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ggplotd's Issues

API without typeof

D has static types so instead of

gg.put( geomPoint( Aes!(typeof(xs), "x", typeof(ys2noise), "y", string[],
        "colour" )( xs, ys2noise, ("b").repeat(xs.length).array) ));

it should be possible to do

gg.put( geomPoint( "x", "y", "colour" )( xs, ys2noise, ("b").repeat(xs.length).array) ));

which would be a lot nicer.
Btw ideally as an API user I would like to use something similar to:

geomPoint(xs, ys).put(gg);

And if there are more configs

Config config = {color: "red"}; 
geomPoint(xs, ys, config).put(gg);

Btw there is a DIP in work that could allow the following:

geomPoint(xs, ys, {color: "red"}).put(gg);

Problem when interfacing with GtkD in GGPlotD.drawToSurface

Hi there!

I'm making an image plotting utility for the library I'm working on, and I'd like to extend that utility so it can also draw plots from GGPlotD context. Here is the gist to the short preview of such utility. (Only important parts are left in the code, read on for problem explanation please)

I was planning to wrap the GGPlotD.drawToSurface call inside the utility's API, but I've got the following problem - In this utility I'm using cairo.ImageSurface from the GtkD library, but the input parameter to drawToSurface is actually from the cairoD library. Even if ggplotd:ggplotd-gtk configuration is used, cairo modules are used from cairoD, and not from GtkD library, which makes interfacing with GtkD code bit problematic.

Dirty solution I've got in given gist, was to create the cairoD ImageSurface for the drawToSurface, and later to copy it's results to my original GtkD ImageSurface. Would it be possible to use cairo modules from GtkD in the ggplotd code if ggplotd-gtk configuration is used?

Also, there was another problem with drawToSurface method, more precisely with ref cairo.Surface as input. I'm still quite new to D, so I don't know why (but I suppose you do) this code:

Surface surface = new ImageSurface(Format.CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, w, h);
surface = gg.drawToSurface(surface, w, h);

... gives me this error (DMD64 D Compiler v2.071.0):

Error: function ggplotd.ggplotd.GGPlotD.drawToSurface (ref Surface surface, int width, int height) const is not callable using argument types (Surface, int, int) const

I've buy-passed this by removing the ref. May I ask, why was ref needed? Method produces valid results without it. Am I missing something here?

Rotating Axes Labels

I have this plot, and I would like to rotate the dates on the x axis.
I couldn't find an option for it.
Is there any way? Or is this a missing feature?


fix Nullable.get_ is deprecated ?

.dub/packages/ggplotd-1.2.1/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/guide.d(398,51): Deprecation: function std.typecons.Nullable!(RGB!("rgb", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0)).Nullable.get_ is deprecated - Implicit conversion with alias Nullable.get this will be removed after 2.096. Please use .get explicitly.

Wrong Tick labels

Observed with ggplotd-1.1.6 (via dub).
Code to reproduce some examples:

	auto gg = [[18.0, 0.0], [18.1, 1.0], [18.2, 2.0]] // test1.png
	//auto gg = [[18.0, 0.0], [18.5, 1.0], [19.0, 2.0], [19.5, 3.0], [20.0, 4.0]] // test2.png
        //auto gg = [[18.0, 0.0], [19.0, 1.0], [20.0, 2.0], [21.0, 3.0]] // test3.png

		.map!((a) =>
			aes!("x", "y", "colour")(a[0], a[1], "red")
	gg = gg + scale();"test1.png");

X-Axis should be .. 18.08 .. 18.12 .. -> String formatting issue?

No idea whats going on here, the first 19.2 should be a value < 19.0 (My guess would be 18.8)

Last x-axis value should be < 21,
alsy y-axis values are messed up completely.

Fails to compile w/ color 0.0.7

The JSON files specifies ~>0.0.5 for the color package. This causes compilation to fail with color 0.0.7 as follows:

../../../.dub/packages/color-0.0.7/color/std/experimental/color/package.d:534:19: error: @nogc function 'std.experimental.color.colorFromStringImpl
' cannot call non-@nogc function 'std.experimental.color.colorFromStringImpl.streqi'                                                              
         if (streqi(str, k))                                                                                                                      

Modifying the JSON to ==0.0.5 allows ggplotd to compile.

