols and not both symbols and strings: expect_json('@id' => '1234')

When the string is converted to a symbol the function works: expect_json(:@id => '1234')

In my case, it gets weirder looking when variables contain colons: expect_json(:'dc:title' => 'Unicorns')

Is there a reason why the keys in json_body shouldn't be both symbols and strings?

I think I know how to fix this, and can provide a pull request.

Loading multiple grape apps

I'm mounting multiple grape endpoints into rails. I'm able to use config.rack_app to set the app in each spec file without issue. But I was wondering if I could mass load (maybe in rspec) all the endpoints so they are all routable and available at once? Thanks!

Optional array of hashes

Given the following JSON. How could you validate JSON types for the owner's name. This is an example from your documentation, but the Lamborghini's owner has been removed.

            "model":"Model S",
                    "name":"Bart Simpson"

The optional() method appears to only support optional hashes. How do we validate optional arrays of hashes?

Use of stabby lambda's is breaking jRuby support

There is a syntax error when using jRuby resulting from the use of stabby lamdba's. Tested with jruby 1.7.16 in 1.9 mode, so likely to exist on earlier versions.

One example can be found in request_expectations.rb where
-> (data) { expect(data.size).to eq(expected_size) }
could be replaced with
->(data) { expect(data.size).to eq(expected_size) }
to avoid syntax errors (note the removal of the space after the dash rocket).

Why no exact match matcher, what am I overlooking?

I'm a little baffled why there's no exact matcher.

In other words, if my api returns


This happily matches (only matches part, I like it)


But I'd expect something like this to exist


Maybe its not a secret, maybe its unnecessary data and you are trying to reduce bandwidth used.

Compatibility with rspec-rails


I am relatively new to Rails and probably doing something very stupid, but:
I use Rails with rspec, my tests have type: :request. When I call get, post, etc. in tests, what is actually called is ActionDispatch::Integration::Runner#get, not airbornes's get. Which leads to some unexpected results, like "Accept" being "text/html" by default and format: arg not working. What am I doing wrong?

Problem with Dates?

It seems at though there may be a problem with dates.

The following fails:

expect_json_types("*", {id: :integer, name: :string, description: :string, created_at: :date})

If I remove the , created_at: :date it works perfectly.

Here is the error:

Failure/Error: expect_json_types("*", {id: :integer, name: :string, description: :string, created_at: :date})
   undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass

Given the following JSON:

      "description":"MERCY TIES(seattle) and DIVIDER(ny) are on tour together. Come to the Hemlock oct     20th to support this glory kid couple and local crushers RAGANA and LIL DOWAGER. \n\nRAGANA     Oakland two piece heavy, dark atmosphere.\n\n\nMERCY TIES  chaotic     hardcore punk rock from Seattle.\n\n\nDIVIDER Dirge. Crush. Heavy.     Riffage. From New York\n    \n\nLIL DOWAGER Oakland harsh and noise post-something.\n",
      "address":"1151 Polk St, San Francisco, CA 94109",
      "upstream_pic_thumb_url":"    50/p50x50/1798194_732430210170553_8908067978434556047_n.jpg?oh=cf33bdbd5803b08babdb88bbc69ae9b8    \u0026oe=54B9C961\u0026__gda__=1422114503_084a38ae5ae947dc1cfdaab5b3d4c0e6",
      "upstream_pic_url":"    100/p100x100/1798194_732430210170553_8908067978434556047_n.jpg?oh=ddb646d41178d74c8f28f02f36620183    \u0026oe=54EF78C1\u0026__gda__=1424833127_023b884e1845b96fd5e8bfa7f586efc5",
      "upstream_pic_big_url":"    200/p200x200/1798194_732430210170553_8908067978434556047_n.jpg?oh=0fc3068ef6a1004608ec2d77429cdf21    \u0026oe=54BC9249\u0026__gda__=1421813487_460f538e7b15a558a2a2e263440a4599",
      "search_vector":"'/features/entry/divider_all_barren_album_premiere':63B '1151':74C '20th':22B     '94109':80C 'atmospher':42B 'ca':79C 'chaotic':46B 'come':17B 'coupl':28B 'crush':55B     'crusher':31B 'dark':41B 'dirg':54B 'divid':3A,11B,53B 'dowag':5A,35B,65B 'famili':81B     'francisco':78C 'glori':26B 'hardcor':47B 'harsh':67B 'heavi':40B,56B 'hemlock':20B,82B 'kid':27B     'lil':4A,34B,64B '':73B 'local':30B 'merci':1A,7B,44B 'mercyties.bandcamp.    com':52B 'new':59B 'nois':69B 'ny':12B 'oakland':37B,66B 'oct':21B 'piec':39B 'polk':75C     'post':71B 'post-someth':70B 'punk':48B 'ragana':6A,32B,36B '':43B     'riffag':57B 'rock':49B 'san':77C 'seattl':9B,51B 'someth':72B 'st':76C 'support':24B     'tavern':83B 'tie':2A,8B,45B 'togeth':16B 'tour':15B 'two':38B '':62B 'www.':61B 'york':60B",
      "venue_name":"Hemlock Tavern",
         "name":"Hemlock Tavern",
         "address":"1131 Polk St, San Francisco, CA, United States, 94109",
         "search_vector":"'1131':3C '94109':11C 'ca':8C 'francisco':7C 'hemlock':1A 'polk':4C 'san':6C     'st':5C 'state':10C 'tavern':2A 'unit':9C"

undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass

When I hit this uri

and use this expectation
expect_json_keys('0', [:position])

I get this error:

  1. Test Endpoint - has the correct keys
    Failure/Error: expect_json_keys('0', [:position])
    undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.8/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:23:in`block in expect_json_keys'

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.8/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:87:in `block in call_with_path'


    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.8/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:86:in `call_with_path'


    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.8/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:61:in `call'

    /Users/francesmorales/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/airborne-0.1.8/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:61:in`block (2 levels) in module:RequestExpectations'

    ./spec/sandbox/toys_rspec.rb:23:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

As far as I can tell I am calling expect_json_keys exactly like the documentation specifies. What is going wrong?

Feature Request: Add API for testing Array size

I am using json_spec currently and just started using this gem.

I like how I can validate the types easily with expect_json_types.
But I found no API for Array size, which is very common when writing spec for collection endpoints.
(Like expect_json_size)

I am staying with have_json_size from json_spec at the moment.

JSON::ParserError 757 on Post Success

Hello --

The post is successful, but the only return value I am receiving is 481973.

Ran the call manually through the API and received only one integer value for response and I am not sure how to quantify that within the testing framework since there is no structure.

Manual Response: (NOTE: the integer is different since they are all unique values)



  it 'should create a new field' do
    post "/fields", {shortcut_name: "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(10)}", display_name: "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(5)}", field_type: "text", widget_type: "text", column_order: 0}


faker (1.4.3)
airborne (0.1.11)
json (1.7.6)


  1) GET - Fields should create a new field
     Failure/Error: post "/fields", {shortcut_name: "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(10)}", display_name: "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(5)}", field_type: "text", widget_type: "text", column_order: 0}
       757: unexpected token at '481973'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/json-1.7.6/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `parse'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/json-1.7.6/lib/json/common.rb:155:in `parse'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/airborne-0.1.11/lib/airborne/base.rb:82:in `set_response'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/airborne-0.1.11/lib/airborne/base.rb:32:in `post'
     # ./spec/api_spec.rb:52:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Thanks for your assistance!

head :no_content issue

This is my test:

  it "returns expected json" do
    delete :destroy, id:

This is my code destroy action:

    def destroy
      location = Location.find(params[:id])
      authorize! :crud, Location
      head :no_content

This is the rspec output:

    Failure/Error: expect_json(nil)
    Api request returned invalid json

When I inspect the response body:

    response.body #=> ""

Please tell me how I should test this scenario give my code ---> head :no_content

Thank you!

Changelog and semantic versioning

I understand that this gem is unstable until a v1.x is release, but the latest v0.1.16 introduced some breaking changes (expect_json is more strict in how it diffs actual and expected responses).

It would be great if this gem would adapt Semantic Versioning and start keeping a changelog.

I could submit i PR with a changelog for the current versions, but it works best when there are tags for each of the released versions.

Bring gem's interface closer to "idiomatic Ruby"

Hi. Have you guys thought about making the calls more "rspec-style"? At least for typical cases (you know, those 20% that are used 80% of the time).

Like, turn

expect_json '?.category', {name:}


expect(:any).to_have :category, with: {name:}

I would love to participate in that.

