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popup-maker's Introduction

=== Popup Maker ===
Contributors: danieliser, wppopupmaker, waltmesser
Author URI:
Plugin URI:
Donate link: 
Tags: responsive popup, promotion, popover, pop-up, pop over, marketing, lightbox, advertising, conversion, modal, popup, popups
Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: 1.4.20
License: GNU Version 3 or Any Later Version

Easily create attractive popups. Customize nearly every aspect of your popups, from theme & position, to targeting & cookies.

== Description ==

Popup Maker is the most versatile and easy to use popup, modal & content overlay plugin available.

Easily create attractive popups with no coding skills. Customize nearly every aspect of your popups, from theme & position, to targeting & cookies.

Follow this plugin on [GitHub](

= Features of Popup Maker include: =
* **Control Everything**: Complete control to customize every aspect of your popups including: triggers, cookies, conditions, appearance, position and of course content.
* **Accessible Popups**: Popup Maker applies the latest in Modal & Popup Accessibility techniques to ensure that your message gets heard by everyone that visits your site.
* **Translation Ready**: Translation-ready, for easy conversion to any language. Ask us about our special incentives for translators interested in joining the team.
* **Extremely Flexible**: No arbitrary limitations imposed here, create unlimited popups of any type of overlay you can think of. That includes: welcome gates, banner bars, slide outs and more.
* **Developer Friendly**: Built with developers in mind with hundreds of functions, action hooks, and filters that developers can use to create their own custom functionality.

= What's Included for Free: =
> + Our conditions editor allows you to target who will see each popup.
> + Target any WordPress content such as posts & pages or even posts by category.
> + We have included specific conditions for popular plugins such as WooCommerce.
> + **Click triggers** allow you to trigger a popup on click of menu items, sidebars, buttons, images or any other content on your site. We have various methods alloing you to integrate our click triggers with nearly any plugin or theme.
> + **Auto open** triggers allow you to set a **timed delay**, this is the typical Popup experience.
> + Each Trigger can check for one or more cookies. Control when cookies are set and for how long.
> + Set cookies on these events: popup opens, when the user closes it or even using JavaScript.
> + Control every aspect of popup sizing, position, animation and more. We include Premade responsive sizes or you can create your own custom sizes.
> + Vast set of options to customize the look of your popup using our Visual Theme Editor. Change colors, shadows, fonts, paddings & a whole lot more.
> + Make more than just popups, create slide outs, banner bars, hidden sidebars* and more. * Requires additional customization, but very doable.
> + Too many features to list here. Limitless potential. If you can't figure out how to get the functionality your after, ask us we will be glad to help.
> + Built in support for popular form plugins including: Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Caldera Forms, & Contact Form 7.
> + Easily insert HTML forms from any provider including:

If you like the plugin and/or support [please rate & review]( it!

= Supported HTML Optin Forms Include: =
* Mailchimp
* Aweber
* InfusionSoft
* GetResponse
* Constant Contact
* MailPoet
* MadMimi
* HubSpot
* Emma
* Plus Many More - Just about any optin form. If you find one that doesn't work let us know.

= Check out our extension line to increase conversions & further enhance your popups. =
> + [Exit Intent]( "Exit Intent")
> + [AJAX Login Modals]( "AJAX Login Modals")
> + [Age Verification Modals]( "Age Verification Modals")
> + [Popup Analytics]( "Popup Analytics")
> + [Advanced Targeting Conditions]( "Advanced Targeting Conditions")
> For the full list of extensions and more information, visit [our extension store]( "Popup Maker Extensions")!

Follow us on [Twitter]( "Popup Maker on Twitter")!
Find out more about [Popup Maker]( "Popup Maker Website").

Would you like to help translate the plugin into more languages? [Join our WP-Translations Community](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Why aren't my popups opening/working? =

There are several common causes for this which include:

* You have not set up your popups targeting conditions (top right when editing a popup).
* Your site is loading multiple copies of jQuery
* Your themes footer.php file doesn't include <?php wp_footer(); ?> or it is not in the correct place (just before the `</body>`).
* WP 4.5's inclusion of jQuery v1.12 broke your theme or another plugin - [More Info]( "More Info").
* There is a JavaScript error caused by another plugin or your theme. You can check this using your browsers console (Press F12).