Linking with LLD failed for basic Histogram example

Trying out ggplotd in a dub project by running the histograms example. This results in the following error below:

(base) PS C:\Users\tasty\Devel\think_stats_with_D> dub build --compiler=ldc2 ; ./survey
Performing "debug" build using ldc2 for x86_64.
derelict-util 2.1.0: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
derelict-ft 1.0.2: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
cairod 0.0.1-alpha.3+1.10.2: target for configuration "static-custom-windows" is up to date.
dstats 1.0.5: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
dunit 1.0.15: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
painlesstraits 0.3.0: target for configuration "unittest" is up to date.
ggplotd 1.2.0: target for configuration "default" is up to date.
mir-core 1.0.2: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
mir-algorithm 3.7.2: target for configuration "default" is up to date.
mir-linux-kernel 1.0.1: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
mir-random 2.2.8: target for configuration "extended" is up to date.
survey ~master: building configuration "application"...
..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\ggplotd-1.2.0\ggplotd\source\ggplotd\guide.d(398,37): Deprecation: function std.typecons.Nullable!(RGB!("rgb", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0)).Nullable.get_ is deprecated - Implicit conversion with alias Nullable.get this will be removed after 2.096. Please use .get explicitly.
..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\ggplotd-1.2.0\ggplotd\source\ggplotd\guide.d(398,44): Deprecation: function std.typecons.Nullable!(RGB!("rgb", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0)).Nullable.get_ is deprecated - Implicit conversion with alias Nullable.get this will be removed after 2.096. Please use .get explicitly.
..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\ggplotd-1.2.0\ggplotd\source\ggplotd\guide.d(398,51): Deprecation: function std.typecons.Nullable!(RGB!("rgb", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0)).Nullable.get_ is deprecated - Implicit conversion with alias Nullable.get this will be removed after 2.096. Please use .get explicitly.
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: _D7ggplotd6colour11namedColourFNaNbNixAyaZS3std8typecons__T8NullableTSQBb12experimental5color3rgb__T3RGBVAyaa3_726762TdVbi0VEQDeQCdQBs10colorspace13RGBColorSpacei0ZQCmZQEf
>>> referenced by C:\Users\tasty\AppData\Local\dub\packages\ggplotd-1.2.0\ggplotd\source\ggplotd\guide.d:396
>>>               .dub\obj\survey.obj:(_D7ggplotd5guide21GuideToColourFunction__T6opCallTAyaZQmMxFxAyabZS3std12experimental5color3rgb__T3RGBVQCaa4_72676261TdVbi0VEQCgQCfQBu10colorspace13RGBColorSpacei0ZQCo)
>>> referenced by C:\Users\tasty\AppData\Local\dub\packages\ggplotd-1.2.0\ggplotd\source\ggplotd\guide.d:153
>>>               .dub\obj\survey.obj:(_D7ggplotd5guide__T10GuideStoreVAyaa6_636f6c6f7572ZQBg__T3putTQBeZQjMFxAyadZv)
Error: linking with LLD failed
ldc2 failed with exit code 1.

I should mention that in order to build a dub project I had to put cairo.lib directly into the root of the dub project and update dub.json accordingly. I also have c:\gtk3\bin and c:\gtk3\lib both added to PATH.

Access to low level (cairo) context

to have opportunity of adding custom information. For example I have several sets of points and I need to draw an error ellipse for every point set. I guess it would be simpler to do using a cairo context.

Disable drawing axis

How to disable drawing axis (line, ticks, labels)?
I try hide it by delegate, but it's not work:

auto gg = GGPlotD().put((YAxis ya){ = false; return ya; });

Put YAxis directly don't work too.

Is there any support for plotting an AA?

So I could just give the Aes struct an AA and it will use the keys as it's "x" and the values as it's "y" axes.

if not, I think should be easy add, as a simple helper function

auto data = ["a" : 1.0, "b" : 2.0, "c" : 3.0];
auto aes = hashAes(data);

auto hashAes(T)(T data){
   // ... some code check if T is indeed an AA
   auto xVals = data.keys;  
   auto yVals = data.values;   // not sure if these will be in the same order (i.e. xVals[0] is the X for yVals[0]. If not, simple enough solution to loop over xVals appending to an array

   return Aes!(typeof(xVals), "x", typeof(yVals), "y")(xVals, yVals);

Bugs after compiler update

After updating dmd from 2.079.1 to 2.080.0 ggplotd does not compiles any more.

