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kubecrt's Introduction


Convert Helm charts to Kubernetes resources.


kubecrt allows you to define your application's Kubernetes infrastructure based on a single configuration file.

The configuration file contains your application name, and namespace (both can also be set using CLI arguments), and you provide a list of charts that you want to install, optionally providing override values for those charts.

When running kubecrt, you provide it your project's configuration file, and in turn, it returns you the parsed Kubernetes resource files generated by the charts.

This allows you to use Helm Charts without actually using Helm, and instead using regular kubectl to deploy and manage your resources.

The configuration file you feed into kubecrt will be processed using the epp templating tool, allowing you to inject variables at runtime, based on your own conditional logic (production vs staging, etc...).


brew tap blendle/blendle
brew install kubecrt


See kubecrt --help

kubecrt - convert Helm charts to Kubernetes resources

Given a charts.yml file, compile all the charts with
the provided template variables and return the
resulting Kubernetes resource files to STDOUT, or
write them to a provided file.

Doing this, you can use Kubernetes charts, without
having to use Helm locally, or Tiller on the server.

  kubecrt [options] CHARTS_CONFIG
  kubecrt -h | --help
  kubecrt --version
  kubecrt --example-config

Where CHARTS_CONFIG is the location of the YAML file
containing the Kubernetes Charts configuration.

  CHARTS_CONFIG                    Charts configuration file

  -h, --help                       Show this screen
  --version                        Show version
  -n NS, --namespace=NS            Set the .Release.Namespace chart variable,
                                   used by charts during compilation
  -a NAME, --name=NAME             Set the .Release.Name chart variable, used by
                                   charts during compilation
  -o PATH, --output=PATH           Write output to a file, instead of STDOUT
  -r NAME=URL, --repo=NAME=URL,... List of NAME=URL pairs of repositories to add
                                   to the index before compiling charts config
  -p DIR, --partials-dir=DIR       Path from which to load partial templates
                                   [default: config/deploy/partials]
  -j, --json                       Print resources formatted as JSON instead of
                                   YAML. Each resource is printed on a single
  --example-config                 Print an example charts.yaml, including
                                   extended documentation on the tunables

Charts Configuration File

See kubecrt --example-config

# apiVersion defines the version of the charts.yaml structure. Currently,
# only "v1" is supported.
apiVersion: v1

# name is the .Release.Name template value that charts can use in their
# templates, which can be overridden by the "--name" CLI flag. If omitted,
# "--name" is required.
name: my-bundled-apps

# namespace is the .Release.Namespace template value that charts can use in
# their templates. Note that since kubecrt does not communicate with
# Kubernetes in any way, it is up to you to also use this namespace when
# doing kubectl apply [...]. Can be overridden using "--namespace".  If omitted,
# "--namespace" is required.
namespace: apps

# charts is an array of charts you want to compile into Kubernetes resource
# files.
# A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod,
# or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases,
# caches, and so on.

# A Chart can either be in the format REPO/NAME, or a PATH to a local chart.
# If using REPO/NAME, kubecrt knows by-default where to locate the "stable"
# repository, all other repositories require the "repo" configuration (see
# below).
- stable/factorio:
    # values is a map of key/value pairs used when compiling the chart. This
    # uses the same format as in regular chart "values.yaml" files.
    # see:
          memory: 1024Mi
          cpu: 750m
        # charts.yaml supports the same templating as chart templates do,
        # using the "sprig" library.
        # see:
        name: >
          {{ env "MY_SERVER_NAME" | default "hello world!" }}

- stable/minecraft:
    # version is a semantic version constraint.
    # see:
    version: ~> 0.1.0
        difficulty: hard

- opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:
    # repo is the location of a repositry, if other than "stable". This is
    # the URL you would normally add using "helm repo add NAME URL".
      sendAnalytics: false

# For the above charts, see here for the default configurations:
#   * stable/factorio:
#   * stable/minecraft:
#   * opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:

Partial Templates

You can optionally split your charts.yml file into multiple chunks, by using partial templates. This works almost the same way as Helm's support for these in charts. See the Helm documentation for more details.

To use these partials, you have to set the --partials-dir flag when calling kubecrt, pass it the path to your partials directory, and then use those partials in your charts.yml.



apiVersion: v1
name: my-bundled-apps
namespace: apps
- stable/factorio:
{{ include "factorio/resources" . | indent 8 }}


{{- define "factorio/resources" -}}
  memory: 1024Mi
  cpu: 750m
{{- end -}}

You can then run this as follows:

kubecrt --partials-dir ./partials charts.yml

And the result is a fully-parsed charts printed to stdout.