== Screenshots ==
1. Create an infinite amount of popups and put any content inside your popups! No restrictions, no limitations - customize your popup content to fit your needs.
2. Use the Popup Maker WYSIWIG Content Editor to easily customize your popups' content! Plus, use Short Codes, HTML, and other code to give your popups ultimate power. Adding popups and content in Popup Maker is just like adding pages and content in WordPress.
3. Popup Maker offers you pixel perfect positioning settings to match your needs and fit your website perfectly.
4. Create high performing themes in minutes with our user friendly Theme Builder. Don't be worried to go with the flow, you can easily revert to old saves with Revision History.
5. Theme every element of your popups to blend perfectly into your site: Background Overlay, Popup Container, Close Button, Google Fonts & much more. All in all, customize your popup theme with over 60 options!

== Changelog ==

= v1.4.20 - 10/13/2016 =
* Feature: Added [Ninja Forms]( success actions for opening & closing popups.
* Feature: Added new cookie event for successful submission of a [Ninja Forms]( form.
* Improvement: Added wp.hooks JS library, allowing actions & filters via our plugin JS.
* Tweaks: Added various admin css tweaks.

= v1.4.19 - 9/30/2016 =
* Feature: Added a do_default parameter to the trigger & close shortcodes. This allows making close buttons that also download a file.
* Improvement: Added support for JS (advanced) conditions & condition processing after checking for cookies.
* Improvement: Upgraded from jQuery-Cookie (modified) to JS-Cookie (modified) for more flexibility.
* Fix: Bug where color didn't update properly when first clicked in theme editor.
* Fix: Added prefix to admin pages to prevent conflicts.
* Fix: Removed usage of deprecated filter.

= v1.4.18 - 8/15/2016 =
* Fix: Bug with PHP 5.2 compatibility.
* Fix: Added missing post_type index condition callback.

= v1.4.17 - 8/14/2016 =
* Fix: Bug caused by using return value in write context.

= v1.4.16 - 8/14/2016 =
* Feature: New Condition: Pages: With Template. Thanks @cedmund.
* Feature: Option to Disable reposition on window resize/scroll.
* Improvement: Enable Visual Composer for Popups by default (VC 4.8+). Thanks @NoahjChampion.
* Improvement: Replaced usage of gif hex code with loading of an actual tracking gif to prevent security scanners from throwing false positives.
* Improvement: Changed default analytics response with a 204 no content heading, saving the need to load & return a tracking gif.
* Fix: Missing condition value bug fixed by adding sanity checks to conditions on get.
* Fix: Auto Height checkbox wouldn't stay unchecked.
* Fix: CSS class pum-open-overlay wasn't being removed from HTML element on popup close causing issues for next popup.
* Fix: Error in JS due to shortcodes: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression.
* Fix: Issue where some custom post types not working with conditions.

= v1.4.15 - 7/20/2016 =
* Improvement: Only showed the aria-label attribute if the label will be shown.
* Tweak: Updated the Freemius SDK.
* Tweak: Updated the #popmake-{ID} selector to work at the end of a link.
* Fix: Bug where stackable popups would lose their scroll bar after one was closed.

= v1.4.14 - 7/14/2016 =
* Feature: Links with the url #popmake-{ID} will now trigger a popup when clicked. Links with this href will work similar to elements with the popmake-{ID} class.

= v1.4.13 - 6/26/2016 =
* Feature: Added 12 of the most commonly needed BuddyPress content types & targeting conditions. Target any BP content type. Now full support for BuddyPress.
* Tweak: Moved a few functions from the plugins_loaded action to the init action for minor compatibility benefits.
* Tweak: Removed Popup & Popup Theme Meta Revisioning as it adds unneeded clutter to the DB.

= v1.4.12 - 6/24/2016 =
* Improvement: Reduced translatable strings from 569 total to 439 which is about a 23% reduction which will reduce work for our translators.
* Tweak: Removed the welcome page and associated CSS, images etc. This cleans up some useless strings for translation.
* Fix: Bug where add_new cookie wasn't properly replaced for the first trigger.

