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steps-slack-message's Issues

Failure informations as part of the message

As circle do :

screen shot 2016-10-24 at 14 34 00

it would be awesome to have some more infos in slack message about the failure. link to the build, branch, project, commit etc... Because for now you can only specify a simple message.

Message field is required


If I leave field "Text of the message to send." empty, the Slack step fails with error:

Error: failed to parse config:
- Message: required variable is not present

Notification delivered twice

Thanks for creating this step.
In my workflow, i added this step twice. Once at the beginning of the build to indicate that the build started and once at the end to indicate the build is done.

On pull request build, every notification (start and end) are being sent twice to our channel.

I'm not even sure where to start looking for what I did wrong.
Note that on a scheduled build, that has the same two notification steps, the notifications are only sent once

here is yml:

    - comment-on-github-pull-request:
        - body: Check $BITRISE_BUILD_URL for details
        - personal_access_token: "$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"
    - opts:
        is_expand: false
      FASTLANE_LANE: ios pullRequest
    - opts:
        is_expand: false
    - Get_Code_Configure_Stack
    - code_quality
    - fastlane_build
    - slack:
        - channel: "#dev-code-events"
        - text: 'A build just started on bitrise for branch $BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH '
        - channel_on_error: "#dev-code-events"
        - text_on_error: The build failed, please check why at $BITRISE_BUILD_URL
        - webhook_url: "$MONKEE_SLACK"
    - certificate-and-profile-installer: {}
    - fastlane:
        - lane: "$FASTLANE_LANE"
        - work_dir: "$FASTLANE_WORK_DIR"
    - deploy-to-bitrise-io:
        - deploy_path: "./ios/$IPA_NAME.ipa"
    - slack:
        - channel: "#dev-code-events"
        - text: Build successful!
        - channel_on_error: "#dev-code-events"
        - text_on_error: The build failed, please check why at $BITRISE_BUILD_URL
        - pretext: ''
        - webhook_url: "$MONKEE_SLACK"
    before_run: []

the workflow for the scheduled build:

    - opts:
        is_expand: false
      FASTLANE_LANE: ios daily
    - opts:
        is_expand: false
    - Get_Code_Configure_Stack
    - code_quality
    - fastlane_build

How to combine channel and username?

In case of success build, I want to send a message to channel #abc not tagging anyone.
However, in case of failure, I want to send a message to the same channel, tagging @here or @someguy.

I've tried all of the following with version 2.7.3:

  • @here
  • #abc @here
  • * channel: #abc * username: @here
    without success
    screen shot 2018-07-04 at 11 15 51 am

The following instructions is very confusing:
screen shot 2018-07-04 at 11 17 00 am

What are those * characters, am I supposed to include them?

Cannot send message from one of the workflows.

I've got 4 workflows and all of them will send to slack at the end. All works except one of them.

It always returned this error: Error: Both API Token and WebhookURL are empty. You need to provide one of them. If you want to use incoming webhooks provide the webhook url. If you want to use a bot to send a message provide the bot API token

When I take a look at the others, I found the settings are similar except for the text to be sent. Here's the slack settings of the failed workflow in the bitrise.yml.

- [email protected]:
    - text: 'QA test and build successful! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - text_on_error: 'QA test and build failed! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - fields: |
    - webhook_url: "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL_IOS"

I tried to change it to use API token instead of webhook like this but it still failed.

- [email protected]:
    - text: 'QA test and build successful! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - text_on_error: 'QA test and build failed! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - fields: |
    - api_token: "$SLACK_API_TOKEN"
    - channel: "#kolabree-build-ios"
    - webhook_url: ''

Here are the settings of the successful ones:

- [email protected]:
    - text: 'Branch "${BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH}" test successful! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - emoji: ''
    - text_on_error: 'Branch "${BITRISE_GIT_BRANCH}" test failed! Build number:
    - webhook_url: "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL_IOS"

- [email protected]:
    - text: 'Beta (Testflight) test and build successful! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - text_on_error: 'Beta (Testflight) test and build failed! Build number: #${BITRISE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
    - fields: |
    - webhook_url: "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"

Both these test-branch and beta workflows can send to Slack. And if you read the settings, they are similar. Where did I do wrong here? How do I fix this?