Example used:
#39 (comment)

Compiling via dub, compilation output:

Marvin:test519 alex$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.080.0
Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved written by Walter Bright
Marvin:test519 alex$ dub run
Package ggplotd can be upgraded from ~master to 1.1.4.
Use "dub upgrade" to perform those changes.
Selected package ggplotd ~master does not match the dependency specification ~>1.1.4 in package test519. Need to "dub upgrade"?
Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86_64.
derelict-util 2.1.0: building configuration "library"...
derelict-ft 1.0.2: building configuration "library"...
x11 1.0.20: building configuration "library"...
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/x11-1.0.20/x11/source/x11/extensions/XI.d(3,8): Deprecation: Symbol object.string is not visible from module XI because it is privately imported in module string
cairod 0.0.1-alpha.3+1.10.2: building configuration "static-custom-posix"...
dstats 1.0.5: building configuration "library"...
dunit 1.0.14: building configuration "library"...
gtk-d:gtkd 3.3.1: building configuration "library"...
painlesstraits 0.2.0: building configuration "library"...
ggplotd ~master: building configuration "ggplotd-gtk"...
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): Error: constructor std.range.Zip!(double[], double[], string[], double[], double[]).Zip.this(double[] _param_0, double[] _param_1, string[] _param_2, double[] _param_3, double[] _param_4, StoppingPolicy s = cast(StoppingPolicy)0) is not callable using argument types (ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], string[], double[], double[]))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): cannot pass argument zip(_param_0, _param_1, _param_2, _param_3, _param_4) of type ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], string[], double[], double[]) to parameter double[] _param_0
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/axes.d(292,30): Error: template instance ggplotd.aes.Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", string[], "label", double[], "angle", double[], "size").Aes.__ctor!(double[], double[], string[], double[], double[]) error instantiating
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): Error: constructor std.range.Zip!(double[], double[], string[], double[], bool[], bool[]).Zip.this(double[] _param_0, double[] _param_1, string[] _param_2, double[] _param_3, bool[] _param_4, bool[] _param_5, StoppingPolicy s = cast(StoppingPolicy)0) is not callable using argument types (ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], string[], double[], bool[], bool[]))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): cannot pass argument zip(_param_0, _param_1, _param_2, _param_3, _param_4, _param_5) of type ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], string[], double[], bool[], bool[]) to parameter double[] _param_0
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/geom.d(588,60): Error: template instance ggplotd.aes.Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", string[], "label", double[], "angle", bool[], "mask", bool[], "scale").Aes.__ctor!(double[], double[], string[], double[], bool[], bool[]) error instantiating
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/ggplotd.d(338,25): instantiated from here: geomAxis!(Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", string[], "label", double[], "angle", double[], "size"))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): Error: constructor std.range.Zip!(double[], double[], double[]).Zip.this(double[] _param_0, double[] _param_1, double[] _param_2, StoppingPolicy s = cast(StoppingPolicy)0) is not callable using argument types (ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], double[]))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): cannot pass argument zip(_param_0, _param_1, _param_2) of type ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, double[], double[], double[]) to parameter double[] _param_0
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/legend.d(59,9): Error: template instance ggplotd.aes.Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y", double[], "colour").Aes.__ctor!(double[], double[], double[]) error instantiating
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/ggplotd.d(370,53): instantiated from here: drawContinuousLegend!(GuideStore!"colour", RGB!("rgba", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0) delegate(double, double, double))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): Error: constructor std.range.Zip!(Take!(Repeat!double), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double)).Zip.this(Take!(Repeat!double) _param_0, MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))) _param_1, MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))) _param_2, Take!(Repeat!double) _param_3, Take!(Repeat!double) _param_4, Take!(Repeat!double) _param_5, StoppingPolicy s = cast(StoppingPolicy)0) is not callable using argument types (ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, Take!(Repeat!double), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double)))
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/aes.d(238,17): cannot pass argument zip(_param_0, _param_1, _param_2, _param_3, _param_4, _param_5) of type ZipShortest!(cast(Flag)true, Take!(Repeat!double), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double)) to parameter Take!(Repeat!double) _param_0
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/legend.d(99,9): Error: template instance ggplotd.aes.Aes!(Take!(Repeat!double), "x", MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), "y", MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), "colour", Take!(Repeat!double), "width", Take!(Repeat!double), "height", Take!(Repeat!double), "fill").Aes.__ctor!(Take!(Repeat!double), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), MapResult!(__lambda1, MapResult!(__lambda2, SortedRange!(Pair[], __lambda1))), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double), Take!(Repeat!double)) error instantiating
/Users/alex/.dub/packages/ggplotd-master/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/ggplotd.d(378,51): instantiated from here: drawDiscreteLegend!(GuideStore!"colour", RGB!("rgba", double, false, cast(RGBColorSpace)0) delegate(double, double, double))
dmd failed with exit code 1.