Some notes:

  • you can use subfolders to organise your partials
  • each named define has to be uniquely named, or risk being overwritten
  • you can define multiple define blocks in a single file
  • the files don't need to be yaml files, you can use any content you need

Releasing new version

make (major|minor|patch)
git push --tags
make dist
open _dist/

Next, go to the GitHub releases page, and edit the tag you just push:

  • Release title: vx.x.x
  • Describe this release: short description of important changes
  • Attach binaries: drop the files created in _dist here

Click "Update release".

Don't forget to update the Homebrew formula, located at blendle/homebrew-blendle.

kubecrt's People


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kubecrt's Issues

fix panic for unsatisfiable version constraint

If version is set to an unsatisfiable constraint (for example, a version is specified that does not exist), a panic is currently raised:

panic: runtime error: index out of range

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xb, 0xc420dd2148, 0x8, 0x0, 0x11, 0xc420bc1460, 0x19)
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0x114, 0xb, 0xc420dd2148, 0x8, 0x1075985, 0x4, 0xc4206e3bd0, 0x101699f)
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0x589*Chart).compile(0xc420bba500, 0x7fff5fbffa4d, 0x11, 0x7fff5fbffa2c, 0x19, 0xc420bba680, 0x3a, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, ...)
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0x61*Chart).ParseChart(0xc420bba500, 0x7fff5fbffa4d, 0x11, 0x7fff5fbffa2c, 0x19, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0x253*ChartsConfiguration).ParseCharts(0xc420db34a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc420db34a0, 0x0, 0x0)
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0xa6
        /private/tmp/kubecrt-20170513-15659-nlayje/src/ +0x92d

We should instead inform the user that an acceptable version could not be found in the currently supplied repositories.

support chart repositories behind SSL certificate authentication

Our current API looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
- opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:

We should also support SSL-based authentication, potentially with an API like this:

apiVersion: v1
- opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:
      caFile: /path/to/ca
      certFile: /path/to/cert
      keyFile: /path/to/key

However, given that we support templating within charts.yml, we could also consider to not point to files, but instead embed the data as base64-encoded strings, as this makes it easier to inject the values in an automated/CI-environment using environment variables:

apiVersion: v1
- opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:
      ca: {{ env "MY_CA_CONTENT" | b64enc }}
      cert: {{ env "MY_CERT_CONTENT" | b64enc }}
      key: {{ env "MY_KEY_CONTENT" | b64enc }}

Or support both formats, if that makes sense.

Wrong line number returned in error description

See #21.

I suspect this is happening here:

func errorLine(err error) (int, string) {
var i int
var p []string
str := err.Error()
if strings.HasPrefix(str, "yaml: ") {
p = strings.SplitN(str, ":", 3)
i, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.Replace(p[1], " line ", "", -1))
str = strings.TrimSpace(p[2])
if strings.HasPrefix(str, "template: test:") {
p = strings.SplitN(str, ":", 4)
i, _ = strconv.Atoi(p[2])
str = strings.TrimSpace(p[3])
return i, "Templating error: " + str

Support partial templates

Helm supports the use of golang partial template, it would be nice if kubecrt would support this as well.
This would enable us to spread large config files across multiple files so is easier to maintain them.

Add ability to share common / global env and secrets

Some projects (especially the old ones), have a lot of envs & secrets configured. If you have a couple of deployments, you need to change them for all those deployments. Having a way of centralising those values would be very helpful.

Some ideas:

indentation error when converting defectdojo

I tried to download and convert local helm chart downloaded from product page here:

When converting the helm chart it it creates an error in the section below, where "requests" on the same level as "resources" but it must be indented as "requests" is subkey of resource. Interestingly on other blocks which have exactly the same dfinition it works perfectly Here's the wrong code block:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: defectdojo-initializer
  labels: initializer defectdojo defectdojo Tiller defectdojo-0.1.0
      labels: initializer defectdojo defectdojo
        - name: initializer
          image: "defectdojo/defectdojo-django:latest"
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          command: ['/']
            - configMapRef:
                name: defectdojo
            - secretRef:
                name: defectdojo
            - name: DD_DATABASE_PASSWORD
                  name: defectdojo-mysql
                  key: mysql-password
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 1

add namespace to generated kuberenetes output


I think to really make use of kubecrt in a proper way it should set the namespace by creating it first through:

 apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: weave
      annotations: v1.0.0-259-g2850b85

and then reference it in the various other yamls by the metadata/namespace key. For automated deployment this is necessary because the yamls are automatically applied and not manually through kubectl with namespace beeing defined there.