Testing Arrays

If the API returns an array of objects in JSON, how can we test it using airborne?

An example would be awesome.

Thank you


I'm testing grape api. Early, tests completed without errors. After I move api files from app/api to app/lib/api and to config this line:

config.include RSpec::Rails::RequestExampleGroup, type: :request, file_path: /spec\/lib\/api/

some tests (expect_status, expect_json) fails with error:

Failure/Error: expect_status 201.to_s
       757: unexpected token at 'null'

but expect(response.status).to eq(201) no fail.

ENHANCEMENT: Throw error if object called is not present within json_body

User Story:
As a user I'd like airborne to throw an error if object called is not present within the json_body so that I have better clarity on my malformed test

Test - POST:

  it 'should add new members or update existing members in bulk' do
    $faker_members = Faker::Internet.safe_email
    post '/members', {"members" => [{"email" => "#{$faker_members}"}]}
    $post_member_from_members = json_body[:member_id]
    puts  "#{$post_member_from_members} - Members"

Test - PUT:

  it 'should add a single member to one or more groups' do
    put "/members/#{$post_member_from_members}/groups", {}

json_body object called in test:

    $post_member_from_members = json_body[:member_id]

Actual json_body:

  "import_id": 1234

Result of puts:

 - Members

Failure on PUT:

  1) PUT - Members should add a single member to one or more groups
     Failure/Error: expect_status(200)

       expected: 200
            got: 404

       (compared using ==)
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/airborne-0.1.13/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:35:in `expect_status'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/airborne-0.1.13/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:62:in `call'
     # /Users/dhale/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0/gems/airborne-0.1.13/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:62:in `block (2 levels) in <module:RequestExpectations>'
     # ./spec/api_spec.rb:313:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

array of json objects causes NoMethodError: in base.rb

this code:

describe 'zKillboard parsing' do
        it 'What is inside of a killmail?' do
            get ''
            #puts "JSON: #{puts json_body[0]}"  # See JSON in code below for referance

causes the following error:

 1) zKillboard parsing What is inside of a killmail?
     Failure/Error: get ''
       undefined method `body' for nil:NilClass
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/base.rb:72:in `set_response'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/base.rb:28:in `get'
     # ./zKillboardRspec_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 1.23 seconds (files took 1.69 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure

Am I doing something stupid, or is this broken?

json body rails

For instances where airborne http requests are used json_body is set from within the request. However, rails is not using the airborne requests and therefore not setting @json_body, unless one of the airborne custom matchers are called first.

it 'should set json_body' do
  get '/foo'
  expect(json_body).to eq('foo')

This will throw an invalid JSON exception which is completely wrong.

No params = {} parameter in GET request?

After some failures i noticed that you don't use params = {} parameter in the GET request as rack-test does.So you have to interpolate it like:

get "/endpoint?foo=#{test}"

But in ruby < 2.2 it gives a bad URI error so i had to use URI.encode

Why is that?

Posibility to sign requests with oAuth token

Is there airborne'y way so sign requests with oAuth token?

I found only way to do it directly with RestClient before exec proc:

access_token = MyModule.get_oauth[:token]
RestClient.add_before_execution_proc do |req, params|
    access_token.sign! req 
get "#{MyModule.base_url}/rest/agent/user"

This chunk could be executed across many examples. Any advices how to make it more DRY?

Improper type identification by expect_json_types

I am trying to test an API that returns all information as strings, e.g. :moonID=>"0". When I try to assert that moonID is a string, I get the following error:

  Expected moonID to be of type string, got Fixnum instead

But, if I try to assert that it is an Int, I get an error saying it is a string.

Expected moonID to be of type int, got String instead

This is the code:

        it "Tickle for a single item " do
            get ''
            puts "zKillboard is: #{json_body[1]}"
            expect_json_types('*', {moonID: :string}) # This should pass
            expect_json_types('*', {moonID: :int})    # This should fail because you get a string

This is the first error message:


  1) Tickling APIs for fun -  Tickle the zKillboard API
     Failure/Error: expect_json_types('*', {moonID: :string})
       Expected moonID to be of type string, got Fixnum instead
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:110:in `block in expect_json_types_impl'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:98:in `each'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:98:in `expect_json_types_impl'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:10:in `block in expect_json_types'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:61:in `block in call_with_path'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:28:in `block in get_by_path'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:28:in `each'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/path_matcher.rb:28:in `get_by_path'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:60:in `call_with_path'
     # /Users/frances/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451@restfulAPI/gems/airborne-0.0.20/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:9:in `expect_json_types'
     # ./helloWorldRspec_spec.rb:28:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Here is the JSON in question:

