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Boekkooi Jquery Validation Bundle

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Welcome! Did you ever have the need to have some Javascript form validation within your symfony application? Well I did! So I made this little bundle to do it for me.

Do me a favor and give it a try and if you have any problem please create a issue or make a pull request.

Some of the things that the bundle supports:

  • Automatic constraint mapping
  • Form Collection (including prototype)
  • Validation groups
  • Data class constraints

Now let's go to the documentation and get started.

composer require boekkooi/jquery-validation-bundle dev-master

All the installation instructions are located in the documentation.


Yeah so .... nope there is no real demo but what you can do is the following:

git clone
cd JqueryValidationBundle

curl -sS | php
php composer.phar install

php -S -t tests/Functional/web/

Now you can see the functional test pages on, these should give you a good idea of what is possible.


This bundle is under the MIT license.


This bundle is created and maintained by Warnar Boekkooi. Special thanks go to the Symfony community and Jörn Zaefferer.


If for some reason you don't like this bundle and you are looking for a alternative you may take a look at FpJsFormValidatorBundle or UberFrontendValidationBundle. It would also be appreciate if you create a issue telling why you don't like this bundle and what could be added/changed to make it more to your liking.

jqueryvalidationbundle's People


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jqueryvalidationbundle's Issues

Please clarify doc about jquery_validation_groups

I don't understand how I can use the bundle with validation groups. I only get this exception: Callable validation_groups are not supported. Disable jquery_validation or set jquery_validation_groups.

Googling jquery_validation_groups only returns the doc that say to set jquery_validation_groups... but where/how?

Validation with form row

form_jquery_validation replaces the form method. Can you do this for the other related twig methods like form_start, form_end and form_row?

normalize group for null value

Form with submit btn doesn't work properly:

Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in [FormRuleContext.php#L29](
$builder->add('submit', 'submit');

I think the default value for group should be array and not null normalizeGroups

Validation groups (and buttons)

Thanks for this bundle, it's really useful.

I would like to know how I could use validation groups and buttons with this bundle.

For example, suppose that only part of a form is visible, and there are "next" and "previous" buttons.

How would I be able to do "group validation" on the next button, and all validation on submit?

I tried to just add some additional JS code, but the validator is out of scope since it's encapsulated in a function closure. Could we maybe add the option to have the validator in the global scope?

Not working with jQuery 1.11

Hi Boekkooi,

Could you confirm your bundle isn't compatible with jQuery validate 1.11 ?

I have trouble using it with this version (undefined validator methods) and all my problems disappear with jQuery validate 1.13.

Thank you again

constraints on collection

I am using collection type with my custom entry_type. It is actually the collection of files for a project. the validation works only for the first item I check in your example where you use tags as collection. In your example in the generated javascript it looks for all the tags ie using .find to find all occurances of collections and then apply the js validation. In my code it is validating the first one mean not using the .find to apply the validation on all collections. Urgent help will be appreciatged.

Error message in embedded collection

Let's say I have these two entities:

class Task
     * @Assert\NotBlank(message="You have to enter a task name")
    protected $name;

     * @Assert\Valid()
    protected $tags;
class Tag
     * @Assert\NotBlank(message="You have to enter a tag name")
    protected $name;

I also have a Task form which embeds a collection of Tags.

The task name error is displayed correctly, but instead of the tag name error I get the generic "This field is required."

Custom constraint embedding existing constraints


For a very specific case for which I need to validate a field only if an associated checkbox is checked, I've created a custom constraint embedding existing constraints and using my whole object as $value. I don't know if it's the way it should be but it's working as expected.

Here the code of my validator.

public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
        if (!$constraint instanceof ValidScheduledEndDate) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($constraint, __NAMESPACE__.'\ValidScheduledEndDate');

        if ($value->getIsEndDateScheduled()) {
            $validatorBuilder = new ValidatorBuilder();
            $validator = $validatorBuilder->getValidator();

            $constraintNotBlank = new NotBlank();
            $constraintNotBlank->message = $constraint->messageNotBlank;

            $constraintDate = new Date();
            $constraintDate->message = $constraint->messageDate;

            $constraintBeforeNow = new BeforeNow();
            $constraintBeforeNow->message = $constraint->messageBeforeNow;

            $violations = $validator
                ->validate($value->getScheduledEndDate(), array(

Do you know if there is a way to create a custom rule mapper for this specific case ?


create a form with an empty name.

when I create a form without name JqueryValidationBundle produces 2 exceptions in:

I made a quick fix for that see my commit

$form = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamed('', new SimpleFormType());

fix yaml deprecations for symfony version 3.1

At least:

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.required_group% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 2x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.form.form_extension.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.luhn% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.pattern% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.accept% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.one_or_other%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.ipv6%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.ipv4%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.is_boolean% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.iban% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.enabled%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.additional.time% " starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.constraint_finder.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.rule_compiler.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.rule_processor.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.form.button_extension.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Not quoting the scalar "%boekkooi.jquery_validation.twig.jquery_validation.class%" starting with the "%" indicator character is deprecated since Symfony 3.1 and will throw a ParseException in 4.0: 1x

Notice: Undefined index

I thanks for this bundle, but I think it's not works. When I'm enable bundle in AppKernel, I get this message.