= v1.4.11 - 6/10/2016 =
* Feature: New conditions for targeting posts & taxonomy by ID.
* Improvement: Added link to Conditions Documentation to the Conditions editor.
* Tweak: Namespaced jQuery.serializeObject to prevent conflicts with other plugins/themes in the admin editor.
* Fix: Bug on add new page/post and during post update.
* Fix: Bug in edit this theme link on page load.

= v1.4.10 - 5/23/2016 =
* Feature: Added Do Default option to the click triggers. Allows a triggers default browsers behavior to occur and still open a popup, such as a file link.
* Improvement: Added additional links to the theme editor for better visibility and to guide users there.
* Tweak: Older methods are only loaded when needed, this also removes usage of a deprecated filter.
* Tweak: All Pages now includes Home Page / Front Page.
* Tweak: A default click trigger is always added. (Like pre v1.4)
* Fix: Low z-index caused issues when the overlay is disabled.
* Fix: Bug where none animation couldn't be re-opened.
* Fix: Cleaned up issues allowing popup post type to be added directly to menus and sitemaps.
* Fix: Bug where auto height checkbox would not stay checked.

= v1.4.9 - 5/01/2016 =
* Improvement: Reduced front end queries by over 85%. Avgerage sites should now only have 2 to 3.
* Improvement: Added caching enhancements for even better performance on servers with page, object & query caching.
* Improvement: Added a fully namespaced version of Select2 for compatiblitiy while other plugins await updating. Will gracefully fall back to the non namespaced version when it no longer causes issues.
* Fix: Undefined 'amd' JS errors.
* Fix: The "Use Your Theme" font option was not working correctly.
* Fix: Removed leftover console.logs in our JavaScript.

= v1.4.8 - 4/27/2016 =
* Improvement: Sandboxed Select2 v4 since it breaks other plugins when loaded properly. v4 adds accessiblity enhancements that we are not going to sacrifice for compatiblity with plugins who have not updated to include it. This provides a safe alternative in the meantime.
* Tweak: Removed extra shortcode files.
* Tweak: Allow popup Click Triggers to target another popups close button. Close one triggers another etc.
* Fix: Bug caused by pum_shortcode_ui not loading properly everywhere.
* Fix: Bug in popup position calculation when the popup used Fixed Position and Disable Overlay

= v1.4.7 - 4/24/2016 =
* Improvement: Removed the old styles dropdown as it is no longer needed.
* Improvement: Added check for old versions of Select2 and replace them with latest which is backward compatible.
* Fix: Bug that caused Close button delay to not show the close button.
* Fix: Replaced usage of <% style JS template with <# & {{ for PHP asp_tags compatibility.

= v1.4.6 - 4/22/2016 =
* Fix: Bug in new post editor JS.
* Fix: Added filter to override permissions for upgrade routines.

= v1.4.5 - 4/21/2016 =
* Fix: Replaced all usage of static:: for PHP 5.2 compatiblity.
* Fix: Forced the latest version of Select2 to load on Popup Maker admin pages in the case that an older version was enqueued.

= v1.4.4 - 4/20/2016 =
* Fix: Version Bump to fix upgrade issues.

= v1.4.3 - 4/20/2016 =
* Fix: Removed extra whitespace before opening php tags.

= v1.4.2 - 4/20/2016 =
* Fix: Bug in popup maker deprecated filter caused by no defaults passed.

= v1.4.1 - 4/20/2016 =
* Fix: Bug in popup maker upgrade class for older versions of PHP.