add top-level "repositories" object

Our current API looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
- blendle/web:

While this works, it becomes tedious if you want to add multiple charts from the same (non-stable/default) repository:

apiVersion: v1
- blendle/web:
- blendle/cron:

The current solution to this is to launch kubecrt using the --repo flag:

kubecrt --repo="blendle=" charts.yml

After which you no longer need to define the repo in the charts/yml:

apiVersion: v1
- blendle/web: {}
- blendle/cron: {}

This works, but if we want charts.yml to be a self-sustainable config, that does not depend on CLI flags, we could introduce a new repositories object:

apiVersion: v1


- blendle/web: {}
- blendle/cron: {}

Can't tap from homebrew

When I do brew tap blendle/blendle on my M1 Mac I got:

Error: Invalid formula: /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/blendle/homebrew-blendle/Formula/kubecrt.rb
kubecrt: Calling cellar in a bottle block is disabled! Use brew style --fix on the formula to update the style or use sha256 with a cellar: argument instead.
Please report this issue to the blendle/blendle tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core), or even better, submit a PR to fix it:

Error: Invalid formula: /opt/homebrew/Library/Taps/blendle/homebrew-blendle/Formula/epp.rb
epp: Calling cellar in a bottle block is disabled! Use brew style --fix on the formula to update the style or use sha256 with a cellar: argument instead.
Please report this issue to the blendle/blendle tap (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core), or even better, submit a PR to fix it:

What can I do to resolve this?

Templating error: did not find expected key - improve error messages

-> % kubecrt chart.yml
yaml: line 36: did not find expected key
charts config parsing error: 

 2: # apiVersion defines the version of the charts.yaml structure. Currently,
 3: # only "v1" is supported.
 4: apiVersion: v1
 6: # name is the .Release.Name template value that charts can use in their
 7: # templates, which can be overridden by the "--name" CLI flag. If omitted,
 8: # "--name" is required.
 9: name: loki
11: # namespace is the .Release.Namespace template value that charts can use in
12: # their templates. Note that since kubecrt does not communicate with
13: # Kubernetes in any way, it is up to you to also use this namespace when
14: # doing kubectl apply [...]. Can be overridden using "--namespace".  If omitted,
15: # "--namespace" is required.
16: namespace: prometheus
18: # charts is an array of charts you want to compile into Kubernetes resource
19: # files.
20: #
21: # A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod,
22: # or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases,
23: # caches, and so on.
24: charts:
26: # A Chart can either be in the format REPO/NAME, or a PATH to a local chart.
27: #
28: # If using REPO/NAME, kubecrt knows by-default where to locate the "stable"
29: # repository, all other repositories require the "repo" configuration (see
30: # below).
31: - "/home/kris/PycharmProjects/loki/production/helm/loki-stack/Chart.yaml"
33:     # values is a map of key/value pairs used when compiling the chart. This
34:     # uses the same format as in regular chart "values.yaml" files.
35:     #
36:     # see:
37:     values:
38:       loki:
39:         enabled: true
40:       promtail:
41:         enabled: true
42:       grafana:
43:         enabled: false
44:         sidecar:
45:           datasources:
46:             enabled: true
47:       image:
48:         tag: 6.3.0-beta2
50:     prometheus:
51:       enabled: false
52:       server:
53:         fullnameOverride: prometheus-server
55:         requests:
56:           memory: 1024Mi
57:           cpu: 750m
58:         # charts.yaml supports the same templating as chart templates do,
59:         # using the "sprig" library.
60:         #
61:         # see:
64: # For the above charts, see here for the default configurations:
65: #
66: #   * stable/factorio:
67: #   * stable/minecraft:
68: #   * opsgoodness/prometheus-operator:

33:     # values is a map of key/value pairs used when compiling the chart. This
34:     # uses the same format as in regular chart "values.yaml" files.
35:     #
36:     # see:
37:     values:
38:       loki:
39:         enabled: true

Templating error: did not find expected key

This is my first time using this tool. I'd like to know what went wrong, which variable was unset or what key was expected and where. The error message highlights line 36 which is a comment so I guess it's about line 37?

allow list of naked charts

Our current API looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
- blendle/web:

If you simply want to compile a stable chart, without any custom configuration, you might end up with something like this:

apiVersion: v1
- stable/redis: {}
- stable/datadog: {}

Let's fix this, and also support a list of naked charts:

apiVersion: v1
- stable/redis
- stable/datadog

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