Notice: Undefined index:[MYFORMENAME] in /var/www/symfony/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Mapping/ClassMetadata.php line 390

Use of unicode characters in RegExp

Hi Boekkooi,

When I use a pattern like : /^[a-zA-Z0-9\\u00C0-]+$/ in Symfony constraint, it ends up in javascript in [a-zA-Z\\\\u00C0-] which is obviously not working.

Do you know any way to use unicode characters in RegExp constraints ?


Improvement : error

Hi, just an suggestion for ui improvement, for now, if input has error, JS show:

<label id="[ID-INPUT-WITH-ERROR]-error" class="error" for="[ID-INPUT-WITH-ERROR]">Cette valeur ne doit pas être vide.</label>

Could you add an option for custom how label with error is rendered.

eg something like that

<div class="alert alert-danger"><ul><li>Cette valeur ne doit pas être vide.</li></ul></div>

Goal, get same error design like if I submit form

--- EDIT ---
just need to use jquery validate options

Twig deprecation

User Deprecated: Calling "getfield_dependency" on template "BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:conditions.js.twig" from template "BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:macros.js.twig" is deprecated since version 1.28 and won't be supported anymore in 2.0.

File: boekkooi-jquery-validation-bundle/src/Resources/views/Form/macros.js.twig
Line: {{ attribute(macro_conditions, condition.macro, [condition, rule]) }}

client side validation seems not works correctly

Unfortunately, client side validation seems not works correctly

I use jQuery v2.1.1n, I have also try with JjQuery v1.11.1
I haved added link to jquery validator
you're twig extension added this in my code :

(function($) { var form = $("form[name=\"fchanal_adminbundle_user_profile\"]");var groups = {"Default": false, "userBasicEntity": false};form.find("*[name=\"fchanal_adminbundle_user_profile\x5BsubmitUserBasicEntity\x5D\"]").click(function() { groups = {"Default": true, "userBasicEntity": true}; }); form.validate({ rules: { }, messages: {} }); })(jQuery);

but nothing happen when I click on submit invalid form

maybe because this is empty?

form.validate({ rules: { }, messages: {} }); }

Not able to use Birthday form type

I am trying to use the bundle (master) in connection with a Birthday form type. During the registration a user should input his birthday. The corresponding part of the form type looks like this:

->add('birthday', 'birthday')

When the page is loaded, the JavaScript console outputs something like this (chrome):

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'form' of undefined

The use of a standard DateType like the following works like a charme.

->add('birthday', 'date', array(
    'years' => range(date('Y') -90, date('Y')),

Call to a member function getConfig() on a non-object

JqueryValidationBundle is not working with that bundle :

Error: Call to a member function getConfig() on a non-object
500 Internal Server Error - FatalErrorException

in vendor/boekkooi/jquery-validation-bundle/src/Form/FormDataConstraintFinder.php at line 117 -
// If the root inherits data, then grab the parent
if ($dataForm->getConfig()->getInheritData()) {
$dataForm = $dataForm->getParent();

CRITICAL - Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: "Error: Call to a member function getConfig() on a non-object" at C:\wamp\www...\vendor\boekkooi\jquery-validation-bundle\src\Form\FormDataConstraintFinder.php line 117

Stack Trace (Plain Text) -
[1] Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException: Error: Call to a member function getConfig() on a non-object
at n/a
in C:\wamp\www...\vendor\boekkooi\jquery-validation-bundle\src\Form\FormDataConstraintFinder.php line 117

How to fix that ? Can I disable the validation on this form only?

Repeated field is checked even if the main field is blank


I'm currently testing your bundle in my application.
I have a strange behaviour with a blank repeated field.

Here is the code to build my form

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('username', null, array('label' => 'form.username', 'translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle'))
            ->add('email', 'email', array('label' => '', 'translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle'))
            ->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', array(
                'type' => 'password',
                'options' => array('translation_domain' => 'FOSUserBundle'),
                'first_options' => array('label' => 'form.password'),
                'second_options' => array('label' => 'form.password_confirmation'),
                'invalid_message' => 'fos_user.password.mismatch',
                'first_name' => 'password',
                'second_name' => 'password_repeated'

When I try to validate my form with client-side validation disabled, I got

And with client-side validation enabled :

I understand Symfony doesn't check the repeated field if the main field is blank whereas JQuery does.
Do you know how I can get the same result as Symfony ? Or even having the field considered as not correct.