Allow multiple recipients

I would like to have my Slack notification go to multiple recipients (channels and/or users).

Can the channel* fields be refactored to accept a list of notification targets? E.g. #build_results, $SLACK_LAST_COMMITTER, @qa (assuming SLACK_LAST_COMMITTER is an environment variable I exported in a previous step)?

The implementation could simply to loop over this collection and send a copy of the same message to each target.


Bug when registering only the error channel

When registering only the error channel and leave the success channel empty, the build success is sent to the error channel.

    - slack:
        - channel: ""
        - channel_on_error: "#my_channel_error"
        - webhook_url: "$my_url"

Api PostMessage support


Are there any plans to support postMessage api with token?
Instead of working with a webhook. Now I need to create a webhook for every channel I want to post to. Because you can't overwrite the channel param anymore.

Friendly regards,


Messages are not being sent

Hello guys, I am working with bitrise and I am using this awesome step to publish messages for Slack and I did use it in the past without troubles with webhooks.

Unfortunately it is not working and I don't know why.

I have enabled debug mode and it prints a this JSON:

�[33;1mBoth API Token and WebhookURL is provided. Using the webhook url�[0m
Request to Slack: {"channel":"#dev_notifications","text":"New version available.","attachments":[{"fallback":"I forgot the trending json\n\nSee merge request 2ourista/hipjaunt-mobile-react-native!11","color":"#3bc3a3","pretext":"*Build Succeeded!*","author_name":"Franco Cerrutti","title":"Merge branch 'json_correction' into 'development'","text":"I forgot the trending json\n\nSee merge request 2ourista/hipjaunt-mobile-react-native!11","fields":[{"short":true,"title":"App","value":"hipjaunt-mobile-react-native"},{"short":true,"title":"Branch","value":"development"},{"short":true,"title":"Workflow","value":"test"}],"footer":"Bitrise","footer_icon":"","ts":1545419874,"actions":[{"style":"default","text":"View App","type":"button","url":""},{"style":"default","text":"View Build","type":"button","url":""}]}],"icon_url":"","link_names":true,"username":"Bitrise"}

Slack message successfully sent! 🚀

But if I copy that Json into the POSTMAN with the same webhook URL it works like charm, so I guess that is from your side or there is something I am doing wrong.


Thanks for your support.


Optional message.

We are using this step in a workflow to run unit tests for our app. We would like this step to run only when there was an issue with the test so that we don't flood our Slack channel with "Success!" messages. Would it be possible to skip grabbing the message variable if the build failed?

Feature Request: Option to skip aborted builds

My team would love to see an option to skip sending a message for aborted builds. As it stands, we often get put on alert when our main branch reports a build failed, only to look closer and see the build was actually aborted due to our rolling builds rule.

Send success and failure messages to separate channels

The slack step is great and very flexible but I'm missing one functionality though. Most of the inputs can be defined seperately for succesful and failed builds. However, that is not true for channel. In other words: I want to send a message to a certain channel for succesful builds and to a different channel for failed builds.


Disable the unfurling option in a link [feature request]

I'm using the Install page QR code step along with the slack message step but when I send the link to Slack, I'm seeing the QR code image but I don't want to show the image I just want to share the link without showing that image in slack.

Links to gifs do not unfold

Hi guys,

Thanks for this cool step! :D
We were using it in its 2.1.0 version and were able to send gifs on succesful/failed builds.

Unfortunately, when updating to 2.3.0, the gifs do not unfold anymore :(

See below the difference: the two first messages were sent with 2.3.0 version of the step, and the two last with version 2.1.0. A green line has also been added in the body of the message (probably the cause of this :))

screen shot 2016-10-17 at 9 07 00 pm

Send plain text, not in attachments

This integration is very helpful for me but I have one problem.
I would like to work together bitrise and bots in Slack.
However, this integration can have text only in attachments, so bots cannot respond to commands from bitrise.
Sending plain text, not in attachments makes very easy to do such cooperation.

