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googleauthenticator's Issues

Make ValidateTwoFactorPIN overload that accepts byte[]

Currently ValidateTwoFactorPIN only accepts UTF8 encoded string, which in my opinion is not correct as not every byte sequence is valid UTF8 string. And for the setup there is overload that accepts byte[]. So the same should be for ValidateTwoFactorPIN.

Invalid six-digit code

Hello! I have such a problem: there is a format key of JFCGY43BOZZG6QTH. The resulting six-digit code using your code is different from the six-digit code obtained using the google authenticator mobile application. Tell me, maybe I'm doing something wrong? Please show me an example.

Method not found for test build

We've got something odd going on. We've got a moderately large solution - about 60 projects in the solution, using .NET 4.8. We have three targets set up for our build, Debug, Test and Release. With the latest version of your product (v2.2.0) only with our test build, we have suddenly started getting method not found for any of the methods we try to access. It works perfectly well when we compile for Debug. It's just when we compile for our Test release. We have had to drop back to the 2.1.1 release to resolve the issue for now.

CI Build Fails

The Pack process fails due to the WebSample and WinTest projects. Can we easily exclude those?

Secure QR image

I noticed that the url generated by QrCodeSetupImageUrl is not secure. Created a workaround: string.Replace("http","https"). Maybe it is an options to add an method called: QrCodeSetupImageUrlSecure

QR code generated uses deprecated API

string url = String.Format("{0}://{1}x{2}&chl={3}", protocol, qrCodeWidth, qrCodeHeight, provisionUrl);

"Warning: This API is deprecated."

You should probably move away from using the Google QR code generator as it is a deprecated API that could be removed at any time.

This blog also highlights the risk of using externally generated QR codes for Google authenticator as the QR code contains cryptography secrets. It also suggests that QR codes can be generated locally using javascript as a solution.

Changing your QR generation so that it is locally generated would increase security and also allow for local intranet usage where an internet connection may not be available. If there is no internet connection you would currently not be able to generate a QR code.

Edit: I'm currently using this pure C# QR renderer

Add build badge

Add a build badge to Readme.

API has changed so I need to look at it again :)

Not generating QR Code in Linux

I'm using GoogleAuthenticator version 2.1.1 it's working fine on local Windows machine but when I publish it on Linux the QR code is notgenerated anymore.
Before I was using version 2.0.0 that Time I had the below Exception

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'libdl' or one of its dependencies

Then I upgraded the Sysytem.Drawing to 5.0.0 and upgraded GoogleAuthenticator to 2.1.1 after that it's not giving any Exception in Linux server but no QR Code is generated.

on the web I found a solution like below, not sure if it works.

# install System.Drawing native dependencies RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated \ libc6-dev \ libgdiplus \ libx11-dev \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

ValidateTwoFactorPIN always return false

Please i need your help out there

version of google authenticator is 1.2.1

Here is my code:

        public Boolean ValidateTwoFactorPIN(User user)
            TwoFactorAuthenticator tfa = new TwoFactorAuthenticator();
            var verificationCode = user.Code.Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty);
            bool data = tfa.ValidateTwoFactorPIN(user.SharedKey, verificationCode, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
            return data;

        public async Task<User> LoadSharedKeyAndQrCodeUriAsync(User user)
            if (!user.Is2faEnabled)
                var uniqueUserKey = RandomString(30).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty);
                TwoFactorAuthenticator tfa = new TwoFactorAuthenticator();
                var setupInfo = tfa.GenerateSetupCode("My Application",user.UserName, uniqueUserKey, 300, 300);
                user.AuthenticatorUri = setupInfo.QrCodeSetupImageUrl;
                user.AuthenticationCode = setupInfo.ManualEntryKey;
                user.SharedKey = setupInfo.AccountSecretKey;
                await _unitOfWork.Commit();

            return user;
        public static string RandomString(int length)
            const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
            return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
              .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());

Two factor code from client does not get expired once used for validation

Using the same two factor code from client to validate (more then once) via ValidateTwoFactorPIN validates successfully whereas the code should be expired once used.

