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jenkinsutils's Introduction

Jenkins Uitils

A collection of useful groovy functions for our Unreal Engine 4 Project with Perforce as source control. This package contains utilities for:

  • building with ue4 automation tools
  • running tests with ue4 automated test tools
  • communicating with p4 and swarm
  • communicating with mantis
  • communicating with discord
  • deploy to steam
  • parse logs with the Log Parser Plugin

See examples: Example folder

White list requirements

Please white list the following in your jenkins: https://jenkins-domain/scriptApproval/

method org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.groovy.P4Groovy run java.lang.String java.lang.String[]

OS: Windows only.

collections of global functions:

newReviewNotif reviewId, REVIEW_URL, WEBHOOK [, description = "",reviewStatusParam = "New/Updated"]

notifes a discord webhook about a new review. Will indicate if its a new or an updated review. See p4c.isReviewUpdate()

notifReviewFailed REVIEW_URL, WEBHOOK [, description = ""]

notifes a discord webhook about that a review faild

notifReviewSuccess REVIEW_URL, WEBHOOK [, description = ""]

notifes a discord webhook about that a review sucessed

notifFailed change_URL, WEBHOOK [, description = ""]

notifes a discord webhook about that a build faild

notifSuccess change_URL, WEBHOOK [, description = ""]

notifes a discord webhook about that a build faild


//... more code
    post { 
        always {
        success {
                   notifSuccess CHANGE_URL, WEBHOOK
        failure {
                   notifFailed CHANGE_URL, WEBHOOK

download url,filename[,credentials = null]

Will download a file via either cmd & curl or powershell. If credentials are given it uses cmd and basic auth. In this case it uses withCredentials([usernamePassword(... to get the credentials.

retrieveAndUnpackArchive(url,filename,destination[,format = "zip",credentials = null])

Will download a archive and unpack it at its destiination. It will remove the archive at the end and leaves a archivename.format.txt in the destination Note: See download, zip.unpack([...])


creates a new directory. By default if the directory exists it will throw an error otherweise it will continue.

example: mkdir "${env.WORKSPACE}\\Content\\", "Data"

discord functions

The discord global variables are just utilites they allow to create a proper discord message as well as send utilities

discord.createMessage(title,status,fields[,url = null,content = null])

creates a discord message which then can be send. url and content are optional if not provieded they will not be added to the message.


sends a message to the provieded webhook. Message can be a string should be a Discord confrom JSON string


sends a file to the provieded webhook


Will replace any user set in the discord_filter.json file and mention them. It will replace all users with what has been spcifed in the file.


Will replace any group/role set in the discord_filter.json file and mention them.

Note: File format:


log functions

Provides an interface to log warning, errors and infos


logs an error


logs a waring

logs an info

Example output: Warning: Test warning from log.warning

log.setup(rulefile = 'msbuildparserules.txt', rules = null)

In case you wanted to parse the log, the Log Parser Plugin needs a config file. the call log.setup() creates such for you. If you do not provide an argument the default name for the file is rulefile = 'msbuildparserules.txt'. If no rules are provied it uses the default rules.

Default rules:

# Divide into sections based on project compile start
# Compiler Error
error /(?i)error [A-Z]+[0-9]+:/
error /(?i)Error:/
# Compiler Warning
warning /(?i)warning [A-Z]+[0-9]+:/
warning /(?i)Warning:/
warning /Couldn't find/

log.parse(projectRulePath = 'msbuildparserules.txt',parsingRulesPath = 'msbuildparserules.txt',showGraphs = true)

argument details see Log Parser Plugin. Important: This function can only be used if there is a msbuildparserules.txt (rule file) present or after the log.setup has been called.

mantis functions

Provides currently just a update function to update reports.


needs to be called in order to store the url to mantis globally.


needs to be called at the beginning to set the token.