{:killID=>"22356123", :solarSystemID=>"30001382", :killTime=>"2012-02-17 21:39:00", :moonID=>"0", :victim=>{:shipTypeID=>"594", :damageTaken=>"1999", :factionName=>"", :factionID=>"0", :allianceName=>"RvB - BLUE Republic", :allianceID=>"99000652", :corporationName=>"Blue Republic", :corporationID=>"1741770561", :characterName=>"Commander Reed", :characterID=>"1828062917", :victim=>""}, :attackers=>[{:characterID=>"268946627", :characterName=>"Karbowiak", :corporationID=>"1699307293", :corporationName=>"Red Federation", :allianceID=>"99000645", :allianceName=>"RvB - RED Federation", :factionID=>"0", :factionName=>"", :securityStatus=>"-1.72987128117126", :damageDone=>"1999", :finalBlow=>"1", :weaponTypeID=>"2185", :shipTypeID=>"12023"}], :items=>[{:typeID=>"438", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"1", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"3568", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"1", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"3162", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"3", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"11285", :flag=>"5", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"5", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"11349", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"1", :qtyDestroyed=>"0", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"12614", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"168", :qtyDestroyed=>"336", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"448", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"1", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"12614", :flag=>"5", :qtyDropped=>"0", :qtyDestroyed=>"1000", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"11285", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"1", :qtyDestroyed=>"0", :singleton=>"0"}, {:typeID=>"2048", :flag=>"0", :qtyDropped=>"1", :qtyDestroyed=>"0", :singleton=>"0"}], :zkb=>{:totalValue=>"9664154.53", :points=>"8"}}

In case of multiple requests, expect_json keeps checking with response of first request.

I am making three requests in a rspec example. The responses are correct but the matchers after second request are failing because they keep comparing using the response of first request.

describe "Sign Out" do
  it "should expire the auth token" do
    # Sign In
    post "/api/v1/sign_in", {"email":, "password": @user.password}, :format => :json
    expect_status(200) #OK

    auth_token = response.header['X-Auth-Token']
    email = response.header['X-User-Email']

    # Sign out
    post "/api/v1/sign_out", {}, {'X-User-Email' => email, 'X-Auth-Token' => auth_token, 'Content-Type' =>'application/json'}
    body = response.body
    expect_status(200) #OK
    expect_json("message": "Signed out successfully.")

    # Trying with expired token
    get "/api/v1/cycle_days", {'X-User-Email' => email, 'X-Auth-Token' => auth_token}, :format => :json

Here is the error.

   Failure/Error: expect_json("message": "Signed out successfully.")

   expected: "Signed out successfully."
        got: "Signed in successfully."

helper methods for dates

I'd like to check for certain dates and times in JSON output, but I'm running into problems comparing JavaScript Dates and Ruby DateTimes.

This is my current hack:

  createdAt: -> (created_at) { DateTime.parse(created_at) - user.created_at.to_datetime < 1000 * 60 },

Have any suggestions for improvement? Or would you mind adding in some helper methods for date operations?

Thanks for the useful library!

Expecting array responses

In 0.1.15 I had no issue with expect_json([]) but now that I upgraded to 0.2.1 it throws an error:

Failure/Error: expect_json([])

 undefined method `keys' for []:Array
# /ruby-2.2.3/gems/airborne-0.2.1/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:83:in `expect_json_impl'
# /ruby-2.2.3/gems/airborne-0.2.1/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:19:in `block in expect_json'
# /ruby-2.2.3/gems/airborne-0.2.1/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:139:in `call_with_path'
# /ruby-2.2.3/gems/airborne-0.2.1/lib/airborne/request_expectations.rb:18:in `expect_json'

Is this expected?

Apply Procs to doted paths

My API return {"result":"error","content":{"code":"LOGIN_DATA_INCORRECT","parameters":{"loginAttemptsLeft":4}}} and I want to check that loginAttemptsLeft was decremented after some actions.