= v1.4 - 4/20/2016 =
* Feature: Added basic analytics. Tracks how many unique opens each popup has.
* Feature: Added new Popup Maker shortcodes button to the editor with visual previews.
* Feature: Added option to reset popup open counts demand.
* Feature: New add / remove targeting conditions UI.
* Feature: Conditions can now be negative as well as grouped as AND / OR.
* Feature: New conditions for targeting posts & cpt by taxonomy. IE Posts with Tag / Category.
* Feature: New add / remove triggers UI that allows multiple of the same trigger per popup.
* Feature: Added a new add / remove cookies UI that manages cookies separate from triggers.
* Feature: Added 5 new built in themes.
* Feature: Added support for pods content types.
* Feature: Added full screen front end previews for admins and editors.
* Feature: Added additional WooCommerce conditions such as on checkout.
* Improvement: Added CSS resets to all core popup elements to ensure a reliable look.
* Improvement: Popups are now rendered with their own overlay. This allows the popup to scroll inside the overlay.
* Improvement: Cookie names can now be set to anything, including cookies from other plugins.
* Improvement: Triggers now support checking more than one cookie.
* Improvement: Accessibility & screen reader enhancements to the popups and admin.
* Improvement: Auto Focus the first element in the popup when it opens for screen readers.
* Improvement: Better JavaScript encapsulation and organization.
* Improvement: Added support for Select2 smart dropdowns for admin interfaces.
* Improvement: Added a more reliable upgrade routine system.
* Improvement: Added an option to disable popup taxonomies if not in use.
* Improvement: Added more reliable usage tracking via [Freemius](
* Tweak: Updated extensions page and added a list of plugins that work well with Popup Maker.
* Fixed: Super annoying fixed position checkbox glitch.
* Fixed: Missing check for disabled google fonts before loading them.
* Fixed: Bug where hidden about pages showed up when certain admin menu editing plugins were active.
* Fixed: Bug where default theme was not properly created on install.
* Fixed: Bug where non utf-8 characters were used in the name field and caused JS errors.
* Fixed: Bug where popup triggers inside their own popup would cause it to close and reopen when clicked.
* Dev: Introduced PUM_Fields a settings API that support _.js Templ fields.
* Dev: Added new action 'pum_styles' that can be used to render custom CSS.
* Dev: Added new PUM_Popup class with nearly all methods built in.
* Dev: Introduced new prefix pum_ rather than popmake_.

**v1.4 Change Set Statistics:**
365 Commits / 53 Major & Minor Issues Closed.
285 changed files with 20,437 additions and 3,607 deletions.

= v1.3.9 - 10/14/2015 =
* Feature: New shortcode - [popup_close] allows adding custom close buttons/text. Ex. [popup_close] Click Me [/popup_close].
* Improvement: Added SASS/SCSS files for the site & admin styles.
* Improvement: Added better support for current & legacy versions of Visual Composer.
* Improvement: Added check for preventClose class on a popup just before closing. If found the popup won't close.
* Fix: Fixed bug in theme editor that caused Google Font variants to not show up.
* Fix: Fixed bug in CSS generation where Google Font URL would become corrupted and cause a 404.
* Fix: Fixed bug where fixed position would show unchecked even if it was checked.
* Fix: Fixed bug in CSS that caused popup to appear below site on mobile.
* Fix: WP Multi Site: Fatal Error.

= v1.3.8 - 9/29/2015 =
* Fix: Updated links to documentation.
* Fix: Removed exploitable bug allowing script execution in the admin. Discovered 9/29/15 - Patched 9/29/15

= v1.3.7 - 9/21/2015 =
* Feature: Added support for Visual Composer to popups. (Backend Editor Only). Works Perfectly with Responsive Popups.
* Tweak: Disable position fixed on mobile screens for responsive popups.
* Tweak: Improved UI with better popup formats selection.
* Fix: Bug with default theme not properly being created.
* Fix: Bug where default & theme formats were overridden in the WP Editor.
* Fix: Bug with default theme not being used for [popup] shortcode.
* Fix: Bug with loading Google Fonts properly.
* Fix: Errors generated by incorrectly formatted colors in the editor.
* Fix: Bug with targeting conditions for categories.
* Fix: Bug in positioning left & right values. Credit to @invik for the solution.

= v1.3.6 - 8/25/2015 =
* Confirmed WP v4.3 compatibility.
* Tweak: Default theme is automatically used if a popup does not have one assigned.
* Fix:  UI bug where fixed position checkbox wouldn't stay checked.
* Fix: Bug with Theme Default values & v1.2 values not being merged.

= v1.3.5 - 8/18/2015 =
* Tweak: Corrected missing keys for required script checks.
* Fix: Error message caused by non array value from get_post_custom.
* Fix: Removed missing variable.
* Fix: Text corrections.

= v1.3.4 - 8/12/2015 =
* Fix: Added px to font-size & line-height.

= v1.3.3 - 8/12/2015 =
* Fix: Added current_action fallback function for older versions of WP.
* Fix: Theme CSS rendering incorrect font settings.

= v1.3.2 - 8/10/2015 =
* Tweak: Pause HTML5 Videos when popup closes.
* Fix: Prefixed several functions that collided with some themes.
* Fix: Changed default Close Height & Width to 0/auto.