sets the url and the token

mantis.update(id,status,resolution,handler = null)

updates a report based on the id with the status (closed etc.) and the resolution (fixed etc.) and optional the handler (who)


pipeline {
   agent any

   stages {
      stage('Hello') {
         steps {


Functions to parse context for #[bugID] [status] [resolutions] is planned. This can be used to parse a git or p4 commit message to close a bug after the build / test has been successful. Or leave a comment on mantis if the test failed.

perforce (p4c) functions

p4c stands for perforce client which makes use of the p4groovy plugin from jenkins itself. This collection enables you to manage swarm reviews and retrive the discrcibtion


p4c.pull(credential,workspace_template,format = "jenkins-${JOB_NAME}")

calls p4sync under the hood with a writable workspace and parallel runners. This will pull down the repositry. If this is a build with review action it will also pull down the correct review and populate P4_REVIEW / P4_CHANGE

p4c.getCurrentChangelistDescription(credential,client,view_mapping) / getCurrentReviewDescription(credential,client,view_mapping)

Will request via p4 describe via p4groovy"describe","-s","-S","12344") this returns the desciption of the current changelist. The function will call getReviewId() internally to get the current review / changelist number.

Troubleshoot: Mostlikely if <description: restricted, no permission to view> is the result the review (if called on are review) has been commited.

Important: the underlaying call will make the client/workspace WIRTABLE.


Will request via p4 describe via p4groovy"describe","-s","-S","12344") this returns the desciption. Mostlikely if <description: restricted, no permission to view> is the result the review (if called on are review) has been commited.

Important: the underlaying call will make the client/workspace WIRTABLE.


returns the current review Id


returns the current changelist based on evaluate if P4_CHANGE exists or the variable change or json


returns the current review status based on evaluate if the variable status or json exists


returns the current review pass url based on evaluate if the variable pass or json exists


returns the current review fail url based on evaluate if the variable fail or json exists

p4c.isReviewUpdate() - workaround

returns true if the current review is an update or a new commit (false).

Important: only works if the pass / fail parameter is given!


helper that returns true/false if a changelist has been already commited!

Internal reviewObject()

returns a json object of the current review build request.


returns the swarm review of the current client. All parameters are required! (Calls p4)


stage('p4 sync'){

Note: The swarm_url param means the actual swarm url not the review url.


leaves a comment at the given swarm review.

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


adds a up vote to a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


adds a down vote to a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


approves a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


adds the needs review status to a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


adds the needs revision status to a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


archives a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


rejects a review

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


Updates the status of a review.

Note: please use the swarm header if possible.

Important: user needs to be a valid user NOT a credential ID from jenkins. The ticket needs to be valid and for the same user.


Requests a ticket for a user (credentials Jenkins)

p4c.withTicket(credentials,p4Port,Closure body)

Is a stage in which the ticket will be handes as argument to the closure


    echo ticket

p4c.withSwarmUrl(credentials,client,mapping,Closure body)

In this stage we provide the swarm url to the body as well as the user


                    p4c.comment(144376,user,ticket,url,"Hallo comment via jenkins")

p4c.withSwarm(credentials,p4Port,client,mapping,Closure body)

It returns to the body(user,ticket,url). Internally it combines withTicket(..) and withSwarmUrl(...)


 p4c.withSwarm(env.P4USER,env.P4HOST,env.P4CLIENT,env.P4MAPPING, {
     swarmUrl ->
     def reviewObject = swarm.reviewInfo(reviewId)
     def particpants = swarm.getReviewParticipants(reviewObject)


When using any swarm function the setup function needs to be called first! unless you are using p4c.withSwarm(...)


Sets up the global varibales this header uses. swarm.clear() should be called at the end of the usage!


clears out the gloabl variables


leaves a comment at the given swarm review.

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


adds a up vote to a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


adds a down vote to a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


approves a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


adds the needs review status to a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


adds the needs revision status to a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


archives a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


rejects a review

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


Updates the status of a review.