By the way, I really like this bundle for saving me a lot of time.


Error in collection sample code


While I was trying to implement validation for my collection fields, I detected one mistake in the collection sample code you provide in the documentation.

I replaced

{%- set attr = attr|merge({'data-prototype': form_row(prototype) ~ '<script>' ~ form_jquery_validation(form) ~ '<script>' }) -%}


{%- set attr = attr|merge({'data-prototype': form_row(prototype) ~ '<script>' ~ form_jquery_validation(form) ~ '</script>' }) -%}

to make it work.

Do you confirm this is the way it should be ?

Can't validate virtual field

Hi again :). I have another problem. I'm try to create my custom form type - range. Which allow to create range fields like min_size and max_size.

First, i show the code, for more perception:

Custom Range field type

class RangeType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add($options['min_name'], $options['type'], array_merge($options['options'], $options['min_options']));
        $builder->add($options['max_name'], $options['type'], array_merge($options['options'], $options['max_options']));

    public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
        $view->vars['min_name'] = $options['min_name'];
        $view->vars['max_name'] = $options['max_name'];

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
            'type' => 'text',
            'options' => [],
            'min_options' => [],
            'max_options' => [],
            'min_name' => 'min',
            'max_name' => 'max',
            'error_bubbling' => false,

            'options' => 'array',
            'min_options' => 'array',
            'max_options' => 'array',

    public function getName()
        return 'range';

Entity for test

class TestRangeEntity
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="min_size", type="integer")
     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @Assert\GreaterThanOrEqual(value=400)
    private $minSize = 400;

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="max_size", type="integer")
     * @Assert\NotBlank()
     * @Assert\LessThanOrEqual(value=2000)
    private $maxSize = 700;

And form for TestRangeEntity

class TestRangeType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('size', 'range', [
            'virtual' => true, // <- VIRTUAL OPTION
            'min_name' => 'min_size',
            'max_name' => 'max_size'

    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
            'data_class' => TestRangeEntity::class

    public function getName()
        return 'test_range';

Also i'm create custom twig form widget (range_widget) which render this field like this:

<div class="form-range-group">
            <input type="text" name="application[size][min_size]" class="min-value form-control" value="400">
            <input type="text" id="application-size-max-size" name="application[size][max_size]" class="max-value form-control" value="700">

In this case, your bundle not created client constraints. How to fix this ?

Why my field 'size' is virtual ? Because if it's not virtual, then symfony try to fill this field, but entity not contained this field, and symfony throw error.

Enabling/disabling of validation groups

The option validation_groups is a callback so - according to documentation - I have to define the option jquery_validation_groups as array (or string).

# AppBundle/Form/UserType.php
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
            'data_class' => 'AppBundle\Entity\User',
            'jquery_validation_groups' => array(
            'validation_groups' => function (FormInterface $form) {
                if ($form->getData() !== null && null !== $form->getData()->getCountry()) {
                    $country = $form->getData()->getCountry();
                    switch ($country) {
                        case '2':
                            return array(self::VALIDATION_GROUP_REGISTRATION_AUSTRIA);
                        case '3':
                            return array(self::VALIDATION_GROUP_REGISTRATION_SWITZERLAND);
                        case '4':
                            return array(self::VALIDATION_GROUP_REGISTRATION_ITALY);
                            return array(self::VALIDATION_GROUP_REGISTRATION_GERMANY);
                } else {
                    return array(self::VALIDATION_GROUP_REGISTRATION);

The generated JS is as follows:

(function ($) {
    "use strict";
    var form = $("form[name=\"appbundle_registration\"]");
    var validator = form.validate({
    validator.settings.validation_groups = {
        "registration": true,
        "registration_austria": true,
        "registration_switzerland": true,
        "registration_italy": true,
        "registration_germany": true,
        "Default": true

Do I have to enable/disable to validation groups with an own javascript callback if field country is changed? Is there a preferred way?

Deprecating warnings

first of all, thanks for the awesome library.

Is there a plan to fix all the deprecating warnings which are already showing up in sf 2.8.x.

PS: This should also help for easier compatibiliy to sf 3.x, when time comes.

best regards,

Method "groups" does not exist

Hi Boekkoi,

Do you know what can cause this error ?
Method "groups" for object "Boekkooi\Bundle\JqueryValidationBundle\Form\Rule\TransformerRule" does not exist in BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:macros.js.twig at line 49

I think it has appeared after a composer update on dev-master.
I've tried with the 1.0.3 version, there is no problem.