= v1.3.1 - 8/8/2015 =
* Fix: Error in get_called_class alternate function for PHP 5.2
* Fix: Force theme css builder to check for empty themes.
* Fix: Bug where z-indexes were incorrectly set.

= v1.3 - 8/7/2015 =
* Feature: Added unlimited themes functionality to the core.
* Feature: Allow disabling of event.prevendDefault() for on click events by adding do-default class.
* Feature: Added support for session based cookies.
* Feature: Add Height & Width options to Close Button for better control.
* Feature: Theme styling is now rendered in the head via inline CSS with an option to disable in the case that popup styles have been moved to the theme stylesheet.
* Feature: Delay showing the close button after the popup opens. Set the delay in ms.
* Feature: Added stackable popups option to show more than one popup at a time. ( A stackable popup won't close other popups when its opened. )
* Feature: Added WooCommerce Targeting Conditions.
* Feature: Added new system info tab on the tools page to make debugging faster.
* Tweak: Change default responsive mobile size to 95%.
* Tweak: Change default z-index to 1999999999.
* Tweak: Add ability to pass a callback to the popmake('close') method.
* Tweak: Add namespace to click open event ('click.popmakeOpen').
* Tweak: Add $default arg to popmake_get_popup_meta_group function.
* Tweak: Auto close content tags using balanceTags().
* Tweak: Added new popmake_get_popup(), get_the_popup_ID(), popmake_get_the_popup_ID(), popmake_the_popup_ID() functions.
* Tweak: Check if popup is already open before auto opening.
* Tweak: Add ajax="true" to gravity forms shortcodes if not there.
* Tweak: Make auto open cookie key optional.
* Tweak: Disable fixed position for responsive sizes.
* Tweak: Compensate for Admin Bar when visible.
* Tweak: Added options to disable Support & Share admin widgets.
* Tweak: Added new filter popmake_popup_default_close_text to allow filtering of popup close text.
* Tweak: Added close text override on a per popup basis. New option under Close Settings.
* Tweak: Choosing a responsive size will automatically disable fixed position & scrollable content.
* Tweak: Unneeded data attributes are now removed to clean up html.
* Tweak: Meta has now been compressed into serialized arrays for popups and themes.
* Tweak: Added new Meta Field management class as a step toward a more maintainable code base.
* Fix: Add option to disable moving of popup to end of <body>.
* Fix: Corrected input type under Click-Open Settings meta box.
* Fix: Description cleanup for popup location.
* Fix: Correct French translation file name.
* Fix: Rewrote popup loop to not overwrite global $post breaking some content shortcodes.
* Fix: Bug when clicking publish with empty name field publish becomes unclickable again.
* Fix: Sitewide cookie option will not stay unchecked.
* Fix: Bug where popup & popup_theme meta was stored with other post types on revision.
* Fix: Bug in the popup_trigger shortcode with $content not being rendered properly.

= v1.2.2 =
* Added (string) typecast to prevent errors in wp_localize_script when passing integers.
* Added 100% French & Hungarian translations.
* Added partial German translation.
* Moved template.php require line to load for both admin and front end for use in ajax responses.
* Changed order of admin pages to allow extensions to load before settings/help/tools pages on menu.
* Added troubleshooting FAQ to readme.
* Added version to JS object for backward compatibility checks.
* Added check for preventOpen class before opening. This class will prevent the popup from opening.
* Corrected minWidth variable name.
* Added namespace to the auto open cookie event.
* Changed the last open trigger to use the jQuery object instead of xpath.
* Added an isScrolling variable to detect when the browser is actively scrolling.
* Checked isScrolling before adding overflow styles to the HTML element to prevent glitching.
* Temporarily removed the grow animations due to removal of Greensock Animation Platform.
* Removed Greensock Animation Platform dependancy.

= v1.2.1 =
* Fixed bug caused by null value passed to JS data attr.