For now when I want to use complex matcher (via Proc) I need to use symbols as key i.e.:

expect_json(content: -> (n) { expect(n[:parameters][:loginAttemptsLeft]) < 5 })

But it would be awesome to have same complex matchers for dot paths like so:

expect_json('content.parameters.loginAttemptsLeft' -> (attemts_left) { expect(attemts_left) < 5 })

ActiveSupport dependency


Do you really need ActiveSupport >= 4.0.1 as dependency ?
I have a Rails 3.2 project and I want to use airbone but I can't because of this.


Can't login with post '/user/login/', { :email => 'username', :password => 'password' }

I am trying to login
I tried
post '/user/login', { :email => 'username', :password => 'password' }
post '/user/login', { :email => 'username', :password => 'password' } , { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
and get an error message

I can login with postman using the same credentials
I can login with frisby.js
.post(BASE_URL + 'user/login',
email: email,
password: password
status: 0

nil json_body with data in body

I'm having an issue where json_body is returning nil, but body returns the data I expect. Do you have any insight as to what might cause that?

Content-Type header is forced to application/json

This line forces the Content-Type to be application/json:
headers = { content_type: :json }.merge(options[:headers] || {})

However there are other kinds of content types, such as application/vnd.api+json (, designed specifically to build APIs, that should be allowed.

I think that just checking if the header exists in the options is enough to solve this issue.


base_url configuration option not working

Here is my airborne api spec with base_url configuration:

require 'rails_helper'
require 'airborne'

Airborne.configure do |config|
  config.rack_app = API
  config.base_url = ''

describe V1::Freewheeler::People do
  it "GET /api/v1/people" do
    get "/people"



  1) V1::Freewheeler::People GET /api/v1/people
     Failure/Error: get "/people"
       No route matches [GET] "/people"

If I provide full url then it pass

require 'rails_helper'
require 'airborne'

Airborne.configure do |config|
  config.rack_app = API
  config.base_url = ''

describe V1::Freewheeler::People do
  it "GET /api/v1/people" do
    get ""


Randomized with seed 39703

Finished in 0.88466 seconds (files took 16 minutes 29 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 39703

What am I missing here?

How to call "expect_json_keys" for multiple keys

I can seem to use this method to check for multiple keys, it it possible? Sorry, I'm not super ruby fluent just yet!

expect_json_keys (:_keys, :embedded)

but get:
syntax error, unexpected ','


Disable auto follow redirects?

If I get a link that 302s via curb then I'm able to see the Location: header with the correct 302 status code. Airborne auto follows the redirect and the status code for the original get request is unavailable. Is there a way to toggle follow redirects?

How send POST request with form data?

Hello. I want send POST request with form data.
All my requests don't send request with :form.

# encoding: utf-8
require 'airborne'
describe '' do
  it '' do
    post '', {}, {params: {foo: 'bar'}}    
    puts json_body # {:args=>{:foo=>"bar"}, :data=>"{}", :files=>{}, :form=>{}, :headers=>{:Accept=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", :"Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", :"Content-Length"=>"2", :"Content-Type"=>"application/json", :Host=>"", :"User-Agent"=>"Ruby"}, :json=>{}, :origin=>"", :url=>""}
    post '', {foo: 'bar'}
    puts json_body # {:args=>{}, :data=>"{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", :files=>{}, :form=>{}, :headers=>{:Accept=>"*/*; q=0.5, application/xml", :"Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", :"Content-Length"=>"13", :"Content-Type"=>"application/json", :Host=>"", :"User-Agent"=>"Ruby"}, :json=>{:foo=>"bar"}, :origin=>"", :url=>""}

Soooooory for my bad english. :(

Handling of empty arrays

I am using expect_json_types and expect_json and getting some unexpected results when testing with an empty array.

To illustrate, take the "test_responses/array_with_index.json" file and modify to be an empty array:


The following two expectations pass but I think they should be failing.

expect_json('cars.?', {make: 'Toyota'})
expect_json_types('cars.*', {some_key: :integer, name: :string})

Can `subject` be called when one of the API methods is called?

I have many context group for my controller spec.
But I always needs to add the get /path at the very end BUT in before hook

I just tried put the get in subject to avoid the repeated call, it works with json_spec since they implement with custom matcher.
But it doesn't work with this gem, with error complaining about missing json_body, meaning subject is not called.

Is there a way to make it call subject when one of the API methods (e.g. expect_json_types) is called?

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