It expired only after the given time is lapsed. ... i.e. if time lapse was 30 seconds and i validate same two factor code from client more then once within 30 seconds, it will always give me success where as once used, it should expire.

Device registering

There does not appear to be any included feature to link a device with an account.
Is that smoething that needs to be done separately?

If so, it may be worth pointing that out in the Readme, together with a small amoount of info as to what a recommended way might be to achieve that, or links to useful info about it.

As it stands, there is a risk of someone using this, thinking it is a full 2fa solution, as opposed to a 2fa component.


Hardcoded dependency to QRCoder 1.4.1?

Looks like QRCoder just upgraded to 1.4.2 the other day; now I get this error when loading GoogleAuthenticator:

System.IO.FileLoadException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'QRCoder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)'

If I use nuget to downgrade QRCoder to 1.4.1, it works.

Also seeing this in the decompilation of TwoFactorAuthenticator.cs in visual studio:
Resolve: 'QRCoder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Found single assembly: 'QRCoder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c4ed5b9ae8358a28'
WARN: Version mismatch. Expected: '', Got: ''
Load from: 'C:\Users\ericb\Documents\logbook\packages\QRCoder.1.4.2\lib\net40\QRCoder.dll'

HMACSHA1 algorithm defaults to non-FIPS compliant implementation

I ran into an issue with the code throwing an InvalidOperationException when calling ValidateTwoFactorPIN on a machine with the "System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signatures" Local Policy set to Enabled (default is Disabled). As we have some sites dealing potentially with federal data we need to leave this on for compliance reasons.

I traced the issue down to line 182 in internal string GenerateHashedCode(byte[] key, long iterationNumber, int digits = 6) where the SHA1 cryptography was being created.

HMACSHA1 hmac = new HMACSHA1(key, true);

According to, the second parameter indicates whether to use the managed implementation of the SHA1 algorithm – true uses SHA1Manager and false uses SHA1CryptoServiceProvider. Apparently SHA1Manager is not FIPS compliant but SHA1CryptoServiceProvider is.

I think this second parameter should be configurable to allow the user to specify using the managed SHA1 class or not.

.NET Core

Is there a .NET Core version of this? Or planned?

Release 2.1.1

As @ahwm pointed out, the last few releases have not been deployed to Nuget and the releases have expired in AzDO.
Would you be able to run a release to get it deployed please @BrandonPotter?

Only works with 6-digit codes

Whenever I've tried to set the code length in my authenticator app to be larger than 6 digits the verification seems to fail. It doesn't seem to be a timing issue as it does work consistently with 6-digit codes.

crashes on Linux

while trying to generate qr code following crash occurs:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException (0x80004005): A generic error occurred in GDI+.
   at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.CheckStatus(Int32 status)
   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)
   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
   at QRCoder.QRCode.GetGraphic(Int32 pixelsPerModule, Color darkColor, Color lightColor, Boolean drawQuietZones)
   at QRCoder.QRCode.GetGraphic(Int32 pixelsPerModule)

not very helpful exception, maybe you need some more details?

Support for account names with spaces

Encoding account names with Uri.EscapeUriString gets rid of the arbitrary "account name without spaces" requirement. It would be nice of the library could do this automatically.


  • It's important to use this particular method because most others .NET encoding methods will use + for space, in stead of %20.
  • The character that should -really- be filtered out of the account name is the colon, ':'.

Secret limited to ASCII rather than UTF-8

EncodeAccountSecretKey(string accountSecretKey)

GenerateHashedCode(string secret, long iterationNumber, int digits = 6)
byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(secret);

Base32 encoding supports Unicode so you should consider changing both of the above to use UTF-8 as ASCII limits the key space you can use reducing security and compatibility with other implementations where codes are auto generated random bytes.