The example compiles fine, if compiling with ldc2.

/.dub/packages/ggplotd-1.1.4/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/example.d(189,12): Deprecation: alias dstats.random.rNorm is deprecated

and also:

/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/guide.d(439,12): Deprecation: module ggplotd.colour member RGBA is not visible from module guide
/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/geom.d(50,12): Deprecation: module member GuideStore is not visible from module geom
/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/ggplotd.d(520,12): Deprecation: module ggplotd.legend member Legend is not visible from module ggplotd

/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/geom.d(28,16): Deprecation: module ggplotd.aes member hasAesField is not visible from module geom
Serializing composite type Empty which has no serializable fields
/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/geom.d(117,24): Deprecation: module ggplotd.aes member hasAesField is not visible from module geom
/Users/timothee/git_clone/D/ggplotd/source/ggplotd/geom.d(28,16): Deprecation: module ggplotd.aes member hasAesField is not visible from module geom

Tick Labels?

I don't see the ability to label individual ticks. This is nessesary for plotting categorical data in bar charts.

Confusing geomHist results with real values

I am trying to plot the following data:

Tuple!(real, real)(-0, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(17, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(20, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(21, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(22, 0.00067981)
Tuple!(real, real)(23, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(24, 0.00158622)
Tuple!(real, real)(25, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(26, 0.00362565)
Tuple!(real, real)(27, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(28, 0.00543848)
Tuple!(real, real)(29, 0.00203943)
Tuple!(real, real)(30, 0.016542)
Tuple!(real, real)(31, 0.00339905)
Tuple!(real, real)(32, 0.0124632)
Tuple!(real, real)(33, 0.00634489)
Tuple!(real, real)(34, 0.00657149)
Tuple!(real, real)(35, 0.0360299)
Tuple!(real, real)(36, 0.0389758)
Tuple!(real, real)(37, 0.0471335)
Tuple!(real, real)(38, 0.0616361)
Tuple!(real, real)(39, 0.479039)
Tuple!(real, real)(40, 0.121459)
Tuple!(real, real)(41, 0.0815772)
Tuple!(real, real)(42, 0.0464537)
Tuple!(real, real)(43, 0.0197145)
Tuple!(real, real)(44, 0.00521187)
Tuple!(real, real)(45, 0.00135962)
Tuple!(real, real)(46, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(47, 0.000226603)
Tuple!(real, real)(48, 0.00067981)

Using the following code snippet:

void histogramXY(Tuple!(real, real)[] data, string fileName) {
    auto gg = data
    .map!((a) => aes!("x", "y")(a[0], a[1]))

What gets plotted is:

What happened to Y axis, why is it scaled to 5?


Do you have any plans to add gganimate?
Or can you somehow create a gif using ggplotd?