= v1.2 =
* Added full screen preview for themes when editing using the Preview button.
* Added full screen preview for popup when editing using the Preview button.
* Added new shortcode 'popup_trigger' that allows users to easily add the correct popmake- class. Accepts id, tag & class parameters.
* Updated GSAP JS plugin to latest version.
* Removed jQuery.gsap.js usage.
* Added fallback list of Google Fonts for when API is unavailable.
* Setup extensions page to use a static list of extensions for the time being.
* Updated API url.
* Removed Popmake_Admin_Notices class as it was unused.
* Fixed bug where share metabox wouldn't stay hidden.
* Added function to prevent deletion of default theme.
* Fixed bug which caused Popup Maker menu to show to all users.

= v1.1.10 =
* Fixed invalid argument bug passed to google font foreach.
* Fixed CSS box-sizing cross browser support.

= v1.1.9 =
* Added %'s to reponsive sizes in size dropdown.
* Remove usage of the_content and the_content filters.
* Fixed responsive sizes.

= v1.1.8 =
* Fixed issue with admin menu position collisions.
* Fixed issue with banner not staying dismissed.
* Removed dependency jQuery.cookie
* Fixed bug in auto open when cookie was set before delay was up.
* Added new setCookie JS event. Used to manually set a popups cookies. Usage jQuery('#popmake-123').trigger('popmakeSetCookie');
* Added new z-index override values. This helps with theme compatibility and future multi popup capability.
* Added Blog Index support. Available under targeting conditions 'On Blog Index' & 'Exclude On Blog Index'.
* Added better responsive image handling.
* Added Admin Debug option for popups.
* Changed jquery-ui-position collission property to none to solve positioning issues.
* Disabled Popup Maker JS & CSS when no popups detected to load.
* Added new function popmake_enqueue_scripts() which allows manual enqueuing of scripts and styles.

= v1.1.7 =
* Fixed undefined function popmake_default_settings.
* Fixed specific pages not saving properly.
* Now removes ?autoplay parameter from Videos preventing them from playing again without interaction.

= v1.1.6 =
* Fixed bug in js not setting correct CSS value for min-width.
* Changed close link element tag from a > span.

= v1.1.5 =
* Fixed bug when clicking add selected buttons.
* Changed how popmake_popup_is_loadable works. It is now more organized and readable.
* Added 2 new Targeting Conditions: Search & 404.

= v1.1.4 =
* Fixed bug in scrollable content styles.
* Fixed bug in admin JS for duplicate input names.
* Changed Powered By Setting to Off by Default.
* Changed default permissions required to use theme builder.
* Fixed bug in targeting conditions.

= v1.1.3 =
* Fixed some incorrect links to resources and kb.
* Removed Auto Open Promotional Material ( as it is now included ).

= v1.1.2 =
* Further enhancements to ensure proper checking of Auto Open Enabled.

= v1.1.1 =
* Fixed bug in JS that didn't properly check if Auto Open was enabled.

= v1.1 =
* Added Importer for Easy Modal v2 - Availabe under Tools -> Import
* Added Easy Modal v2 Compatibility Option - Available under Settings -> Misc (This will allow all of your existing eModal classes to open the proper Popup once imported)
* Added custom selector functionality - Availabe on Modal editor (This will allow you to use your own css selectors that when clicked will trigger the popup to open. Ex. #main-menu would cause the corresponding menu item to trigger that popup)

= v1.0.5 =
* Fixed bug caused by changes in v1.0.4.

= v1.0.4 =
* Admin UI Adjustments & Tweaks.
* Fixed bug in removing specific post types.
* Reformatted Code.
* Fixed incorrect variable.

= v1.0.3 =
* Fixed bug with recursive filter.
* Fixed bug caused by typo.
* Fixed bug in JS for removing specific post type posts.

= v1.0.2 =
* Resized Extension page images to load quicker on extensions page.
* Added last_open_popup proerty to popmake jQuery function.
* Resized Extension page images to load quicker on extensions page.
* Fixed misc Admin Styles.
* Corrected support links.
* Fixed Bug in Meta boxes on settings page.
* Renamed files appropriately.
* Added new section callback for settings API.
* Fixed small glitch in Opt In for Credit Link.

= v1.0.1 =
* Removed links to getting started from "Dashboard" Admin Menu.
* Added Line Height Setting to Both Title and Close, Allowing Perfect Circles for close button.
* Updated admin styles.
* Misc Admin changes, including new filters/hooks for upcoming extensions.

= v1.0.0 =
* Initial Release

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