You also run into the ASCII encoding converting anything that is not recognised into a question mark.

The ASCIIEncoding object that is returned by this property might not have the appropriate behavior for your app. It uses replacement fallback to replace each string that it cannot encode and each byte that it cannot decode with a question mark ("?") character.

Might also be nice to see overloads to allow for secrets to also be used in Base32 encoded or Byte[] format instead of just original plain text like it currently is which makes Unicode implementation a bit less flexible.

Memory Spike getting QR Code

I came across this issue creating the QR Code image inside a docker container with limited resources in RAM, the container starts with 140mb of ram and once I call the endpoint to create the image it goes up to 1.7 GB of Ram just after calling the method. Is there a way we can reduce this.



This was using Aspnetcore 2.2 and GoogleAuthenticator v2.0.1
Method that generated the spike: GenerateSetupCode

Update NuGet API key

@BrandonPotter we need you to update the NuGet API key in Pipelines.

Message received:

The specified API key is invalid, has expired, or does not have permission to access the specified package.

Approvals on push to Nuget

@BrandonPotter @ahwm I have just added an "approval" step on the azure pipeline that pushes the new version to Nuget - hope that is okay?
It's just to avoid errors like when the readme changes were merged, we got a report that it had failed to deploy to Nuget because the version number hadn't changed.
Having an approval step will allow us a bit of breathing space to merge multiple PRs before we push a new version to Nuget.
If I have set it up correctly, all three of us have been set up to approve so either of us can do it.

Also, would be nice to be able to chat outside of issues :) If you use Twitter, can you ping me @flytzen?

Manual Code is 15 chars. Authenticator Plus says it's too short

The code works well. I have also tested with a different QR code generator. But one thing I can't seem to figure out is why the manual code is not accepted in my 2FA app (Authenticator Plus). If I scan the code, it works fine. If I try to enter the code manually, it says it is too short.

I checked another app and I see that the manual code on that one is 16 characters. And that does work. So why is the manual code too short???

Release 2.0

Are we ready to release 2.0?
Should we push the 2.0.0-beta1 package and let it sit there for a bit to let people find issues?
Are we aware of anything we need to do before releasing 2.0?

AntiXssEncoder in web.config causes QR code to not be generated

In a "from scratch" website (.net 4.8/webforms), I was able to put together a prototype that generated a QR code that I was able to scan using my iPhone authy app. Pretty much exactly as your WebSample code. All good.

So, I moved on to adding the same code to my current/active/production website code. And now when setting the .ImageUrl property to the generated string, I'm getting an HTTP 400/Bad Request error. The image tag rendered on page is just a broken link image. I used the browser DevTools to find the bad "get" request that shows:

Status: 400 Bad Request
Version: HTTP/1.1
Transferred: 503 B (324 B size)
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

So I'm guessing this has something to do with CORS and all things related to "cross origin" requests? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Migrate Azure Pipelines to windows-latest

Got following warning on pipelines build

##[warning]The windows-2016 environment is deprecated and will be removed on March 15, 2022. Migrate to windows-latest instead. For more details, see

Net 4.5 support is now problematic

I have just set up a new computer and it is no longer possible to add a developer pack for .Net 4.5; only 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 are available.
I can still compile from the commandline, but VS 2022 won't compile the solution.
If we change support to 4.5.2, we'll have to increment the major version number. But, when #69 is resolved, we will almost certainly need to drop support for 4.5.x anyway - so probably better to wait and see what the next version of QR Coder supports, align ourselves with that and release a major version then?

Add Release pipeline for the Nuget Package

Hi @BrandonPotter,

Azure is now building the nuget package. To make it easier to publish to Nuget, I suggest setting up a release pipeline with approval; every time a commit to master succeeds, you will be asked if you want to deploy that package to NuGet.
In order to finish setting up that release pipeline, I need you to set up a "Service Connection". First, you need to create an API key in Nuget, then add it to the Azure DevOps pipeline:




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