Thanks! ๐ŸŒž

geomLine is consumed during drawing

import core.thread;

import ggplotd.ggplotd;
import ggplotd.geom;
import ggplotd.aes;
import ggplotd.gtk;

void main()
    const win_width = 1024;
    const win_height = 1024;

    const radius = 400.;

    auto line_aes11 = Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y")( [ 0, radius*0.45 ], [ 0, radius*0.45]);
    auto line_aes22 = Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y")( [ 300, radius*0.45 ], [ 210, radius*0.45]);

    auto gtkwin = new GTKWindow();

    auto tid = new Thread(() {"plotcli", win_width, win_height); }).start(); 
    auto gg = GGPlotD();
    gg.put( geomLine(line_aes11) );
    gg.put( geomLine(line_aes22) );"figure1.png", win_width, win_height);
    gtkwin.draw( gg, win_width, win_height );

After programm running the file "figure1.png" contains the lines but the gtk window doesn't.

missing colors

I tried to compile your ggplotd on my project directory. It failed to build because of "ggplotd/colourspace.d(8): Error: module hsx is in file 'std/experimental/color/hsx.d' which cannot be read" I checked directory usr/include/d/std/experimental/ ......and there is no folder color. Be careful using color / colour.
How do I get color folder?

Windows Profinfo header error during dub test

I've just cloned the library to my Win10 PC, having DMD32 D Compiler v2.083.0 installed. I did a dub build, which was successful, followed by a dub test, which was not successful. I got the following errorneous output:

C:\Users\thomas\Documents\Develop\Dtest\ggplot\ggplotd>dub test
Generating test runner configuration 'ggplotd-test-default' for 'default' (library).
Performing "unittest" build using C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe for x86.
derelict-util 2.1.0: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
derelict-ft 1.0.2: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
cairod 0.0.1-alpha.3+1.10.2: building configuration "static-custom-windows"...
..\..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\windows-headers-1.0.3\windows-headers\source\windows\windows.d(29,15): Error: module `profinfo` is in file 'windows\profinfo.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = ..\..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\cairod-0.0.1-alpha.3_1.10.2\cairod\src
import path[1] = ..\..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\windows-headers-1.0.3\windows-headers\source
import path[2] = ..\..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\derelict-ft-1.0.2\derelict-ft\source
import path[3] = ..\..\..\..\..\AppData\Local\dub\packages\derelict-util-2.1.0\derelict-util\source
import path[4] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[5] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import
import path[6] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\gtkd
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe failed with exit code 1.


I'm googling for a while now but cannot figure out how to locate the profinfo.d file. Here, a reference to the windows C header is made, but I don't know how to bring this together at the moment.
Does anyone have a hint? Thanks in advance!

btw: the same error appears if I try to compile one of the example sources given on this website.

bash inotify-hookable: command not found


Running ./__test__default__
Random seed: 2067000344
Random seed MCMC: 1226040721
All unit tests have been run successfully. line 7: inotify-hookable: command not found

OSX: Library load failed: libatk-1.0.dylib

object.Exception@../../../../.dub/packages/gtk-d-3.3.1/gtk-d/src/gtkc/Loader.d(123): Library load failed: libatk-1.0.dylib only shows sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev as a dependency; what about osx? i did do brew install cairo FWIW but should i also have brew install atk ?

EDIT: after that i still get:

object.Exception@../../../../.dub/packages/gtk-d-3.3.1/gtk-d/src/gtkc/Loader.d(123): Library load failed: libatk-1.0.dylib

Also tried:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/homebrew/lib $binary

dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart
  Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
  Expected in: /Users/timothee/homebrew//lib/libJPEG.dylib
 in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO

Problem when value is not in the domain of the function

auto f = (double x) { return sqrt(pow(x, 2) - 1); };
auto xs = iota(-5, 5, 0.1).array;
auto ysfit =!((x) => f(x)).array;
auto gg = GGPlotD().put( geomLine( Aes!(typeof(xs), "x", typeof(ysfit), "y")( xs, ysfit ) ) );
gg.put(xaxisRange(-5, 5));
gg.put(yaxisRange(-5, 5));"ggplotd.png", 500, 300);

Domain: x <= -1, x >= 1,+2)+-+1)

Fixed ratio between x and y axes

How can I configure a fixed ratio between x and y axes in ggplotd ?

I easily found what I am looking for in ggplot which ggplotd inspires a lot.

But ggplotd documentation does not have any info about that. Even I go through the source code spend around half a hour I couldn't figure out how to achieve:

sp <- ggplot(dat, aes(xval, yval)) + geom_point()
sp + coord_fixed(ratio=1/3)


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