Guide for integrating with API token


I've been using the slack step with incoming web hooks.
So far it was working properly, until the 3.0.0 release where the step requires an API token.
How can I generate an API token that i can use instead of the web hook?

table inside the attachment not showing button for Install Map

Good day ,

The table inside the attachment is not showing button for Install Map, the env variable BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL_MAP was populated correctly in a previous step "Deploy to bitrise"

This is my configuration for the slack step for the list of buttons:

You probably noticed that I also put the BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL_MAP in the table inside the attachments, I did this on purpose because I just figure out that if I put this I get the contents of this variable as a BLOB text. But this is totally non user/QA/tester friendly

This is my Build URL: as requested in

Channel name required in integrations

If you do not specify a channel in the step, it fails. The webhook URL contains the channel it's supposed to post to already.

  • maybe make it an optional/override.

Whitespace not trimmed on all inputs


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 1.2.3
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? YES

Useful information

Issue description

When there is leading or trailing whitespace in the input field for Channel it is not removed

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enter the channel name with a space before or after the channel name
  2. Channel name is not trimmed for whitespace

Abillity to send slack message only on status change

For example I'd like to have nightlies, and expect them to suceed 99% of the time, no need to spam my channel each night. But I'd like to be notified when the build fails. So I would love to have this step send message only on build status being different then the last one.

Incorrectly reports API Token and Webhook URL are empty

Yesterday, I realized that my Slack notifications weren't working anymore. Despite changing nothing, I started getting this error:

Error: Both API Token and WebhookURL is empty. You need to provide one of them. If you want to use incoming webhooks provide the webhook url. I you want to use a bot to send a message provide the bot API token

After a lot of debugging, I wasn't able to determine why the workflow step thought that the webhook URL was empty. I then switched the webhook URL with a bot token, and that worked once, so I thought I was set. Here's my new config:

    - slack:
        - api_token: "$SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"

Today, it stopped working again. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Messages are not being sent

From the day that bitrise was setup with Slack, we were able to receive messages on Slack on the channel that was selected(even though the channel was private). Even yesterday the messages were being sent.

And then today when Bitrise made a build today, it failed to push to slack. This was the message that was recieved:

Error: server error: 404 Not Found, response: channel_not_found

Is there any reasons why this would happen?

Improvement: Allow sub environnement variable in message

That would be really great to manage environnement variable in environnement variable for the message part.

For a better explanation, imagine:

Workflow name: 123

      \n ===='
      is_expand: false
    - slack:
        title: Start Workflow
        - message: '$SLACK_MSG_START_WORKFLOW'

Actual version of the plugin display on Slack:

Start Workflow: $BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_TITLE :rotating_light:  

Instead of

Start Workflow: 123 :rotating_light:  

first path segment in URL cannot contain colon: trim whitespace in URL

Hi there,
Trying to send builds do our slack but it fails with the error in the title. I have obfuscated a bit the urls but I can provide them if really needed.

Thanks for any help

INFO[23:34:00] Start installing (golang) with apt-get
INFO[23:34:00] * [OK] Step dependency (go) installed, available.

Add option to post to message threads

When the step posts to Slack, the step could export an env variable of the message ts.

Later in a build another step posting to Slack could specify a thread_ts field with the exported ts from the first message. Hence subsequent messages within a single build all post into a message thread with updates.

Use case would be, e.g.

  1. Build checks out and compiles code, posts initial message to channel of success/fail
  2. Build lints build, adds success/fail status to thread
  3. Build runs test suites, adds success/fail status to thread
  4. Build runs pact/e2e/integration tests, adds success/fail status to thread
  5. Build publishes built artifact, adds links to artifact in thread

When multiple users are collaborating, the above can get really messy and out of order. Threads would be useful to group each build's status messages together neatly and easily

Attachments [feature request]

It would be nice if we could send an attachment together with the message. Maybe somebody wants to send the APK directly in the message or you could generate a QR code for the install page and include that one as attachment.

Names not being linked?

Hi! Not sure if I'm using this incorrectly, but my Slack step includes for example @gobetti in the message field, the option "linkify names" has the default value (yes) and still, the messages being posted to Slack have a plain text rather than a link to my Slack user.

This happens to any of our users so it's not a problem specific with my Slack account.
This also happens in all of the positions I tried to place the tag (message, text, author_name and title).