Important: You must call swarm.setup(...) first before you can use this function.


requests from the swarm API information about the review and returns a review Object. This can be used with the following utility functions:

getReviewParticipants(jsonObjectofReview[,index = 0])

getReviewAuthor(jsonObjectofReview[,index = 0])

getReviewDescription(jsonObjectofReview[,index = 0])

getReviewState(jsonObjectofReview[,index = 0])

steam functions

steam.setup(sourceDir = "..\\",installDir = "..\\steamcmd")

Will download the steamcmd.exe and unzips it in the given folder so the rest of the steam global vars can work.

Important: This step is required to run deploy() and deployIf()!

Note: Uses powershell instead of bat.


creates the depot manifest file depot_build_[depotNumber].vdf in the current dir! It returns the name of the file.


creates the depot manifest file app_build_[appId].vdf in the current dir! It returns the name of the file.


                    def contentDir = "${OUTPUT_DIR}\\${STEAM_CONTENT_DIR_NAME}"
                    def appManifest = steam.appManifest(STEAM_APP_ID,STEAM_DEPOT_ID,contentDir,STEAM_BRANCH)

With different dir:

                        def contentDir = "${OUTPUT_DIR}\\${STEAM_CONTENT_DIR_NAME}"
                        def appManifest = steam.appManifest(STEAM_APP_ID,STEAM_DEPOT_ID,contentDir,STEAM_BRANCH)

steam.deploy(credentials,appManifest,steamGuard = null)

Will call the steamcmd to deploy the game. depotManifest and appManifest should be executed before hand or on SCM. steamGuard can be handed to the function if needed. This function will FAIL if your mashine is not auth with steam. For convinance use deployIf


The same as deploy just that in case that deploy() fails because of the missing steamguard it will ask your via Jenkins for User Input.

ue4 functions


sets the engine root directory.

Important There is no check if the engine directory is correct or valid. Might get added.


returns the engine root directory,project,project_name,platform,config,output_dir)

Will build the engine. The project parameter needs to contain .uproject. Might change. The project name is just the project name.


Will cook and package the engine. The project parameter needs to contain .uproject. Might change.

ue4.listTests(project,platform[,config = "Development"])

Will return a list of all tests. Might be buggy and slow.

Important: setRoot needs to be called before you can use this function!

ue4.runAllTests(project[,platform = "Win64",config = "Development"])

Will run all tests of the given project. The project parameter needs to contain the .uproject.

Important: setRoot needs to be called before you can use this function!

ue4.runTests(project,tests[,platform = "Win64",config = "Development"])

Runs one or multiple tests. The tests need to be seperated by a ,! The project parameter needs to contain the .uproject.

Important: setRoot needs to be called before you can use this function!

Example: ue4.runTests(PROJECT,"TEST_CheckDamage")

or multiple tests


ue4.runFilteredTests(project,filter[,platform = "Win64",config = "Development"]) Runs filtered tests:

  • Engine
  • Smoke
  • Stress
  • Perf
  • Product

Important: setRoot needs to be called before you can use this function!



unity functions


sets path for unity executable,executeMethod,executeMethodParams = [], logFile = "log{$env.JOB_BASE_NAME}${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.txt")

Builds a version of the Unity project using the projects C# build script. Will add executeMethodParams ad the end as parameter of the executeMethod if provieded.

zip functions

Needs 7z for all other formats then .zip. Installer and it needs to be added to the PATH enviorment variables on windows. Both the pack and unpack function are using powershell and cmd/bat commands


Packs a folder and stores it under the archivename in the current folder. If any other format then zip is being used it uses 7z.

zip.unpack(filename,destination[,format="zip",force = true])

This will unpack a zip file in the given destination.

Default: format has as default .zip or .7z. Later will be determined on the archive name.

Important: All other formants need to be specified with format

Note: force only works for zip and will overwrite the current unpacked files.

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