Thank you

Regex not working with jQuery validation 1.11 and 1.13

Hi again

Seems like Regex validation is not working.
I've activated the pattern option in the config but nothing happens in my browser.

I need to ensure the fields firstname and lastname are only letters. The other constraints works.

Here what I obtain in my browser's console :

capture d ecran de 2015-06-12 18 47 02

Perhaps it could help you.

Parametrize the trnaslator domain

It could be nice if we can set the translation domain as parameter in the macro. Line 121 and 123.
I use custom constraint and i'm not in the validator domain, so a parameter for that would be nice.
Thanks in advance.

Required attribute removed

I have a form I build using the following:

    ->add('user', UserType::class)
    ->add('consent', CheckboxType::class, [
        'required' => false,

UserType contains a few fields, such as firstName and lastName. Both of these fields are required. When I enable this bundle, the required attributes on the inputs for firstName and lastName are removed.

This seems to be happening on ValidConstraintPass line 34. My form is not bound to an entity and it seems like ValidConstraintPass checks for Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid on child form elements in the entity.

Do I need to bind my form to an entity and use the @Valid annotation to get your bundle to work?

Instruction to add custom constraint

I would like to add a date validation to my form. I have a field using the formType = birthday. I think I am supposed to follow the directions in to add the validation.

I did the following:

  1. Copied creditcardRule.php to my src/bundle/form/rule dir and renamed to BirthdateRule.php.
  2. Updated the namespace: `namespace SCS\IntakeBundle\Form\Rule\Mapping;namespace SCS\IntakeBundle\Form\Rule\Mapping;
  3. Updated class: BirthdateRule
  4. Changed the supports function: return get_class($constraint) === 'Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\DateTime';
  5. I added an entry to services.yaml
    class: SCS\IntakeBundle\Form\Rule\Birthdate
    - { name: validator.rule_mapper }

I am not sure what I need to do next. Can you guide me?

Thank you Very Much for this bundle!

symfony 2.7 deprecated messages.

Recently I upgraded my application to sf 2.7 and I'm getting following deprecated messages from debug toolbar, it is a small issue, Before upgrade The original function was "sameas", and "same as" created for an alias but now "same as" is the original and "sameas" deprecated documentation says, so any update shouldn't be break backward compability.

DEPRECATED - Twig Test "sameas" is deprecated. Use "same as" instead in BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:macros.js.twig at line 53.
DEPRECATED - Twig Test "sameas" is deprecated. Use "same as" instead in BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:conditions.js.twig at line 2.
DEPRECATED - Twig Test "sameas" is deprecated. Use "same as" instead in BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:conditions.js.twig at line 9.
DEPRECATED - Twig Test "sameas" is deprecated. Use "same as" instead in BoekkooiJqueryValidationBundle:Form:conditions.js.twig at line 27.

Form embedding validation not working.

I have 2 forms.

BecomeHostFormType and BasicUserFormType. I embeded basic_user to become_host form. I configured validations group etc. and my embed method is like following.

            ->add('basic_user', new BasicUserFormType(), [
                'data' => new PjUser(),

I use in twig ex: {{ form_widget(form.basic_user.firstname) }}
basit_user form's generated html looks like following.

<label class="block-label" for="become_host_basic_user_firstname">Firstname</label>
<input type="text" id="become_host_basic_user_firstname" name="become_host[basic_user][firstname]" _vkenabled="true" _originaltype="text">

plugin's generated code :

(function($) {
    "use strict";
    var form = $("form[name=\"become_host\"]");
    var validator = form.validate({
        rules: {
            "become_host\x5Bservices\x5D": {
                "required": {
                    depends: function() {
                        return (validator.settings.validation_groups["become_host"]);
        messages: {
            "become_host\x5Bservices\x5D": {
                "required": ""
    validator.settings.validation_groups = {
        "become_host": true,
        "Default": true,
        "basic_user": true

and it doein't read firstname's validation rules, but it does read become_host's services field rules.

Do you have any idea to solve this problem ? I have to use this plugin with embeded forms also.

Create new tag 1.2.1

So that at least bugfix for #39 (Not able to use Birthday form type) is available in a stable release.

Assert\Regex validation check problem..

This is an amazing bundle it really saved my days thanks firstly.
My Entity field has the following annotation

NotBlank and Length working properly. But when I write "xyaz 123" to the field, following errror appears on chrome dev console.

1c0764d-c181255_part_1_jquery.validate_2-2a98529.js:640 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'test' of null

Do you have any idea about this problem ?

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