I took a look at this feature's implementation and couldn't find anything that could justify this behavior, it looks like this linking is actually made by Slack and you're following Slack's instructions to format messages, is that right? #22

Let me know please if this is known to be an issue with Slack currently, or if I have it incorrectly configured. Thank you!

Message not sent to multiple users

Hello folks,

I am trying to send a mensagem to more than one user, like this:

Screenshot 2019-07-09 at 17 53 57

I also tried without the pipe and with line breaks, no luck. Is this a bug or I just don't know how to use it?

Error: Both API Token and WebhookURL are empty


It's been a time since I've been receiving this error message:

Error: Both API Token and WebhookURL are empty. You need to provide one of them. If you want to use incoming webhooks provide the webhook url. If you want to use a bot to send a message provide the bot API token

I do have a Webhook URL (not an API token). Even more, it does not always fails, but most of times.


Can't receive any message

I get this log message:
Slack message successfully sent! 🚀 | | +---+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------+ | ✓ | [email protected] | 5.78 sec | +---+---------------------------------------------------------------+----------+

but I don't receive any message, how can I see all logs to try to find the error. My version slack is 2.6.2 this could be a problem?

Thread timestamp output variable fails to export


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 3.5.0
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NOT APPLICABLE

Useful information

Issue description

We're trying to make the build step post a slack message as a thread to a previous message. The previous message is supposed to export a timestamp for it's message to the "name" variable of the thread TS. This however produces an error.

Bitrise info


| (9) Send a Slack message |
| id: slack |
| version: 3.5.0 |
| collection: |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2023-04-07T13:30:42Z |
| |

  • Debug: false
  • WebhookURL: *****
  • WebhookURLOnError:
  • APIToken:
  • Channel:
  • ChannelOnError:
  • Text:
  • TextOnError: Build Failed! 💥
  • IconEmoji:
  • IconEmojiOnError:
  • IconURL:
  • IconURLOnError:
  • LinkNames: true
  • Username:
  • UsernameOnError:
  • ThreadTs:
  • ThreadTsOnError:
  • ReplyBroadcast: false
  • ReplyBroadcastOnError: false
  • Color: #00B1A4
  • ColorOnError: #f0741f
  • PreText:
  • PreTextOnError:
  • AuthorName:
  • Title:
  • TitleOnError:
  • TitleLink:
  • Message:
  • MessageOnError:
  • ImageURL:
  • ImageURLOnError:
  • ThumbURL:
  • ThumbURLOnError:
  • Footer:
  • FooterIcon:
  • TimeStamp: true
  • Fields:
  • Buttons:
    Error: failed to export outputs: For output support, do not submit a WebHook URL
    Error: failed to export outputs: For output support, do not submit a WebHook URL
    This Step failed, but it was marked as "is_skippable", so the build continued.
    | |
    | ! | Send a Slack message (Failed) | 2.00 sec |
    | Issue tracker: |
    | Source: |

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add Slack messages integration step to your workflow
  2. Set a value for The newly created thread timestamp environment variable name
  3. Run workflow
  4. Step fails, returns an error

Action buttons behave differently on build success or failure


I've customised the action buttons on the step to add a link to the PR but it only appears when build succeed and not during a failure. I couldn't find a setting on the step to customise the buttons in case of failure so I guess it should be working the same whether it's a success or a failure ?

My yaml code :

- slack@3:
        - channel: "#mobile-ci-status"
        - text: ":white_check_mark: Congratulation! Your build for :android: has succeeded! "
        - emoji: ''
        - text_on_error: ":x: Sorry... Your build for :android: has failed... "
        - emoji_on_error: ''
        - buttons: |
            View App|${BITRISE_APP_URL}
            View Build|${BITRISE_BUILD_URL}
            View PR|${GITHUB_PR_LINK}
        - webhook_url: "$slackWebhook"

The result on success is good with the three buttons :
Screenshot 2020-12-24 at 17 52 26

But when it's an error the view PR disappears :
Screenshot 2020-12-24 at 17 53 00

Is there something i'm missing during the setting of the step ?

Thank you in advance for your response and Merry Christmas 🙏

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